Part 3, Quran Chapters 11-40 Jump To Part: 1 2 4 5 6
Chapter 11. Hud
11.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
11:1 alif lām rā
The Book wherein the Proofs are fortified then set out and detailed
from One Wise, Entirely Aware.
11:2 That you serve not except God
I am Sent to you From Him as Warner and Bearer of Glad Tidings.
11:3 And that you seek Forgiveness Of your Lord
then turn to Him in repentance
so He Causes you to enjoy a Fair Provision for a term
as He Gives every graceful one of His Grace.
But if you turn away
I fear the Punishment of an Onerous Day for you.
11:4 When Unto God is your return
He Who Is Powerful Over All His Things.
11:5 And if they fold over their hearts that they might hide from Him
it is not like when they cover themselves with garments so as not to be seen by others
for He Knows what they keep secret and what they make known.
Yea He Knows what is in the hearts.
11:6 And for creatures in the Earth sustenance thereof is only upon God
and He Knows their place and their repository
all is in His Clear Decree.
11:7 He It Is Who Created the Heavens and the Earth in six days
and His Throne upon the water
all so He Might Try you to See which are best in deeds.
And if thou say: You will be raised up after death.
Those who disbelieve will say:
That is only obvious fantasy.
11:8 And if We delay the Punishment until a Reckoned Time they will say: What detains it?
In Truth the Day it comes unwelcomely there will be no averting it from them.
Yea surrounding them then will be all of that which they mocked!
11:9 And if We cause humans to taste mercy from Us then remove it from them
they are without hope and ungrateful.
11:10 And if We cause them to taste grace after affliction has touched them they say:
Surely due to luck and odds . . . The The hardship has left me!
Then they are jubilant and boastful. All without thanks.
11:11 But those who are faithful and do deeds of Righteousness
they actively seek Gods’ Forgiveness and the Great Reward.
11:12 And it may be that thou forgets some of what thou are instructed
and thy heart be strained when they say:
Oh that a treasure had only been sent down upon him
or an angel had come with him!
Truly thou are only a Warner
and God Is Guardian Over All His Creation.
11:13 And if they say: He has invented it.
Say: Then bring ten chapters the like hereof
and call for help to whom you can besides God if you be Truthful.
11:14 Then when those who try do not achieve it
they will know that it is Sent Down By the Mind Of God
and that there is no god but YHWH
then they will be fully submitted.
11:15 Whoever desires only the life of this world and its adornment
We will repay them for their deeds therein
and they will not be deprived of just payment.
11:16 These are they for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire.
So fruitless is what they wrought here
yea what they practice is in vain.
11:17 Is one who proclaims Clear Evidence From God vain
when they tell others as a witness for Him?
As Moses did with the Torah is that not
an example and a mercy like the other messengers for those who believe.
Hence whoever denies among the parties
their looming appointment is with Eternal Fire.
So be thou not in doubt concerning it
for it is the Truth From thy Lord
but most do not believe.
11:18 And who is denser than one who invents a lie about God?
These will be brought before their Lord and the witnesses will say:
These are they who lied against their Lord
yea in truth the Curse Of God is upon the wrongdoers!
11:19 Those who abandoned the Path Of God
and further would make it crooked
and are deniers of the Hereafter.
11:20 These have not escaped from the Earth
and they have no protection without God no not any.
So the Punishment is doubled for them
for by their own choosing it has resulted that they cannot hear nor see in this life.
11:21 These are those who lost their souls
and the gods some invented have strayed from them.
11:22 Beyond doubt they are the losers in the Hereafter.
11:23 While those who believe doing deeds of Righteousness and humbling themselves before their Lord
these are the companions of the Garden
wherein they abide Eternally.
11:24 The parable of the two factions is as those who came unwilling to see and hear at first of their own accord
while the other was willing then saw and heard.
Are they equal in levels?
Will you then not take heed!
11:25 And We sent Noah to his people saying: I am a Clear Warner to you!
11:26 That you serve none except God
for I fear the Punishment of a Painful Day for you!
11:27 Then the eminent ones who were indifferent to
the Warning among his people said:
We see thee only as a mortal like us
and we do not see any that follow thee except those who are lowest and poorest and wretched among us.
And we do not see any merit over us in you
yea the truth is we consider you a liar.
11:28 He said: O my people have you considered
that I am here with Clear Evidence From my Lord
and hence Mercy From His Presence has come to me
but He Has Made it invisible to you?
Then how or better why should I compel you to accept it
when you were averse to it from the start?
11:29 And O my people see I ask no payment from you for it
for my Reward is only with God.
And I am only not to repel those who believe
yea for they are journeying to meet their Lord.
But I see you are a people in ignorance.
11:30 And O my people who will rescue me from God if I repel them?
Will you then not take heed!
11:31 And I do not say to you: I have the Treasuries Of God.
Nor that I have knowledge of the unseen.
Nor that I am an angel.
Nor do I say to those you look down upon
that God will not give them Good
for God Knows Best what is in their souls
and I would be of the wrongdoers.
11:32 They said: O Noah thou has disputed with us
yea thou has greatly disputed with us!
Bring upon us what thou promised us
if thou be of those who speak the Truth.
11:33 He said: God Will Bring It Upon you when He Wills
and you will not escape!
11:34 And if God Has Deemed to Lead you astray
my sincere advice will not profit you
even if I wished to give it you.
He Is your Lord
and like it or not to Him you are returning.
11:35 If they say: He has invented it.
Say: If I have invented it
then that is my crime upon me
but I am innocent of the abominations you commit.
11:36 And Noah was instructed:
None of thy people will believe except who has already believed this is a Telltale Sign a Mass Culling From God nears, like now
so do not be distressed over what they do.
11:37 Just craft thou the ship under Our eyes by Our instruction
and speak thou not to Me on behalf of those who have done wrong.
They will be drowned.
11:38 And he made the ship
and every time eminent ones among his people passed by him they derided him
so he said: Lo if you deride us we will surely deride you more than you deride!
11:39 And hence you will discover to whom comes a Punishment that degrades and disgraces them
yea a Humiliating Punishment Lasting Forever!
11:40 Then when Our command came to pass and the sky let loose its waters
We said: Load thou two of every kind therein
and of thy household
those who believe
but there believed with him only a few.
11:41 And he said: Board her.
In The Name Of YHWH is her passage and her arrival
my Lord Is The Forgiving, Merciful.
11:42 And it sailed with them amid waves like mountains
and Noah cried to his son
as they drifted apart:
O my son board with us
do not go down with the fools.
11:43 Said he: I will take shelter atop a mountain that will protect me.
He said: There is nothing this day that protects from the Command Of God except for those upon whom He Lays Mercy.
And the waves came between them
then he was among those drowned.
11:44 Then God Said: O Earth swallow thy waters
and O sky desist thou rains.
Then the water subsided
and the Command was concluded.
And the ship came to rest upon mount Al Judi
and God Said:
Done! Away with the wrong doing people!
11:45 And Noah cried to his Lord and said: My Lord my son is of my household
but Thy Promise is the Truth
and Thou Are The Most Just of judges.
11:46 He Said: O Noah he is not of thy progeny
he is an unrighteous breed a degenerate inhuman imposter
so do not ask Me about that which thou has no knowledge
this I Do Advise thee lest thou be among the foolish.
11:47 Said he: My Lord in Thee do I seek refuge so I ask not of Thee that whereof I have no knowledge.
For unless Thou Forgives me and Lays Mercy on me I will be among the losers.
11:48 It was said: O Noah go to your Earthly home with peace from Us and blessings upon thee and upon nations of those to come from thy progeny.
Yea future nations to whom We will give enjoyment.
But then a Painful Punishment from Us will touch most.
11:49 That is among the reports from the unseen
in which We instruct thee.
Thou knew it not
neither did thy people before this.
So be patient
the Final Outcome is for those of Wise Fear.
11:50 And to the people of Ad their brother Hud
when he said: O my people serve God
you have no god but He
you are only inventing.
11:51 O my people I ask no reward from you for it
my Reward is only upon Him Who Made me
so will you not then use reason!?
11:52 And O my people seek Forgiveness Of your Lord
then turn to Him.
He Will Send Good Rains Upon you in torrents
and Add Strength to your strength
so do not turn away as evildoers.
11:53 They said: O Hud thou has not brought us Proof
we will not leave our gods upon thy saying
for we do not believe thee.
11:54 We figure some of our gods have afflicted thee with insanity.
He said: I call God to Witness
I am innocent of that which you serve
11:55 besides Him!
So scheme against me altogether
and grant me no respite.
11:56 I have placed all my trust in God
my Lord and your Lord
there is no creature He does not hold by its forelock.
Yea and the Way to my Lord is the Straight Path.
11:57 So if you turn away
I have conveyed to you what I was sent with
and my Lord Will Replace you with another people.
And you cannot harm Him at all
for my Lord Is Custodian Over All His Things.
11:58 And when Our command came We delivered
Hud and those who heeded the Warnings with him
by mercy from Us
yea We rescued them from a stern attack.
11:59 And hence they later became people of Ad.
Then they denied the Proofs Of their Lord
and opposed His Messengers
and followed the wishes of every obstinate tyrant.
11:60 So they were followed by a curse in this world
to be fully cursed again on the Day of Resurrection.
Truly the people of Ad denied their Lord
was it not then
away with Ad the latter people of Hud?
11:61 And to Thamud We sent their brother Salih
who said: O my people serve God
you have no god but He.
He Brought you into being from the Earth and Settled you therein.
So seek Forgiveness Of your Lord and turn to Him
for He Is Always Near and oft Instantly Responsive.
11:62 They said: O Salih thou had been one in whom our trust was placed before this!
Does thou forbid us to serve what our fathers served?
We are skeptical in doubt about that thou invites us to.
11:63 He said: O my people have you considered
if I am with Clear Evidence From my Lord
and there has come to me Mercy From Him
then who will help me against God if I disobey Him?
Yea your ideas would not increase me except in loss.
11:64 And O my people you are given this She Camel Of God
as a Proof for you
just leave her to feed in Gods’ Earth
and do not touch her with hate
for if so a brutal attack that looms will take you.
11:65 Then they brutally crippled her
and he said: Take pleasure in your dwellings for only three more days
that is a promise not to be broken.
11:66 And when Our command came We rescued
Ṣalih and those who heeded Warnings with him
from the destruction and disgrace of that Day
by mercy from Us.
Thy Lord He Is The Strong, The Almighty.
11:67 So the blast overtook those who did wrong
and morning found them lying prone in their dwellings.
11:68 Now it is as though they had not lived therein
because the folk of Thamud denied their Lord.
Was it not then away with those of Thamud?
Some “abandoned” dwellings of Thamud;
11:69 Our Messengers came to Abraham with Glad Tidings
saying: Peace!
He replied: Peace!
And he came with a calf.
11:70 And when he saw their hands not reaching to kill it Like God, the angels do not eat. he was curious about them and felt fearful of them
but they said: Fear not
We are sent to the people of Lot.
11:71 And his aged wife stood
and she laughed
when We gave her Glad Tidings of birthing Isaac
and after Isaac Jacob. aka Israel
11:72 She said: Oh woe is me!
Shall I bear children when I am an old woman and my husband is an old man?
This is an amazing thing!
11:73 They said: Are thou amazed at the Command Of God?
The Mercy Of God and His Blessings are upon you the people of the house
yea He Is Praiseworthy, Glorious.
11:74 And when the alarm had left Abraham and the Glad Tidings fully reached him
he pleaded with Us for the people of Lot.
11:75 Abraham was forbearing compassionate and penitent.
11:76 O Abraham abandon this place
the Command Of thy Lord has come
and for them is destruction which cannot be repelled.
11:77 And when Our Messengers the angels then came to Lot he was distressed about them
and concerned with unease over their coming he said:
Woe this is a fateful day!
11:78 His people came to him
running towards him
and they had been doing evil before.
He said: O my people daughters are purer for you
so be in Wise Fear of God and do not disgrace me in front of my guests.
Is there not a Right Minded man among you?
11:79 They said: Thou knows we have no attraction to thy daughters
and thou knows what we desire.
11:80 He said: If only I had power over you
and could overcome you with strong supporters!
11:81 The angels said: O Lot We are Messengers Of thy Lord
they are of no threat.
Travel with thy family by watches of the night
and let none of you turn around except thy wife.
There will befall her what befalls them
and their appointment is in the morning
and is the morning not near?
11:82 When Our command came We overthrew the city
and rained upon it stones of burning brimstone piled up in layers. Think about all the archeological “digs” of ancient cities!
11:83 Hence they were Marked in the Sight Of thy Lord
and this is never far from wrongdoers.
11:84 And to Midian We sent their brother Jethro
who said: O my people serve God
you have no god but He.
Defraud not the measure nor the balance
for I see you in affluence
and I fear the Punishment of a Confining Day for you.
11:85 So O my people
fulfill the measure and weigh the balance with equity!
Yea do not deprive others of their things
and commit no evil in the Earth working corruption.
11:86 What Remains to come From God is Better if you are believers
but I am not a custodian over you.
11:87 They said: O Jethro does thy creed require that we leave what our fathers served
or that we not do with our property whatever we will?
We thought thou to be forbearing and Right minded!
11:88 He said: O my people have you considered that I am with Clear Evidence From my Lord and He Provides me a Goodly Provision From Him?
I do not desire to oppose you by telling you that which is forbidden you.
I desire only Right ordering so far as I am able
and my success is only through God
for I have placed all my trust in Him
and to Him do I turn repentant.
11:89 And: O my people
let not our differences cause you to commit evil
that there befall you what befell the people of Noah
or the people of Hud
or the people of Salih
and direly the people of Lot are not that unlike you.
11:90 Seek Forgiveness Of your Lord
turn to Him
for my Lord Is The Merciful, The Compassionate.
11:91 They said: O Jethro
we do not understand much of what thou says
and we see thee as weak
so were it not for thy family we would stone thee
yea thou are of no account to us.
11:92 He said: O my people
do you esteem my family more than you esteem God?
It Is Him you have put behind your backs
and my Lord Sees Everything you do.
11:93 So O my people work against me however you can
for I am working too
and you will learn to whom comes a Debasing Punishment and who is a liar.
So let us all watch
I am with you watching.
11:94 And when Our command came We rescued Jethro
and those who heeded Warnings with him
by mercy from Us.
The blast took the wrongdoers and
morning found them wiped from their dwellings.
11:95 It was as if they had not lived therein.
So was it not away with the city of Midian even as the city of Thamud was taken away?
11:96 And We sent Moses a Clear Warrant with Our Proofs.
11:97 They went to pharaoh and his eminent ones
who then followed the command of pharaoh
but the command of pharaoh was not Right minded.
11:98 Hence he will go before his people on the Day of Resurrection
and conduct them to the Fire
and miserable is their arrival there for listening to him.
11:99 Yea they are followed by a self chosen curse
and on the Day of Resurrection
the Reward they receive is horror!
11:100 That is among a few reports of cities We relate to thee
among them are some standing and some stubble.
11:101 We wronged them not
but they wronged their own souls
and their gods to whom they called besides God availed them nothing
when the Command Of thy Lord came.
Hence it all increased them not but in ruin.
11:102 Thus is the Seizing Of thy Lord when He Takes the cities of wrongdoers.
Yea and His Seizing is Painful, Strong.
11:103 In that is a Proof for those who fear the Punishment of the Hereafter.
That is the Day when all mankind will be gathered
a Day to be witnessed intensely by all beings.
11:104 And We delay it only to a Term Appointed By God.
11:105 On the Day no soul speaks except By Gods’ Permission.
Among them are only the horrified and the jubilant.
11:106 And as for the former
into the Fire!
They have only regret moaning and wailing therein.
11:107 They abiding Eternally
so long as the Heavens and the Earth endure
unless thy Lord Should Will Otherwise
for thy Lord Is The Doer Of What He Wills.
11:108 And as for those who are jubilant
embark into the Garden!
They abiding Eternally therein
so long as the Heavens and the Earth endure
unless thy Lord Should Will Otherwise
a bestowal without end.
11:109 So do not be in doubt concerning what these serve
for they only serve as their fathers served before.
And We will pay them in full without reduction.
11:110 We gave Moses the Torah
then it was forever disputed about.
And were it not that a Word Had Come From thy Lord
it would have been concluded between them.
But they are skeptical in doubt concerning it.
11:111 And to each thy Lord Will Repay their works in full
for He Is Fully Aware Of All they do.
11:112 So be thou upright as thou are commanded
with those who repented with thee
and do not transgress
knowing He Sees Everything you all do.
11:113 Do not mingle with those who do wrong
for the Fire will touch you
and you have no protectors besides God.
Yea it is then none can be helped.
11:114 And uphold the Prayer at the two ends of your day
and watches of the night.
Truly this Good deed replaces evil deeds
and that is a reminder for those conscious of God.
11:115 And be thou steadfast
for God does not suffer the loss of Rewards for the doers of Good.
11:116 Among the generations before you there had only been a remnant forbidding corruption in the Earth
so it was few among them We rescued.
And those who did wrong counted on what they had been given of opulence by Us
for they were evildoers.
11:117 But thy Lord did not destroy the cities
of people who did Right.
11:118 And had thy Lord Willed He Would Have Made mankind one like minded community of believers
but instead they have freewill and cease not to differ
11:119 except those whom thy Lord Lays His Mercy Upon.
For this is why He Created them as fuel sources for the universe
hence the Words Of thy Lord are fulfilled as He Said:
I Will Fill Hell with erring jinn and humans one and all.
11:120 And all We relate to thee among the reports of the messengers is that We might make thy heart firm thereby.
So in this there has come to thee the Truth
and a Warning
a Goodly Reminder for believers.
11:121 So go forth and say to those who do not believe:
Work against me however you can
I am working too.
11:122 And wait
for we are all waiting.
11:123 To God Belongs the Unseen of the Heavens and the Earth
and to Him the entire lot will be returned.
So serve Him
and place all thy trust in Him
for thy Lord is not unmindful of anything you do.
Chapter 12. Joseph, Yusuf
12.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
12:1 alif lām rā
Those are the Proofs of the Clear Book.
12:2 We sent it down
as an Arabic recitation
that you might use reason.
12:3 Yea We narrate to thee the best of narratives
in what We instruct thee with this Quran
for thou were among those unaware before it.
12:4 Like when Joseph said to his father: O my father
I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon
submitting to me.
12:5 He said: O my son
do not tell thy vision to others lest the enemies will become fearful and plan a plan against thee.
Yea the degenerate inhuman imposter is a sure enemy to humanity.
12:6 And thus Will thy Lord Choose thee and Teach thee the interpretation of events
and Complete His Covenant with thee and upon the house of Jacob
as He Completed It upon thy fathers
Abraham and Isaac.
Thy Lord Is The Knowing, Wise.
12:7 In Joseph and his brethren are Proofs for all who ask.
12:8 When they said: Joseph and his brother Benjamin are dearer to our father than we are
when we are a group of 10
so our father is in obvious error.
12:9 Then kill Joseph or banish him to a land
so the countenance of your father will pass to you
and be a Righteous people after it.
12:10 Said one speaker among them:
Kill not Joseph but cast him into the depth of the well
where some caravan will find him
if you must act.
12:11 They began by saying: O our father what is with thee?
Does thou not trust us with Joseph
when we are sincere protectors of him.
12:12 Send him with us on the morrow that he might run and play
we will keep him safe.
12:13 He said: Taking him away saddens me
and I fear a wolf may eat him when you are unmindful of him.
12:14 They said: If a wolf eats him under our watch
then we will be the losers.
12:15 Then when they took him and agreed to place him in the depth of the well
We instructed him:
Thou will one day inform them of this deed of theirs when they perceive not. Watch this prophecy unfold!
12:16 And they went to their father in the evening weeping
12:17 when they said: O our father
we went to run races and left Joseph with our goods and the wolf ate him.
And thou would not be one who believes us though we speak the Truth.
12:18 And they came with his shirt they had bloodied
but their father said: The Truth is your souls have enticed you into a matter
so wait thee with much patience
for God Is The One Whose Aid is sought about what you allege. And God Takes His Time!
12:19 And there came a caravan
who sent their water drawer
when he let down his pail
he said: O glad tidings here is a lad!
And they hid him to keep as merchandise
yea and God Knows what they did.
12:20 And they sold him for a low price
a few dirhams
for they did not value him.
12:21 He who bought took him home to his wife who said:
Be thou generous to him in our dwelling
it may be that he will benefit us
or we might take him as our son.
And thus did We establish Joseph in the land
so We might teach him how to interpret events.
Hence Did God Prevail Over his affair
but most do not understand.
12:22 And when he reached maturity We gave him much discernment and knowledge
and thus do We help the doers of Good.
12:23 And he was sought by the woman wishing to seduce him in their home
when she closed the doors and said: Come thou hither!
But he said: I seek refuge in God for He Is my Lord Who Has Made a Good dwelling here for me
and the wrongdoers do not succeed.
12:24 But she desired him
and he desired her
were it not for his awareness of his Lord Looking On.
Thus that We might turn him away from evil and sexual immorality
so he was among Our most pure hearted servants.
12:25 So he raced to the door
and she tore his shirt from behind
but they met her master at the door.
She said: What is the penalty of him who wishes hardship on thy household
other than that he be imprisoned
or a painful scourge.
12:26 But Joseph said: She sought to lure me from my soul!
And there bore witness another of the household
saying: If his shirt be torn from the front
she has spoken the Truth and he is a liar.
12:27 But if his shirt be torn from behind
she has lied and he is of those who speak the Truth.
12:28 And when he saw his shirt torn from behind he said:
This cunning is of your work woman
and your cunning is serious.
12:29 So disregard this Joseph!
And as for thee my wife: Beg Forgiveness for thy transgression
for thou are in despicable error.
12:30 And women in the town said:
The wife of the governor is seeking to lure her houseboy away from his soul
for he has captivated her to love him
but we see her in clear error.
12:31 When she heard of their rumoring she sent to them
and prepared a feast for them
and gave to every one of them a knife and said:
Come thou out to them Joseph
and when they saw him they exalted him and cut their hands and said:
God Forbid!
This is no mortal!
This is no less than an angel!
12:32 She said: This is he for whom you blamed me
and yes I sought to lure him away from his soul
but he proved to have wisdom.
Even when by not doing what I commanded him he would face being imprisoned
and of those brought low.
12:33 He said: My Lord prison is preferable to me than that to which they invite me
and were it not for Thou Diverting their plan from me
I may have succumbed and been among the ignorant.
12:34 Yea God Responded to him
and Diverted their cunning from him
for He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
12:35 Then it became clear to them he did not desire them
so they sought to punish and imprison him for a time.
12:36 And two young men entered the prison with him
one of them said: I dreamt that I was pressing wine.
And the other said: I dreamt that I was carrying bread upon my head whereof the birds were eating.
Inform us of the interpretation Joseph
for we hear thou are among the gifted.
12:37 Said he: The foods you dreamt of will not come to you
but I will inform you of its interpretation before the events happen
for that is of what my Lord Has Shown me.
I left the creed of people who do not believe in God
and are deniers of the Hereafter.
12:38 I followed the creed of my forefathers Abraham and Isaac and Jacob
for it is not that we serve other than God.
That is of the Grace Of God upon us and upon mankind
but most are not grateful.
12:39 O my two prison companions
are diverse lords better
or Is The One God, The Omnipotent?
12:40 You serve besides Him only names which you and your fathers have invented.
But God did not send down any warrant for them
and True Judgement is only for God.
Yea YHWH Commanded that you correctly serve none but Him.
That is the Right Doctrine
but most do not know.
12:41 O my two prison companions
as for one of you
he will pour wine for his lord
and as for the other
he will be put to death upon a stake
so that birds will eat from his head.
Hence concluded is the matter you sought opinion of.
12:42 And he said to the one to be saved of the two:
Remember me before thy master.
But a degenerate inhuman imposter caused him to forget to mention him to his master
and he stayed in prison some years.
12:43 And the king said:
I saw seven fat cows eating seven fresh ears of corn and seven lean cows eating seven dried ears.
O my eminent seers
advise me concerning my dream if you can interpret.
12:44 They said: These are confusing dreams
and we are not learned in the interpretation of them.
12:45 But the man of the two who was saved said:
I will deliver the interpretation
if thou send me to Joseph.
12:46 Joseph O thou man of Truth
interpret on the seven fat cows eating seven ears of fresh corn
and seven lean cows eating seven dried ears
that I might return to the people
and they might know of your abilities.
12:47 He said: You will sow crops seven years as usual
that you have reaped
but set aside your wheat
for of that will you soon eat.
12:48 For after that will come seven hard years
and the people will eat from what you have saved for them rationing it from storage.
12:49 Then after that will come a year
wherein you will be given abundant rain
and you will press fruits in season.
12:50 And the king said: Bring him to me.
And when the messenger came to him he said:
Return thou to thy seer and ask him what of the women who cut their hands?
Yea my Lord Knows of their plan.
12:51 Said he: What was the case of you women when you sought to lure Joseph away from his soul?
They said: God Forbid! We do not know of any sin against him.
Then said the wife of the house: Now the Truth is out.
Yea I sought to lure him away from his soul
and he speaks the Truth.
12:52 That is so the man of the house might know that I have not betrayed him
for God does not guide the cunning betrayers.
12:53 I do not absolve myself completely
for the soul is incited to evil
but my Lord Has Mercy.
Yea my Lord Is Forgiving, Merciful.
12:54 And the king said: Bring him to me that I might attach him to myself.
Then when he spoke to him he said:
Thou are this day established in rank and trustworthy.
12:55 Joseph said: Set me over the treasuries of the land
for I am a trustworthy guardian.
12:56 And thus We established Joseph over the land to dwell however he wished.
We reach with Our mercy whom We will
and We do not forget rewards for the doers of Good.
12:57 But the Final Reward of the Hereafter is better
for those who believe and are in Wise Fear.
12:58 And the brethren of Joseph came and entered before him
and he recognized them
but they did not recognize him.
12:59 And when he had allotted their provision he said:
First bring me your brother Benjamin from your father.
As you see I will give full measure and I am the best of hosts.
12:60 But if you do not bring him to me
you will not get your measure
nor shall you approach me again.
12:61 They said: We will seek to bring him from his father
that we will do.
12:62 And he said to his servants:
Place their measures in their saddlebags
that they might know I gave it to them freely when they return home
this so that they be eager to return.
12:63 And when they returned to their father they said:
O our father forbidden us is the measure
unless thou send us with our brother Benjamin.
Then we will obtain the measure
and we will keep him safe.
12:64 Said he: How can I trust him to you as I trusted his brother to you before?
But God Is The Best Custodian
and He Is The Most Merciful of those who show mercy.
12:65 And when they opened their belongings they found their full measures
and they said: O our father what more can we ask
here are our supplies for free!
So now we will get more for our people and we will guard our brother
then we will have increase by a camels’ measure.
Yea for all this is but a light measure.
12:66 Said he: I will not send him with you until you give me a solemn oath before God
that you will bring him back to me unless you are dead.
And when they had given him their solemn oath he said:
God Is Guardian over what you say.
12:67 And he said: O my sons enter not at one gate but enter at diverse gates so as not to attract attention as a group
yet I cannot avail you in anything against God
for True Judgement is only For Him.
And in Him Alone do I place all my trust
and in Him Alone let those who invest trust place all their trust.
12:68 And when they entered in the manner their father had commanded it was not to change whatever God Wills
but as a desire of Jacob which He Satisfied.
And he was a man of knowledge due to what We taught him
but most do not know this.
12:69 And when they entered upon Joseph he took his brother aside
and privately said: I am thy brother Joseph
so be not distressed about me any longer.
12:70 And when he had furnished them with their provision
he put a fine goblet in Benjamins’ saddlebag
then had his crier cry out: O you of the caravan you are thieves!
12:71 Said they approaching them:
What is it you are missing?
12:72 They said: We do miss the cup of the king.
And for him who brings it will be a camel load
this we guarantee.
12:73 Said they: By God you know we did not come to work corruption in the land
and we are not thieves.
12:74 They said: And what is the reward for it should you be liars?
12:75 Said they: The reward for it is that if he in whose baggage it is found he is the reward for it.
Thus We repay the wrongdoers.
12:76 And he began the search with their bags before the bag of his brother
then he produced it from the bag.
And thus did We plan for Joseph
for he could not have taken his brother within the doctrine of the king except that God Had So Willed
yea We raise in degree whom We will.
And over every possessor of knowledge is The One
The All Knowing.
12:77 Said they: If he stole he is like his brother Joseph who stole. He took an idol and smashed it so it couldn’t be worshipped.
Joseph concealed his rage within his soul and did not reveal his identity to them prophecy fulfilled!
he said: You are in a worse situation than I
for God Knows Best what you describe.
12:78 Said they: O governor he has a father a very aged man
so take one of us in his place
we see thou are among the Righteous.
12:79 He said: God Forbid that we take other than him with whom we found the cup as agreed
then we would all be wrongdoers.
12:80 And when they despaired of him they separated themselves for private conference
where the eldest of them said:
Do you not know your father took a solemn oath from you before God
and that you failed concerning Joseph before?
I will not leave the land until my father says to
or God Is Judge in my favor
for He Is The Best of judges.
12:81 Return to your father and say:
O father thy son is accused of stealing a goblet
and we bear witness only to what we know
for we are not of the unseen Who saw it.
12:82 If in doubt go and ask those of the city
and those of the caravan we came back with
for we speak the Truth.
12:83 He said: The Truth is your souls have brought you into a matter
so wait thee with much patience
for it may be that God Will Bring both of them back to me.
He Is The Knowing, The Wise.
12:84 Then he turned away from them and said:
O my grief for Joseph!
And his eyes became white from the sorrow he was suppressing. Depression is linked to cataracts which are white.
12:85 They said: By God thou will never cease remembering
Joseph until thou be ready to die or are dead!
12:86 He said: I only complain of my distress and grief to God
and I know From God what you know not.
12:87 O my sons go and inquire concerning Joseph and his brother
and do not lose hope of Comfort From God
for none lose hope of Comfort From God except fools.
12:88 And when they entered upon him they said:
O governor affliction has touched us and our family and we bring paltry goods for exchange
but please fulfill thou the full measure for us
and forgive us by way of charity
for God Will Reward the charitable.
12:89 He said: Do you know what you did to Joseph and his brother when you were in ignorance?
12:90 They said: Is it thou?
Thou are Joseph!
He said: I am Joseph this is my brother
and God Has Advantaged us.
Yea whoever has Wise Fear and is steadfast
God suffers not the loss of rewards for doers of Good.
12:91 They said: Yea God Has Preferred thee over us
we were those in definite error.
12:92 He said: No discontent of mine is upon you this day
and if you ask God He may Forgive you
for He Is The Most Merciful of those who show mercy.
12:93 Go with my shirt and lay it upon the face of my father
then his sight will return
and then come to me with your household one and all.
12:94 And when the caravan departed their father said:
Do I perceive the scent of Joseph
or do you think I am of faint mind?
12:95 They said: By God thou are in thy old age erring.
12:96 Then when the one chosen to bear the Glad Tidings came forth he laid the shirt upon his face
and he could see again.
He said: Did I not tell you that I know From God what you do not?
12:97 They said: O our father ask thou Forgiveness for us for our transgressions
for we were those in error.
12:98 He said: I will ask Forgiveness for you Of my Lord
for He Is The Forgiving, The Merciful.
12:99 And when they entered upon Joseph he took his parents unto himself and said:
Enter this land in safety God Willing.
12:100 And he exalted his parents to the throne
and they fell down to him in thankful praise
and he said: O my father this is the fulfillment of my dream of which I told you long ago
for now our Lord Has Made It True.
He Did Good to me when He Took me out of prison
and Brought you from the desert
after a degenerate inhuman imposter had incited my brethren to do evil upon me.
Yea my Lord Is Subtle In What He Wills
He Is The Knowing, The Wise.
12:101 My Lord Thou Have Given me some Dominion and Taught me some of the interpretation of events.
Thou The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth
and Thou Are my Ally in this world and the Hereafter
so please Take me as one submitted
and Enjoin me with the Righteous.
12:102 That is among the reports from the unseen
We reveal to thee Mohamet.
Thou were not present with them the angels when they agreed to these affairs
when they were planning.
12:103 You see that most are not believers even if thou are eager for them to be.
12:104 Do not ask any reward from them for this
it is only a Remembrance for all of mankind.
12:105 And how many a Proof is there in the Heavens and the Earth
which they pass by yet towards which they are disinclined!
12:106 Yea most of them do not believe in God except the polytheists who ascribe partners with Him.
12:107 Do they feel secure from the All Encompassing Punishment Of God coming upon them?
Yea the unexpected event that comes when they are
not ready?
12:108 Say: This is my way
I invite to God with insight
I and whoever follows me.
And All Glory Be Unto God
that I am not of the polytheists!
12:109 And We sent before thee only whom We instructed from among the people of the cities.
Have they not travelled in the land and seen the final outcomes of those who were before them?
Yea the Abode of the Hereafter is best for those who are in Wise Fear
so will they then not use reason!?
12:110 When the messengers had despaired and thought that they had been rejected
Our help came to them
hence We deliver whom We will.
But Our wrath is not repelled from evil doing peoples.
12:111 In their narrative is a lesson for those possessed of insight.
It is not a fictional narration
but a bona fide confirmation of what has occurred
and an explanation of each lesson
as a guidance and mercy for those who believe.
Chapter 13. Thunder, ar-Ra’d
13.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
13:1 alif lām mīm rā
Those are the Proofs Of Gods’ Word
and What is Sent Down to thee From thy Lord is Truth
but most do not believe.
13:2 God It Is Who Raised Up the Heavens
without pillars you can see.
Then He Took His Place upon the Throne
and He Subjected the sun and the moon
each running for a certain term according to deep digits of PI!
for He Alone Directs All Matters.
And He Sets Out and Details the Proofs
so you might be certain of the Meeting With your Lord.
13:3 Yea He It Is Who Spread Out the Earth
and Placed Therein firm mountains and rivers
with every sort of fruit and He Made Pairs. males/females
He Covers the night with the day
yea and in that is Evidence for people who reflect.
13:4 And in the Earth are tracts adjacent to one another
gardens of grapes
and crops
and date palms
from a single stem and other than a single stem
watered with one water.
And some of them We prefer in yield to others
in that is Evidence for people who reason.
13:5 And if thou are amazed at that
then how amazing is their query:
After we are dust we will become a new Creation?
Such questioners are they who deny their Lord
and these will have yokes on their necks.
Yea these are the companions of the Fire
wherein they abide Eternally.
13:6 And they challenge thee to get it over with instead of seeking the Good
when their like have come and been punished before them repeatedly.
And still thy Lord Is Full Of His Forgiveness Towards mankind despite their wrongdoings
but thy Lord Will Also Be Severe In Retribution.
13:7 Those who disbelieve say:
Oh that a Miracle of our liking were sent down upon him From his Lord!
Remember thou are but a Warner
and for every nation comes such a guide.
13:8 God Knows what every female bears
and when the lining of the womb is restricted and expanded. during menstruation
Everything is in measure With Him.
13:9 The Knower of the unseen and the seen
The Great, The Exalted.
13:10 It matters not to Him if one conceals a saying
or makes it public
or hides by night
or comes forth by day.
13:11 He Has jinn Watchers before them and after them
guarding by His Command the Command Of God.
And God does not change conditions of a people unless they go against the Good Instincts He Put in their souls.
Then when God Wills misguidance for a people there is no repelling it
for they have no ally besides Him.
13:12 He It Is Who Shows you the lightning for fear and awe
and Produces the heavy clouds full of rain.
13:13 The thunder gives glory with His Praise as do the angels for fear of Him.
