Part 2, Quran Chapters 1-10 Jump To Part: 1 3 4 5 6
Chapter 1. The Opening, al-Fatiha (Abrahams’ Prayer)
1:1 In The Name Of YHWH; The Almighty, The Merciful.
1:2 All praise to You
Lord of the Worlds;
1:3 The Merciful, The Compassionate.
1:4 The Only Master of Judgement Day.
1:5 You Alone we serve
and to You Alone we Pray for help.
1:6 Guide us on the Straight Path.
1:7 The Path of those who have Your Blessing
not the ones with whom You’re Angry
nor those who go astray.
~ Thank You YHWH ~
Chapter 2. The Heifer, al-Baqarah (the longest chapter)
2.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
2:1 alif lām mīm
2:2 That is the covenant about which there is no doubt
it is a Guidance for those of Wise Fear.
2:3 Those who believe in the unseen
and uphold the Prayer which is the 7 short and memorable verses of chapter one above
and do Good with what We provide them.
The unseen is God and His Angels Who are only visible to whom they choose, including jinn. And FYI; Dogs and other animals can see things we do not. i.e. Balaams’ donkey in Numbers 22:23 “And the ass saw the angel of YHWH standing in the road, with a drawn sword in his hand; and the ass turned aside out of the road, and ran into the field”
2:4 Those who believe in this sent down to thee Mohamet and the Torah The first 5 Books of the Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy and the Gospels not the NT version, rather the Gospel of the Holy Twelve and the Gospel of Barnabas sent down before thee these are certain of the Hereafter.
2:5 Yea these are upon Guidance From their Lord
and they are the Successful.
2:6 But the deceived who choose to remain so
it is the same to them whether thou warns them
or thou has not warned them.
They cannot believe.
2:7 So these are whose hearts God Has Sealed
and Muffled their hearing
over whose sight He Has Placed a covering.
They have a Horrifying Punishment.
All believers witness this incredibly telling phenomenon when attempting to share the Truth with others. There is a distinct difference between the ones who comprehend and those who can’t, the latter of which are just plain unreachable. And even some who try will have a hard time overcoming their “whisperings” which if left to grow into habits, results in failure and condemnation by God. This is the win/lose all game we’re all in, most have already lost.
2:8 And among people are many who say:
We believe in God and the Last Day
but they have not yet submitted.
2:9 Yea they would deceive God and those who believe.
But they only deceive themselves
while they do not perceive.
2:10 In their hearts is their freely chosen disease
so God Increased them in their freely chosen disease.
And they have a Painful Punishment
for that which they chose.
2:11 So when it is said to them:
Do not work corruption in the Earth.
They say: We are those who do Right!
2:12 In Truth it is they who are the workers of corruption
but they perceive not.
2:13 And when it is said to them: Believe as monotheists believe in YHWH alone, along with all His Angels and authentic Messengers
they say: Shall we believe as fools believe? Nay!
In Truth it is they who are the foolish
but they perceive not.
2:14 And when such fools meet true believers they say:
We too believe.
But when they are alone with their degenerate inhuman imposter friends aka “satans” they say:
We are with you.
We were only mocking!
2:15 So God Mocks them
and Assists them to wander blindly in transgressions.
2:16 These are they who traded Guidance for error
so their transactions profit not
yea they are not Rightly Guided.
2:17 An example is like one who kindles a fire for a slacker. Meaning someone who tries to help a disbeliever believe.
When it is done illuminating round about them
God allows them to persist leaving them in darkness.
And lo they do not see.
2:18 As if deaf.
And blind.
They will not return to the Way.
2:19 Or like when heavy rainstorms come from the sky
with great darkness and loud thunder from lightning!
Those who cringe with their fingers in their ears
as if to stop the thunderbolts also wish to stop death.
Thus does God Know the disbeliever inside and out.
2:20 Like when at first lightning snatches away the sight.
Some use the flash to see the path ahead
while for the careless when it darkens they stand still.
And had God Willed He Would Have Disabled their ears and their eyes completely. But He didn’t, He Gave us all freewill.
Yea the Ways of God are Powerful Over All Things.
2:21 O mankind be thankful towards your Lord!
The One Who Created you
and all of those before you
that you might come to have Wise Fear and succeed.
2:22 He Who Made the Earth a carpet for you
and the Heavens great structures.
He Who Sent Down Pure Water from the sky
to bring forth nourishing fruits as provision for you.
Do not feign that any could ever rival with God at all.
You know.
2:23 And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant this Quran from Mohamet
then design a chapter comparable to any hereof
and call for witnesses greater than God if you be Truthful. This is a challenge repeated several times herein for us to write a chapter with all the mathematical OR scientific and literary perfection seen in the Arabic Quran. Many have tried, none have succeeded, none ever will.
2:24 But if you do not
and you will not
then be in Wise Fear of the Fire
whose fuel is mankind jinn and humans and stones of coal
prepared specifically for erring fools.
2:25 And bear thou Glad Tidings to those who believe
and do deeds of Righteousness.
They have Gardens beneath which rivers flow
and when provided with the fruit thereof they say:
This is what was given to us as provision before
for they are given thereby a likeness fruits/veggies/grains
and they have there purified friends and servants
abiding therein Eternally.
2:26 God Is Inclined To Present all examples be it of a mosquito or what is above it.
So as for those who believe
they know what is the Truth From their Lord
and as for the deceived
they say: What Means God by this example?
He Leads Astray many thereby
and He Guides many thereby
and He Leads Astray thereby only the wantonly disbelieving. Choices made with freewill become wanton habits.
2:27 Those who declare the Pledge Of God null after their agreement to live in accordance with God Given Instincts in our DNA
and sever Laws God Commanded thereby to be joined
and create corruption in the Earth
these are the losers.
2:28 How will you deny God?
When you were nothing
He Gave you Life
then He Will Give you Death
then He Will Give you Life in resurrection
and to Him you will be returned. for Judgement
2:29 It Is He Who Created What is in the Earth for you altogether
then He Turned to the sky
and Fashioned seven Heavens.
He Who Knows Literally Everything.
2:30 And when thy Lord Said to the angels:
I Am Placing a human successor to the jinn in the Earth
they said: Will Thou Place one therein who will do harm and shed blood like many jinn did before us
when We glorify thee in praise and are holy unto Thee?
He Said: I Know What you know not.
2:31 And He Taught Adam all the names of the animals
then He Presented them to the angels and Said:
Tell Me the names of these
if you be Truthful.
2:32 They said: Glory Be Unto Thee
we know nothing except what Thou Has Taught us!
Thou Are The Knowing, The Wise.
2:33 He Said: O Adam tell them their names
and when he had told them their names God Said:
Proclaimed I not to you that I Know the unseen of the Heavens and the Earth?
And I Know what you reveal and what you conceal.
2:34 And when We said to the angels: Submit to Adam
they submitted except lucifer a jinn who has freewill like us
he refused and was proud
yea he was of the fools.
2:35 And We said: O Adam
dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden
and eat thereof freely whatever you will.
But do not approach this tree of animals the tree of life
for then you will be among the wrongdoers.
2:36 But a degenerate inhuman imposter made them fall
so He Expelled them from what they were in
and We said: Get you down
an enemy to one another. Hence the war of all our lives began!
And for you on the Earth is sustenance for but a limited time.
– The simple form of the word “Day” in the Quran occurs 365 times, symbolizing a non-leap year for our solar years of 365.24 days.
– The simple form of the word “Days” (plural) in the Quran occurs 30 times, symbolizing an average, rounded lunar month of 29.5 days.
– The simple form of the word “Months” in the Quran occurs 12 times, symbolizing a lunar year of 354/355 days. Note the deduction of 11 or 10 days per year and the complicated long term changing of seasons that occurs for those who stuck with the lunar calendar type. That said, as we see evidenced here, both are ordained by God.
2:37 Then Adam learned Truths from his Lord
because He Turned Towards him in Forgiveness
He Being The Receptive, The Merciful.
2:38 Yea We said: Get you down from it one and all.
And if Guidance From Me comes to you
then whoever follows My Guidance
they need not fear
nor will they regret.
2:39 But for the deceived who deny Our Proofs
these are the companions of the Fire
wherein they abide Eternally.
2:40 O children of Israel remember My Gift
wherewith I Favored you
and fulfill the pledge to Me to be instinctively Godly and Good
I Will Fulfill the pledge to you. to give us Eternal Bliss
And Me, fear Me. The Judge of how each of us will spend Eternity!
2:41 And believe in what I Have Sent Down this Quran confirming what is with you previous scriptures
and do not
be first to deny it
and do not sell My Revelations for a cheap price. Profiting or benefiting from Gods’ Miracles/Truths is illegal, all scripture is to be given freely. Micah 3:11 “Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money.”
And Me, be in Wise Fear of Me.
2:42 And do not confuse Truth with falsehood
nor conceal the Truth
when you know it. Share it, educate and warn others for God!
2:43 And uphold the Prayer Recitation of Abrahams’ contact Prayer, the 7 verses of chapter 1 followed by bowing in submission as did Yeshua and all the other prophets. Mat 26:39 “And he (Yeshua) went a little farther, and fell on his face, and Prayed”. Like all Monotheists aka Muslims do!
and be conscious of Gods’ Presence
yea bow down with those who bow down.
2:44 You order virtuous conduct then forget it yourselves while you recite the Torah?
Will you not use reason!
2:45 Ask God for patience and Help with Prayers
for it is hard except for the humble
2:46 those who bear in mind they will meet their Lord
and that to Him they are returning.
2:47 O children of Israel remember My Blessing wherewith I Favored you
and that I Advantaged you above all mankind.
2:48 And be in Wise Fear of the Day no soul will avail a soul anything
nor will intercession be accepted from it
nor will compensation be taken from it
nor will they be helped. We are each 100% solely accountable for our choices in life, no one can help another in any way on “the Day”!
2:49 And when We delivered you from the house of pharaoh
they were afflicting you with merciless oppression
killing your sons and taking your women
and in that was a Monumental Trial From your Lord.
2:50 And when We divided the sea for you
then We rescued you
and drowned the house of pharaoh
while you were looking on.
Not including use of the word “sea” in verse *20:77 which is referring to a dry area of the red sea crossed by Moses and co, we have exactly 32 uses of “sea” with its’ normal definition or meaning of “an area covered by water”. (those are; 2:50; 2:164; 5:96; 6:59; 6:63; 6:97; 7:138; 7:163; 10:22; 10:90; 14:32; 16:14; 17:66; 17:67; 17:70; 18:61; 18:63; 18:79; 18:109 and 18:109 use #2; *20:77; [“dry area of sea” removed as said] 22:65; 24:40; 26:63; 27:63; 30:41; 31:27; 31:31; 42:32; 44:24; 45:12; 52:6 and 55:24) We then search for the number of uses of the word “land” to find there are exactly 13. (those are; 5:96; 6:59; 6:63; 6:97; 10:22; 17:67; 17:68; 17:70; 20:77; 27:63; 29:65; 30:41 and 31:32.) So, that’s 32 uses of “sea” and 13 uses of “land” for a total of 45 uses. Well, the ratio of 13/45 = 28.8 and 32/45 = 71.1 and . . . Encyclopedia Britannica published in 1911 says Geographs had then estimated Earths’ Land/Sea ratio as 29% (28.8 rounded) and 71% (71.1 rounded!) figures which stand True for the ratio of land to sea on Earth to this day!!! And know this is a “kiddie proof” for God!
2:51 And when We appointed for Moses forty nights
they took to worshipping the calf when he had gone
then you were wrongdoers.
2:52 But We pardoned you
that you might be grateful.
2:53 And when We gave Moses the Torah and made clear what is Right and wrong in the 10 Commandments and other Laws
that you might be Rightly Guided.
2:54 And when Moses said to his people:
O my people you have wronged your souls by your worshipping the calf!
So turn to your Maker and kill yourselves
that is best for you in the Sight Of God.
Yet then again He Turned Towards you in Forgiveness
He Being The Receptive, The Merciful.
2:55 And when you demanded: O Moses we will not believe thee until we see God plainly. Fools making ultimatums!
So the thunderbolt took you
while you were looking on. God Just Killed them all!
2:56 Then We raised you up after your death
so that again you might be grateful.
Now He Has Shown the Israelites His Ultimate Power over life and death by “raising them up” which is what He Promises is going to happen on the Day of Resurrection. When one stops to think about this life and Gods’ Total Control over Absolutely Everything there are a lot of possibilities likened to a simulation such as the Matrix or Avatar. Something is up! Error towards caution with Wise Fear!
2:57 And We caused the cloud to overshadow you and sent down upon you manna and quail saying:
Eat of the Good things that We have provided you.
And they wronged us not
but they wronged their souls.
Manna is thought to be a sort of nectar secreted by the tamarisk tree or any number of bush like plants and of course quails are birds, living things. They ate the quail, which required killing of animals with souls which is illegal when not necessary because other food existed.
2:58 And when We said: Enter this city and eat freely of it what you will
and enter the gate in submission
and say: Unburden us of our past sin!
We will forgive you your errors
and will give increase to the doers of Good.
2:59 Then those who did wrong changed the saying
to other than what was said to them. They changed the context of “thou shall not kill” into not killing/murdering people only.
And We sent down a scourge from the sky upon those who did wrong because they were wantonly criminal.
2:60 And when Moses asked for water for his people
We said: Strike the rock with thy staff.
Then twelve springs gushed therefrom
each tribe knew its drinking place
so eat and drink of the Provision Of God and
do not commit evil in the Earth working corruption!
2:61 And when you said: O Moses we are tired of having only one food
so call to thy Lord for us that He Bring Forth for us of what the Earth brings out of its herbs
and its cucumbers
and its corn
and its lentils
and its onions.
He said: Would you exchange what is lessor for what is Higher? The Manna provided directly From God via miracle/s is Higher.
First get you down to a home and settle in it
then you will have what you ask.
Then humiliation and poverty were pitched upon them.
They incurred the Wrath Of God because they were ungrateful for His Gifts.
And they would seek to kill the prophets without cause because they opposed God and exceeded all bounds.
2:62 Those who believe and hold to monotheism
like the authentic christians
and the sabaeans biblical peoples of Sheba in southern Bedouinia
who believed in God and the Last Day and worked Righteousness
they have their Reward with their Lord
and they need not fear nor will they regret.
2:63 And when We took your agreement and raised the mountain above you saying:
Hold fast to what We give you Scriptures with Miracles/Proofs
and remember what is therein
that you might be in Wise Fear. This confirms an Abrahamic Hindi story from about 200 years prior to Moses when God Let Krishna lift a mountain over the people as a sign and to force a covenant upon them.
2:64 Then you turned away after that
and were it not for the Bounty Of God upon you and His Mercy
you would have been among the losers.
2:65 And you knew those among you who transgressed the Sabbath rebellious jews circumvent the Sabbath in every way they can
so We said to them: Be like despised apes!
2:66 And We made it an exemplary lesson to those at its time
and times following it
a Warning to those of Wise Fear.
2:67 And when Moses said to his people: who idolized cows
God Commands you to sacrifice a heifer.
They said: Does thou make mockery of us?
He said: I seek Refuge In God lest I be of the ignorant.
2:68 They said: Call thou to thy Lord for us that He Make Clear to us what she need be. they’re stalling
He says: She is a heifer neither young nor old
a middling in between
now do what you are Commanded.
2:69 They said: Call to thy Lord for us that He Make Clear to us what her hue is.
He said: She is a yellow heifer
bright is her hue
making glad the beholders.
2:70 They said: Call to thy Lord for us that He Make Clear to us exactly what she is
as heifers seem alike to us
and if God Should Will we will be Rightly Guided.
2:71 He said: She is a heifer neither broken to plough the Earth
nor to water the crops
no blemish on her.
They said: Now thou has brought the Truth
then they sacrificed her
though they had almost not been able.
2:72 And when you killed that soul reread, animals have souls
you disputed about it
but God Was To Bring Forth what you concealed.
2:73 And they were told to strike the heifers body
then God Gave Life To it which was dead and
hence demonstrates His Proofs to you
that you might use reason. God Brought it Back to life!
2:74 But your hearts became hard again after that
like porous stones or harder. non-porous stones
Not like small stones of gravel and sand through which gush forth springs
or those when cracked can only then leak water
and others like believers that fall crashing down on their faces in Prayer from Fear of God.
God is not unmindful of what mankind does.
2:75 Do you hope that they should believe you when some of them the pharisees listened to the Word Of God
then twisted it after understanding it?
And they know.
2:76 And when they meet those who believe they say:
We believe. But when they are alone with one another they say: Do you advise them what God Has Really Revealed that they are ET/jinn human hybrids (DIIs) from Gen 6:4
so that they might use it against us before The Lord?
Let none of us do that!
2:77 Or do they not know that God Knows what they keep secret and what they make known?
2:78 And among them are those unlettered who cannot read/write
they do not know the Torah only fantasies
yea they only guess.
2:79 So woe to those who miswrite the Torah with their hands then say:
This is From God
that they might sell it for a cheap price. Speaking of jew-ish pharisees who re-wrote the original Sanskrit, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, etc scriptures to deceive and oppress We the Adamite People. But not this Arabic Quran!!!
So woe to them for what their hands write
and woe to them for what they earn.
2:80 And they say: The Fire will not touch us except for days numbered. Speaking of the false idea that Hell isn’t Eternal.
Say: Have you taken a pledge With God
for God does not fail in His Pledge!
Or do you think it is safe to assume of God that which you do not know?
2:81 Verily whoever earns evil
their errors will encompass them.
Those are the companions of the Fire
wherein they do abide Eternally.
2:82 But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
they are the companions of the Garden
wherein they too abide Eternally.
2:83 And when We took an agreement from the children of Israel saying:
Serve not other than God
and towards parents Good conduct
and towards kin
and the fatherless
and the poor
and speak kindly to people
and uphold the Prayer
and be conscious of Gods’ Presence.
All except a few turned away
yea most turned aside.
2:84 And when We took your agreement
to not shed blood of your people
and not expel your own from your homes
you confirmed and bore witness.
2:85 Then you are those who kill your own
and expel some of you from their homes
going against them in falsehood and deep seated dislike?
And if captives come to you you ransom them
but unlawful for you was their expulsion. explained later
So do you believe in part of the Torah and deny part?
The reward of those who do this is only degradation in the life of this world
and on the Day of Resurrection they are sent to the Harshest Punishment
for God is not unmindful of anything you do.
2:86 These purchase the life of this world at the price of the Hereafter
so the Punishment will not be lightened for them
and they will not be helped.
2:87 And We gave Moses the Torah and sent the messengers after him.
Yea We gave Yeshua son of Mary Clear Signs
and strengthened him with Gabriel the Spirit of Holiness.
Is it not that whenever a messenger came to you with what your souls did not desire
you were proud and rejected them
and even sought to kill them?
2:88 And they realize: Our hearts are covered! Imagine that!
Yea they realize the Truth is God Has Cursed them for their denial and hence sparsely can they believe.
2:89 And now comes to them this Book From God confirming Books of the Vedas and Bible already with them
wherein they sought victory over disbelief before.
But when what they recognized as Gods’ Word comes to them again they now deny it?
That is clearly the Curse Of God upon fools.
2:90 Evil is that for which they sold themselves by denying what God Sent Down.
So God Sends Down of His Bounty upon whom He Wills of His Servants
but some incurred wrath upon wrath
and in the end for those fools
is a Humiliating Punishment.
2:91 So when it is said to them: Believe in What God Has Sent Down
they say: We believe in what was sent down before then they deny what is sent after that
when it too is the Truth confirming what is with them.
Say: Why did you want to kill the Prophets Of God if you be believers?
2:92 Like Moses who came with Clear Signs and Miracles as Proofs
then while he was away you worshipped the calf
yea you were wrongdoers.
2:93 And when We took your agreement and
raised the mountain above you saying:
Hold fast to what We give you and listen
they said: We hear but we oppose.
For they were steeped with love for the calf in their hearts because of their ingratitude.
Say: Evil is what your false religion enjoins upon you
if only you had been correct believers.
2:94 Say: If the Abode of the Hereafter With God is for you but not for the rest of mankind
then wish for death now if you are Truthful.
2:95 They will never wish for it because of what their hands have sent before them
and God Knows these wrongdoers.
2:96 And thou will find the greediest for life are
among polytheists who serve other than God.
One of them would love to be given the span of a thousand years
but it would not remove them from the
Punishment were they to be given the span.
God Sees what they do.
2:97 Say: Whoever was an enemy to Gabriel
knows he is who brings it the Quran down upon thy heart by Gods’ Permission confirming what is within its scope similar teachings given to us in Gods’ Prior Scriptures
as Guidance and Glad Tidings for the monotheists.
2:98 Verily whoever is an enemy to God
and His Angels
and His Messengers
and His Archangels Gabriel and Michael
then God Becomes The Enemy to such fools.
2:99 We have sent Clear Proofs down to thee
and only the wantonly disobedient fools deny them.
2:100 When they make promises do most not break them?
Truly it is because they do not believe. In God or His Laws
2:101 So when a Messenger From God comes to them confirming what is with them previous scriptures
the talmudists cast the Commandments Of God behind their backs
as if they were not From God.
2:102 Yea they follow what the degenerate inhuman imposters had read out loud in the casting of spells
during the reign of Solomon.
But Solomon denied not
while the degenerate inhuman imposters
taught humanity sorcery thereby
what was sent down to Babylon with the two angels
Harut and Marut.
And these two taught no one before saying:
We are but a test so do not disbelieve!
Then they learned spells from them by which
they cause division between man and wife
but in Truth they do not harm others with them except by Gods’ Permission. to test mankind
What they learn profits them not it only harms them
and they knew that whoever bought it then has no share in the Hereafter.
So evil is that which they sell their souls for
had they only known.
2:103 Had they believed
and been in Wise Fear
Recompense From God would have been better.
Yea had they only known.
2:104 O you who believe
say not: Comply with us
but rather: Examine us
and listen
because for fools
is a Painful Punishment.
2:105 Do not be like the deceived
among the talmudic jews
and the polytheists
who do not want anything Good to be sent down upon you From your Lord. This speaks of an intense jealousy held by jews, DIIs and disbelievers towards believers. In the back of their minds, they know they’re wrong/condemned.
Yea God Chooses His Mercy for whom He Wills
and God Is The One Possessing Unending Bounty.
2:106 And whenever We nullify something
We bring better than it or the like thereof.
Know thou not that God Is Powerful Over All Things?
2:107 Yea does thou not know that To God
To Him Belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth?
And you have neither ally nor protector besides God.
2:108 If you desire to challenge your messenger as Moses was asked before they asked him to tell God to Show Himself know that whoever chooses disbelief instead of faith has strayed far from the Straight Path.
2:109 Many among the talmudic jews long to turn you back as nontheists after your faith
out of envy from their souls
after the Truth has become clear to them.
But pardon and forbear until God Brings His Command
for God Is Powerful Over All Things.
2:110 And uphold the Prayer
and be conscious of Gods’ Presence
for what Good you send ahead for your souls
you will find it With God. This oft repeated message means whatever believers invest in time, effort or other for God will be returned to us. Everyone can think of this as “guaranteed karma”!
Know that God Sees Everything you do.
2:111 And they say: None enter the Garden except
the jews or the christians.
Those are their vain desires!
So say: Bring your evidence if you be Truthful. Recall the 3 universal belief sets and that only true monotheists will be successful!
2:112 Verily whoever submits to God and is a doer of Good
their Reward is With their Lord
and they need not fear
nor will they regret. It’s simple, is it not?
2:113 Yet still the jews say:
The christians have nothing to stand upon. when they read the new testament
And the christians say:
The jews have nothing to stand upon when they read the old testament although both are reciting Gods’ Scriptures.
Thus say all those who do not know
and God Will Be Judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differed.
2:114 And who is denser than one who hinders those to places of worship of God
or prevents His Name Of YHWH being remembered
seeking to undermine believers? Talmudic jews have forever tried to stop We The People from worshipping YHWH by His Name.
For is it not that believers are to congregate and worship without fear?
Hence those who hinder get degradation in this world.
Yea and in the Hereafter they have a Horrifying Punishment.
2:115 And the East and the West Belong To God
wherever you turn
there is The Face Of God.
Indeed God Encompasses and He Is The All Knowing.
2:116 And they say: God has taken a son. Think about this; All offspring are like their parents so, he’d be of the same omnipotence. What would happen to Monotheism and the first 3 commandments? Not so!
The Truth is Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Belongs To Him
and To Him Everything and Everyone are morally obligated.
2:117 The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth!
And when He Decrees a thing He Only Says to it:
Be thou!
And it is.
2:118 And those who do not know say: O that God would only speak to us
or that a Proof would come to us!
And those before them said likewise
because their hearts are similar.
But We have made the Proofs clear for people who seek them.
2:119 We sent thee Mohamet with the Truth as a bearer of Glad Tidings and a Warner
but thou are not responsible for companions of Hell.
2:120 And the degenerate inhuman imposters will not be pleased with thee
nor the trinitarian christians
unless thou follows their false creeds.
Say: The Guidance Of God that is the Guidance!
But if thou follows their vain desires after the Knowledge has come to thee
thou will have neither ally nor protector from God.
2:121 Those We gave the Torah who read it with the reading due it
these believe in it.
And whoever denies it
those are the losers.
2:122 O children of Israel remember My Care wherewith I Favored you
and how I Advantaged you over all mankind.
2:123 And be in Wise Fear of the Day no soul will avail another soul anything
nor will compensation be accepted from it
nor will intercession benefit it
nor will they be helped by anyone. Each person stands alone!
2:124 And when his Lord Tried Abraham with words
he fulfilled them. He told him to sacrifice his son Ishmael.
So God Said: I Will Make thee a leader for mankind
and he said: And of my progeny?
God Said: My Pledge does not extend to wrongdoers of any bloodline. There is no guarantee, it’s every souls’ choice!
2:125 And when We made the Kaaba a meeting place for mankind and a place of security.
And the house of Abraham is a place of Prayer
for We commissioned Abraham and Ishmael saying:
Purify this house
for those traveling
for those local
for those who bow down yea all the submitters.
That verse #2:125 (++++=10) is the First mention of Gods’ First Temple in Earths’ First city of Mecca, Arabic “Bakkah”. It’s called the “mother of the cities” herein. [6:92, 42:7] According to Google Earth, Mecca is at 21 degrees, 25 minutes longitude! That is not a coincidence! Also, of even more amazingness is once again we find one of the most important numbers in Creation, “the golden ratio” of 1.618 or roughly .61 is deeply encoded herein; The Kaaba is 21.2 x 13.1 meters and 21.2/13.1= 1.618! The Kaabas’ coordinates are east +39.82 and north +21.42 which is indeed at the Earth’s golden ratio point! We can see this by calculating the distance of the Kaaba to the poles AND to the equinox line in BOTH WAYS. As covered earlier, Mecca’s distance to the North Pole is 763,168 km and to the South pole is 1,234,832 km. 1234832/763168 = 1.618 or in simpler, ancient terms 61 Phi! 90° + 21.42 = 111.42. And 111,42 divided by 180° = 61! And 180° + 39.82 = 219.82. Divide 219.82 by 360° = 61.! And Mecca’s distance (west) to the equinox line divided by Earth’s perimeter = 61. Mecca’s distance (west) to the equinox line divided by Mecca’s distance (east) to the equinox line = 61. The inner ratios of the lines that pass through Mecca and combining the poles and the equinoxes = 61. In another verse about Mecca and Kaaba [3:96] the number of Arabic letters until the word Mecca is 29. If we divide 29 with the number of the verses’ total of 47 letters = 61. Note; Those numeric values derived from the longitudes and latitudes above can only be performed in this one single point in the world and Great God Chose this as Mecca! Then He Designed this Holy Quran to be deeply encoded with the Golden Ratio which He Used everywhere in His Creation! We also see this throughout the Bible. For instance in the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant, the alter of Moses and even Noahs’ Ark! All glory to YHWH!!!
2:126 And when Abraham Prayed: My Lord make this a secure land
provide its people some fruits
for those who believe in You and the Last Day.
He Replied: Yes and also for whoever denies
I Will Let them enjoy a little too
then I Will Drive them to the Punishment of the Fire
that Loathsome Eternal Misery is their Journeys’ End.
2:127 And when Abraham and Ishmael built the foundation of the Kaaba they Prayed:
Our Lord please Accept this work of ours
for Thou Are The All Hearing, All Knowing.
2:128 Our Lord Make us submitted to Thee
and of our progeny peoples submitted to Thee
and Show us our rites and Turn in Forgiveness to us
for Thou Are The Relenting, The Merciful.
2:129 Our Lord Raise Up messengers among them
reading to them Thy Signs from previous messengers
and teaching them the Commandments and Wisdom
and increasing them in God Consciousness
for Thou Are The Almighty, The Wise.
2:130 And who is averse to the creed of Abraham but those who deceive themselves?
Yea We chose him in this world
and in the Hereafter he is among the Righteous.
2:131 When his Lord Said to him: Submit thou
he said: I submit to The Lord of the Worlds!
2:132 The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons
as did Jacob when he said:
O my sons God Has Chosen the Doctrine for you
so do not die until you are submitted!
2:133 If you were witnesses
when death was present with Jacob
when he said to his sons:
What will you serve after me?
They said: We will serve thy God!
God of thy fathers Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac.
Yea The One God
to Him we are submitted.
2:134 That is a community which has come and gone
it has what it earned
and you will have what you earn
and you will not be questioned about what they did.
2:135 And they ask: Those who hold to talmudism or are trinitarian christians are these Rightly Guided?
Say: Nay. Only the creed of Abraham
monotheism inclines one to Truth
and he was not of those polytheists.
2:136 Say: We believe in God and what is sent down to us
and what was sent down to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the grandsons.
And What Was Given to Moses and Yeshua and the other prophets From their Lord.
We make no hierarchy between any of them
and to their God to Him we are submitted.
2:137 Then if they believe in the like of that in which you believe
they have been Rightly Guided.
But if they turn away
they are only in breach
and God Will Suffice for thee against them
for He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
2:138 God Gives Color to life
and who is better To Color than God?
Yea Him Alone do we serve.
2:139 Say: Dispute you with us concerning God when He Is our Lord and your Lord, The One?
If so to us be our works and to you be your works
but to Him Alone we ourselves are sincere.
2:140 If you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the grandsons were those holding to talmudism or christianity
do you know best or Does God? Christianity didn’t exist and none of Gods’ Messengers have ever been talmudists!.
And who is denser than one who confuses Clear Truth From God?
God is not unmindful of anything you do.
2:141 That is a community which has come and gone
it has what it earned
as you have what you earn
and you will not be questioned about what they did.
2:142 And the foolish among some will ask:
What has turned those who used to disbelieve from their directions of Prayer which they had before? i.e the sun, moon, planets, jinn, pharaohs, idols etc.
Say: To God Belongs the East and the West
and He Guides whom He Wills to the Straight Path.
2:143 And thus We made you an intermediary community
that you might be witnesses to mankind
and that the messenger might be a witness to you.
And We only made the course which you were on that We might know those who follow the messenger
from those who turn on their heels.
And it is a hard matter except for those whom God Guides
for God would not let your faith be in vain
indeed God Is Merciful towards mankind.
2:144 Yea We saw thee turning thy face towards the sky
but We will turn thee towards that which will satisfy thee.
So direct thou thy face towards the Kaaba
wherever you be
direct your faces towards it. Northerly from the Americas.
Some of those in possession of the Torah know
that this is the Truth From their Lord
and God is not unmindful of what they do.
2:145 But if thou bring those in possession of the talmud every Proof
they will not follow thy course
and thou will not follow their course
and they will not follow each others course.
And if thou follow their vain desires after what has come to thee of Knowledge
then thou will be of the wrongdoers.
2:146 Those whom We gave the Torah recognize it
just as they recognize their children
but some among them conceal the Truth
and these know.
2:147 The Truth is From thy Lord
so be not of those who doubt.
2:148 So for each is a direction to turn in Prayer
but vie with one another in Good deeds
then wherever you be
God Will Bring you one and all. This is a prophecy of how God Will Gather the best of believers with the al-Mahdi for victory in end times.
God Is Powerful Over All Things.
2:149 Yea in whatever manner thou goes out
direct thy face towards the Kaaba.
It is the Truth From thy Lord
and God is not unmindful of anything you do.
2:150 Yea in whatever manner thou goes out
direct thou thy face towards the Kaaba
wherever you be
direct your faces towards it.
So that others might have no argument against you except those who do wrong among them.
And fear them not but fear Me
that I Might Show My Care for you
and that you might be Rightly Guided.
2:151 Like How I Have Sent you a messenger from among you
reading to you Our Words
and increasing you in God Consciousness
and teaching you the Commandments and Wisdom
yea showing you What you did not know.
2:152 So remember Me
and I Will Remember you.
And be grateful to Me
so as not to be ungrateful to me.
2:153 O you who believe seek Help From God in resolve and Prayer
for God Is With the resolute.
2:154 And do not say of those killed for the Cause Of God:
They are dead.
The Truth is they are living but you do not know.
Those who die fighting for God are guaranteed success according to Revelation 14:9 and now here. This is why True believers are eager to fight for God, it’s the only sure way to Heaven regardless of your previous sins. Hence only sincere believers are allowed to fight for God. However, fighting alone does not guarantee success because one could revert later.
2:155 And We will try you all with something of fear and
hunger and loss of wealth and lives and fruits of labor.
So give Glad Tidings to the ones who remain steadfast.
2:156 Those who when misfortune befalls say with thanks:
We Belong To God and To Him we are returning. All of lifes’ hardships are tests and lessons which if “appreciated” as they can be, make good people focus more on God and the unseen. So, trials help us succeed!
2:157 Upon these are duties that end with Mercy From their Lord.
Yea these are the Rightly Guided.
2:158 Al ṣafa and al marwa the 2 hills near the Kaaba are among the Tokens Of God
whoever made pilgrimage to the house or visited
they did no wrong to move about between them.
And to who does Good voluntarily
God Is Grateful, Knowing.
2:159 But those who conceal what We sent down of Clear Evidence
and Guidance after We made it clear in the Torah
these are Cursed By God
and cursed by those who curse.
2:160 Yet those who repent and do Right and make clear
these are those towards whom I Turn In Forgiveness.
For I Am The Receptive, The Merciful.
2:161 But those who are deceived and die in such a state
upon those is the Curse Of God
and of angels
and of mankind one and all. Hence our state of knowledge, faith and repentance at the time of death is the overriding factor in Judgement.
2:162 They will dwell Eternally in Hell
and the Punishment will not be lightened for them
nor will they be granted respite.
2:163 Know your God Is One God
there is no god but YHWH, The Merciful.
2:164 His is the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth
and the Alternation of night and day
and the ships which plough through the sea with what benefits mankind.
And what God Sent Down of water from the sky then Gave Life thereby to the Earth after its death
and Spread Therein every sort of creature.
And in the circulation of the winds
and the clouds made serviceable
between the Heavens and the Earth.
These are all Proofs for people who reason.
2:165 Among mankind are those who make equals to God
loving other things while they should only love God.
For the believer is strengthened in their love for God.
Yea had only those who got it wrong seen
what they will see in the Punishment
they would know that All Power is in God
and that God Is Severe in Punishment.
2:166 When those who were served will disown those who served them. Polytheists who foolishly thought they were invoking God in their rituals were actually just invoking jinn and being possessed by them telepathically. Study Truth #1 at
And they will then face the Punishment alone
all connections between them cut off.
2:167 And those who served and were possessed by the jinn will say:
Were we to return we would disown them just as they have disowned us!
Thus Will God Show them their deeds as regrets for them
but they will never come out of the Fire.
2:168 O mankind eat what is Lawful and Good from the Earth
and do not follow the footsteps of the murderous degenerate inhuman imposters. Killers of innocent animals.
Yea they are open enemies to you.
2:169 They only enjoin evil and indecencies upon you
and make you serve their fathers the jinn as gods who you do not see or know.
2:170 And when it is said to them: Follow What God Has Sent Down
they say: Nay we follow what we found our fathers following.
Even though their fathers did not reason and were not Rightly Guided.