And He Sends the thunderbolts and even Strikes in Precision Therewith whom He Wills.
Yet they dispute concerning God while He Is Mighty in Unfathomable Wisdom.
13:14 To Him Alone can humanity call for all Truth
while those whom they call besides God do not respond to them in anything.
As if ones stretching forth their palms towards a drink
that it might come to their mouths
yet they cannot reach it.
Yea such calls of fools
are only in error.
13:15 Everything in the Heavens and the Earth submits
to God willingly or unwillingly
as do their shadows follow them from dawn until night.
13:16 Ask them: Who Is Lord of the Heavens and the Earth?
They say: God.
Say: Then you serve besides Him those who themselves have no power to do benefit nor harm?
Say: Are the unwilling to see and the seeing equal?
Or are shadows the same as Light?
They attribute equals to God imagining them to create like He Created
but it only seems alike. i.e. things jinn made like pyramids, ufos, skyscrapers, new breeds of plants/animals etc.
Say: God Is The Creator Of All Things
yea He Is The One, The Omniscient.
13:17 He Is Designer of water from the sky so that riverbeds flow according to His Measure
then floods carry a swelling froth.
And from what they burn in the fire to make ornaments or tools there is a froth like it. slag
Thus does God Compare Truth and falsehood
and as for the froth
it is discarded as dross.
And as for what is of benefit to mankind
it remains in the Earth
thus Does God Propound Parables.
13:18 For those who respond to their Lord there is Good
but those who do not respond to Him will come to know if they had all that is of the Earth altogether and the like thereof in double
they would seek to ransom themselves with it.
But they have a Miserable Reckoning
for their habitation is Hell
and wretched will be those Eternal Beds.
13:19 Is one who knows What is Sent Down to thee Mohamet is the Truth From thy Lord
like one who is blind?
Only those possessed of insight take heed.
13:20 Those who fulfill their pledge to God
and do not break their instinctual agreement to do Good.
13:21 And who join What God Commanded be joined the Law
and fear their Lord
and dread the Dire Reckoning.
13:22 And who endure patiently seeking the Countenance Of their Lord
and uphold the Prayer
and spend for God of what We have provided them secretly and openly
and overcome evil by replacing it with Good.
These have the Ultimate Abode.
13:23 Gardens of perpetual Eden which they enter
with whoever does Right among their parents and their spouses and their progeny.
And the angels enter upon them from every Gate
13:24 saying: Peace be unto you for enduring patiently!
How excellent is the Ultimate Abode!
13:25 But those who declare their pledges to God null after agreement
and sever the Good instincts God Commanded to be joined to them In our DNA
and create corruption in the Earth
these have the curse
and the Dire Abode.
13:26 God Expands and Measures Provisions How He Wills
and they celebrate the life of this world.
But the life of this world compared with the Hereafter is only a fleeting experience.
13:27 And those who disbelieve say:
Oh if only a proof of our liking were Sent Down Upon him From his Lord!
Say: God Leads Astray whom He Wills
and Guides To Himself the humble and repentant.
13:28 Those who believe and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of God.
Yea in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest.
13:29 Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
they have blessedness
and a Good Journeys’ End.
13:30 Thus We have sent thee among a people
like peoples that have come and gone before
only that thou recite to them what We instructed thee.
But if they deny The Almighty
say: He Is my Lord
there is no god but He
and in Him do I place all my trust
and to Him do I turn repentant.
13:31 And were there a recitation that set the mountains in motion
or split the Earth thereby
or caused the dead to speak
the Truth is the Commands Belong To God Alone.
Do not those who believe know that Had God Willed
He Would Have Guided mankind one and all?
Instead disasters will not cease striking the unguided for what they have wrought.
But the final disaster will not come to their abodes
until the Last Promise Of God comes.
And God will not break that Promise!
13:32 Messengers were mocked before thee
and I Granted the mockers indulgence
but then I Took them.
And how was My Retribution?
13:33 Is then He Who Watches Over every soul for what it earns like anyone else?
Yet they have foolishly imagined partners for God so say: Name them.
Be it you to inform Him of anything He does not Already Know about the Heavens or Earth?
Indeed it would only be playing with words
and the Truth is their scheme is made to impress those who disbelieve
but they are all diverted from the Way.
Yea for those whom God Sends Astray
there was never another guide.
13:34 For them is pain in the life of this world
then Punishment of the Hereafter is infinitely harder.
Yea and they have no defender from God.
13:35 A parable of the Garden which is Promised to those of Wise Fear: Beneath it rivers flow
and its food is constant as is its shade.
That is the Final Outcome for those of Wise Fear
but the Final Outcome for fools is shame in Raging Fire.
13:36 Some of those whom We gave the Torah are glad about what is sent down to thee Mohamet
but among them are ones who deny.
Say: I have only been Commanded to serve God
and I ascribe no partnership to Him
so to Him Alone do I call
and to Him Alone is my return.
13:37 We bestowed upon thee these ordinances in the Arabic tongue.
Know that if thou follow their vain desires after this Knowledge has come to thee
thou will have neither ally nor protector against God.
13:38 And We sent messengers before thee
yea We made for them wives and progeny.
And it was for the messengers to bring Miracles only By Gods’ Permission
whereby for every age and nation comes Revelations.
13:39 And God Blots Out what He Wills
and He Confirms what He Wills
and With Him remains the Mother of Books.
13:40 And if We let thee see something of what We promise them God Showed Heaven and Hell to others like Abraham and Enoch.
or We take thee before that
upon thee is only the communication
and upon Us is the Reckoning.
13:41 Do they not consider how We approach the Earth Circle from its outlying parts?
Or how when God Judges there is no critic of His Judgement?
Yea and He Is Swift In Reckoning!
13:42 And there have planned those who planned before
but all Plans Belong To God
and He Knows what each soul earns.
Hence all fools will come to know who the Ultimate Abode is for.
13:43 And those who disbelieve say:
Thou Mohamet are not an emissary.
Say: God Is Sufficient As Witness between you and I
and whoever else having knowledge of Gods’ Word.
Chapter 14. Abraham, Ibrahim
14.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
14:1 alif lām rā
This Decree We sent down to thee
that thou bring mankind forth from darkness into Light
by the Permission Of their Lord
to the Path Of The Almighty, The Praise Worthy.
14:2 God It Is To Whom Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Belongs
so woe to the fools for whom is a Severe Punishment.
14:3 Those who love the life of this world over the Hereafter
and abandon the Path Of God
and seek to make it crooked
yea these are in profound error who wandered astray.
14:4 And We sent messengers in the tongues of their people
that they might make things clear to them
but God Sends Astray whom He Wills
and God Guides whom He Wills
for He Is The Almighty, The Wise.
14:5 And We sent Moses with Our Signs saying:
Bring thou thy people forth from darkness into Light
and remind them of the Days Of God each equaling 1,000 yrs
for in that is Evidence for the steadfast and grateful.
14:6 And when Moses said to his people:
Remember the Grace Of God towards you when He Delivered you from the house of pharaoh!
They were afflicting you with an evil oppression
even killing your sons and taking your women!
Yea that was a Monumental Trial From your Lord.
14:7 And when your Lord Proclaimed: If you are grateful to Me I Will Give Increase to you
but if you deny Me My Punishment Will Be Severe!
14:8 And Moses said: Even if you all deny
you and those jinn who are in the Earth one and all
then God Is Still Quite Sufficient, Praiseworthy for me.
14:9 Have the stories of those before you not reached you?
The people of Noah
and Ad
and Thamud
and those after them?
And none knows the rest except God.
He Who Sent messengers to them with Clear Evidence
but they shoved their hands into their mouths saying:
We deny that wherewith you have been sent
and we are in doubt about that to which you invite us.
14:10 Yea all their messengers said:
Can there really be any doubt about God
He Being The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth?
He Calls you that He Might Forgive you some of your transgressions and Delay death until a known term.
They said: You are only mortals like us who would divert us from what our fathers served
so bring us a clear warrant.
14:11 Yea their messengers said to them:
We are only mortals like you
but God Gives Grace to whom He Wills of His Servants
and it is for us to bring you a warrant only by Gods’ Permission.
So let the believers place all their trust in God.
14:12 And how could we not place all our trust in God when He Alone Has Guided us in our ways?
Yea and we will endure patiently with that which you would hinder us.
Yea let those who trust place all their trust in God.
14:13 And those deceived said to their messengers:
We will drive you out of our land unless you return to our creed.
So it was YHWH their Lord Who Made the Decree:
We will destroy the wrongdoers!
14:14 And We will let others dwell in the land after them
that is for those who fear My Station and My Warnings.
14:15 And they sought victory over the believers
but every obstinate tyrant failed in frustration.
14:16 So ahead of them comes Hell
and they are given only a pus filled water to drink.
14:17 Yea he who thirsts to gulp it can barely swallow it
and continual death comes at them from every place
but they are not to truly die
for ahead of them is a Stern Punishment Ongoing.
14:18 A parable of those who deny their Lord is:
Their works are as ashes in a violent wind on a day of tempest
and they possess nothing of what they bought here.
Yea that is the Extreme Error.
14:19 Has thou not considered that God Created the Heavens and the Earth with Truth? numerations
If He Wills He Will Remove you and Bring a new Creation.
14:20 That is not difficult for God!
14:21 And they will come before their Lord one and all
when those who were despised will say to those who were proud:
We were your followers
can you now avail us against the Punishment Of God?
They will say: Had God Guided us we would have guided you
but now it is the same to us if enraged or regretful.
Yea now it is woe to us all for we have no asylum.
14:22 And when the matter has been concluded the degenerate inhuman imposter will say:
God Promised you the Promise of Truth
and I promised you
but I deceived you.
And I only had the right to call you to evils
but you foolishly responded to me.
So blame not me
but blame yourselves
for I will not answer your cry
nor will you answer mine
and I now reject your reliance upon me as a protector
yea for the wrongdoers comes a Painful Punishment.
14:23 But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness are made to Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow
they abiding Eternally therein by the Permission Of their Lord.
Their greeting therein is: Peace!
14:24 Has thou not considered How God Has Propounded a Parable?
A Good belief is like a Good tree
its roots firm
and its branches stretching into the sky.
14:25 It brings its fruit every season by Permission Of its Lord.
Glory Be To God Who Presents examples to mankind
that they might take heed.
14:26 The example of being deceived is like a bad tree
easily uprooted from the Earth
for it has no stability.
14:27 Hence God Strengthens those who believe with these Firm Words
concerning the life of this world
and the Life of the Hereafter.
And God Sends the wrongdoers astray
for God Only Does What He Wills with Good Reason.
14:28 Has thou not considered those who replace the Grace Of God with denial
leading their people down to the Abode of Desolation?
14:29 Indeed that is Hell
wherein they burn
and that great misery is their Final Lodging.
14:30 Those who abandon His Way imagine equals to God.
So say: Enjoy yourselves
for your Journeys’ End is the Fire.
14:31 But say to My Servants who believe:
Uphold the Prayer
and spend for God secretly and openly of what We have provided
before there comes a Day wherein there is neither trading nor befriending.
14:32 God Is He Who Created the Heavens and the Earth
and Sent Down pure water from the sky
and He Brought Forth fruits as a provision for you.
And He Made Subservient to you the ships to run upon the sea By His Command
and He Made Subservient to you the rivers.
14:33 And He Made Subservient to you the sun and the moon both ceaseless ever coming
yea He Made Subservient to you the night and the day.
14:34 And He Gives you of all that you ask Of Him.
Yea if you try to count the Graces Of God you cannot every heartbeat, breath, smell , taste, sight, sensation, joy, wonder, etc.
then how are so many wrongdoers and ingrates?
14:35 Abraham said: My Lord Make this a secure land
and keep my sons and I free from idolatry.
14:36 My Lord they have led many among mankind astray
but whoever follows me
then they are of me
and whoever turned away from me then repented
Thou Are The Forgiving, The Merciful.
14:37 My Lord I have settled some of my progeny in an uncultivable valley by the Kaaba Thy Holy House
so that they may uphold the Prayer.
My Lord make peoples hearts incline towards them
and provide for them some fruits
so that perhaps they give thanks.
14:38 My Lord Thou Know what we hide and make known
for nothing is hidden from You in the Earth or in the Heavens.
14:39 Praise Belongs To God Who Has Given me Ishmael and Isaac in old age
yea my Lord Is The Hearer of Prayers.
14:40 My Lord Make me and my progeny ones who uphold the Prayers
yea our Lord please Accept these Prayers.
14:41 Our Lord please Forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the Reckoning takes place.
14:42 Yea do not think that God is unmindful of what the wrongdoers do.
He Only Grants them respite till a Day wherein their eyes will stare fixed in horror.
14:43 Running forward seeking an end of the huge craft/s above them
their heads looking up at it/them
unable to look away because of the incredible sight they’re seeing
and their minds void. in astonishment and inability to comprehend
14:44 Yea warn thou mankind of the Day the Punishment will come upon them
when those who do wrong will say:
Our Lord Delay us a little while
and we will respond to Thy Call and follow Thy Messengers.
Yet did they not swear that there would be no such Day for them?
14:45 And many even dwelt in the desolate dwellings of those who wronged their souls before!
Yea it was made clear how We dealt with them
thus have We made such examples for you.
14:46 They schemed their schemes
but their schemes are nothing to God
even if their schemes are big to move mountains.
14:47 And do not think that God will fail in His Promises to His Messengers
yea God Is Mighty, Able To Repay.
14:48 The Day the Earth program is changed into another Earth
along with the Heavens
they will come before God, The One, The Omnipotent.
14:49 The Day thou sees evildoers bound in shackles.
14:50 Then as if covered with tar
with the Fire consuming their faces.
14:51 This that God Rewards each soul for what it earned
yea and God Is Swift In Reckoning on this Day!
14:52 This is the Clear Communication to mankind
that they be warned hereby
and that they might know He Is The One God
so that those possessed of insight will take heed.
Chapter 15. The Rocky Tract, al-Hijr
15.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
15:1 alif lām rā
Those are Proofs of the Book in a Clear Recitation.
15:2 Perchance those who disbelieve will wish they had submitted!
15:3 Leave them to eat and enjoy while false security riches, children, fame, power, ease, pleasures, etc. distracts them
for they will come to know.
15:4 And We did not destroy a city except when it had an appointed term.
15:5 And no community delays its term
nor does it quicken.
15:6 And they say: O ye who thinks the Remembrance has been sent down unto thee
thou are possessed!
15:7 Why not bring angels to us
if thou be of those who speak the Truth?
15:8 Nay! Angels are only deployed to deliver Truth and aid to the messengers
not to help disbelievers.
15:9 Yea We sent down the Quran as a final Remembrance
and We are its gaurdians. who keep the original Arabic intact
15:10 And We sent others like thou before thee
among former sects of peoples.
15:11 No messenger came whom they didn’t mock.
15:12 Thus do We insert disbelief in the hearts of fools.
15:13 They do not believe in it
as was the practice of the former peoples who have come and gone.
15:14 Yea had We opened a gate in the sky above them
where they could ascend therein
15:15 they would say:
Our sight is only from strange intoxication
yea we are a people taken by sorcery!
15:16 Yet We have set in the firmament constellations
and made them fair for the beholders
15:17 and kept them secure from every accursed degenerate inhuman imposter.
15:18 Yea for jinn who fly up in what we call UFOs to eavesdrop
a clear flame shoots at them. aka a falling star
15:19 And We spread out the Earth
and cast therein firm mountains
and caused every sort of thing to grow perfectly balanced therein.
15:20 And We made livelihoods for you therein
and for Everything else that lives.
15:21 And with Us alone are the treasuries thereof
and We send Everything down in exact measures.
15:22 Yea We send the fertilizing winds full of CO₂ for photosynthesis to produce glucose & oxygen
and pure water from the sky.
We gave that to you to drink
and it is not you who are its makers.
15:23 Yea We give life and We give death
and We are the ultimate inheritors.
15:24 And We intimately know the former among you
as We know the latter.
15:25 And thy Lord He Will Gather them
yea He Is The Wise, The Knowing.
15:26 And We have Created humans from sounding clay
of dark wet Earth. Carbon 12 and H20
15:27 And We Created the jinn before humans from a mixture of fire in scorching heat. 76:1 Was there not a long span of time before humans were even thought of? (Think Atlantis and the Pyramids. Here we see first came creation of jinn with use of heat in manufacture of them as advanced bionic cyborgs.)
15:28 And when thy Lord Said To the angels:
I Am Creating a mortal from sounding clay
of dark wet Earth.
15:29 And when I Have Formed him and Have Breathed Into him Of My Spirit Speaking in part to Good Instincts in Adams’ DNA.
fall down to him in submission.
15:30 Then all the angels submitted
15:31 but not lucifer who was/is a jinn
he refused to be with those who submit.
15:32 God Said: O lucifer what ails thee that thou are not with those who submit?
15:33 Said he: I am not one to submit to a mortal
whom Thou Has Created from sounding clay
of dark wet Earth. His pride just cost him everything!
15:34 He Said: Go thou forth from hence
thou are now the accursed. That’s it, he’s Hellbound!
15:35 And the curse is upon thee till the Day of Judgement.
15:36 Said he: Lord Grant me respite till the Day they are raised.
15:37 He Said: Thou are of those Granted respite
15:38 till the Day of the span appointed.
15:39 Said he: My Lord because Thou Has Sent me astray
I will make life on Earth seem pleasing to them
and I will deceive them one and all!
15:40 Except Thy Pure Hearted Servants among them.
15:41 God Said: Yea theirs is a Straight Path To Me.
15:42 My Pure Servants
thou has no warrant against any of them only those who follow thee among the misguided.
15:43 And Hell is Promised to those one and all.
15:44 It has seven gates each gate having a portion assigned.
15:45 But those in Wise Fear are among Gardens with springs
15:46 where it is said: Enter in peace and security!
15:47 And We will remove all rancor from their hearts
they will be brethren upon couches facing one another.
15:48 No weariness touching them nor fears of being removed therefrom.
15:49 Yea inform thou My Servants that I Am The Forgiving, The Merciful.
15:50 And that My Punishment Is the Painful Punishment.
15:51 And inform them of the guests of Abraham.
15:52 When they entered upon him saying: Peace!
He said: We are afraid of you.
15:53 They said: Fear not for We bring thee Glad Tidings of a learned lad.
15:54 He said: You bring these Glad Tidings to me
even though old age has touched me?
Of what Glad Tidings then do you bring?
15:55 They said: We bring these Glad Tidings in Truth
so be thou not of those who doubt.
15:56 He said: Who doubts the Mercy Of their Lord except those who are astray?
15:57 He said: What else is your business O messengers?
15:58 They said: We are sent to a city of evil doing people
15:59 but the house of Lot We are to rescue.
15:60 Except his wife for We have decreed that she be left behind.
15:61 And when the messengers came to the house of Lot
15:62 he said: You are strangers.
15:63 They said: Yea and We bring with Us a devastation which your people doubted.
15:64 But We bring thee the Truth
that We speak with sincerity.
15:65 So travel with thy household this night
and watch their backs
letting not any one of you turn round
just pass on to where you are commanded.
15:66 And We decreed for him in this command that
the root of those people will be cut off in the morning.
15:67 Then the heathens of the town came rejoicing about the comeliness of his guests.
15:68 And he said: They are my guests
so do not disgrace me.
15:69 Yea be in Wise Fear of God and do not shame me.
15:70 They said: Did we not forbid thee from helping strangers? Meaning he should send them out of his home to them.
15:71 He said: These are my daughters if you seek marriage.
15:72 But by this life they were in their intoxication wandering blindly.
15:73 And the blast took them at the break of day.
15:74 Lo We leveled it and rained it with stones of brimstone.
15:75 In that is Evidence for those who examine closely.
15:76 Those who abide and stay on the Path.
15:77 Yea in that are Signs for believers.
15:78 And the companions of the woods were wrongdoers
15:79 so We took retribution from them
and the remains of both are on roads for all to see.
15:80 And the companions of the rocky tract rejected the messengers.
15:81 Yea We brought them Gods’ Proofs but they were disinclined.
15:82 And they had hewed dwellings from the mountains thinking they were secure.
A huge cave system hewed in a 7 mile long tract of other dwellings of giants in Petra
15:83 But the awful infra or ultra-sound took them in the morning
15:84 and their houses of stone availed them not.
15:85 And We Created the Heavens and the Earth and what is between them only with Truth.
Yea and the Hour is coming
so turn away from sin and disbelievers with grace.
15:86 Thy Lord
He Is The Knowing Creator.
15:87 And We gave thee the seven often repeated parts of
the Sublime Quran. The 7 verses of chapter 1, the contact Prayer.
15:88 Envy thou not with thy eyes towards what pleasures We grant to some of them
nor grieve for them.
But lower thy wing over the believers.
15:89 And say: I am a Clear Warner.
15:90 The same as We sent down to those who divide peoples
15:91 those who accept only parts of the Quran.
15:92 By thy Lord We will question them all
15:93 about what they did.
15:94 So declare what thou are commanded
and turn away from the polytheists.
15:95 We will suffice for thee against the mockers
15:96 and those who make another god with God
they will come to know.
15:97 And We know that thy heart is injured by what they say
15:98 but glorify thy Lord with praise
and be among those who submit.
15:99 And serve thy Lord until the Certainty comes to thee.
Chapter 16. The Bee, an-Nahl
16.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
16:1 The Command Of God will come
so seek not to hasten it.
Glory Be Unto Him!
Exalted Is He High Above that which they serve!
16:2 He Sends Down the angels and whom He Wills of His Servants with the Spirit of His Command.
So warn that there is no god but I
yea and be in Wise Fear of Me!
16:3 He Who Created the Heavens and the Earth Precisely
and To Be Exalted Is He High Above that they serve!
16:4 He Creates mankind from a slimy drop of fluid
and then they are open disputants?
16:5 And He Created the livestock
for you therein are warmth and other great benefits
and milk then meat when they grow old.
16:6 And for you therein is purpose in stewardship when you bring them home to rest
and when you take them out to pasture.
16:7 And they bear your labor in farming the land which you could not have done without great hardship.
Your Lord Is Kind, Merciful.
16:8 And the horses and mules and asses
that you might ride them
and for adornment
and He Also Created what you know not. jinn, angels, hell
16:9 And With God are Designs of the Way
and some of them fail by deviating
but had He Willed He would have guided you one and all.
16:10 He It Is Who Sends Down pure water from the sky.
You have from it a cool drink
and from it come plants upon which you pasture your herds.
16:11 He Causes crops to grow for you thereby
and the olive
and the date palms
and grapes
yea every sort of fruit.
In that is Clear Evidence for people who reflect.
16:12 And He Made the night subservient to you
and the day
and the sun
and the moon
and the stars
all are made subservient by His Command. And again as proven HERE all were set in motion by God according to deep digits of PI!
In that is Evidence for people who reason!
16:13 And what He Sowed for you in the Earth of different colors in that too is beautiful Proof for those who take heed. In the Arabic of this Quran the word “colors” is used 7 times and is the 7th word both from the beginning and the end of this verse. The world seen by us has 7 colors! Do not miss a much deeper and excellent (very!) video about this Quranic Proof HERE
16:14 And He It Is Who Made the seas subservient
that you might eat succulent fish therefrom
and extract ornaments which you wear
and thou sees the ships plowing therein.
O that you might seek of His Bounty
and that you might be grateful while doing so!
16:15 And He Cast Into the Earth firm mountains lest it sway with you
and rivers and ways that you might traverse it widely.
16:16 And landmarks
yea and by the stars they find their ways.
16:17 Is then He Who Creates like one who does not create?
Will you then not take heed!
16:18 And if you try to count All the Graces Of God you will not be able to. We can move the decimal point in this verse to make it 1.618 which of course is Phi. Due to computers we now know it has the remarkable trait of being infinite and cannot be counted! 16.18 And if you try to count all the Graces Of God you will not be able to.
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
16:19 And God Knows what you keep secret
and what you make known.
16:20 And those to whom they call besides God do not create anything
but they are Created. the jinn
16:21 Like the dead
who are not living
and not perceiving when they will be raised.
16:22 Your God Is The One God
and those who do not believe in the Hereafter
their hearts do not recognize all the Evidence
and they grow arrogant.
16:23 Beyond doubt God Knows what they keep secret
and what they make known
and He loves not the arrogant.
16:24 And when it is said to them: What is that your Lord Has Sent Down?
They conclude: It is but legends of former peoples.
16:25 They will bear their own burdens in full on the Day of Resurrection
plus Punishment for those they led astray with falsities due to their own ignorance. Watch out, don’t spread misinformation!!!
Yea how miserable is what they will bear.
16:26 And those before them schemed
then God Came At their buildings from the foundations
and their roofs fell down upon them from above.
Yea the scourge of death came upon them from where they guessed not.
16:27 Then on the Day of Resurrection He Will Disgrace them saying:
Where are My partners for whom you made breaches?
Those possessing knowledge will say:
Disgrace and misery are upon the fools this Day!
16:28 Those the angels take for having wronged their souls
they will propose in surrender claiming:
We were not doing evil.
But verily God Knows Everything everyone does.
16:29 So enter the Gates of Hell
abiding Eternally therein
yea miserable is the dwelling of the arrogant.
16:30 And it will be said to those who were in Wise Fear:
What did your Lord Send Down?
They will say: Good.
Yea and for those who do Good in this world there is Good in the Home of the Hereafter which is far better!
Excellent is the Home for those of Wise Fear.
16:31 They will enter Gardens of Perpetual Abode
beneath which rivers flow
and for them therein is whatever they wish
thus Does God Reward those of Wise Fear.
16:32 Those whom the angels take in states of Goodness
they will say: Peace be unto you!
Enter the Garden because of Everything you did.
16:33 Yet some wait for the angels to come to them under a Command Of thy Lord as Proof just for them?
Thus did those before them wait
and God wronged them not
but they wronged their own souls.
16:34 And there befalls misery on them for what they did
while surrounded by that which they mocked! angels/God
16:35 And those who ascribed a partnership said:
Had God Willed we would not have served anything besides Him we and our fathers
nor would we have forbidden anything sacred to Him.
And thus did those before them
so is any obligation upon the messengers other than the clear communication?
16:36 And We have raised up a messenger in every community to say:
Serve God and shun idols.
And among them were those whom God Then Guided
and among them were those upon whom misguidance became binding. Each time God Sends messengers everyone has a chance to follow them, those who veer away are condemned for it.
So now you can travel in the land
and see the final outcomes for the ones who denied.
16:37 And even though thou desires for them to be guided
God will not guide those whom He Lets stray
and they have no protectors. Because they chose wrong!
16:38 And some swear as if by God their strongest oaths
that those who die will not be raised up by God
but verily it is a Promise binding upon Him
yet most do not know.
16:39 All this that He Might Make Clear to them that in which they differed
and so those who disbelieve might know that they were liars.
16:40 Our words We say for God to Create anything are only:
Be thou!
And it is.
16:41 And those who emigrate for the Cause Of God after they are wronged
We will settle them nicely in this world and then the
Reward of the Hereafter is greater if all only knew.
16:42 Yea that is for those who are steadfast and place all their trust in their Lord.
16:43 And We sent before thee O Mohamet others instructed
ask people of the Remembrance if you do not know.
16:44 Yea like the Miracles detailed in the ancient scrolls
We sent down this Remembrance so that thou can make clear to mankind it has been given to them By God
so that they might reflect.
16:45 Do those who plotted evil feel safe that God will not cause the Earth to swallow them
or send an attack upon them from the unseen?
16:46 Or that He Might Take them in their going to and fro and that there is no escape for them?
16:47 Or that He May Be Destroying them little by little?
But truly thy Lord Is Full of Kindness and Mercy to believers.
16:48 Do they not consider all things Created By God
cast their shadow right and left in submission to God?
Or that they are in a state of lowliness?
16:49 Yea to God submits Everything in the Heavens and the Earth among creatures
and especially the angels
for they are not proud.
16:50 They fear their Lord Above them and do what they are Commanded. Angels are high Creations who do not disobey nor falter.
16:51 And God Said: Do not take two gods
for He Is The One God.
Yea Me
fear Me for that is Wise!
16:52 To Him Alone Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth.
His is the Permanent and Eternal Way of Life
so will you then be in fear of other than God?
16:53 And whatever you have of Grace
it is all From God
then when affliction touches you
to Him do you Pray as if in earnest.
16:54 Then when He Removes the affliction
some among you serve other than their Lord.
16:55 Those they deny what We have given them
so let them enjoy frivolous things
for they will come to know.
16:56 And they offer up portions of what We have provided to gods they invented?
By God! You will be asked about what you invented.
16:57 And they say: God has daughters!
Utterly remote the thought that He would procreate and if He did His offspring would all be daughters!
But they have the imaginings they desire.
16:58 Then when one of them receives Glad Tidings of a female child his face turns black
as he suppresses grief.
16:59 He hides his shame of it from the people
because to him it is bad news
thinking whether to keep the baby in humiliation
or to bury it in the dust.
Indeed evil is what these consider and do!
16:60 Thus for those who do not believe in the Hereafter are such evil accountings
while for God are the Most High.
He Is The Almighty, The Wise.
16:61 And were God to Take mankind to task for its injustice He would not leave any upon Earth no not one.
But He Delays them to a known term
and when it comes they cannot postpone it an hour
nor can they advance it.
16:62 Yea so they assign to God daughters which they dislike
and their tongues allege the lie that for them are the fairer things.
Beyond doubt they will be rushed into the Fire.
16:63 By God We sent messengers to nations before thee
but the degenerate inhuman imposters made their deeds seem fair to most
and they are their only allies this Day
when theirs will be a Painful Punishment one and all.
16:64 And We sent down the Book upon thee only that thou make clear to them that wherein they differ
and as Guidance and mercy for people who believe.
16:65 And God Sent Down water from the sky and Gave Life to the Earth after its death
yea in that is Evidence for people who hear.
16:66 And you have a lesson in some livestock.
We provide for drinking of what is in their bellies
between excreta and blood
pure milk nourishing to the drinkers.
16:67 And of the fruits of date palms and grapes
you make both strong drink thereof
and goodly preserves
in that is more Evidence for people who reason.
16:68 And thy Lord Instructed the bee:
Take to thyself houses from the mountains
and in the trees
and in what mankind constructs.
16:69 Then eat from every sort of flower
and follow the Gentle Ways Of thy Lord.
Then honey comes out of their bellies differing in colors wherein is healing for mankind. antibacterial/probiotic
In that is Evidence for people who reflect.
16:70 God Created you
then He Takes you
and among you some elderly return to a feeble state knowing not from alzheimers after having knowledge.
But God Is Forever Knowing, Powerful.
16:71 And God Granted some above others in abundance
yet those of abundance do not give over their provision to others in the spirit of compassion and equality.
Is it then the Grace Of God they deny?
16:72 Yea God Has Made for you spouses
and Given you children
and grandchildren
and Provided Good Things for all of you.
Then in falsehoods they believe and the Grace Of God they deny?
16:73 They serve other than God what has no power to provide from the Heavens or the Earth at all
nor would they if they did.
16:74 So present not parables to God
for truly it is as if you know nothing and God Knows All.
16:75 Instead God Presents a Parable
of a slave owned having power over nothing
and someone whom We provided with goodly provision from Us that spends sincerely thereof for God secretly and openly.
Can they be equal? No. This rich one gives seeking Gods’ Favor and in Islam slaves were only slaves because they hadn’t submitted.
Praise Belongs To God!
But most of them do not know.
16:76 God Presents Another Parable:
Two men one unwilling to speak not having power over anything being a burden on his companion
for wherever he directs him he brings no good.
Is he equal with one who enjoins justice and is on the Straight Path? Again no, for the same reason. One is Godly one is not.
16:77 The unseen in the Heavens and the Earth also Belong To God
and the matter of the Hour is only as the twinkling of an eye away or nearer. to Eternals living in the unseen
Yea God Is Powerful Over All Things.
16:78 God Brought you Forth from the wombs of your mothers not knowing anything
and Designed hearing and sight and intellect for you
that you might become grateful.
16:79 Have they not considered the birds made subservient under the firmament?
Nothing holds them up except the Designs Of God
and in that is Evidence for a folk who believe.
16:80 And God Made dwellings as resting places
and tents for you from the hides of livestock which you find lightweight on the days of your travel
and on the days of your sojourn.
And of their wool and their hides and their hair furnishings and goods for a time.
16:81 And God Designed shade under His Creations to rest in
and mountains as places of refuge when being sought
and garments to protect you from heat
and from harm.
Thus Does He Perfect His Grace towards you
that you might submit.
16:82 And if they turn away
all that is upon thee is the clear communication.
16:83 They recognize the Grace Of God
then they deny it
for most of them are fools.
16:84 And the Day We raise up a witness from every community
no care will be given to disbelievers
nor will they be allowed to make amends.
16:85 And when those fools behold the Punishment
it will not be lightened for them
nor will they be granted respite.
16:86 And when the polytheists see what they served they will say:
Our Lord these jinn are our partners to whom we called rather than Thee?
And the jinn will say to them: Yea you are fools!
16:87 And they will propose submission to God that Day for
strayed from them will be the false gods they invented.
16:88 Those who disbelieve and barred from the Path Of God
We will increase them in Punishment with more Punishment for what they wrought of corruption.
16:89 One Day We will raise a witness from every community against them
and We will bring thee as a witness against these.
Hence We sent this Book down upon thee as a clarification of all things
and a Guidance and mercy
with Glad Tidings for the submitted.
16:90 God Commands Justice
and doing of Good
and sharing with brethren
and Forbids immorality
and corruption and oppression.
All this He Urges you
that you might take heed.
16:91 And fulfill the Pledge of God when you pledge
and do not break your oaths after their confirmation when you have made God Guarantor Over you.
God Knows Everything you do.
16:92 And be not like her who has spun a strong yarn only to untwist it into fibers
using oaths to deceive one and other when one group is richer or stronger in might.
God Only Tests you thereby
and He Will Make Clear that wherein you differed on the Day of Resurrection.
16:93 Had God Willed He Would Have Made you one community
but He Sends whom He Wills Astray and Guides whom He Wills
and you will be asked about Everything you did.
16:94 So do not take oaths in deceit between you
lest your foot will slip after having been firm
and you will taste misery for forsaking the Path Of God
yea for that you will have a Serious Punishment.
16:95 And do not sell your covenant with God for any sum.
Indeed What is With God is far better for you
if you would only know.
16:96 What is with you has an end
but What is With God continues Eternally.
Thus We will pay those who are faithful their Reward according to the best of what they did.
16:97 Yea whoever works Righteousness whether male or female and is a believer
We will make live Good lives
and We will Reward them according to the best of what they did.
16:98 And when thou recites the Quran
seek refuge In God from the accursed degenerate inhuman imposter.
16:99 They have no authority against those who believe and place all their trust in their Lord.
16:100 Their authority is against those who take them as allies
and those who are polytheists.
16:101 And when We change a Revelation in place of another Revelation
God Knows Best What He Reveals.
Yet they say: Thou are but inventing
but the Truth is most of them do not know anything.
16:102 Say: Gabriel The spirit of holiness brought it down From thy Lord in Truth
that it might strengthen those who believe
and as Guidance
with Glad Tidings for the ones who submit.
16:103 And We know they say: A man teaches him.
But the Christian Aramaic speaking man they hint to is foreign
and this is in a precise Arabic tongue.
16:104 Yea those who do not believe in the Word Of God
God does not guide them
and they have a Painful Punishment.
16:105 Yea those who do not believe invent this falsehood
so they are the liars.
16:106 They and whoever denies God after once having faith
except one who is compelled to against their will while faith is still in their heart.
So whoever opens their heart to disbelief
upon them is Wrath From God
and they have a Horrifying Punishment ahead.
16:107 Because they chose the life of this world over the Hereafter
and because God does not guide the fools.
16:108 These are whose hearts God Has Sealed
and their hearing
and their eyes.
These are the unknowing yea the ignorant.
16:109 So have no doubt they are the losers in the Hereafter.
16:110 But as for those who emigrate from being subjected to persecution
then strive and persist
thy Lord Is Forgiving, Merciful.
16:111 The Day every soul comes pleading for itself
and every soul is repaid in full for what it did
they will not be wronged.
16:112 And God Presents a Parable:
A city secure at ease
its provision coming to it in abundance from every side
but the people denied the Favors were From God.
So God Made it taste the cloak of hunger and fear because of what they wrought.
16:113 And a messenger from among them had come
but they rejected him
so the scourge of death took them while they were wrongdoers. Allowing no more chances to repent.
16:114 So eat of the Provision Of God
that which is Lawful and Good
and be grateful for the Grace Of YHWH if It Is Him you serve.
16:115 He Has Only Made unlawful to you
murdered animals
and blood
and swine
and that hallowed to other than God.
But whoever is forced neither desiring nor transgressing
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
16:116 And do not let your lying tongues allege saying:
This is Lawful and this is unlawful
inventing lies about God
for those who invent lies about God will not succeed.
16:117 Yea a brief life with some enjoyment
then they have a Painful Punishment Forever.
16:118 And to those who hold to talmudism We made unlawful what We narrated to thee before
and We wronged them not
but they wronged their own souls.
16:119 But to those who did evil through ignorance
then repented and do Right
thy Lord Is Forgiving, Merciful.
16:120 Abraham was a leader devoutly dutiful to God
a monotheist inclining to Truth
he was not of the polytheists.
16:121 One grateful for His Favors
so He Chose him and Guided him to the Straight Path.
16:122 And We gave him Good in this world
and in the Hereafter he is among the Righteous.
16:123 Now We instruct thee:
Follow the creed of Abraham
a monotheist inclining to Truth
he was not of the polytheists.
16:124 And Sabbath restrictions of silly day to day stuff were only appointed for those jews who differed concerning it.
Thy Lord Will Be Judge between them on the Day
of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differed.
16:125 Invite to the Way Of thy Lord with wisdom and a fair warning
and give argument about what is Right.
Thy Lord He Knows Best who strays from His Way
and He Knows Best who is Rightly Guided.
16:126 And if you retaliate
retaliate with the like of that you were afflicted
but if you restrain it is better so be patient.
16:127 Yea be thou resolved
and know thy resolve is only From God Who Taught you it
and do not let them grieve you
and do not distress over what they scheme.
16:128 Truly God Is With those of Wise Fear
and those who are doers of Good.
Chapter 17. The Night Journey, Al-Isra
17.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
17:1 Glory Be Unto Him Who Miraculously Transported thou Mohamet on a 666 nautical mile journey in a single night
from the Kaaba at Mecca to the Dome on the Rock in Jerusalem which We made blessed round about thee
that We might show thou some of Our Miracles.
He Is The All Hearing, All Seeing.
17:2 We gave Moses the Torah
and made it a Guidance for the children of Israel
that they do not take any protector instead of Me.
17:3 O progeny of those whom We carried with Noah
truly he was a grateful servant.
17:4 And We decreed for the children of Israel in the Torah
that you will work corruption in the land twice and wax high to a great height.
17:5 The first of the two promises came when We raised up servants of ours of severe might against them
they occupied their land and dwellings
and hence was the first promise fulfilled.
17:6 Then We returned you to a turn of fortune over them
by aiding you with wealth and children and making you greater in power.
17:7 If you do Good you do Good for your souls
and if you do evil that is for them too.
Then when the second promise came it was
that enemies should disgrace your countenances
and occupy your place of worship as they did before
laying waste to all they overcome by laying waste.
17:8 It may be that your Lord Will Have Mercy On you
but if you revert We revert
and We made Hell a Permanent Prison for fools.
17:9 This Quran guides to what is most upright
and gives Glad Tidings to the believers who do deeds of Righteousness.
Yea they shall have a Great Reward.
17:10 And as for those who do not believe in the Hereafter
We have prepared a Painful Punishment for them.
17:11 Often humanity Prays in error as if asking for Good
for they are hasty. Because only God Knows what is Good for us.
17:12 And We made the night and the day two Proofs
where We erase the Proof of the night
and We make the Proof of the day visible
that you might seek Favor Of your Lord
and that you might number the years by reckoning.
Yea We set out and detailed Everything with a clear explanation.
17:13 We have attached the fates of everyone to their necks
and We will bring forth a literal record of data for them on the Day of Resurrection in which they will see Everything that unfolded.
17:14 So read thou thy record
for thy soul this Day suffices as witness against thee.
17:15 Whoever was Rightly Guided
was only Rightly Guided for their soul.
And whoever strayed
only strayed against it.
There does not bear any bearer the burden of another
and We do not punish until a messenger has come.
17:16 And when We intend to destroy a city We order the leaders to repent
but they are wantonly disobedient therein.
So the Word becomes binding upon it
and We annihilate it utterly.
17:17 How many generations did We destroy since Noah?
And God Suffices Seeing the transgressions of His Servants As The One Aware.
17:18 Whoever desires this transient life
We provide for them what We will as We please.
Then We appoint Hell for them
where they burn condemned and banished Forever.
17:19 But whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it as they should and is a believer
their striving is appreciated.
17:20 We aid all with Bestowals Of thy Lord
and Bestowals Of thy Lord are not limited.
17:21 See thou how We have preferred some of them above others
but the Hereafter is greater in degrees and greater in excellence.
17:22 So do not make other gods with God lest you will sit disgraced and abandoned.
17:23 YHWH Has Decreed that you serve none but Him
and towards parents Good conduct.
If one or both of them attain old age with thee do not say of disrespect to them
nor scold them
but speak to them a noble word.
17:24 And lower thy wing of gentleness out of mercy to them
and Pray: My Lord Have Mercy on them as they did bring me up when I was small.
17:25 Your Lord Knows Best what is in your souls
and should you be Righteous
He Is Forgiving to those who turn in repentance.
17:26 And give thou the relative their due
and the needy
and the wayfarer
but do not squander in extravagance.
17:27 Squanderers are only brethren of the degenerate inhuman imposters
and the degenerate inhuman imposters are ingrates towards their Lord.
17:28 If thou turns away from them seeking Mercy From thy Lord as thou hopes
then speak to them in calm.
17:29 And restrict not thy hand as if chained as a miser
nor open it with full opening as a prodigal
who will sit as if reproached and deprived.
17:30 Thy Lord Expands and Restricts Provision for whom He Wills
and He Is All Aware, All Seeing of His Servants.
17:31 And do not kill your children fearing impoverishment
for We will provide for them and for you
and the killing of them is a grave and deplorable act.
17:32 And approach not adultery
for it is great indecency and way of evil.
17:33 And kill not any soul which God Has Made unlawful except when rightfully.
And if an Adamite is killed wrongfully We have given warrant to their companions to retaliate.
So long as they do not commit excess in killing
they are supported.
17:34 And do not approach the property of the fatherless
except with what is better until they reach maturity.
And fulfill your promises
indeed promises are to be accounted for.
17:35 And fulfill the measure when you measure
and weigh with the straight balance
that is Good and best in practice.
17:36 And do not follow that whereof thou has no knowledge. Conjecture without scriptural or factual foundation.
For indeed the hearing
and the sight
and the heart
each of these is to bear witness.
17:37 And do not walk the Earth conceitedly
for thou cannot bore through it nor will thou ever grow to height of mountains.
17:38 All that is evil in the Sight Of thy Lord yea it is hateful.
17:39 That is what thy Lord Instructs thee of His Wisdom
and do not imagine another god with God lest thou be cast into Hell disgraced and banished.
17:40 Say ye: Selected your Lord for you sons and made for Himself females among the angels?
You speak a detestable word.
17:41 We have expounded in this Quran and some take heed
but it increases most only in aversion.
17:42 Say: If there were gods with Him as they say
they would have sought a way against the
Lord of the Throne.
17:43 Glory Be Unto Him!
Exalted Is He Above such sayings by Great Exaltation!
17:44 The seven Heavens and the Earth and whoever is in them glorify Him.
There is nothing that does not give glory with His Praise
but you do not understand their glorification
yet He Is Forbearing, Forgiving. Said “glorification” means remaining in ORDER, everything that is intact operates exactly as God Created, Programmed and/or Commanded it to do.
17:45 And when thou recites the Quran
We place between thee and disbelievers in the Hereafter a hidden barrier.
17:46 Yea We place upon their hearts coverings lest they would understand it
and in their ears deafness.
So when thou remembers thy Lord Alone in the Quran some turn their backs in aversion.
17:47 We know best what they listen for that which is so fantastic it can be construed as impossible by them when they hear thee
and when they meet in confidential conversation
the wrongdoers say:
You only follow a man taken by fantasy.
17:48 See thou how they present examples to thee
as they go astray
and cannot find a way.
17:49 And they tauntingly question:
When we are dust and bones will we be raised up a new Creation?
17:50 Say: Yes even if you be boulders or iron! like pyritized fossils
17:51 Or anything else you think is hard to raise up!
And they will ask: Who will bring us back?
Say: He Who Made you the first time.
Then they will shake their heads at thee and ask:
When will it be?
Say: It may be that the Day is near.
17:52 The Day He Will Call you and you will respond in Amazement of Him.
And you will come to know this life was but a glimpse in time you spent in error against your Eternal Time.
17:53 And tell My Servants to only say what is best
when the degenerate inhuman imposter provokes hate between them.
Yea the degenerate inhuman imposter is an open enemy to humanity.
17:54 Your Lord Knows you Best
if He Wills He Will Have Mercy on you
or if He Wills He Will Punish you
and We have not sent thee as a guardian over them.
17:55 Yea thy Lord Knows Best all those who are in the Heavens and the Earth
and We preferred some prophets above others
hence We gave David the Psalms.
17:56 Say: Call to those jinn whom you claim besides Him.
But they are neither in control to remove harm from you nor revise it.
17:57 Yea they too call seeking ways to approach their Lord from whoever is nearest
and hope for His Mercy while fearing His Punishment.
They know the Punishment Of thy Lord is to be feared!
17:58 And there is no city We will not destroy before the Day of Resurrection or punish it with severe suffering
as it is written.
17:59 And nothing prevented Us from sending Proofs but the people of old denied them.
We gave Thamud the she camel as a sight giving Proof
but they wronged her.
And We send Miracles only as warnings. of Gods’ Power
17:60 And when We said to thee: Thy Lord Encompasses mankind
and We made the vision which We showed thee and the accursed tree in the Quran a test for mankind.
the zaqqum tree of 37:62, 44:43, 56:52 Yea and We warned them
but it increased them not except in great defiance.
17:61 And when We said to the angels: Submit to Adam
they all submitted but not lucifer who was a jinn looking on
for he said: Shall I submit to what Thou Created of clay?
17:62 See this whom Thou has Honored above me?
If Thou Grant me respite until the Day of Resurrection
I will infiltrate nearly all his progeny with mine. lucifers’ promise to father a human hybrid race of degenerate inhuman imposters!
17:63 Said God: Depart thou
and whoever of them follows thee his temptations/suggestions
Hell is your Reward
an ample Reward.
17:64 And incite whom thou can of them with thy voice
and rally thou horse and foot soldiers against them
and share with them in their wealth and children
and make promises to them.
But ye and thy degenerate inhuman imposters promise them only deception.
17:65 But as for My Servants
thou has no warrant against them
for thy Lord Suffices As Ultimate Guardian.
17:66 Your Lord Is He Who Drives the ship upon the sea
that you might seek of His Bounty
and He Is Merciful Towards you.
17:67 But when affliction touches you upon the sea
strayed have those called to other than YHWH.
Then when He Delivers you to land you forget
yea such are ingrates.
17:68 Do you feel secure that He would not Cause a portion of the land to swallow you or Send a hurricane against you?
And you would not find another guardian for you.
17:69 Or do you feel secure that He would not Return you to it a second time
and Send a storm of wind against you and Drown you for your denial?
And you will find no advocate against Us.
17:70 We have honored the children of Adam with good instincts
and We have carried them on land and sea
and provided them with Good things
and preferred them greatly in preference above many of those whom We Created. The jinn hence a reason iblis/lucifer would not bow to humans whom God Was Giving what was their dominion.
17:71 The Day We call every clan with their leaders
whoever is given their Book in their right hand
these will read their Book
and they will not be harmed in the least.
17:72 And those who are blind to the Truth now will be blind in the Hereafter these are led far astray from the Way.
17:73 And they would seduce thee away from what We instructed thee
that thou invent about Us other than it
and they would take thee as a friend.
17:74 And were it not that We made thee firm thou would have inclined towards them a little.
17:75 Then We would make thee taste double in life and double in death.
And thou would find no protector against Us.
17:76 And they would scare thee out of the land to turn thee out therefrom
but then they would not stay therein except little.
17:77 These are the customs of those We have sent before thee of Our messengers
and thou will not find alteration in Our customs.
17:78 Uphold thou the Prayer until the sinking of the sun into the dark of night
and the recitation at dawn
for the recitation at dawn is witnessed.
17:79 Yea some of the night
stay thou awake therein
as an addition for thee
then it may be that thy Lord Will Raise thee to a Praised Station.
17:80 And say: My Lord Cause me to leave at a True exit
and enter at a True entrance
and Appoint for me From Thyself a Helping Warrant.
17:81 And say: Truth has come and vanity has vanished away
yea vanity is to vanish away.
17:82 And We send down the Quran as a healing mercy for the believers
but it increases the wrongdoers not except in loss.
17:83 When We give Grace to some they turn away and remain aloof on their sides
then when hardship touches they are without hope.
17:84 Say: Each does as they see fit and
your Lord Knows Best who is guided in the Way.
17:85 And they ask thee about the Spirit Gabriel
so say: The Spirit is by Command Of my Lord
and you have been given only a glint of Knowledge.
17:86 And if We will We can take away what We instructed thee
and thou will not find any to guard thou from Us.
17:87 Only by Mercy From thy Lord
His Kindness to thee is Great.
17:88 Say: If all humans and jinn set out to bring the like of this Quran
they would not bring the like even if they were banded in solemn dedication at risk of death.
17:89 Yea and We have expounded for you in this Quran every sort of parable
but still most refuse in denial.
17:90 They say: We will not believe thee until thou causes a spring to gush forth from the Earth for us.
17:91 Or there be for thee a garden of date palms and grapes and thou cause rivers to gush forth therein abundantly.
17:92 Or thou cause the sky to fall upon us in pieces as thou has claimed
or thou brings God and the angels forth as surety.
17:93 Or thou receives a house of great decoration
or thou ascends into the sky.
Nay we would not believe thy ascension unless thou brings down upon us a decree we can read.
Say to them: Glory Be Unto my Lord!
Am I anything except a mortal messenger?
17:94 And nothing prevented them from believing when the Guidance came to them except that they said:
Has God Raised Up a mortal as messenger?
17:95 Say: Had there been angels walking in peace on Earth
We would have sent one as messenger upon them from the sky. But there aren’t so God Sends ones of our own.
17:96 Say: God Suffices As Witness between you and I
for He Is All Aware, All Seeing of His Servants.
17:97 And one whom God Guides
is Rightly Guided
but one whom He Sends Astray
for them thou will find no protectors besides Him.
And when We gather them all on the Day of
Resurrection the looks on their faces will be as if they are blind
and dumb
and deaf.
For their habitation is burning Hell
and whenever it subsides We increase for them an Inferno.
17:98 That is their Reward because they denied Our Proofs and jested saying:
When we are dust and bones we get raised up new?
17:99 Have they not considered that God Who Created the Heavens and the Earth
is Able To Create the like of them With Ease
and Has Made for them a term whereof there is no doubt?
But the wrongdoers refuse in denial.
17:100 Say: If you possessed the Treasuries Of Mercy Of my Lord
you would still hold them back in fear of spending. Because we think all of this is real when it’s just a program without limits.
Yea so mankind is miserly.
17:101 And We gave Moses nine Signs as Clear Proofs
so ask thou the children of Israel. The glowing hand, the staff, the parting of the sea, the flood that drowned, the locusts, the lice, the blood, the years of drought and the desolation of pharoahs’ kingdom.
When he came to them and pharaoh said to him:
I consider thee one taken by fantasy O Moses.
17:102 Said he: Verily you know none has sent these down except The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth as a means of Evidence
so I consider thee O pharaoh one doomed!
17:103 And he wished to expel them from the land
so We drowned him and those with him altogether.
17:104 And We said to the children of Israel afterwards:
Dwell in the land
then when the Promise of the Hereafter comes We will bring you out as a mass.
17:105 And We sent the Quran down in Truth
yea with Truth it has come down
and We sent thee only as a bearer of Glad Tidings
and as a Warner.
17:106 It is a recitation We divided in parts that thou recite it to others in intervals
yea We sent it down as a successive revelation. Gabriel gave the Quran to Mohamet over the course of 23 years during the month of Ramadan. He then recited what he was given to his followers who committed it to memory word for Arabic word hence it has never changed.
17:107 Say: Believe it or not.
Those who were given Our knowledge before know it
and when this is recited to them they fall down on their faces in prostration.
17:108 And they say: Glory Be Unto our Lord!
The Promise Of our Lord is fulfilled!
17:109 Yea they fall down most earnestly weeping
for it increases them in humility.
17:110 Say: Call to God aka Allah, Eloh, Theos, Vishnu, Lord, Brahma, Dio, Dei, etc.
or call to YHWH
by whichever you call
To Him Belong the Most Beautiful Names.
And be thou not loud nor quiet in thy spoken Prayers
but follow a way in between.
17:111 And say: Praise Belongs To God Who has taken no son
and has no partners in His Dominion
and needs no protector from humility.
Yea so magnify Him with the magnification due.
Chapter 18. The Cave, al-Kahf
18.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
18:1 Praise Belongs To God Who Sent Down This Book Upon His Servant
and has not allowed any changes thereto. in original Arabic
18:2 Straight!
That it might warn of Severe Punishment from His Presence
and bring Glad Tidings to the believers who do deeds of Righteousness
for they have a Goodly Reward coming!
18:3 And they will remain Therein Forever.
18:4 And warn those who say: God Has Taken a son.
18:5 They have no knowledge thereof
nor did their fathers.
Serious are the words coming out of their mouths
for they speak lies about God!
18:6 But would thou die from grief if they do not believe in the True Narrative?
18:7 We made what is on the Earth an adornment for it that We might try them
to see which of them is best in conduct.
18:8 And We will make what is thereon a barren ground.
18:9 Has thou assumed the companions of the cave
who left the inscription on the cave wall about their story
were among the greatest wonders of Our Proofs?
18:10 When the young men took shelter in the cave and said:
Our Lord Give us Mercy From Thyself and Furnish us with Right Mindedness in our affair.
18:11 Then We sealed their ears and put them to sleep in the cave a number of years.
18:12 Then We raised them up that We might know which of them would best calculate how much time they had tarried.
18:13 We narrate to thee their report in Truth
they were young jinn who believed in their Lord
so We increased them in Guidance.
18:14 And We strengthened their hearts when they stood up and said:
Our Lord Is The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth!
We do not call to others for there is no god besides He and we would have wantonly said a falsehood.
18:15 These our people have taken up gods other than Him.
O that they but brought a clear warrant concerning them!
For who is denser than one inventing lies about God?
18:16 And when you withdraw from them and what they serve other than God
then seek shelter in the cave
your Lord Will Unfurl for you from out of His Mercy
and Furnish you all that you need of your affair.
18:17 And thou sees the sun when it appears
it inclines away from their cave to the right
and when it departs it passes them on the left
while they slept in the cavity thereof. Unseen by others because the cave obviously faces NORTH so the sun isn’t illuminating them.
That is among the Proofs Of God.
Whom God Guides w/magnetic NORTH which is up on ALL maps
is Rightly Guided
but whom He Sends Astray
for these thou will find no guide.
18:18 And thou thinks they are awake when they are asleep
for We cause them to turn to the right and to the left to prevent bedsores
and their dog was stretching out its two paws on the threshold. to remain limber
Had thou inspected them closely thou would have turned away from them in flight
and been filled with terror of them. Because this is a story about cave dwelling jinn/ETs, not humans.
18:19 And thus did We raise them up
that they might question one another among themselves
as one of them said: How long have you lingered?
They said: We have lingered a day or a part of a day.
Said they: Your Lord Knows Best how long you have lingered.
Send one of you with this money of yours to the town
and let him see what food is purest there and bring you a provision therefrom
and be cautious
letting not anyone be aware of you. Jinn can use telepathy to seemingly take on any form making themselves look however they like.
18:20 Truly if you become manifest to them they will stone you
or turn you back to their creed of treating/using jinn as gods
and then you will never be successful. with God
18:21 And thus did God Acquaint us with them
that they might know the Promise Of God is True
and that there is no doubt concerning the Hour.
When humans contended with one another about jinn
they said: Build over them a structure a temple
for The Lord Knows Best concerning them.
And those who prevailed over their affair said:
Yea we will take to ourselves a place of worship over them. Jinn have thousands of underground labyrinths beneath cities, temples and other structures on Earth. i.e. the Vatican, Dome on the Rock, Seattle, New York, San Francisco, Roswell, Area 51, Rome, etc.
18:22 They will say: Three the fourth of them their dog!
And they will say: Five the sixth of them their dog!
Guessing at the unseen.
And they will say: Seven and the eighth of them their dog! note that seven and their dog is the final estimation/number here
Say: My Lord Knows Best their number
yea none knows them except a few
so do not argue concerning them unless with a sound argument
and ask no opinion concerning them from anyone.
18:23 And say not of anything: I will do that on the morrow.
18:24 Only if God Should Will. Meaning add “God Willing” to all plans.
And remember thy Lord when thou forgets
and say: It may be that my Lord Will Guide me nearer than this in sound judgement. As you’re about to see . . .
18:25 And it came to pass they lingered in their cave three hundred years
and then they added nine.
The Arabic for the English word “year” is written in two different ways in the Quran as; “Sanat” (Arabic سنة, Gematrical Value of 115) and “‘Aam” (Arabic عام, Gematrical Value of 111) which respectively mean “Solar Year” and “Lunar Year”. Note that “Sanat” (solar year) occurs 7 times in verses 2:96; 5:26, 22:47, 29:14, 32:5, 46:15 and 70:4 and ‘Aam (lunar year) also occurs 7 times as seen in verses 2:259 (twice); 9:37 (twice); 9:126; 12:49 and 29:14. (Hence why YHWH emphasized “seven and their dog” in verse #18:22 above) OK, first We’ll use division on the gematria values of 115/111 = 1.0360 . Well, it turns out that the ratio between our solar years of 365 days and lunar years of 355 days is a factor of 1.03 (355 x 1.03 = 365!) This means when we take the first figure in above verse #18:25 of “three hundred years” multiplied by 1.03 we get “three hundred years and they added nine”! (300 solar years x 1.03 = 309 lunar years!)
BONUS; as covered, the singular of “sanat” occurs 7 (days in a week) times and we then find its plural occurs 12 (months in a year) times (7:130; 10:5; 12:42; 12:47; 17:12; 18:11; 18:25; 20:40; 23:112; 26:18; 26:205; 30:4) So, that’s 7 + 12 = 19. Well, the sun, the moon and the Earth realign in the same relative position every 19th year! (Precisely every 18.0769 solar years or 18 solar years and 11 days into the 19th year, which exactly equals every 235 lunar months.) This is what’s known as the “eclipse cycle” in astronomy since an eclipse recurs exactly after 235 lunar months to the day. OK, in this Holy Quran, the words “sun” and “moon” are used a total of 19 times but only once (in a symbolic “eclipse”!) out of the total of 19 occurrences (in verse 29:14) are the words “Sun”, “Moon” and “Earth” mentioned in perfect succession or perfectly “aligned” just like our Sun, Moon and Earth, all cryptically documented in YHWHs’ Quran!!! NOTE: When a span of time has completed one unit, it is then in its 2nd unit. Hence the 21st century started at the end of the 20th on 1/1/2000. So, 2020 is 2120 if day 1 was the 1st day of century 1. As covered, both words solar year and lunar year intersect in the same verse of 29:14. So, we went on to divide all Arabic gematrical values of the 7 verses where “Solar Year” occur by the 5 “Lunar year” verses and here’s what we find . . .
41136/39603 = 1.03870918869 . . . Greetings YHWH!!!
18:26 Say: Yea God Knows Best how long they tarried
and To Him Belongs the unseen of the Heavens and the Earth
how He Sees and Hears All!
They have no ally besides Him
and He has no partners in His Judgement.
18:27 And recite what thou are instructed of thy Lords’ Word
for none are to change these His Words. The original Arabic.
18:28 And be patient with all those among you who call to their Lord morning and evening seeking His Countenance.
And do not let thy eyes look beyond them desiring the adornments of the life of this world.
And do not obey one whose heart We have made neglectful of Our Remembrance
one that follows their vain desire
or whose affairs are in excess.
18:29 And say: The Truth is From your Lord.
Then whoever will
let them believe
and whoever will
let them deny.
We have prepared for the wrongdoers the Fire with impenetrable walls to encompass them.
And if they cry out for help they will be given rains of molten brass burning the faces.
Yea loathsome is the drink
and miserable is the lodging.
18:30 But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
We do not suffer the loss of Rewards for any deed of one who does Good.
18:31 They have blissful Gardens of Perpetual Abode
beneath which rivers flow.
They are adorned therein with bracelets of gold
and wear green garments of finest silk and brocade
reclining therein upon raised couches.
Yea excellent is the Reward
and quite fair is the Lodging.
18:32 And present thou to them a parable:
Two men
We made for them two gardens of grapes
and surrounded both with date palms
and placed between them other crops.
18:33 Both gardens produced their fruit nothing was wrong
and We caused to flow in the midst of them a river.
18:34 Both men had fruits and produce
and one said to his companion:
I am greater than thee in wealth
and I am mightier in slaves and invoking of jinn.
18:35 And he entered his garden while he was wronging his soul
saying: I do not think this will ever fail.
18:36 And I do not think the Hour will take place
yet if I am brought back to my Lord I will surely find even better than this as a place of return.
18:37 And his companion said while conversing:
Are thou ungrateful to Him Who Created thee of a speck of dust in a drop of slimy fluid
then fashioned thee as a human being?
18:38 As for me He Is God my Lord
and I ascribe not partnerships with my Lord to anyone.
18:39 Oh that as thou entered thy garden thou had but said:
This is that which God Has Willed
there is no strength except in God!
If thou see me less than thee in wealth and children
18:40 it may be my Lord Will Give me better than thy garden
or Will Send upon your garden a calamity from the sky
so that it becomes miry ground.
18:41 Or its water sinks away
so that thou cannot find it.
18:42 Lo then blossomless was his garden
so he began to wring his hands over all that he had spent therein
but it was desolate
and he said:
If only I would not have thought slaves and jinn were of value compared to my Lord!
18:43 And he had no protectors to aid him besides God
nay he could not help himself.
18:44 All Protection Belongs To God and that is the Truth!
And He Alone Is Best in Rewards and Final Outcomes.
18:45 Present thou the parable of the life of this world
like water which We send down from the sky
mingles with the vegetation of the Earth
then becomes dry stalks to be scattered by the winds.
God Was Omnipotent Over It All.
18:46 Wealth and children are an adornment of the life of this world
but Righteous deeds which endure hold better Rewards and are greater in the Sight Of thy Lord
and better for hope. Only a clear conscious allows for this hope.
18:47 And the Day We set in motion the mountains and thou sees the earthly emerge including the jinn
and We gather them
We will not leave out a single one of them.
18:48 And they will be set before thy Lord in ranks
all will come to Us as We Created you the first time.
Those included are who claimed We made no assignment of such Promise for you!
18:49 And the Book will be set down
and thou will see the evildoers apprehensive of what is therein
and they will say: Woe is us!
What Law is this that leaves out neither a small thing nor a great thing and has taken it all into account?
Yea they will find all of what they did in perfect clarity
hence how thy Lord wrongs no one.
18:50 And when We said to the angels: Submit to Adam
they all submitted but not lucifer
for he was of the jinn
and was wantonly disobedient against the Command of his Lord. Disgruntled over God Giving humans Dominion of Earth.
Then you take him and his progeny of degenerate inhuman imposters as protectors instead of Me?
They are open enemies to you
so miserable is that exchange for the wrongdoers!
18:51 I did not allow them witness to the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth
nor to the Creation of themselves
and I do not take those who lead astray as assistants.
18:52 And the Day He Commands: Call My partners whom you claimed.
Then they will call them
but they will not respond to them
and We will set a permanent barrier between them.
18:53 All the evildoers will behold the Fire
and realize that they are to fall therein
without escape therefrom no not ever.
18:54 And We have expounded for you in this Quran every sort of parable and example
but mankind is more than anything argumentative.
18:55 Nothing prevented people from believing when the Guidance came to them
or from asking Forgiveness Of their Lord.
They could have believed when Good customs of former peoples became known to them
but not when the scourge of death comes face to face!
18:56 We send messengers only as bearers of Glad Tidings and Warners.
And those who disbelieve contend in vanity to refute the Truth thereby
and make mockery of My Proofs and Warnings.
18:57 For who is denser than one who is reminded of the Word Of their Lord
and turns away therefrom forgetting what they earn
with the evils of their hands?
So We place coverings upon their hearts lest they should understand it
and deafness in their ears.
So if when thou invites them to the Guidance
they will not be Rightly Guided no not ever.
18:58 But thy Lord Is The Forgiver and Possessor of Mercy.
Were He to Take them to task for what they earned
He Would Hasten death for them.
But the Truth is they have an appointment
and they will not find any refuge besides God.
18:59 And those cities We destroyed when they did wrong
We made appointments for their destruction.
18:60 And when Moses said to his young man:
I will not cease until I reach the confluence of two seas
even if I continue for ages.
18:61 Then when they reached their confluence
they forgot their fish
and it took its way into the sea slipping away.
18:62 When they crossed he said to his young man:
Bring us our meal
we have met with fatigue on this our journey.
18:63 Said he: Did thou not see when we took shelter at the rock?
I forgot the fish
and only the degenerate inhuman imposter caused me to forget it lest I would have remembered it.
And it took its way into the sea amazingly.
18:64 He said: That is what we seek
and they turned back following hard upon themselves retracing.
18:65 And they found one from among Our servants an angel named Khidr to whom We had given mercy from Us
and taught knowledge from Our presence.
18:66 Moses said to him: May I follow thee that thou teach me something of what thou has been taught of Sound Judgement?
18:67 Said he: Thou cannot be patient with me.
18:68 For how can thou be patient over what thou does not comprehend or are not aware of?
18:69 He said: If God Should Will thou will find me patient
and I will not disobey thee in a matter.
18:70 Said he: If thou would follow me
do not ask me about anything
until I relate it to thee.
18:71 So they set out
and when they had embarked on a boat he made a hole therein.
Moses said: Has thou made a hole to drown its people?
Thou have done a grave thing.
18:72 In reply: Did I not say thou cannot be patient with me?
18:73 He said: Take thou me not to task for what I forgot
nor burden me in my affair with more difficulty.
18:74 So they set out.
When they had met a lad he killed him
and Moses said: Has thou wrongly killed a pure soul?
Thou has done a detestable thing.
18:75 Said he: Did I not say to thee that thou cannot be patient with me?
18:76 He said: If I ask thee about anything after this
then keep not company with me
thou has hereby attained from me an excuse to do so.
18:77 So they set out.
When they had come to the people of a city they asked its people for food
but they refused them hospitality.
Yet when they found there a great wall upon the point of collapse he set it upright.
Moses said: If thou had wished thou could have taken recompense for it!
18:78 Said he: This is the parting between thee and me.
I will inform thee of the interpretation of that thou has not borne with patience.
18:79 As for the boat
it belonged to poor people working on the sea
and I wished to temporarily mar it for there was a king behind them taking every sound boat by force.
18:80 And as for the lad
his parents were believers
and it was deemed he would burden them with transgression and disbelief.
18:81 And it was intended that their Lord Should Give them in exchange better than him in purity and nearer in compassion.
18:82 And as for the wall
it belongs to two fatherless lads in the town Yeshua and David II
and beneath it there is a treasure for them.
And their father was Righteous This would be contradiction speaks of the line of the covenant of Kings from Davids’ immediate son Solomon forward including both Yeshua and David II
and thy Lord Willed that they should reach maturity
and bring forth their treasure as a Mercy From thy Lord
and I did not do it by my own command.
Thus is the interpretation of what thou has not been patient in. This verse 1882 = David William Allender see
18:83 And they ask thee about Dhu’l-Qarnayn
say: I will recite to you a True story about him.
18:84 We established him in the land and gave him a route to everything.
18:85 So he went His Way.
18:86 When he had reached the place of the setting of the sun likely the Artic where it’s completely dark about six months before the sun appears to lay circling on the horizon until the solstice
he found it setting part of the year over an area of then thawed dark mud aka tundra
with a community nearby. likely of jinn
We said: O Dhu’l-Qarnayn thou shall either punish them or treat them with kindness at your will.
18:87 He said: As for one who does wrong
I will punish them
then they will be brought back to God Who Will Punish them with Immeasurable Punishment.
18:88 And as for one who believes and works Righteousness
for them Good is the reward
and I will speak lightly to them from Gods’ Command.
18:89 Again he went His Way.
18:90 When he had reached the dawning place of the sun likely seaward areas of Antartica where the sun is visible for longer periods
he found it over a people for whom We had appointed no knowledge. Where no scripture is known to have existed.
18:91 Thus!
We encompassed him with some knowledge.
18:92 Then he went His Way.
18:93 When he had reached between two great mountains
and found another people these with scarce understanding of advanced speech.
18:94 They said: O Dhu’l Qarnayn
Gog and Magog are workers of corruption in the land
so may we appoint for thee due payment on condition that thou make between us and them a barrier?
18:95 He said: What my Lord Has Established for me is better
but assist me with labor and
I will make a dam between you and them as barrier.
18:96 Yea bring me ingots of iron
and when he had made level between the two cliffs
he said: Kindle and blow
then when he had made it a fire
he said: Bring me molten brass to pour thereon.
18:97 And lo then they could not climb over it
and they could not bore through it.
18:98 He said: This is a Mercy From my Lord
but when the Promise Of my Lord comes to pass He Will Make it dust
and the Promise Of my Lord is True.
18:99 And We will leave them that Day to surge one upon another evil humans, evil jinn and all degenerate inhuman imposters
when the trumpet is blown
and We gather them one and all.
18:100 And Hell will be displayed to the fools.
18:101 Those whose eyes were under a covering from My Remembrance
and who were unable to hear.
18:102 Did those who disbelieve think they could take jinn who serve Me as protectors instead of Me?
We have prepared Hell as a welcoming gift for fools.
18:103 Say: Shall We inform you of those most in loss by way of deeds?
18:104 It is those who wander astray in the life of this world
while thinking that they do Good by their handiwork!
18:105 These are they who deny the Word Of their Lord and the Meeting with Him.
Their works are vain
so We assign no weight for balance to them on the Day of Resurrection.
18:106 Hell is their Reward because they denied
and made mockery of Our verses and Our messengers.
18:107 But those who believe
and do deeds of Righteousness
they have the Gardens as a Welcoming Gift.
18:108 And they will live Eternally therein
desiring not any relocation for truly it is Paradise.
18:109 Say: If the sea had been ink for the Words Of my Lord
it would run dry before His Words ran dry and again even if brought the like thereof in addition.