2:171 The example of these deceived is like that of one who yells to another who does not listen.
It is only a call and a shout
from those who themselves were unwilling to hear
and unwilling to speak
and unwilling to see
they do not use reason.
2:172 Yea O you who believe eat of the Good Things We provided you foods that don’t require harm to innocent animals
and be grateful to YHWH if it is Him you serve.
2:173 He Has Only Made Unlawful to you murdered animals
and blood
and the flesh of swine even if starving because of trichinosis
and that dedicated to other than God. blood sacrificed
But whoever is forced due to necessity while facing starvation
neither desiring nor transgressing
no crime is against them.
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
2:174 Those who conceal What God Revealed in the Torah i.e. the truth about “do not kill” by changing it in trade for favor/money from rulers
these eat into their bellies only of the Fire.
And God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection
nor will He increase them in God Consciousness now
indeed they have a Painful Punishment.
2:175 These are they who purchase error at the price of Guidance and suffering at the price of Forgiveness.
How they do seem to strive for the Fire!
2:176 Because God Sent Down the Torah intact
and those who differ concerning it are in extreme breach. The original Hebrew in the Torah is clear about dietary laws.
2:177 And it is not virtuous that you solely turn your faces towards the east and the west. During Prayer
Virtuous is
whoever believes in God
and the Last Day
and the angels
and the scriptures
and the prophets. FYI; Those are the 5 core requirements of faith.
And gives wealth in spite of love for it to relatives
and the fatherless
and the needy
and the wayfarer
and those who ask
and to free the slaves
those who uphold the Prayer
and remain conscious of Gods’ Presence
and those who keep their covenant when they make it
and are patient during suffering, hardship and stress.
These are they who are sincere
and these are those of Virtue.
2:178 O you who believe
just requital is ordained for you concerning one killed.
The freeman for the freeman
the slave for the slave
and the female for the female.
But whoever is pardoned anything by his brethren
let the pursuance be according to what is fitting
and the payment to them with Good conduct.
That is an Alleviation and Mercy From your Lord
and whoever transgresses after that
they have a Painful Punishment.
2:179 And there is Life for you in just retaliation
O you possessed of insight
that you might be Righteous.
2:180 Ordained for you when death comes to one of you
if they leave property
bequeath it to parents
and close relatives
according to what is fitting
as binding upon those of Wise Fear.
2:181 And whoever changes the Law after knowing it
the falsehood thereof is only upon those who change it
and God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
2:182 But whoever suspects partiality or sin of a testator and then makes Right the situation
no sin can be upon them
for God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
2:183 O you who believe fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you
so that you may be among the righteous.
2:184 Fasting is prescribed for numbered days. during Ramadan
Then whoever is sick among you or on a journey
a number of days before or afterwards.
And for those who cannot afford to fast
is redemption
for feeding the needy.
Whoever does Good voluntarily
it is better for them
and that you fast is better for you
if you only knew.
2:185 The month of Ramadan was that in which the
Quran was sent down
as mercy for mankind
and as Clear Evidence of the Guidance and the difference between Right and wrong.
Then whoso among you witnesses the month
let them fast in it.
And whoever of you is sick or on a journey
a number of days before or afterwards
because God Desires ease not hardship for you.
So complete the number of days
and magnify God for Guiding you
this that you might find success and be grateful.
2:186 And when My Servants question thee concerning Me
say: I Am Near
and I Answer the call of the caller when they call to Me.
So let them respond to Me and let them believe in Me
that they might be Rightly Guided.
2:187 It is Lawful for husbands to go in unto wives on the night of the fast
for they are a covering for you and you are a covering for them.
God Knew that you deceived yourselves and He Turned In Mercy Towards you and Pardoned you
henceforth lay with them and seek What God Has Ordained for you.
And eat and drink until the white thread of dawn can be seen under the black veil of night
then continue the fast until night again
but have no romance when in the places of worship.
Those are the Limits Of God
so approach them not.
Thus Does God Make Clear His Proofs to mankind
that they might be in Wise Fear.
2:188 And consume not your wealth among yourselves in vanity or squander
nor bribe authorities that you might consume some of the property of the community through falsehood.
You know.
2:189 They ask thee about the new moons
so say: They are measurements of time for the people and for the pilgrimage to the house at Mecca
and remind it is not virtue that you approach houses by the backs thereof
but virtue is
whoever is in Wise Fear of God.
So approach houses by the gates thereof
and be in Wise Fear of God
that you might be successful.
2:190 And fight for the Cause Of God against those who fight you
but do not transgress the limits
for God loves not the transgressors.
2:191 So kill them wherever you gain the ascendency over oppressors and persecutors No eye for an eye here, kill them!
and expel them in what manner they expelled you.
And know persecution is worse than killing. by far!
But do not fight them in the Kaaba
unless they fight you therein
and if they do fight you therein
kill them.
Thus is the penalty for fools.
2:192 But if they desist
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
2:193 So fight them until there are no more means of oppression and the Doctrine for all is Gods’.
And when those desist
have no more hostility except for the wrongdoers.
2:194 Yea the sacred moon is for the sacred month
and for inviolable deeds is just reciprocation
so whoever transgresses against you
transgress against them just as they transgressed against you.
But be in Wise Fear of God
and know that God Is Always With those of Wise Fear.
2:195 And spend for the Cause Of God
and do not cast your hands towards ruin by fighting unnecessarily.
Yea and do Good
for God Loves the doers of Good.
2:196 And complete the pilgrimage and the attendance for God
but if you are prevented
then what is feasible of the sacrificial gifts. Good deeds
And do not shave your heads until the deeds are done.
But whoever among you is sick or has mental problems
their redemption is a fast or charity or penance.
And when you are secure
then whoever prefers the attendance to the pilgrimage
then what is easy of the requirement.
And whoever has not the wherewithal
a fast of three days during the pilgrimage and seven when you have returned
that is ten in all.
That is for one whose people are not present at the Kaaba.
And be in Wise Fear of God
knowing that God Is Severe In Retribution.
2:197 The pilgrimage is on months appointed
and whoever undertakes the pilgrimage therein
let there be no sexual approach
and no wickedness
or quarreling
during the pilgrimage.
And whatever Good you do
God Knows it.
And take provisions
knowing the best provision is Wise Fear.
So be in Wise Fear of Me
O you possessed of insight.
2:198 You do no wrong to seek Favor From your Lord.
And when you expound on subjects known
then remember God with the inviolable sense.
Remember Him and how He Guided you
when you were among those astray before.
2:199 Again press on in what manner others have pressed on
and seek the Forgiveness Of God
for God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
2:200 And when you have concluded your rites
then remember God like you remember your fathers
or stronger.
Among losers are those who say:
Our Lord Give us excesses in this world.
These have no portion in the Hereafter.
2:201 But among them are also those who say:
Our Lord Give us Goodness in this world
and in the Hereafter
yea Protect us from the Punishment of the Fire.
2:202 These may have a portion from what they earn
and God Will Be Swift In the Reckoning of it all.
2:203 And remember God during days numbered of pilgrimage
and whoever makes haste in two days
no sin is against them
and whoever lags behind
no sin is against them
for these who consciously revere God.
Lo be in Wise Fear of God
and know that you will be gathered to Him.
2:204 And among you are those whose speech concerning the life of this world impresses thee
and they call God To Witness Over what is in the heart
yet they are the most quarrelsome of people.
2:205 And when they turn away they hasten through the land to do evils therein while destroying crops and corrupting progeny. of Gods’ Original Creations including Adamites
God loves not corruption!
2:206 And when it is said: Be thou in Wise Fear of God
pride takes them with sin.
Yea so Hell is their Reckoning
and it is a miserable Eternal Prison.
2:207 And among mankind are those who sell their possessions seeking the Pleasure Of God.
God Is Kind to these servants.
2:208 O you who believe enter into submission completely
and do not follow the footsteps of any degenerate inhuman imposter
they are open enemies to you.
2:209 And if you slip after Clear Evidence has come to you
then know that God Is Mighty, Wise.
2:210 Do some only wait for God and the angels to come at them from the shadows of the clouds when the matter of their deeds will be decided?
Unto God are all matters referred.
2:211 Ask the children of Israel how many a Clear Proof We gave them.
And to whomever gives false witness of Gods’ Proofs
God Will Be Severe In Retribution.
2:212 Life of this world is made to seem fair to the deceived
and those who deride believers.
But those who are in Wise Fear will be above the rest on the Day of Resurrection
when God Gives to whom He Wills without measure.
2:213 Humanity was one community
then God Raised Up prophets as bearers of Glad Tidings and Warners
and Sent Down the Books intact with them to judge between mankind concerning that wherein they differed.
And there differed therein only those who were given it after Clear Evidence had come to them
through jealousy between them. of which prophets were best
But God Guided those who heeded warning to the Truth wherein they differed by His Permission
and God Guides whom He Wills to the Straight Path.
2:214 Do you think you will enter the Garden without facing similar tests as those who came and went before you?
Tribulations and adversity touched them
and they were shaken until the messenger and those who heeded warning with him Prayed:
When is the Help Of God?
In Truth the Help Of God is always near.
2:215 They ask thee how they should spend for God
so say: Whatever you spend of Good
for parents
and close relatives
and the fatherless
and the needy
and the wayfarer
and whatever else for Good
God Knows it.
2:216 And fighting is ordained for you
though it be disliked by you.
Yea it may be that you are averse to a thing and it is beneficial for you.
And it may be that you love a thing and it is detrimental for you.
God Knows
and you do not.
2:217 They ask thee about the sacred month
whether there is fighting during it.
Say: Fighting during it is grave
but forsaking the Path Of God
or disbelieving in Him
or expelling people from the Kaaba
is graver With God.
Yea persecution is worse than killing.
And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you from your belief if they are able.
And whoever among you turns from their belief
and dies as a fool
their works in this world are in vain for the Hereafter.
Those are the companions of the Fire
wherein they will abide Eternally.
2:218 But those who believe
and emigrate
and strive for the Cause Of God
these have hope for the Mercy Of God
and God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
2:219 They ask thee about intoxicants and games of chance
so say: In each are both great sin and benefits
but their sin is greater than their benefits.
And they ask thee what they should spend for God
so say: The surplus.
Thus Does God Make His Advice Clear to you
that you might reflect
2:220 on this present world and the World To Come.
And they ask thee about the fatherless
so say: Helping them is best
and if you live with them
then they are your brethren.
And God Knows the worker of corruption from the doer of Right.
And had God Willed He Would Have Overburdened you
God Is Mighty, Wise.
2:221 The following is good advice for believers because our faiths become weakened/diluted from associating, especially living with, erring fools. And do not marry female polytheists until they believe.
A believing slave girl is better than a female polytheist even though she may impress you.
And do not give in marriage to the male polytheist until they believe.
A believing male slave is better than a polytheist though he may impress you.
These invite to the Fire
and God Invites to the Garden
with Forgiveness By His Permission.
And He Makes Clear His Verses for people
that they might take heed.
2:222 And they ask thee about menstruation
so say: It is a hindrance
keep away from women during menstruation
do not approach them until they are clean
and have purified themselves.
Then approach them in the manner God Has Commanded you.
God Loves the contrite
and He Loves those who purify themselves.
2:223 Your women are your cultivation
so approach your cultivation as you will
and put forward progeny for yourselves.
And be in Wise Fear of God
and know that you will meet Him.
And bear Glad Tidings to the believers.
2:224 And let not your oaths to God keep you from virtue. Don’t use them as excuses for not doing what’s Right.
And be in Wise Fear
and make things Right between others
for God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
2:225 God takes you not to task for mistakes in your oaths
He Takes you To Task for what your hearts intend
but God Is Forgiving, Forbearing.
2:226 For those considering divorce is a mutual oath of four months abstinence
then if they resolve
behold God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
2:227 But if they divorce
God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
2:228 And those divorced women shall wait by themselves three menstrual courses
for it is not Lawful for them to conceal what God Has Created in their wombs
if they believe in God and the Last Day.
And their husbands have more right to take them back during that time if they desire to make things Right.
And due to women is the like of what is due from them according to what is fitting
but men have a degree over women. Because the mans’ bloodline/surname is at stake and his children, especially males, are often valued assets for the success and safety of his family, progeny and clan.
And God Is Mighty, Wise.
2:229 Divorce is revocable twice
then retaining according to what is fitting or releasing with kindness and honor.
And it is not Lawful for you to take anything from what you have given women
unless both fear that they might not uphold the Limits Of God.
Then if they both fear that they will not uphold the Limits Of God
they do no wrong if she frees herself choosing to give up what is hers thereby.
Those are the Limits Of God
transgress them not.
For whoever transgresses the Limits Of God
these are the wrongdoers.
2:230 And if he divorces her she is not Lawful to him thereafter and she may marry a spouse other than him.
Then if he divorces her they do no wrong to return to each other
if they consider that they will uphold the Limits Of God
and those are the Limits Of God.
He Makes Them Clear for people who know.
2:231 And when men divorce women and their term be reached
allow them to stay according to what is fitting
or help them leave according to what is fitting
but do neither to hurt them
for who does that has wronged his soul.
And make not mockery of the Proofs Of God
and remember the Grace Of God towards you and what He Has Sent Down to you of the Book
and the Wisdom whereby He Exhorts you.
And be in Wise Fear of God
knowing that God Knows All Things.
2:232 And when you divorce women and their term be reached
hinder not their marrying new spouses
when they come to terms according to what is fitting.
That is exhorted to who among you believes in God and the Last Day.
That is purer and cleaner for you
and know God Knows
while you do not.
2:233 And mothers shall suckle their children two whole years
for such as wish to complete the suckling.
And upon the father is their provision and their clothing according to what is fitting
but no soul is burdened beyond its capacity.
A mother shall not be hurt by her child
nor he to whom the child is born by his child.
And upon the heir is the like of that
and if they desire weaning by mutual consent and consultation between them
then they do no wrong.
And if you desire to seek one to suckle your children
then you do no wrong
when you ensure the safety of what you have brought according to what is fitting.
And be in Wise Fear of God
knowing that God Sees Everything you do.
2:234 And those of you who die and leave behind wives
they shall wait by themselves four months and ten
when their term be reached.
Then you do no wrong in what they do concerning themselves according to what is fitting
and God Is Aware of Everything you do.
2:235 And you do no wrong in what you intimate to women of engagement or hide within yourselves
God Knows that you will remember them.
But make not nor take an oath with them secretly except that you speak a fitting word.
And do not bind a marriage until the prescribed term.
And know that God Knows what is within your souls
so fear Him
while knowing that God Is Forgiving, Forbearing.
2:236 You do no wrong if you divorce women when you have neither touched them nor appointed for them an obligation
but make them a gift.
The wealthy according to his means
and the poor according to his means
a gift according to what is fitting
is binding upon the doers of Good.
2:237 And if you divorce them before you have touched them but have appointed for them an obligation
then half of what you appointed
unless they forgo it
or he in whose hand is the marriage contract forgoes it.
And to forgo is nearer to Wise Fear
yea forget not kindness among you
God Sees Everything you do.
2:238 Keep to the silent Prayers often
and to the spoken Prayer of midday
and stand up for God with others in Prayer and deeds
devoutly dutiful.
2:239 And if you fear stopping to bow in Prayer
Pray while walking or riding
then bow when you are later secure
and remember God as He Taught you what you knew not.
2:240 And those among you who die and leave behind them wives
the bequest to them is provision for a year without expulsion
then if they leave
you do no wrong in what they do concerning themselves according to what is fitting.
2:241 And for divorced women provision according to what is fitting is binding upon those of Wise Fear.
2:242 Thus Does God Make Clear to you His Ways
that you might use reason.
2:243 Has thou not considered those who left their houses in thousands to fight while fearing death?
Then God Said: Die!
And they did so then He Gave them Life
for God Is Bountiful Towards humanity
but most are not grateful.
2:244 Yea fight for the Cause Of God
and know that God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
2:245 Who is it who will lend a goodly loan to God that He Might Multiply it by many multiples to them?
God Constricts and Expands His Provisions
and to Him you will be returned.
2:246 Has thou not considered the eminent ones of the children of Israel after Moses
when they said to a prophet unto them:
Raise thou up for us a king
and we will fight for the Cause Of God.
He said:
Would you possibly not fight if fighting be ordained for you?
They said: And why should we not fight for the Cause Of God when we and our children have been expelled from our homes?
Then when fighting was commanded for them they turned away except a few of them.
And God Knows these wrongdoers.
2:247 Then their prophet Samuel said to them: God Has Raised Up Saul for you as King.
They said: How can he get dominion over us when we have more right than he who is not as wealthy as us?
He said: God Has Chosen him over you and Increased him in extent of knowledge and stature
for God Bestows His Dominion upon whom He Wills
and God Encompasses us all, He Knows.
2:248 And their prophet said to them:
A Proof of his Kingship is that there will come to you the ark of the covenant to provide Tranquility in your hearts From your Lord.
In it is a remnant of what the houses of Moses and Aaron left behind that is carried by angels
and in that is a Proof for you if you be believers.
2:249 Then when Saul set out with his army he said:
God Will Try you with a river.
Whoever drinks thereof is not with me
yea whoever tastes it is not with me
even whoever scoops up but a handful with their hand.
And they drank thereof except a few of them
then when he and those who believed with him had crossed it the others who stayed behind said:
We have no power against goliath and his forces this day.
Then those who knew they would meet God replied:
How many a small company has overcome a mighty company by Gods’ Permission!
God Is With the steadfast yea those of faith.
2:250 Then when they emerged against goliath and his forces they said:
Our Lord pour out confidence upon us and make our feet firm
and help us against the people who deny.
2:251 Then they defeated them by Gods’ Permission.
And David killed goliath because
God Gave him of His Dominion and Wisdom and Taught him of what He Willed.
And if God were not to Repel some people by means of others the Earth would become totally corrupt
but God Is Bountiful Towards mankind.
2:252 Those are the Proofs Of God
We recite them to thee in Truth
and thou are among the messengers.
2:253 We gave certain preferences to some messengers over others
and among them are those with whom God Spoke Directly
yea He Raised some among them in differing degrees.
We gave Yeshua son of Mary Miracles for Clear Evidence
and strengthened him with the Spirit of Holiness. Gabriel
And had God not Wanted fighting between believers and non they would not have fought.
But they differed
some of them Righteous and others not
still had God Willed they would not have fought one another.
Yea and God Does What He Wills With Good Reason.
2:254 O you who believe spend wisely of what We have provided you before there comes a Day wherein is neither commerce
nor friendship
nor intercession
for the fools
who are the wrongdoers.
2:255 YHWH.
There is no god but He
The Living, The Eternal.
Neither sleep nor slumber overtake Him
and Unto Him Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth.
Who can intervene with Him except by His Permission?
He Knows what is in front of them and behind them
and they grasp nothing of His Knowledge beyond what He Wills.
His Throne overspreads the Heavens and the Earth
and the sustaining of all thereof wearies Him not.
Yea He Is The Exalted, The Tremendous, The Incomprehensible. 2:255 is known as the “Pinnacle Verse”, re-read!
2:256 There is no compulsion forcing in the way of religious life
but there is distinction between Right and wrong.
And whoever abandons their idols believing in God
has grasped a Firm Hand That will not fail them
for God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
2:257 Yea God Is The Ally of those who believe!
He Brings them out of darkness into the Light.
But for the deceived their protectors are jinn
they bring them out of the Light into darkness.
These are the companions of the Fire
wherein they abide Eternally.
2:258 Has thou not considered the one who disputed with Abraham concerning his Lord after God Had Given him of His Dominion?
When Abraham said: My Lord Is He Who Gives Life and Gives Death.
He replied: I can grant life and cause death.
Abraham countered: God Brings the sun from the east
so thou bring it from the west if you be equal.
Then the denier was lost for words
for God guides not the wrong doing people.
2:259 Or like one passing by a city
that was desolate
he said: Can God Give Life to this after its death?
So God Caused him to die for a hundred years
then Raised him Up
and God Said: How long has thou lingered?
Said he: I feel to have tarried a day or part of a day.
God Said: The Truth is thou tarried a hundred years!
Yet look at thy food and drink
and see they have not decayed
and look at thy donkey as it was 100 years ago.
Yea We will use this as a Proof for mankind.
And look at thy bones how We revive them then clothe them with flesh
then when it had become clear to him he said:
Lo. God Is Powerful Over All Things!
2:260 And when Abraham said: My Lord Show me how Thou Gives Life to the dead
God Said: Does thou not believe?
Said he: Verily but that my heart should be at ease.
God Said: Take to thyself four dead birds
then put them upon different hills
and call to them
and watch how they will come to thee in haste
so know God Is Mighty, Wise. Thus how God Calls us to Him.
2:261 The parable of those who spend their wealth for the Cause Of God is like the example of a single grain which sprouts seven ears
in each a hundred grains.
God Returns manifold increases to whom He Wills
for God Is All Encompassing, All Knowing.
2:262 Yea those who spend their wealth for the Cause Of God
then go forward without remorse
nor doubt about having done so
they have their Reward With their Lord
and they need not fear
nor will they regret it.
2:263 Likewise a kind word and forgiveness are better than charity followed by complaints or regrets
and know God Is Free From need, Forbearing.
2:264 O you who believe do not make your
charity vain with hurtful reminders or be
like the one who spends their wealth to be seen by others and believes not
in God and the Last Day.
Their parable is like that of bedrock whereon is rich soil
then a heavy rain rinses it bare.
So the vain possess nothing of what they had
and God guides not the fools.
2:265 And the parable of those who spend their wealth
seeking the Pleasure Of God
as a certainty for the future of their souls
is like the example of a garden at high elevations.
The rain fell upon it and it yielded double fruit
and if rain fell not upon it then dew and it still grew.
Yea and God Sees Everything you do.
2:266 Does one among you cherish gardens of date palms and grapes beneath which rivers flow
they having every sort of fruit therein?
Then old age befell
without strength nor help like a nonbeliever
and a cyclone of fire fell upon it and it was burned up.
Thus does God Make Clear to you the examples
so that you might ponder.
2:267 O you who believe spend wisely of the Good things you earn and of what We bring forth for you from the Earth.
And do not give charity in manners you would not take it for yourselves without shame.
And know that God Is Free From need, Praiseworthy.
2:268 The degenerate inhuman imposters promise you oppression and enjoin sexual immoralities upon you
but God Promises you Forgiveness and His Bounty.
God Who Is All Encompassing, All Knowing.
2:269 He Gives Wisdom to whom He Wills
and to whom His Wisdom is Given
they have been Given Much Good
but only those possessed of insight take heed.
2:270 And whatever you spend on others or vow to spend
God Knows it.
And for the wrongdoers there are no protectors.
2:271 If you are public with your charity
it is still Good charity
but if you secretly give to those in need
it is excellent!
And for it He Will Excuse some of your mistakes
for God Is Always Aware of Everything you do.
2:272 Not upon thee O messenger is the Guidance
God Guides whom He Wills.
And what you spend in Goodness
it is spent upon yourself
so spend only seeking the Face Of God
then what you spend of Good will be repaid in full to you and you will not be wronged.
2:273 For those who are wrapped up and consumed
doing works and living meagerly in the Ways Of God
and thereby unable to wander the Earth in ease
the ignorant considers them free from need due to their not complaining or begging for help.
Thou will know them in this way.
They do not ask for they wish not to trouble others.
And what you spend of Good
God Knows it.
2:274 Those who spend their wealth for God by night and day
secretly and openly
these have their Reward With their Lord
and they need not fear
nor will they regret.
2:275 But those who charge interest will not stand yea those who degenerate inhuman imposters touched saying:
Commerce is the same as usury.
But God Has Made commerce Lawful and Prohibited usury.
And to whom the Warning From their Lord came and then they desisted
they have Good in their past and their case is With God.
But whoever goes back
these are the companions of the Fire
wherein they abide Eternally.
2:276 Yea God Eliminates usury and Increases charity
and God loves not every false ingrate.
2:277 Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
and uphold the Prayer
and show consciousness of Gods’ Presence.
These have their Reward With their Lord
and they need not fear
nor will they regret.
2:278 O you who believe be in Wise Fear of God and give up what remains of usury if you are believers.
2:279 And if you do not give it up
be informed of War From God and His Messenger.
But if you repent
to you are your principal sums
so wrong not and you will not be wronged.
2:280 And if there is a debtor in hardship
then deferment of payments until ease.
But that you forgive by way of charity is better for you
if you would know. Give of what God Gave you!!!
2:281 And be in Wise Fear of a Day in which you will be returned to God
when every soul will be paid in full what it has earned
and they will not be wronged.
2:282 O you who believe when you contract with one another any debt for a fixed term
write it down
and let the one who writes be sound and just.
And let not the one who writes refuse to write it as God Has Taught us.
So let them write
and let whoever takes on the obligation read it aloud
and let them be in Wise Fear of God their Lord not omitting anything thereof.
But if whoever takes on the obligation is incompetent
or weak
or unable to read it aloud
their ally shall read it aloud with justness.
And call two witnesses from among your men
but if there be not two men
a man and two women among those you approve as witnesses because women often leave clans upon divorce or widowing
for if one of them should err
they might remind the other.
And let not witnesses refuse when they are called
and be not weary of writing it whether small or great in amount or term.
That is more just in the Sight Of God
and more upright for witnessing
and nearer to there being no misgivings between you.
But if there be established trust when you transact with some among you
then you do no wrong that you write it not.
And take witnesses when you enter into other contracts together
and let not one who writes or a witness be coerced.
And if you do
then is it wanton disobedience among you.
So be in Wise Fear of God
as God Is Teaching you
and God Knows All Things.
2:283 And should you be on a journey not finding one who writes
a pledge of trust in hand.
And if you trust one another
let one who is trusted discharge their trust
and let them be in Wise Fear of God their Lord.
And do not conceal payments
for they who conceal them
their hearts are false.
And God Knows what you all do.
2:284 To God Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth
and whether you reveal what is within yourselves or hide it God Will Call you to account for it.
He Forgives whom He Wills and Punishes whom He Wills.
God Is Powerful Over All Things.
2:285 The messenger believes in What is sent down to him From his Lord as do all monotheists.
Each believes in God and His Angels and His Laws and His Messengers.
We make no distinction between any of His Messengers
for they all say: We hear and we obey
seeking Thy Forgiveness our Lord
and to Thee is our Journeys’ End.
2:286 God does not impose upon a soul beyond its capacity
and it has what it earns
and it answers for what it acquires.
So Pray: Our Lord take us not to task if we forget or err.
And: Our Lord lay Thou not upon us a burden as Thou did upon those before us!
Yea our Lord impose Thou not upon us beyond what we are able
and Excuse us
and Forgive us
and Have Thou Mercy upon us.
For Thou Alone Are our Benefactor
so Help us against all fools who deny the Truth.
Chapter 3. Family of Imran, al-ʿImrān (Marys’ Father)
3.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
3:1 alif lām mīm
3:2 God
there is no god but He
The Living, The Eternal.
3:3 He Sent Down the Quran Upon thee in Truth confirming what is within its scope
as He Sent Down the Torah and the Gospels.
3:4 Each before as a Guidance for mankind
yea He Sent Down the Criterion between Right and wrong.
And those who deny the Word Of God
they have a Severe Punishment
and God Is Mighty, Able To Repay.
3:5 God
nothing in the Earth or in the Heavens
can hide from Him.
3:6 He Is Who Fashions you in the wombs as He Wills
for there is no god but He
The Almighty, The Wise.
3:7 Yea He It Is Who Sent Down the scrolls upon thee
and among them are Explicit Proofs
they are the essence of the Torah
while others are unspecific.
Then as for those in whose hearts is crookedness
they pursue what is unspecific thereof
as if seeking discontent
and debating its interpretation
but only God Knows its full interpretation.
And those established in knowledge say:
We believe in It for It is All From our Lord
but only those possessed of insight take heed.
3:8 Our Lord let not our hearts deviate from Thy Guidance
and Bestow Mercy From Thyself upon us
for Thou Are The Bestower.
3:9 Our Lord Who Is Preparing mankind for a Day about which there is no doubt
for God does not break any appointment.
3:10 And for the deceived
their wealth and their children will avail them nothing against God.
Lo these are but fuel for the Fire!
3:11 Like the case of the house of pharaoh and those who were before them
they denied Our Proofs
so God Seized them for their transgressions
and God Is Severe In Retribution.
3:12 Say to the deceived:
You will be defeated and gathered into Hell
and miserable is that Eternal Prison!
3:13 There was a Proof for you in the two companies which met
one company fighting for the Cause Of God and the other denying.
The deniers seeing adversaries twice their like by the sight of the eye in an Illusion From God
thus God Strengthens whom He Wills with His Help
and in that is a lesson for those imbued with insight!
3:14 Made seem fair for humans is attraction to each other
and desire for children
and heaped up fortunes of gold and silver
and branded horses and livestock
and crops.
That is the provision of the life of this world
but With God is the Best Of Returns.
3:15 Say: Shall I inform you of something better than that?
For those who have Wise Fear there are
Gardens beneath which rivers flow
and they will live Eternally therein
with purified friends
and Acceptance From God.
God Sees His Servants.
3:16 Those who say: Our Lord we believe so Forgive us our transgressions and Protect us from the Punishment of the Fire!
3:17 The patient
and the Truthful
and the devoutly dutiful
and those who spend wisely
and the seekers of forgiveness at dawn.
3:18 God Bears Witness that there is no god but He
as do the angels and those possessed of knowledge
upholding equity all saying:
There is no god but He
The Almighty, The Wise.
3:19 The Doctrine With God is Submission which all monotheists do
and many in possession of the Word differ only out of jealousy. over which prophets/messengers were greater which is null
Yea whoever belittles any Word or Proof Of God
God Is Swift In Reckoning.
3:20 And if they argue with thee say:
I submit my face to God
as do those who follow me.
And say to those in possession of the Word and to the unschooled alike:
Have you submitted?
For if they have submitted
they have been Rightly Guided
but if they turn away
then upon thee is only the communication.
God Sees His Servants and what they do.
3:21 Those who deny the Proofs Of God or seek to kill the prophets without cause
or harm those who enjoin equity among others
give them tidings of a Painful Punishment.
3:22 These are they whose works are vain in this world and the Hereafter
and they have no protector. #322 is Yales’ skull & bones, reread!
3:23 Has thou seen those given a portion of the Word?
They are invited to the Knowledge Of God
that it might help judge fairly between them then some turn away and these are those who are averse.
3:24 And because some say:
The Fire will not touch us except a number of days.
This saying they invented has deceived them!
3:25 Then how will it be when We gather them to a Day about which there is no doubt
when every soul is paid in full what it earned Eternally?
And they will not be wronged.
3:26 Say: O God
Master of Dominion
Thou Gives Dominion to whom Thou Wills
and Thou Removes Dominion from whom Thou Wills.
Yea Thou Exalts whom Thou Wills
and Thou Abases whom Thou Wills
for in Thy Hand is Everything
and Thou Are Powerful Over All Things.
3:27 Thou Makes the night enter into the day
and Thou Makes the day enter into the night.
And Thou Brings Forth the living from the dead
and Thou Brings Forth the dead from the living.
Then Thou Gives Provision to whom Thou Chooses without reckoning.
3:28 Let not believers take fools as protectors rather than fellow believers.
For whoever does that is not of God in anything
unless it is because you are Godfearing and are surveying and learning of their schemes
while recalling that to God is the Journeys’ End.
3:29 Say: If you hide what is in your hearts or reveal it
God Knows it.
And He Knows what is in all the Heavens and what is in all the Earth
for God Is Powerful Over All Things.
3:30 The Day every soul will be summoned to find what it did of Good
and what it did of evil
it will wish there were between the two a great expanse. with their evils being far less than their Good
Yea God Warns you of Himself
for God Is Kind to the servants.
3:31 Say: If you love God
follow me.
God Will Love you and Forgive you your transgressions
for God Is Forgiving, yea The Merciful.
3:32 Say: Obey God and the messenger
then if they turn away
God loves not fools.
3:33 God Chose Adam
and Noah
and the house of Abraham
and the house of Imran Marys’ father
above all mankind including jinn
3:34 and their pure blooded descendants alike.
God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
3:35 When the wife of Imran said:
My Lord I have vowed to Thee what is in my womb in consecration
so Accept Thou from me
for Thou Are The All Hearing, All Knowing.
3:36 Then when she had given birth she said:
My Lord Forgive me as I have given birth to a female.
But God Knew Best what she birthed
for the male is not like the female He Chose for her.
And I have named her Mary
and I seek Thy Protection for her and her descendants from the degenerate inhuman imposter.
3:37 Then her Lord Accepted her with a Comely Acceptance and Caused her to Grow with a Comely Growth
and Placed her under the care of Zechariah.
And whenever Zechariah entered upon her in the sanctuary he found her with provision so he asked:
O Mary whence comes this provision to thee?
She said: It is From God.
God Gives His Provision to whom He Wills without reckoning.
3:38 Thereupon Zechariah called to his Lord Praying:
My Lord Bestow Thou upon me From Thyself Goodly Progeny
for I see Thou Are The Hearer of Supplication.
3:39 And the angels called to him instantly! as he still stood performing this Prayer in the sanctuary saying:
God Gives thee Glad Tidings of John
one who establishes the Word Of God as True.
He will be noble and chaste
a prophet among the Righteous.
3:40 Said he: My Lord how can there be a lad for me when old age has reached me and my wife is barren?
An angel said: Thus Does God What He Wills!
3:41 Said he: My Lord Make a Proof for me.
God Replied: Thy Proof is that thou shall not speak to anyone for three days except by gestures
and remember thy Lord much
giving glory in the evening and the morning.
3:42 And when the angels said: O Mary
God Has Chosen thee and Purified thee
above women of all mankind.
3:43 O Mary be thou devoutly dutiful to thy Lord
and submit
and bow down with those who bow down.
3:44 That is among the advice of those in the unseen
thus We instruct thee.
And know thou were not with Us when We cast Our lots for Who should have charge of thee Mary.
Yea know thou were not with Us when We were competing and disputing over guiding and protecting you.
3:45 When the angels said: O Mary
God Gives thee Glad Tidings of a Word From Him!
Your child Yeshua is the anointed one
esteemed in this world and in the Hereafter
to be among those brought near their Lord.
3:46 He will speak to the people both in the cradle and in manhood
and he is of the Righteous.
3:47 She said: How can there be a son for me when no man has touched me?
He said: Thus God Creates What He Wills and when He Decrees a thing He but Says to it: Be!
And it is.
3:48 And He Will Teach him Truth and Give him Wisdom
with the Torah and Give him the Gospels.
3:49 And he as messenger to the children of Israel will say:
I have come to you with Proof From your Lord
that I create for you out of clay the likeness of a bird and blow into it and it becomes a living bird by Gods’ Permission.
And I heal the blind
and the leper
and give Life to the dead by Gods’ Permission.
And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses.
In all that is Proof for you if you are believers!
3:50 I will confirm what is within my grasp of the Torah
and make Lawful for you some that was forbidden you.
i.e. that it is allowed and honorable to do Godly Works on the Sabbath.
Yea I have come to you with Proof From your Lord
so be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
3:51 God Is my Lord and your Lord
so serve Him
this is a Straight Path.
3:52 But when Yeshua perceived ingratitude from some
he said: Who will be my monotheistic servants unto God?
The disciples said:
We will be the Servants Of God!
Yea we believe in The One God
and bear witness that we are submitted.
3:53 Our Lord we believe in What Thou Has Sent Down and follow Your Messenger
so Write us Down among the witnesses.
3:54 But then the people schemed
so God Schemed
and God Is The Best of schemers.
3:55 When God Said: O Yeshua I Will Take thee and Raise thee to Me and cleanse thee of those who disbelieve.
And I Will Make those who follow thee far superior to disbelievers on the Day of Resurrection
when to Me is your return.
And I Will Be Judge between you concerning that wherein you differed.
3:56 And as for the deceived
I Will Punish them in this world and then a Severe Punishment in the Hereafter
they have no protectors.
3:57 But as for those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
to them are their Good Rewards in full
but God loves not the wrongdoers.
3:58 Thus do We recite to thee of the Word and the Wise Remembrance.
3:59 The likeness of Yeshua in the Sight Of God is the same as that of Adam. They were not conceived by man and woman.
He Created them from dust carbon 12
each to whom He Said only: Be!
And with great purpose they were.
3:60 Yea all Truth is From thy Lord
so be thou not of those who doubt.
3:61 And whoever disputes with thee concerning Him after the Knowledge has come to thee say:
Come all we will call our males and your males
and our females and your females
and ourselves and yourselves
then we will Pray in earnest to invoke the Curse Of God upon the liars.
3:62 This is the True narrative!
And there is no god but God!
Yea O God
Thou Are The Almighty, The Wise!
3:63 And if they turn away
God Knows the workers of corruption.
3:64 Say: O talmudic jews
come to an agreement between us and you
that we do not serve other than God
and that we ascribe no partnership to Him
and that we take no others as gods instead of God.
And when they turn away say:
Bear witness that we are submitted.
3:65 O talmudic jews why do you dispute about the acts of
Abraham killing and hunting when the Laws in the Torah and the Gospels were sent down long after him?
Will you not use reason!
3:66 Here you are
those who speak of that which you are knowledgeable
why then do you dispute about that which you have no knowledge?
Yea God Knows
but you do not.
3:67 Abraham was neither a polytheist nor a nontheist
he was a monotheist inclined strongly to Truth
as one submitted
he was not of the fools.
3:68 The people closest to Abraham are those who follow him
as do this prophet and all believers
and God Is The Ally of these believers.
3:69 A number of the talmudic jews would love to lead you astray
but they only lead themselves astray
while they perceive not.
3:70 O talmudic jews why do you deny the Proofs Of God which you yourselves bear witness?
3:71 O talmudic jews why do you mix the Truth with falsehood and conceal the Whole Truth when you know?
And you know.
3:72 And a number of the talmudic jews say:
Believe only in that sent down earlier Vedic & Biblical Books
and deny that sent later. Books of the new testament and the Quran
Those fools thinking it be how they might return. to God
3:73 Yea so be not of those who follow talmudism.
Say to them: True Guidance is Good Guidance Of God!
Do you not believe we have been given better than that which you invented for yourselves?
And they will argue against you before your Lord
so say: Grace is in the Hand Of God
He Gives It to whom He Wills
and God Encompasses us, He Knows.
3:74 He Chooses His Mercy for whom He Wills
and God Is The One Possessor of Unending Bounty.
3:75 And among the talmudic jews are those who if thou entrusts them with a fortune will deliver it unto thee.
And among them are who if thou entrusts with a crumb will not return it to thee unless thou remains standing hard over them
because they say: We owe nothing to those below us.
But they ascribe a lie to God
while deep inside they know.
3:76 Verily whoever fulfills their word is nearer to Wise Fear
and God Loves those of Wise Fear!
3:77 But those who abandon their covenant With God and their agreements with others for a cheap price
for these there is no portion in the Hereafter.
And God will not speak to them nor so much as look at them on the Day of Resurrection.
Yea and He will not allow them to increase in God Consciousness in the meantime
for they have a Painful Punishment in store.
3:78 And some of them distort what is written with their tongues to make you think it is from the Book when it is not from the Book.
Yea they say: It is from God!
But it is not from God
and they ascribe such lies to God
while they know.
3:79 And it is not for messengers that God Gives them the Truth and Judgement or Prophethood then they should say to others:
Worship me rather than God. It’s never happened.
Nay. Rather:
Be People Of God in that you teach Gods’ Truth and Gods’ Truth alone!
3:80 And nor would they command you to take angels or prophets as deities.
For would they command you to disbelief after you have submitted to Him?
3:81 And when God Took agreements with the prophets saying:
Whatever I Have Given you of Future Insights prophecies and Wisdom
then comes to you a final messenger whom many of them prophesied about confirming What I Gave you
you must believe in him and help him.
He Said: Do you affirm and take on this severe test?
Said they: We do affirm.
He Said: Then bear witness
and I Am With you among the Witnesses.
This commonly misunderstood verse is about a covenant With God from all the messengers who’ve existed prior (who per 2:154 & 3:169 are With God now, not dead) to help the final messenger of end times. Remaining loyal to him at first will be a “severe test” because like all the messengers, he is just a human who makes human mistakes and must learn, repent and grow as he goes during the most evil of times when the jinn will have become expert at messing with us and him. This will require a firm conviction from those helping. Additionally, a key part of Gods’ Purpose for the final messenger is the bloody and merciless job of culling billions of disbelievers, jews and DIIs which is unprecedented and will not be pretty.
3:82 Then whoever turns away after this
these are the wantonly disobedient.
3:83 Is it then other than the Ways Of God they seek?
For to Him submits Everything in the Heavens and the Earth willingly or unwillingly
and to Him Everything will be returned.
3:84 Say: We believe in God and What is sent down upon us
and What was sent down upon Abraham and Ishmael
and Isaac and Jacob and the grandsons
and What was Given to Moses and Yeshua and all the other Messengers From their Lord.
We make no hierarchy between any of them
and to Him Alone we are submitted.
3:85 Whoever seeks a way other than monotheistic submission
it will not be accepted from them
so they will be among the losers in the Hereafter.
3:86 So why would God Guide a folk who disbelieved after their belief?
Those who bore witness that their messenger was True when Clear Evidence had come to them.
God does not guide the wrong doing people.
3:87 Those their reward is the Curse Of God and of angels
and of both jinn and human believers one and all.
3:88 They are to abide in Eternal Shame
the Punishment will not be lightened for them nor will they be granted respite.
3:89 Only to those who repent and stay Right after that
Is God Forgiving, Merciful.
3:90 Yea those who disbelieve after believing will receive more disbelief hence their former repentance will not be accepted.
These are the ones gone far astray.
3:91 Those who are deceived and die as fools
there would not be accepted from one of them an earth full of gold were they to seek to ransom themselves thereby.
Yea these have a Painful Punishment ahead
and they have no protectors.
3:92 And you attain not to virtue until you spend of what you love
and what you spend of anything for God, God Knows it.
3:93 All food was Lawful to the children of Israel
except what Israel Jacob made unlawful upon himself
before the Torah was sent down.
So say: Bring the Torah and recite it if you be Truthful. OK, let’s “bring the Torah” . . . Genesis 25:34, the only verse about his diet says Jacob/Israel ate lentil soup thereby being vegetarian, vegan or deitarian.
3:94 And whoever invents a lie about God after that
these are the wrongdoers.
3:95 Say: God Spoke Truly
so follow the creed of Abraham
a monotheist inclining to Truth
he was not of the polytheists.
3:96 The first Temple set up for mankind was the Kaaba at Mecca
and it was blessed as a Guidance for all mankind.
3:97 In it are Clear Proofs of the station of Abraham
and believers who entered it were safe. True to this day!
And Gods’ Demand upon believers was the pilgrimage to the Kaaba
whoever could find a way to do it.
And those who could but did not
God Is Free from need, Independent of the world.
3:98 Say: O talmudic jews
why do you deny the Proofs Of God when God Is Witness to Everything you do?
3:99 Say: O talmudic jews
why do you divert believers from the Path Of God
seeking their deviation when you are witnesses?
God is not blind to anything you do.
3:100 O you who believe
If you obey those talmudic jews in possession of the Torah who mistranslated it and removed YHWH to deceive We the People
they will drive you back after your faith
then you will be among the fools they deceived!
3:101 And how can you deny when the Word Of God is recited to you and His Messenger is in your midst?
Whoever holds fast to God has been Guided to the Straight Path!
3:102 O you who believe
be in Wise Fear of God with the fear due Him
and die not until you be submitted! Timing is everything!
3:103 And hold fast to Monotheism the Rope Of God altogether and be not divided.
And remember the Grace Of God towards you
when you were combatant with one another.
He United your hearts so that by His Care you became brethren.
Yea you were upon the edge of a pit of Fire
and He Rescued you from it.
Thus Does God Make His Word Clear to you
that you might be Rightly Guided.
3:104 So let there be among you a community inviting to Good and enjoining what is fitting
while forbidding wrongs
these are the Successful.
3:105 Do not be like the deceived who became divided and disputed after the Clear Evidence came to them
for they have a Horrifying Punishment.
3:106 The Day faces will brighten and faces will cloud over.
As for those whose faces cloud over
did you deny after your faith?
Then taste the Punishment for the Truth you denied!
3:107 And for those whose faces brighten
is the Mercy Of God wherein they abide Eternally.
3:108 This is the Word Of God
We recite It to thee with Truth
for God does not desire injustice for mankind.
3:109 And To God Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth
and Unto God are all matters referred.
3:110 You are the best community brought forth for mankind
enjoining what is fitting
and forbidding what is wrong
and believing in God.
And had the talmudic jews simply believed
it would have been better for them!
Whilst among them are a few believers
most of them are defiantly disobedient.
3:111 They will cause you harm by their hindrance
but if they fight you they will turn their backs to you
and they will not be helped.
3:112 Abasement was stamped on them wherever they were come upon except when a Rope From God
or a rope from mankind was extended.
They incurred Wrath From God.
Yea wretchedness was stamped on them because they denied the Word Of God.
They sought but failed to slew the prophets without cause because they rebelled and exceeded all bounds.
3:113 They are not the same
among the upright community
who ponder Gods’ Word during the watches of the night
and they submit.
3:114 They believe in God and the Last Day
and enjoin what is fitting
and forbid what is wrong
and compete in Good works
these are among the Righteous.
3:115 And what they do of Good
will never go unappreciated
for God Embraces those of Wise Fear.
3:116 But those who are deceived their wealth and their children will avail them nothing against God.
These are the companions of the Fire
wherein they abide Eternally.
3:117 The parable of how they spend in the life of this world is like that of a wind wherein biting cold
befell the crops of a people who wronged their souls
and destroyed them. Spending for God safeguards your crop/soul.
God wronged them not
they wronged themselves.
3:118 O you who believe take not close friends other than your own believing brethren!
Others will stop at nothing to ruin you
for they love that you should suffer.
Their hatred is clearly illustrated from their mouths
and what their hearts hide is even greater.
We have made these verses clear if you use reason.
3:119 Lo and behold!
You Adamites are Imbued With Love for all From God
but degenerate inhuman imposters love you not.
And you can see and believe in all Gods’ Revelations
while when they meet you they must lie to say:
We believe.
Then when they are alone they bite their fingertips in rage against you.
So say: Die in your rage!
Truly God Knows what is in all hearts.
3:120 And when Good touches you it vexes them
while if hardship befalls you they are glad.
But if you are patient with Wise Fear their plans will never harm you.
For God Encompasses All, He Knows what they do.
3:121 And when thou went early from thy people to assign the believers their stations for battle.
God Was The All Hearing, All Knowing.
3:122 When two groups among you were about to lose heart
God Was their Ally
yea let the believers place all their trust in God.
3:123 And God Gave you Muslims Victory in your first battle at Badr while you were humiliated in spirit.
So be in Wise Fear of God
that you too might be grateful for it One Day.
3:124 When thou did say to the believers:
Is it not sufficient for you that your Lord Will Send three thousand angels to secure you?
3:125 Yea! If you endure patiently in Wise Fear
and enemies come upon you suddenly
your Lord Will Reinforce you with five thousand angels sweeping on!
3:126 And God Sent This Quran only as Glad Tidings for you and that your hearts might be reassured thereby.
Know there is no help other than God
The Almighty, The Wise.
3:127 That He Might Cut Off a part of the deceived
or Suppress them so they turn back disappointed.
3:128 No concern is it of yours whether He Turns Towards them in Forgiveness or Punishment
for they are wrongdoers.
3:129 To God Belongs Everything in the Heavens and Earth.
He Forgives whom He Wills and Punishes whom He Wills
and God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
3:130 O you who believe do not consume usury!
Yea doubling
and redoubling.
Just be in Wise Fear of God
that you might be Truly Successful.
3:131 Be in Wise Fear of the Fire prepared for fools.
3:132 Obey God and the messenger
that you might obtain His Mercy.
3:133 And vie with one another for Forgiveness From your Lord
seeking a Garden which depths are as the Heavens and the Earth
prepared for those of Wise Fear.
3:134 Be of those who spend for God both while in prosperity and in adversity
those who control themselves
and are forgiving towards others.
Yea God Loves the doers of Good.
3:135 And those who when they commit sexual immorality or wrong their souls remember God
and ask forgiveness for their transgressions.
For who forgives transgressions besides God?
And then persist not in what they were doing
while they know.
3:136 These their Reward is Forgiveness From their Lord and Gardens beneath which rivers flow
and they will live Eternally therein.
Yea excellent is the Reward for those who try.
3:137 Many examples of Gods’ Wrath have come and gone before you
so travel in the land
and see the final outcomes of the deniers.
3:138 This is a manifest fact for mankind
and Guidance
and a Warning for those of Wise Fear.
3:139 And faint not nor grieve
for you will be the superior ones if you are believers.
3:140 And know if injuries touch you
there has touched others injuries the like thereof.
These are the days
We cause to alternate among mankind
both that God Might Know those who believe
and Take witnesses among you.
For God loves not the wrongdoers.
3:141 And that God Might Refine those who believe
so as to Eliminate the fools.
3:142 Or did you think that all would enter the Garden
without God Identifying those who strove
and were faithful?
3:143 And surely all have wished for death before meeting it
but some find it inconveniently while going about!
3:144 And Mohamet is only a messenger
like all messengers come and gone before him.
So if he died or was slain would you turn back on your heels from faith?
If so those who did so do no harm to God at all.
And God Will Reward the steadfast and grateful.
3:145 And it is not for a soul to die except
at an appointed time
by Gods’ Permission.
And whoever works for the reward of this world
We give them thereof.
And whoever works for the Reward of the Hereafter
We give them thereof.
Yea We will Reward the grateful.
3:146 And alongside how many a prophet have there fought many stoutly devout monotheists!
They do not faint at anything that befalls them for the Cause Of God.
Yea they do not weaken
and they do not yield
and God Loves such faithful ones.
3:147 And their word is only that they say:
Our Lord Forgive us our transgressions
and our excesses in our affair
and Make our feet firm
and Help us against fools!
3:148 So God Gives them the rewards of this world
and the Fairest Reward of the Hereafter
for God Loves the doers of Good.
3:149 O you who believe if you hearken to others who are deceived they will drive you back on your heels
and you will turn back as losers.
3:150 The Truth is God Is your Protector
and He Is The Best of protectors.
3:151 We will cast terrors into the hearts of the deceived
those who serve anything other than God
all of that for which no warrant has been sent down.
Their habitation is the Fire
and miserable is that Dwelling for wrongdoers.
3:152 And God Remained True in His Promise to you
when you decimated the enemy by His Permission
until you lost heart and disputed concerning the affair
and rebelled after He Had Shown you the spoils of war.
Yea among you are those who work for this world
and among you are those who work for the Hereafter.
And He Turned the latter away from the former that He Might Try you alone. Thus being abandoned by fools is a gift!
Yea and in that He Has Pardoned you.
For God Is Bountiful of His Grace towards the believers.
3:153 When you mounted up to flee from battle
while the messenger was calling you from the rear.
He Will Repay you with grief for that grief so you might regret the spoils and the Ultimate Triumph gained from fighting for God that eluded you.
Recall that God Is Aware of Everything you do.
3:154 Then He Sent Down Security upon you after distress.
Yea it was Calm Slumber for some of you
while others worried their souls assuming about God other than the Truth.
Yea assumptions of ignorance
saying: Have we not any say in our affair?
Say: All Affairs Belong To God.
They hide within themselves what they do not reveal to thee saying:
Had we say in this affair we would not be slain here!
Say: Even had you been secure in your houses those destined to die would die.
It is only that God Might Try what is in all hearts
and that He Might Refine what is in some hearts.
Hence God Knows what is to be found in the hearts!
3:155 And those who turned back among you the day the two companies believers vs. disbelievers met at Uhud.
The degenerate inhuman imposters caused them to slip up and lose some Good of what they earned.
But God Pardoned these
for God Is Forgiving, Forbearing.
3:156 O you who believe
be not like the deceived who say of their brethren who traveled through the land or fought for God:
Had they stayed behind safe like us they would not have been beaten or killed!
God Will Make that into a serious regret in their hearts
for God Gives Life
and Death
and God Sees Everything you do.
3:157 And if you are injured or die for the Cause Of God
know that ultimately Pardon From God and His Mercy are Far Better than what any can amass.
3:158 And regardless if you die in battle or at home
all will be gathered to God.
3:159 And it is by the Mercy Of God thou are gentle to them
had thou been coarse and stern they would have disbanded from round about thee.
So pardon them and ask thou Forgiveness for them
and take counsel with them in the affair.
And when thou makes a decision
place all thy trust in God.
Yea God Loves those who place all their trust in Him.
3:160 If God Helps you
none can defeat you.
But if He Abandons you
who is there who can help you after Him?
Yea let the believers place all their trust in God.
3:161 And no prophet should defraud his brethren
for whoever defrauds will come with what he defrauded on the Day of Resurrection.
Then every soul will be paid in full for what it earned
and they will not be wronged.
3:162 Is then one who seeks the Pleasure Of God like one who incurs Wrath From God whose habitation is Hell?
Lo how miserable is their Journeys’ End!
3:163 And know there are levels With God 2 in Heaven and 7 in Hell
and remember God Sees Everything you do.
3:164 God Has Shown Grace to the believers in Raising Up a Messenger among themselves
reciting to them His Proofs
and increasing them in God Consciousness
and teaching them what is written with Wisdom.
These know they were in obvious error before.
3:165 Yet when a misfortune struck you
after you caused double thereof to the enemy
you say: From whence is this?
Say: Lo you had brought it upon yourselves some way
just remember God Is Powerful Over All Things.
3:166 And what befell you the day two companies met was by Gods’ Permission that He Might Purify the believers
3:167 and that He Might Trap the hypocrites.
It was said to them: Come fight for the Cause Of God!
They said: Had we known there would be fighting we would have prepared to help you.
They were nearer to denial that day than to Faith
saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts.
Yea God Is The One Most Aware of what they conceal.
3:168 Those who stayed behind said:
Had they listened to us they would not be dead.
Say: Avert death permanently if you be guided!
3:169 And do not think those killed for the Cause Of God are dead.
The Truth is they are living With their Lord receiving His Provision right now.
3:170 They are joyful over What God Has Bestowed Upon them of His Bounty
and rejoicing for those behind yet to join them. Think about this eternal existence already being experienced by some.
Yea that they need not fear
nor will they regret.
3:171 They rejoice in Grace and Bounty From God
and know God will not forget to Compensate the ones who believe.
3:172 Those who respond to God and the messenger after injury befalls them.
Yea for those of them who do Good and were in Wise Fear is a Tremendous Reward.
3:173 Those to whom disbelievers say:
The people have gathered against you
so be afraid of them!
But instead it increases them in faith and they say:
God Is Quite Sufficient for us
for He Is Excellent As our Guardian.
3:174 Then they return with Grace and Bounty From God
for evil cannot touch them when they seek the
Contentment Of God
and God Is The One Possessor of Beautiful Grace.
3:175 It is only the degenerate inhuman imposters and their jinn fathers who seek to put fear in you
so fear them not.
Yea fear Me Alone if you be believers!
3:176 And do not be grieved by those in denial
for they cannot harm thee nor God at all.
Hence God Wills no portion for them in the Hereafter.
They only have a Horrifying Punishment.
3:177 Does one not know that those who bought ingratitude at the price of belief will never harm God at all?
Yea these have a Painful Punishment!
3:178 And do not let disbelievers think the indulgences of success, power, fame, money, real estate, children, livestock, etc. that We grant to them are good for them.
We only indulge them that they might increase in sin!
And then they will have a Humiliating Punishment.
3:179 God will not leave believers to temptations which most incline hence He Refines the Good from the bad.
And God will not Inform any of the unseen except
one of His Messengers whom He Wills. Al-Mahdi
So believe in God and His Messengers!
Then if indeed you do believe and are in Wise Fear
for you is an Immense Reward!
3:180 And do not let those who are miserly with what
God Gives them of His Bounty think it benefits them.
The Truth is it is a misery for them
yea hung around their necks will be that with which they were miserly
on the Day of Resurrection.
And To God Belongs the Inheritance of Everything in the Heavens and Earth.
And God Is Aware of Everything you do!
3:181 God Has Heard the blasphemy of those who say:
God is poor and we are rich.
We record what they say and recall their seeking to kill the prophets without cause.
So We say: Taste the Punishment of Consuming Fire!
3:182 All because of what your hands sent before you
and because God is not unjust to the servants.
3:183 Some say: God Has Charged us that we do not believe any messenger unless they bring fire from the sky.
Say: There came to you messengers before me with such Clear Evidence of what you say
so why then did your kind seek to kill them?
Respond if you be Truthful.
3:184 And if they reject thee
the messengers before thee were rejected.
For they too came with Clear Evidence as it is written in the scrolls of Illuminating Testaments.
3:185 Yea every soul will taste death
and your dues will be paid in full on the Day of Resurrection.
And whoever is averted from the Fire and made to enter the Garden
these have attained Triumph!
For the life of this world is only the enjoyment of a massive illusion. Avatar and Matrix!
3:186 You will be tried in your wealth and yourselves
and you will hear much hindrance from the polytheists and those in possession of the Torah.
But if you are patient and remain in Wise Fear
then indeed those are among the matters of determination. of whether people go to hell or not
3:187 God Took an agreement with those in possession of the Torah saying:
You are to make this of Gods’ Revelations clear to mankind and not conceal it.
Instead they hid it behind their backs and sold it for a cheap price Talmudic jews have sold billions of bogus bible translations.
so loathing and misery is what they buy!
3:188 Unreasonable are those who crow about what they receive of good fortunes and love to be praised for what they really have not done.
Assume they are in safety from the Punishment?
Nay. For them is Painful Punishment!
3:189 For Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth Belong To God
and God Is Powerful Over All Things.
3:190 There are Proofs in the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth and the alternation of night and day for those possessed of insight.
3:191 Blessed are those who remember God either standing or sitting or on their sides
reflecting upon Creation of the Heavens and the Earth saying:
Our Lord did not Create this in vain
so Glory Be Unto Thee!
Please Protect us from the Punishment of the Fire!
3:192 Our Lord whomever Thou Causes to enter the Fire Thou Has Covered in shame
and there are no protectors for wrongdoers.
3:193 O Lord we heard a summoner calling to faith saying:
Believe in your Lord!
And we have believed.
Please Forgive us our transgressions
and Remove our evil from us
to Gather us with the virtuous.
3:194 Our Lord Give us what Thou Has Promised us via Thy Messengers
and do not humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection.
Thou will not break Thy Solemn Declaration!
3:195 And their Lord Responds to them:
I forget not the actions of any that works among you male or female.
You are alike
those who emigrate or are expelled from their homes
or otherwise hindered in My Cause
fighting or getting killed.
I Will Absolve their evils from them
and Make them Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow
as Reward from the Presence Of your God.
And for certain about God
the Best of Rewards are With Him.
3:196 Let not the frivolous going to and fro in the land of those who disbelieve dishearten thee.
3:197 A little enjoyment
then their habitation is Hell
and miserable is that Eternal Prison.
3:198 But those in Wise Fear of their Lord
they have Gardens beneath which rivers flow
abiding Eternally therein
as a Welcoming Gift From God.
What is With God is Best for the virtuous.
3:199 Among the people of the Torah are some believers
in both what was sent down to you
and what was sent down before. previous scriptures
These are humble towards God
and they do not sell the Revelations Of God for money.
So they have their Reward With God
and He Is Swift In Reckoning.
3:200 O you who believe be patient.
Yea vie in patience
and be constant
and be in Wise Fear of God
so that you might succeed.
Chapter 4. The Women, an-Nisa’
4.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
4:1 O mankind be in Wise Fear of your Lord Who Created you from a single soul
and Created from it its mate
and Scattered from them many men and women.
So be in Wise Fear of God
through Whom you demand rights of one another and the wombs
the rights of blood relations.
God Is Over you Watching.
NOTE: Some of the following liner notes concerning the Laws in this chapter are taken from For this one again we see ultimate equality between men and women as well as an even deeper tie to one and other as a genetic race. We may find that “single soul” describes a sort of program placed in the DNA/genomes of each living species from bacteria to insects, animals, humans, jinn and hybrid degenerates. This explains “instincts” and how tiny species of creatures such as ants, bees and even bacteria can conduct highly complex, often “perfect” works with unchanging repetition and precision across the ages. To go a step deeper, one might consider that each time he or she goes against our God Given Instincts, we thereby wrong or “sin against” our souls/programs which makes them impure thereby necessitating vanquish and destruction, aka death & Hell.
4:2 Give the fatherless their property
and exchange not the good property of theirs for the bad of yours
nor consume their property into your property
that is a great misdeed.
4:3 If you fear you cannot act justly by the orphan
marry what pleases you of the women
or three
or four. Here we have a new limitation whereas before was none.
But if you fear you cannot provide and act justly in multiples then one
or what you possess rightfully. indebted servants/slaves
That is more likely that you will do no injustice.
4:4 And give the women their dowries as a free gift.
But if they remit to you anything of it voluntarily
then consume it with ease and pleasure.
4:5 And give not the mentally deficient your wealth which God Gave you as sustenance
but feed them and clothe them out of it
and speak to them a fitting Word. help and respect them
4:6 And test the orphans
until they have reached age for marriage.
If you find them to be of sound mind
deliver their property to them.
And teach them not to consume it excessively nor hastily before they get older.
And they that are rich
show them to use restraint.
And they that are poor
let them take according to what is fitting.
And when you deliver their property to them
take witnesses over it
then Quite Sufficient Is God As Reckoner.
4:7 To men belongs a share of what parents and close relatives leave
and to women belongs a share of what parents and close relatives leave
from what is little or much
a share apportioned.
Apportioned means shares which are “fairly considered”. i.e. If one child was rich while another remained poor, maybe more to the poor one. If one is mentally ill, his/her portion to his/her guardian and etc. Fair, well deliberated distributions.
4:8 And when there are close relatives and the fatherless and the poor present at the dissemination
give to them therefrom
and speak a fitting Word to them.
ALWAYS give to and respect those in need which would obviously include monies from windfall inheritances. This also goes some distance in healing relations amongst those of differing levels of wealth.
4:9 And let executors empathize as one would for their disadvantaged offspring.
Let them be in Wise Fear of God
and speak an appropriate word.
4:10 Those who consume the wealth of the fatherless unjustly only consume the Fire into their bellies
yea and they will burn in that Hellish Inferno.
4:11 God Charges you concerning your children
for the male the like of the portion of two females
This is the first general rule in connection with inheritance, viz., that the share of the male should be double that of the female. Since Islamic law imposes greater financial obligations on men in respect of family life and relieves women of a number of such obligations, justice demands that a woman’s share in inheritance should be less than that of a man.
but if there be women above two
for them two thirds of what he left
The same applies in the case where there are two daughters. If the deceased leaves only daughters, and if there are two or more daughters then they will receive two-thirds of the inheritance and the remaining one-third will go to the other heirs. But if the deceased has only one son there is a consensus among jurists that in the absence of other heirs he is entitled to all the property and if the deceased has other heirs, he is entitled to the property left after their shares have been distributed.
and if she be one
for her the half.
And for his parents
for each one of them one sixth of what he left if he have a child
If the deceased leaves issue each of his parents will receive one-sixth of the inheritance irrespective of whether the issue consists either only of daughters, only of sons, of both sons and daughters, of just one son or just one daughter. The remaining two-thirds will be distributed among the rest of the heirs.
then if he have not a child and there inherit from him his parents.
For his mother one third
If there are no other heirs than the parents, the remaining two-thirds will go to the share of the father; otherwise the two-thirds will be distributed between the father and other heirs.
but if he have brothers or sisters
for his mother one sixth.
In the case where the deceased also has brothers and sisters the share of the mother will be one-sixth rather than one-third. In this case the sixth that was deducted from the share of the mother will be added to that of the father, for in this circumstance the father’s obligations are heavier. It should be noted that if the parents of the deceased are alive, the brothers and sisters will not be entitled to any share in the inheritance.
This after any bequest he enjoins or any debt.
The mention of bequest precedes the mention of debt, and although not everyone be encumbered with debt it is possible that anyone could make a bequest to any recipient. [a maximum of 1/3rd total for such bequests] If the deceased owes a debt [applies only to individuals not govts, corporations or other “named groups”] and also leaves a bequest, the debt will first be paid out of the inheritance, and only then will his bequest be fulfilled.
Because your parents and your children
you know not which of them is nearer to you in benefit
do so as an Obligation From God.
God Is Knowing, Wise.
4:12 And for you half of what your wives left if they have not a child
but if they have a child
for you one fourth of what they left.
After a bequest they have made or debt
and for them one fourth of what you left if you have not a child
but if you have a child
for them one eighth of what you left.
Whether a man has one wife or several wives the share of the wife/wives is one-eighth of the inheritance when the deceased has issue, and one-fourth when he has no issue. The share of the wives, whether one-fourth or one-eighth, will be distributed equally.
After a bequest you have made or debt
and if a man or a woman be inherited without issue but have a brother or sister
for each of them one sixth.
But if they be more than that
they are partners in one third.
The remaining five-sixths or two-thirds of the inheritance goes to the legal heirs, if any. Where there are no legal heirs, the person concerned is entitled to make a bequest with regard to the remaining part of the inheritance. Commentators are agreed that the sisters and brothers mentioned here mean half-brothers and half-sisters, i.e. those who have kinship with the deceased on the mother’s side. Injunctions affecting full brothers and sisters, and half-brothers and half-sisters on the father’s side are mentioned below near the end of this surah.
This is after any bequest which is bequeathed or any debt without being one who presses the heirs.
This speaks of bequests which cause injury which entail depriving deserving kin of their legitimate rights. Similarly, the debt which causes injury is the fake debt which one falsely admits to owing, and any other device to which one resorts merely in order to deprive the rightful heirs of their shares in inheritance. This kind of injury has been declared to be a major sin in Mohamets’ tradition. According to another tradition the Prophet said that even if a man worked all his life, like the men of Paradise, yet ended his life’s record by making a wrongful bequest, he would be consigned to Hell. [Ibn Kathir, vol. 2, p. 218.] Such an act of deliberate injury and calculated effort designed to deprive people of their due rights is always a sin, but it is mentioned By God particularly in the case of “kalalah”. [the person who leaves behind neither parents nor descendants] The reason for this seems to be that a man who has neither issue nor parents is often prone to squander his property and somehow prevent his distant relatives from receiving any share in the inheritance.
This is the Enjoinment From God.
And God Is Knowing, Forbearing.
4:13 Yea those are the Limits Of God.
And whoever obeys God and His Messenger
He Will Make Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow
and they will live Eternally therein
and that is the Tremendous Achievement.
Gods’ Knowledge is referred to here for 2 reasons. First, to stress that if a one violates Gods’ Law they will not be able to escape from the Grip Of God, for He Is Omniscient. Second, to emphasize that the shares in inheritance fixed By God are absolutely sound, for God Knows better than His Creatures where their True interests lie. Reference is also made to Gods’ Forbearance. This is in order to point out that harshness could not characterize the Laws Laid Down By God in respect of inheritance since He Himself is not harsh. On the contrary, the aim of ALL of Gods’ Laws is to prevent people suffering hardship, oppression and injustice.
4:14 And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger and transgresses His Limits these He Will Make Enter a Fire
abiding Eternally therein.
So for them is a Humiliating Punishment for Eternity.
This is a terrifying verse in which those who either tamper with Gods’ Laws of inheritance or violate the legal bounds categorically Laid Down By God in His Book are warned of Unending Punishment. Unfortunately, in spite of these very stern warnings, Muslims have occasionally been guilty of breaching Gods’ Laws with the same boldness and insolence as that of the jews and christians. Disobedience to Gods’ Law of inheritance has been considered as open rebellion against Him. In some instances, women have been disinherited altogether. In others, the eldest son has been declared the only legal heir. There are also instances where the entire system of inheritance distribution has been replaced by the system of joint family property. In still other instances, the shares of women have been made equal to those of men. In our time a few Muslim states, in imitation of the West, even contrived a new form of disobedience. This consists of imposing death duties so that govts and corps too, become one of the heirs of the deceased, an heir whose share God Had Altogether Chose not to mention! (Govts and corps are not entities. You should give nothing to or for nothings!)
4:15 And those who commit sexual immorality from among your women
call four from among you to witness against them.
Then if they bear witness
keep them at home until death takes them
or God Makes Another Way for them.
4:16 And those who commit it among you
penalize them.
But if they then repent and make things Right
let them be.
God Is Receptive, Merciful.
In the last two verses the first, preliminary directives for penalty of unlawful sexual intercourse are stated. The 1st deals with wives. The penalty was to confine them at home for the rest of their lives or until God Intervened with some other option. The second verse relates to both sexes. The injunction lays down that they should be punished – that is, they should be beaten or lashed and publicly reproached. These penalties for unlawful sexual intercourse as well as those for slanderous accusations of unchastity against women and for theft were laid down in their definitive form and served as the basis of detailed penal code which was indeed enforced by Mohamet.
4:17 Upon God is but Acceptance of repentance from those who do evil in ignorance then repent before dying.
And these are they towards whom God Turns in Forgiveness
and God Is Knowing, Wise.
This refers to those who error due to no real fault of their own which happens to everyone until they become aware of Gods’ Laws and Teachings. At that point is when one may repent and gain Forgiveness From God for such previous errors.
4:18 But Acceptance of repentance is not for those who were still doing evil
when death has come to them
then they say: I repent now.
Again we see the importance of our state at the time of death. It is too late then to ask for Forgiveness or search for the Wisdom required for salvation. Now is the ONLY time!
Nor is it for those who die as nontheists and polytheists
for all these We have prepared a Painful Punishment.
4:19 O you who believe
it is not Lawful for you to inherit from women against their will
nor shall you put constraint upon them that you might take away a part of what you gave them
unless they commit manifest sexual immorality.
And live with them in kindness.
But if you dislike them
it may be that you dislike a thing that God Makes Therein Much Good.
4:20 And if you wish to replace one wife with another and you have given one of them a fortune
take not from it anything.
Would you take it by false accusations to harm her reputation while being in clear sin?
4:21 How can you take it after you have laid intimately with one and other
and they have taken from you a solemn promise?
4:22 And marry not women your fathers married
for it is sexual immoral abomination and an evil way.
4:23 Forbidden to you are your mothers
and your daughters
and your sisters
and your paternal aunts
and your maternal aunts
and the daughters of a brother
and the daughters of a sister
and your milk mothers
and your foster sisters
and the mothers of your wives
and your step daughters under your protection from your wives unto whom you have gone in.
And if you have gone not in unto them
then there is no wrong upon you.
And the wives of your sons of your loins
and that you bring two sisters together
unless it be from the past.
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
4:24 And no other women except what you possess rightfully.
These Prescriptions Of God are over you
but Lawful to you is what is beyond that
if you seek wedlock with your wealth while chaste not being licentious.
So what you desire thereof among them
give them their bridal due as dowry.
And there is no wrong upon you in everything you do by mutual agreement after the obligation.
God Is Knowing, Wise.
4:25 And whoever among you not able to afford to marry free believing women
then from what you possess rightfully of believing maidens.
And God Knows Best all your beliefs.
You are alike
so marry them with the permission of their people
and give them their rewards according to what is fitting they being chaste and not licentious nor taking secret lovers to themselves.
And if while in wedlock
they commit sexual immorality
upon them is half the penalty what is due the freewomen.
These rules of marriage are for those among you who may otherwise commit indecencies
but that you abstain would be better for you.
God Is The Forgiving, The Merciful.
4:26 God Desires to Make Things Clear and Guide you to the ways of those who were before you and to Turn Towards you with Mercy.
For God Is Knowing, Wise.
4:27 And God Desires To Show you His Mercy
but those following their vain lusts desire for you to turn against God in serious deviation.
4:28 Yea God Desires To Make Life Lighter for you
because He Knows the flesh is weak.
4:29 O you who believe do not consume your wealth among yourselves unjustly
or other than ways in mutual consent and beneficial trade.