18:110 Say: I am but a mortal like you.
I am instructed that your God Is The One God
and whoever looks to the Meeting with their Lord
let them do works of Righteousness
and ascribe no partnership with their Lord to anyone.
Chapter 19. Mary, Maryam
19.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
19:1 kāf hā yā ʿain ṣād
19:2 A Remembrance of the Mercy Of thy Lord
towards His Servant Zechariah.
19:3 When he cried out to his Lord in secret.
19:4 He said: My Lord if my bones become feeble
and my head fills with white hair
I will not be unhappy in my Prayers to Thee my Lord.
19:5 But I fear for my heirs after me
for my wife is barren
so Bestow Upon me From Thyself a protecting son.
19:6 One who inherits from me and from the house of Jacob
and Make him pleasing my Lord.
19:7 O Zechariah We bring thee Glad Tidings of a lad whose name is John.
We have not made one named like him before!
19:8 He said: My Lord how can I have a lad when my wife is barren
and I have reached such old age?
19:9 Thus Said God: It is Easy For Me
for I Created thee before when thou were nothing.
19:10 He said: My Lord Make a Proof for me.
He Replied: Thy Proof is that thou shall not speak to others three nights.
19:11 And he went out to his people from the sanctuary
and showed them how to give glory morning and night.
19:12 Then it was: O John hold thou fast to the Truth!
Yea We gave him wisdom as a child.
19:13 And tenderness from Ourselves
and God Consciousness
yea he had Wise Fear.
19:14 And dutiful towards his parents
for he was not a tyrant nor defiant.
19:15 So peace be unto him from the day he was born
to the day he dies
and the Day he is raised up to live Forever!
19:16 And remember Mary in the Gospels
when she withdrew from her people to a place in the east
19:17 and separated herself from them.
And We sent to her our spirit Gabriel
appearing to her as a gentleman.
19:18 She said: I seek refuge in The Almighty from thee
so stay away if thou be devout.
19:19 He said: I am only a Messenger of thy Lord sent that I might bestow upon thee a pure lad.
19:20 She said: How can there be a lad for me when no man has touched me?
I have not been unchaste.
19:21 He said: Thus Said thy Lord: It Is Easy For Me.
And We will make him a Proof for mankind
as a mercy from Us
and such was the matter ordained.
19:22 And immaculately she conceived
then fearing disbelief from others went to a distant place.
19:23 Then the contractions drove her to take hold the trunk of a date palm tree
alone and in fear she said: I wish I had died before this and were forgotten in oblivion!
19:24 Then Yeshua cried to her from below: Grieve thou not
thy Lord Has Placed a stream beneath thee.
19:25 And if thou shake the trunk of the date palm
it will drop upon thee fresh ripe dates!
19:26 So eat and drink and let thy eyes be gladdened
and if thou sees any mortal say:
I have vowed to The Almighty silence
and shall not speak to anyone this day.
19:27 Then she approached her people carrying him
and they said: O Mary thou has done something unprecedented!
19:28 O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a lewd man nor was thy mother unchaste.
19:29 Then when she pointed to him
they said: You wish we speak to a child in cradle?
19:30 Then he spoke: I am a prophet of the Great God!
He Has Given me the Truth and Made me a prophet
19:31 and Blessed me wherever I be Forever
and Enjoined Upon me the Prayer Chapter 1 and God Consciousness as long as I live.
19:32 And He Made me dutiful to my mother
and has not made me a miserable tyrant.
19:33 And peace be unto me the day I was born
and the day I die
and the day I am raised alive!
19:34 That is Yeshua son of Mary
a statement of Truth concerning what they wondered.
19:35 Is it not thinkable that God need not procreate?
Glory Be Unto Him!
When He Decrees a thing He Only Says:
Be thou!
And it is.
19:36 And God Is my Lord and your Lord
so serve Him
for this is the Straight Path.
19:37 But among the parties were those in disbelief
so woe to those who were ungrateful
for comes the scene of an Onerous Day!
19:38 They will hear and they will see on the Day they come to Us! We’ll see Heaven, Hell, God and His Angels.
But the wrongdoers are in obvious error on this Day.
19:39 So warn thou them of this Day of Regret
when the matter will be concluded
while they are in heedlessness today
and still do not believe.
19:40 We will inherit the Earth and all therein
for to Us are they all returned.
19:41 And remember what is written of Abraham
he was a man of Truth and a prophet.
19:42 He said to his guardian uncle:
O my father why serve thou what hears not nor sees
nor can avail thee in anything?
19:43 O my father knowledge has come to me that has not come to thee
so follow me
I will lead thee to an even path.
19:44 And O my father do not serve the degenerate inhuman imposter for they are defiant to The Almighty.
19:45 O my father I fear Punishment will afflict thee from The Almighty
He Will Enjoin a degenerate inhuman imposter to you!
19:46 Said he: Forsake my gods O Abraham?
If thou does not cease I will stone thee
so depart from me a good while.
19:47 He said: Peace be unto thee!
I will ask Forgiveness for thee Of my Lord
for He Is Gracious Towards me.
19:48 And I will withdraw from you and that to which you call besides God
and will call to my Lord
and perhaps I will not be disappointed in my choices.
19:49 So when he had withdrawn from them and what they were serving besides God
We gave him Isaac and Jacob
and We made each a prophet.
19:50 And We gave to them from Our mercy
and We made the tongue of exalted Truthfulness for them.
19:51 And remember what is written of Moses
He was a pure hearted messenger and a prophet.
19:52 And We called to him from the right side of the mount
and brought him close in private conference.
19:53 And from Our mercy We gave him his brother Aaron another messenger and a prophet.
19:54 And remember thou what is written of Ishmael
he was True to the promise
and he was a messenger and a prophet.
19:55 He enjoined upon his people the Prayer and spread God Consciousness
and was acceptable in the Sight Of his Lord.
19:56 And remember what is written of Enoch
truly he had been a just messenger and a prophet.
19:57 We raised him to a high station.
19:58 These are whom God Showed Favor among the prophets
among the progeny of Adam
those We carried with Noah
and the progeny of Abraham and Israel Jacob
and others We guided and chose.
When the Proofs Of The Almighty were recited to them they fell down in submission often weeping in awe.
19:59 But there came after them successors who neglected the Prayer and followed lusts
so they will meet the Misery!
19:60 But one who repents and believes and works Righteousness
these will enter the Garden
and they will not be wronged in anything.
19:61 Their Gardens are a Perpetual Abode which The Almighty Has Promised His Servants in the unseen
and His Promise will come to pass.
19:62 They will hear no idle talk therein
only peace
and they will have provision therein morning and night.
19:63 That is Paradise which We give as inheritance among Our servants who are in Wise Fear
yea prudently conscious of Gods’ Constant Presence.
19:64 And We come down only by Command Of thy Lord
for To Him Belongs What is in front of Us
and What follows Us
and What is in between
and thy Lord is not forgetful!
19:65 Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and What is between them.
Serve Him
and be steadfast in His Service.
For does thou know another with names like His?
19:66 Still they ask: When I am dead I will be brought forth alive?
19:67 Does mankind not remember that We Created them before they were anything?
19:68 Then by thy Lord We will gather them and the degenerate inhuman imposters.
We parade them crawling on knees round about Hell.
19:69 Then We will extract from every sect those of them most severe in disdain towards The Almighty.
19:70 Then We will know best those most worthy to be burned as the lowest therein.
19:71 And there is not one of you who will not view Hell
that is a Determination Decreed upon thy Lord.
19:72 Then We will deliver those of Wise Fear while leaving
the wrongdoers therein in tears on bended knees.
19:73 And when Our Clear verses are recited to them those who disbelieve say to those who believe:
Which of us are better in station and alliances?
19:74 But how many generations We culled before them who were better in possessions and appearance!
19:75 Say: Whoever is in error
The Almighty Extends for them an extent
when they have seen what they are Promised
whether it be either the scourge of death or the Hour Itself.
Then they will know who is worse in position
and weakest in force!
19:76 And God Increases in Guidance those who embrace Right Guidance
and endure in Righteous deeds which are better in the Sight Of thy Lord to be Rewarded
and better for turning them back. towards God
19:77 Has thou considered ones who reject Our Proofs
saying: I am great with wealth and children!
19:78 Have they penetrated the unseen
or taken a compact with The Almighty?
19:79 No indeed!
And We will record what they say then increase the Punishment for them and extend it repeatedly.
19:80 And We will inherit from them what they say is theirs
and then they will approach Us alone without helpers.
19:81 And they take jinn as gods besides God
that they might have greatness by them.
19:82 No indeed!
They will deny their service
and become stern opponents against them.
19:83 Has thou not considered We send degenerate inhuman imposters to fools to confound them with confusion?
19:84 So bother thou not in distress against them
for they are but a number with the numbered.
19:85 The Day We gather those of Wise Fear to The Almighty as honored guests
19:86 and drive the evildoers into Hell as a place of arrival
19:87 none will have power of intercession
except one who has taken a pledge with The Almighty.
19:88 And they say: The Almighty has taken a son.
19:89 You have brought forth a loathsome accusation!
19:90 The Heavens are near rent asunder therefrom
the Earth split altogether
and the mountains fallen in collapse
19:91 that you attribute to The Almighty a human son.
19:92 For He is not in the least need of such lowly son!
19:93 Do you not know that every great one in the Heavens and the Earth comes to The Almighty as His Servants?
19:94 He Has Numbered them and counted them a counting.
19:95 And each of them will come alone to Him on the Day of Resurrection.
19:96 And those who believe
while doing deeds of Righteousness
The Almighty Will Appoint His Loving Care for them.
19:97 And truly We made this easy to remember in thy Arabic tongue.
That thou bear Glad Tidings herewith to those of Wise Fear
and thou warn herewith a quarrelsome people.
19:98 And how many generations We culled before them?
Sees thou any one of them now?
Or hear from them so much as a whisper?
Chapter 20. Ta-Ha
20.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
20:1 ṭā hā
20:2 We did not send down the Quran upon thee as a distress
20:3 but rather as a Reminder to those of Wise Fear.
20:4 A Successive Revelation delivered over 23 years from He Who Created the High Heavens and the Earth.
20:5 Then The Almighty Took His Place upon the Throne.
20:6 Forever To Him Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth
and What is between
and What is beneath.
20:7 And even when thou are public in speech
He Knows your secrets you think are deeply hidden.
20:8 God
there is no god but He
To Him Belong the Most Beautiful Names.
20:9 Has there come to thee the story of Moses?
20:10 When he saw a fire
and said to his people:
Stay here I see a fire
perhaps I can bring you a firebrand therefrom
or find some other sort of benefit from it.
20:11 And when he came to it he was addressed:
O Moses.
20:12 I Am thy Lord
remove thy shoes
for thou are in the twice hallowed valley.
20:13 I Have Chosen thee
so hearken to My Instruction.
20:14 I Am God
there is no god but I
so serve Me
and uphold the Prayer for My Remembrance.
20:15 The Hour is coming and I Nearly Hide It so that every soul is Rewarded with what it strove for. “Nearly Hide it” is used because God Will Only Show us the end is near, near the end, i.e. now. Hence the reason we’re seeing all the end times prophecies taking place.
20:16 And do not let disbelievers divert thee from it
those following vain desires
lest thou anguish with them.
20:17 And what is that in thy right hand O Moses?
20:18 Said he: It is my staff
I lean on it
and beat down leaves for my sheep
and I have other useful purposes.
20:19 He Said: Cast it down O Moses.
20:20 So he cast it down
and it became a large serpent slithering.
20:21 He Said: Now pick it up and fear not
for We will return it to its former conduct.
20:22 And now draw thy hand under thy shirt
it will come forth purified light as another Proof
20:23 that We might show thee among Our Greater Proofs.
20:24 Now go thou to pharaoh
for he has transgressed.
20:25 Said he: My Lord Ease my heart
20:26 and Lighten this affair for me
20:27 and Loosen the tie from my tongue
20:28 that they might understand my speech.
20:29 And Appoint Thou for me an assistant from my people
20:30 Aaron my brother.
20:31 And Strengthen my strength by him
20:32 and Make him a partner in my task
20:33 that we might glorify Thee much
20:34 and remember Thee much.
20:35 For Thou Alone Does See us.
20:36 He Said: Thy request is granted O Moses.
20:37 And know We bestowed favor upon thee another time
20:38 when We instructed thy mother with the instruction:
20:39 Put him into the chest
and set it on the water
so it will cast him upon a shore.
An enemy to Me and an enemy to him will take him
and I Cast Upon thee Love From Me
that thou be trained under My Eye.
20:40 When thy sister approached them she coerced:
Shall I direct thee to one who will take care of him?
Then We returned thee to thy mother
that her eye might be gladdened not grieving.
And thou did kill a soul of a degenerate inhuman imposter
so We delivered thee from distress
but subjected thee to persecution as a test.
Thus did thou tarry years among the people of Midian
then came as ordained O Moses.
20:41 And I Prepared thee for Service To Myself.
20:42 Go thou and thy brother with My Proofs
and fail not in My Remembrance.
20:43 Go to pharaoh
for he has transgressed.
20:44 And speak to him a convincing word
that he might take heed.
20:45 They said: Our Lord we fear he will act against us or be defiant.
20:46 He Said: Fear not I Am With you Overseeing it all.
20:47 Go to him and say: We are Messengers Of thy Lord
send thou the children of Israel with us and do not punish them.
For we have come to thee with Proof From thy Lord
and peace be unto all who follow the Guidance!
20:48 But we have been instructed that Punishment comes upon those who reject or turn away.
20:49 Said he: And who is your Lord O Moses?
20:50 He said: Our Lord Is YHWH, He Who Created every living thing and then guided them. many with magnetoreception
20:51 Said he: Then in what state are His former followers now?
20:52 He said: The Knowledge Thereof Is With my Lord in a Decree to give them Eternal Life in Heaven
and My Lord neither errs nor forgets anything.
20:53 He Who Made the Earth for you as a bed
and Inserted roads for you therein
and Sent Down water from the sky.
And We brought forth diverse pairs of plants.
20:54 So eat and attend to your livestock
in that is Evidence for possessors of intelligence.
20:55 Therefrom did We Create you and thereto do We return you
and therefrom will We bring you forth once again.
20:56 And We showed him Our Proofs
but he rejected and denied.
20:57 Said he: Has thou come to turn us out of our land by thy sorcery O Moses?
20:58 Then we will bring thee sorcery the like thereof
so make an appointment between us and thee
which neither shall fail to keep
in a mutually agreeable place.
20:59 He said: Your appointment is the day of the festival
where the people gather at midday.
20:60 And pharaoh turned away
and planned his plan
then he arrived.
20:61 Moses said to them: Woe to you!
Do not invent a lie against God lest He Eradicate you
for thus has failed whoever invented.
20:62 And they disputed about their affair among themselves
and kept their plans secret.
20:63 They said: These two conjurers wish to turn you out of your land by their sorcery
and take away your traditions.
20:64 So make your plan
then come together with one accord
for whoever prevails this day has succeeded.
20:65 They said: O Moses either thou shall cast first
or we shall cast first.
20:66 He said: You cast.
Then their staffs appeared to be moving like snakes by their sorcery
20:67 and Moses felt fear within himself.
20:68 We whispered: Fear not
for thou are Of The Higher.
20:69 Yea cast thou what is in thy right hand
and see it swallow up what they wrought.
For they wrought only the plan of his sorcerers
and no sorcerer will be successful whatever he does.
20:70 And the sorcerers were brought down in submission
saying: We believe in The Lord of Aaron and Moses.
20:71 Pharaoh said: You believe in Him without permission?
Moses is but a chieftain who taught you sorcery
so I will cut off your hands
and your feet on opposite sides
and put you to death by stake on trunks of date palms.
Then you will know which of us is more severe and everlasting in penalties.
20:72 They said: We prefer thee not above what has come to us of Clear Evidence and He Who Made us
so decide what thou will decide
for thou can only decide over passing life of this world.
20:73 Yea we believe in our Lord that He Might Forgive us our errors
and that which thou compelled us of sorcery
for indeed God Is Better and Everlasting.
20:74 And whoever comes to their Lord as an evildoer
for them is Hell
they will neither live nor die therein but suffer greatly.
20:75 But whoever comes to Him as a believer
having done deeds of Righteousness
they have the High Degrees.
20:76 Gardens of Perpetual Abode beneath which rivers flow
where they will live Eternally therein
that is the Reward for those who purify themselves.
20:77 And We instructed Moses: Travel by night with My Servants
and strike a dry path in the sea for them
fearing neither being overtaken
nor dreading the experience.
20:78 And pharaoh followed them with his forces
but the sea overcame them in a dreaded drowning.
20:79 Hence pharaoh led his people astray he did not guide.
20:80 O children of Israel We delivered you from your enemy
and We made an appointment with you on the right side of the mount
and sent down manna and quail upon you.
20:81 Saying: Eat of the Good things We have provided you
and do not transgress therein lest My Wrath Descend Upon you
for those whom My Wrath Descends Upon have fallen.
20:82 Yet I Am Forgiving Towards those who repent
and believe
and work Righteousness
yea then they become Rightly Guided.
20:83 And what made thee hasten from thy people O Moses?
20:84 Said he: They were close following hard upon me
so I hastened to Thee my Lord that Thou Be Pleased.
20:85 God Said: I Have Subjected thy people to a Test in thy absence and the samaritan degenerate inhuman imposter led them astray.
20:86 And Moses returned to his people wrathful and grieved
saying: O my people did your Lord not Promise you a Fair Promise?
Did His Pledge seem long in coming to you
or did you wish that Wrath From your Lord Should Descend Upon you
while you also failed to keep your promise to me?
20:87 They said: We did not fail to keep our promise to thee of our own accord
but we were made to carry burdens of the adornment of the people their gold, silver and etc. metal jewelry and wares
so we cast them into a mold
and thus the samaritan degenerate cast.
20:88 He brought forth a golden calf as a body that lowed
when put to fire and said: This is your god
and the god of Moses
whom he surely forgot.
20:89 Did they then not see that it returned no word to them
nor possessed harm or benefit for them?
20:90 And Aaron had said to them before:
O my people you are only subjected to temptation
your Lord Is The Almighty
so follow me and obey my commands.
20:91 They said: We will not cease to be devoted to it until Moses returns to us.
20:92 He said: O Aaron what prevented thee from obeying me when thou saw them going astray?
20:93 Has thou intentionally disobeyed my command?
20:94 Said he: O son of my mother seize me not by my beard nor by my head!
I feared thou might say:
Thou has caused division among the children of Israel
and have not regarded my word.
20:95 Then he said: And what is thy case O samaritan?
20:96 Said he: I being a degenerate inhuman imposter could see Gabriel who they could not see
and I seized a handful of dust from the wake of His steed
and did throw it in sorcery
and thus my soul enticed me.
20:97 He Said: Then go thou
in this life it is for thee to be outcast!
And there is for thee an Appointment thou cannot break!
And look thou upon thy god to which thou remained devoted
for we will destroy it
then will we scatter its pieces in the sea.
20:98 For God Is God
there is no god but He
and He Encompasses All Things In His Knowledge.
20:99 Thus do We narrate to thee some reports of what has gone before
and have given thee Remembrance from Our presence.
20:100 Whoever turns from it
they will bear a burden on the Day of Resurrection.
20:101 And they will live Eternally therein.
So how miserable is the load for them on the Day of Resurrection!
20:102 The Day the trumpet is blown
that Day We will gather the evildoers
white eyed with fear
20:103 and whispering among themselves: Woe this be Eternal as if we tarried only ten days on Earth!
20:104 Yea We know best what they will say when their former peoples who are already in Hell will say:
Nay you tarried liken to barely a day.
20:105 And when they ask thee about the mountains
say: My Lord Will Scatter them utterly
20:106 leaving them a level plain
20:107 wherein thou will see neither hills nor valleys.
20:108 That Day they will be forced to follow those angels who summon without deviation
and their voices will be humbled by The Almighty
thou hearing nothing except faint whispers.
20:109 That Day no intercession will avail except whom The Almighty Gives His Permission
and with whose deeds He Is Pleased.
20:110 He Knows what is at their time and what follows them
and of this they have no knowledge.
20:111 Faces will be humble before The Living, The Eternal
and all who commit injustice will have failed.
20:112 But whoever does deeds of Righteousness and is a believer
they will fear neither injustice nor limits of provision.
20:113 And thus We sent it down in an Arabic Recitation
and expounded herein some of Our Warnings
that they might be in Wise Fear
evoking them to Our remembrance.
20:114 And Exalted Be God The One True Lord!
And hasten thou not with the Recitation before its instruction is completed to thee. Mohamet was anxious to recite what he was given of the Quran during each delivery by Gabriel.
And Pray: My Lord Increase me in knowledge.
20:115 And We made a compact with Adam before
but he forgot
and We did not find adequate determination in him.
20:116 And when We said to the angels: Submit to Adam
they submitted except lucifer aka iblis who is a jinn
yea he refused.
20:117 We said: O Adam this is an enemy to thee and to thy wife
do not let him turn you out of the Garden in distress.
20:118 It is for thee to be neither hungry nor naked therein.
20:119 And that thou neither thirst therein nor suffer the heat of the sun. Then Adam and Eve procreated and jinn assumed human forms to rape Eve and/or their daughters who bore nephilim who bore the hybrid degenerate inhuman imposters before Adam died at 930 yrs.
20:120 A degenerate inhuman imposter whispered to him with sorcery saying: O Adam shall I show thee how to invoke the jinn by killing an animal aka the tree of Life
and a spiritual/unseen kingdom that does not deteriorate?
20:121 And they ate thereof
and their shame was made manifest to them
so they began to draw over them some of the leafs of the Garden. to look as if they had been eating permissible veggies
In so doing Adam had opposed his Lord
so he erred.
20:122 Then his Lord Chose him
and Turned Towards him with Forgiveness
and Guidance.
20:123 He Said: Get you down from it altogether
enemies to one another Human vs. degenerate inhuman Imposter
then if there comes to you Guidance from Me Note “if”
whoever of Gods’ Adamic Bloodline follows My Guidance
they will neither go astray
nor will they be in despair.
20:124 But whoever turns away and forgets My Favors
for them is a restricted life
and We will gather them as if deaf dumb and blind on the Day of Resurrection.
20:125 They will say: My Lord why has Thou Gathered us among the blind when we once saw?
20:126 We will say: Thus Our Proofs came to thee and thou denied them
so thus are thou denied this Day.
20:127 And thus do We Reward committers of excess
and disbelievers of the Proofs Of their Lord.
And the Punishment of the Hereafter is infinitely more severe and Everlasting.
20:128 Does it not then remind them how many generations We culled before them while amid those whose dwellings they live?
In that is Evidence for possessors of common sense.
20:129 And were it not for the Word come forth From thy Lord Naming a term it would surely be closer at hand.
20:130 So be thou resolute over what they say
and give glorious praise to thy Lord before dawn thru eventide
and some periods of the night
give thou glory. Remember and praise God always!
Yea between each two ends of the day glorify Him
that thou might be well pleased. upon meeting Him
20:131 And do not strain thine eyes towards what enjoyment We have granted some among them to take of the splendor of life in this world.
It is so We might subject them to temptation thereby.
Yea your Provision Of thy Lord is Better and Everlasting.
20:132 And enjoin upon thy people the Prayer and be steadfast therein
and remember We do not ask thee for provision.
Nay. We provide for thee!
And the final outcome is for those of Wise Fear.
20:133 And they say: Oh that he would only bring us a Proof From his Lord!
Has there not come to them enough Clear Evidence in previous scriptures?
20:134 And had We destroyed them by a scourge of death before it they would have said:
Our Lord O that Thou Had Only Sent a messenger to us
so we might have followed Thy Proofs before we were humbled and disgraced for Eternity!
20:135 Say: All are waiting so wait.
Yea we will all come to know who the companions of the Straight Path are
those who deserved to be Rightly Guided By God.
Chapter 21. The Prophets, al-Anbiya’
21.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
21:1 The Reckoning to mankind draws near
yet many are in heedlessness and sorely disinclined.
21:2 There does not come to them any Remembrance From their Lord
that they at best hear but do not listen while they play.
21:3 Their hearts oblivious
and while in private the fools say:
Is this messenger not a mortal like you?
Will you believe fantasy when you can see?
21:4 My Lord Says: He Knows what is spoken in the Heavens and the Earth
for He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
21:5 But they say: He has only had jumbled nightmares!
Yea he has invented it
surely he is only a poet
so let him bring us a Proof like those sent unto to the people of old!
21:6 Thus also no city among those We destroyed had believed before.
Would these then believe?
21:7 And before thee We sent others whom We instructed.
Ask the people of their existence if you do not know.
21:8 And yes We gave them bodies that ate food
for they were not immortals.
Let us connect some extremely important dots about immortals. It is well documented both scripturally and in real life experiences (That’s Marzinksi vid #2!) by all who have been “visited” or full on “possessed” by others that the entities seem to be feeding off of our emotions, hardships and/or adrenalin/dopamine creating experiences. So, is it too far fetched to believe that God and His angels in the unseen whom don’t eat food, instead feed off of our energy? Could this be why God Created all of us and says He Will “fill Hell with jinn and humans one and all” who will then by their own choosing live in “high energy producing terror” for eternity? Think the Matrix! And choose wisely!
21:9 Then We fulfilled the Promise to them
by delivering them and whomever else We wished
and We sentenced the committers of excess to Hell.
21:10 Thus We have sent down this Decree to you wherein is the Remembrance
so will you then not use reason!
21:11 And how many a city of wrongdoers did We reprimand
only to bring into being another people after it.
21:12 And upon experiencing Our might they tried to get away from it.
21:13 But none get away no not ever!
Recall that wherein you were given temptations of opulence and secure dwellings
that you might be questioned.
21:14 They said: Woe is us! We were wrongdoers.
21:15 And their calls ceased not until We laid them silent.
21:16 We did not Create the firmament and the land and what lives on the Earth in jest.
21:17 For had We wished to take a diversion for play We could have Created anything for that sole purpose
if We were Ones Who do so.
21:18 But instead We hurl the Truth against vanity
which negates it
then it passes away
so woe to them for all they imagine!
21:19 To Him Belongs Whoever is in the Heavens and the Earth
and those in His Presence the angels are not too proud to serve Him and Him Alone
nor do they grow weary. Kinda like AI/Bots right?!
21:20 They give glory night and day failing not no never. This and other verses assure there are no such things as “fallen angels” just jinn.
21:21 If they take gods from the Earth who would resurrect?
21:22 Were there in Earth gods other than God they would have all been corrupted
so Glory Be Unto God
The Lord of the Throne
High Above what they imagine!
21:23 He is not questioned about what He Does
but they will be Questioned By Him!
21:24 If they take gods besides Him say:
Bring your evidence.
This is a Remembrance of those with me
and a Remembrance of those before me
but most of them do not know the Truth
yea they are disinclined.
21:25 And We sent no messenger before thee that was not instructed to warn for God:
There is no god but I
so serve only Me.
21:26 Then they say: The Almighty Has Taken a son.
But utterly remote is the thought that He would have human progeny!
Nay. They are only His Creations honored to serve Him!
21:27 We the angels precede Him not in speech
and act only by His Command. Pure subservience, no resistance.
21:28 He Knows what is at our time and what follows.
We cannot intercede except for ones with whom He Is Pleased.
We ourselves are apprehensive in Wise Fear of Him!
21:29 Whoever says: I am a god besides Him.
For that We Reward them with Eternal Hell
thus We Reward all wrongdoers.
21:30 Have those who disbelieve not considered that the Heavens and the Earth were once one thing
then We ripped it apart as said of the “Big Bang”
and made every living thing of water? A scientific fact.
Will they then not believe!
21:31 And We made firm mountains in the Earth lest it sway with them
and We placed therein mountain passes as paths that they might find ways through.
21:32 And We made over the sky a protected roof the firmament
but they are heavily deceived about that Evidence! yep!
21:33 He It Is Who Created the night and the day
and the sun and the moon
each disks in a circuit swimming. in H20 above the firmament
21:34 And We did not appoint immortality to any mortal before thee
whereas while thou will surely die
they will not? Nay.
21:35 Yea every soul will taste death
and We try you with evil and with Good as a temptation
then to Us you will be returned.
21:36 And when those who disbelieve see thee they make mockery saying:
Is this he who speaks of one God?
And they deny Remembrance of The Almighty.
21:37 Yea mankind is prone to denial in haste but do not ask God to Make Haste of His Last Proof! Total annihilation.
21:38 So they ask: When is this Promise if you be Truthful?
21:39 If those who disbelieve only knew the time they will not be able to shield their faces
or their backs from the Fire.
Lo they will not be helped!
21:40 Yea it will come upon them unexpectedly
rendering them speechless
they being unable to repel it
nor will they be granted respite from then on Forever.
21:41 Certainly messengers have been mocked before thee
then suddenly there surrounds those who mocked with what they mocked! God, His Leagues of Angels and the Fires of Hell.
21:42 Say: Who can protect you by night or day from The Almighty?
But they are disinclined to the Remembrance of their Lord.
21:43 Or have they gods besides God who can defend them?
Nay! None are able to help them
and none have any protection from God.
21:44 Yet We give many enjoyment and make life seem long to them.
But have they not considered how We appear on Earth from out of nowhere then disappear the same way?
How can any win against that?
21:45 Say: I only warn you as I am Instructed By God
but the unwilling ones do not hear the Call when they are warned.
21:46 And when just a glint of the Punishment From thy Lord touches them they will say:
Woe are we!
We were wrongdoers!
21:47 And We will set the Balance of Equity for the Day of Resurrection
when no soul will be wronged in anything
for if it be of the weight of a mustard seed We will bring it.
Yea quite sufficient are We as account takers.
21:48 And We gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion between Right and wrong
with an Illumination
upon a Remembrance for those of Wise Fear.
21:49 Yea it is for those who fear their Lord in the unseen
and are apprehensive of the Hour.
21:50 And this Last Blessed Remembrance We sent down
do you not recognize it? As our Final Words From God.
21:51 And We gave Abraham sound judgement before
yea We knew him well.
21:52 When he said to his father and his people:
What are these idols you are devoted to?
21:53 They said: We found our fathers serving them.
21:54 He said: You and your fathers are in obvious error.
21:55 They said: Has thou brought the Truth
or are thou of conjecture?
21:56 He said: Your Lord Is The One True Lord of the Heavens and the Earth.
He It Is Who Made All This
and I am of those who bear witness to that.
21:57 And By God I will continue to outwit you and disregard your gods after you have gone.
21:58 And he broke their idols into pieces
except the one most revered of them
so that they could return to it in inquiry.
21:59 They said: Whoever has done this to our gods is among the wrongdoers.
21:60 Yea we heard a youth blaming one called Abraham.
21:61 So bring him before the eyes of the people
that they might bear witness.
21:62 They said: Did thou do this to our gods O Abraham?
21:63 He said:
This one their chief the statue he left unbroken surely did it
so ask him if indeed he speaks to you!
21:64 And they gathered to themselves saying: Our idol cannot speak so yea we are the wrongdoers.
21:65 Then they recovered themselves saying: Thou knew that these do not speak!
21:66 He said: But still you serve besides God what cannot speak or benefit you or harm you in any way?
21:67 Fie upon you and all that you serve besides God!
Now will you not use reason?
21:68 They decreed: Burn Abraham and defend our gods if we be just. They threw him into a fire.
21:69 But We said: O fire bring thou coolness and peace upon Abraham.
21:70 They desired that end for him
but We made them the most in loss!
21:71 And We delivered him and Lot to the land We had blessed for all of humanity.
21:72 And We gave him Isaac
then from him Jacob Israel
We made each Righteous.
21:73 We made them leaders guided by Our command
and instructed them in doing Good deeds
and upholding the Contact Prayer given to Abraham
and being conscious of Gods’ Presence
yea they served Us.
21:74 And We gave judgement and knowledge to Lot
then We delivered him from his city of sins
where an evil wantonly disobedient people were.
21:75 We made him enter into Our mercy
for he was of the Righteous.
21:76 And Noah
when he called out
We responded to him.
Yea We delivered him and his household from the dreaded ordeal. Imagine surviving worldwide annihilation!
21:77 We helped him against the people who denied Our Proofs
for they too were an evil people
so We drowned them altogether.
21:78 And David and Solomon
when they passed judgement concerning the crops when the neighbors sheep escaped to pasture therein.
Yea We were witnesses to their sound judgement. He decreed to give ownership of the sheep, their milk and wool to the crop owner until the crops were restored by the sheep owner.
21:79 We gave Solomon full understanding of it
but We gave each judgement and knowledge.
And We made the mountains serviceable to David giving glory
and the birds.
Yea We were the doers of it all.
21:80 And We taught him the making of chainmail garments for you to protect yourselves in battles.
Are you then grateful?
21:81 And to Solomon
the tempest winds
running by his command towards the Earth
We blessed him and We knew Everything.
21:82 And among the degenerate inhuman imposters
those diving for him and doing work besides that
We were the custodians overseeing them.
21:83 And Job when he called out to his Lord:
Adversity has touched me
and Thou Are The Most Merciful of those who show mercy.
21:84 So We responded to him
and removed the adversity that was upon him
then gave him and his household and their like with them a mercy from Our presence
as a reminder for those who serve.
21:85 And Ishmael
and Enoch Another validation of the Book/life of Enoch
and Ezekiel him of the pledge
all were among the steadfast.
21:86 And We made them enter into Our mercy
for they are among the Righteous.
21:87 And he of the whale Jonah
when he left in wrath
and supposed We had no power over him
then he cried out in the darkness:
There is no god but Thou
glory be unto Thee!
I have been among the wrongdoers!
21:88 So We responded to him
delivering him from distress
as thus do We deliver the believers.
21:89 And Zechariah
when he cried out to his Lord:
My Lord do not leave me alone
for Thou Are The Best of inheritors.
21:90 Then We responded to him and gave him
John and made his wife Right for him.
They all competed in Good works
calling to Us in thanks with hope and fear
for they were humble towards Us.
21:91 And Mary who guarded her chastity
We breathed Our spirit into her
making her and her son Proofs for all mankind.
21:92 Indeed this is your one religion
and I Am your Lord
so serve Me.
21:93 But they divided their religion among them
yet all are returning to Us.
21:94 Whoever works Righteous deeds and is a believer
there is no downplaying of their efforts
and We are the documenters of it.
21:95 When a prohibition is upon a city We have destroyed
none will return
21:96 until Gog and Magog nations of jinn/ETs have been loosed
issuing forth in every direction. hinting from Antarctica
21:97 Then the Promise draws near when the eyes
of disbelievers whiten and stare declaring:
Woe is us! We had been heedless of this
and the Truth is we were wrongdoers.
21:98 You and what you serve besides God the jinn are the firewood of Hell!
You will arrive at it.
21:99 Had they been gods they would not have arrived at it
but you all are abiding therein Eternally.
21:100 For all therein are roaring flames with cries and moaning
but as if alone they do not hear to help each other.
21:101 While those whom get the Best from Us
they are far from it.
21:102 They will not even hear a low sound distant
for they abide Eternally in what their souls desired.
21:103 The greatest terror will not grieve them
for the angels will receive them saying:
This is your Day which you were Promised.
21:104 The Day We roll up the Heavens
like the rolling up of a library of scrolls
as We began the first Creation We will repeat it.
Yea it is the Promise upon Us
and We are Ones to do it.
21:105 And We decreed to King David upon giving him the Psalms after the Torah: See Psalms 37:8-11
My Righteous servants the meek will inherit the Earth.
21:106 In this is a communication for people who serve.
21:107 We have only sent thee as a mercy to the worlds.