And do not commit suicide
God Is Merciful to you.
4:30 Whoever does injustice out of deep seated dislike
We will burn them in the Fire
and that is Easy For God.
4:31 And if you avoid the greater of sins you are forbidden
We will remove your lessor ones and make yours a Noble Entrance.
4:32 And covet not what God Has Given some of you over others.
For men is a share of what they earn
and for women is a share of what they earn.
Therefore ask God of His Bounty
God Is Knower of All Things.
4:33 And for each have We appointed heirs to what parents and close relatives leave.
And with whom you have contracts
give them their share.
God Is Witness Over All Things.
4:34 Men are protectors of wives because God Has Bestowed Advantages upon them
and they spend of their wealth in marriage.
And the women in accord with morality are devoutly dutiful protectors of Trusts Endowed to them By God.
And women from whom you fear haughtiness
advise them
then abandon their beds and go away from them.
And then if they obey you
seek not a way against them. Forgive.
God Is Exalted, Great.
4:35 And if you fear a split between a couple
raise up an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family
and if they desire to make things Right God Will Reconcile them.
God Is Knowing, Aware.
4:36 And serve God
and ascribe not a partnership with Him to anything.
And show Good conduct towards parents
and towards close relatives
and the fatherless
and the poor
and the neighbor who is kin
and the companion by your side
and the wayfarer
and those whom you possess rightfully.
God loves not the proud or boastful.
4:37 Indeed those who are stingy and enjoin miserliness upon mankind
or hide what God Has Bestowed upon them of His Bounty
We have prepared for these
a Humiliating Punishment.
4:38 Yea Hell is for those who spend their wealth to be seen of others while not believing in God or the Last Day.
And those who take degenerate inhuman imposters as companions
for evil are they as companions to Adamites.
4:39 And how would it harm anyone to have believed in
God and the Last Day
and to spend for God of What God Has Provided them?
Yea God Knows them.
4:40 God wrongs not even the weight of an atom
and if there be any Good He Multiplies it and Gives of Himself an Immense Reward.
4:41 Then how will it be when We bring a witness from every community
and We bring thee out as a witness against yours?
4:42 On that Day the disbelievers and those who opposed the messengers will wish they were long dead in the ground!
And they will not conceal anything from God.
4:43 O you who believe approach not the Prayers when you are intoxicated until you understand what you say
nor when you are unclean.
And if while on a journey
or if you are ill
or are unclean from defecating
or laying together
and you cannot find water
to cleanse yourself
resort to clean soil
and wipe your faces and your hands with it.
God Is Pardoning, Forgiving.
4:44 Has thou seen those adhering only to portions of Our Revelations of their choosing?
O how they purchase error and seek that you stray from the Way.
4:45 And God Knows Best your enemies
for Quite Sufficient Is God As your Ally
and Quite Sufficient Is God As your Protector.
4:46 Some talmudists twist words from their places
saying: We hear and we oppose.
And: Hear thou other than what is said.
And: Comply thou with us!
Twisting their tongues and slandering Gods’ Way
while it would be better had they simply said:
We hear and we obey!
And: Come thou and examine us!
Yea it would have been best for them to be upright.
But God Cursed them for their denial
so they do not believe except a few.
4:47 O those in possession of the Torah
believe in what We have now sent down confirming it
before We erase nations and bring them to an end
while cursed as We cursed the companions of the sabbath.
Hence the Command Of God is carried out.
4:48 God forgives not wrong worship i.e of je-zeus or amen-rah nor idolatry but He Forgives other than that as He Wills.
So whoever glorifies other than God
has invented a grave falsehood.
4:49 Has thou not seen those who claim purity of
themselves in falseness?
The Truth is God Increases in Purity whom He Wills
and none will be wronged the hair of a date seed.
4:50 Look how they invent lies about God!
That suffices as clear sin.
4:51 Has thou considered the error of those who adhere to only certain parts of Scripture?
Yea and they believe in fictions and idols
then they say:
We are better guided in the Way than others.
4:52 These are whom God Has Cursed
and whom God Has Cursed
thou will not find any protector for them.
4:53 And if they had a Portion of Gods’ Dominion
they would not give so much as a groove of a date seed worth.
4:54 Nay they envy others for what God Gave of His Bounty!
We gave the house of Abraham the Truth and Wisdom
and a sublime dominion.
4:55 And among them are those who believe in it
and among them are those who abandon it
and Hell suffices for their Blaze.
4:56 We will burn those who deny Our Proofs in the Fire
and when their skins are consumed We will change them for new skins so they taste the Punishment again. Because they know once sub-dermal nerves are burnt pain is no longer felt! God Is Mighty, Wise.
4:57 But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
We will make them Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow
they abiding Eternally therein forever.
For them are Goodly purified friends therein
and We made for them plenteous protective shade.
4:58 God Commands you that you give back trusts to the people
and when you judge that you judge with justice
and excellent is that to which God Encourages you.
God Is The All Hearing, All Seeing.
4:59 O you who believe obey God and obey the messenger and those believers in command among you.
Then if you differ in anything
refer it to God and the messenger if you believe in God and the Last Day.
Yea it will be a Good
and better interpretation of what is Right.
4:60 Has thou not considered those who falsely claim to believe in what is sent down to thee this Quran
and what was sent down before? Vedic and Biblical texts
They seek judgement and advice from jinn the false gods whom they have been warned about.
Yea they and their degenerate inhuman imposters desire to lead Adamites far astray.
4:61 And when it is said to them: Come hear What God Has Sent Down to His Messenger
thou will see the hypocrites utterly abandon thee.
4:62 How will it be when misfortune befalls them because of what their hands have sent before them?
Then they will come to thee swearing by God:
We intended only Good conduct and success!
4:63 God Knows the evils in their hearts
so turn away from them
but do warn them with the Righteous warning
and speak to them the Penetrating Word concerning their souls!
4:64 We never sent a messenger not to be obeyed per Gods’ Command.
And after wronging their souls had they come to their messenger seeking Forgiveness Of God
who then asked of Forgiveness for them
they would have found God Receptive, Merciful.
4:65 But nay by thy Lord!
Until they allow you to judge in disputes between them know they are not sincere.
Then they will find no distress over what thou decides thereby resigning themselves to full submission.
4:66 And had We decreed for them:
Kill yourselves or go forth from your homes!
Only a few would have done it.
But had they done it it would have been better for them and a stronger confirmation. Of their faith.
4:67 For then We would have given them great rewards from Ourselves
4:68 starting with Guiding them to the Straight Path.
4:69 Yea whoever obeys God and the messenger
they are with those to whom God Has Shown Favor;
the prophets
and those of justice
and the witnesses
and the moral.
Goodly are these believers as company.
4:70 That is the Bounty From God
and God Is Sufficient As Knower.
4:71 O you who believe take your precautions
then advance to fight in bands or advance altogether.
4:72 And among you are those who delay
then if misfortune befalls you say:
God Was Gracious to me for I was not with them.
4:73 And if Bounty From God comes to you they say as if there were no love between you and them:
I should have been better incited to be included
for then I too would have success!
4:74 So only let those who offer up the life of this world for the Hereafter fight for the Cause Of God.
And whoever fights for the Cause Of God
be they killed or victorious
upon these We will bestow a Sublime Reward. Rev 14:13 Blessed are the dead which die for The Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.
4:75 And why should you not fight for the Cause Of God
and for the oppressed among the men and the women and the children who say:
Our Lord take us out of this city whose people are wrongdoers
and give us helpers from Thyself
and give us protectors from Thyself.
4:76 Yea those who believe fight for the Cause Of God
and those who disbelieve
fight for the cause of foolishness.
So fight the degenerate inhuman imposters and their allies
for their plan and the plans of the talmudic jews are weak.
4:77 Has thou not considered those to whom it was said:
Restrain your hands
and uphold the Prayer
and be conscious of Gods’ Presence.
But when fighting is ordained some among them fear mankind as they should only fear God
that being the strongest fear!
Yea and they plead: Our Lord why Has Thou Ordained fighting for us?
Oh that Thou Would Only Delay all this for some time!
Say: Little is the enjoyment of this world
the Hereafter will be better for those of Wise Fear
and none will be wronged in the least.
4:78 Yea and wherever you are death will overtake you
even if you be in castles built high.
And if Good befalls them they say: This is From God.
But if hardship befalls them they say: This is from thee.
Say: All is Of God.
Lo what ails these people
who understand nearly nothing you say?
4:79 Say: In Truth what befalls thee of Good
is From God
and what befalls thee of bad
is from oneself.
Yea We sent thee to humanity as a messenger
and Quite Sufficient Is God As Witness.
4:80 Whoever obeys the messenger
they have obeyed God
and whoever turns away
We sent thee not as a custodian over them.
4:81 And they talk obedience
but when they go forth from thee a number among them plan by night other than what thou commands
and God Records what they plan.
So turn thou away from them and place all thy trust in God
for God Is Unparalleled As your Guardian.
4:82 Will they not then consider the Quran with care?
For had it been from other than God they would find herein much contradiction but there is none. Zero!
4:83 And when a matter of security or something to fear comes to them they spread panic.
But had they referred it to the messenger or believers in authority among them
then they surely would have found who draws the sound conclusions.
And were it not for the Bounty Of God and His Mercy upon you
all but a few of you would have followed the degenerate inhuman imposter.
4:84 So fight thou for the Cause Of God and know
thou are not responsible for other than thyself.
But rouse the believers
for it may be that God Will Restrain the might of those who disbelieve.
And God Is Strongest In Might
and Strongest In Staunch Punishment.
4:85 Whoever intercedes in a Good cause has a share thereof
and whoever intercedes in an evil cause has a share thereof.
And God Is The Giver of Sustenance Over All Things.
4:86 And when you are greeted with a greeting
greet with better than it
or return it. i.e. “greetings” or “salâm” {peace} and “salamun ‘alaykum” {peace be upon you} instead of “HELLo”, “Hi …Hitler”, Good MOURNing etc.
God Takes Account of All Things.
4:87 God
there is no god but He.
He Will Gather you all to the Day of Resurrection whereof there is no doubt
and who is more Truthful than God in promises?
4:88 Why should you be divided concerning the hypocrites when God Turned them Back for what they earned?
Do you seek to guide those whom God Sent Astray?
Yea those whom God Sends Astray
for them thou will not find a way.
4:89 In hatred they wish you would deny as they deny
so you might be equals.
So take no protectors among them until they emigrate for the Cause Of God leaving comforts behind.
Then if they revert to enmity
take them and kill them wherever you find them.
And take none among them as an ally or protector.
4:90 The exceptions are for those with whom is an agreement with you
or those who come to you from a group in between reluctant in their hearts from fighting you or fighting their people.
And know had God Willed He Could Have Given them Power Over you
then they would have fought you.
So if they leave you alone and offer you peace
then God makes no way for you against them.
4:91 You will also find those uninvolved desiring safety from you and safety from their people.
Generally whenever these kind are tempted telepathically by their jinn or in person by DIIs to evils they succumb and fail.
So if they do not withdraw from you nor propose to surrender while posing a threat
overtake them and kill them wherever you can
for against such We give you Clear Warrant.
4:92 It is not for a believer to kill a believer except in error.
For whoever killed a believer in error
the freeing of a Good slave and blood money 100 camels, 200 oxen or 2,000 cattle or market value delivered to their family
unless they forgive by way of charity. this burden is upon the killers’ immediate family as well
But if they were a believer of a people hostile to you
only the freeing of a Good slave.
And if they were of people with an agreement to you
blood money delivered to their family
and the freeing of a Good slave.
And whoever has not the wherewithal
a fast of two months consecutively
as repentance to God
and God Is Knowing, Wise.
4:93 And whoever kills a believer intentionally
their Reward is Hell
abiding Eternally therein
for God Is Wroth with them and Has Cursed them
and Prepared a Horrifying Punishment for them.
4:94 O you who believe when you go forth to fight for the Cause Of God
verify. that your foes are really foes
And say not to one who offers you peace:
Thou are not a believer.
For that justifies not spoils in life of this world for you.
Only With God are Great Gains
and remember thus you were a nonbeliever before
but God Was Gracious to you.
So verify.
God Is Aware of Everything you do.
4:95 Not equal are those among the believers who sit without risk or injury
and those who strive for the Cause Of God with their property and their lives.
God Favors those who strive with their property and their lives to vast degrees over those who sit.
Yea while God Promises Good to all believers
He Will Favor those who strive over those who sit with a Greater Reward.
4:96 Yea Degrees are From Him
as are Forgiveness and Mercy
truly God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
4:97 Those who wrong their souls due to being overly tempted by sinful surroundings will be gathered by the angels who will ask: In what condition were you?
Their poor excuse: We were oppressed in the evil land.
They will say: Was Gods’ Earth not spacious enough that you could have emigrated away from the evil?
These their habitation is Hell
and miserable is it as Journeys’ End.
4:98 Excepting the truly oppressed among the men and the women and the children
without means to emigrate
or having no way out.
4:99 These it may be that God Will Pardon
yea God Is Pardoning, Forgiving.
4:100 And whoever emigrates for the Cause Of God will find much refuge and abundance in the Earth.
And whoever leaves their house to emigrate for God and His Messenger then death overtakes them
their Reward is With God
and God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
4:101 And when you are travelling in the Earth
then you do no wrong to cut short some of the Prayers
if you fear that those fools who disbelieve will gain the upper hand on you while you Pray.
They truly are clear enemies to you.
4:102 So in order to uphold the Prayer when thou are near them
let there stand a number with thee
each taking up his arms.
Then when some have submitted let them stand guard behind you
and let another number come that has not performed the Prayer
to let them Pray with thee.
Yea let them take their precautions and their arms
for disbelievers long for you to neglect your arms and your equipment
so they might assault you in a single assault.
But you do no wrong if there be a hindrance to you from rain
or you be sick
or are forced to lay aside your arms.
Just take your precautions
while knowing God Has Prepared a Humiliating Punishment for the fools.
4:103 And when you have concluded dutiful Prayer
continue to remember God standing or sitting and upon your sides. In whatever state always remember God.
Whenever you are able to do so
uphold Abrahams’ Prayer the 7 short verses of chapter 1
for the Remembrance is upon believers. at sunrise, midday, afternoon, sunset and in the night. Remembering God ALWAYS is the goal.
4:104 And do not relent in seeking the enemy
for if you are suffering the pains of warfare
then they suffer even as you suffer
but you hope for From God That for which they have no hope!
And God Is Knowing, Wise.
4:105 We have sent down what is written in Truth to thee to judge between others by What God Has Shown thee
yea and plead not for traitors.
4:106 And seek thou Forgiveness Of God
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
4:107 And do not argue on behalf of those who are dishonest among themselves.
God loves not the false nor the treacherous.
4:108 They seek to hide from people
but they cannot hide from God
for He Is With them when they plan by night what is displeasing to Him.
Yea God Encompasses what they do.
4:109 Elsewise here you are
pleading for them in the life of this world
but who will plead with God for them on the
Day of Resurrection?
Yea who will be their guardian then?
4:110 Whoever wrongs their soul then seeks Pardon Of God finds God Forgiving, Merciful.
4:111 But whoever sins and is unrepentant
truly wrongs against their own soul
for God Is Knowing, Wise.
4:112 And whoever commits an error or falsehood
then blames it on an innocent
has burdened themselves with slander and obvious sin.
4:113 Were it not for the Bounty Of God and His Mercy upon thee a number of them would have led thee astray.
Instead they only lead themselves astray
and they harm thee not at all.
God Sent Down upon thee the Truth and Wisdom
and Taught thee what thou knew not.
And the Grace Of God towards thee is Immeasurable.
4:114 There is no Good in most of their secret meetings
except those in attendance who seek charity or kindness and Right ordering among mankind.
And whoever does that seeking the Good Pleasure Of God
We will bestow upon them an Immense Reward.
4:115 And whoever is hostile towards the messenger after the Guidance is made clear to them
and follows other than the way of monotheism
We will turn to them with like of that which they chose
and burn them in Hell.
And miserable is that as a Journeys’ End!
4:116 Indeed God does not pardon worship of others
but He Pardons other than that what He Wills.
So whoever is found glorifying other than God Alone
they have strayed far astray.
4:117 They worship other than Him female gods
worshipping like the degenerate inhuman imposter.
4:118 God Cursed them via the biblical curse of their father lucifer/iblis
so the degenerate inhuman imposter said: I will take of Thy Servants an appointed share
4:119 and I will lead them astray
arousing sinful desires in them
commanding them to cut the ears of docile livestock
and to change the Creation Of God. Same as lucifer promised!
And whoever takes the degenerate inhuman imposter for ally instead of God
they have suffered clear defeat. “defeat” as if we’re at war, yep!
4:120 The degenerate inhuman imposter arouses sinful desires in humans and promises only deceptions. These DIIs are often your favorite actors, musicians, reporters, politicians, priests, friends, etc.
4:121 And those deceived by them their habitation is Hell
and they will find no refuge therefrom.
4:122 But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
We will make them enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow
and they will live Eternally therein.
This Promise Of God is True
and who is more reliable than God in promises?
4:123 Yea it is not your wishes nor the promises of talmudic jews to be fulfilled
whoever does evil will be recompensed and will not find any ally nor protector besides God.
4:124 But whoever does deeds of Righteousness whether male or female and is a monotheist
these enter the Garden
and they will not be wronged as much as a speck on a date seed.
4:125 And who is better in doctrine than one who submits their face to God
and is a doer of Good
and follows the creed of Abraham
a monotheist inclining to Truth?
Yea God Took Abraham as a friend. Can you imagine!?
4:126 And To God Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth
and God Encompasses All Things.
4:127 And when they ask thee for a ruling concerning women
say: God Gives you the Ruling concerning them
and what is recited concerning the fatherless women
to whom you give not what is ordained for them when you desire to marry them.
And concerning the oppressed children
that you stand up justly for them and the orphans.
Whatever Good you do
God Knows it!
4:128 And if a woman fears oppression or desertion from her husband
they do no wrong if they right things themselves in peaceful reconciliation
for doing the Right Thing is better.
And remember souls are swayed by greed
but if you do Good and are in Wise Fear
know God Is Aware of Everything you do.
4:129 And you will not be able to deal equally between wives even though you try
but turn not entirely away leaving one as if suspended.
And if you reconcile doing Right and are in Wise Fear of God
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
4:130 But if they part God Will Enrich each out of His Abundance
and God Is Encompassing, Wise.
4:131 Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Belongs To God.
And We charged those in possession of the Torah before you
and you yourselves
that you be in Wise Fear of God.
And if you deny
Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Still Belongs To God.
Yea God Is Free From need, Praiseworthy.
4:132 Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Belongs To God
and God Is Unparalleled as Guardian.
4:133 O mankind if He Wills He Will Remove you
then He Will Bring Forth replacements
for God Has Power Over That too.
4:134 Whoever desires reward for Good deeds in this world
With God are Rewards of this world and the Hereafter!
God Is The All Hearing, All Seeing, Forever Watching.
4:135 O you who believe!
Stand out firmly for justice as witnesses for God
even if it be against
yourselves or your parents
or your kin and whether
it be against rich or poor
for God Can Best Protect All.
So follow not vain desire lest you be unjust
and if you distort or evade remember
God Is Aware Of Everything you do.
4:136 O you who believe
believe in God and His Messengers
and this Truth He Sent Down Upon His Messenger
and the Scriptures He Sent Down before.
Whoever denies God
His Angels
His Commandments
His Messengers
or the Last Day
has strayed far astray.
4:137 Those who believe
then deny
then believe
then deny
they only increase in denial
for God has not pardoned them
nor guided them to the Way.
4:138 Bear thou tidings to the hypocrites that they have a Painful Punishment.
4:139 And those who take the fools as protectors rather than the believers
do they seek greatness from them?
Greatness Belongs To God Alone.
4:140 And He Has Sent Down Upon you herein that when you hear the Proofs Of God rejected and mocked
sit not with them unless they talk on a worthy subject
or you will become like them.
Then truly God Will Gather the hypocrites and such fools into Hell one and all.
4:141 Those who watch and wait
then if Victory From God comes for you they say:
Have we not been with you?
And if there are spoils the fools will say:
Have we not earned your affection by defending you against the believers?
But God Will Be Judge of all on the Day of Resurrection
and God does not leave any way against the believers for fools.
4:142 Truly the hypocrites seek to deceive God
so He Deceives them.
Yea then when they come to the Prayers they come to be seen of others
and do not remember God but a little.
4:143 Wavering in between
neither towards these nor towards those.
Yea like all whom God Causes To Go Astray
thou will never find a way for them.
4:144 O you who believe do not take fools as protectors instead of believers.
Why would you give God a Clear Warrant against you?
4:145 Hypocrites are in the lowest depth of the Fire
and thou will find no protector for them.
4:146 But those who repent
and do Right
and hold fast to God
and are sincere in their Doctrine to God
these are with the believers
and God Will Give them all an Immense Reward.
4:147 For what has God to accomplish with your Punishment if you are grateful and believe?
Nay. God Is Grateful, Knowing.
4:148 And God loves not the open recounting of evils except as testimony by one whom was wronged.
Recall God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
This is speaking of the unnecessary retelling of disgusting evils which end up only to serve as conduits to turn peoples minds towards error due to making the sins seem common or popular. (i.e. stories of incest, rape, abuse, drugs, cheating, theft, fraud and etc. negative subjects. It’s all satanic propaganda intentionally used by DIIs and jews to corrupt humanity.)
4:149 Yea better is if you reveal Good
and veil the evil
while practicing forgiveness.
Remember how God Is Pardoning, yet All Powerful?
4:150 Those who are ungrateful to God and His Messengers and wish to make a hierarchy between His Messengers say:
We believe in some and deny some
and they wish to choose a way in between.
4:151 But those are the foolish
and for fools We have prepared
a Humiliating Punishment.
4:152 While those who believe in God and all His Messengers
and do not make a hierarchy between them
God Will Give these their Rewards
and God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
4:153 The talmudic jews ask thee to bring down a new scripture from the sky upon them
and they asked a greater thing of Moses than that
when they said: Show us God openly.
So the thunderbolt seized them for their insolence
then they took up the calf after that Clear Evidence had come to them.
Yet We pardoned even that
but then We gave Moses a Clear Warrant.
4:154 And We lifted mount Sinai above them to make them agree
and We said to them: Enter the door in submission
and transgress not the sabbath
yea We forced from them these solemn promises.
4:155 Then because of their violation of their agreement
and their denial of the Proofs Of God
and seeking to kill the prophets without cause
and their saying: Our hearts are already full of wisdom.
Nay! The Truth is God Set a Seal Upon them for their ingratitude
so now they cannot believe except a few.
4:156 And because of their denials
and speaking against Mary to harm her reputation
4:157 and their claiming:
We killed the anointed one Yeshua son of Mary
yea the Messenger Of God we killed him!
But they did not kill him nor even lash or crucify him
rather only an illusion was presented for them
and truly many are in doubt thereof.
They have no real knowledge only conjecture but they did not kill him and in this all can have total certainty.
Once again the Quran confirms the truth in previous scriptures this time EXCELLENTLY! The Gospel of Barnabas tells the whole story; Chapter 216: judas entered impetuously before all into the chamber whence Jesus had been taken up. And the disciples were sleeping. Whereupon the Wonderful God Acted Wonderfully, insomuch that judas was so changed in speech and in face to be like Jesus that we believed him to be Jesus. And he, having awakened us, was seeking where the master was. Whereupon we marveled, and answered: ‘You, lord, are our master; have you now forgotten us?’ And he, smiling, said: ‘Now are you foolish, that know not me to be judas Iscariot!’ And as he was saying this the soldiery entered, and laid their hands upon judas, because he was in every way like Jesus. We having heard judas’ saying, and seeing the multitude of soldiers, fled as beside ourselves. And John, who was wrapped in a linen cloth, awoke and fled, and when a soldier seized him by the linen cloth he left the linen cloth and fled naked. For God Heard the Prayer of Jesus, and saved the eleven from evil. The soldiers took judas and bound him, not without derision. For he truthfully denied that he was Jesus; and the soldiers, mocking him, said: ‘Sir, fear not, for we are come to make you king of Israel, and we have bound you because we know that you refuse the kingdom.’ judas answered: ‘Now have you lost your senses! You are come to take Jesus of Nazareth; with arms and lanterns as [against] a robber; and you have bound me that have guided you, to make me king!’ Then the soldiers lost their patience, and with blows and kicks they began to flout judas, and they led him with fury into Jerusalem. John and Peter followed the soldiers afar off and they affirmed to him who writes that they saw all the examination that was made of judas by the high priest, and by the council of the Pharisees, who were assembled to put Jesus to death. Whereupon judas spoke many words of madness, insomuch that every one was filled with laughter, believing that he was really Jesus, and that for fear of death he was feigning madness. Whereupon the scribes bound his eyes with a bandage, and mocking him said; ‘Jesus, prophet of the Nazarenes (for so they called them who believed in Jesus) ‘tell us, who was it that smote you?’ And they buffeted him and spat in his face. When it was morning there assembled the great council of scribes and elders of the people and the high priest with the pharisees sought false witness against judas, believing him to be Jesus, and they found not that which they sought. And why say I that the chief priests believed judas to be Jesus? No all the disciples, with him who writes, believed it and more, the poor virgin mother of Jesus, with his kinsfolk and friends, believed it, insomuch that the sorrow of every one was incredible. As God Lives, he who writes forgot all that Jesus had said: how that he should be taken up from the world, (hence why tons of people saw him until the 3rd day when God Took him up) and that he should suffer in a third person, (as the son of man in Mat 17:22) and that he should not die until near the end of the world. (Mat 16:28) Wherefore he went with the mother of Jesus and with John to the cross. The high priest caused judas to be brought before him bound, and asked him of his disciples and his doctrine. Whereupon judas, as though beside himself, answered nothing to the point. The high priest then adjured him by the Living God of Israel that he would tell him the truth. judas answered: ‘I have told you that I am judas Iscariot, who promised to give into your hands Jesus the Nazarene; and you, by what are I know not, are beside yourselves, for you will have it by every means that I am Jesus.’ The high priest answered: ‘O perverse seducer, you have deceived all Israel, beginning from Galilee; even to Jerusalem here, with your doctrine and false miracles and now think you to flee the merited punishment that befits you by feigning to be mad? As God Lives,’ you shall not escape it!’ And having said this he commanded His Servants to smite him with buffetings and kicks, so that his understanding might come back into his head. The derision which he then suffered at the hands of the high priest’s servants is past belief. For they zealously devised new inventions to give pleasure to the council. So they attired him as a juggler, and so treated him with hands and feet that it would have moved even the canaanites to compassion if they had beheld that sight. But the chief priests and pharisees and elders of the people had their hearts so exasperated against Jesus that, believing judas to be really Jesus, they took delight in seeing him so treated. Afterwards they led him bound to the governor, who secretly loved Jesus. Whereupon he, thinking that judas was Jesus, made him enter into his chamber, and spoke to him, asking him for what cause the chief priests and the people had given him into his hands. judas answered ‘If I tell you the truth, you will not believe me for perhaps you are deceived as the (chief) priests and the pharisees are deceived.’ The governor answered (thinking that he wished to speak concerning the Law) ‘Now know you not that I am not a jew? But the (chief) priests and the elders of your people have given you into my hand, wherefore tell us the truth, wherefore I may do what is just. For I have power to set you free and to put you to death.’ judas answered ‘Sir, believe me, if you put me to death, you shall do a great wrong, for you shall slay an innocent person; seeing that I am judas Iscariot, and not Jesus, who is a magician, and by such has so transformed me.’ When he heard this the governor marveled greatly, so that he sought to set him at liberty. The governor therefore went out, and smiling said: ‘In the one case, at least, this man is not worthy of death, but rather of compassion.’ ‘This man says,’ said the governor, ‘that he is not Jesus, but a certain judas who guided the soldiery to take Jesus, and he says that Jesus the Galilean has by his magic so transformed him. Wherefore, if this be True, it were a great wrong to kill him, seeing that he were innocent. But if he is Jesus and denies that he is, assuredly he has lost his understanding, and it were impious to slay a madman.’ Then the chief priests and elders of the people, with the scribes and pharisees, cried out with shouts, saying: “He is Jesus of Nazareth” for we know him; for if he were not the malefactor we would not have given him into your hands. Nor is he mad; but rather malignant, for with this device he seeks to escape from our hands, and the sedition that he would stir up if he should escape would be worse than the former.’ Pilate (of such was the governor’s name) in order to rid himself of such a case, said: ‘He is a Galilean, and Herod is king of Galilee: wherefore it pertains not to me to judge such a case, so take you him to herod.’ Accordingly, they led judas to herod, who of a long time had desired that Jesus should go to his house. But Jesus had never been willing to go to his house, because herod was a non-Israelite and adored the false and lying gods, living after the manner of the unclean jews. Now when judas had been led thither, herod asked him of many things, to which judas gave answers not to the purpose, denying that he was Jesus. Then herod mocked him, with all his court, and caused him to be clad in white as the fools are clad” and sent him back to Pilate, saying to him; “Do not fail in justice to the people of Israel!’ * And this herod wrote, because the chief priests and scribes and the pharisees had given him a good quantity of money. The governor having heard that this was so from a servant of herod, in order that he also might gain some money, feigned that he desired to set judas at liberty. Whereupon he caused him to be scourged by his slaves, who were paid by the scribes to slay him. But God, Who Had Decreed the issue, Reserved judas for the cross, in order that he might suffer that horrible death to which he had sold another. He did not suffer judas to die under the scourges, notwithstanding that the soldiers scourged him so grievously that his body rained blood. Thereupon, in mockery they clad him in an old purple garment saying: ‘It is fitting to our new king to clothe him and crown him’ so they gathered thorns and made a crown, like those of gold and precious stones which kings wear on their heads. And this crown of thorns they placed upon judas’ head, putting in his hand a reed for sceptre, and they made him sit in a high place. And the soldiers came before him, bowing down in mockery, saluting him as king of the jews. And they held out their hands to receive gifts, such as new kings are accustomed to give; and receiving nothing they smote judas, saying: ‘Now, how are you crowned, foolish king, if you will not pay your soldiers and servants?’ The chief priests with the scribes and pharisees, seeing that judas died not by the scourges, and fearing lest Pilate should set him at liberty, made a gift of money to the governor, who having received it gave judas to the scribes and pharisees as guilty to death. Whereupon they condemned two robbers with him to the death of the cross. So they led him to Mount Calvary, where they used to hang malefactors, and there they crucified him naked, for the greater ignominy. judas truly did nothing else but cry out: ‘God, why have you forsaken me, seeing the malefactor has escaped and I die unjustly?’ Truly I say that the voice, the face, and the person of judas were so like to Jesus, that his disciples and believers entirely believed that he was Jesus; wherefore some departed from the doctrine of Jesus, believing that Jesus had been a false prophet, and that by magic he had done the miracles which he did: for Jesus had said that he should not die till near the end of the world; but at that time he should be taken away from the world. (Which is exactly what God Did! Do you now choose to believe Yeshuas’ very own words or not?) But they that stood firm in the doctrine of Jesus were so encompassed with sorrow, seeing him die who was entirely like to Jesus, that they remembered not what Jesus had said. And so in company with the mother of Jesus they went to Mount Calvary, and were not only present at the death of judas, weeping continually, but by means of Nicodemus and Joseph of Abarimathia; they obtained from the governor the body of judas to bury it. Whereupon, they took him down from the cross with such weeping as assuredly no one would believe, and buried him in the new sepulchre of Joseph; having wrapped him up in an hundred pounds of precious ointments.
4:158 The Truth is God Rescued Yeshua by Raising him towards Himself in Heaven 3 days after judas was crucified
and God Is Mighty, Wise. So he’s not dead just as he himself said!
4:159 And there is no talmudist that will believe on Yeshua before they die
but on the Day of Resurrection he himself will bear witness against them!
4:160 So because of injustice among those who hold to talmudism
We made unlawful to them Good things which before had been Lawful to them
and because of their forsaking the Path Of God much.
4:161 And for their taking of usury when they had been forbidden it
yea their consuming the wealth of others in vanity.
We have prepared a Painful Punishment for such fools.
4:162 But those established in knowledge
they believe in What is sent down to thee
and What was sent down before thee
as do the upholders of the Prayer
those who are conscious of Gods’ Constant Presence
who believe in God and the Last Day.
We will give an Immense Reward to these.
4:163 We instruct thee as We instructed Noah and the prophets after him.
Yea as We instructed Abraham and Ishmael and
Isaac and Jacob and the grandsons
and Yeshua and Job and Jonah and
Aaron and Solomon
and We gave David the Psalms.
4:164 And other messengers We informed thee of before
and messengers We have not informed thee of.
And of all God Only Spoke to Moses Directly.
4:165 Messengers are bearers of Glad Tidings and Warnings
so others might have no doubts about
God after they are sent.
God Is Mighty, Wise.
4:166 And God Bears Witness to What He Sent Down to thee as He Has Sent It Down With His Knowledge
and the angels bear witness
but God Is Unparalleled As Witness.
4:167 And those who disbelieve and hinder others from the Path Of God have strayed far into error.
4:168 Yea those who disbelieve and do wrong
God has not forgiven them
nor will He guide them back to the Way.
4:169 They only guide themselves on the road to Hell
where they will abide Eternally therein forever
and that is Easy For God.
4:170 O mankind the messenger has brought you the Truth From your Lord
so believe for it is better for you.
But if you deny
Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Still Belongs To God.
Remember God Is Knowing, Wise.
4:171 O christians do not exceed bounds in your doctrine
nor ascribe to God other than the Truth.
Say only that the anointed one Yeshua son of Mary was a Messenger Of God.
He came with Gods’ Word which he first conveyed to Mary through His Spirit From Him.
So believe in God and His Messengers
and do not say: Trinity.
Nay. Desist!
That is best for you
for God Is The One God
and how utterly remote the thought that He Would Have a human son!
Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Belongs To Him.
God Is Unparalleled As Sole Guardian of the universe.
4:172 Never was an anointed one too proud to serve God
nor the angels who He Will Bring Nearest to Himself.
For whosever disdains service to Him or is proud
He Will Gather them to Him one and all.
4:173 Then as for those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
He Will Give them their Rewards in full and Increase them out of His Bounty.
But again as for those who disdain and are proud
He Will Punish them with a Painful Punishment.
They will not find for themselves any ally nor protector besides God.
4:174 O mankind now Evidence has come to you From your Lord
yea We have sent down a Clear Light to you within this Quran.
4:175 As for those who believe in God and hold fast to Him
He Will Make them enter into Mercy and Bounty From Him
and He Guides them to Him by a Straight Path.
4:176 They ask thee for a ruling
say: God Gives you the Ruling concerning those who die without heirs
if a man perish without a child but have a sister
for her a half of what he left.
And he inherits from her if she has no child.
Then if there are two females
for them two thirds of what he left.
And if they are brethren
men and women
for the male is the like of the females.
Thus God Makes Clear to you lest you go astray
for God Knows All Things.
Chapter 5. The Food, al-Ma’idah
5.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
5:1 O you who believe fulfill your agreements.
Made generally Lawful for you was merciful stewardship over flocks of grazing animals and it is now recited to you:
No unnecessary hunting during your pilgrimage of life
and God Ordains What He Wishes.
5:2 O you who believe profane not the Waymarks Of God
nor the sacred month of Ramadan
nor the sacrifices of selflessness
nor the visitor bound to the Kaaba seeking the Favor and Pleasure Of their Lord.
But when you are on a journey unexpectedly facing starvation
then you may hunt.
And let not hatred of a people who once kept you from the Kaaba move you to be unjust. Bakr clan in pre-Islam days
And assist each other to virtue and God Consciousness not to falsehood and deep seated dislike.
And be in Wise Fear of God
for God Is Severe In Retribution.
5:3 A key verse! Forbidden to you are murdered animals
and blood
and the flesh of swine
and that dedicated to other than God
and the strangled
and the beaten
and the fallen
and the gored
and that eaten by the beast of prey except remains of what you slaughtered Lawfully.
And that killed upon an altar
and that sought with divining arrows
for all of those are of grave disobedience.