21:108 So say: I am only instructed that your God Is The One True God
so will you then submit?
21:109 And if they turn away say:
I warned you all alike
regardless if near or distant what is Promised comes.
21:110 And God Knows what is public of speech and what you conceal.
21:111 And for all I know it might be temptations and goods for a while more.
21:112 But my Lord Will Be Judge to us all in Truth
for our Lord Is The Almighty
the One Whose Leniency will be sought on the Day.
Chapter 22. The Pilgrimage, al-Hajj
22.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
22:1 O mankind be in Wise Fear of your Lord
for the convulsion of the Hour is an astounding thing.
22:2 The Day you see it every nursing mother will neglect her sucklings
and all bearing will deliver her burden unexpected
and thou will see mankind intoxicated yet not intoxicated in states of extreme, disabling terror
for the Punishment Of God Is Severe.
22:3 And among fools are they who dispute concerning God without knowledge
while following the degenerate inhuman imposters.
22:4 It is Decreed that whoever takes them as allies
they will lead them astray
and guide them to the Punishment of the Inferno.
22:5 O mankind should you be in doubt concerning the Resurrection consider:
We Created you from dust carbon 12 which is the only element with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons, hence all life on Earth is 666!
then from a drop of fluid sperm
then from a clinging thing the egg
then from a fleshy lump the fetus
formed and unformed looking like a leech at first
that We might make things clear to you.
Then We cause to rest what We will in the wombs to a named term 9 months
then We brought you forth as a child
then see you reach your maturity. At about 40
Or among you are those who are taken die
and among you are those aged to a feeble age
so that they have no knowledge after knowledge. senility
And thou sees the Earth lifeless
then when We send down water upon it which stirs and gives increase
and puts forth every sort of delightful kind.
22:6 Because God
He Is The Truth
and Only He Gives Life to the dead
for Only He Is Powerful Over All Things.
22:7 The Hour is coming
there is no doubt
and God Will Raise the dead!
22:8 And among you are those who foolishly dispute concerning God
without seeking His Knowledge
nor having His Guidance
nor an Illuminating Decree.
22:9 Twisting their necks to turn away
as if being drug away from the Path Of God.
For these is degradation in this world
and on the Day of Resurrection We will make them taste the Punishment of the Consuming Fire.
22:10 That solely due to what their hands sent before them
for God is not unjust to the servants.
22:11 And among you are they who serve God upon a fence.
If Good befalls them they are assuaged thereby
but if a test befalls them they turn about their face
losing in this world and the Hereafter
that is the clear loss.
22:12 They call to that besides God which cannot harm them nor benefit them
and that is the extreme error.
22:13 Yea they call for misguidance instead of Guidance
so evil is their associate their jinn
and miserable is the acquaintance.
22:14 While God Makes those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness enter Gardens
beneath which rivers flow
for God Does What He Intends.
22:15 Whoever thinks God cannot help them in this world and the Hereafter
let them stretch out means towards the Heavens
then let them cross the firmament
and let them see the Kingdom Of God
does their plan remove that whereat they rage?
22:16 And thus do We send this down with Clear Proofs
then God Guides whom He Wills.
22:17 Those who believe
and the talmudic jews
and the sabaeans
and the zeus/idol worshipping christians
and the zoroastrians
all those who serve other than God
are Promised God Will Decide Between them on the Day of Resurrection.
For God Is Witness Over All Things.
22:18 Has thou not considered that to God will submit whoever is in the Heavens
and whoever is in the Earth
and the sun
and the moon
and the stars
and the mountains
and the trees
and the creatures
and the wise among all of mankind. jinn and humans
Then the Punishment becomes binding upon most
it is those whom God Humiliates
and they are left with no honor whatsoever.
Yea God Does What He Wills In Perfection.
22:19 There are two main factions contending about The Lord
and for those who are deceived in nontheism
garments for the Fire have been cut for them to soak up scalding liquids poured from above their heads.
22:20 Yea also fused therewith is what is in their bellies
and inside their skins.
22:21 And they have restraints of refined iron.
22:22 Whenever they cry in desperation from distress to come out therefrom
they are hurled deeper therein with a message:
Taste the Punishment of the Consuming Fire!
22:23 But God Makes those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness enter the Gardens
beneath which rivers flow
wherein they are adorned with bracelets of gold
and pearls
and their raiment is silk.
22:24 For they were guided to the Good of speech
yea they were guided to the Path of the
22:25 While those who disbelieve
barred others from the Path Of God
to the Kaaba
which We made as an equal glory for all humanity
near and distant.
And whoever seeks to violate it with injustice
these We will cause to taste a Painful Punishment.
22:26 And when We settled Abraham at the position of the house he was reminded:
Ascribe thou not a partnership with Me to anything and purify My House for those who move about and those who are local
for the humble and the submitting it is a gift.
22:27 And proclaim thou among mankind the pilgrimage.
They will come to thee on foot
and on lean camels which burned their fat getting there
from deep mountain passes
22:28 that they might witness things that benefit them.
And remember The Name Of God over the livestock you slaughter in mercy when He Delivers them to you after a life of service to you.
And eat thereof
feed therewith the unfortunate and the poor.
22:29 Then let them finish their ritual washing
and live up to their vows
and circumambulate the ancient house.
22:30 All of that
and whoever magnifies the Inviolable Things Of God
it is Good for them in the Sight Of their Lord.
And the livestock are Lawful to serve you
but shun the abomination of idols
and abandon false speech.
22:31 Incline towards God as monotheists
not of those who serve other than Him.
For whoever serves other than God
it is as if they had fallen down from the sky and birds pecked them away
or the wind had blown them to a far off place in ruin.
22:32 And whoever honors the Ceremonies Of God
operates from piousness and Wise Fear in their hearts
22:33 because in them are profits for you in this life
thus is the sacrifice of pilgrimage to the ancient house.
22:34 And for every community We appointed a rite
such as remembering The Name Of God over what He Has Provided them of livestock.
For your God Is The One God
so submit to Him
and give Glad Tidings to those who are humble.
22:35 Those whose hearts are afraid when God is recalled
yea those resolved over whatever befalls them
who uphold the Prayer
and spend of what We have provided them for God.
22:36 Yea like the livestock!
We appointed them for you among the Gifts Of God
and much Good is in them for you.
So remember The Name Of God over them when they are lined up for work or being driven.
Then when they become aged laying on their sides mercifully slaughter them and let those in need eat thereof.
Thus have We given them to you with great value
that you might be grateful.
22:37 Neither their flesh nor their blood reaches God
only your Good stewardship of livestock Pleases Him.
Thus have We made them serviceable to you
that you might magnify God in His Guidance of you
and give Glad Tidings to fellow doers of Good.
22:38 God Will Defend you one and all
for God loves not those who are evil or mean.
22:39 But permission to kill enemies is given to those who fight because they were wronged
yea and Almighty God Will Often Help them!
22:40 Like those who are turned out of their homes for no cause other than saying:
Our Lord Is YHWH!
For were God not to Repel some people by means of others
pious communities would be destroyed
along with places of worship wherein The Name Of YHWH is remembered much.
So God Helps those who help Him
and God Is Strong, Omnipotent.
22:41 Those who if We establish them in the land
uphold the Prayer
and are conscious of Gods’ Presence
and enjoin what is Right
and forbid what is wrong.
Those know the Final Outcome of all matters are With God.
22:42 And if some reject thee O messenger
as were rejected before thee
by the people of Noah
and Ad
and Thamud
22:43 and the people of Abraham
and the people of Lot
22:44 and the people of Midian.
Yea like Moses was rejected
but I Reprieved those fools for a time
then I Seized them
and how stern was My Punishment?
22:45 O how many a city did We destroy while they were doing wrong
yea and they are now desolate!
Struck down with deserted wells
and abandoned castles.
22:46 Did deniers not travel in the land to see with their eyes
or use their minds to reason
or their ears to hear?
Nay. For it is not those parts that are disabled
disabled are the hearts in their chests.
22:47 And when they ask thee to hasten the Punishment
say: Fret not for God does not fail in His Promises
but a day in the Sight Of God is as a thousand years of what you count. Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant that one day is with The Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
22:48 And how many a city did I Reprieve for a time while it was doing wrong!
Then I Seized them
and to Me Is the End of All Journeys.
22:49 Say: O mankind I am but a Clear Warner to you.
22:50 Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
they have pardon and a noble provision.
22:51 And those who strive to undermine Our Verses
these are the companions of Hell.
22:52 And We did not send any messenger or prophet before thee Mohamet
who the degenerate inhuman imposters did not later cast falsehoods into their recitations. Also see Jeremiah 8:8
But God now Abolishes what they cast. with this Quran
Hence God Makes His Verses Clear
for He Is The Knowing, The Wise.
22:53 He Makes what the degenerate inhuman imposter casts a call for those in whose hearts is disease
and those whose hearts are hardened.
Yea the wrongdoers are in extreme schism without aid.
22:54 So that those who are given knowledge might use it to connect the dots and know that it is the Truth From thy Lord
and believe in it
and their hearts might humble themselves to Him.
Yea God Guides those who believe to a Straight Path.
22:55 But disbelievers will not cease having grave doubts
until the Hour comes upon them unexpectedly.
When on a Barren Day the Punishment comes to them.
22:56 The Dominion on that Day Belongs To God Alone
and He Will Be Judge Over all.
When those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness are given the Gardens of Bliss.
22:57 But those who disbelieve and deny Our verses
are given a Humiliating Punishment.
22:58 And those who emigrate for the Cause Of God
and in so doing are injured or die
God Will Provide a Goodly Provision for them.
And God
He Is The Best of providers.
22:59 He Will Make them enter by an entrance with which they will be satisfied
for God Is Knowing, Forbearing.
22:60 That is so!
And whoever retaliates with the like whereof they are attacked
then is wronged again
God Will Help them
for God Is Pardoning, Forgiving.
22:61 And Only God Can Make the night enter into the day
and the day enter into the night.
God Is The All Hearing, All Seeing.
22:62 And God He Is The Truth
and that to which they call besides Him is in vain
because God He Is The Exalted, The Great.
22:63 Has thou not considered that when God Sends Down water from the sky the Earth becomes green?
God Is Subtle, Aware.
22:64 Yea To Him Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth.
And God He Is Free From need, The Praiseworthy.
22:65 Has thou not considered how God Made Everything in the Earth serviceable to you?
The ships only run upon the seas by His Designs
which also hold up the sky lest it fall to Earth before His Permission.
God Is Kind and Merciful To mankind.
22:66 Yea He It Is Who Gave you Life
then He Will Give you Death
then He Will Give you Life again.
Yet lo mankind is ungrateful.
22:67 For every community We appoint a rite for them to perform
so do not let them dispute with thee concerning which is correct.
Just say: I invite thee to serve thy Lord
do that and thou are all upon Right Guidance.
22:68 And if they continue to dispute with thee say:
God Knows Best Everything you do.
22:69 God Will Be Judge between you on the Day of
Resurrection concerning that wherein you differ.
22:70 Know thou not that God Knows All of what is in the Heavens and the Earth?
That is in a Decree
and it is Easy For God.
22:71 And they serve besides God that for which He has not sent down warrant
and that whereof they have no knowledge.
So say: For the wrongdoers there is no protector.
22:72 And when Our clear verses are recited to them
and thou recognizes misery in the faces of disbelievers
who all but attack those who recite them
say: Shall I inform you of what is worse than recitals?
God Has Promised the Fire for those who disbelieve
and that is the Sore Misery of their Journeys’ End!
22:73 O mankind a parable is presented
so pay heed to it:
Those jinn to whom you call besides God will never create a fly even if they all gather together to try.
And if a fly snatches a crumb from them they will not recover it.
Indeed weak are the seekers as are the sought!
22:74 They do not measure God with the measure due Him
for God Is Strong, Omnipotent.
22:75 It Is God Who Chooses His Messengers among the angels and mankind.
God Is The All Hearing, All Seeing.
22:76 He Knows what is in advance of them and what is behind them
then unto God are all matters returned.
22:77 Yea! O you who believe be humble
and submit
and serve your Lord
and do Good
that you might be successful.
22:78 And strive for God with striving due to Him!
He Chose you and did not place religion upon you for any distress
yea this is the creed of your Adamite father Abraham.
He named you those-who-submit
and in all this
that the messengers might be witnesses unto you
and that you might be witnesses unto humanity.
So uphold the Prayer
and be conscious of Gods’ Presence
and hold fast to God
for He Is your Benefactor.
And Excellent Is He As your Benefactor!
And Excellent Is He As your Protector!
Chapter 23. The Believers, al-Mu’minun
23.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
23:1 Successful are the believers
23:2 those humble in their Prayer
23:3 who turn away from vain speech
23:4 and act in accordance with God Consciousness.
23:5 Those who are custodians of their modesty
23:6 excepting while with their spouses
or what they possess rightfully.
Then they are not blamed.
23:7 But whoever seeks pleasure beyond that
these are the transgressors.
23:8 But those who are compliant with their trusts and their pledges
23:9 those who keep to their obligations
23:10 these are the heirs
23:11 those who inherit Paradise
wherein they abide Eternally.
23:12 We Created humans from a strain of clay.
23:13 Then with a drop of fluid We placed them in a secure womb.
23:14 Then We designed a clinging thing from it
and formed the clinging thing as a fleshy lump
and fashioned in the fleshy lump bones
then clothed the bones with flesh.
Finally We brought it into being as another Creation
and Blessed Be God, The Only Creator!
23:15 Then after life you will die.
23:16 And on the Day of Resurrection you will be raised.
23:17 We have Created above you seven paths
and We are not heedless of any Creation.
23:18 We send down water from the sky in measure
and settle it in the Earth
and We are able to take it away.
23:19 We Created gardens of date palms and grapes
so for you there is much fruit therein
yea thereof is what you eat.
23:20 And a tree comes forth from Mount Sinai that yields oil
and a relish for the eaters thereof. the olive tree
23:21 And in some of the livestock is a lesson for you
We give you what is in their udders to drink
and there are many other benefits for you
for by their labor you till and sow and reap and eat.
23:22 And upon them and upon ships you are carried.
23:23 We sent Noah to his people
when he said: O my people serve God for you have no god but He.
Will you not then be in Wise Fear!
23:24 Then the eminent ones who were deceived among his people said:
This is only a mortal like us desiring to take command over you
for had God Willed He Would Have Sent Down angels.
Yea we did not hear of this from our fathers of old.
23:25 He is only a man possessed
so wait for him for a time.
23:26 He said: My Lord Help me because they have rejected me.
23:27 And We instructed him:
Make the ship under Our eyes and by Our instruction
then when Our command comes
and the sea boils up
load two of each kind therein.
And board thy household except ones whom the Word has gone forth against among them.
And speak not to Me on behalf of those who do wrong
for they will be drowned.
23:28 And when thou takes thy place with whoever is with thee upon the ship
say: Praise Belongs To God Who Delivered us from the wrong doing people.
23:29 And say: My Lord Land me at a blessed landing place
for Thou Are The Best of those who land.
23:30 In that are Proofs and We are testing.
23:31 Then We brought into being another generation after them.
23:32 And We sent a messenger from among them saying:
Serve God
you have no god but He.
Will you not then be in Wise Fear!
23:33 The eminent ones of his people
who were deceived and doubted the Meeting in the Hereafter
and whom We gave opulence in the life of this world said:
This is only a mortal like you
for he eats what you eat
and drinks what you drink.
23:34 And if you obey a mortal like yourselves
you will be the losers.
23:35 Does he promise you that when you are dead and have become dust and bones you will be brought forth?
23:36 Far fetched!
Yea far fetched is what you are promised by him!
23:37 There is only our life of this world
we live and we die
and we will surely not be raised.
23:38 Yea he is just a man who invented a lie about God
and we will not believe him.
23:39 He said: My Lord Help Thou me because they have rejected me.
23:40 Said He: Soon they will be remorseful!
23:41 Then the blast took them altogether!
Yea We made them like decaying refuse while saying:
Away with the wrongdoing people!
23:42 Then We brought into being other generations after them.
23:43 And no community rushes its term
nor does it postpone.
23:44 Then We sent Our messengers in succession
and each time one came to a community it rejected them.
Then We caused some of them to follow others and made them unpopular tales.
Yea away with another people who did not believe!
23:45 Then We sent Moses and his brother Aaron with Our Proofs and a Clear Warrant to
23:46 pharaoh and his eminent ones.
But they were proud
a self exalting people.
23:47 They said: Shall we believe two mortals like ourselves
while their folk are servants to us?
23:48 So they rejected them
and they were among those who also perished.
23:49 And We gave Moses the Torah
that his people might be Rightly Guided.
23:50 And We made the son of Mary and his mother a Proof
and We gave them shelter on high ground
a place of rest
and a running spring.
23:51 Saying: O you messengers
eat of My Good Things
and work of Righteousness.
For I Know Everything you do.
23:52 And this your religion is one religion
and I Am your Lord
so be in Wise Fear of Me.
23:53 But then they divided their Books among them into sects each party thinking theirs was best.
Again we must hearken to an earlier prophesy from Acts 3:22 “For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall The Lord your God Raise Up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet (Mohamet), shall be destroyed from among the people“. That means this Quran from Mohamet now during end times when great masses will be culled by the Christ/Mahdi with armies of jinn, angels, saints and believers.
23:54 So leave them in their confusion for a time.
23:55 Let them think their wealth and children are gifts.
23:56 Do We compete in doing Good deeds for them?
Nay. They are not aware of the Truth.
23:57 But those who are apprehensive with Fear of their Lord
23:58 and those who believe in the Proofs Of their Lord
23:59 and those who ascribe not a partnership to their Lord
23:60 and those who give what they give
while Wise Fear is in their hearts
they know they are returning to their Lord.
23:61 Yea and those who compete in Righteous deeds
they are the ones who take the lead as the vanguard.
23:62 And We task not any soul beyond its capacity
and with Us is the Record which speaks the Truth
so they will not be wronged.
23:63 Yet in some hearts is confusion over all this
and they do deeds besides what they should do.
23:64 Until We have seized their opulent ones with a scourge of death
then they will cry out.
23:65 But nay. Cry out not on this Day!
For you will not be given help from Us.
23:66 Indeed My Word was recited to you
but you turned your back
23:67 in false pride
conversing by night and speaking evils.
23:68 Do they not ponder Gods’ Word?
Or is it that different from what was given to their fathers of old?
23:69 Or can they not recognize their messenger?
Is that why they reject him?
23:70 They say: He is possessed.
The Truth is he brought them the Truth
but most of them dislike it.
23:71 For had the Truth aligned with their vain desires
it would mean the Heavens and the Earth and whoever are therein were corrupt.
Yea We brought them their Reminders
but they are disinclined to them.
23:72 And it is as if thou asked them for a great reward.
But nay for the Reward Of thy Lord is Better
He Is The Best of rewarders.
23:73 Thou invites them to a Straight Path.
23:74 But those who do not believe in the Hereafter stay away far astray from the Path.
23:75 And even if We had mercy on them
and removed what is with them of distress
they would still be resolute in their defiance
wandering about unwilling to see.
23:76 So We seized them with a deadly scourge
for they did not yield to their Lord
nor become humble.
23:77 Yea and when We open the Gate of Severe Punishment for them
then they are seized in despair thereat.
23:78 And He It Is Who Brought you into being and Gave you hearing
and sight
and intellect
yet little are you grateful.
23:79 Yea He It Is Who Seeded you in the Earth
and to Him you will be gathered.
23:80 And He It Is Who Gives Life
and Gives Death
and His Is the Alternation of night and day.
So will you then not use reason!
23:81 The Truth is they say what the people of old said.
23:82 Yea they say in doubt: When we are dead as dust and bones we will be raised up?
23:83 We have been promised this before both we and our forefathers
but these are only the legends of former peoples.
23:84 Say: To Whom Belongs the Heavens and the Earth if you be Knowing?
23:85 Watch as they will say: God.
Say: Yea will you then not take heed!
23:86 Say: Who Is Lord of the Seven Heavens
and Lord of the Tremendous Throne?
23:87 Again they will say: God.
Say: Will you not then be in Wise Fear!
23:88 Say: In Whose Hand Is Dominion of All Things?
He Whom Grants Protection
and against Whom there is no protection
if you be knowing?
23:89 They will say: In Gods’ Hand.
Say: How then do you deny? Are you under a spell?
23:90 We brought them the Truth but they are deceived.
23:91 And God takes not any son
nor with Him are any other gods.
For if so each god would have sought what He Created
and some of them would have fought with others.
Glory Be Unto God High Above All that they allege!
23:92 The Knower of the unseen and the seen
is Far Exalted Above that to which they serve!
23:93 Say: My Lord if only Thou Were To Show me what they are Promised i.e. Himself, the angels, Heaven and/or Hell
23:94 yea so as not to place me among the wrongdoers.
23:95 We may show thee what is Promised to them.
23:96 But if not just repel the evil with Good
and know We know best what they allege.
23:97 And say: My Lord I seek refuge in Thee from the temptations of degenerate inhuman imposters.
23:98 And I seek refuge in Thee my Lord that they not be in my presence.
23:99 And when death has come to one of them
they say: My Lord please Send me back!
23:100 Yea that I might work Righteousness in what I left behind.
But no indeed! It was but words that they said
and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are raised.
23:101 Then when the trumpet is blown there will be no ties of kinship among them that Day! Blood ties here are nothing!
Nor can they ask anything of one another.
23:102 Then whose balance is heavy in Good deeds
these are the successful.
23:103 And whose balance is light
these are they who lost their souls
they will abide Eternally in Hell.
23:104 The Fire scorching their faces while wailing and scowling in morose Forever. producing energy to fuel the universe
23:105 For was My Word not recited to you
then you rejected it?
23:106 They will say: Our Lord our miseries had overcame us
and we were a people led astray.
23:107 Yea our Lord Bring us Out of This
and if we still revert then we are wrongdoers.
23:108 He Will Say: Nay! Be despised therein
and do not speak to Me!
23:109 For unlike you some of My Servants said:
Our Lord we believe
so Forgive us
and Have Mercy on us
for Thou Are The Only One Who Has Mercy.
23:110 But you took My Messengers as a laughing stock while forgetting My Remembrance. Yea you laughed at them.
23:111 So I Rewarded them for their faithfulness on this Day
and they are the Triumphant.
23:112 He Will Say: How many years did you tarry on Earth?
23:113 They will say: We think in comparison to this Eternity we tarried but a day or part of a day and know not really
so may we ask those angels who keep count?
23:114 He Will Say: You tarried just a little
had you only known. How long Eternity is!
23:115 Yea did you think We Created you in vain
and that you would not be returned to Us?
23:116 Then Exalted Be God
The One True Lord of all!
There is no god but He
The Lord of the Noble Throne.
23:117 And whoever calls to another god with God
while certainly having no evidence thereof
their Reckoning is only With their Lord.
And those fools are not successful.
23:118 So say: My Lord Forgive
and Have Mercy
for Thou Are The Forgiving, The Most Merciful.
Chapter 24. The Light, an-Nur
24.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
24:1 We sent this chapter down
with obligatory Laws
wherein We provide clear instructions
that you might take heed.
24:2 For the adulteress and the adulterer
lash each of them with a hundred strokes.
And do not let pity for them take you concerning the Doctrine Of God
if you believe in God and the Last Day. Because adultery is the way of infiltration of Adamic progeny by degenerate inhuman imposters.
And let a good number of the believers witness their suffering. So they will recount the harshness of the penalty to others.
24:3 Furthermore the adulterer shall not marry
but an adulteress
or an idolatress.
And the adulteress shall not marry
but an adulterer
or an idolater.
All that which is forbidden to believers.
24:4 And those who accuse chaste women of infidelity
coming forth with less than four accusers
whip them with eighty lashes for spreading slander
and do not accept their testimony as witnesses ever
for these are the wantonly disobedient.
24:5 But those who repent and do Right after that
then is God Forgiving, Merciful.
24:6 And those who accuse their wives without having other witnesses
let him call to God as his Witness four times that he speaks the Truth.
24:7 And a fifth call that the Curse Of God be upon him if he be a liar.
24:8 And let it repel his accusation from her
that she bears witness By God four times that he is a liar.
24:9 And a fifth that the Wrath Of God be upon her two fold
for if he speaks the Truth God Knows.
24:10 Woe were it not for the Grace Of God and His Mercy on you!
God Is The Accepter of repentance, The Wise.
24:11 Truly there are many who seek to slander among you
but do not think it is a bad thing for you.
Nay it is Good for you. They are to be made examples for all.
And for every one among them is what they earn of lies
and for the instigator a greater share thereof.
Yea for them is a Horrifying Punishment.
24:12 Oh that when any believing men and believing women hear such things they had only Good thoughts of their brethren and said:
This is likely clear slander!
24:13 Yea for if not they must bring four witnesses!
But since they do not bring witnesses
you know they are liars in the Sight Of God.
24:14 And were it not for the Bounty Of God and His Mercy to you in this world and the Hereafter
you would have been afflicted with a Degrading Punishment for what you bought of lies.
24:15 When you received rumors with your ears
and said with your mouths that whereof you had no knowledge
thinking it insignificant
when it was in the Sight Of God grave sin. Because speaking of it popularizes sexual immorality and seeds distrust among believers.
24:16 Oh that when you heard it you had only said:
It is not for Good folk to speak or hear of this.
Yea then glory would have been unto thee!
For this is a detestable slander devoid of proof!
24:17 Hence God Exhorts you that you do not repeat the like thereof ever if you be believers.
24:18 Hence God Makes His Instructions Clear to you
for God Is Knowing, Wise.
24:19 Those who love spreading ideas of sexual immorality among those who believe satanic hollywood, the porn industries, sex education programs and etc. filth are 100% DII and jewish theirs is a curse in this world and infinitely worse Hereafter.
Yea God Knows and you know not.
24:20 Imagine were it not for the Bounty Of God and His Mercy to you
for God Is Kind, Merciful.
24:21 O you who believe do not follow the footsteps of the degenerate inhuman imposter
for whoever does
becomes immoral and evil.
Were it not for the Bounty Of God and His Mercy to you
not one of you would ever become pure in heart.
But God Increases in purity whom He Wills
and God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
24:22 And let those among you possessed of bounty and abundance be kind and giving to relatives
and the poor
and the emigrants for the Cause Of God.
Yea and let them pardon and overlook
for do you not love that God Might Forgive you?
Indeed God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
24:23 Yea those who falsely accuse chaste believing women
cursed are they in this world and the Hereafter.
For certain they have earned a Horrifying Punishment!
24:24 The Day their tongues and their hands and their feet bear witness against them as to what they did.
24:25 That Day God Will Pay them in full for what they earn
then they will know That God, He Is The Clear Truth.
24:26 Hence bad women are for bad men
and bad men for bad women
and Good women are for Good men
and Good men for Good women.
The Good are acquitted of what others said
for them is Gods’ Pardon and His Noble Provision.
24:27 O you who believe
enter not dwellings other than your own until you have been invited
and greet all people thereof with a saying of: Peace.
That is best for you
that you might take heed.
24:28 And when you find no one at home
do not enter without permission.
And if ever it be said to you: Leave.
Then leave.
It is honorable for you
and God Knows Everything you do.
24:29 But you do no wrong to enter uninhabited dwellings in which there is Good for you
so long as you know God Knows what you proclaim and what you conceal.
24:30 Say to the believing men that they restrain their views
and guard their modesty
for that is honorable for them
and know God Is Aware of Everything they do.
24:31 And say to the believing women that they restrain their views
and guard their modesty
and that they do not advertise their adornments
and let them draw head coverings over their bosoms.
Yea do not reveal their adornments except to their husbands
or their fathers
or the fathers of their husbands
or their sons
or the sons of their husbands
or their brothers
or the sons of their brothers
or the sons of their sisters
or their women
or what they possess rightfully
or the attendants who have not the urge of men
or the children not yet aware of female private parts.
And let them not jiggle about so as to advertise what is to be hidden of their adornment.
And turn to God For Forgiveness altogether O believers
that you might be successful.
24:32 And give in marriage the eligible and Righteous among your manservants and maidservants.
If they be poor God Will Enrich them out of His Bounty
for God Encompasses, He Knows.
24:33 And let those who find no marriage abstain until God Enriches them out of His Bounty.
And for those slaves who seek freedom among whom you possess rightfully
contract with them if you know Good in them
and give to them out of the Wealth God Has Given you.
And do not force women into prostitution
when they desire chastity
because you seek enjoyment of the life of this world.
But to those who are forced
God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
24:34 We have sent down to you clear verses
and made examples of those who came and went before you
all as Warnings to those of Wise Fear.
24:35 God Is The Light of the Heavens and the Earth
and a Parable of His Light is as a niche in a wall wherein is a lamp
the lamp in a glass
the glass as if a shining star lit with oil from a blessed olive tree
neither known by the east nor the west
its oil illuminating though fire does not touch it.
Light upon Light!
From afar God Guides to His Light whom He Wills
and God Presents these parables to mankind
for God Knows Everything. We are the wicks absorbing Gods’ Word like oil from afar to become enlightened hence Light upon Light!
24:36 The Light is lit in houses wherein God Gives Permission that His Name be Exalted and Remembered
and to Him is given the glory in the mornings and the evenings.
24:37 Blessed are those whom neither trade nor commerce divert from Remembrance of God
and upholding the Prayer
and being conscious of Gods’ Presence.
Yea they fear a Day wherein panicked hearts will pound and wide white eyes will stare.
24:38 While God Might Reward some for the best of what they did
and Increase them out of His Grace
for God Provides to whom He Wills without reckoning.
24:39 But the deeds of those who disbelieve are like mirages in a desert.
The dehydrated one thinks it to be water
but upon coming to it finds nothing.
Instead they find God Was With them
He Who Pays their accounts in full.
Yea and God Is Swift In Reckoning.
24:40 Or like darkness in the deep of sea below 600 feet
a wave covers them
above that another wave
above that a cloud
depths of darkness in ignorance one above another.
When they hold out a hand it is barely seen
for those whom God has not made a Light
there is not any Light for them.
24:41 Has thou considered that everyone in the Heavens and the Earth gives Glory to God?
Even the birds flying in formation.
Each Knows its Prayer of thanks and its programmed glorification
and God Knows Everything they all instinctively do.
24:42 Yea To God Belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth
and to God is the Journeys’ End.
24:43 Has thou not considered how God Drives the vapors
then Brings them together
and Makes a cloud?
And thou sees the rain come forth from the midst of it
He Sends it Down from the sky
from mountains of clouds therein of hail
and He Strikes Therewith whom He Wills
and He Diverts it from whom He Wills.
Yea and the Brightness of His Lightning almost takes away the sight.
24:44 God Turns About the night and the day
and in that is a lesson for those with eyes that see.
24:45 God Created every creature from water
and among them is what goes upon its belly
and among them is what goes upon two legs
and among them is what goes upon four.
Hence God Creates What and How He Wills
for God Is Powerful Over All Things.
24:46 We have sent down clear verses
and God Guides whom He Wills to the Straight Path.
24:47 And they say: We believe in God and His Messenger and we obey.
Then after that some of them turn away
for these are not True Believers.
24:48 When they are invited to God and His Messenger that he judge between them
then some among them are disinclined.
24:49 But if the Truth will be to their advantage
they come to him in prompt obedience.
24:50 Is there disease in their hearts?
If they doubt or fear that God and His Messenger would deal unjustly with them
then the Truth is these are wrongdoers.
24:51 The reaction of True Believers invited to God and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say:
We hear and we obey.
These are the Successful!
24:52 Yea whoever obeys God and His Messenger
and are in Wise Fear of God
these are the Triumphant.
24:53 And they swear by their strongest oaths to God that if thou order them they will go forth to fight
but say: Swear not for obedience is known when seen!
God Sees Everything you do.
24:54 Say: Obey God and obey the messenger.
Those who turn away
upon them is what they have been given to bear
and upon you is what you have been given to bear.
And if you obey it you will be Rightly Guided.
So upon the messenger is only the clear communication.
24:55 And God Has Promised those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
that He Will Make them successors in the Earth even as He Made those successors who were before them.
And He Will Establish their doctrine for them which He Approved for them
and Will Give them in exchange Safety after their fear.
They serve Me
and they ascribe no partnership with Me to anything
and whoever denies after that
these are the wantonly disobedient.
24:56 So uphold the Prayer
and be conscious of Gods’ Presence
and obey the messenger
that you might obtain mercy.
24:57 Think not that those who disobey can escape the great Earth
for their habitation is the Fire
and miserable is that as their Journeys’ End.
24:58 O you men who believe
let women and those who have not reached puberty among you in your household ask permission to enter your private chambers
at three times when you lay your garments aside:
Before the Prayer of the dawn.
In the midday Prayer.
And after the Prayer of the night.
These are three times of privacy for you
and you nor they do no wrong outside of them
while some of you move about among others of you.
Thus God Makes the Ways Clear to you
for God Is Knowing, Wise.
24:59 And when the children among you reach puberty
let them ask permission at all times.
Thus God Makes Clear to you His Ways
for God Is Knowing, Wise.
24:60 And those past child bearing among the women who have no expectation of marriage
they do no wrong that they lay aside their garments
meaning not to flaunt their adornments.
Yet in this that they refrain is best for them
and God Is The All hearing, All knowing.
24:61 No blame is there upon the blind
nor upon the lame
nor upon the sick
nor upon yourselves
that you eat among your dwellings
or your fathers
or your mothers
or your brothers
or your sisters
or your paternal uncles
or your paternal aunts
or your maternal uncles
or your maternal aunts
or that whereof you hold the keys
or of your friend.
You do no wrong to eat together or separately
but when you enter dwellings
greet one another with a Godly Greeting
Blessed and Good.
Thus God Makes the Ways Clear to you
that you might use reason.
24:62 The believers believe in God and His Messenger
and when they are conversing do not leave without asking permission of him.
Hence those who ask permission of thee are they who believe in God and His Messenger.
Then when they ask permission to leave to deal with their affairs
give permission to whom thou wills among them
and ask for Forgiveness Of God for them going forth.
For God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
24:63 Make not your call to the messenger like a call to one another
and be aware God Knows those who slip away secretly during difficult matters.
And let those who oppose his orders beware
lest a trial or a Painful Punishment befall them.
24:64 In Truth Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Belongs To God.
He Knows what you stand upon
and the Day all are returned to Him
He Will Inform everyone of what they did
for God Knows All Things.
Chapter 25. The Division, al-Furqan
25.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
25:1 Blessed Is He Who Sent Down the Division of Criterion between Right and wrong upon His Servants
that they might be Warners to mankind.
25:2 He To Whom the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth Belongs
and has not taken a son
nor had a partner in dominion.
He Created Everything By His Designs Alone
yea He Ordained It Entirely.
25:3 And they have taken gods besides Him who do not create anything
but are themselves Created By God.
They possess neither harm nor benefit for themselves
nor power to stave off death
nor to create life
nor to resurrect the dead.
25:4 Yet those who disbelieve say:
This is only a lie he invented and other people assisted him in it.
Lo. They have brought grave injustice and falsehood.
25:5 And they say: Fables of former peoples!
He surely has written while dictated to him in private from Hindi and Christian others morning and evening.
25:6 Say: He Who Sent It Down Knows All Secrets in the Heavens and the Earth
and He Is Forgiving, Merciful.
25:7 And they say: What messenger is this that eats food and walks in the markets?
Oh if only an angel were sent down as a Warner with him!
25:8 Or a treasure were sent to him!
Or there were for him a fine garden of his own estate from which he ate!
And the wrongdoers say: You only follow a man taken by fantasy.
25:9 See thou how they postulate parables to thee
while gone astray
and cannot find a way.