This day those who disbelieve will have
gave up hope because of your way of life they’ll realize how evil they are
so do not fear them only fear Me.
Yea this day I Have Perfected your doctrine for you.
I Have Completed My Favor upon you by sanctioning peace with all living souls as your religion.
And let it comfort you that whoever is forced by hunger without inclination to kill in sin
God Is Forgiving, Merciful to them.
5:4 They ask thee what is made Lawful for them
say: Made Lawful for you are Good things.
And what you taught of dogs and swine to find
as trainers teaching them of what God Taught you
eat of what they find for you i.e. tubers, roots, bulbs, fungi etc.
and remember the Name Of God over it.
And always be in Wise Fear of God
for God Is Swift In Reckoning.
5:5 This day are Good things made Lawful for you
like the food of the people of the Torah is Lawful for you see and/or Truth #3A for the complete dietary picture
and your food is Lawful for them
as are the chaste women among the believing women
and the chaste women among those in possession of the Torah before you.
When you give them their dowries
being chaste and not lewd
nor taking secret lovers.
But whoever denies faith
their work has been in vain
and they will be among the losers in the Hereafter.
5:6 O you who believe
when you come to the Prayer be considerate of others
wash your faces
and your hands to the elbows
and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles
and if you are unclean purify yourselves.
And if you are ill
or on a journey
or after defecating
or you have lain with each other
and cannot find water
resort to clean soil
and rub your faces and your hands with it.
God does not wish to place difficulty upon you
He Wishes you self respect and good repute to Embellish His Care upon you
that you might be grateful.
5:7 And remember the Divine Blessing Of God upon you
and His Solemn Promise that He Made as covenant with you by it when you said:
We hear and we obey.
And be in Wise Fear of God
truly God Knows what is in the hearts.
5:8 O you who believe! Be staunch and fair witnesses to God
do not let past hatred of a people make you act in sin.
Always do justice for that is nearer
to God Consciousness.
Just be in Wise Fear of God
He Who Is Aware of Everything you do.
5:9 And God Has Promised those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness they have His Forgiveness and an Immense Reward.
5:10 But those who disbelieve and deny Our Proofs
those will be the companions of Hellfire!
5:11 O you who believe
remember the Grace Of God towards you when a people set out to put their hands against you
and He Restrained them from you.
So be in Wise Fear of God
and let the believers place all their trust in God.
5:12 God Took an agreement from the children of Israel.
We raised up those twelve elders.
God Said: I Will Always Be With you and your progeny
if you uphold the Prayer
and remain conscious of My Presence
and believe in My Messengers
and support them
and lend to Me a Goodly loan of yourselves.
Then I Will Remove your evil from you and Make you Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow.
And whoever among you denies after that has strayed from the Right Way.
5:13 And because of their violation of their agreement We curse them and make their hearts hard.
They changed Gods’ Words out of context
and forget portions of what they were reminded therein.
And thou will always find treachery among all
but a few of them.
So forget them and forbear while knowing
that God Loves the doers of Good.
5:14 And from those who say:
We are christians.
Yea We took their agreement
but then they disregarded some of what Yeshua taught them. i.e. the 44 verses in the intro herein that say not to worship him!
So We aroused deep seated dislike and hatred between them till the Day of Resurrection. Think about how divided and hateful christians are, most often to each other!
Then God Will Inform them of what they wrought!
5:15 And O talmudic jews
Our messenger has come to you announcing much of what you hid and overlooked of the Torah
so now there has come to you Light From God in this Clear Decree.
5:16 God Guides thereby those who seek His Good Pleasure in His Peaceful Ways.
He Brings them out of darkness into the Light by His Permission
and He Guides them to a Straight Path.
5:17 But denied have those who say:
God is the anointed one son of Mary.
Say: Who has power over God if He Should Wish to Eliminate Yeshua
and his mother
and everyone on the Earth altogether?
Yea To God Belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth
and what is between them
for He Creates and Eliminates what He Wills.
Know God Is Powerful Over All Things.
5:18 Yet still the talmudic jews and the christians say:
We are the children of God and are His beloved.
Say: Why then is He Going To Severely Punish you in Hell for your transgressions?
Nay! You are not inhuman of His
you are mortals among His Numerable Creations
and He Forgives whom He Wills and Punishes whom He Wills.
For To God Belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth
and to Him is the Journeys’ End.
5:19 O talmudic jews
after a long span without a messenger one now comes to you so you cannot say:
No reminder who bore Glad Tidings or gave Warnings came to us.
Indeed a bearer of Glad Tidings and Dire Warnings has now come reminding you again
that God Is Powerful Over All Things.
5:20 And when Moses said to his people: O my people remember the Grace Of God towards you
when He Rose Up prophets and kings among you
and Gave To you What He had not given to any among all mankind.
5:21 O my people take over the Holy Land which God Has Ordained for you
and cease not taking or you will turn back as losers.
5:22 They said: O Moses there are giant nephilim peoples therein and we cannot enter it until they are gone.
Yea if they go out therefrom
then we will enter.
This verse is one of only two that mention the giants/nephilim herein but the number of mentions matters not because the Quran is without question the most authentic scripture on Earth. So, if it says something, anything, even only once, it is fact. Now God Knew the vast majority of people would be totally deceived by the DIIs and their jews on this subject. They are who have controlled information from all the archeological finds around the world. They have silenced unknown scores of people who found out. Indeed this Quran for Christians goes where other authors don’t dare to go out of fear of assassination. But thanks to Almighty Gods’ Obvious Oversight of this writing, it’s no concern to us. Enjoy the truth!
Are ALL of these pics real??? It doesn’t matter! They’re just eye candy for the soul on a subject that is 100% backed up by God in this and all the other veritable Scriptures Given to us By God across the millennia!
Giants were/are real. And here you have the only Book of its kind created specifically to provide the facts and help needed for you to connect the dots that prove it!
5:23 But then two men among them whom
God Had Guided Caleb and Joshua said:
Nay do not fear! the giants Enter upon them by the gate
for when you enter by it then you will be victorious
yea and place all your trust in God if you be believers.
5:24 They said: O Moses we cannot enter it ever so long as they remain therein
so go thou with thy Lord and fight while we sit here.
5:25 Said he: My Lord I have no power except over myself and my brother
so Note Thou the distinction between us and the wantonly disobedient people.
5:26 God Said: Then the land shall be forbidden to them
and for forty years they shall wander the wilderness.
But grieve thou not for the wantonly disobedient people.
5:27 And recite thou to them the report of the
sons of Adam Cain and Able in Truth
when they offered their offerings to Me
but only one Was Accepted By Me. Ables’ grain offering.
Then the disgraced one said to the other: I will kill thee
and he replied: God Accepts from those of Wise Fear.
5:28 So if thou stretch out thy hand to kill me
it will not be that I stretched out my hand to kill thee
for I fear God, The Lord of the Worlds.
5:29 Indeed I prefer to die for God and for thee to bear my sins and thy sins with the companions of the Fire
that is the Reward of the wrongdoers.
5:30 Then his jinn enraged him to murder his brother
so he bludgeoned him with a stone
and sealed his fate as one of the losers
forever condemned for murdering a believer.
5:31 Then God Raised Up a raven scratching at the dirt showing him how to hide the dead body of his brother but he could not
and cried: Woe is me! I am not able to be as this raven and hide my shame of this my dead brother.
And he regretted being enraged by his jinn.
5:32 For that cause We decreed for the children of Israel
that whoever intentionally takes a life other than for a life
or for spreading corruption in the Earth
it will be as if they killed all mankind.
But whoever saves life
it will be as if he gave life to all mankind.
And Our Messengers continually came to them with Clear Proofs
but fools remain committers of excess in the Earth.
5:33 Hence the penalty for those who oppose
God and His Messenger
and spread corruption in the Earth is that they be stoned to death
or they be crucified
or their hands and feet be cut off on alternate sides
or they be banished from the land
assuring they have degradation in this world.
Then in the Hereafter is their Horrifying Punishment.
5:34 But for those who repent before you have power over them
know that God Is The Forgiving, The Merciful.
5:35 O you who believe be in Wise Fear of God and seek the best means of approach to Him
yea strive in His Way
that you might be successful.
5:36 But those who disbelieve
were they to have all the treasures in the Earth
and the like thereof in double
to ransom them from the Punishment on the
Day of Resurrection
it would not be accepted from them.
Nay. They have a Painful Punishment.
5:37 They will forever long to escape the Fire
but they will not escape no not ever
for they have earned Eternal Punishment.
5:38 Yea the male thief
and the female thief
cut off their hands as a penalty for what they have earned
as an Exemplary Punishment From God.
And God Is Mighty, Wise.
5:39 But whoever repents after their crimes and do Right
God Will Relent towards them
because God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
5:40 Does thou not know that the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth Belongs To God?
He Correctly Punishes whom He Wills and Forgives whom He Wills
for God Is Powerful Over All Things.
5:41 O messenger do not let those who are quick to deny grieve thee
nor those who say: We believe
when it is only with their mouths
and do not believe in their hearts.
Among the talmudic jews are eager listeners to lies
who hearken to other people instead of thee.
Those who twist words from their context saying:
If it is from what has been written before take it i.e. the Vedas, Torah, Psalms, etc. but if it is new to you beware.
And whom God Wishes To Test
thou will not have sway over these against God at all
nor those whose hearts God has not chosen to purify.
They have degradation in this world
and a horrendous existence in the Hereafter.
5:42 Those eager listeners to lies
and hearty consumers of illicit gain.
If they come to thee troubled
judge thou between them
or turn thou away from them.
For if thou turn away from them
they will not harm thee at all.
But if thou choose to judge
do so between them with equity
because God Loves the equitable.
5:43 But question why they come to thee for judgement when they have the Torah wherein are Judgements Of God then they turn away after that?
These are not believers.
5:44 We sent down Guidance and Light in the Torah
and the prophets give judgement thereby over all believers as well as those who held to talmudism and the priests
and the religious scholars who took charge of what is written and were witnesses thereto.
Then do not fear mankind but fear Me
and do not sell My Revelations for a cheap price.
And whoever does not judge by What God Sent Down
those are the fools.
5:45 We ordained Laws for all such as
the life for the life
the eye for the eye
the nose for the nose
the ear for the ear
the tooth for the tooth
yea for all damages just requital.
But whoever forgives it by way of charity
it is an atonement for them.
And whoever does not judge by What God Sent Down
those are the wrongdoers.
5:46 And We sent Yeshua son of Mary following hard upon them confirming that within his grasp of the Torah.
Then We gave him the Gospels of Guidance and Light
confirming what was before him in the Torah
all as lessons and warnings to those of Wise Fear.
5:47 And let the people of the Gospels judge by What God Sent Down therein
and whoever does not judge by What God Sent Down
these are the wantonly disobedient.
5:48 Yea God Sent Down the Torah and the Gospels as Guidance for the people.
Then He Sent Down this Quran to Confirm those Scriptures and as a solidifying criterion over them.
So judge thou between them by What God Sent Down
and follow thou not their vain desires away from what has come to thee of the Truth.
For each nation We appointed ordinances and procedures.
If God Had Willed He Could Have Made you one nation
but that He Might Test you with What He Gave you.
So all of you vie in Good deeds
and Unto God you will return
then He Will Inform you of what actually matters surrounding all of that which you differ.
5:49 Only judge between them by What God Has Sent Down
and do not follow their vain desires
and beware of them lest they seduce thee away from some Guidance God Has Sent Down to thee.
And if some turn away
know thou that it is because God Intends it for their transgressions
for many among mankind are wantonly disobedient.
5:50 For is it the judgement of ignorance they seek?
And who is better than God In Judgement for people seeking certainty?
5:51 O you who believe do not take the
talmudic jews nor the judeo christians as protectors
for they are partners of one another
and whoever takes them as protectors among you
they become of them.
And God does not guide the wrong doing people.
5:52 Thou sees them in whose hearts is sickness with doubt and hypocrisy seeking safety in numbers thinking:
Without each other defeat may light on us all! And:
If only God Would Bring Victory to us.
But their wishes and relations are in vain.
5:53 And those who believe will see the christians and jews
who swore their strongest oaths by God to serve the Right Way but did not.
So their works and faith were in vain
and they become losers. Usually from being deceived by degenerate inhuman imposters.
5:54 O you who believe
whoever among you turns back upon Gods’ Doctrine
God Will Replace you with a people whom He Loves and who love Him.
Those who are humble towards believers
and stern towards fools
striving for the Cause Of God
and fearing not the reproach of a critic.
God Gives His Bounty to whom He Wills
and be sure God Encompasses, Knowing All.
5:55 Your protectors are only God and His Messenger
and those who believe.
Yea those who uphold the Prayer
and remain conscious of Gods’ Presence
and are humble.
5:56 And whoever takes God and His Messenger and those who believe as allies
these are the Party Of God and they are Victorious.
5:57 Yea O you who believe
do not take polytheists or nontheists as protectors who make mockery and fun of your doctrine even though
they possess what was written before.
Be in Wise Fear of God if you are believers.
5:58 Lo when you call to the Prayer they make mockery and fun of it because they are a people who cannot reason.
5:59 Say O talmudic jews:
Do you resent us because we believe in God and What was sent down to us and What was sent down before
while most of you are wantonly disobedient?
5:60 Say: Shall I inform you of the Worst Recompense From God in this world?
It is for whom God Cursed
those with whom He Was Wroth and Made them act as apes and swine.
Those who worshipped falsely.
These are worst in standing and far astray from the Way.
5:61 And still they come to you claiming
they believe.
But truly they come in denial
and they will leave in denial
because God Knows Best what they try to hide.
5:62 And thou sees many of them as if competing with one another in falsehood and deep seated dislike while oppressing and killing to consume the forbidden. meats
Lo. Pure evil is what they do.
5:63 Oh that the rabbis and the religious scholars had only forbidden their speaking of falsehoods and their wanton cruelty to the innocent. animals and people
Lo. Pure evil is what they wrought for themselves!
5:64 And the degenerate inhuman imposters will tell the talmudic jews and the christians
that the Hand Of God is fettered while
fettered are their hands
so cursed are they no matter what they do!
The Truth is Gods’ Hands Are Spread Wide
and He Spends How He Wills
often in exorbitance to increase denial
that is What Was Sent Down to these From thy Lord.
And We have cast among them deep seated dislike of each other until the Day of Resurrection.
So often they lit a fire of war and God Extinguished it
and they strive in the land for corruption
but God loves not the workers of corruption.
5:65 Had the talmudic fools believed and been in Wise Fear
We would have removed their evil from them
and made them enter the Gardens of Bliss.
5:66 Yea had they upheld the Torah and the Gospels of Yeshua and other Revelations Sent Down to them From their Lord
they would have eaten from fruits above and veggies below them for Eternity.
And while among them is a prudent community
evil is what most of them do.
5:67 O messenger convey what was sent down to thee From thy Lord
for if thou do not
thou will not have conveyed His Message.
And remember God Will Protect thee from others
they have no way against you for God does not help the fools.
5:68 O talmudic jews
you have nothing to stand upon until you
uphold the Torah and the Gospels both confirmed now by this Quran Sent Down to you From your Lord.
But see how it increases them in disorder and denial?
So grieve thou not for the fools.
5:69 Truly all those who believe
and hold firmly to monotheism
among the sabaeans
and the christians
and whoever else believes in God and the Last Day and heeds Gods’ Laws while doing works of Righteousness
they need not fear
nor will they regret.
5:70 But see how We took an agreement with the children of Israel and sent messengers to them
then when they did not like some of the messages
they rejected and even sought to kill the messengers!
5:71 All because they assumed that this is not a test
and chose to be in darkness unhearing.
Then God Turned Towards them in Forgiveness
but again many of them chose darkness unhearing
so God Sees what they do.
5:72 Those who say: God is the anointed one son of Mary
while all the anointed ones including the son of Mary himself said: O children of Israel serve only God
my Lord and your Lord.
For whoever serves other than God
God Has Forbidden in the Garden
so their habitation is Hellfire
and for the wrongdoers there are no protectors.
5:73 And they are lost who say: God is a third of three
while there is no god but YHWH The One God.
A Painful Punishment will touch those who do not desist from this saying!
5:74 Will they then not turn to God and seek Forgiveness From Him?
Yea God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
5:75 The anointed one son of Mary was only a messenger
like the messengers come and gone before him
and his mother was a woman of Truth
both of whom ate food. unlike God and angels
So see how We make the Proofs clear to them
then see thou how they delude themselves.
5:76 They serve those who have no power over anything
while God He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
5:77 And say: O talmudic jews do not follow doctrines other than Truth
nor the vain desires of peoples who strayed before those whose twisted words now lead you astray
indeed they strayed from the Way.
5:78 Truly even those of the children of Israel who were indifferent to these Warnings were cursed by the tongue of David and of Yeshua son of Mary
because they opposed them and exceeded all bounds.
5:79 They did not forbid what is cruel or morbid or perverse. Yea instead they promoted it as evidenced in numerous ways
and truly evil was what they and others did and still do.
5:80 Thou sees many of them taking protectors and creating partners of those who disbelieve
but evil is that and in part why God Is Wroth with them
so they abide Eternally in the Punishment.
5:81 Had they really believed in God and the last prophet and this Quran sent down to him they would not have taken the talmudic jews as partners
for those among them are intentionally disobedient.
5:82 Thou will find the strongest in deep seated dislike of believers are polytheists and jews and their degenerate inhuman imposter partners.
And thou will find nearest in affection to believers some christians
because among them are priests and monks who
are not arrogant.
5:83 When they listen to this sent down to thee
thou sees their eyes overflow with tears
from what they recognize as the Truth
then they say: Our Lord we erred and now believe
so Write us Down among the witnesses.
5:84 For how could we not believe in God and what now comes to us of His Truth?
We hope that our Lord Will Make us enter with the Righteous people.
5:85 So God Rewards them for reasoning it on their own
and they have Gardens beneath which rivers flow
living Eternally therein
that is the Reward for real seekers of Truth.
5:86 But those who disbelieve the Truth and deny Our Proofs they are the companions of Hell.
5:87 O you who believe do not forbid Good Things that God has not made unlawful for you.
i.e. permitted foods and crazy laws against things such as having long hair, using natural cures and medicines, sleeping on beds, marriage, procreation, cutting off ones penis or vulva and a very, very long list of other ridiculously insane customs adopted by various sects of deluded, psychopathic polytheists and nontheists across the ages.
Yea do not transgress the Real Law
for God loves not the transgressors.
5:88 And eat only of Good Things God Has Provided you
yea that which is Lawful.
Aside from all types of edible plants or fish with gills and scales, one way God Provides Lawful food is when livestock are fatally injured or at the end of their life when we are to mercifully slaughter them, give the meat to the poor and use the remains wisely, like Indians did.
And be in Wise Fear of God if you believe.
5:89 God will not take you to task for unintended mistakes or idle talk in your oaths but He Will Take you To Task for your failure to keep your word. Especially when it’s concerning something that’s important to the one being promised or is made in exchange for gains.
And the atonement thereof is the feeding of ten needy persons with the average of that you feed your families
or the clothing of them
or the freeing of a slave.
But whoever has not the wherewithal
then a fast of three days.
That is the atonement when you fail to keep your word *If intentional see commandment #8 “Do not steal, cheat or lie to harm your brethren” punishable by amputations or stoning then Eternal Hell!
thus Does God Make His Proofs Clear to you
that you might be grateful.
5:90 O you who believe
the intoxicants i.e. Arabic “kuhul” or alcohol aka “spirits” (jinn)
and games of chance gambling/competing for ANYTHING unGodly
and altars i.e. idolatry, blood sacrifices, witchcraft
and divining arrows astrology/horoscopes, divination, palmistry, etc.
are abominations from the degenerate inhuman imposter originally taught to nephilim by their fathers the jinn who learned them from the angels Harut and Marut in 2:102 so avoid them
that you might be successful.
5:91 The degenerate inhuman imposter only wishes to cause deep seated dislike and hatred among you in the intoxicant and the games of chance
and to divert you from the Remembrance of God
and from the Prayer
therefore you should desist.
5:92 Just obey God and the messenger and beware
but if you turn away
know that upon Our messenger is only the clear communication.
5:93 Those who are morally sound and believe will naturally do no wrong in what they eat i.e children before brainwashing
because they are in Wise Fear and only do deeds of Righteousness. Which do not include killing of innocent animals!
So be in Wise Fear and believe
yea be in Wise Fear and do Good deeds!
God Loves the doers of Good.
5:94 O you who believe
God Will Try you with something of the game that reaches your hands and your spears
so that God Might Know who fears the unseen.
Then whoever transgresses after that
for them is a Painful Punishment. Many hunt/kill for awhile but then stop due to feeling guilty, this is a natural compulsion for the Godly.
5:95 O you who believe kill no animals intentionally when unlawful/unwarranted
yea whoever of you kills unlawfully
the payment is like the cause of the death of the innocent ones killed injury by arrow, knife, sword, stone, trap etc.
let two just men from among you judge the level of sin.
And beyond penalty is required atonement of
feeding poor persons or the equivalent of that in fasting
that they might taste the consequences of their deed.
But God Pardons what is past if you choose to repent
then whoever goes back
God Will Take Vengeance upon them
and God Is Mighty, Able To Repay.
5:96 Yea Lawful for you are gilled fish and what washes up from the waters i.e. seaweeds as a provision for you and
for those who travel. Also seen in Leviticus 11 & Deuteronomy 14
But generally forbidden to you are animals of the land
so be in Wise Fear of God to whom you will be gathered.
5:97 God Made the Kaaba
the inviolable temple
as a safe house for mankind
in the inviolable month
and the animals wearing
the garlands you make for them.
All so that you might know that God Knows Everything in the Heavens and the Earth
yea God Knows All Things.
5:98 Know that God Is both Severe in Retribution
and that God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
5:99 Upon the messenger is only the communication
and God Knows what you reveal
and what you conceal.
5:100 Say: Not the same are the bad and the Good
and most of what you see from mankind is bad.
So be in Wise Fear of God O you possessed of insight
that you might be successful.
5:101 O you who believe do not dwell on your prior sins or mistakes. especially while reading scripture, it’s a fav ploy of the jinn
If you would like to know how to avoid all errors
find Guidance with this Quran and seek Forgiveness
knowing that truly God Pardons that which is past
for God Is Forgiving, Forbearing.
5:102 Yea do not dwell feeling guilty on the past
for it is a known jinn ploy to cause a falling from the Way.
5:103 God did not ok superstitions of a slit eared she camel
or a she camel let loose for free pasture
or blood sacrifices to jinn for twin births in animals
or stallion camels freed from work.
But those who disbelieve invent such lies while saying they come from God
because they do not reason.
5:104 And when it is said to them:
Seek What God Has Revealed to the messenger
they say: Sufficient for us is what our fathers taught us.
This while their fathers knew nothing and were not Rightly Guided By God.
5:105 O you who believe upon you is care of your souls and
those gone astray cannot harm you when you are Rightly Guided.
To God is the return of you one and all
and He Will Inform you of Everything you did.
5:106 O you who believe
record a testimony of that to be bequeathed when death is present with one of you by two just men among you
or two others from other than yourselves if you be travelling through the land when death befalls.
Detain them after the Prayer when they shall swear to remove all doubt that
by God they would not falsify
even if they be a relative.
And they will not conceal the Witness Of God
for then they would be among the false.
5:107 But if it is detected they have laid claim in falsehood
then two others shall uphold their station
the two foremost among those that lay claim
and let them swear:
By God our witness has more right than their witness
and we have not transgressed
for then we would be of the wrongdoers.
5:108 That will tend to them bearing witness properly
fearing that your oaths will be taken after their oaths.
And be in Wise Fear of God
and listen
God guides not the wantonly disobedient people.
5:109 The Day God Gathers the messengers
He Will Say: What was their response to you?
They will say: They had no knowledge.
Truly Thou Are The Only Knower of Thy Realms.
5:110 When God Will Say: O Yeshua son of Mary remember My Favor to thee and to thy mother
when I Strengthened thee
with the Spirit of Holiness Gabriel
thou speaking Wisdom to people from the cradle and onward in maturity.
And remember when I Taught thee the Truth and Wisdom with the Torah and Gave thee the Gospels.
And when thou fashioned the likeness of a bird from clay by My Command and did blow into it and it became a bird by My Permission.
And thou healed the blind and the leper
and resurrected the dead by My Permission.
And when I Restrained the children of Israel from thee when thou came to them with such Clear Proofs
then those who were deceived among them claimed
you were of obvious fantasy.
5:111 And when I Instructed the disciples
to believe in Me and My Messenger
they said: We believe and bear witness that we are submitted.
5:112 And when the disciple said:
O Yeshua son of Mary is thy Lord able to send down a meal from the sky upon us?
He said: Lo be in Wise Fear of God if you be believers!
5:113 They said: We wish to eat thereof and our hearts to be more at rest
to know that thou has spoken Truth to us
and to be among the witnesses thereto.
5:114 Yeshua son of Mary said:
O God our Lord Send Thou Down Upon us a
Meal from the sky that it might be a feast
for the first of us and the last of us
and a Proof From Thee.
Please Give us this Provision
for Thou Are The Best of providers.
5:115 God Said: I Will Send It Down Upon you
then whoever denies thereafter among you
I Will Punish with a Punishment beyond that of all the rest among all mankind.
5:116 God Said: O Yeshua son of Mary did thou say:
Take me and my mother for two gods besides God?
He will say: Nay. All Glory Be Unto Thee!
It was not for me to say that which I had no right!
If I had said it
then Thou Would Have Known it
for Thou Knows All of what is in my soul
while I know not whatsoever is in Thy Soul.
Yea Thou Are The Knower of the unseen realms.
5:117 I said to them only what Thou Commanded me.
Yea I said: Serve God
my Lord and your Lord
and I was a witness unto them while among them.
Then Thou Gathered me as The Supreme Watcher
yea Thou Are Witness to All things.
5:118 And I have no objection if Thou Punish them
for they are Thy Servants
likewise if Thou Forgive them
for Thou Are The Almighty, The Wise.
5:119 God Says: This is the Day in which the Truthful are benefited by their Truthfulness!
They have Gardens beneath which rivers flow
they abiding Eternally therein forever
for God Is Pleased with them and hence they are pleased with Him.
That is the Tremendous Achievement.
5:120 Lo. To God Belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth and All of What is in them
and He Is Powerful Over All Things.
Chapter 6. The Livestock, al-An’am
6.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
6:1 Praise Belongs To God Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and Made the darkness and the light.
Then disbelievers serve other than their Lord?
6:2 He It Is Who Created you from clay
then Decreed a term of life
a term specified With Him
but still they do doubt.
6:3 He Is God of the Heavens and the Earth
He Knows your inward and your outward
and He Knows what price you earn.
6:4 Yet to some there is no Proof among the Proofs of their Lord that they do not turn away from!
6:5 So they have denied the Truth when it came to them
and there will come to them Clearer News of that whereat they mocked. Soon in “these times”!
6:6 Have they not considered how many a generation We destroyed before them?
We established them in the Earth even greater than We established you
and We sent the sky upon them with abundant rains and made the rivers flow beneath them.
Then We destroyed them for their transgressions
and brought into being other generations after them.
The thing with scriptures is they are all HIStory which definitely includes countless cullings of erring peoples and their nations by God and His angels after being warned by messengers. (This is repeatedly covered herein, God does not destroy any nations before having Sent Messengers to Warn them. Such warnings are nearly the entire point behind Sending such Messengers to disbelieving masses, the other reason is to remind believers and strengthen their faith by showing them miracles/proofs.) Now this verse 6:6 above is the first mention of this and will become quite sobering as we continue. There are literally 1000s of cities all around the world that lie in waste and/or abandonment from Gods’ Destructions and Cullings! However, We the Adamite People have been heavily deceived about all this for the simple fact that had we all known, we would have “connected the dots”, became believers and ruined lucifers’ plans to see that we’re Condemned By God like him, his ilk and their minion of DIIs are. Those DIIs are indeed condemned from birth due to the Curse Of God upon their bloodline. It cannot be repeated enough that the reason lucifer got condemned was for not bowing to Gods’ Creation of Adam/humanity who He Was Giving dominion of the Earth to instead of the jinn like lucifer. This is a key understanding to HIStory of all Adamites. The following are examples from HIStorically rich Palmyra Syria;
6:6 Have they not considered how many a generation We destroyed before them?
6:7 And had We sent down upon thee the Decree on parchment so that they might touch it with their hands
those who disbelieve
would still have said: This is only obvious fantasy.
6:8 And they would have said:
Oh that an angel had only been sent down with him!
But had We sent down an angel as We have done
the matter would have been concluded right then
and they would not have had a chance to repent.
6:9 Had We sent an angel as a messenger We would have made him appear in an illusion as human which would have confounded them on top of their confusion.
6:10 Yea messengers have been mocked before thee.
And those who derided them were surrounded by what they had been ridiculing. The angels in the unseen.
6:11 Say: So travel in the lands
to see the final outcome of the deniers.
6:12 For Unto Whom Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth?
Yea Unto God Belongs All!
And He Himself Has First Ordained Mercy for you
but He Will Bring you one and all to the Day of
Resurrection whereof there is no doubt.
And those who have lost their souls
do not believe.
6:13 And Unto Him Belongs What rests in the night and the day
He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
6:14 Say: Is it other than God I am to take as ally
the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth
He Who Feeds but does not eat? Again note this!
Say: I am Commanded to be first among those who submit
and I am not among the polytheists!
6:15 Say: I fear if I should oppose my Lord the Punishment of an Onerous Day.
6:16 From whom Hell is averted that Day
He Will Have Laid His Mercy Upon them
and that is the Clear Achievement.
6:17 And if God Touches thee with affliction
there is no remover thereof except He.
And if He Touches thee with Good
know He Is Powerful Over All Things.
6:18 He Is The Omniscient Over His Servants
He Is The Wise, The Aware.
6:19 Say: Who is greater in witness than God?
Yea God Is Witness between you and I
and this Quran is given as Instruction that I might warn you and whomever else it reaches.
Do you bear witness that there are other gods with God?
Say: Truly I do not bear such witness
for He Is The One God
and I am innocent of serving others than God.
6:20 Those whom We gave the Torah recognize it as they recognize their children
but those who lose their souls
they do not believe in it.
6:21 And who is denser than one who invents a lie about God or denies His Proofs?
These wrongdoers will not be successful.
6:22 And on the Day We gather them one and all
We will question those who served other than God:
Where are your gods now?
6:23 Their reply in dissent will be only that they cry:
By God! Our Lord we were not polytheists!
6:24 See thou how they will lie against themselves
when those they invented stray from them!
6:25 And among them are some who listen to thee
but We place coverings upon the hearts of most
and deafness in their ears
so they cannot understand.
So even if given 1000s of Proofs they do not believe.
Then these who disbelieve come to thee arguing against thee saying:
This is only the legends of former peoples.
6:26 Hence they bar the Truth and stay far from it
while deceiving none except themselves
but they perceive not.
6:27 And if thou could foresee when they are set before the Fire crying out:
If only that we were sent back
we would not deny the Proofs Of our Lord and would be among the believers!
6:28 But if what they had before were to be given again
they would still gravitate to what was always forbidden to them. Because most were not of the pure Adamic line.
Hence they are liars who have no say in the matter.
6:29 They say: There is only one life in this world and we will not be raised up.
6:30 But if thou could only see when they are set before their Lord:
He Will Say: Is then this not the Truth?
They will say: Verily by our Lord this is True.
And He Will Say:
Now taste the Punishment for what you denied!
6:31 Those who doubt the Meeting With God have lost
and when the Hour comes upon them unexpectedly
they will say: O our regret that we neglected this Day!
And they will bear their burdens upon their backs
yea misery is what they will bear.
6:32 For the life of this world is only play and diversion while the Abode of the Hereafter is immensely better for those of Wise Fear.
So will you not use reason?
6:33 We know what they say grieves thee
but remember that in Truth they reject not thee.
Yea the wrongdoers firstly reject God and His Proofs!
6:34 And messengers were rejected before thee.
But they too practiced patience in that which the deniers denied and they suffered it until Our help came to them.
Yet there are none to change these Words Of God.
And there has come to thee this knowledge of messengers prior.
6:35 And if their denial is hard for thee
know if thou were able to make a tunnel in the Earth or a stairway in the sky
to bring them more Signs they would still persist.
But Had God Willed He Could Have Gathered them together to the Guidance
so do not be ignorant of this.
6:36 Hence only those who wanted to listen now hear
and as for the dead indeed God Raises them
then to Him they are all returned.
6:37 And they say: Oh if only Another Proof had been Sent Down upon him From his Lord!
Say: God Is Able to Send Down any kind of Proof
but those who deny now would still persist.
6:38 And there is no animal on the Earth
nor bird flying on its wings
who differs in belonging as you do. All creatures w/souls.
Yea We have not neglected anything written herein
and to their Lord all souls will be gathered.
6:39 And those who deny Our Proofs We leave unwilling to hear or see for they are in darkness
hence whom God Wills He Leads Astray.
And Whom He Wills
He Sets on the Straight Path.
6:40 Say: Have you considered when the Punishment Of God or the Hour comes upon you
who will you call to other than God
if you be Truthful?
6:41 The Truth is It Is YHWH you will be calling to
and He Would Have Removed your false worship if He Had Willed
then you would forget those false deities one and all.
6:42 And We sent messengers to communities before thee
then We gave them afflictions and adversities
that they might become humble.
6:43 But why had they not become humble when Our Punishment came?
Instead their hearts hardened and the degenerate inhuman imposters made their works seem fair to them.
6:44 Then when they had forgotten the reminders they were given before
We opened gates of far ranging but useless information upon them. i.e. libraries and today the internet.
Then when they were pleased with what they were given We took them unawares
and O how they were completely dumbfounded!
6:45 And hence cut off will be the root of the people who did wrong with their partners of degenerate inhuman imposters.
So All Praise Belongs To God The Lord of the Worlds!
6:46 Say: Have you considered if God Should Take Away your hearing and your sight and Seal your hearts
who is the god except God who would restore them for you?
See thou how We explain the Signs to them
then still they turn away.
6:47 Say: Have you considered if the Punishment Of God should come to you either unexpectedly or with warning
would any except the wrong doing people be destroyed?
6:48 We send messengers only as bearers of Glad Tidings and as Warners
then whoever believes and does Right
they need not fear
nor will they regret.
6:49 But those who deny Our Proofs the Punishment will touch them due to their wanton disobedience.
6:50 Tell them: I do not say to you that I possess the Treasuries Of God
nor do I know the unseen
nor do I say that I am an angel.
I follow only what I am instructed
yet I see while you do not so how can we be equals?
Will you then not take thought!
6:51 And warn those of some Wise Fear with the Quran that they will be gathered to their Lord
and they have no ally nor intercessor besides Him.
Yea say this so they might elevate in Wise Fear.
6:52 And do not repel those who call to their Lord morning and evening seeking His Countenance.
But not upon thee is anything of their account
and nothing of thy account is upon them.
Yet if thou should repel them
it would be unjust.
6:53 And thus We subject some of them to temptation by others
that they might say:
Are these whom God Favors among us?
Is God unknowledgeable of the ones who are thankful?
6:54 When those who believe in Our verses come to thee
say: Peace be unto you!
Your Lord Has Decreed From Himself Mercy that
whoever of you sinned through ignorance
then turned in repentance after that
and did Right
He Is Forgiving, Merciful.
6:55 And thus We set out the verses in detail
so the way of the evildoers might be made manifest.
6:56 Say: I am forbidden to serve those to whom you call besides God.
I do not follow your vain desires
nor am I astray from among the Rightly Guided.
6:57 Say: I am with Clear Evidence From my Lord and you refuse it
and I have no control over what you seek to hasten
for that Day and Judgement Is Only For God.
He Will Relate All Truth to you
and He Is The Best of deciders.
6:58 Say: If I had what you seek to hasten the matter would have been concluded between you and I
for God Knows Best the wrongdoers.
6:59 And With Him are the keys to the unseen
none knows them except He.
He Knows All in His Lands and Seas and Heavens
yea not a leaf falls without Him Knowing It.
And there is not a grain in the darkness of the Earth
and nothing moist or dry
that is not in a Clear Decree From Him.
6:60 He It Is Who Takes your soul at night and Knows what you earn by day. As with death, we lose consciousness during sleep.
Then He Raises you up therein again and again that there be fulfilled a named term of life
when to Him is your return
then He Will Inform you of Everything you did.
6:61 He Is The Omniscient Over His Servants
and He Sends Guardians Over you.
So when death has come to one of you
Our Guardians take them
and they do not fail no not ever.
6:62 Then they will be sent back to God their Benefactor The True One.
Judgement is His
and He Is The Swiftest of account takers.
6:63 Say: Who delivers you from the darkness of the land and the sea?
You call to Him humbly and in secret saying:
If He delivers us from this or that hardship we will be among the grateful.
6:64 Say: God Delivers you from this and that and every sort of ordeal then you serve others?
6:65 Say: He Is The One Able To Send Great Hardship Upon you from above or beneath your feet
or To Confound you through sects and Make some of you taste the might of others.
See thou how We explain the Signs
that they might understand?
6:66 Still thy people deny it
but it is the Truth.
So say: I am not your caretaker.
6:67 For every tiding there is a time
and you will come to know.
6:68 And when thou sees those who jest concerning Our Writs
warn them of their error and turn away from them until they wish to speak the Truth.
And if a degenerate inhuman imposter among them causes you to lapse in God Consciousness expose them to the others and remind all of Gods’ Presence.
6:69 And not upon those of God Consciousness is any account for them in anything but a reminder
that they might be in Wise Fear.
6:70 Do not accompany those who live their lives in play and diversion for the short life of this world has fully deceived them.
So remind them of Truth lest their souls be taken for what they have earned on a Day when
they have no ally or intercessor besides God
and no ransom however so great will be accepted.
These earn destruction with a scalding liquid and Sore Punishment because they denied.
6:71 Say: Shall we call to other than God
that which can neither harm nor help us?
Or turn back on our heels after God Has Guided us
like those who degenerate inhuman imposters seduced in the Earth and others now lost in confusion?
These companions invite only to the flames
when they say: We will show you how to live!
Say: Nay! The Guidance Of God that is the Guidance for living and those of Right Mind are Commanded to submit to The Lord of the Worlds!
6:72 We are to uphold the Prayer and be in Wise Fear of Him
for He It Is to Whom you will be gathered.
6:73 And He It Is Who Created the Heavens and the Earth with Truth
and to whatever He Says: Be thou!
It is.
His Speech is Truth
and To Him Belongs the Dominion on the Day the trumpet is blown.
He Is The Knower of the unseen and the seen
The Wise, The Fully Aware.
6:74 And when Abraham said to his guardian uncle Azar:
Tara was his father. Has thou really taken idols jinn as gods?
I see thee and thy people in obvious error!
6:75 And thus We showed Abraham the Expanse of Gods’ Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth
so that he might be of those who are certain. Imagine that!
6:76 Then when the night covered him he saw a star
and said: This is my Lord!
Then when it passed he said:
Nay. I love not that which passes.
6:77 Then when he saw the moon emerge he said:
Yea surely this is my Lord!
Then when it passed he said:
Lo if my Lord does not guide me I will be of those who stray.
6:78 Then when he saw the sun emerge he said:
This must be my Lord that which is greater! Silly imaginings, in reality Gods’ Body Is The Perfect bipedal form we’re fashioned after.
Then when it passed he said: O my people
seek Forgiveness for serving other than God.
6:79 I set my heart towards Him Who Surrounds me.
He Who Created All that is in the Heavens and the Earth.
Yea as a monotheist inclining only to His Truth
I swear not to be of the polytheists.
6:80 And his people disputed over this
but he said: You dispute with me concerning God
while It Is He Who Guides me?
I do not fear what you serve for All is of Gods’ Creation.
And do you not know my Lord Encompasses Everything in His Knowledge?
Will you not take heed!
6:81 And how could I fear what you worship
when you do not fear it? God has not sent down any warrant for it.
Therefore which of us has reason to feel secure if you know?
6:82 Indeed those who believe and do not mix up God with Things He Created
they seek security
and want to be among the Rightly Guided.
6:83 And that is the argument
We gave to Abraham to use with his people
hence We raise in degree whom We will
because thy Lord Is Wise, All Knowing.
6:84 And We gave him Isaac and Jacob
each of whom We also guided.
And We guided Noah before
and of his progeny David and Solomon
and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron.
Thus We reward the doers of Good.
6:85 And Zechariah and John and Yeshua and Elijah
each were of the Rightly Guided.
6:86 And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot
We also preferred above all mankind.
6:87 And among their fathers and their progeny and their brethren
We chose them and guided them to the Straight Path.
6:88 That is the Guidance Of God wherewith He Guides whom He Wills of His Servants.
And had they served other than God
it would have been to their great loss.
6:89 Those are whom We gave the Truth and Judgement and Prophethood
and if any deny them
We entrust them to a people who do not deny them.
6:90 Those messengers are whom God Guided
so follow them all
those who said: I ask no reward from you for it
for it is only a Reminder to all mankind.
6:91 And they measure not The Power Of God with the measure due Him when they say: God cannot send anything down upon a mortal.
Ask them why then the Torah to Moses
as a Light and Guidance for mankind?
You yourselves have the parchments some of which you show
while you hide much
and therein you are taught what you knew not
you nor your fathers.
That Is God
and I now leave you to play with your falsehoods.
6:92 This Quran is a Decree We sent down
to thou one blessed
perfectly confirming what is within its scope
so that thou warn Mecca the mother of cities and those around her.
And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it
yea and they keep to their Prayers.
6:93 And who is denser than one who invents a lie about God or says:
I am instructed.
When they are not instructed in anything.
And who can say:
I will send down the like of What God Sent Down?
If thou could see when the wrongdoers are in the throes of death in terror while the angels stretch forth their hands saying:
Bring forth your souls.
Today comes your Reward of Humiliating Punishment
because you ascribed to God other than Truth
while denying His Proofs and mocking His Prophets!
6:94 And you come alone as God Created you the first time
leaving all that We gave you of Gods’ Bounty behind.
And We see no jinn helper nor protector which you claimed were there for you.
Yea those partners are cut off from you and worrying only for themselves now.
6:95 Thus God Splits the seed and the kernel.
He Brings Forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living
yea That Is God.
How then are you deluded?
6:96 He Is The Cleaver of daybreak
He Who Appointed the night as rest and the sun and the moon to reckon by
that is the Ordainment Of The Almighty, The Knowing.
6:97 And He It Is Who Made the stars for you
that you might find your way thereby in the darkness on the land and the sea.
Indeed We set out and detailed these Proofs for those who seek.
6:98 And He It Is Who Brought you into being from one soul the human genome programmed with instincts to do and be Good for God
then a womb and Designed the world to live in.
Yea We set out and detailed these Proofs for those who wish to understand.
6:99 And He It Is Who Sent Down water from the sky
and We caused the growth of all things
hence We brought forth from it greenery
grains heaped upon grains
and the date palm
with its thick clusters of dates within reach
and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates each in multiple kinds.
Look upon all the fruits thereof when they ripen and change colors signaling their time
these are Proofs for those who believe.
6:100 And some think the jinn are gods? i.e. luciferians
Was it not He Who Created them?
Then they ascribe to Him sons and daughters without knowledge
while utterly remote is the thought that He would have jinn or human children.
Yea Exalted Is He Far Above what they claim and serve!
6:101 He Is The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
He has no partner to bear any children.
He Who Created Literally Everything
and Knows Literally Everything.
6:102 That Is God
your Lord.
There is no god but He
the Creator of All Things.
So serve Him
the Guardian Over Everything.
6:103 While angels and jinn and humans often cannot grasp small things
He Comprehends Literally Everything
He Is The Subtle, The Aware.
6:104 Insight Comes only From God
so whoever can see
it is a gift for their soul.
And whoever cannot though they try
it is clear condemnation
but Our messengers are not your caretakers.
6:105 And thus We explain the Signs
that they might say:
Indeed thou has learnt this from afar.
Hence We make it clear for those who comprehend.
6:106 So follow what thou are Instructed From thy Lord
there is no god but He.
And turn thyself away from the damned
the polytheists and nontheists.
6:107 Had God Willed they would not be polytheists or nontheists.
Hence why messengers are not their caretakers nor can they guide them for it is due to Us they cannot see!
6:108 And do not curse all jinn as if they were evil
lest they insult thy God in retaliation out of ignorance.
Thus We make seem fair to everyone their doings
and all will return to their Lord
then He Will Inform them of what they did.
6:109 And they swore by God their strongest oaths that if a Proof came to them they would believe in it.
Say: The Proofs Of God are here and well known
but how shall those who refused to believe
ever know them since they now cannot perceive?
Yea the great conundrum!
6:110 Thus do We turn away their hearts and their sight as they did not believe to begin with
to leave them wandering blindly in much disorder.
6:111 And now were We to send angels down to them
or the dead to speak to them
and gather everything unto them face to face
they would not believe except if God Should Will
hence ignorant are most and so they shall remain.
6:112 And thus have We made for thee enemies
of the degenerate inhuman imposters and some jinn
who instruct one another in speech by deception.
Had thy Lord Willed they would not do it.
So leave them alone with their fabrications.
6:113 So that the hearts of those who disbelieve
might remain inclined and be pleased therewith
and that they might add more to their Punishment.
6:114 Say: Is it other than God you imagine as judge?
He Who Sent Down Gabriel with the Clear Messages
yea those with the Torah know it was sent down From thy Lord in Truth
so do not be among those who doubt.
6:115 And Gods’ Words are Perfect in Truth and Justice
nothing to add nor take away
for They are From Him The All Hearing, All Knowing.
6:116 And if thou listens to others they will lead thee far from the Path
for they follow only their imaginations
while speaking lies.
6:117 Thy Lord He Knows who strays from His Way
and He Knows the Rightly Guided who listen to Him.
6:118 So eat only what is Good over which The Name of YHWH has been remembered if you believe in Him.
6:119 And why should you not eat Good Things over which The Name Of God has been remembered
when He Has Set Out and Detailed to you what is forbidden except when compelled from necessity?
Many are led astray by their vain
desires without knowledge
but thy Lord, He Is Best Aware of the transgressors.
6:120 And leave the outwardness of falsehood and the inwardness thereof for you know they are equals.
A lie is a lie even if you’re the only one who knows it. Those who deal in falsehood will be Rewarded Truthful accounting of it!
6:121 So do not eat that over which The Name Of God has not been remembered
for it is wanton disobedience.
And the degenerate inhuman imposters invoke their jinn fathers to dispute with you from afar in your mind
and if you obey them you are a polytheist listening.
6:122 Is one who was nonexistent and whom We gave Life and for whom We appointed a Light wherein they walk among mankind
like one in darkness from which they cannot get out?
Thus is made seem fair to fools all they do.
6:123 And thus We appoint in every city its greatest evildoers
that they should scheme therein.
But they scheme only against themselves
while not perceiving.
6:124 So when a Proof comes to them they say:
We will not believe until we are given what was given to the Messengers Of God.
But God Knows Best where He Places His Messages.
There will befall those evildoers humiliation before God and Severe Punishment for what they schemed.
6:125 Whom God Wills to Guide He Expands their breast towards submission
and whom He Wills to Lead Astray He Makes their breast constricted and distressed as if climbing at high altitude.
Thus Does God Appoint Abomination for those who refused to believe.
6:126 And thus is the Path Of thy Lord Straight not curved.
We have set out and detailed the Proofs for people who take heed.
6:127 They have the Abode of Peace With their Lord
and He Is their Ally because of what they do.
6:128 And the Day He Gathers one and all it will be said:
O congregation of jinn with your degenerate inhuman imposters you have taken many among humanity.
And their partners among humans will say: Our Lord we benefited one another
but we reached our term which Thou Deferred for us.
Then He Will Say: The Fire is your dwelling
you abiding Eternally therein except that I Should Will.
Thy Lord Is Wise, Knowing.
6:129 And thus We make the wrongdoers partners of one another by what they have earned.
6:130 O congregations of jinn and humans
did messengers not come from among you narrating My Word with Warnings of the Meeting on this Day?
They will say: We bear witness against ourselves
for the life of the world deceived us.
Hence they bear witness against themselves that they were indeed fools!
6:131 Such is how and why God never destroyed cities unjustly while their people were unaware.
6:132 And for Good and evils done are degrees of Reward
yea and thy Lord is not unmindful of what any do.
6:133 Thy Lord Is The Sufficient, Possessor of Mercy.
If He Wills He Will Remove you and Appoint to succeed after you whom He Chooses
as He Brought you Into Being from the progeny of other people.
6:134 Yea and that which you are Promised is coming
and you cannot escape.
6:135 Say: O my people work against me according to your best ability
as I am working. for God
And you will come to know for which of us is the Ultimate Abode
for the wrongdoers are not successful.
6:136 And they imagine they give to God a portion
of what He Gave them of crops and livestock
while saying: This is for God
according to their claim
and this is for our jinn.
But what is for their jinn
it does not reach God.
And what is for God
it reaches their jinn
hence evil is what they choose.
This verse is obviously referring to sacrificial offerings. However, we will likely come to realize it also speaks of trade of goods between the jinn and their DIIs who are serving and working with them. It is easy to forget the jinn are living beings residing here on Earth, under the Earth, in the oceans and skies, they are ETs with highly developed technological abilities. They and their DII hybrids built the pyramids and 1000s of stone structures, massive cave systems, mounds and etc. all around the world (especially Antarctica) and we know they worked for figures such as Solomon in doing so. Note all the “giant” door heights we commonly find in the vast majority of ancient stone structures.
Baalbeck, Lebanon. Note that “baal” is one jinn jews worshipped/sacrificed to in the bible.
6:137 And thus do jinn make seem fair to the talmudic jews the sacrifices of innocents
that they might bring them to ruin
and obfuscate the doctrine for them.
But had God Willed they would not do it
so leave them with what they commit.
6:138 And they say: These livestock and crops are taboo
none are to eat them except whom we will.
And livestock who are made unlawful for burden
and over which Gods’ Name is not remembered
all as inventions against Him.
So He Will Repay them for what they invented.
6:139 And they say: That which is in the bellies of such livestock is exclusively to be owned by men and forbidden their wives
but if it be stillborn
they all can partake therein.
God Will Repay them for changing His Laws.
He Is Wise, Knowing.
6:140 And lost are those fools who kill their children for they have no knowledge. of the future
So they lie and want not what God Provides
having gone far astray from the Rightly Guided.
6:141 He It Was Who Created Gardens
trellised and untrellised
and the date palms
and diverse crops
and the olive
and the pomegranate
all in splendid variations.
So eat of the fruit thereof when it bears
and give to the poor on the day of its harvest
and do not waste
for God loves not those who waste.
6:142 And of the livestock for burden and for skin
eat of What God Has Provided you and do not follow the footsteps of the degenerate inhuman imposters
for they are clear enemies to you.
Again What God Has “Provided” means all forms of food plus livestock and working animals that are at the end of their lives. We are to mercifully slaughter them so they don’t suffer. This while the degenerate inhuman imposters are totally merciless & devoid of care towards animals which is why they create factory farms, promote hunting and all the other hellish conditions under which the billions of innocents in the animal kingdom are forced to endure.
6:143 Eight pairs
of sheep two and of goats two.
Say: has He Forbidden the two males or the two females?
Or what the wombs of the two females contain
inform me with knowledge if you be Truthful.
6:144 And of camels two and of oxen two
say: Has He Forbidden the two males or the females?
Or again what the wombs of the two females contain
if you were witnesses when God Told you tell me now.
If not who is denser than one who invents a lie about God thereby leading people astray without knowledge?
Yea God does not guide those wrong doing people.
6:145 Say: I do not find anything in what I am instructed unlawful to eat it unless it be murdered
or blood poured forth
or the flesh of swine
or that which is abomination
or wanton disobedience dedicated to other than God.
However whoever desires not killing but is forced by extreme hunger
thy Lord Is Forgiving, Merciful.
6:146 And unto those jews who hold to talmudism We made unlawful every animal with a claw
and of ox and sheep the fat thereof is unlawful
except what their backs carry
or the entrails
or what is mixed with bone.
That is in part how We rewarded them for their rebellion
and indeed we are True to Our Word.
6:147 And if they reject thou messages
say: Our Lord Was Vast in His Mercy to all in this life
but evildoers will find none in the next life!
6:148 Those who serve other than God will say:
Had God Willed we would not serve other than He
nor would our fathers have
nor would we have made anything Good unlawful.
Thus did those who came before them reject but they tasted Our might.
Say: If you really be in the know
then bring it forth
but you cannot for you follow only assumptions
and speak only lies.
6:149 Say: To God Belongs the Conclusive Argument and
Had He Willed He Would Have Guided you one and all.
6:150 Say: Bring your witnesses who will swear that God Made unlawful what you say
then if they bear witness
leave them with their lies.
Do not follow vain desires of those denying Our Proofs
nor those who do not believe in the Hereafter or serve other than their Lord.
6:151 Say: I will recite to you what your Lord Has Made unlawful for you:
Do not serve nor ask from other than Him
and towards parents Good conduct
and kill not your children out of poverty for
We will provide for you and for them.
And approach not sexual immoralities
whether open or concealed.
And do not kill the soul animal that God Has Made unlawful except when legally necessary or out of pity.
All that He Has Commanded you
that you might use reason.
6:152 And approach not the property of the fatherless
unless to add to it or make it better
until they reach maturity.
And fulfill the measure and the balance of justice
knowing We do not task any soul beyond its capacity.
And when you judge be fully just
even if they are relatives.
And fulfill your covenants With God.
This He Commanded you
that you might take heed.
6:153 This is the Straight Path
so follow it
do not follow other ways
for then you will part from His Way.
This He Commanded you
that you might be in Wise Fear.
6:154 We gave Moses the Torah books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy
complete for all who do Good.
In it an explanation of everything required to succeed
for Guidance and as a Mercy
that they might be mindful of the Meeting With their Lord.
6:155 And now comes this most blessed of revelations!
So follow it and be in Wise Fear
that you might receive Mercy.
6:156 If it were not for this you may have pleaded:
Revelations were only given to ancient nations distant
and we were certainly left unaware without warning.
6:157 Or . . . Had we been given Gods’ Guidance like them
we would have become far better peoples than they!
Hence this comes to you with Clear Instructions
it is From your Lord for Guidance and as a Mercy.
And none can be denser than those who turn away or deny the virtual mountains of Evidence Of God now.
Indeed We will Reward all of those who shunned Our Signs with The Most Miserable Punishment!
6:158 Is it that they waited to see the angels instead?
Or for thy Lord Himself to come to them?
Or maybe even More Great Miracles From thy Lord?
Well when the Last and Greatest of Miracles come
the then new faith of a soul will benefit it nothing
for it had not learned in order to have earned Good.
So wait for We are waiting too.
FYI; Those last few verses are the embodiment of a very important warning which tells us that “End Times” are different than any other period on Earth. It’s saying that once God lets us know it has begun in earnest, there will be no further chance for anyone to learn or make amends. And anyone who can handle the massive Truths in that last link will come to know just how difficult it is to overcome the cardinal deceptions. Said deceptions were specifically designed by lucifer to cost billions their souls. And we ourselves can testify that anyone who thinks they’re not among “the whole world who he deceived” is being an arrogant, delusional, fool. Everyone who’s lived in this world has been deceived. And from what we’ve seen the vast majority are remaining that way, foolishly and perilously, by their own choice. Follow the links and see it all for yourself!
6:159 And as for those who divide their doctrines and break into sects
instead of uniting as believers thou are not of them in anything
and their affair is only With God.
He Will Inform them of what they did.
6:160 Know that whoever brings a Good deed
has tenfold the like thereof
and whoever brings evil
is not Rewarded except with the like thereof
and none will be wronged.
6:161 Say: My Lord Has Guided me to a Straight Path
the Right Doctrine
the creed of Abraham
a monotheist inclining to Truth.
Yea he was not of the polytheists.
6:162 Say: My Prayers and my sacrifices of self and my living and my dying are for God
The Lord of the Worlds.
6:163 He Who has no partner.
Of that I am Commanded to say
and I am the first of the submitted today.
6:164 Say: Is it other than God I should desire as Lord when He Alone Is Lord Over All His Creation?
Know that every soul earns only for itself
no one is bearer of burden of another
and to your Lord is your return.
He Will Inform you of that wherein you differ.
6:165 And He It Is Who Made you successors of the Earth after the jinn and Exalted some of you above others in certain ways
in part that He Might Try you by What He Gives you.
And while thy Lord Is Swift in Retribution
He Is Forgiving, Merciful.
Chapter 7. The Elevations, al-A’raf
7.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
7:1 alif lām mīm ṣād
7:2 This Perfect Decree is sent down to thee O messenger
so let there be no distress in thy heart therefrom
as thou warns thereby
just give this Reminder to the believers:
7:3 Follow what has been Sent Down to you From your Lord
and seek no protectors nor helpers beside Him.
How seldom do you keep this in mind!
7:4 And how many a city did We destroy?
Yea Our might came upon them by night
or while they slept at noonday.
7:5 And their cries when Our might came upon them was only because they realized
We do indeed exist and that they were wrongdoers!
7:6 Then We will question those We sent messengers to
and We will question the messengers themselves.
7:7 And We will surprise them all with knowledge
which proves We were not absent at any time!
7:8 Indeed the weighing on that Day is the Truth
and those whose balance is heavy with it
these are the successful.
7:9 And those whose balance is light
these are they who lose their souls because they disbelieved in Us and Gods’ Proofs.
7:10 We have established you in the Earth and made therein Good livelihoods for you
yet little are most grateful.
7:11 And We Created you by Gods’ Permission
yea We designed you under Gods’ Direction
then We said to the angels: Bow down to Adam.
And they all bowed down
but lucifer was not of those who obeyed.
7:12 And God Asked: What hinders thee that thou does not bow down upon My Command?
Replied he: I a bionic cyborg jinn am better than he
for Thou Created me with fire and him of clay.
7:13 He Said: Leave thee from this Garden
it is not for thee to be proud therein
so go forth
for now thou are of those brought low.
7:14 And lucifer pleaded: Please Thou Grant me respite until the Day they the saints are raised up. to conquer with Al-Mahdi
7:15 God Agreed: Thou are of those Granted respite.
7:16 With that lucifer swore: Because Thou Has Sent me astray I will lie in wait for them on Thy Straight Path.
7:17 Yea I will come at them telepathically from ahead of them
from behind them
from their right
and from their left.
And Thou will not find gratefulness in them when I am done. This is lucifers promise/intent to deceive Adamites however he can.
7:18 God Said: Go thou forth as condemned and banished
and whoever follows thee
I Will Fill Hell with you one and all. jinn, DIIs and humans
7:19 And O Adam thou and thy wife dwell in the Garden
and eat in what manner you desire
but approach not this tree the tree of life animals
for you would be among the wrongdoers.
7:20 Then a degenerate inhuman imposter whispered to them
secretly boasting and to increase their shame saying; Did not your Lord Himself forbid you from this tree
so that you might become immortals like the angels?
7:21 And he swore to them: I am a sincere counselor to you.
7:22 And he led them by deception
then when they ate of the tree of life sacrificed an animal their makeup was made known to them It is widely known that when jews do blood sacrifices they see other entities. This is what Adam and Eve saw which made them aware of the spirit/eternal world.
so they gathered leaves to make it seem they had been eating vegetables and fruits thereof to hide their shame.
And their Lord Called to them:
Did I not Forbid you the tree of life?
And did I not Say to you that the degenerate inhuman imposter was an open enemy to you?
7:23 They said: Our Lord we have wronged our souls
if Thou does not Forgive us and Have Mercy we will be among the losers.
7:24 He Said: Get you all down from the Garden
enemies to one another
for all of you the Earth is now home
with provisions only for a short time.
7:25 He Said: Verily on it you will live
and on it you will die
then from it you will be brought forth.
7:26 O children of Adam We have given you bodies as raiment to cover your souls and as adornment
but the raiment of Wise Fear that is best.
That is among the Suggestions Of God
that they might take heed.
7:27 O children of Adam do not let the degenerate inhuman imposter beguile thee with lies and temptations
as with your parents who lost their life in the Garden
by taking away their spiritual ignorance from them
that he might make manifest their guilt to them.
He and his kind know you without you knowing them.
They have latent telepathic abilities from their jinn fathers which includes the ability to read our minds and know us apart from themselves. This is how the CIAs’ “remote viewing” works. Go listen to alan parsons “eye in the sky” for a spine chiller and while doing so realize that he and most if not all popular musicians and actors are degenerate inhuman imposters or Adamic jews deceived by them into thinking they’re of the same luciferian bloodline.
We made the degenerate inhuman imposters partners of those who do not believe.
Here is the Garden of Eden story from Genesis 3:4-13 RSV But the serpent (again a degenerate inhuman imposter from the reptilian hybrid offspring of lucifer who raped the daughters of Adam and Eves’ progeny) said to the woman, “You will not die. For God Knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing Good and evil.” So when the woman saw that the tree was Good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise (to witness the unseen) she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked (spirits) and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. And they heard the sound of YHWH walking in the Garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the Presence Of YHWH among the trees of the Garden. But YHWH Called to the man, and Said to him, “Where are you?” And he said, “I heard the Sound Of Thee in the Garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.” He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I Commanded you not to eat?” The man said, “The woman whom Thou Gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” Then YHWH Said to the Eve, “What is this that you have done?” She replied: “The serpent (a jinn or the jinns’ hybrid offspring, a degenerate inhuman imposter.) beguiled me, and I ate.”
7:28 Now when people commit a shameful deed they say:
We found our fathers doing it
and God Commanded it upon us.
Say: Nay! God commands not immoralities
why do you say of God what you do not know?
7:29 Say: My Lord Commands Justness
and that you uphold your countenance at every place of worship
and call to Him sincerely in doctrine
for He Created you
and you are returning to Him.
7:30 Some He Guides
and upon some misguidance is due
like those who take degenerate inhuman imposters as partners instead of God as if they are Rightly Guided.
7:31 O children of Adam practice cleanliness and comeliness in places of worship
and eat and drink with fellow believers
but do not gorge
for God loves not the glutton.
7:32 Say: Who has made unlawful Service Of God which He Ordained for His Servants or the Good and Pure Things of His Provision?
Say: These are for those who believe during this life and for them will be happiness on the Day of Resurrection.
Thus do We detail the Proofs for Gods’ Chosen
those who understand.
7:33 Say: My Lord Has Made sexual immoralities unlawful
whether open or concealed
and falsehood
and division without cause
and service to other than God as you are warned
and saying things about God which you know not.
7:34 And for every populous is a term
and when their term ends they cannot deter it an hour
nor will they hurry it.
7:35 O children of Adam if messengers come from among you narrating to you Our Proofs listen to them!
Then whoever is in Wise Fear and does Right
they need not fear
nor will they regret.
7:36 But those who deny or are obstinate about Our Proofs
these are the companions of the Hellfire
wherein they will abide Eternally.
7:37 For who is denser than one who invents a lie about God or denies His Proofs?
Truly those will attain their share from the scriptures
when Our Messengers come to take their souls
saying: Where are the jinn you served instead of God?
They will say: Yea they have strayed from us!
Whereas they will bear witness against themselves
that they were fools.
7:38 He Will Say: Enter the Fire with the nations of jinn and humans come and gone before you.
And when they enter they curse those who came before them
these last of them saying to the first of them:
Our Lord these and their doctrines led us astray
so Give them Double Punishment of the Fire.
He Will Say: For each is Double but you know not.
7:39 And the first of them will say to the last of them:
You were no better than we were
so taste the Punishment for what you earned.
7:40 Those who deny or are obstinate about Our Proofs
for them the gates of the sky will not be opened
nor will they enter the Garden any more than a twisted rope can pass through the eye of a needle!
And thus We repay the evildoers.
7:41 They have the Eternal Prison of Hell
and over them are the less constricting layers for they are low
and thus We repay the wrongdoers.
7:42 But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
while We task not any soul beyond its capacity
these are the companions of the Garden
wherein they abide Eternally.
7:43 And We remove any rancor from their hearts
leaving peacefulness and flows of rivers beneath them.
And they say: Praise Belongs To God Who Has Guided us to this
for we would not have been Rightly Guided had God not Guided us.
Yea the Messengers of our Lord brought us the Truth.
And they will be addressed: This is the Paradise you have been made to inherit for the Good you did.
7:44 And the companions of the Garden call to the companions of the Fire:
We have found what our Lord Promised us is True
have you found what your Lord Promised you is True?
They will whimper: Yea.
Then cries another crier between Heaven and Hell while awaiting Judgement From God:
The Curse Of God is upon the wrongdoers!
7:45 Those who abandon the Path Of God making it crooked
and were deniers of this the Hereafter.
7:46 And between each is a transparent barrier
and upon the elevations are those recognizing each one by their faces some bright others clouded over.
And the companions of the Garden call out:
Peace be unto you!
They who have not yet entered it
but are desirous to.
7:47 And when their eyes are turned towards the companions of the Fire they will say:
Our Lord please do not place us with the wrongdoers!
7:48 And these companions of the middle will call to others with darkened faces recognizing their fear
saying: Does your accumulating and all that you were falsely proud now not suffice you?
7:49 And see these who were among the poor in life whom you swore God would not reach yet God Has Now Told:
Enter the Garden!
You need not fear
nor will you regret.
7:50 And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of the Garden:
Pour some water upon us
or some other of what God Has Provided for you.
They will say: God Has forbidden such ease for fools.
7:51 Those who took their doctrine as play and diversion
and whom the life of this world deceived.
Yea this Day We forget them
as they forgot the Meeting of this their Day
and as they rejected Our Miracles as Proof.
7:52 All that after We brought them Gods’ Word
set out and detailed according to Knowledge
and Guidance as a Mercy for people who believe.
7:53 Then they only awaited the fulfillment thereof?
The Day the fulfillment comes those who had forgotten it before will say:
The messengers of our Lord brought the Truth
have we one of them who might intercede for us now?
Or can we be sent back that we might do other than what we did?
Nay! They have lost their souls
and the jinn they served have strayed from them.
7:54 Your Lord Is God Who Created the Heavens and the Earth in six days
then Took His Place upon the Throne.
He Covers the night with the day chasing it constantly.
And the sun and the moon and the stars are made subject to His Commands.
There is no question that the Creation and the Commands Belong To Him
so Blessed Be God
The Lord of the Worlds!
7:55 Call to your Lord humbly and reserved
for He loves not the bold nor the prideful.
7:56 And work not in destructions of the Earth
after it was made in such perfection
but call to Him in fear and hope
for the Mercy Of God is near to the doers of Good.
7:57 He It Is Who Sends the winds as Glad Tidings to mankind with His Mercy.
And when they have gathered up heavy clouds
We drive them to dead lands and send down the water thereby bringing forth every sort of fruit.
Thus as easily can We bring forth the dead
and in that you might take heed!
7:58 And from good land comes good fruits
but only by Permission Of its Lord.
But from bad land comes bad fruits because it lacked Gods’ Permission. Like people require Gods’ Permission to believe.
Thus We explain the Signs for people who are grateful.
7:59 We sent Noah to his people
and he said: O my people serve God
you have no god but He
and I fear the Punishment to come on an Onerous Day for you.
7:60 Then the eminent ones among his people said:
Nay. We see thee are in obvious error.
7:61 He said: O my people there is no error in me
I am a Messenger From The Lord of the Worlds.
7:62 I convey to you the Messages Of my Lord
and give sincere counsel to you
and I now know From God what you do not!
7:63 Do you wonder that this Remembrance From your Lord has come through a man among you
that he should warn you
and that you should be in Wise Fear
so that you might obtain His Mercy?
7:64 But they rejected him
so We rescued him and those with him in the ship
and We drowned all of those who denied Our Proofs.
Yea for they were a severely blinded people.
7:65 And to the people of Ad We sent their brother Hud
who said: O my people serve God
you have no god but He.
Will you not then be in Wise Fear!
7:66 But the eminent ones who were deceived among his people replied:
We see thee in foolishness
and we consider thee a liar.
7:67 He said: O my people there is no foolishness in me
I am a Messenger From The Lord of the Worlds.
7:68 I convey to you the Messages Of my Lord
and I am a sincere counselor to you one trustworthy.
7:69 Do you think it is strange that a Remembrance of your Lord comes through a man among you
and that He Warns you hereby?
Remember He Made you heirs of Noah
and Increased you in wealth and provisions
so remember these Favors Of God
that you might be successful.
7:70 They said: Has thou come to us that we should serve your God
Him Alone
and forsake what our fathers served?
Then bring upon us the Punishment thou promises now if thou speak the Truth.
7:71 He said: Verily already hath come upon you From your Lord Abomination and Wrath in that you do not believe.
Do you dispute with me concerning your false service of you and your fathers?
God did not send down any warrant for that
so wait
I am with you waiting.
7:72 And We rescued him and some others by Our mercy
but We cut off the root of those denying Our Proofs
for they were not believers.
7:73 And to the city of Thamud their brother Salih
saying: O my people serve God
you have no god but He
and there comes to you Clear Evidence From your Lord
this She Camel Of God as a Proof for you. The people asked Salih for a Sign From God in the form of a pregnant camel to come forth from a rock. It did.
Leave her to feed in Gods’ Earth and touch her not with hate or a Painful Punishment will take you.
7:74 And remember when He Made you successors after Ad and Settled you in the Earth
where they made stone castles out of its bedrock and hewed the mountains into caves for houses.
So remember the Favors Of God
and commit not evil in the Earth, working corruption.
Below are examples of which this verse speaks. The first is a massive ancient temple at Dendara Egypt made of huge, perfectly cut stones. Again note the size of the door compared to the person next to it. Do you think humans built this and all the other incredibly complex and architecturally perfect structures like the pyramids? News flash; the jinn (ETs) and their nephilim hybrids built them. There are literally thousands of very elaborate cave castles and highly advanced cities made of stone around the Earth. However, except for a handful, We the Adamite People have been banned from them and totally deceived about it all by the degenerate inhuman imposters and their jew-ish, talmudic minion. Again note the size of the doors in many of these structures then recall all the giants produced from unholy unions between jinn and humans we find documented in the scriptures.
It is a well known and widely admitted fact that the technology used to cut and move the stones used in the most ancient of structures on Earth is beyond anything we have today. Even many of the construction techniques for many of the cave structures are not explainable with our current technology. For instance next we have the Longman cave complex, one of the 100s (at minimum) of cave cities and other ancient homes to non-humans in Asia. While the caves themselves could be made in any number of ways by later peoples (as is commonly the case with a lot of ancient cities) the original architecture such as the perfectly hewn statues of exacting symmetry below, often using the Golden Ratio, most certainly could not.
Note the differing sizes of individuals represented. Get it?
One reality worth pointing out is the fact that while most of the 100 or so prophets of this and biblical scriptures are from the middle east, Gods’ Running the show everywhere. As we are now learning there are megalithic structures all around the world that prove HIStory herein! This next one below is from the massive Sacsayhuaman structures in Spain.
Those are MASSIVE, PERFECTLY cut stones! Here’s one from Moroe, Sudan. It too is HUGE;
Here’s one of the hundreds of cities of peoples God Destroyed and Left For Abandon in Peru. Note the perfectly cut joinery, you can’t even get a razor blade between most megaliths.
7:75 The eminent ones who were arrogant among his people said to those they oppressed
the ones who believed among them:
Do you know Salih is an Emissary From his Lord?
They said: Yea we believe that he Has Been Sent.
7:76 But the arrogant ones replied:
We deny that in which you believe.
7:77 And they brutally hamstrung the she camel
scorning the Command Of their Lord
saying: O Salih now bring what thou promised us if thou be among the messengers.
7:78 So the earthquake seized them!
And morning found them lying dead face down in prostration inside their dwellings.
Ancient city of Beqaa, Lebanon with obvious evidence of destruction by an earthquake;
7:79 Then he turned from them and said: O my people
I have conveyed to you the Message Of my Lord
and have been a sincere counselor to you
but you loved me not.