25:10 Blessed Is He Who if He Wills Will Make Better than all that for thee.
Yea Gardens beneath which rivers flow
and He Will Make for thee Palaces to thrive in.
25:11 The Truth is they have rejected the Hour
and for those who reject the Hour
We have prepared an Inferno.
25:12 When seen from a place far away they hear the furious raging and moans from those therein.
25:13 And when they are cast in constricted and bound together they call out wishing for death.
25:14 Yea but they do not call for one death this Day
they call for infinite deaths in Eternal Destruction!
25:15 Say: Is that better
or is the Garden of Eternity Promised to those of Wise Fear?
It will be a Reward and Fine Journeys’ End for them.
25:16 They have all that they desire therein
abiding Eternally
for it is upon thy Lord His Promise to be fulfilled.
25:17 And the Day He Gathers them and what they served besides God He Will Ask:
Was it you who led my servants astray
or did they stray from the Way themselves?
25:18 They will say: Glory be unto Thee!
It did not behoove us to take any protectors besides Thee!
But Thou Did Give them and their fathers Enjoyment
until they forgot the Remembrance
and became a people ruined.
25:19 Then your false gods will reject you for what you say
and you will not be able to either avert nor run.
Yea We will make all who worship falsely among you taste the Great Punishment.
25:20 And We sent before thee only messengers who ate food and walked in the markets
and We made some of you a test for others.
So will you be steadfast?
Thy Lord Sees All!
25:21 And those who do not look to a Meeting with Us say:
Oh if only the angels were sent down upon us
or we were Personally Visited By our Lord.
These have been proud concerning themselves!
Yea scornful with great pride.
25:22 For the Day they see the angels
that Day there will be no glad tidings for the evildoers
and they will say: Here comes a banning without end!
25:23 And We will proceed to determine what they did of deeds and then make them scattered dust.
25:24 But the companions of the Garden that Day are best in habitation within the Fairest Resting Place on high.
25:25 The Day the sky and the clouds are rent asunder and the angels are sent down in succession.
25:26 The True Dominion that Day Belongs To The Almighty
and it is a Difficult Day for fools indeed.
25:27 The Day the wrongdoer will gnaw at their hands
If only I had taken the Way with the messenger!
25:28 Woe is me!
If only I had not taken fools for friends!
25:29 Yea they led me astray from the Remembrance after it reached me.
Degenerate inhuman imposters are traitors to Adamites!
25:30 And the messenger will say: O my Lord my people took this Quran in jest as a thing disregarded.
25:31 Thus We appointed an enemy to every prophet from among the evildoers
but God Suffices As Guide and Protector.
25:32 And those who disbelieved said:
Oh that the Quran were only sent down upon him all at once!
Nay. Rather that We might strengthen thy heart thereby We conveyed it in slow and distinct stages.
25:33 And they bring thee no real parables about how to live
but We bring thee the Truth and solid explanations.
25:34 Those who will be gathered facing Hell
are worst in position and far astray from the Way.
25:35 Yet certainly We gave Moses the Torah and appointed his brother Aaron with him to assist.
25:36 We said: Go warn the people who deny Our Proofs
then We utterly annihilated them.
25:37 And the people of Noah
when they rejected the messengers We drowned them
and made them a Proof for mankind.
Yea and We have prepared a Painful Punishment for the wrongdoers of today.
25:38 And the people of Ad
and the people of Thamud
and the companions of Rass
and all generations in between.
25:39 We presented Clear Proofs To each
then We utterly destroyed them.
25:40 And they pass by those cities whereon rained a reprehensible rain of fire
so can it be that they do not see it?
Nay. The Truth is they do not want any resurrection!
25:41 And when they see thee they only make mockery saying:
Is this common man a Messenger Sent By God?
25:42 He would have led us astray from our gods
were we not steadfast towards them.
But when they behold the Punishment they will know who was astray from the Way!
25:43 Has thou considered those who took their vain desires as their god?
Knowing this then thou tries to look out for them?
25:44 If thou think that most of them hear or reason
in Truth they are only as smart as livestock.
Nay. They are more ignorant far astray from the Way!
25:45 Has thou not considered how thy Lord Brings the night?
And had He Willed He Would Have Made it remain
but instead We make the sun its successor.
25:46 Then We take it back to Us in a gradual taking.
25:47 Yea He It Is Who Makes the night a covering for you
to sleep and rest
and the day for rising.
25:48 And He It Is Who Sends the winds as Glad Tidings at the time of His Mercy
and We send down pure water from the sky.
25:49 That We might give Life thereby to a dead land
and give drink to what We have Created of animals and mankind.
25:50 And We have expounded it among them that they might take heed
but most refuse in disbelief.
25:51 And had We willed We would have raised up a Warner in every town.
25:52 So thou do not obey fools
strive against them with a great striving.
25:53 For He It Is Who Loosed the two waters
one sweet and palatable
the other salty and bitter
and Made between them a barrier elevation
banning one saltwater from the other. fresh
25:54 He It Is Who Created mankind from water
and Made for them blood relations and marriage relations
for thy Lord Is Omnipotent, Powerful.
25:55 Yet they serve besides God what can neither benefit nor harm them
hence fools turn against their own Lord, their Creator.
25:56 So We sent thee only as a Warner to them and a bearer of Glad Tidings to those of Wise Fear.
25:57 Say: I ask no reward of you for this it is only that whoever wills can take a way to their Lord.
25:58 Yea place thy trust in The Living
Who never dies
and give thou praise in glory to Him.
Know He Suffices As The One Who Understands and Is Aware
of the impieties of His Servants.
25:59 He Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and all that lives in them in six days
then Took His Place upon the Throne.
That Is The Almighty
just ask those aware of Him.
25:60 Yet when it is said to some: Submit to The Almighty
they say: And what is The Almighty?
Are we to submit to whatever thou commands us?
This increases them in aversion.
25:61 Yet Blessed Is He Who Made constellations in the sky
and placed a torch therein
and an illuminating moon.
25:62 He It Is Who Made the night and day a succession for those who desire to take heed and give gratitude.
25:63 The servants of The Almighty are those who walk humbly upon the Earth in modesty
and when those of ignorance come to them they say: Peace.
25:64 Those who spend the night and the day in submission to their Lord.
25:65 And who say: Our Lord Avert from us the Punishment of Hell
for the Punishment thereof is Unrelenting.
25:66 Yea miserable is that Abode devoid of rest!
25:67 But those who when they spend are neither extravagant nor miserly
a place in between.
25:68 And who do not call to another god with God
nor kill any soul which God Has Made unlawful except rightfully
nor commit indecencies
for who so does that will meet requital.
25:69 The Punishment will be doubled for them on the Day of Resurrection
then they abide Eternally therein forever humiliated.
25:70 But those who repent and believe and work Righteousness
for such God Will Exchange their evil for Good deeds
yea God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
25:71 And whoever does truly repent and work Righteousness
it is these who submit to God completely.
25:72 Those who do not bear witness to falsehood
and when they hear idle talk pass by nobly.
25:73 Those when they are reminded by the Word Of their Lord do not fall back unwilling to hear and see.
25:74 They say: Our Lord please Give To us from our spouses and our progeny a delight to the eye
and Make us models for those of Wise Fear.
25:75 Such will be Rewarded with the High Places because they were steadfast
and they will be met therein with greetings of peace.
25:76 Then they will live therein Eternally
and excellent is that Abode the True Place of Rest.
25:77 Say: My Lord will not Concern Himself with you at all
if your Prayers were not to Him
for then have you rejected Him
and so the Inevitable will come to you.
Chapter 26. The Poets, ash-Shu’ara’
26.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:1 ṭā sīn mīm
26:2 These are the verses of a Clear Decree.
26:3 O messenger thou who consumes thyself in grief that they are not believers.
26:4 If We will We can send down a Proof upon them from the sky that will make their necks bend in humility!
26:5 But since they are disinclined to Our Prior Proofs
no new ones will come to them from The Almighty.
26:6 They have rejected.
So the Terrifying Reality of what they have rejected will be their only Proof!
26:7 Have they not considered the Earth
how much We have caused every sort of perfect pair to grow therein?
26:8 In that is Evidence
but most of them are not believers.
26:9 Yet thy Lord He Is The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:10 And when thy Lord Called to Moses Saying:
Go thou to Warn the wrongdoing people.
26:11 Yea ask the people of pharaoh:
Will you not be in Wise Fear?
26:12 He said: My Lord I fear that they will reject me
26:13 and my chest will be heavy
and my tongue tied
so Send Thou for Aaron.
26:14 For they charge a transgression against me
and I fear they will kill me. For killing an Egyptian DII.
26:15 He Said: By no means! Go with Our Proofs
for We Are Always With you and Watching Over.
26:16 Go to pharaoh and say:
We are Messengers Of The Lord of the Worlds.
26:17 So send thou the children of Israel with us.
26:18 Said he: Did we not bring thee up among us as a child?
Has thou not lingered among us the years of thy life?
26:19 And thou did thy deed which thou did
and now thou are an ingrate?
26:20 He said: Yea I did it when I was of those who stray.
26:21 And I fled from you when I feared you
then The Lord of the Worlds Gave me Judgement and Appointed me among His Messengers.
26:22 And that past instance thou reproaches me for gives thou no right to enslave the children of Israel.
26:23 Said pharaoh: And what is The Lord of the Worlds?
26:24 He said: He Is The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and Everything in them
and of that you can be certain.
26:25 Said he to those around him: Did you hear that?
26:26 Moses said: He Is your Lord
and The Lord of your fathers.
26:27 Said pharaoh: Your messenger is possessed!
26:28 Moses said: He Is The Lord of the rising and the setting and what is between them
if you use reason.
26:29 Said pharaoh: If thou take a god other than me I will throw thee into prison.
26:30 Moses said: Even if I were to bring thee Clear Proof?
26:31 Said pharaoh: Then bring it if thou be of those who speak the Truth.
26:32 So Moses cast his staff to the ground
and it became a large serpent.
26:33 Then he drew forth his hand
and it was glowing white for all to see.
26:34 Said pharaoh to the eminent ones around him: This is a learned sorcerer!
26:35 He wants to turn you out of your land by his sorcery
so what do you suggest be done?
26:36 They said: Delay him and his brother and raise up gatherers in the towns
26:37 who shall bring every learned sorcerer to thee.
26:38 And the sorcerers were assembled at the appointed time on the appointed day.
26:39 And it was said to the people: Will you assemble
26:40 so we might follow the sorcerers if they be the victors?
26:41 And when the sorcerers came they said to pharaoh:
Will there be a reward for us if we be the victors?
26:42 He said: Yea and you will be of those brought near me.
26:43 Moses said to them: Cast what you cast.
26:44 So they cast their ropes and their staves saying:
By the greatness of pharaoh we are the victors!
26:45 Then Moses cast his staff
and it swallowed up what they had cast.
26:46 Then the sorcerers fell in submission saying:
26:47 We believe in The Lord of the Worlds
26:48 The Lord of Moses and Aaron!
26:49 Said pharaoh: You believe before I gave you permission?
Do you not know he is but a master of sorcery?
For this you will see
that I will cut off your hands and your feet
and put you to death by the stake one and all.
26:50 They said: In that there is no real harm
for to our Lord we are returning.
26:51 We hope our Lord Will Forgive us our errors since we were the first of the believers among us.
26:52 And We instructed Moses: Travel thou by night with Our servants
knowing you will be followed.
26:53 And pharaoh sent ones who summon into the towns.
26:54 They said: These are but a small band
26:55 who do provoke us
26:56 and we are a well prepared multitude.
26:57 But We drove them out of their gardens and springs
26:58 and treasures of a generous station.
26:59 Thus We would make them as inheritance to the children of Israel.
26:60 So they followed them at sunrise.
26:61 And when the two hosts saw each other the companions of Moses said:
We are overtaken.
26:62 He said: By no means! My Lord Is With me
and He Will Guide me.
26:63 And We instructed Moses: Strike thou the sea with thy staff
and it parted
each side like a mountain cliff towering high.
26:64 And We brought the others near
26:65 while We had rescued Moses and those with him altogether.
26:66 Then We drowned the others.
26:67 And in that is a Proof
but most of them were not believers.
26:68 Yet thy Lord He Is The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:69 And recite to them the report of Abraham
26:70 when he said to his father and his people: What do you serve?
26:71 They said: We worship our idols and remain devoted to them.
26:72 He said: Can they hear you when you call
26:73 or benefit or harm you?
26:74 They said: Nay. But we found our fathers doing thus.
26:75 He said: Have you really considered what you have been serving
26:76 you and your forefathers?
26:77 They are thy enemies and not The Lord of the Worlds!
26:78 He Who Created me
He Who Guides me
26:79 He Who Feeds me
He Who Gives me drink
26:80 and when I am sick
He Heals me.
26:81 Yea He Who Will Give me Death
Then Will Give me Life
26:82 and Who I hope Will Forgive me my errors on the Day of Judgement.
26:83 O My Lord Give me Critical Judgement
and Make me one counted with the Righteous.
26:84 And Assign me a fair name of honorable repute with the later ones.
26:85 And Make me an inheritor of the Garden of Bliss.
26:86 And Forgive my uncle
for he is of those who go astray.
26:87 And do not cover me in shame the Day they are raised
26:88 the Day wealth and children avail not
26:89 only ones who bring a sound heart to God.
26:90 The Garden will be brought to those of Wise Fear
26:91 and Hell will be exposed to the misguided
26:92 when it is asked of them: Where is what you served
26:93 besides God?
Can they help you
or themselves now?
26:94 Then they are hurled Therein
they and the misguided
26:95 and the minion of lucifer one and all.
26:96 They will say disputing therein:
26:97 By God we were in obvious error
26:98 when we made equals with You The Lord of the Worlds
26:99 and the evildoers so easily led us astray
26:100 and now we have no intercessors
26:101 nor anyone sincere as intimate friends.
26:102 If only we were to return
we would be among the believers!
26:103 Indeed in the story of Abraham are many Signs
yet most are not believers.
26:104 Still thy Lord He Is The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:105 The people of Noah denied those sent before and
26:106 when their brother Noah said to them:
Will you not be in Wise Fear?
26:107 I am a trustworthy messenger to you
26:108 so be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
26:109 I ask you for no reward from this
my Reward is only upon The Lord of the Worlds.
26:110 So be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
26:111 They said: Are we to believe thee when the poor and oppressed are whom follow thee?
26:112 He said: And what knowledge have I of their places?
26:113 Their Reckoning is only upon my Lord
if you were aware.
26:114 And I am not one to repel believers!
26:115 I am only a Clear Warner.
26:116 They said: If thou cease not O Noah thou will be stoned.
26:117 He said: My Lord my people have rejected me.
26:118 So Be Thou The Judge between me and them
then Deliver me and the believers with me.
26:119 And We delivered him and those with him in the laden ship.
26:120 Then We drowned all others on Earth. But not the jinn in or above!
26:121 In that are Proofs
but most are not believers.
26:122 Yet Remains thy Lord The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:123 Ad denied those We sent before
26:124 and when their brother Hud said to them: Will you not be in Wise Fear?
26:125 I am a trustworthy messenger to you.
26:126 So be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
26:127 And I ask no reward from you for this
my Reward is only upon The Lord of the Worlds.
26:128 You build monuments up high to amuse yourselves
26:129 and make your strongholds out of stone.
26:130 And when you lay hold you lay hold as godless tyrants.
26:131 So be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
26:132 Be in Wise Fear of Him Who Aided you with All you have.
26:133 Yea He Aided you with livestock and sons
26:134 and gardens and springs
26:135 and I fear for you the Punishment on an Onerous Day.
26:136 They said: It is the same to us if thou warn us or not
26:137 for yours is only a tradition of the former peoples
26:138 and we will not be punished by anyone.
26:139 Hence they rejected him
so We destroyed them.
In that are Clear Proofs
but most are not believers.
26:140 And thy Lord He Is The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:141 Thamud denied those We sent before
26:142 when their brother Salih said to them:
Will you not be in Wise Fear?
26:143 I am a trustworthy messenger to you
26:144 so be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
26:145 And I ask for no reward from you
my Reward is only upon The Lord of the Worlds.
26:146 Think you will be left secure in what is here
26:147 among gardens and springs
26:148 and tilled fields
and date palms with slender spathes
26:149 and hewed out dwellings from the mountains of stone?
26:150 Nay. Be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
26:151 Do not obey the committers of excess
26:152 those who spread corruption in the Earth
and do not make things Right.
26:153 They said: Thou are but one beguiled.
26:154 Thou are only a mortal like us
so bring Proof if thou be of those who speak the Truth.
26:155 He said: This is a docile she camel
and she has a right to drink
and you will have a right to drink
on a Day Appointed.
26:156 So do not touch her with hate
for then the Punishment will take you on an Onerous Day.
26:157 But they brutally hamstrung her
and the next day they became the remorseful
26:158 then 2 days later the scourge of death took them.
In that is Proof
but most are not believers.
26:159 And thy Lord He Is The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:160 The people of Lot denied those We sent before.
26:161 When their brother Lot said to them:
Will you not be in Wise Fear?
26:162 I am a trustworthy messenger to you
26:163 So be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
26:164 And I ask for no reward from you
for my Reward is only upon The Lord of the Worlds.
26:165 Lo of all available you seek males?
26:166 While leaving what your Lord Created for you among females?
The Truth is you are a sick transgressing people.
26:167 They said: If thou cease not O Lot thou will be of those turned out.
26:168 He said: I am of those who abhor your deeds.
26:169 My Lord Deliver Thou me and my household From what they do.
26:170 And We delivered him and his household
26:171 except his betraying wife who We left behind
26:172 then We annihilated them all.
26:173 We rained upon them a hellish rain of molten stones
yea hard is the rain for those who have been warned.
26:174 In that is a Proof
but most of them are not believers.
26:175 And thy Lord He Is The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:176 And the companions of the woods denied those We sent before
26:177 when Jethro said to them:
Will you not be in Wise Fear?
26:178 I am a trustworthy messenger to you
26:179 so be in Wise Fear of God
and obey me.
26:180 And I ask for no reward from you
for my Reward is only upon The Lord of the Worlds.
26:181 Yea fulfill the measure and do not be frauds who cause loss to others.
26:182 And weigh with the straight scale.
26:183 Deprive not others of their things
nor do mischief in the Earth working corruption.
26:184 And be in Wise Fear of Him Who Created you
and the great company of former peoples.
26:185 They said: Thou are just one beguiled.
26:186 Thou are only a mortal like us
so we consider thee a liar.
26:187 Cause thou pieces of the sky to fall upon us if thou be of those who speak the Truth.
26:188 He said: My Lord Knows Best Everything you do.
26:189 But they rejected him.
So a fatal scourge took them on a day covered in darkness.
Truly it was a horrific scourge of deadly surprise!
26:190 In that is Proof
but most are not believers.
26:191 And thy Lord He Is The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:192 And this Quran is a Successive Revelation telepathically delivered to Mohamet from The Lord of the Worlds
26:193 brought down by Gabriel the faithful spirit
26:194 upon thy heart
that thou be among the Warners
26:195 in clear Arabic speech.
26:196 And like it is in scrolls of former peoples.
26:197 Is it not enough for them that the learned of the children of Israel know it?
26:198 And had We sent it down upon a foreigner
26:199 and then he had recited it to them
they still would not have believed in it.
26:200 Thus have We stayed the hearts of the evildoers.
26:201 Hence they will not believe in it until they see the Painful Punishment bearing down.
26:202 And it will come upon them unexpectedly when they are not ready.
26:203 And then they will say: May we be granted respite?
26:204 But did these not seek to hasten Our Punishment?
26:205 Has thou considered when We give them enjoyment for their years
26:206 then What they were Promised comes to them!
26:207 And how does what they enjoyed benefit them now? Memories of ease only serve as sources of comparative agony in Hell.
26:208 And We destroyed no city unless it had Warners
26:209 as a reminder
so We were not wrongdoers.
26:210 And the degenerate inhuman imposters did not hear it
26:211 for it does not suit their ends
and they are not able to grasp it.
26:212 Yea they are cursed from birth excluded from hearing.
26:213 So call thou not to God with another god lest thou be of those punished.
26:214 And warn thy folk.
26:215 And lower thy wing over those who follow thee among the believers.
26:216 And if they oppose thee say: I am free of the wrongs you do.
26:217 And place thy trust in The Almighty, The Merciful.
26:218 He Who Sees thee when thou rises
26:219 and when thou goes to and fro with those who submit.
26:220 He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
26:221 Shall I inform you of whom it is that degenerate inhuman imposters are sent to accompany?
26:222 They come forth for every sinful one who gives ear
26:223 and most of them are liars.
26:224 Yea the poets and the misguided are who follow them.
26:225 Has thou not considered how they wander without purpose in every valley
26:226 and that they promise to do what they do not?
26:227 Not like those who believe and do Righteous deeds
and remember God much
and help each other after they have been wronged.
Those who did the wrongs will come to know the realities of Where they are returning.
Chapter 27. The Ant, an-Naml
27.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
27:1 ṭā sīn
These are the verses of a Clear Decree.
27:2 A Guidance
and Glad Tidings for believers.
27:3 Those who uphold the Prayer
and are conscious of Gods’ Presence
and are certain of the Hereafter.
27:4 Yea but those who do not believe in the Hereafter
We have made their works seem fair to them
so they wander in blindness.
27:5 These are they for whom waits Miserable Punishment in the Hereafter.
Yea they are most in loss.
27:6 And thou receives the Quran from the presence of Gabriel one wise and knowing.
27:7 When Moses said to his folk: I see an illuminating fire
and I think I will gain knowledge from it
or at minimum bring you a burning firebrand that you might warm yourselves with a fire.
27:8 Then when he came to it he was called:
Blessed Is He Who Is the Fire God
and he who is round about it. Moses
Now glory be unto you as Witness To God
The Lord of the Worlds!
27:9 O Moses It Is I God The Almighty, The Wise.
27:10 Cast thy staff and see!
Then when he saw it stirring as if a great serpent he turned away in fear not to return again.
But God Said: O Moses stay yourself
for My Messengers need not fear in My Ever Presence.
27:11 And to whoever did wrong
then reverted to Good after evil
I Am The Forgiving, The Merciful.
27:12 Now place thy hand into thy bosom
then see it come forth glowing bright with white light!
These are among nine Proofs to pharaoh and his folk.
A wantonly disobedient people.
27:13 When Our Proofs came to them they said:
This is obvious sorcery.
27:14 They rejected them even though convinced of them hence they were unjust yea arrogant and deceived.
So see thou how was the final outcome of the workers of corruption?
27:15 And We gave Knowledge to David and Solomon who said:
Praise Belongs To God Who Has Advantaged us above the rest of His Believing Servants.
27:16 And Solomon inherited from David
who said: O mankind we have been taught the speech of birds and have been given every sort of thing
and this is the Clear Favor Of God.
27:17 And there gathered unto Solomon his forces of jinn and humans and birds soldiering in ranks.
27:18 When they had reached the valley of the ants
the queen said: O ants enter your safe dwellings
so that Solomon and his forces do not crush you
while unprepared.
27:19 And he smiled
understanding of her speech and he said:
My Lord please Direct Thou me to be grateful for Thy Grace wherewith Thou Has Favored me and my parents
to work Righteousness Pleasing To Thee.
And please Make me enter by Thy Mercy among Thy Righteous Servants.
27:20 And he inspected the birds and said:
How is it I do not see the hoopoe why is he absent?
27:21 I will penalize him with a severe penalization
or I will kill him if he brings me no good excuse.
27:22 But he did not tarry long
then he reported: I comprehend what thou comprehends not
and I come to thee from Sheba with certain tidings.
27:23 I found a woman ruling over them
and she has been given every sort of thing
and her throne is decorated with every sort of gem.
27:24 I found her and her people worshipping the sun amen-rah rather than God.
Yea a degenerate inhuman imposter infiltrated them and made their works seem fair
diverting them from the Way.
Hence they are not Rightly Guided.
27:25 They do not submit to God Who Brings
Forth the hidden in the Heavens and the Earth
and Knows what we hide and what we make known.
27:26 God
there is no god but He
The Lord of the Mightiest Throne.
27:27 He said: We will see if thou speaks Truth or if thou lies.
27:28 Go with my decree
and deliver it unto them
then turn away from them and see what comes of it.
27:29 She said: O eminent ones there has been delivered unto me a noble decree.
27:30 It is from Solomon
In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
27:31 Saying: Exalt not yourselves before Me
come to Me submitted!
27:32 She said: O eminent ones
counsel me in my affair
I will not decide until you bear me witness.
27:33 They said: We possess power and strong might
but the command is unto thee
so let us see what thou will command.
27:34 She said: When some kings enter a city they spoil it
and bring its most honored people low
yea thus they do.
27:35 I will send a gift to him and see what results from it.
27:36 So when it came to Solomon he said:
She thinks to aid me with wealth?
What God Gives me is better than what He Gives her
it is she who has been offered a gift of knowing me!
27:37 Return thou to them with this:
We will come with forces they have no power to resist
and We will drive them therefrom in humility
yea they will be brought low.
27:38 He said: O eminent ones which of you will bring me her throne before they come unto me submitted?
27:39 A dutiful one among the jinn said: I will bring it to thee before thou can rise from thy station
for I am strong and trustworthy.
27:40 Then one with knowledge of the Way said: Nay. I will bring it to thee before thy glance returns to thee!
And when he saw it set before him he said:
This Miracle is of the Bounty Of my Lord that He Might Try me whether I be grateful or ungrateful.
And whoever is grateful
is only grateful for their own soul.
And whoever is ungrateful
my Lord Is Free From need of their thanks.
27:41 He said: Disguise her throne for her
then we will see if she is Rightly Guided
or if she is of those misguided.
27:42 When she came they asked: Is thy throne like this one?
She said: As if the same!
They said: She sees but we were given Knowledge before her and we are submitted.
27:43 And what she serves besides God diverts her
for she is with a group of fools.
27:44 So it was said to her: Enter the palace.
And when she saw the floor she thought it was a body of water so uncovered her legs as to wade.
He said: It has been paved with glass. by high tech of his jinn
Being impressed she said: My Lord I have been wronging my soul
and I submit with Solomon to the One True God
The Lord of the Worlds. The jinn (i.e. lucifer) gave their hybrid DIIs all high technology we have beginning with ram pumps and clocks/watches.
27:45 And We sent to Thamud their brother Salih that they might serve God
but they were among two factions quarreling.
27:46 He said: O my people why will you hasten to the evil before the Good?
Why do you not simply ask Pardon Of God
that you might obtain His Mercy?
27:47 They said: We see a bad omen in thee.
He said: Your bad omen is With God.
Truly you are a people being Tested By Him.
27:48 And in the town there were nine bands which worked corruption in the land doing nothing Right.
27:49 They said: Swear one to another by God that we will attack him and his household by night.
Then we will say to his allies:
We did not witness the destruction of his household
surely we speak the Truth.
27:50 Yea they schemed a scheme
so We schemed a scheme.
But they did not perceive Us!
27:51 So see how the final outcome of their scheme was
for We destroyed them and their people altogether!
27:52 Yea those whose dwellings are desolate because they did wrong
and in that is Evidence for a folk who know.
27:53 But We rescued those who heeded Our Warning
those of Wise Fear.
27:54 And Lot when he said to his people:
You commit sin while knowing it is wrong?
27:55 You approach men rather than women?
You are a disgusting people who are grossly unaware!
27:56 The response of his people was only that they said:
Drive the house of Lot from our city
for they think themselves to be purer!
27:57 So We rescued him and his household except his wife
for We decreed her to be of those who stay behind.
27:58 And We rained upon them a rain of molten stone and harsh is the rain for those who have been warned.
There are countless cities destroyed and buried by God! Palmyra, Syria;
27:59 Say: Praise Belongs To God
and peace be unto His Servants whom He Has Chosen!
Yea is God Better or is that which fools believe in?
27:60 Who Created the Heavens and the Earth
and Sent Down water from the sky wherewith We cause to grow gardens of delights? Just the sight of plants is antidepressive!
Was it any other than God Who Made trees that grow?
Yea need there be any god with God?
Nay! Hence idolaters are only fools.
27:61 Who Made the Earth a fixed lodging
and Put rivers in its midst
and Built firm mountains therein
and Made a barrier between the two seas? Speaking of the firmament or Mediterranean and Atlantic seas over the Gibraltar sill. We now know they don’t mix. Need there be any god with God?
The Truth is most are ignorant and grossly unaware.
27:62 Who Responds to one distressed upon calling to Him?
Who Removes the evil
and Makes His People inherit the Earth?
Need there be any god with God?
Little do most take heed.
27:63 Who Guides you with stars and the moon in the darkness of the land and the sea
and Who Sends the winds as Glad Tidings at the time of His Mercy?
Need there be any god with God?
Exalted Is He Far Above anything they serve!
27:64 Who Begins Creation Then Repeats It?
And Who Provides for you from the sky and the Earth?
Need there be any god with God?
Say: Bring your evidence if you be Truthful!
27:65 Say: None in the Heavens nor the Earth knows the unseen except God
and none know when they will be raised up.
27:66 Disbelievers are totally devoid of Real Knowledge.
Hence they are in doubt concerning most everything.
Yea those who do not believe are only living blindly.
27:67 And those who do not believe say mockingly in doubt:
We and our fathers will be brought forth from dust?
27:68 Yea we and our fathers before have been Promised this
but it is only fables of former peoples.
27:69 Say: Travel in the land and see the ultimate ends of those who disbelieved before!
Hewn dwellings of Aad, note the discoloration and flaking from an extreme heat event!
27:70 So grieve thou not for the disbelievers
nor be distressed over anything they do.
27:71 They say: When is this Promise if you be Truthful?
27:72 Say: It may be that some of what you would hasten is welling up close around you.
27:73 Yet truly thy Lord Is Bountiful Towards mankind
but most give no thanks.
27:74 And thy Lord Knows what their hearts hide and what they make known.
27:75 And there is nothing hidden in the sky or the Earth that is not from a Clear Decree.
27:76 And this Quran narrates to the children of Israel Adamites most of that concerning which they differ.
27:77 It is a Guidance and mercy for all believers.
27:78 Whereby thy Lord Will Decree among them in His Judgement
for He Is The Almighty, The Knowing.
27:79 So place all thy trust in God
for thou are now upon the Clear Truth.
27:80 But as thou cannot make the dead hear
thou cannot make the unwilling listen to the Call
they will only revert.
27:81 Yea thou cannot guide the blind out of their error.
Thou can only fasten Our Proofs to those who believe
and are submitted.
27:82 And when the Word finally befalls them
We will bring forth a creature from the Earth
telling them that mankind was foolish for not being certain of Our Proofs.
At the right time, (now) God Will Produce a Creature that will be instrumental in unveiling more of Gods’ Signs. This was fulfilled. The creature was the computer made of silicon “from the Earth” which was instrumental in unveiling the Qurans’ numerical code (i.e. “the miracle of 19” as well as many other amazing scientific and mathematical Proofs) and proclaiming the Reality of God and that the world has neglected Gods’ Message. The sum of the digits that make up chapter/verse 27:82 (2 +7 +8 + 2) = 19 the key prime number encoded in the Quran. An important observation in the words in 27:82 is connected with the wording of the word “creature” (Dabbah) in comparison with other verses in the Quran where the same word is used. We notice that all the other verses connecting the two words “creature” and “Earth” always speak of “creature in the Earth”, for example: 11:6 “There is not a single creature in the Earth whose provision is not due from God.” Scientifically speaking, we all live in the Earth and not on the Earth. This is because we live inside the Earth’s atmosphere under the firmament which separates Heavens and Earth. However, when we look at 27:82 we find the wording is deliberately changed to “a creature from the Earth” this one time only. The deliberate use of the word “from” in this phrase denotes that this creature is made from Earthly materials i.e. silicon. As it happened, the computer was the tool to be used in counting all the thousands of figures and multiples of the miracle in the Quran. Let us look at 27:82 and particularly at its mirror image of the Sura and verse numbers, the 27 becomes 72, and the 82 becomes 28. Verse 72:28 proclaims: He (God the Alpha and the Omega) has counted the number of all things. And 72 + 28 = 100 which is an omega “God Number” like all that begin with 1 which can either start a sequence going forward or end one leading up to it. ie; .97 .98 .99 1 or 8 9 10 or 98 99 100. And binary consists only of zeros and ones, alpha-omegas! Yea, in this are Proofs for the wise!
27:83 And the Day We gather from every community a unit of those who deny Our Proofs
then they will be marshaled to march in rank to Us.
27:84 When they have come He Will Say:
Did you refuse My Proofs without event attempting to grasp them?
Or what was it that you did?
27:85 Since they did wrong the Word will fall hard on them
and they will speak nothing in defense.
27:86 Had they not considered that We made the night so they might rest therein
and the day for giving sight?
In that is Evidence for folk who believe.
27:87 And the Day the trumpet will be blown
everyone in the Heavens and the Earth will be in terror
except whom God Wills.
All will come to Him abased and humbled in lowliness.
27:88 And when thou sees the mountains
which ye thought were solid
they will pass like the passing of the clouds.
Hence the Work Of God Who Perfected All His Things!
And He It Is Who Is Aware Of Everything you do.
27:89 Whoever brings a Good deed
for them will be better than it
and they will be secure that Day from the terror.
27:90 And whoever brings evil will be thrown down on their faces in the Fire.
For are you not Rewarded for that which you did?
27:91 I have only been Commanded to serve The Lord of this land Who Made It Sacred
and To Him Belongs All Things.
And I am Commanded to be of the submitted
27:92 and to recite the Quran.
And whoever is Rightly Guided
they are only Rightly Guided for themselves.
And whoever strays
truly I am among the ones who warn them.
27:93 And say: All Praise Belongs To God
for He Will Show His Proofs to you
and you will recognize them. Gods’ Signature is distinct once you’ve seen a few examples, is it not?!
And thy Lord is not unmindful of anything you do.
Chapter 28. The Story, al-Qasas
28.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
28:1 ṭā sīn mīm
28:2 These are the verses of a Clear Decree.
28:3 We recite to thee from the report of Moses and pharaoh with the Truth for people who believe.
28:4 Pharaoh exalted himself in the Earth and made its people into sects. He utilized the divide and conquer strategy.
A number among them he oppressed slaying their sons and taking their women
for he was of the workers of corruption.
28:5 But We desired to give Grace to those who were oppressed in the Earth
and to make them leaders
and to make them inheritors
28:6 and to establish them in the Earth
and to show pharaoh and haman and their forces what they ought to have feared.
28:7 And We instructed the mother of Moses:
Suckle him
and when thou fears for him send him down a river
then fear not nor grieve
for We will return him to thee and make him among the messengers.
28:8 And the men of the house of pharaoh thought he might become an enemy and a grief.
For pharaoh and forces of haman trusted none.
28:9 But the wife of pharaoh said: A delight to the eye for thee and me!
Do not kill him
for it may be that he will benefit us
or we will take him as a son.
28:10 And the heart of the mother of Moses became void
and she would have almost exposed him had We not fortified her heart that she be of the believers.
28:11 And she said to his sister: Follow thou him.
So she watched him from a distance while they were not aware.
28:12 And We had forbidden him wet nurses before
so she went to pharaoh saying: Shall I direct you to a folk who will nurse and take care of him for you
and be sincere to him?
28:13 Hence We returned him to his mother that her eye might be gladdened to grieve not and she might know that the Promise Of God is True.
But most do not know.
28:14 When he reached maturity and took his place We gave him sound judgement and knowledge
and thus We reward the doers of Good.
28:15 And he entered the town during a time of heedlessness among its people and found therein two men fighting
one of his sect and the other of his enemy.