7:80 And remember Lot when he said to his people:
You commit sexual immorality to extents that none among all mankind has sunk to such level!
7:81 You approaching men unlawfully rather than women?
Woe are thou a people committing disgusting sins.
7:82 And the response of his people was only that they said:
Drive them out of our city
these of Lot a people who think themselves pure.
7:83 So We saved him and his household
except his wife
she was of those who stayed behind.
7:84 Then We rained upon them a rain of fire!
Does thou see the final outcome of wanton criminals?
There is plenteous evidence of extremely high heat exposure to the many ancient stone cities and structures around the world. It is VERY common. In some cases we also find high levels of radiation indicative of nuclear events like “the winnowing winds” described herein.
7:85 And to Midian came their brother Jethro
saying: O my people serve God
you have no god but He
and there has now come to you more Clear Evidence From your Lord.
So fulfill the measure
and the balance
and do not deprive others of their things.
And do not work destruction in the Earth after God Created it in His Perfection
that is better for you if you be believers.
7:86 And lie not in wait on every road
to threaten and divert those who believe from the Path Of God while you seek only crookedness therein.
Instead you should be remembering when you were few and how God Multiplied you.
You will see the final outcome for workers of corruption.
7:87 And if a number among you believes that
I have been sent and the rest do not
let all be patient until God Is Judge between us
for He Is The Best of judges.
7:88 The proud and eminent ones among his people said:
O Jethro we will turn thee and those who believe with thee out of our city unless you return to our creed.
He said: Unlikely. For we are not willing!
7:89 Indeed we would be in terrible transgression if we returned to you after God Has Delivered us from you.
Yea it would be for us to return only if God Should Will
for our Lord Comprehends All Things in Knowledge
and in God we have placed all of our trust.
So we Pray to our Lord: Decide between us and our people in Truth
for Thou Are The Best of those who decide!
7:90 But the eminent ones who were deceived among his people said: Those who follow Jethro will be the losers.
7:91 Then the earthquake seized them!
And morning found them lying dead prostrated in their dwellings.
7:92 Hence those who rejected Jethro
are as though they had not lived therein.
Some dwellings of Jethros’ people at Midian
Yea those who rejected Jethro
it was they who were the losers!
7:93 Then he turned from them and said: O my people
I conveyed to you the Messages of my Lord
and I was a sincere counselor to you
so how could I grieve for such fools now?
7:94 And We sent no prophet to any city before touching its people with affliction and adversity
that they might be humbled.
7:95 Then We lightened their struggles with abundance until they felt increased with ease in it and said:
This be life with ups and downs as touched our fathers.
Then We added discontent and torment while they perceived it not. Division, greed, pride, jealousy etc.
7:96 And had the people of the cities believed and been in Wise Fear
We would have opened upon them blessings from the sky and from the Earth.
But instead they rejected
so We seized them with terrors for what they earned.
7:97 Did peoples of the cities feel secure from the coming of Our might upon them by night while they slept?
7:98 Or did they feel secure from the coming of Our might upon them at midday while they played?
Outside pics of a couple long deserted entrances to ancient cave systems of giants in Petra
7:99 Did they feel secure from the Plan Of God?
Yea for certain none feel secure from the Plan Of God except the losers for they are total fools!
7:100 Does the Evidence of Our destructions not guide those who inherit the land after its people that if We willed We would also strike them for their transgressions?
Nay for We seal their hearts so they perceive not.
7:101 Those are only a few reports We narrate to thee.
Messengers also came to them with Clear Evidence
but they were not to believe in what they had rejected before. out of habit which always starts with ONE denial then grows
Thus Does God Seal the hearts of fools.
7:102 Hence We found no covenant with Us for most of them
instead We found most of them wantonly disobedient.
7:103 Then after them We raised up Moses with Our Proofs to pharaoh and his eminent ones
but they wronged him.
Then see thou how was the final outcome of the workers of corruption.
7:104 And Moses said: O pharaoh
I am a Messenger From The Lord of the Worlds.
7:105 I am approved for I do not ascribe to God other than the Truth
and I have come to you with Clear Proof From our Lord
so let me and the children of Israel go free.
7:106 Said he: If thou has come with a sign reveal it
if thou be of those who speak Truths.
7:107 So he cast his staff
and to them it appeared as a snake.
God, His Angels and even the jinn to lessor extents can make us see anything because this life is an illusion. Real magicians are sorcerers who invoke the jinn to telepathically mind control their audience. God Is The Greatest Telepath Who Controls All.
7:108 And he drew forth his hand
and it was pure white light for the beholders.
7:109 Then the eminent ones of the people of pharaoh said:
This is a learned sorcerer.
7:110 He would turn you out of your land
so what do you command we do to him?
7:111 They said: Yea delay him and his brother
and send thou into the towns gatherers
7:112 to bring to thee every learned sorcerer.
7:113 And the sorcerers came to pharaoh saying:
There should be a reward for us if we are the victors.
7:114 Said he: Yea you will be of those brought near me.
7:115 They said: O Moses will thou cast first or will we?
7:116 He said: Cast.
And when they cast they bewitched the eyes of the people with a spell they invoked the jinn to use their telepathy
terrifying them
with great sorcery.
7:117 And We instructed Moses: Cast thou thy staff
then it became a serpent that swallowed up what they had cast. Gods’ Magic/Telepathy Trumps all!
7:118 Hence the Truth was established when what they did was made vain.
7:119 Thereupon they were defeated and turned about
yea they were brought low.
7:120 So the sorcerers fell in submission.
7:121 They said: We now believe in The Lord of the Worlds
7:122 The Lord of Moses and Aaron.
7:123 Said pharaoh: You believe in Him before I gave you permission?
This is a scheme you schemed in the town that you might turn out its people
but you will come to know.
7:124 I will cut off your hands and feet on alternate sides
then I will put you all to death upon stakes!
7:125 They said: That matters not
for we are being returned to our Lord.
7:126 Thou resent us only because we believe in the Proofs Of our Lord when shown to us
so we Pray to our Lord: Pour Thou Out Thy Calm Upon us and Take us as ones submitted.
7:127 And the eminent ones among pharaohs people said:
Will thou leave Moses and his people to work corruption in the land while abandoning our gods?
Said he: We will kill their sons and spare their women for we have them in subjugation and can do this.
7:128 Moses said: Seek help From God and be steadfast
for the Whole Earth Belongs To God
and He Gives it for an Inheritance to whom He Wills among His Servants.
Hence the final outcome is for those of Wise Fear.
7:129 They said: We were hindered before thou came to us and since thou has come to us nothing has changed.
Said he: It may be that perhaps
your Lord Will Eliminate your enemy
and Make you successors in the Earth
so He Might See how you do.
7:130 Then We seized the house of pharaoh with drought
and loss of crops
that they might take heed.
7:131 Then when Good came to them they said: This is ours.
But when hardship befell them they took it as an omen in Moses and company.
In Truth their omen was only With God
while most of them knew it not.
7:132 And they said: Whatever Signs thou bring wherewith to bewitch us we will not believe thee!
7:133 So We sent a flood upon them
and the locusts
and the lice
and the frogs
and the blood.
These Clear Proofs set out and detailed
but they were proud
an evildoing people.
7:134 And when scourges came upon them they said:
O Moses call to thy Lord for us because He Has a Pact with thee.
Then if thou remove the scourge from us we will believe thee
and loose the children of Israel with thee.
7:135 But when We removed the scourge from them to a term they were to reach they reneged.
7:136 So We took retribution from them
by drowning them in the sea
because they denied Our Proofs and were heedless of Our Warnings.
7:137 And We caused the people they despised to inherit the east of the land and its west which We had blessed
and the Most Fair Word Of thy Lord was fulfilled to the children of Israel because they were resolute.
But We annihilated everything pharaoh and his people had designed
and everything they built.
7:138 And We passed the children of Israel through the sea
until they came upon a people worshipping things fashioned by themselves.
They said: O Moses make thou for us a god like theirs
but he said: What? Are you people idiots?
7:139 These are doomed to ruin
and what they do is all in vain.
7:140 He said: Am I to seek for you a god other than
God when He Has Favored you above all mankind?
7:141 And when We rescued you from the house of pharaoh
they were afflicting you with an evil oppression
killing your sons and abducting your women
yea in that was a Monumental Trial From your Lord.
7:142 And We appointed for Moses thirty nights and completed them with ten
thus he fulfilled the appointed time of forty nights with his Lord.
And before Moses left he said to his brother Aaron:
Be my successor among the people while I am away
and do thou what is Right
do not follow in the way of any workers of corruption.
7:143 And when Moses came to the mount to speak to his Lord he said:
My Lord Show Thou me that I might look upon Thee.
God Said: Thou will not see me but look thou upon the mountain.
If it should see Me and be able to remain in its place
then will thou see Of Me.
Then when his Lord was revealed to the mountain it fell down in prostration completely level
and Moses too then fell down awestruck
then when he recovered he said:
Glory be unto Thee!
I turn to Thee truly repentant
and I am the first of the believers!
7:144 He Said: Moses I Have Chosen thee above all mankind humans and jinn by Giving Unto thou My Messages and My Speech Directly.
So hold thou steadfast to what I Have Given thee
and be thou among the grateful.
7:145 And We wrote Perfect Laws for him on tablets of stone for everything as Warnings and an explanation for life
and said to him: Hold thou fast to them
and command thy people to live thereby
or We will direct thee and them to the Abode of the wantonly disobedient.
7:146 I Will Hide Proofs of My Reality from those who are proud in the Earth without cause
so even if they see 1000 Proofs they will not believe.
And if they see the way of sound judgement they will not take it as a way
but if they see the way of error they will take it.
All that for denying Our Proofs
and being heedless of them.
7:147 Those who deny Our Proofs and the Meeting of the Hereafter their works are in great vain
for how will they be repaid except for what they did?
7:148 Then while Moses was away the people forged a calf out of their ornaments as a metal body that lowed when put to flame.
But they did not consider that it was not speaking to them nor guiding them to a way
yea they worshipped it and were wrongdoers.
7:149 And when they realized they had gone astray their souls were brought low
and they said: If our Lord does not Show Mercy and Forgive us we will be among the losers!
7:150 Then when Moses returned to them he was both wrathful and grieved
saying: Evil is what you took up while I was away!
Would you hasten the Command Of your Lord?
Then he cast down the tablets and seized his brother by the head dragging him.
Cried he: O Moses son of my mother the people despised me and would have killed me
so cause not our enemies to gloat over my misfortune
nor consider me with the wrong doing people.
7:151 He said: My Lord Have Mercy upon me and upon my brother yea Enter us into Thy Mercy
for Thou Are The Most Merciful of those who show mercy.
7:152 For those who have taken up the calf there will reach them Wrath From their Lord
and humiliation in the life of this world
for thus are the forgers repaid.
7:153 But those who slip and do evil
then repent after that and believe
to them after that your Lord Is Forgiving, Merciful.
7:154 When the anger had calmed within Moses he took up the tablets
and in their inscriptions was Guidance and mercy
for all who fear their Lord.
7:155 And Moses chose seventy men of his people to meet with Us
then when the earthquake seized them he said:
I know my Lord if Thou Had Willed Thou Would Have Destroyed them and me before.
Will Thou Destroy us for what fools among us did?
I hope it is but Thy Test
for Thou Sends whom Thou Wills Astray and Guides whom Thou Wills
and Thou Are our Only Ally.
So Forgive us and Have Mercy on us
for Thou Are The Best of those who forgive.
7:156 And Ordain Good in this world for us and in the Hereafter
when we return to Thee.
God Said: I Strike whom I Will with My Punishment
but My Mercy Encompasses All Things
and I Will Ordain It for those of Wise Fear
who are most conscious of My Presence
and believe in My Proofs.
7:157 Those who follow the messenger
yea the unschooled prophet Mohamet
whom they find prophesied in the Torah (OT) and the Gospels (NT) . . .
Deut 18:18 I Will Raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I Will Put My Words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I Command him. And Acts 3:22 For Moses said unto the fathers, A prophet Shall The Lord your God Raise Up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. That says those who refuse to embrace the Quran from Mohamet will be destroyed! (The keys here are the words “like you” and “like unto me” which eliminates Yeshua as the one being prophesied because he wasn’t like Moses or Mohamet at all rather Mohamet is definitely much like Moses being a warrior, commander and lawgiver.) A couple NT prophecies about Mohamet are here in John 16:7 Yeshua says; Nevertheless I tell you the Truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter (the last prophet Mohamet) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And John 16:12-14 Yeshua says; I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth (Gabriel via Mohamet) is come, he will guide you into all Truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: (this Quran from Gabriel) and he will shew you things to come. (Mohamet was the most prolific prophesier of all) He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, (story/legacy) and shall shew it unto you. (And indeed Mohamet does set the story straight!)
. . . This prophet enjoining on them what is fitting
and forbidding what is wrong
and making Lawful for them the Good things
and making unlawful for them the bad things
and relieving them of their burden and the fetters that were upon them.
Those who believe in him
and support him
and help him
and follow the Light which was sent down with him
these are the successful.
7:158 Say: O mankind I am the Messenger Of God for all.
I am From Him To Whom Belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth
there is no god but He.
He Gives Life and He Gives Death
so believe in God and His Messenger
me the unschooled prophet who believes in God and His Words
and follow me that you might be Rightly Guided.
7:159 And among the people of Moses is a portion which guides in Truth and does justice thereby.
7:160 And We divided them into twelve tribes as communities
and We instructed Moses when his people asked him for water:
Strike the cliffside with thy staff!
And there gushed therefrom twelve springs
each tribe knew its drinking place.
We caused the cloud a massive UFO to overshadow them and sent down upon them manna and quail saying:
Eat of the Good that We provide you.
Then in so eating badly by killing quail they wronged Us not
but they wronged their own souls.
7:161 And when it was said to them: Dwell in this city
and eat freely of it what you will
asking Forgiveness for sins
and enter the Gate in submission
then We will forgive you your errors
and We will give great increase to the doers of Good.
7:162 Then those who did wrong among them changed Our Words about killing to other than what was said to them
so We sent upon them a scourge aerial attack from the sky because they did wrong.
7:163 And ask thou them about Eilat the city by the Red sea
when they transgressed their Sabbath because it was the only day We allowed the fish to come to their nets.
Yea the days which were not a Sabbath they came not.
By doing so the angels tempted them to work on their Sabbath day of rest. Thus We tried them for being wantonly disobedient.
7:164 And when a group among them said:
Why bother warning a people whom God Will Destroy and Punish with a Severe Punishment?
They said: We do so as justification before your Lord
and that some might have Wise Fear.
7:165 And when most forgot that whereof they had been reminded
We saved those who forbade evil
and seized those who did wrong with terrifying deaths because they were wantonly disobedient.
7:166 And when they defied what We had forbidden them We said:
Be you despised as apes driven away!
7:167 And thy Lord Proclaims that He Will Raise Up Against them till the Day of Resurrection.
Yea He Will Afflict them with a miserable punishment.
And thy Lord Is Swift in His Retribution
yet He Is Forgiving, Merciful.
7:168 And We divided them in the Earth as communities
among them are the Righteous
and among them are other than that.
And We tried them all with Good and evil
that they might see.
7:169 And there followed after them inheritors of what was written
yet still they take excesses of that in this world while saying:
It will be forgiven us.
And if more goods come to them they hoard them
but have they not made an agreement to act reasonably?
And to not ascribe nothing but Truth to God
and that they study that Truth which is written?
Yea the Abode of the Hereafter is better for those of Wise Fear
so will you then not use reason!
7:170 But those who hold fast to the Commandments
and uphold the Prayer
We do not withhold the wages of these who do Right.
7:171 And when We raised the mountain above them as if it were a canopy
and they supposed it was to fall upon them
then We said: Hold fast to the Words We give thee
and remember what is therein
that you might be in Wise Fear and conscious of God.
7:172 And when thy Lord Brought Forth the children of Adam
and from their loins the DNA and souls of their progeny
He Made them bear witness against themselves saying:
Am I not your Lord? This is actually a forgotten choice we all make before God Let’s us live to take this test. All will recall it on Judgement Day! This freewill is why God favors believers over angels who have no freewill.
They said: Verily we bear witness You Are our Lord!
Lest they say on the Day of Resurrection:
We were unaware of this. No one can claim injustice on that Day!
7:173 Or: Our fathers served others before and we are only their progeny
so do Thou then curse us for what they did? Generational curses of bad habits are passed down which make it harder for the offspring of disobeyers to overcome. That’s this curse.
7:174 And thus why We set out and detail the Proofs
that they might return to the Way.
7:175 So recite thou unto them the reports of those to whom We gave Our Evidence before
yet while knowing such they erred in disbelief.
Hence the degenerate inhuman imposters fit them well
and they were then among the misguided.
7:176 And had We willed We would have exulted them
but they clung to Earthly things and followed what is written only in vain desire.
This parable is like the example of a care free dog.
When met it pants
and when left it pants.
That is like the people who deny Our Proofs.
They are not allowed to change but relate thou to them these narratives anyway that they might reflect.
7:177 And more heinous is the example of the people who flatly deny Our Proofs
they have clearly wronged their souls.
7:178 And above all remember whom God Guides
they are Rightly Guided
and whom God Sends Astray
these are the losers.
7:179 And We have sown for Hell many among the jinn and humans.
They now have hearts that do not understand
and eyes that do not see
and ears that do not hear.
These are like the livestock.
Nay. They aren’t that wise they are far astray!
Yea these are the heedless fools.
7:180 And To God Belongs the Fairest Titles
so call to Him by them
and leave those who distort the meaning of His Attributes
they will be Rewarded for what they did.
7:181 And among those We Created is a portion guiding with Truth and doing justice thereby.
7:182 But those who deny Our Proofs
We will deal with them in degrees they do not know.
7:183 Indeed all the while giving them ease here and now.
Yea Gods’ Plan is Subtle yet Extreme.
7:184 Yet do they not reflect?
If they only knew there is no madness in their messengers
yea they are Clear Warners.
7:185 Have they not considered the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth
and what things God Has Created
and that it may be that their term draws near?
Yea and in what narration after this will they believe? This Quran is the last narration From God, the final testament to mankind.
7:186 And whom God Sends Astray
there is no guide for them
He Leaves them wandering blindly in their disorder.
7:187 And they ask thee about the Hour: When is its arrival?
Say: Knowledge thereof is only With The Lord
no one reveals its time except He.
And it weighs heavily on all who are in the Heavens and the Earth
for it comes not upon you except totally unexpectedly.
Yet they question thee as though thou should be privy thereto
so just repeat: Knowledge thereof is only With God.
Yet most do not believe even that much whatsoever.
7:188 Say: I have no power to bring benefits nor drive away harm except that God Should Will.
And had I knowledge of the unseen I would have abundance of wealth
and evil could not touch me
but I am only a Warner and bearer of Glad Tidings for people who believe.
7:189 He It Is Who Created you from a single soul genome
and He Created therefrom its mate so it might be reassured thereby.
And when they procreate she bears a light load for a time until it grows heavy
and when it is time they call to God their Lord:
If Thou Give us one Good we will always be thankful.
7:190 Yet many of their offspring will come to serve other than God
while Exalted Is God Far Above that they serve!
7:191 Yea they ascribe partnerships to jinn who do not create anything.
Is it not they themselves who were Created?
7:192 And they are not able to help anyone
nor can they even help themselves!
7:193 And if you invite them to the Way they follow you not
indeed it is the same
whether you call to them or not.
7:194 Say: Those jinn to whom you call are only Gods’ Servants like you so call them
and let them respond to you if you be Truthful.
7:195 For do they not have feet by which they walk?
Or hands by which they work?
Or eyes that see like you see?
Or ears that hear like you hear? Bodies like ours.
Yea do call to your partners
and scheme against me granting no respite.
7:196 For my Ally Is God Who Sent Down All Scriptures
and He Is Ally only to the Righteous.
7:197 Yea those jinn you serve are unable to help you
nor can they help themselves without God.
7:198 And if you call them to the Guidance they hear not
yet thou imagines they are caretakers of thee
while they do not care
no not at all.
7:199 Yea hold to forgiveness
command what is Right
and turn away from the willfully ignorant.
7:200 And if an evil suggestion comes from the degenerate inhuman imposters or jinn seek Protection From God. Recite Psalms 23, chapters 1, 2:255 and/or 113-114 herein!
He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
7:201 Truly when temptations or suggestions come from jinn or degenerate inhuman imposters it is then those of active God Consciousness recoil. Such awareness is THE goal!
Yea then they have fully perceived and overcome!
7:202 All the while their ungodly brethren also push them towards error ceasing not. because they are deceived/controlled
7:203 And when thou brings them no new Proofs they say:
Oh that thou had only brought One!
Say: I follow what I am Instructed Of my Lord
and I bring it forth as a means of Insight From Him
and Guidance
and as a Mercy only for people who believe.
7:204 So when the Quran is read out
heed it and listen attentively
that you might obtain His Mercy.
7:205 And remember thou thy Lord silently
in humility with Wise Fear
without harshness of voice
morning and evening
and be thou not among the heedless.
7:206 Those who are with thy Lord do not grow arrogant from their service
they glorify Him
and to Him they do submit.
Chapter 8. The Spoils of War, al-Anfal
8.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
8:1 When they ask thee about the spoils of war say:
The spoils of war are For God and His Messenger
so be in Wise Fear of God
do Right between you
and obey God and His Messenger
if you be believers.
8:2 The believers are those who when God is remembered their hearts are afraid
and when His Proofs are recounted they increase in faith and place all their trust in their Lord.
8:3 Those who uphold the Prayer
and spend for God of what We have provided them.
8:4 These are the believers in Truth
who have degrees in the Sight Of their Lord
and Forgiveness
and Generous Provision.
8:5 Just as thy Lord Brought thee forth to fight for Truth
while some of the believers were averse to fighting.
8:6 Arguing with thee about the Truth after it was clear
as if they were being driven to death while looking on.
8:7 And when God Promised battle against two groups
and you hoped the weaker one might be your enemy.
But God Willed to Display His Power and Give you another Proof to Strengthen your belief
and to Cut Off the root of disbelieving fools.
8:8 This That He Establishes Truth and Destroys falsehood
all to the dismay of the wicked.
8:9 Hence when you sought Help From your Lord and He Responded to you:
I Will Assist you with a thousand angels following one after another.
8:10 God Made it only as Glad Tidings and so that your hearts might find rest
and that you know there is no victory except From God
The Almighty, The Wise.
8:11 It Is He Who Made a peaceful slumber overcome you as an Assurance From Him.
And He Sent Down water from the sky upon you
that He May Purify you thereby and Remove from you fears instilled by the degenerate inhuman imposters.
And so that He May Fortify your hearts
and Make Firm your feet.
8:12 When thy Lord Gave Instruction to the angels:
I Am With you i.e. in wars
so make firm those who believe.
I Will Cast terror into the hearts of disbelievers
so strike them in the heads
and slice off their limbs!
8:13 Because they opposed God and His Messenger
and God Is Severe in Retribution to whoever opposes Him and His Messenger.
8:14 So let them taste it!
Yea and lend them the reminder:
For the fools is the Punishment of Fire!
8:15 O you who believe when you meet those who disbelieve advancing upon you
do not turn your backs to them.
8:16 Whoever that day turns their back to them
except as a clever maneuver for battle
or to join another company
they have incurred Wrath From God
and their habitation is Hell
how miserable is their Journeys’ End.
8:17 And thou killed them not
but God Killed them
and thou threw not when thou thought to throw
but God Threw.
All So He Might Test believers in their faith in Him.
God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
8:18 Because God Breaks the plans of the fools.
8:19 Those fools who Prayed for help against believers now have their answer.
Still if they cease hostilities
it will be better for them.
But if they return We will return
and their company will avail them nothing
no matter how numerous
because God Is With the believers.
8:20 O you who believe
obey God and His Messenger and do not turn away from him when he calls you to do whatever he is told.
8:21 And be not like those who say: We heard.
While they did not listen. Fools!
8:22 The worst of beasts in the Sight Of God are those unwilling to listen to the Truth
and unwilling to communicate the Truth
these do not use reason.
8:23 And had God Known any Good in them He Would Have Made them listen.
But Had He Made them listen they still would have turned away
for they are not guided.
8:24 O you who believe respond to Gods’ Messenger when he calls you to what gives you Life. fighting/working for God
And know that God Stands Between minds and hearts
and that to Him you will be gathered.
8:25 And be in Wise Fear of tests not to befall only those who do wrong. Tests are opportunities given to believers to grow.
And know that God Is Severe in Retribution.
8:26 And remember when you were few and oppressed in the land
fearing the enemy would sweep you away.
He Gave you Refuge and Strengthened you with His Help and Provided you Some Good Things
that you might be grateful.
8:27 O you who believe do not betray God or His Messenger
nor betray your trusts
yea you know.
8:28 And be cognizant that your wealth and your children are only tests
and that With God Is the Tremendous Reward.
8:29 O you who believe
if you are in Wise Fear of God He Will Make the difference between Good and evil clear to you
and Remove your evil from you thereby
and Forgive you.
God Is The One Possessor of Unending Bounty.
8:30 And when those who disbelieve scheme against thee to restrain thee or to kill thee or to drive thee out
certainly they scheme
but God Schemes
and God Is The Best of schemers.
8:31 And when Our Proofs are recounted to them
they say: We have heard
and if we wished we could speak the like of this
but it is only the legends of former peoples.
8:32 And when they say:
O God if this be the Truth From Thee
then Rain Thou Down Upon us stones from the sky or Bring us some other Great Show of Your Wrath.
8:33 But God will not punish them when a messenger is among them
nor will God punish them if they seek His Forgiveness.
8:34 But how can they not be punished by God when they bar believers from the Kaaba and do not protect it?
Truly its protectors are only those of Wise Fear the devout monotheist believers who frequent it but most do not know.
8:35 And when some hold Prayers at the house it is filled with disorder of shouting and whistling and clapping.
So taste the Punishment for the wrongs you do!
8:36 Those who disbelieve spend of their wealth to bar the Path Of God
so let them spend it.
Then it will become a sorrow for them
when they will be defeated
and all the disbelievers will be gathered into Hell.
8:37 God Will Separate the bad from the Good
and He Will Place the bad one upon another and Heap them altogether
and Throw the lot into Hell.
Yea these are the losers.
8:38 Say to those who are deceived:
If they cease sinning what is past is forgiven them
but if they return to it they will be like the former peoples now gone forever.
8:39 And fight them until there is no persecution and the doctrine is entirely for God.
Then if they cease
God Sees what they do.
8:40 But if they turn away
know that God Is your Benefactor
and Excellent Is He As your Benefactor
and Excellent Is He As your Protector.
8:41 And know that anything you take as spoils of war
to God and the messenger belongs a fifth
and to the kin
and to the fatherless
and to the poor
and to the wayfarer.
Do that if you believe in God and what We sent down upon Our servant on the day of criterion between Right and wrong
the day the two armies met.
And know God Is Powerful Over All Things.
8:42 When you were on the near bank
and they were on the far bank
and the caravan was below you.
And had you agreed to peace you would still have differed again later.
Hence so that God Might Conclude a matter done
and there would perish who perished with Clear Proof of Gods’ Intervention
and there would live who lived with Clear Proof.
God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
8:43 Recall how God Showed them in thy vision illusion as few
for had He shown them as many you would have lost heart and quarreled with your soldiers over the matter
but God Saved you.
He Knows what is in the hearts.
8:44 And while He Made you see them as few
He Lessened your numbers in their eyes as well
all that God Might Conclude a matter done.
Yea unto God are all matters referred.
8:45 O you who believe when you meet a company of foes
stand firm and remember God much that you might be successful.
8:46 And obey God and His Messenger
and quarrel not together lest you lose heart and your valor leave you.
Yea be steadfast
God Is With the steadfast.
8:47 And do not be like those who come forth from their dwellings boastfully to be seen of others
then abandon the Path Of God.
God Knows Everything they do.
8:48 And when the degenerate inhuman imposter makes their deeds seem fair to them they say:
None among humanity can defeat you on this day while I am at your side!
Then when the companies come within sight of one another they turn on their heels and say:
I am free of you
I see what you see not
and I now fear God
for God Is Severe in Retribution!
Recall the earlier note about how some animals can see the angels where we referenced the story of Balaam and his donkey from Numbers 22? Well the real degenerate inhuman imposters (not Adamites deceived into being jews) have similar ability as do their fathers the jinn. So this is saying one saw the ranks of angels over Mohamet and his army then ran!
8:49 The hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease
their doctrine has deceived them.
But whoever places all their trust in God
for them God Is Mighty, Wise.
8:50 And if thou could see when the angels take those who disbelieve
striking their faces and their backs saying:
Taste the Punishment of the Consuming Fire!
8:51 Because of what your hands sent before you
and because God is not unjust to the servants.
8:52 Like the case of the house of pharaoh and those who were before them
they denied the Proofs Of God
so God Seized them for their transgressions.
And God Is Strong, Severe in Retribution.
8:53 God does not change Graces He Bestows Upon peoples unless they go against instincts in their souls.
God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
8:54 Like the case of the house of pharaoh and those who were before them
they denied the Proofs Of their Lord
so We destroyed them for their transgressions.
Yea We drowned the house of pharaoh
thus We Eliminate all wrongdoers.
8:55 The worst of beasts in the Sight Of God are those who choose to disbelieve
so they will not believe no not ever. During this life!!!
8:56 And those from whom thou takes a pledge
then they declare null their pledge
they are not in Wise Fear.
8:57 And if thou gain ascendency over them in war
separate and put fear into their lower ranks
that they might take heed.
8:58 And if thou suspects treachery from any
leave them.
God loves not the traitors.
8:59 And do not let those who disbelieve think they have won for they cannot escape God.
8:60 Prepare for them what you are able of weapons and cavalry
to terrify your and Gods’ enemies
and others besides them you do not know
but God Knows them. jinn
And whatever you spend for the Cause Of God will be repaid to you in full
and you will not be wronged.
8:61 And if they incline to peace
then incline thou to it too
and place all thy trust in God
He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
8:62 And if they intend to deceive thee
then Quite Sufficient for thee Is God.
He It Is Who Supported thee with His Help and with the ones who believe.
8:63 And He United their hearts
when if thou had spent what is in the Earth altogether thou could not have united their hearts.
But God United them
He Is Mighty, Wise.
8:64 O prophet! God Is Unparalleled for thee and those who follow thee among the believers.
8:65 O prophet rouse thou the believers to fight!
If there be of you twenty steadfast believers they will defeat two hundred!
And if there be of you a hundred they will defeat a thousand of those ungrateful
because they are a people who do not understand.
8:66 Now God Has Unburdened you
for He Knew there was weakness in you
so if there be of you a hundred steadfast believers they shall defeat two hundred!
And if there be of you a thousand they shall defeat two thousand all by Gods’ Permission!
God Is With the steadfast.
8:67 And it is not for a prophet to ransom captives until he has total mastery over the land for his followers.
So do not be foolish desiring the goods of this world
when God Desires the Hereafter for you.
For God Is The Mighty, The Wise.
8:68 Had it not been for a Decree From God which had gone before a Punishment would have touched you for what you took. Speaking of the war at Badr when Mohamet opted to ransom captives instead of detaining or executing them while still in a state of war.
8:69 So consume of what you take in spoil as Lawful and Good and be in Wise Fear of God.
In that God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
8:70 O prophet say to those captives who are in your hands:
If God Knows any Good in your hearts He Will Give you Better than what has been taken from you
and He Will Forgive you.
Yea God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
8:71 And if they wish to betray thee
they had betrayed God before so He Placed them in subjection to you.
God Is Knowing, Wise.
8:72 Those who believe
and emigrate
and strive with their property and their lives for the Cause Of God
and those who give shelter
and help
these are protectors of one another For God.
But those who have not emigrated
you are not required to protect them from anything until they emigrate.
Except if they seek aid from you against religious prosecution from the enemy you are required to help
unless it is against a people you have an agreement.
Remember God Sees Everything you do.
8:73 And those who disbelieve are partners of one another.
Unless believers unite the same way there would be persecution in the land and great corruption.
8:74 But those who believe
and emigrate
and strive for the Cause Of God
and those who give shelter
and help
these are the believers in Truth.
They have Pardon and a Noble Provision From God.
8:75 And those who believe thereafter
and emigrate
and strive beside you
they are of you.
But those of kinship are closer to one another
some deserving more in what is Prescribed By God
for God Knows All Things.
Chapter 9. Repentance, at-Taubah
9.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful
9:1 An Acquittal From God and His Messenger to those with whom you made a pledge among the polytheists:
9:2 Travel in the land four months
and know that you cannot escape God
and that God Will Humiliate any fools among you.
9:3 A Proclamation From God and His Messenger to mankind on the day of the great pilgrimage:
God Is Free of the polytheists
as is His Messenger
and if you repent
it is better for you.
But if you turn away
know that you will never escape God.
So bear tidings of a Painful Punishment to disbelievers.
9:4 But the polytheists with whom you made a pledge
and are not deficient towards you in anything
and do not help anyone against you
fulfill your pledge to them to its term.
God Loves those of Wise Fear.
9:5 Yet later when the sacred months have passed
kill the non repentant polytheists wherever found
or seize them
and restrain them for enslavement to the believers.
Yea lie in wait for them at every place of ambush.
But if found repentant
and upholding the Prayer
and rendering the purifying works
let them go their way.
Truly God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
9:6 And if one of the polytheists seeks thy protection
grant them protection until they know Gods’ Word.
Then convey them to their place of security
because they were of a folk who did not know.
9:7 And some ask: How can polytheists have pledges with God and with His Messenger
like with believers who pledged at the temple?
Say: It is a different pledge.
So long as they are upright with you
be upright with them for that is all that matters to you.
God Loves those of Wise Fear.
9:8 But what if they get the better of you regarding neither pact nor humanitarian obligation?
Yea they please you with their mouths but in their hearts they refuse.
These are ones who disobey.
9:9 Some exchange the Revelations Of God for a cheap price and bar others from His Way.
Yea evil is what they do.
9:10 They do not honor pacts nor obligations with believers
these are the transgressors.
This is speaking of the jewish “kol nidre”. The kol nidre is the holiest jewish Prayer and is recited repeatedly on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It means “all vows” and is a flat statement that no promise of any kind will be kept for the coming year. It is also sung in the synagogue, and goes like this: “All vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound ourselves to, from this day of atonement, until the next day of atonement (whose arrival we hope for happily) we repent, beforehand, of them all, they shall all be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any power; the vows shall not be reckoned as vows, the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths considered as oaths.” HENCE ALL SUCH jEWS ARE SELF SWORN, GODLESS LIARS!!!
9:11 But those who repent
and uphold the Prayer
and are conscious of Gods’ Presence
then they are your brethren in the Doctrine.
We set out and detail this for you who know.
9:12 But those who renege on their oaths or deride your doctrine fight these ingrates!
Truly their sworn oaths are nothing to them
and will not cause them to desist.
9:13 Will you not fight a people who broke their oaths
and attempted to expel the messenger
and began against you first? Do you fear them?
God Has More Reason To Be Feared if you be believers!
9:14 So fight them!
God Will Punish them at your hands
and Humiliate them
and Help you Against them
to heal the hearts of people who believe
9:15 balancing the rage in their hearts with faith.
And God Forgives whom He Wills
because God Is Knowing, Wise.
9:16 Assumed you that you will be done fighting before God Knows who has strived most amongst you? Nay.
And do not take friends or confidants besides God and His Messenger and the believers.
And know God Is Aware of Everything you do.
9:17 Polytheists are not to be in places of worship of God
for they only bear witness against themselves in denial.
These their works are vain
and they will abide in the Fire Eternally.
9:18 But those who inhabit the places of worship of God
with those who believe in God and the Last Day
and uphold the Prayer
and are conscious of Gods’ Presence
and fear nothing except God
such perhaps will be Truly Guided.
9:19 Have you imagined that those who simply give water to the pilgrim and visit the Kaaba
are like those who actually believe in God and the Last
Day and strive wholeheartedly for the Cause Of God?
They are not equal with God
for God does not guide the lackluster.