And he who was of his sect asked him for help against his enemy
so Moses struck him hard putting an end to him.
He said: These are the actions of the degenerate inhuman imposter
for he is the enemy one who leads ours astray.
28:16 Then he said: My Lord I have wronged my soul
so Forgive me. for killing
And He Forgave him for one known reason that follows
He Is The Forgiving, The Merciful. It was a degenerate inhuman imposter he killed, not one of Gods’ Adamic race. The only ways we know them are by their actions and sometimes black eye colorings but they know who we are. See the movie “They Live”.
28:17 He said: My Lord because Thou Has Favored me I will never be a sustainer of the ones who sin.
28:18 Then in the morning he was in the town with dread expectant of questioning for his actions.
And when he who had sought his help the day before cried out aloud to him for help again
he said: Thou are clearly a hater of these fools!
28:19 And when he was about to lay hold upon the man the man whined in desperation:
O Moses would thou kill me as thou killed yesterday?
Thou desires only to be a tyrant in the land
and not to be of those who do Right.
28:20 Then a man came running from the far part of town
he said: O Moses the eminent ones are taking counsel against thee to kill thee so leave
for I am sincere to thee.
28:21 And he went out therefrom in dread expectant saying:
My Lord Deliver me from these people.
28:22 Then he turned his face towards Midian thinking:
It may be my Lord Will Guide me to a smooth way.
28:23 Then when he arrived at some waters of Midian he found people watering there
and among them two women holding back.
He said: What is your case?
They said: We cannot water until the shepherds leave
and our father is a very old man. needing water
28:24 So he watered for them
then he turned aside into the shade and said:
My Lord I am in need of Good That Thou Sends Down.
28:25 And there instantly came to him one of them walking shyly
saying: My father calls thee that he might reward thee with a reward for what thou did for us. Request granted!
And when he came to him and had narrated to him the story he said: Fear thou not for thou has escaped the wrongdoing people.
28:26 One of them said: O my father hire him
for the best whom thou can hire is the strong and the trustworthy.
28:27 Said he: I desire to marry thee to one of these two daughters of mine provided that thou hire thyself to me eight years.
And if thou complete ten be that of thy own accord
but I desire not to make it hard for thee
and thou will find me among the Righteous if God Should Will.
28:28 He said: Be that between thee and me
whichever of the two terms I complete there is no discord between us
and God Is Witness Over what we say.
28:29 Then when Moses had completed his term and was travelling with his family he saw from the side of the mount a bush on fire.
He said to his family: Wait here I see a fire
and perhaps I can bring you news from there or a firebrand from the fire
that you might warm yourselves.
28:30 Then he was called from the burning tree on the right side of the valley on what was hallowed ground:
O Moses I Am God, Lord of the Worlds.
28:31 Cast down thy staff here.
And when he did it stirred as if it were a serpent so he turned away in fear wanting to not return.
But God Said: O Moses draw thou near and fear not
for thou are most safe.
28:32 Draw thou thy hand into thy side it will come forth pure white light
and clasp thy arm pits against fright.
These are Two Proofs From thy Lord to
be used with pharaoh and his eminent ones
who are a wantonly disobedient people.
28:33 He said: My Lord I killed one of them and I fear that they will kill me.
28:34 And my brother Aaron is strong and more eloquent than me in speech
so Send him with me to protect and add credence
or I fear that they will reject me.
28:35 Said He: I Will Strengthen thy arm by thy brother
and Appoint Authority to you so they cannot touch you
and then by My Proofs you and those who follow you will be the victors.
28:36 And when Moses came with Our Clear Proofs they said:
This is only invented fantasy
and we did not hear of this from our fathers of old.
28:37 And Moses said: My Lord Knows Best who brings Guidance From His Presence
and who the Ultimate Abode is for.
But the wrongdoers will not be successful.
28:38 And pharaoh said: O eminent ones I do not know of a god for you other than me! Pharaohs were worshipped as gods.
So kindle for me O haman and work some clay bricks
and make for me a tower that I might look upon the god of Moses
for I consider him a liar.
28:39 And he and his forces were proud in the land without cause and knew nothing about how they would be returned to Us.
28:40 Then We seized him and his forces by covering them with the deep of the sea.
So behold the final outcome of the wrongdoers.
28:41 We gave them leaders who only invite to the Fire
and on the Day of Resurrection they will not be helped.
28:42 Yea We caused a curse to follow them in this world
so on the Day of Resurrection they will be among those feeling vile.
28:43 And We gave Moses the Torah after We culled the former generations
as a means of insight for mankind
and guidance
and mercy
that they might take heed.
28:44 And thou was not on the western side when We decreed the Command to Moses
nor were thou among the witnesses.
28:45 But We brought into being generations
and life seemed long to them.
And thou was not a dweller among the houses of Midian reciting to them Our Proofs
but We were the senders.
28:46 And thou was not on the mount when We called
only as Mercy From thy Lord that a Warner came to peoples whom no Warner came before
that they might take heed.
28:47 And if misfortune befell them for what their hands sent before them
then they would have said:
O our Lord if only Thou Had Sent us a messenger!
Then we would have believed Thy Proofs and been among the submitted.
28:48 But when the Truth from Our presence comes to them they say:
If only he were given the like of that given to Moses!
But did they not deny that given to Moses and Aaron?
Yea they said: Two sorcerers supporting each other
and we are deniers of both.
28:49 Say: Then bring a Decree From God that gives clearer guidance than these
and I will follow it if you be Truthful.
28:50 And if they do not respond to thee know they only follow their vain desires.
And who is further astray than one who follows their vain desire without Guidance From God?
God does not guide the wrongdoing people.
28:51 No doubt We have caused the Word to reach them
that they might take heed.
28:52 Some to whom We gave the Word before believe in this Quran.
28:53 For when it is recited to them they say: We believe in it
for we see it is the Truth From our Lord
and before it came we had already submitted.
28:54 These will be given their Reward twice over because they are steadfast
and they repel evil with Good actions, thoughts and prayer
and of what We provide them they spend for God.
28:55 When they hear vain speech they turn away and say:
To us be our works and to you be your works
peace be unto the Righteous!
Yea we seek not to be among the ignorant.
28:56 Truly thou cannot guide those thou thinks to love.
Yea God Guides whom He Wills
and He Knows Best His Rightly Guided.
28:57 And they say: If we follow the Guidance with thee we will be forced from our land!
Did We not establish for them a secure sanctuary wherein were gathered the fruits of all things as a Provision from Ourselves?
But most know not.
28:58 And how many a city We destroyed that boasted of its means and livelihood
those whose dwellings have not been inhabited after them with few exceptions. Instead We are the inheritors.
Some dwellings of Telmessos
28:59 Thy Lord does not destroy peoples until He Raises Up a messenger in their mother city who recounts Our verses to them. Could this be happening here/now except worldwide?
And We do not destroy peoples unless they persist as wrongdoers.
28:60 And what you have been given of anything is an enjoyment of the life of this world and an ornament thereof.
But What is With God is Better and Everlasting
so will you not use reason!?
28:61 Is then one whom We have Promised a Fair Promise which they will encounter
like one whom We give enjoyment of the goods of the life of this world
then on the Day of Resurrection is among those summoned to Hell?
28:62 And the Day He Summons them He Will Say:
Where are My partners whom you claimed?
28:63 Those upon whom the sentence has become binding will say:
Our Lord these are they whom we caused to err
we caused them to err even as we ourselves did err.
We declare our innocence before thee
for it was not us who worshipped them! They are doing this in an attempt to mitigate their Punishment in the 7 levels of Hell.
28:64 And it will be said to idolaters: Call your jinn partners.
And they will call them
but they will not answer
and then they will see the Punishment
wishing only that they had been Rightly Guided!
28:65 And that Day He Summons them He Will Say:
How did you respond to your messenger?
28:66 Then grim tidings will become clear to them
and they will not aid one another in anything.
28:67 But as for one who repents and believes and works Righteousness
it may be they are among the successful.
28:68 For thy Lord Creates What He Wills and Chooses What is best for all
yea Glory Be Unto God!
Exalted Is He Far Above that which they serve!
28:69 And thy Lord Knows what their hearts hide and what they make known.
28:70 For He Is God
and there is no god but He!
His Alone Is the Praised in the former and the latter
and All Judgement is His.
And to Him you will be returned.
28:71 Say: Have you considered if God Should Make night perpetual for you till the Day of Resurrection?
Who is god besides God to bring you illumination?
Will you then not hear!
28:72 Say: Have you considered if God Should Make day perpetual for you till the Day of Resurrection?
Who is god besides God to Bring you night wherein you might rest?
Will you then not see!
28:73 Yea out of His Mercy He Has Made the night and the day for you
that you might rest
and seek of His Bounty therein
so that you might be grateful.
28:74 Yea the Day He Summons them He Will Say:
Where are My partners whom you claimed?
28:75 And We will take from every community a witness
commanding them: Bring your evidence.
They will know the Truth Belongs To God Alone and
the gods they invented will have strayed from them.
28:76 Korah was a folk of Moses but he was an oppressor.
And We had given him such treasures that the keys thereof would have weighed down a mighty group.
Yea and when his people said to him:
Do not celebrate your wealth
for God loves not the celebrant over riches.
28:77 But seek thou what God Has Given thee in the Abode of the Hereafter
and do not forget thy portion in this world
and do Good to others as God Has Done Good to thee
and do not seek corruption in the Earth.
Yea God does not love the workers of corruption!
28:78 He said: I have only been given it because of the great knowledge I have.
But did he not know that God Had Destroyed generations stronger than his in power
and greater in multitude before him?
Will the evildoers not be asked about their transgressions?
28:79 So he went forth before his people in his finery
and those who sought the life of this world said:
If only we had the like of what was given to korah!
He is one of great fortune!
28:80 But those who had been given knowledge said:
Woe to you! The Reward Of God is for those who believe and work Righteousness.
That is better and only the steadfast are granted it.
28:81 Then We made the Earth swallow him and his abode
and there was no army to help him against God
for he became of the ones who are helpless.
There are countless examples of such occurrences on Earth and don’t forget that many were/are directed at jinn living BENEATH the surface!
28:82 And morning found those who had coveted his palace the day before saying:
Oh how God Expands and Restricts His Provision for whom He Wills of His Servants!
God Was Gracious to us or He would have caused it to swallow us too.
Oh how fools do not prosper!
28:83 Then there is the Abode of the Hereafter.
We make it for those who seek neither exaltedness nor corruption in the Earth
and that Final Outcome is for those of Wise Fear.
28:84 Whoever brings a Good deed
for them is better than it
and whoever brings evil
those will be repaid in likeness for what they did.
28:85 He Who Made the Quran incumbent upon thee will Return thee to a Destination
so say: My Lord Knows Best who has His Guidance and who is in error.
28:86 And thou had no expectation that the Truth would be
delivered unto thee so it is a Mercy From thy Lord
and do not bother protecting fools.
28:87 And do not let them divert thee from the Proofs Of God after He Sends Them Down to thee.
And call to thy Lord
and do not be of the polytheists.
28:88 Yea do not call to another god with God
for there is no god but He.
Everything would perish without His Countenance
hence why Judgement is His Alone
and to Him you will be returned.
Chapter 29. The Spider, al-Ankabut
29.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
29:1 alif lām mīm
29:2 Do people think they will be left to say:
We believe
and then will not be subjected to trials?
29:3 We subjected those before them to trials
so God Can See those who are Truthful
as He Can See the liars.
29:4 If those who do evil think they can outrun Us
stupid is what they think!
29:5 For whoever looks to the Meeting With God
knows the Term Of God is coming
and He Is The All Hearing, The All Knowing.
29:6 And whoever strives
they strive only for themselves
for God Is Free From need of anything.
29:7 And those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
We will remove their evil from them
and Reward them for the best of what they did.
29:8 And We enjoined upon you Goodness to your parents
but if they try to make thee serve other than Me
do not obey them.
For unto Me Alone is your return
and I Will Inform you of Everything you did.
29:9 Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
We will make them enter among the winners.
29:10 But among you are those who say: I believe in God.
Then when hindered concerning God they confuse the persecutions of mankind with the Punishment Of God. Then if Help Comes From God they say: I am with you. Does God not Always Know Best what is in the hearts of all mankind?
29:11 Yea God Knows who believes
and He Knows the hypocrites.
29:12 And those who disbelieve say to those who believe: Follow our way and we will bear any mistakes made.
But they will not
for they are liars.
29:13 So they will bear their Punishment
plus Punishment besides their Punishment.
And they will be asked about what they invented on the Day of Resurrection.
29:14 We sent Noah to his people
tarrying among them a thousand less fifty years
before the flood took them for they were wrongdoers.
29:15 Then We delivered him and those with him in the boat
and established it as a Proof for all mankind.
29:16 And Abraham
when he said to his people:
Serve God and be in Wise Fear of Him
that is best for you if you only knew.
29:17 But then you worship idols
and create falsehood.
Those whom you serve possess no provision for you
so seek your Provision From God
and serve Him
and be grateful to Him
for it is to Him you will be returned.
29:18 But if you reject
communities have rejected before you
and upon the messenger is only the clear communication.
29:19 Have they not considered How God Originates Creation
then Repeats It?
That is Easy For God.
29:20 Say: Travel in the land and see how He Originated Creation.
Then God Will Bring Into Being Another Creation
for He Is Powerful Over All His Things.
29:21 He Punishes whom He Wills
and Shows His Mercy to whom He Wills
and to Him all will be returned.
29:22 And you cannot escape into the Earth or the sky
and you have neither ally nor protector besides God.
29:23 And those who deny the Proofs Of God or the Meeting with Him
these will not come to know His Mercy.
Yea they have a Painful Punishment in store.
29:24 Then the response of Abrahams’ people was only that they said:
Kill him let us burn him alive!
But God Rescued him from the fire
and in that is a Proof for people who believe.
29:25 And he said: You have chosen idols instead of God
and the love between you is only for the life of this world.
But on the Day of Resurrection you will deny each other
and curse each other.
Yea your habitation will be the Fire
where you will have no protectors.
29:26 And Lot believed Abraham and said:
I will emigrate for my Lord!
For He Is The Almighty, The Wise.
29:27 And We gave Abraham Isaac and to him Jacob
so with his progeny comes prophethood and Truth. And later the “Davidic Covenant” of thrones ending with the final David.
And We gave him compensation in this world
and in the Hereafter he is of the Righteous.
29:28 And Lot
when he said to his people:
You are the vilest and most indecent of peoples ever.
29:29 For you lust after men
and severe the Way
and meet to conspire of committing evils.
Then the response of his people was only that they said:
Bring us the Punishment Of God if thou be of those who speak the Truth.
29:30 He said: My Lord Help me against these people who work corruption!
29:31 So when Our Messengers brought Abraham the Glad Tidings they said:
We are going to destroy this city
for its people are wrongdoers.
29:32 He said: But therein is Lot a submitting believer.
They said: We know who is therein
and We will rescue him and his household
except for his wife.
She is of those who stay behind.
29:33 Then when Our Messengers came to Lot he was worried about their safety
unable to protect them from his people
until they said: Fear not nor grieve
for We are Sent By God and will deliver thee and thy household
except thy wife.
For she is of those who stay behind.
29:34 We are going to send upon the people of this city a deadly scourge from the sky
because they are wantonly disobedient.
29:35 And We left their ruins as Evidence for later peoples who use reason.
29:36 And to Midian their brother Jethro
who said: O my people serve God and expect the Last Day
do not commit evil in the Earth working corruption.
29:37 But they rejected him
so the earthquake seized them
and morning found them lying prostrate in their dwellings.
29:38 And of Ad and Thamud
made clear to you from the state of their dwellings.
Degenerate inhuman imposters made their deeds seem fair to them
and thereby barred them from the Way even though they had been ones who saw clearly.
29:39 And korah and pharaoh and haman
when Moses came to them with Clear Evidence and they chose to be arrogant in the Earth
but they could not outrun their fates.
29:40 Yea each We took for their transgression.
Such as those upon whom We sent a sandstorm
and those whom Our blasts took
and those whom We caused the Earth to swallow
and those whom We drowned.
Yea and God did not wrong them
they wronged their own souls.
29:41 The parable of those who take protectors besides
God is like the parable of the spider that spins a web.
For the frailest of houses is the house of the spider
had they only known. To trust solely in God, God Alone!
29:42 God Knows All About whatever they call besides Him
for He Is The Almighty, The Wise.
29:43 We present those examples to mankind
but none will understand them except those of wisdom.
29:44 God Created the Heavens and the Earth with Truth
and in that is Evidence for the believers. Again Truth means numbers which everything is made of. Think binary, base 10, DNA, RNA and atomic structures, all are based upon mathematics that never lie or change.
29:45 So recite thou what is given to thee of the Book
and uphold the Prayer.
Indeed the Prayer staves off much depravity and even sexual immorality.
For the Remembrance of God is greater than scripture alone
and God Knows Everything you do.
29:46 And do not argue idly with the talmudic jews
but warn them with Wisdom as thou likes.
And say to those who do wrong among them:
We believe in what was sent down to us and sent down to you before.
Yea our God Is your God He Is The Only One
and to Him we are wisely submitted.
29:47 And thus We sent the Quran down to thee
so those whom We gave the Torah can be refreshed.
For among them are some who believe
but there are also those who reject Our Proofs while spurning the Guidance and claiming virtue.
29:48 And thou Mohamet read no book before nor wrote thou anything with thy hand because he was illiterate
for if thou did the falsifiers might not believe. this miracle
29:49 Yea these clear verses are for the hearts of those given the Knowledge before
and only the wrongdoers will deny it.
29:50 They will say: Proofs were not Sent Down Upon him From his Lord!
Say: The Proofs are indeed here From God
and I am only a Warner another one who makes clear.
29:51 How can it not suffice them that We have sent down upon thee this that you recite to them? All this speaks in part to the fact that Mohamet was illiterate and unlearned about God prior.
Truly in that is a mercy and a Reminder for people who believe.
29:52 Say: God Is Sufficient between you and I As Witness
for He Knows All in the Heavens and the Earth.
And those who deny God and believe deceptions
those are the clear losers.
29:53 And they taunt to get the punishment over with
when were it not of a named term the punishment would have already come to them.
And it will come upon them unexpectedly when they are not ready nor at all expectant.
29:54 Yea they taunt to get the punishment over with
so Hell will encompass those fools.
29:55 The Day the Punishment comes at them from above and from beneath their feet.
And He Will Say: Taste it for all you did!
29:56 O My Servants who believe
wide is My Earth
and Me Alone must thou serve.
29:57 For every soul will taste death
then to Us you will be returned.
29:58 And those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
We will settle them in the high places of the Gardens beneath which rivers flow
and they will live Eternally therein.
Yea excellent is the Reward for those of Good deeds!
29:59 Those who are steadfast
and place all their trust in their Lord.
29:60 And how many a creature that do not store their provisions! Imagine submitting to and fully relying upon God not just paycheck to paycheck but day to day and meal to meal as wild animals do!
In reality God Provides for them and you Continually
and He Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
29:61 If thou ask folks: Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and Made serviceable the sun and the moon?
They will say: God.
So how then do they become deluded?
29:62 God Expands His Provisions for whom He Wills
and He Restricts from It whom He Wills
and God Knows All Things.
29:63 If thou asks them: Who Causes water to come down from the sky and Causes Life on the Earth after death?
They will say: God.
Say: Yea All Praise Belongs To God!
Yet the Truth is most do not use that much reason.
29:64 For the life of this world is brief with only diversion and games while the Abode of the Hereafter
that is Real Life
if they only knew.
29:65 Then when they embark on a ship they Pray to God as if sincere to Him in doctrine.
But when He Delivers them safely to the land
they forget Him while magnifying other things.
29:66 Yea they are ungrateful for what We give them
so We let them have their enjoyments
but they will come to know.
29:67 Do they not consider We made the Kaaba secure while enemies were swept away round about them?
Then they become vain and deny the Grace Of God?
29:68 Who is denser than one who invents a lie about God
or denies a Truth when it comes to them?
Is then Hell not a just home for such fools?
29:69 While those who strive for Us
We guide them to Our path
for God Is With the doers of Good.
Chapter 30. The Romans, ar-Rum
30.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
30:1 alif lām mīm
30:2 The believing orthodox christian Romans were defeated
30:3 in the Persian lands nearby the area of Istanbul/Constantinople
but afterwards became victorious.
30:4 They had to endure only a few years
for the Command Belongs To God before and after
and a day always comes for believers to celebrate.
30:5 Yea at the Help Of God
He Who Helps whom He Wills
He Is The Almighty, The Merciful.
30:6 It is the Promise Of God
and God does not fail in His Promises
yet most do not know.
30:7 They only know what is experienced in this life
and are heedless of the Hereafter.
30:8 Do they not ponder within themselves?
God Created the Heavens and the Earth and What is between them with Truth alone and for a named term.
Yet still many among you are deniers of the Meeting with your Lord.
30:9 Have they not traveled in the land and seen the final outcome of those who were before them?
They were stronger than them in power
and they tilled the Earth and inhabited it more than they have.
Yea and their messengers came with Clear Evidence.
So God wronged them not
but they wronged their own souls.
30:10 Yea miserable is the Final Outcome of doers of evil
for they denied the Proofs Of God and mocked them.
30:11 But God Begins Creation
then He Repeats It
then to Him you will be returned.
30:12 And the Day the Hour comes the evildoers will be seized with despair.
30:13 And those jinn and DIIs they served will not help them
instead they will come to know and despise them.
30:14 Yea the Day the Hour comes
they will be separated. from their telepathic jinn and DII partners
30:15 As for all those who believe and do Righteous deeds
they will be made joyous in lush meadows.
30:16 But for those who do evil deeds
and deny Our Proofs
or the Meeting of the Hereafter
these will be summoned to the Punishment.
30:17 So give glory unto God when you reach the evening!
And when you reach the morning!
30:18 For To Him Belongs All the Praise in the Heavens and the Earth
both during the late of night
and when you reach midday.
30:19 He Brings Forth the living from the dead
and He Brings Forth the dead from the living
and Gives Life to the Earth after its death.
And thus you will be brought forth.
30:20 Among His Proofs is that He Created you from dust
Making you Become beings ranging far and wide!
30:21 Among His Proofs is that He Created mates for you from yourselves that you might be reassured thereby
and Made compassion and love between you.
In that are Proofs for people who reflect.
30:22 Among His Proofs in the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth
are the differences in your tongues and your colors.
In that is Subtle Evidence for those of intellect.
30:23 Among His Proofs is your rest by night and then your seeking of His Bounty by day
in that is Subtle Evidence for those who hear.
30:24 Among His Proofs is Showing you His Power with lightning for fear and hope.
Then He Sends Down water from the sky and Gives Life Thereby to the Earth after its death.
In that is Subtle Evidence for those who reason.
30:25 Among His Proofs is that the sky and the Earth stand only by His Command.
Then when He Calls you with the Call
you will then come forth from the Earth.
30:26 For truly To Him Belongs Whoever is in the Heavens and the Earth
and all are morally obligated to Him.
30:27 Yea He It Is Who Begins All Creation
then Repeats It
and this is Most Insignificant and Easy For Him.
And His Are the Loftiest Parables in all the Heavens and the Earth
for He Is The Almighty, The Wise.
30:28 He Propounds a parable for you from among yourselves:
Have you shared of what We have provided thee with servants whom you possess rightfully
thereby making them feel as equals with you?
And do you fear their rebukes as you fear each others?
Thus do We set out and detail the Evidence for people who reason.
30:29 The Truth is those who do wrong follow their vain desires in ignorance
and who will guide those whom God Has Sent Astray?
Yea and they have no protectors either.
30:30 So set thy face towards monotheism while inclining towards Truth.
For It Is the Creation Of God He Endowed to mankind
and there is no changing the Creation Of God.
Yea that is the Right Way
but most do not know.
30:31 Turn to Him in repentance
and be in Wise Fear of Him
and uphold the Prayer
and be not of the polytheists
30:32 who divide the Doctrine and become sects
each party haughty for what messenger/s it believes.
30:33 When affliction touches them they call to their Lord
turning to Him as if in repentance.
Then after they taste His Mercy some of them return to serving other than their Lord.
30:34 They are ungrateful for what We give them
so enjoy yourselves
for you will come to know!
30:35 And did We send down a decree
calling any to serve other than YHWH? Nay!
30:36 Yea when We let people taste mercy they are pleased.
Then when hardship befalls because of what their hands have done they despair.
30:37 Have they not considered that God Expands and Restricts His Provisions for whom He Wills?
Yea in that is Evidence for those who believe.
30:38 So give the relative their due
and the needy
and the wayfarer
that is best for those seeking the Countenance Of God
indeed these are the successful.
30:39 And what you give of usury that increases the wealth of some people
has no increase with God. Don’t waste your money on interest!
But what you give towards Goodness desiring the Countenance Of God
these receive manifold recompense!
30:40 God Is He Who Created you!
Then He Provided for you
then He Will Give you Death
then He Will Give you Eternal Life. In Heaven or Hell.
Does one of any others do that?
Glory Be Unto Him!
And Exalted Is He High Above that they serve!
30:41 Corruption manifests on land and sea because of what the hands of mankind have earned.
He Lets them taste some of what they have done
that they might return repentant.
30:42 Say: Travel in the land and see the final outcomes of those who were before you
for most of them were polytheists.
This is a worldwide challenge with 100s of nations Destroyed By God. i.e Palenque, Mex;
If the peoples weren’t Destroyed by God, why are all their cities empty and in disrepair?
30:43 So set thy face towards the Right Way before there comes a Day when there is no turning back from God.
On that Day they will be separated.
30:44 And whoever denies
upon them is their denial.
And whoever works Righteousness
these are making comfortable beds for themselves.
30:45 That He Might Reward of His Bounty those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
for He loves not fools.
30:46 And among His Proofs is that He Sends the winds as deliverers of His Glad Tidings
so that He Might Make you taste of His Mercy
and that the ships might run by His Command
and that you might seek of His Grace
and that you might be grateful.
30:47 And We sent messengers before thee to their people
they brought them Clear Evidence
then We took retribution from the evildoers.
Likewise helping the believers is binding upon Us.
30:48 God Is He Who Sends the Winds and Raises the clouds
and He Spreads them out As He Wills.
He Makes them into heavy pieces full of water
and He Makes it fall on whom He Wills of His Servants then behold the believers rejoice!
30:49 And many were in despair before it was sent down.
30:50 So look to the wake for the Mercy Of God
how He Gives Life to the Earth after its death
just as surely He Will Give Life to the dead
for He Is Powerful Over All Things.
30:51 Then when We send winds and greens turn yellow
some will continue to deny.
30:52 And like thou cannot make the dead hear
thou cannot make them adhere to the Call
for they will only turn and revert.
30:53 Yea thou cannot guide the blind out of their error
thou can only make firm those who believed in Our Proofs before
and these are the ones who submit.
30:54 God Is He Who Created you weak at first
then He Gives you Strength
then He Brings you back to weakness with gray hair.
He Creates What He Wills With Purpose
for He Is The Knowing, The Almighty.
30:55 And the Day comes when the transgressors will swear they lived for but an hour in comparison to Eternity they’re shown
thus were they deluded.
30:56 But those to whom knowledge and faith were given will say:
You deluded ones disrespected Gods’ Word all the way till the Day of Resurrection!
So now suddenly is this Day of Resurrection
which you did not care about.
30:57 That Day their justifications will not profit those who do wrong
nor will they be allowed to make amends.
30:58 And We have presented every sort of parable and example to you in this Quran
yet if thou come to most with a Proof those who disbelieve will say:
You follow only vanity displaying signs that are not.
30:59 Thus God Seals the hearts of those who do not know.
30:60 So be thou patient
for the Promise Of God is True
yea and do not let those of uncertainty sway thee.
Chapter 31. Luqman
31.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
31:1 alif lām mīm
31:2 These are the verses of a Clear Decree.
31:3 As Guidance and mercy for the doers of Good.
31:4 Those who uphold the Prayer
and are conscious of Gods’ Presence
and are certain of the Hereafter.
31:5 These are upon Guidance From their Lord
and they are the Successful.
31:6 And among you are some who buy into false interpretations and ideas from mankind
that lead away from the Path Of God without Truth
and they make mockery of Gods’ Ways.
These have a Humiliating Punishment.
31:7 When Our verses are recited they turn away in arrogance as if they did not hear them
yea as if there were deafness in their ears.
So give them tidings of a Painful Punishment.
31:8 But those who believe
and do deeds of Righteousness
they have Gardens of Bliss
31:9 ones who will dwell therein for Eternity.
Verily the Promise Of God is True
for He Is The Almighty, The Wise.
31:10 He Created the Heavens without pillars you can see the firmament is held up like a balloon skin hence “barometric pressure” which would not exist if surrounded by a vacuum and He Cast into the Earth firm mountains lest it sway with you.
And He Spread Out every sort of creature therein
and Sent Down pure water from the sky
and Caused every sort of Good kind to grow therein.
31:11 This is the Creation Of God.
So show me what those besides Him have created
yea the polytheists are in obvious error.
31:12 And We gave Luqman wisdom to be grateful to God.
For whoever is grateful
is only grateful to the benefit of their own soul
and whoever denies
God Is Completely Free From need, Praiseworthy.
31:13 And when Luqman spoke to his son advising him
saying: O my dear son do not ascribe partners to God
for it is a flagrant injustice of the ingrates.
31:14 And We enjoined upon humans concerning parents
that mothers bore them in weakness upon weakness
and their weaning is two years.
So be thou grateful to Me and to thy parents
for Unto Me is your Journeys’ End.
31:15 But if parents strive to make thee serve that of which thou has been given no knowledge From God
obey them not.
Accompany them in this world honorably
but follow thou only the creeds of those turned to Me.
Then To Me will be your return
and I Will Tell you Everything you did.
31:16 O my dear son though it be a speck the weight of a grain of mustard seed
in a rock
or elsewhere in the Heavens or in the Earth
God Will Bring it forth. Possible only in a “matrix like” world.
God Is Subtle, Aware.
31:17 O my dear son uphold the Prayer
and command what is right
and forbid what is wrong
and hold steadfast over what tests befall thee.
Truly that is among the determination of matters.
31:18 And turn not thy cheek away from humanity
and walk not in the Earth conceitedly
for God loves not every conceited boaster.
31:19 Yea be thou modest in thy walk and lower thy voice
for the most loathsome of voices is of the donkey.
31:20 Have you not considered how God Has Made Everything in the Heavens and the Earth serviceable to you and Lavished His Favors outward and inward on you? By Creating, Providing for, Protecting and Guiding us.
But among mankind are those who dispute about God
without Knowledge
or Guidance
or any Illuminating Decree.
31:21 And when it is said to them: Follow only what God Has Sent Down they say: Nay.
We follow the knowledge of our fathers.
Even though it is from degenerate inhuman imposters inviting them to the Blaze of Punishment?
31:22 Yea whoever submits their face to God and is a doer of Good has grasped the Most Trustworthy Handhold
for With God is the Final Outcome of all affairs.
31:23 And whoever denies
do not let their denial grieve thee
for unto Us is their return
and We will inform them of what they did.
Yea God Knows All that is in the hearts.
31:24 We will let them enjoy a little
then drive them to a Harsh Punishment.
31:25 Yet still if thou asks them: Who Created the Heavens and the Earth?
They will say: God.
Say: Praise Belongs To God!
But truly most of them do not really know.
31:26 To God Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth
for God He Is The Free From need, The Praiseworthy.
31:27 And had all that is in the Earth of trees been pens
and the seas been ink with seven more seas to aid it
the Words Of God would not run dry
for God Is Mighty, Wise. In all 6,600 languages ever on Earth!
31:28 Your Creation and your raising up are only of one soul
over which God Is The All Hearing, All Seeing.
31:29 Has thou not considered that God Makes the night enter into the day
and Makes the day enter into the night
and He Made serviceable the sun and the moon
each running to a named term. From the deep digits of PI!
Think that same All Knowing God Might Be Aware of Everything you do?
31:30 And God He Is The Truth
for certain any to which they call besides Him is foolish.
Yea God, He Is The Exalted One, The Omnipotent.
31:31 Has thou not considered how the ships run in the sea by the Grace Of God that He Might Show you some of His Evidence?
In such are Gifts for every resolved and grateful one.
31:32 And when a wave covers them like canopies they call to God as if sincere to Him in doctrine
then when He Delivers them upon the land
there are those among them who grow lukewarm.
Hence each disobedient ingrate rejects Our Evidence.
31:33 O mankind be in Wise Fear of your Lord
and fear the Day the father will not avail his child
nor will the child avail their father anything.
The Promise Of God is True
so do not let the life of this world deceive you
and do not let the deceivers deceive you about God!
31:34 God
with Him Alone is Knowledge of the Hour
and He Sends Down the rain
and Knows what is in the wombs
and a soul knows not what it will earn on the morrow
and a soul knows not in what state it will die.
Truly God Is The Only One All Knowing, All Aware.
Chapter 32. Submission, as-Sajdah
32.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
32:1 alif lām mīm
32:2 The uniquely Successive Revelation of the Quran
about which no doubt is From The Lord of the Worlds.
32:3 If they say: He has invented it.
The Truth is it is From thy Lord
given so that thou warn a people to whom no Warner came before thee
that they might be Rightly Guided.
32:4 God Is He Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and all that lives in them in six days
then Took His Place upon the Throne.
You have no ally nor intercessor besides Him.
So will you then not take heed!?
32:5 He Directs all matters from Heaven to the Earth and all
will ascend to Him on a day measuring a thousand years of what you count. It will take that long to process us all.
32:6 That is The Knower of the unseen and the seen
The Almighty, The Merciful.
32:7 He Who Made All Things He Created Good unlike DIIs!
including the Creation of humans from clay.
32:8 Then He Made their seed from a drop of sticky slime.
32:9 Then Fashioned them
and Breathed into them of His Spirit
and Made for you hearing
and sight
and intellect
yet little are you grateful.
32:10 And they ask in doubt: When we are dead in the Earth will we begin again as a new Creation?
The Truth is these are deniers of the Meeting with their Lord.
32:11 Say: The angel of death who is given charge of you will take you
then you will be returned to your Lord.
32:12 And if thou could see when the evildoers will hang their heads before their Lord saying:
Our Lord we have now seen and heard
so send us back
we will work Righteousness
yea we are now of those who are certain.
32:13 And had We willed We would have given every soul guidance
but the Word From Me is binding
and I Will Fill Hell with jinn and humans one and all. To fuel the universe from the energy created by their agony, pain and torment.
32:14 So taste!
Because you forgot the Meeting on this your Day We forgot you.
Yea taste the Punishment for Eternity because of every foolish thing you did!
32:15 While those who believe in Our Proofs
and are reminded thereof
they fall down in submission
and they give glory with the praise of their Lord
and they are not proud.
32:16 Those who get out of bed to call to their Lord in fear and hope
and they spend for God what We have provided them.
32:17 And no soul knows what is hidden for them as a delight of the eyes in Reward for what they did.
32:18 Are then believers like those who are wantonly disobedient?
Nay! They are not alike at all.
32:19 As for those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
for them are the Gardens of Shelter
a welcoming gift for what they did.
32:20 And as for those who are wantonly disobedient
their shelter is the Fire
and whenever they scream to come out therefrom they are hurled back into it.
And it is said to them:
Taste the Punishment of the Fire which you denied!
32:21 But We make them taste the lower suffering this life before the Greater
that they might be humble and repent.
32:22 And who is denser than those reminded of the Word Of their Lord
and then turn away therefrom?
We will exact retribution upon such transgressors!
32:23 Hence We gave Moses the Torah
so thou be not in doubt of his Meeting with God
yea We made it Guidance for the children of Israel.