9:20 Yea those who believe
and emigrate
and strive for the Cause Of God with their wealth and their lives
are degrees above others before God.
These are the Triumphant!
9:21 Their Lord Gives them Glad Tidings of Mercy and Acceptance From Him
and they have Gardens therein of Enduring Bliss.
9:22 They abiding Eternally therein forever.
Yea With God is the Immense Reward.
9:23 O you who believe
do not take your fathers and your brethren as protectors if they prefer denial to faith
for whoever among you takes them as protectors
these are in clear error.
9:24 Say:
If your fathers
and your sons
and your brethren
and your wives
and your kindred
and the wealth you have acquired
and trade wherein you fear a decline
and dwellings with which you are pleased
are dearer to you than God and His Messenger and striving in His Way
then wait until God Brings His Command.
God guides not the wantonly disobedient people.
9:25 God Has Helped you in many difficult places
like on the day of the battle of Hunayn
when you were impressed at your multitude
but it availed you nothing
and the Earth became narrow to you
vast as it was.
So you turned and fled.
9:26 Then God Sent His Tranquility upon His Messenger and the believers
and Sent Down Forces you did not see
and Punished those who disbelieve.
That is the penalty for fools.
9:27 Then God Relents after that Towards whom He Wills.
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
9:28 O believers those serving other than God are unclean
so do not let them approach the Kaaba after this year.
And if you fear poverty from losing their commerce
God Will Enrich you out of His Bounty if He Should Will.
God Is Knowing, Wise.
9:29 Fight those who do not believe in God or the Last Day
and who make lawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful.
They do not adhere to the Doctrine of Truth
held by those in possession of Gods’ Word.
So fight them until they make reparation under your supervision when they are brought low.
9:30 And the degenerate inhuman imposters say: Ezra is the son of God.
And the christians say: Yeshua is the son of God.
That speech of their mouths
is the speech of those who were deceived before them.
And God Damns them all! How they are deluded.
9:31 They take their messengers and religious scholars as lords rather than God
when they are only Commanded to serve The One God.
There is no god but He
so Glory Be Unto Him Far Above that which they serve!
9:32 Wishing to darken the Light Of God with their mouths
but God Refuses so that He Perfect His Light more
even though the fools be averse.
9:33 He It Is Who Sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the Doctrine of Truth this is a prophecy for Al-Mahdi
that He Might Make It Manifest over every doctrine
though the polytheists be averse. Truth will indeed eventually fully prevail over deceit and/or misunderstanding. Seen also in 61:9.
9:34 O you who believe
many among the rabbis and religious scholars consume the wealth of others in vanity
and abandon the Path Of God.
Those who amass gold and silver then do not spend it for the Cause Of God
give them tidings of a Painful Punishment.
9:35 The Day the Fire of Hell will be roaring
branding their foreheads and sides and backs when
it is said: There is what you amassed for your souls.
Taste what you earned!
9:36 The count of the months With God is that of
twelve months in the Torah.
The day He Created the Heavens and the Earth
and from them four are sanctified.
That is the Right Doctrine
so do not wrong your souls concerning them.
And fight the polytheists collectively
as they fight you collectively
and know that God Is With those of Wise Fear.
9:37 Postponement of the sacred month is but an increase in denial
whereby those who disbelieve are led astray.
They make it lawful one year
and make it unlawful another year
that the count might be what God Made Unlawful.
So they make lawful what God Made Unlawful
and the evil of their deeds is made to seem fair to them
hence God does not guide the fools.
9:38 O you who believe what ails you when it is said to you:
Go forth for the Cause Of God
but then you cling to this life on Earth?
Are you content with the life of this world over the Hereafter?
Enjoyment of the life of this world when recalled in the Hereafter is utterly insignificant. No compare!
9:39 And unless you go forth He Will Punish you with a Painful Punishment
and He Will Simply Replace you with another people.
And you cannot harm Him at all in any way whatsoever
for God Is Powerful Over All Things.
9:40 And if you did not help someone who succeeded at anything
it had to be God Helped them.
As when disbelievers expelled the second of two
who were in the cave
when they said: Grieve not for God Is With us.
Then God Sent Down His Tranquility
and Strength from His Forces not seen.
He Made the threats of those who disbelieve the least of their concerns.
And the Word Of God It Is the Uppermost
God Is Mighty, Wise.
9:41 So go forth
light or heavy
and strive with your wealth and your lives for the Cause Of God.
That is best for you if you only knew.
9:42 Had it been goods nearby and a short journey they would have followed thee
but far for them was the destination
and they will swear by God:
Had we been able we would have set out with you.
But they destroy their souls with such lies
because God Knows they are liars.
9:43 Yet thou said: God Pardon thee!
Why did thou seek their pardon
before it was made clear to thee who speaks the Truth and who lies?
9:44 Those who believe in Him and the Last Day do not ask Pardon From God
to strive with their wealth and their lives!
And God Knows those of Wise Fear.
9:45 But those who do not believe in God and the Last Day do ask pardon of thee to stay behind.
Yea those in whose hearts is doubt
so in their doubt they are hypocrites.
9:46 For had they wished to go forth they would have readied themselves for it
but God did not want them to so He Held them Back
by Whispering: Sit with those that sit at home.
9:47 For had they gone forth among you they would have increased you only in confusion and been active in bringing you to ruin
because among you are some listeners to them.
But God Knows the wrongdoers.
9:48 They sought your ruin before and overturned matters for thee
until the Truth came and the Command of God was made manifest
while they were averse.
9:49 Yea among them are those who say: Grant me pardon to stay behind
so as to tempt me not. with the enemies’ blonde haired women
But into the temptation have they fallen of cowardice
and Hell encompasses these fools.
9:50 If victory befalls you it vexes them
but if defeat were to befall you they would say:
We took our precautions wisely
then turn away in gladness.
9:51 Say: Nothing befalls us except what God Decrees for us
for He Is our Guide
and in God Alone let the believers place all their trust.
9:52 Say: Do you wish to see us as martyrs not victors?
Alright then wait for God to Afflict you with Punishment From Him by our hands!
Yea wait
we are with you waiting.
9:53 Say: Spend willingly or unwillingly it will not be accepted from you
for you are wantonly disobedient fools.
9:54 Their expenditures are prevented from being accepted because they disobeyed God and His Messenger
and come to Pray lazily
and spend not of Good except begrudgingly.
9:55 So do not let their wealth nor children impress thee
for God Only Intends to Punish them thereby in the life of this world
and See that they die
while they are fools.
9:56 And they swear by God that they are of you
but they are not of you
they are only a weak people who cause division.
9:57 Had they found refuge of a cave or other place to hide they would run to it
for indeed they are unstable and lost.
9:58 And among them are those who speak ill of thee concerning your distribution of wealth and spoils
whence if they be given thereof they are satisfied
but if not they are angry.
9:59 And had they been satisfied with What God Gave them like the messenger they would have said:
Whatever God Provides Suffices us
He Will Give us of His Bounty as will His Messenger
so to God do we turn in hope.
9:60 Yea Gods’ Charity is only for
the poor and the needy
and the workers of it
and those whose hearts are brought together by it
and for freeing slaves including those heavily indebted
and the wayfarer
all for the Cause Of God.
This is an Obligation From God
and God Is Knowing, Wise.
9:61 And among them are those who malign the prophet
saying: He is unquestioning without thought.
Say: He is unquestioning of what is Good for you!
He believes in God
and he believes in believers
yea he is a mercy for those who believe.
So there is a Painful Punishment for those who malign the Messenger Of God.
9:62 They swear by their mouths only to please God and His Messenger
while it is more Right that they should actually please God if they be believers!
9:63 Do they not know that whoever works against God and His Messenger
for them is the Fire of Hell wherein they abide Forever?
That is the Humiliating Abasement.
9:64 The degenerate inhuman imposters fear this Quran might expose them for who they are
showing their hatred of humanity and the evil that has forever been in their hearts. Think about DIIs exposed in the QFC!
So say: Keep hating and mocking!
God Will Bring Forth what you fear. You are seeing it now!
9:65 And if thou asks some jews they will say:
We only jested and made fun.
Say: Nay! You dared to mock God
His Proofs
His Messenger
and those who believe!
9:66 Make no excuses you have denied the Truth.
And even if We were to pardon any repentant of you the vast majority We will punish
because you are worthless.
9:67 Yea most talmudic men and women are the same
they enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is fitting
and they make only fists of hate with their hands.
For they have forgotten God
so He Has Forgotten them
yea all such hypocrites are worthless.
9:68 So God Has Promised those talmudic men
and women
and all disbelievers alike
the Fire of Hell
where they will wail Eternally therein.
It is their Reckoning
for Gods’ Curse is upon them
and they have a Lasting Punishment.
9:69 Like those talmudists before who were
stronger than them in might
and greater in wealth and children
they enjoyed their lot.
And some today enjoy their lot as they did
and they jest like they jested.
So their works are vain in this world and Hereafter
for these are the losers.
9:70 Have not the reports of all those before reached you?
Yea the people of Noah
and the people of Ad
and the people of Thamud
and the people of Abraham
and the people of Midian
and the many cities We have thrown down?
Their messengers came to them with Clear Evidence
and God wronged them not
but they wronged their own souls.
9:71 While the believing men and believing women are protectors of one another for God.
They enjoin what is fitting
and forbid what is wrong
and uphold the Prayer
and are conscious of Gods’ Presence
and they obey God and His Messenger.
God Will Have Mercy on these
for God Is Mighty, Wise.
9:72 God Has Promised the believing men
and the believing women
Gardens beneath which rivers flow
they abiding Eternally therein
Goodly dwellings in their Gardens of Perpetual Abode.
Thus Acceptance From God is the greatest feat
that is the Tremendous Achievement.
9:73 O prophet strive against the deniers and hypocrites
and be harsh with them
tell them We have prepared their habitation in Hell
and wretched is their Journeys’ End.
9:74 They swear by God they did not say
what they have said.
They denied after their submission
and they attempted harms they will never accomplish.
Then they resent that God Enriches His Messengers and Believers of His Bounty.
If they repented it would have been better for them
but they turned away so God Will Reward them with a Painful Punishment in this world and in the Hereafter.
And they will not have any ally nor protector.
9:75 Among them are those who made this pledge to God:
If He Gives us of His Bounty we will give charity and be of the Righteous.
9:76 Then when He Gave them of His Bounty they withheld it and turned away niggardly in aversion.
9:77 So He Repays them with hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day they meet Him
because they broke their promises With God
yea because they lied to Him.
9:78 Do they not realize that God Knows All their secrets and their confidential conversations
and that God Is The Knower of the unseen realms?
9:79 Those who speak ill of those who give willingly in charity among the believers
and of those who find not to give except for their own enjoyments
deride them
as God Derides them
yea make their punishments hurt.
9:80 And ask Forgiveness for them or not it will not matter.
Yea if thou ask Forgiveness for them seventy times
God will not forgive them!
It is because they denied God and His Messenger.
God does not guide fools or the wantonly disobedient.
9:81 Like those who were left behind celebrated remaining left behind the Messenger Of God
and disliked to strive with their wealth and their lives for the Cause Of God.
And they said: Do not go forth in the heat.
Say: The Fire of Hell is the heat to avoid!
If they only understood.
9:82 So let them laugh a little
then weep Forever
as fitting Reward for what they earned.
9:83 And if God Brings thee back triumphant to a number of them and then they ask of thee permission to go forth
say: You shall not go forth with me nor fight an enemy for God with me no not ever.
You were pleased to sit at home the first time
so sit with those who remain.
9:84 And do not ever perform Prayers for any among them that die
nor stand over their graves in remorse.
They denied God and His Messenger
then died while they were wantonly disbelieving.
9:85 Yea and do not let their wealth or children impress thee for God Only Uses such to Distract them in this world so that they will die in lowly states
as the fools they are.
9:86 When a chapter is sent down to believe in God
and strive alongside His Messenger
the opulent among them ask permission of thee:
Leave us to be with those who sit.
9:87 They are content to be with those who remain
and their hearts are sealed by Us
so they do not understand.
9:88 But the messenger and those who believe with him strive with their wealth and their lives
and these have the Good things.
Yea these are the Successful!
9:89 God Has Prepared Gardens for them beneath which rivers flow
and they will live Eternally therein.
That is the Tremendous Achievement.
9:90 And there came those with excuses among the bedouins a nomadic desert dwelling people that permission to stay behind be given them
so there sat those who lied to God and His Messenger.
Hence a Painful Punishment will befall those of them who disbelieve as well.
9:91 But there is no blame upon the weak
nor the sick
nor those who have nothing to spend
when they are True to God and His Messenger.
Yea against the doers of Good there is no path
and God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
9:92 Nor against those to whom when they came to thee asking that thou provide them horses for battle when
thou said:
I cannot find whereon to mount you
and they turned back their eyes overflowing with tears of grief that they could not spend of their lives for God.
9:93 The path is only against those who ask permission of thee to stay behind when they are rich
and content to sit with those who remain.
All because their hearts are Sealed By God
so they cannot understand.
9:94 They make excuses to you when you return to them
so say: Do not make excuses
for we do not believe you!
God Has Informed us of your assertions
and God and His Messenger will see your deeds.
Then you will be brought back to Him Who Knows the unseen and the seen
and He Will Tell you Everything you did.
9:95 And when you return they will swear by God to you with excuses so you might leave them alone
so indeed do leave them in abandon.
Yea they are abomination
and their Reward is Eternal habitation in Hell
that is what their sitting earned for them.
9:96 They swear lies to you so you might be pleased with them
but even if you are pleased with them
God is not pleased with them for they are liars.
9:97 Yea and bedouins are strong in denial and hypocrisy
from ignorance in that they likely do not know
of what God Has Sent Down upon His Messengers.
Of this too God Is Knowing, Wise.
9:98 Also among the bedouins are they who spend only for themselves while awaiting turns of ill fortunes for you.
But for them is the most miserable turn of fortune
because God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
9:99 But there are among the bedouins those who believe in God and the Last Day
and take what they spend as an offering to God and blessings for the messenger.
Yea it is a blessing for these to spend how they spend
and God Will Make them Enter Into His Mercy.
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
9:100 And the first leaders among those who emigrated
and their protectors
and those who followed them are in Good conduct.
God Is Pleased with them
and they are pleased with Him
for He Has Prepared Gardens beneath which rivers flow for them
and they will abide Eternally therein.
That is the Tremendous Achievement.
9:101 And among the bedouins are degenerate inhuman imposters
like they are among peoples of all the towns.
These persist heavily in hypocrisy
but otherwise thou knows them not. they look like us mostly But We know them
and We will punish them in this life
then they will be sentenced to a Horrific Punishment.
9:102 And others admitted their transgressions
they who mixed a Righteous deed with another of evil
but it may be that God Will Relent Towards them.
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
9:103 So accept their charity to cleanse them
and to increase them in God Consciousness
and perform thou the Prayer befitting them.
It will be a comfort for them
and God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
9:104 Do they not know that God Is Who Accepts the repentance from His Servants and Takes the charity?
And that God, He Is The Receptive, The Merciful?
9:105 So say: Act!
God Will See your actions
as will His Messenger and the believers.
Then you will be sent back
to The Knower of the unseen and the seen
and He Will Tell you Everything you did.
9:106 And others are deferred unto the Command Of God
whether He Will Punish them or Forgive them
God Is Knowing, Wise.
9:107 And there are those who manage temples as means of mischief to promote apostasy and division among the believers
and as lookouts working for those who work against God and His Messenger. This is true for all religious organizations now ran by degenerate inhuman imposters and jews worldwide.
And they will swear: We purposed only Good.
But God Bears Witness that they are liars.
9:108 So do not stand within their temples ever!
For any place of worship founded upon Wise Fear from the first day has more to offer that thou stand within it
with those who love to purify themselves.
Yea God Loves those who purify themselves.
9:109 Is then one who based a building on prudent fear of God and His Good Pleasure better
or one who based a building as if on the edge of a cliff that will collapse into the Fire of Hell?
Know that God does not guide wrong doing people.
9:110 Their buildings will never cease to be sources of distress and doubt for their hearts
and hence they will be cut off
for God Is Knowing, Wise.
9:111 But God Has Bought from the believers their lives and their wealth
for that the Garden is theirs
because they fight for the Cause Of God
the best of them killing and being killed.
This is a promise binding upon Him in the Torah Exodus 32:13-23 the Gospel Rev 14:13 and the Quran here and in 2:243, 3:195, 4:100 & 22:58 and who fulfills a promise better than God?
Rejoice then in your bargain that you have contracted with Him!
For in that is the Tremendous Achievement.
9:112 Yea the repentant
the serving
those praising
while journeying
those humble
that submit
who enjoin what is Right
and forbid what is wrong
all the keepers of the Limits Of God.
Bear thou Glad Tidings to these believers!
9:113 It is not for the prophet or believers to Pray for polytheists even if they are relatives
for they know they are the companions of Hell.
9:114 And requests for Forgiveness by Abraham for his guardian Azar were only because of a promise he had promised. see 19:47 “I will ask Forgiveness for thee Of my Lord”
But when it had become clear to him that he was an enemy to YHWH
he abandoned him.
Abraham was compassionate and forbearing.
9:115 God does not send people astray after Guiding them.
He Makes Clear to them what they should be in Wise Fear of
for God Knows All Things.
9:116 God. To Him belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth.
He Gives Life and He Gives Death
and you have neither ally nor protector besides God.
9:117 Verily God Turned Towards the prophet in Forgiveness
and to the emigrants
and supporters who follow him in hours of hardship
after the hearts of some of them had nearly deviated.
Then He Turned Towards them in Forgiveness
for He Is Kind To them, Merciful.
9:118 And Towards the three who were left behind they failed to go to battle in Tabuk when the Earth became narrow for them vast as it was upon their confession of it to Mohamet
and their souls became narrow for them
knowing there was no refuge from God.
Then after 50 days of repenting He Turned in Forgiveness Towards them so they might succeed
truly He Is The Receptive, The Merciful.
9:119 O you who believe always be in Wise Fear of God
and be among the Truthful. Like these 3 men were.
9:120 It is not for the people of the town or the bedouins to abandon the Messenger Of God
preferring enjoyment of their lives over his.
Because when there befalls his soldiers thirst or fatigue or hunger while fighting in the Cause Of God
or they take any step that angers disbelievers
or they achieve any attainment against the enemy
it is recorded for them as a Righteous deed.
Yea God will not forget any Rewards for doers of Good.
9:121 Any small or great sum they spend for God
or valley they cross while exposed
all that it is recorded for them
so God Can Reward them for the best of what they did.
9:122 And it is not always for believers to go forth all at once to fight in smaller battles
from every party among them they should commit a number to study and Pray
so they may illuminate their people when they return
that they might expand their God Consciousness.
9:123 But O you who believe always fight the disbelievers who are close to you
and let them find harshness in you
knowing that God Is With those of Wise Fear.
9:124 And when a chapter is sent down
among them are those perplexed who say:
Which of you has this increased in faith?
While those who believe it does increase them in faith
and they rejoice.
9:125 For there are those in whose hearts is disease
and it adds abomination to their abomination
so they will die while in bewildered states of disbelief.
9:126 Do they not see that they are subjected to tests once or twice every year?
Yet still they do not turn in repentance
nor do they take heed.
9:127 So when a chapter is sent down they look at each other thinking
is there really anyone watching us?
Then they turn away
for God Turned Away their hearts
so they are a people who cannot understand.
9:128 Yea there has come to you a messenger from among yourselves
and mighty upon him is his empathy for what grieves you.
Know he is concerned for you
he means to be kind and merciful for the believers.
9:129 Then if they turn away
say: God Fully Suffices me.
There is no god but He
and in Him I have placed all my trust
for He Is Lord of the Highest Throne.
Chapter 10. Jonah, Yunas
10.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
10:1 These are the verses of the Divine Writ.
10:2 Is it really a wonder to any that We have instructed a man among them
to warn them?
Yea bear thou Glad Tidings to those who believe
that they have high standing in the Sight Of their Lord
while fools will say:
This is an obvious sorcerer.
10:3 But He Who Created the Heavens and the Earth in six days then Took His Place upon the Throne
It Is He Who Directs All Matters.
And there is no intercessor except by His Permission
that is God
your Lord
so serve Him.
Will you not take heed!
10:4 Unto Him is your Return one and all!
Yea the Promise Of God is True
He Begins Creation
then He Repeats it that He Might Reward those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness with equity.
But those who disbelieve have scalding liquids and Painful Punishments for what they denied.
10:5 He It Is Who Made the sun a shining light
and the moon
and Decreed phases for them so you might use them to reckon times.
God Created Everything in Perfect Usefulness
and He Sets Out and Details the Proofs for believers.
10:6 Yea in the alternation of night and day
and in What God Created in the Heavens and the Earth
are Many Perfect Proofs for those of Wise Fear.
10:7 But those who do not look to meet Us while only desirous of the life of this world and resting therein
those are the ones who are heedless of Our Proofs.
10:8 And their habitation is Hell for what they earned.
10:9 While those who believe and do Righteous deeds
their Lord Guides them by their faith
and rivers will flow beneath them in Gardens of Bliss.
10:10 Their Prayer therein will be: Glory Be Unto Thee O God!
And their greeting therein will be: Peace!
And in each Prayer will be: All Praise Belongs To God
Lord of the Worlds!
Yea and now with this version of the Quran; “Thank You YHWH!”
10:11 And had God Quickened trials for mankind in this life as they would like they would fail from lack of education.
Hence those who spend their lives not looking to the Meeting with Us
We leave them wandering blindly in their disorder.
10:12 And when affliction touches humans they cry to Us whether on their side or sitting or standing.
Then when We remove the affliction they pass by as though they had not called to Us!
Thus what the committers of excess do is made to seem fair to them.
10:13 And We destroyed the generations before you
when they did wrong.
Yea their messengers also came to them with Clear Evidence.
But they were not to believe.
Thus do We penalize fools.
10:14 Then We appointed you as successors in the Earth
that We might see how you do.
10:15 And when Our Clear Proofs are recounted to those who do not look to the Meeting with Us they will say:
Bring thou a recitation other than this
or change it to something of ease that we may like.
Say: It is not for me to change it of my own accord
I follow only what I am instructed
for I fear the Punishment of an Onerous Day if I should disobey my Lord.
10:16 Had God Willed I would not have recited it to you
instead He does not allow fools to hear or see it.
Still I have dedicated my life to be of service to you
so will you then not use reason!
10:17 So who is denser than one who invents a lie about God or denies His Proofs?
These fools are not successful!
10:18 And some serve besides God what can neither harm nor benefit them
foolishly saying: These are our intercessors with God.
Say: Could you tell God what He does not know about the Heavens or the Earth?
Nay. Glory Be Unto Him!
Exalted Is He Far Above that which they serve!
10:19 And recall when all mankind was of one community
with humans knowing and working with jinn then they differed.
But had Words come forth From thy Lord saying we’re equals it would have been concluded between them concerning that wherein they differ.
10:20 And they say: Oh that a Proof of our liking were only Sent Down Upon him By his Lord!
Say: The Mysteries of the unseen Belong Solely To God
so wait
I am with you waiting.
10:21 And when We cause mankind to taste mercy after affliction has touched them
then they deny Our involvement say:
God Is Swiftest In Thought
and Our Messengers write down what you deny.
10:22 He It Is Who Lets you travel on the land and sail the sea
when you have boarded ships and floated on them with a good breeze that brought gladness.
Then when a tempest wind came upon them
and the waves came to them from every side
they worried they might be drowned by them.
So they call to God as if sincere to Him pleading:
If Thou Deliver us From this pending doom we will be among the grateful!
10:23 Then when He Delivered them they went on to rebel in the Earth without cause.
O mankind your insolence is only against yourselves for the Doctrine is simple.
Some brief enjoyments of the life of this world
then to Us is your return
and We will inform you of Everything you did.
10:24 Yea the parable of the present life of this world is like the water We send down from the sky.
It mingles with the plants of the Earth from which mankind and animals eat.
Then when the Earth has taken her decoration of buildings, infrastructure and lights and is made fair
mankind thinks to have had mastery over it.
But then Our command comes by night or by day when We make it stubble as if it had not flourished the day before.
Thus do We set out the Evidence in detail for the wise.
10:25 And God Invites to the Abode of Peace
and Guides whom He Wills to the Straight Path.
10:26 For those who do Good is the best and true increase.
Yea those for whom neither gloom nor disgrace will overshadow their faces.
These are the companions of the Garden
wherein they abide Eternally.
10:27 But for those who do evil is a Reward the like thereof.
Yea their disgrace will cover them
and they have no defender against God.
They will look as if their faces were covered with pieces of darkening night
for these are the companions of the Fire
wherein they abide Eternally.
10:28 On the Day We will gather them one and all
We will say to those who serve other than God:
Here are your places you and your jinn partners
and We will separate them
and their partners will say: We did not worship falsely!
10:29 And God Suffices as The Witness between us and you that we were not seeking your worship.
10:30 And every soul will testify to what it did before
upon their return to God their Benefactor with the Truth
and strayed from them will be those false gods they invented.
10:31 Say: Who Provides for you from the sky and the Earth?
Who Is He Who Owns the True Hearing and Sight
and Brings Forth the living from the dead
and Brings Forth the dead from the living?
Who Is He Who Directs All matters?
They will assuredly say: God.
Then say: Will you then not be in Wise Fear?
10:32 For That Is God your Lord in Truth
and what is there other than Truth except error?
How then are you diverted and gone astray?
10:33 Thus did the Word Of thy Lord become binding
upon those who are wantonly disobedient
those who freely chose to not believe.
10:34 Say: Is there among your partners of jinn one that begins Creation then repeats it?
Say: God Begins Creation then Repeats It
so how then are you deluded?
10:35 Say: Is there among your partners one that guides to the Truth?
Say: The One True God Guides to the Truth!
So does He Who Guides to the Truth Have More Reason to be followed
or one who does not guide while they must be guided?
Yea so what ails you?
How do you figure it all?
10:36 Yea most fools follow only assumptions
but assumptions do not suffice whatsoever against the Truth
and God Knows what they do.
10:37 This Quran could not be invented by anyone other than God.
It is a confirmation of what is within its scope
and an exposition of the covenant
about which there is no doubt
is From The Lord of the Worlds.
10:38 So if they say: He invented it.
Say: Bring a chapter the like hereof
and call to any whom you can for help besides God
if you be Truthful.
10:39 The Truth is they reject what they do not have the desire to comprehend
and what they care not to have explained to them
thus those before them also rejected the Truth.
See how was the final outcome of those wrongdoers!
10:40 So among them are those who believe in it
and among them are those who do not believe in it
and thy Lord Knows Best those workers of corruption.
10:41 So if they reject thee say:
To me be my works and to you be your works
you are innocent of what I do
and I am innocent of what you do.
10:42 And among them are some who listen to thee.
But did thou make them listen without them having been made reasonable by God to begin with?
10:43 Yea among them are those who look towards thee
but has thou guided the blind who could not see?
10:44 Nay. And God does not wrong mankind in any way but
they wrong their own souls. And then get Condemned By God.
10:45 And the Day He Gathers them will be as though they had tarried only an hour of a day compared to Eternity
and they will recognize one another.
Fools will have lost
those who doubted the Meeting With God
for they were not Rightly Guided.
10:46 And whether We let thee see them being punished now or not
to Us is their return all the same
and God Is Witness Over Everything they do.
10:47 And for each populous is a messenger before its end
then after their messenger comes
it is all concluded between them in equity
and they will not be wronged.
10:48 And they say: When is this Promise if you be Truthful?
10:49 Say: I have no power to harm nor benefit anything by myself unless God Should Will
but for every populous this time the entire world is a term.
When their term arrives
they will not defer an hour
nor will they advance it.
10:50 Say: Have you considered when His Punishment finally comes upon you by night or by day
what will fools seek to hasten then?
10:51 Only when it is too late is when you will believe?
When the End becomes the Now?
Recall when you had sought to get it over with then!
10:52 When it will be said to those who do wrong:
Taste the Punishment for Eternity!
For are you repaid for other than what you earned?
10:53 And they ask thee to inform them:
Is it True?
Say: Yea By my Lord it is True
and you cannot escape it.
10:54 And if each soul that did wrong possessed all that is in the Earth it would seek to ransom itself thereby.
And except for wailing they cannot express the remorse when they see the Punishment.
So it is concluded between them with equity
and in that they will not be wronged.
10:55 In Truth Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Belongs To God.
And in Truth the Promise Of God is Real
but most of them do not know.
10:56 He Gives Life and He Gives Death
and you will be returned to Him.
10:57 O mankind there has come to you Good Advice From your Lord
a Healing for what is in the hearts
a Guidance and Mercy for the believers.
10:58 Say: For the Bounty Of God and for His Mercy
for that let them be glad
for it is far better than things they amass and cherish.
10:59 Say: Have you considered what God Has Sent Down for you of foods
and you changed thereof what is Lawful and unlawful?
Say: Did God Give you His Permission
or is it lies you invent about God?
10:60 And what will those who invent lies about God
think on the Day of Resurrection?
Yea God Is Bountiful Towards mankind
but most are not grateful.
10:61 And O messenger thou are not engaged in a matter
and thou does not recite any recitation
and thou does no deed without Us.
For We are over you as witnesses when you press on.
And there does not escape from thy Lord the weight of an atom in the Earth or in the sky
or less than that or greater. God just told us about matter made up of neutrons and protons smaller or “less than” atoms!
No not anything unless it is in a Clear Decree. aka programming code
10:62 And in Truth the Believers Of God
they need not fear
nor will they regret.
10:63 Yea those who believe and are in Wise Fear.
10:64 For them are the Glad Tidings in the life of this world and in the Hereafter.
Gods’ Promises do not change
so the Tremendous Achievement is in believing.
10:65 And do not let their sayings grieve thee
for Greatness Still Belongs To God Altogether
He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
10:66 In Truth Whoever is in the Heavens and Whoever is in the Earth Belong To God
so those who serve other than God follow nothing.
They only follow imaginations
while telling lies.
10:67 He It Is Who Made the night for you wherein is rest and the sight giving day
in that is Evidence for people who listen.
10:68 They say: God Has Taken a son.
Utterly remote the thought that He Would Bear a human son!
Nay! He Is Free From need
for To Him Alone Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth!
Say: You have no warrant for this.
How do you ascribe to God what you do not know?
10:69 Say: Those who invent lies about God will not succeed.
10:70 Yea some brief enjoyments in this world
then to Us is their final return
when We will make them taste a Severe Punishment because of what they invented.
10:71 And recite thou to them the report of Noah
when he said to his people:
O my people if my station and my reminding you of the Proofs Of God is troublesome to you
then in God Alone have I placed all my trust.
So plan your plan and gather your partners
and do not let anything stop you.
Then move decisively against me and grant me no respite to see the outcome. No one can harm Gods’ Messengers.
10:72 And if you turn away
recall I have asked you for no reward
yea my Reward is Only With God
and I am Commanded to be among the submitted.
10:73 But they rejected him
so We delivered him and those with him in the ship
and made them successors
after drowning the rest who denied Our Proofs.
See thou the final outcome of those who had been Warned?
10:74 Then after him We raised up more messengers to their peoples bringing them more Clear Evidence
but they being habitual were not to believe in what they had refused before. The epitome of bad habits!
Thus do We place a seal upon the hearts of the transgressors.
10:75 Then We raised up Moses and Aaron with Our Proofs against pharaoh and his eminent ones
but they were proud
an evildoing people.
10:76 And when the Truth from Our presence came to them
They said: This is obvious fantasy.
10:77 Moses said: Do you really say of the Truth when it has come to you:
This is fantasy?
For the sorcerers will not be successful.
10:78 They said: Has thou come to turn us away from the creed which we found with our fathers
and that there be majesty for you in the land?
Then we do not believe you.
10:79 And pharaoh said:
Bring every learned sorcerer to me.
10:80 And when the sorcerers came Moses said to them:
Cast what you will cast!
10:81 And after they had cast Moses said:
What you bring thereby is weak sorcery
and God Will Make it vain.
God does not allow success from the deeds of the workers of corruption.
10:82 God Establishes the Truth By His Words
though the fools be averse.
10:83 And none revealed belief in Moses except the youths
due to fear of pharaoh and his eminent ones
that they would subject them to persecution.
Yea pharaoh was exalted in the land
and he was of the committers of excess.
10:84 And Moses said:
O my people if you believe in God
place all your trust in Him Alone and submit.
10:85 And they said: Yea in God we will place all our trust.
And please Thou our Lord
do not make us a temptation for the wrong doing people.
10:86 And Deliver us By Thy Mercy from the fools.
10:87 And We instructed Moses and his brother
to go to Egypt
and settle their folk in houses
and to make their houses destinations
for upholding the Prayer
and bearing Glad Tidings to fellow believers.
10:88 And Moses said: Our Lord we see Thou Have Given pharaoh and his eminent ones Adornment and Wealth in the life of this world
so they might go astray from Thy Way.
But now our Lord please Evaporate their wealth and Harden their hearts
so they do not believe until the Day they see the Painful Punishment!
10:89 He Said: Your Supplication Has Been Heard
so keep to the Straight Path
and do not follow the ways of the ignorant.
10:90 Then We brought the children of Israel across the sea
when pharaoh followed them with his forces in great hatred and insolence.
But when the drowning was about to overtake him
he said: I believe there is no god but He in Whom the children of Israel believe
and I am of the submitted.
10:91 Now you submitted?
When thou had opposed God before and were of the workers of corruption? Nay!
10:92 But this day do We preserve embalm thy body
so that it will be a Proof of your death for those after thee
even though most are heedless of Our Proofs.
The mummy of Ramses II, believed to be pharaoh herein;
10:93 And We settled the children of Israel in dignified homes and provided them with some Good things
then they became egotistical and began to differ.
Thy Lord Will Be Judge between them on the Day of
Resurrection concerning that wherein they differed.
10:94 And if thou be in doubt concerning what We reveal to thee
then ask those who have read the Torah before thee.
Yea the Truth From thy Lord has come to thee Mohamet
so do not be of those who doubt.
10:95 And do not be of those who deny the Proofs Of God
for thou would be among the losers.
10:96 Those upon whom the Word Of thy Lord became binding
they did not believe.
10:97 Yea even if 1000 Proofs come to some
they do not believe until they see the Painful Punishment. On Judgement Day.
10:98 Oh that a city beyond just the people of Jonah had only believed and profited by its faith!
When they believed We removed the suffering of disgrace in the life of this world from them
and gave them enjoyment for a time.
10:99 And had thy Lord Willed whoever is in the Earth meaning anyone under the firmament would have believed one and all.
But would thou compel those resistant to believe? Think about this, it would go against the very foundations of reason and freewill.
10:100 Yea it is for a soul to believe only by Gods’ Permission
and He Has Appointed Abomination for those who fail to use their gift of reason.
10:101 Say: Look at Everything in the Heavens and the Earth!
But the Evidence and Proofs and Warnings avail not a people who freely chose to not believe.
10:102 Do they await the like of the end of days of those who came and went before them?
Then say: Wait
for I am with you waiting.
10:103 Then We rescue Our Messengers and those who believe
thus is it binding upon Us to rescue the believers.
10:104 Say: O humanity should you be in doubt about my doctrine?
For I do not serve those you serve besides God.
Nay. I serve God Who in the end Will Take you!
Yea I am Commanded to be of the believers.
10:105 So set thy purpose towards monotheism
inclining towards Truth
and be not of the polytheists or nontheists.
10:106 Do not call to other than God
that which can neither profit thee nor harm thee
for if thou does
then thou are of the wrongdoers.
10:107 And if God Should Touch thee with Affliction
there is none to remove it except He.
And if He Should Desire Good for thee
there is none to repel His Help.
He Causes It to fall upon who He Wills of His Servants
and He Is The Forgiving, The Merciful.
10:108 Say: O humanity the Truth has come to you From your Lord
and whoever is Rightly Guided
they are only Rightly Guided for their own soul.
And whoever strays
only strays against their own soul
and I am not your caretaker.
10:109 So follow what thou are instructed
and be patient until God Is Judge
for He Is The Best of judges.
~ End of Part 2, Chapters 1-10 ~