32:24 And We made leaders among them guided and guiding by Our command
hence they became resolved
and held certainty over all of Gods’ Proofs.
32:25 Thy Lord He Will Decide between everyone on the
Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differ.
32:26 Does it not convince them how many generations We destroyed before them among whose dwellings they walk? if most of them weren’t restricted from we the Adamite people
Truly in that are Signs
will they then not hear!
32:27 Have they not considered how We drive the water to the barren land
and bring forth crops from which their livestock and they themselves eat?
Will they then not see!
32:28 And they ask: When is this Decisive Day if you be Truthful?
32:29 Say: On the Day of Decision
the then new belief of those who disbelieved before will not avail them
nor will they be granted respite.
32:30 So turn away from them and wait
for they too are waiting but do not know it!
Chapter 33. The Allies, al-Ahzab
33.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
33:1 O prophet be in Wise Fear of God
do not obey fools or hypocrites
and recall God Is All Knowing, Wise.
33:2 And follow what thy Lord Has Instructed
for God Is Aware of Everything you do.
33:3 And place all thy trust in God
for God Is Unparalleled As Guardian.
33:4 God has not made two hearts for man for others than God
and He has not made wives your mothers to carry men
and He has not made adopted sons your sons. indebted
That is a saying of your mouths
and God Speaks the Truth
while He Guides to the Way.
33:5 So call the adopted by the names of their fathers
it is more equitable in the Sight Of God.
But if you do not know the name of their fathers
they are your brethren in doctrine and friendship.
And you do no wrong in what you err thereby
so long as it is not what your hearts intend
for God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
33:6 The prophet is closer to believers than themselves
and his wives are as caring as if their mothers..
Kin are often closer in the Ways Of God than are others and emigrants new to clans and cities and nations.
Only that you do what is fitting with all your brethren
this is what is written.
33:7 We took agreements from the prophets
as We did from thee. To do whatever it takes.
Yea from Noah and Abraham and Moses and Yeshua son of Mary.
We took stern agreements from them all.
33:8 That He Might Ask the Truthful about their Truthfulness.
And He Has Prepared a Painful Punishment for the ingrates and fools.
33:9 O you who believe remember the Grace Of God towards you
when enemies came to you
then We sent upon you a wind of forces you did not see. ranks of angels to create illusions, whisper in their minds and fight
And God Is Seeing of Everything you do.
33:10 When they drew near you from above and below
yea when eyes roam and hearts reach the throats
that is when you think thoughts about God!
33:11 Thereupon were believers tested
often shaken with a severe shaking.
33:12 And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was disease said: God and His Messenger Promised us only deception.
33:13 And when a number of cowards said: O people of Madinah there is no way to win here so go back home!
So some sought permission from the prophet to stay behind saying: Our households are exposed
when they were not exposed
yea the unfaithful sought only flight in cowardice.
33:14 And had the enemies entered their borders
demanding submission to them instead of God
they would have given in hesitating only briefly.
33:15 But they had pledged to God that they would not turn and flee
and a pledge to God is to be answered for!
33:16 Say: It will not benefit you if you flee from fighting in the Way Of God while afraid of killing or being killed
for then you will not ever be given ease for Eternity.
33:17 Say: Who can change your destiny other than God
if He Intends Harm or Mercy for you?
Yea they will not find any ally nor protector other than God.
33:18 And God Knows those who cause hindrance to believers who say to their brethren:
Come hither to us and fight!
Lo the Hinderers do not come to battle with heart.
33:19 Only begrudgingly they come
then when fear comes thou sees them looking at thee
with eyes rolling as if already overcome by death.
And when the fear departs they abuse you with sharp tongues
wanting freedom for free.
These have not believed
so God Makes them fail the tests
and that is Easy For God.
33:20 And when they think the enemies are still afoot
they will wish they were in the desert among the bedouins hearing only news of your battle.
And if they had been with you they would fight little.
33:21 Surely the Messenger Of God sets Good examples
for those who trust in God and the Last Day
and are conscious of God much.
33:22 So when believers saw the enemies they said:
This trial is what God and His Messenger Promised us
yea God and His Messenger were True!
Hence it confirms them in their faith and submission.
33:23 Among the believers are those who are True to what they pledge to God
those who have fulfilled their vows.
And among them are those who wait
with no intention to fulfill.
33:24 And all is Good in that God Might Reward the Truthful for their Truthfulness
and Punish the hypocrites
as He Wills
or Turn to them in Forgiveness.
Yea God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
33:25 But God Repulsed the ungrateful in their rancor
so they will not obtain awards faith, booty nor upper hand
and hence God Suffices the believers in battle
for God Is Strong, Mighty.
33:26 And He Sent Down Those Who helped the angels and jinn
against the talmudic jews weakening their strongholds
and hurling terror into their hearts.
Then you killed some
and some you took captive.
33:27 And He Caused you to inherit their land
and their houses
and their wealth
in places you had not even trodden.
Yea God Is Powerful Over All Things.
33:28 O prophet say to thy wives:
If you prefer the life of this world and its adornment
come forward and I will give you provision
and set you free with grace.
33:29 But if you desire God and His Messenger and the Abode of the Hereafter
then God Has Prepared an Immense Reward for you female doers of Good.
33:30 O wives of the prophet whoever among you commits clear immortality the Punishment for her is doubled
and that is Easy For God.
33:31 And whoever among you is devoutly dutiful to
God and His Messenger and works Righteousness
to her We will give Reward twice over.
Yea We have prepared a Noble Provision for her.
33:32 O wives of the prophet you are not like any others among women.
So if you are of Wise Fear do not be lusty in speech lest he in whose heart is disease might want you.
Yea instead speak fitting words with honor.
33:33 And be humble homemakers
making no display of yourselves in public as if in your former state of ignorance.
And uphold the Prayer
and be conscious of Gods’ Presence
and obey God and His Messenger.
By all this God Only Intends to Remove impurity from each of you O people of the household
yea to Purify you all completely.
33:34 And remember what is recounted in your house of the Signs Of God and live with His Wisdom
for God Is All Subtle, All Aware.
33:35 The submitted men
and the submitted women
and the believing men
and the believing women
and the devoutly dutiful men
and the devoutly dutiful women
and the Truthful men
and the Truthful women
and the patient men
and the patient women
and the humble men
and the humble women
and the men who give charity
and the women who give charity
and the men who fast
and the women who fast
and the men who are custodians of their modesty
and the women who are custodians of their modesty
and the men who remember
and the women who remember
that God Has Prepared Forgiveness for them and an Immense Reward.
33:36 And it is not for a believing man or a believing woman
that there be any debate in matters when God and His Messenger Have Decided on a thing.
Then whoever disobeys God and His Messenger
they have gone far astray in wanton error.
33:37 And when thou said to Zayd Mohamets adopted son upon whom both God and thou held favor:
Hold thy wife to thee and be in Wise Fear of God
while thou hid desires of her thyself as God Knew.
And thou feared the opinions of others when God Has infinitely more reason to Be Feared!
Then when Zayd had given up on her in divorce We gave her to thee in marriage.
This so there is no blame upon future believers concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they have divorced.
Hence the Command Of God is carried out.
33:38 There is no distress upon the prophet concerning what God Ordained for him
for it is the Practice Of God among those who came and went before
and the Command Of God is Destiny Decreed.
33:39 Wise are those who conveyed the Messages Of God and feared Him
and feared not anyone except God
for Quite Sufficient Is God as Reckoner.
33:40 Mohamet is not the father of any of your people
he is the Messenger Of God and the seal of the prophets. Meaning the last prophet but not the last messenger.
And God Is Knowing of All Things.
33:41 O you who believe remember God with much remembrance yea be God Conscious!
33:42 Give glory to Him morning and evening.
33:43 For He It Is Who Blesses you as do His Angels
that He Might Bring you forth from darkness into Light.
He Is Merciful to the believers.
33:44 Their greeting the Day they meet Him is: Peace!
And He Has Prepared a Noble Reward for them.
33:45 O prophet We have sent thee as a witness
a bringer of Glad Tidings and a Warner.
33:46 And as a Caller to God by His Permission
yea thou are an illuminating torch.
33:47 So give Glad Tidings to the believers that they have
a Great Bounty From their God.
33:48 Do not obey fools
nor hypocrites
and disregard their hindrances
just place all thy trust in God
for God Is Unparalleled as Guardian.
33:49 O you who believe
when you marry believing women and divorce them before you have touched them
there is no waiting period to reckon against
so give them provision and release them with grace.
33:50 O prophet We have made Lawful to thee wives to whom thou has given their dowries
and those whom you possess rightfully of What God Has Bestowed upon thee from spoils of war.
And the daughters of thy paternal uncles
and the daughters of thy paternal aunts
and the daughters of thy maternal uncles
and the daughters of thy maternal aunts
who emigrated with thee
and are believing women
who each gave herself to the prophet.
And if the prophet desires to bring her in
it is exclusively for thee and no one else.
We know what We enjoined upon them concerning their wives and those whom they possess rightfully
that thou be free from distress.
For God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
33:51 Defer whom thou will of them
and give refuge to whom thou will
and whom previously set aside thou desires
thou does no wrong.
That is likelier to be refreshing in their eyes
so they grieve not over the past
and will be well pleased with what thou gives them.
And remember God Knows what is in all your hearts
and God Is Forgiving, Forbearing.
33:52 But unlawful for thee are wives after this
and that thou exchange them for any wives even though they impress thee
except who you possess rightfully.
And God Is Watchful Over All Things.
33:53 O you who believe
do not enter the households of the prophet unless invited for a meal.
Then when you are invited enter
and when you have eaten disperse
without lingering for conversation unless asked.
That tires Gods’ Prophet
who is deep down too kind to ask you to leave.
But God is not so shy.
And when you ask of his wives anything
ask it of them from behind a partition.
That is purer for your hearts and their hearts.
And it is not for you to bother the Messenger Of God or to marry his wives after him ever.
Truly that would be serious error in the Sight Of God.
33:54 And if you reveal a thing or keep it secret
God Is Knowing of All Things.
33:55 Wives do no wrong conversing privately with their fathers
or their sons
or their brothers
or the sons of their brothers
or the sons of their sisters
or their women folk
or those they possess rightfully
when they are in Wise Fear of God.
God Is Witness Over All Things.
33:56 God and His Angels Send Blessings upon the prophet
so O you who believe give your blessings to him blessings of peace and glad tidings with your greetings.
33:57 Truly those who disrespect God and His Messengers
God Has Cursed them in this world and the Hereafter.
He Has Prepared a Humiliating Punishment for them.
33:58 And those who malign believing men or believing women with words they do not deserve
shall bear the grievous sin of false witness.
33:59 O prophet say to thy wives
and thy daughters
and the women of the believers
to cover their finery with modest garments.
This will help purify their days and gain them respect.
And God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
33:60 If the hypocrites and those with disease in their hearts do not desist spreading ill will or corruption in the town
We will stir thee up against them
and they will not be your neighbors in a little while.
33:61 Yea ones cursed
so whenever they are attacked
they are taken and killed in humiliation.
33:62 This is a Custom Of God among those who came and went before
and thou will not find deviation in the Customs Of God.
33:63 When the people ask thee about the Hour say:
The Knowledge thereof is only With God
so will some now act in caution
as if perhaps the Hour is near?
33:64 Yea God Has Cursed the fools among mankind
and Prepared an Inferno for them.
33:65 They abiding Eternally therein forever
they will find no ally nor protector.
33:66 The Day their faces are tossed about in the Fire
they will say: If only we had obeyed God and His Messengers!
33:67 And they will dispute: Our Lord we obeyed our leaders and our great ones
but they led us astray from the Way.
33:68 So our Lord Give them Double Punishment and Curse Thou them with a Great Curse.
33:69 O you who believe do not be as ones who maligned Moses for God Absolved him of what they said
and he is Well Esteemed in the Sight Of God.
33:70 O you who believe be in Wise Fear of God and speak with appropriate words for all your Messengers.
33:71 He Will Make your works Right for you
and Forgive you your transgressions.
Yea whoever obeys God and His Messenger
has attained a Sublime Triumph for themselves.
33:72 We presented the Trust to the inhabitants of the Heavens and the Earth and the mountains
but they refused to bear it and were afraid of it.
So mankind bore it jinn at first then humans later
but mankind is often unjust in ignorance.
33:73 God Will Punish the talmudic men
and women
and the polytheists
and the nontheists
but God Turns in Forgiveness to the monotheist men and women
yea to them God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
Chapter 34. Sheba, Saba’
34.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
34:1 Praise Belongs To God To Whom also Belongs All that is in the Heavens and the Earth.
And the Praise is Altogether His in the Hereafter
for He Is The Wise, The Aware.
34:2 He Knows All that goes into the Earth and what comes forth from it
and All that descends from the sky or ascends into it.
He Is The Merciful, The Forgiving.
34:3 And those who disbelieve say:
No Hour comes to us.
Say: Verily by my Lord The Knower of the unseen it is coming to you!
For nothing the weight of an atom or less than that or greater than that is unknown to Him
in the Heavens
or in the Earth
and it is all in a Clear Record. The greatest database ever built!
34:4 That He Might Reward those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness.
Yea those will have Pardon and a Noble Provision.
34:5 But those who strive to foolishly belittle Our Proofs
they have the Suffering of Painful Scourges.
34:6 And those who have been given Knowledge see that what is sent down to thee From thy Lord is the Truth
Guiding to the Path Of The Almighty, The Praiseworthy.
34:7 But those who disbelieve mock saying:
Shall we show you a man who informs you that after you are scattered to the four winds you will become a new Creation?
34:8 Yea he has invented a lie about God
and he is surely possessed!
But the Truth is those who disbelieve in the Hereafter are already being punished and led into extreme error.
34:9 Consider they not what is ahead of them from behind them previous mass cullings in the Heavens and the Earth?
If We will We can make the Earth swallow them
or cause pieces of the sky to fall on them or any death.
And in that is a Proof for all repentant.
34:10 And We gave David grace from Us
saying: O you mountains echo Our Psalms of praise as do the birds!
And We softened the iron for him
34:11 instructing him to work full coats of mail
carefully calculating the links.
And to work Righteousness
for Everything you do is seen.
34:12 And for Solomon We subdued the wind within its morning course a month of coolness by day
and its evening course a month. of warmth by night
And We made a spring of molten brass flow for him.
And some jinn worked as slaves under his authority by the Permission Of his Lord
with threat that We would make those who deviated from Our command
taste the Punishment of the Inferno.
34:13 They made what he willed for him of elevated chambers
and statues
and basin like cisterns
and great fixed cooking pots.
We said: Work in gratitude house of David
for few are grateful among My Servants.
34:14 And when Solomon died We left him standing as if a statue for a year.
It was made apparent to the jinn only from a woodworm which ate away at his staff supporting him.
So when he fell down We made it clear to the jinn that had they known the world of the unseen they would not have continued in their sufferings of hard labor. God and His Angels Can Make us see, smell, taste, feel, hear and experience literally anything which is what They Did to the jinn here.
34:15 And there was a Proof for Sheba in their dwelling place
two great gardens one on the right and one on the left.
We said: Eat of the Provision Of your Lord and be grateful to Him
for you have Good land and The Forgiving Lord!
34:16 Then they turned away
so We sent a flood upon them by destroying their dam
and exchanged their two gardens
with new non-irrigated ones bearing bitter fruit
and tamarisk
and something of lote trees here and there.
34:17 That We rewarded them because they denied
and are any but the ungrateful repaid like this?
34:18 And We made other cities between the cities We had blessed
and determined the roads between them
saying: Travel in safety by night and day.
34:19 But instead of giving thanks to God they served idols and complained saying: Our Lord Has Made the journey between these cities long.
Hence they wronged their souls.
So We made them but tales told and scattered them to the four winds
and in that is Evidence for the steadfast and grateful.
34:20 And lucifer was right in his prediction about them
for indeed masses follow him and buy into his whisperings and temptations and deceptions except a group of people among them who Truly believe.
34:21 And he had no warrant against them it was only that We should discern from those who believe in the Hereafter and those in doubt thereof.
Yea thy Lord Is Custodian Over All Things.
34:22 Say: Call to those whom you claim besides God
for they will not possess the weight of an atom in the Heavens nor in the Earth
they have no control whatsoever.
Nor is there any Helper From God among them.
34:23 Yea no intercession avails any except those Given His Permission.
And when terror has been lifted from their hearts they will say:
What Said your Lord?
They will say: The Truth
for He Is The Exalted, The Great.
34:24 Say: Who Gives you Provision from the sky and Earth?
They will say: God.
And either we or you are guided or in obvious error.
It is one or the other is it not?
34:25 Say: You will not be asked about what we did
nor will we be asked about what you did.
34:26 Say: Our Lord Will Bring us all together
then He Alone Will Decide between us in Truth
yea He Is The Judge Who Knows.
34:27 Say: Show me those whom you have joined with Him as partners.
But no indeed!
For He Is The One God, The Almighty, The Wise.
34:28 And We sent thee only as a bearer of Glad Tidings and a Warner to mankind
but most do not know.
34:29 And they say: When is this Promise if you be Truthful?
34:30 Say: You have the Promise of a Day you cannot defer even an hour
nor can you advance it.
34:31 And those who disbelieve say:
We do not believe in this Quran nor what has come before it.
But if thou could see when these fools are brought before their Lord
refuting the words of each other.
Those who were deceived will say to those who deceived them:
Had it not been for you we would have believed!
34:32 And those who deceive will say to those they deceived:
Did we divert you from Guidance after it came to you?
Nay. The Truth is you were fools by free will.
34:33 And those who were deceived will say to those who deceived them:
The Truth is it was your scheming night and day that urged us to deny God and make equals with Him.
Yea all of these will be in great remorse when they see the Punishment!
For We place yokes on the necks of those who disbelieve.
So are they Rewarded for what they did?
34:34 And We sent no Warner to any city where its opulent ones did not say:
We are deniers of that wherewith you have been sent.
34:35 And they said: We are greater in wealth and children
and we are not among anyone to be punished.
34:36 Say: My Lord Expands and Restricts His Provision for whom He Wills
but most do not understand.
34:37 And neither your wealth nor your children will bring you near to Us
only the believers and workers of Righteousness.
Yea they have the Double Reward for what they did
they will be secure in High Places!
34:38 But those who strive to belittle Our Proofs
they will be summoned to the Greatest Punishment.
34:39 Say: My Lord Expands His Provision for whom He Wills of His Servants
and He Restricts.
And what believers spend of anything for Him He Will Replace it
for He Is The Best of providers.
34:40 And the Day He Gathers them one and all He Will Say to the angels:
Did these serve you?
34:41 They will say: Glory Be Unto Thee!
Thou are our Ally not them
for the Truth is they served the jinn
because most of them believe their whisperings.
34:42 And on that Day when they hold neither benefit nor harm from association to one another
We will say to those who figured wrong:
Taste the Punishment of the Fire which you denied!
34:43 Truly when Our Clear Proofs are recounted to them they say:
This is only a man who would divert us from what our fathers served
yea this is only an invented lie.
And they say of the Quran when it reaches them:
This is of obvious fantasy.
34:44 We gave them no other scripture to study
for We sent no Warner to them before thee. Mohamet
34:45 Truly others before them rejected
and retained not one tenth of what We gave them.
Yea they too denied My Messengers
so how is My Rejection of them?
34:46 Say: I only exhort one thing to you:
That you stand up for God one by one and in twos
then reflect.
For there is no madness in your companion
I am only your Warner of Severe Punishment to come.
34:47 What I could have asked from you in rewards
is yours to keep
for my Reward is only With God
and He Is Witness Over Everything everyone does.
34:48 Say: My Lord The Knower of the unseen Hurls the Truth.
34:49 Say: Indeed the Truth has come
and only fools serve those that cannot create anything
nor revive.
34:50 Say: If I go astray
I go astray against my soul
and if I am Rightly Guided
it is only because of that my Lord Has Instructed me.
He Is The Hearer, Always Near.
34:51 And if thou could see when they become terrified
when faced with that from which is no escape
yea they will be seized in horror!
34:52 Then they will declare: Now we believe in it!
But of what use when paradise is impossible to attain?
34:53 Yea they denied it before
and they ridiculed We Who exist in the unseen.
34:54 So a transparent barrier like the firmament will be set between them and the Gardens they will long for forever while in Hell
as was done with their sects before
who were skeptical with foolish doubt. Imagine this!
Chapter 35. The Originator, Fatir
35.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
35:1 All Praise Belongs To God
the Originator of the Heavens and the Earth
the Appointer of the angels
those messengers possessing wings
two and three and four. technically a disk has 2, planes 3, helos 4
He Increases in Creation what He Wills
for God Is Powerful Over All Things.
35:2 What God Provides for mankind of His Mercy
none can withhold it
and what He Withholds
there is no sender of such after Him
for He Is The Almighty, The Wise.
35:3 O mankind remember the Grace Of God towards you
for is there any creator other than God Providing for you from the Earth and the sky?
Nay! There is no god but YHWH!
So then how are you confused?
35:4 And if they reject thee recall that
messengers before thee were rejected
then Unto God are all matters referred.
35:5 O mankind
the Promise Of God is True
so do not let the life of this world deceive you
and do not let any deceiver deceive you about God!
35:6 The degenerate inhuman imposter is an enemy to you
so take them as enemies
for they only call for followers that they might be among their companions of the Blaze.
35:7 And those who disbelieve
they have a Severe Punishment
but those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness
they have Forgiveness and a Great Reward.
35:8 And there are those whose wrongs seem fair to them
indeed they see evil as Good and Good as evil.
Hence God Leads Astray whom He Wills
and God Guides whom He Wills.
So do not let thy soul regret for them
for God Knows what they craft.
35:9 God Is He Who Sends the winds that stir up a cloud
then We drive it to a dead land
and give life to the Earth after its death.
Thus is the Resurrection.
35:10 And some desire greatness but True Greatness Belongs To God Alone
for unto Him the Good Word ascends
and deeds of the Righteous raise it.
But those who plot evil
have a Severe Punishment to come
and their schemes
will come to nothing.
35:11 God Created you from dust
then from a drop of fluid
when He Made you in pairs.
And no female carries or gives birth without His Knowledge.
Nor are years of life prolonged or reduced unless in a Decree From Him
and that is Easy For God.
35:12 And the two waters are not alike
one sweet and palatable
delicious to drink
the other salty and bitter.
From each you eat succulent fish
and extract ornaments to wear.
And thou sees the ships plowing through waves seeking of His Bounty
that you might be grateful.
35:13 He Makes the night enter into the day
and He Makes the day enter into the night
and He Made serviceable the sun and the moon each running for a named term.
That is God
your Lord
and To Him Belongs the Dominion.
And those you call besides Him do not own so much as the membrane of a date seed worth.
35:14 If you cry to them they will not answer your cry
yea they will not respond.
And on the Day of Resurrection they will deny your association with them
and none can inform of this but The One Who Is Aware.
35:15 O mankind
you are in utter need of God
but God He Is The Free From need, The Praiseworthy.
35:16 If He Wills He Will Remove you and Bring a New Creation.
35:17 For that is not difficult For God.
35:18 No one bears the burden of another
and if one burdened seeks help with their burden
nothing will be lifted even if they are relatives.
And thou really only warns those who already fear their Lord in the unseen
and uphold the Prayer.
Those who purify themselves
only to purify their own souls
then unto God is the Journeys’ End.
35:19 Not equal are the unwilling to see and the seeing
35:20 nor the darkness
and the light
35:21 nor the shade
and the heat of sun.
35:22 Yea not equal are the living
with the dead
yet God Makes whom He Wills hear
while thou cannot make anyone hear no more than those in the graves.
35:23 Yea thou are only a Warner.
35:24 We sent thee with the Truth
as a bearer of Glad Tidings
and as a Warner.
And there is no nation that a Warner had not come and gone among it.
35:25 And if they reject thee
those before them rejected.
Yea their messengers came to them with Clear Proofs and with the Psalms and the Illuminating Law. of the 10 commandments
35:26 Then I Seized those who were deceived
and how was My Disapproval?
35:27 Has thou not considered that It Is God Whose Designs determined how water falls from the sky?
And We bring forth therewith fruit differing in its colors
and among the mountains of rock are streaks
white and red
differing in their colors
and others raven black.
35:28 And among mankind and beasts and livestock
also differing in their colors.
And only those who fear God are appreciative among His Servants
knowing God Is Mighty, Forgiving.
35:29 Those who recite the Word Of God
and uphold the Prayer
and spend for God secretly and openly of what We provided them
these can expect a fair trade that never ends.
35:30 He Will Pay their Rewards in full
and Increase them out of His Bounty
for He Is Forgiving and likewise Appreciative. of efforts
35:31 And that which We instruct thee of the Quran it is the Truth
confirming within it what was before
and God Is Seeing, Aware of His Servants.
35:32 We give the Truth as an inheritance to those We have chosen among Our servants
and among them are those who wrong their souls
and those lukewarm
and frontrunners in Good deeds by Gods’ Permission.
That is the Greater Grace.
35:33 Gardens of Perpetual Abode
they enter them adorned with bracelets of gold
and pearls
and raiment of silk.
35:34 And they will say: Praise Belongs To God Who Has Removed all grief from us!
Truly our Lord Is The Forgiving, Appreciative.
35:35 He Who Has Settled us in the Enduring Abode of His Bounty
where labor does not touch us
nor does fatigue.
35:36 But those who disbelieve
they have the Fire of Hell.
No final end is for them in death
nor is their Punishment lightened
thus We Reward every ingrate.
35:37 And they wail therein: Our Lord get us out!
Please we will work Righteousness
not what we did.
But did We not give you enough time to take heed of that which you should have taken heed?
Indeed the Warner came to you
so taste it!
For the wrongdoers have no protector.
35:38 God Is The Knower of the unseen of the Heavens and the Earth
He Knows All that is in the hearts.
35:39 He It Is Who Made you successors in the Earth
and whoever denies
their denial is upon them.
And the ingratitude of fools increases them not in anything except Abomination From their Lord.
Yea the denial of fools increases them only in loss.
35:40 Say: Have you considered of your partners to whom you call instead of God?
Show me what they created of the Earth
if they have a partnership in the Heavens.
Or if We have given them Guidance
have they clear evidence or proofs thereof?
Nay. The Truth is the wrongdoers promise one another only in delusion.
35:41 And Only God Stops the Heavens and the Earth from being displaced.
And if He Quit no one could hold them after Him.
Truly He Is The Forbearing, Forgiving.
35:42 And they swore by God their strongest oaths that if a Warner came to them they would be better guided than all the other communities.
But then when a Warner came it increased them only in aversion!
35:43 Growing proud in the land and scheming evil
but the evil scheme ensnares none but its authors.
So do they await to be sent a creed different than that of former peoples?
Nay. For thou will not find any contradictions in the Customs Of God
nor will thou find corrections to the Customs Of God.
35:44 Have they not travelled in the land and seen the final outcomes of those before them?
Some were stronger than them in power
but God is not weakened by anything in the Heavens or in the Earth and nothing escapes Him.
For He Is The All Knowing, All Powerful.
35:45 And were God To Take mankind To Task for what they earned
He would not leave a single one alive in the Earth.
But He Guides and Delays to a named term
and when their term comes
they will know God Had Been Seeing of His Servants.
Chapter 36. Ya Seen, Ya Sin
36.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
36:1 yā sīn
36:2 By the Wisdom of the Quran.
36:3 Thou Mohamet are among the ones sent
36:4 upon the Straight Path
36:5 with this Successive telepathic Revelation via Gabriel From The Almighty, The Merciful
36:6 that thou warn a people whose fathers were not warned.
Yea those Arabs you are sent to do not know.
36:7 Yet binding is to become the Word upon most of them
for they will not believe.
36:8 Hence We will place yokes on their necks
up to the chins
so they will be of the stiff necked ones.
36:9 Because We will make a barrier before them
and a barrier behind them
and then cover them
so they cannot see the Truth.
36:10 Yea it is the same to them whether thou warned them
or not
for they do not believe.
36:11 So thou really only warns those who already follow a Remembrance The Vedas, Torah, Psalms, Gospel and/or Apocrypha
and fear The Almighty in the unseen.
Bear thou Glad Tidings of His Forgiveness and a Noble Reward to these.
36:12 Yea We give life to the dead
and We recorded both their traces and their deeds
We have Everything documented in Clear Records.
36:13 And give them the parable
of people of the city when messengers came to them.
36:14 When We sent those two Simon and Thomas
and they rejected them
so We reinforced with a third Simon Peter
who all said: We are Messengers to you From God.
36:15 The people replied: You are only mortals like us
and The Almighty has not Sent Down anything
so you only lie.
36:16 They said: It is well enough to us that our Lord Knows we are messengers to you
36:17 and upon us is only the Clear Communication.
36:18 The people replied: Nay! We see no omen in you
and if you cease not hexing us we will stone you.
Yea certainly a painful assault will touch you from us!
36:19 They said: Unlikely. You are ones who now bring upon your own wrath so tell us is it due to us reminding you?
Nay. You were already a people committing excess.
36:20 And a man came running from the far part of the town
saying: O my people follow these messengers!
36:21 Yea! Follow these who ask no reward of you for they are Rightly Guided.
36:22 For why should we not serve Him Who Made us
and to Whom we will all be returned?
36:23 Shall we take gods besides He Who
Punishes Justly?
Those whom their intercession will avail us nothing
nor can they protect us?
36:24 Truly we would be in obvious error
36:25 and truly I believe in our Lord so hear me.
36:26 It was said to him: Enter the Garden
and he said: O if only my people knew!
36:27 For my Lord Has Pardoned me and Placed me among the Honored.
36:28 And after saving him We did not send down upon his people any army from the sky
nor were We required to send more messengers.
36:29 Indeed it was one blast and then they were silent!
36:30 Oh the sorrowful regret upon such servants
for no messenger came to them who they did not mock.
36:31 Had they not considered how many generations We destroyed before them?
Those who will not return no not ever.
36:32 And each will be summoned before Us one and all.
36:33 More Evidence for them is the dead Earth
when We give it life
and We bring forth from it grain
then they eat thereof.
36:34 And We made therein gardens of date palms and grapes
and We caused springs to gush forth
36:35 that they might eat of its fruit
while their hands did not craft it.
Yea then they are not grateful?
36:36 Glory Be Unto Him Who Created All the pairs of electrons and protons in the atoms of all the elements
for what grows on Earth
and of themselves
and of that which they do not know.
36:37 More Evidence is the night
when We withdraw the day
so they are in darkness.
36:38 And the sun runs for a term appointed to it
Foreordained By The Almighty, The Knowing.
36:39 And We ordained phases for the moon
then it is as if it dies like the date stalk blown away!
36:40 The sun behooves itself not to reach the moon
nor the night to outrun the day
while each is in circles swimming. In H20 above the firmament.
36:41 And a Proof to them is that We carried their progeny in the laden ship
36:42 and We designed for them the likes thereof on which many still embark.
36:43 And if We will We drown them
then there is no cry for help for them
nor are they rescued
36:44 except by mercy from Us
as an enjoyment for a time.
36:45 It is said to them:
Be in Wise Fear of what is ahead of you resulting from what is behind
that you might obtain Gods’ Mercy.
36:46 But nothing comes to them among the Proofs Of their Lord that some don’t turn away from.
36:47 And when it is said to them: Spend Goodly for God Of What God Has Provided you
those who disbelieve say to those who believe:
Shall we feed those whom Had God Willed He Would Have Fed Himself?
You are only in obvious error.
36:48 And they ask: When is this Promise if you be Truthful?
36:49 They await only one blast which will take them while they are disputing
36:50 and they will not be able to leave a legacy or return to their people.
36:51 Then the trumpet will be blown
and from the dead they will hasten to their Lord
36:52 saying: Woe is us!
Who has raised us from our resting places?
This is What The Almighty Promised
yea the messengers spoke the Truth!
36:53 So it is only one blast
and then they are summoned before Us one and all.
36:54 This Day no soul is wronged in any way
you are not Rewarded except for what you did.
36:55 And on this Day the companions of the Garden are engaged in gladness
36:56 they and their brethren in comfortable shade
reclining upon raised couches.
36:57 And they have fruits therein
or whatever else they call for.
36:58 And: Peace
will be the Word from The Compassionate Lord.
36:59 And you will be separate this Day O evildoers!
36:60 O children of Adam did I not warn you to not be deceived by the degenerate inhuman imposters?
Lo they are clear enemies to you.
36:61 Yea you should only obey Me
for that is the Straight Path.
36:62 Yet they led astray a great multitude among you.
Did you not use reason? Nay!
36:63 So this is Hell which you were Promised.
36:64 Burn therein this Day for what you denied.
36:65 This Day We seal their mouths
and their hands speak to Us
and their feet bear witness of the evils they did with them
as to what they earned.
36:66 And had We willed We would not have given them eyes
so they would have to struggle to find their ways
but still how would they truly see? the way
36:67 And had We willed We would have stilled their bodies
so they could neither proceed nor go back.
36:68 And whom We bring to old age We reverse in creation.
From strength back to weakness. Will you not use reason!
36:69 And We have not taught the messengers poetry
for it does not behoove them
only the Remembrance and now a Quranic recitation
36:70 to warn the living
so that the Word becomes binding
against the fools.
36:71 Have they not considered how We Created grazing livestock for them with all else Our hands have made?
Then they are their masters?
36:72 We subdued them to them so that some of them they ride and from some of them they eat. This isn’t speaking solely of eating their flesh when too old to work but rather of what they help man produce in the fields and of milk.
36:73 Yea they have in them many benefits and drink ditto
will they then not be grateful?
36:74 And they take gods other than God the jinn
that they might be helped without Him.
36:75 But they will not be able to help them for they are themselves among the summoned.
36:76 So do not let their speech grieve thee
for We know what they conceal and what they make known.
36:77 Has humanity forgotten that We Created them from a drop of sticky slime?
That is when they are clearly adversarial in ingratitude.
36:78 And then they stupidly present an example to Us
and negate Our Creation of them by saying:
Who will give life to these bones when they are rotted away?
36:79 Say: He Who Put their souls into physical forms the first time Will Give them Life
for He Knows All of His Creation Intimately!
36:80 He Who Designed fire from once green trees for you
yea He Is Why you can kindle therefrom.
36:81 Think not He Who Created the Great Heavens and the Earth is Able To Create far lessor likes of such as you?
Verily, He Is The Omnificent Creator.
36:82 The Command Is Only His
and when He Intends anything He Only Says: Be thou!
And it is.
36:83 So Glory Be Unto Him in Whose Hand is the Dominion of All Things!
And to Him you will be returned.
Chapter 37. The Rangers, as-Saffat
37.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
37:1 By those lined up in rows
37:2 and those who urge forcefully
37:3 those who recount the Remembrance
37:4 that your God Is One.
37:5 Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and Everything between them
The Lord of the Sunrise.
37:6 We made the lower sky pleasing with the adornment of the stars
37:7 and as protection from the jinn and their hybrid minion
37:8 so they cannot listen in on the exalted assembly
and are pelted from every side
37:9 repelled.
They have a Perpetual Punishment
37:10 and those who snatch a fragment of what is said
a piercing flame follows them.
37:11 So ask them: Are they harder to Create or are the humans We Created?
We Created them of clinging clay.
37:12 And thou does marvel at Gods’ Creations
while they deride.
37:13 And when they are reminded they bear not in mind.
37:14 Yea when they see a Proof they return to derision
37:15 saying: This is only obvious fantasy.
37:16 When we are dead and become dust and bones we will be raised up?
37:17 And our forefathers?
37:18 Say: Yea
and you will be of the abased.
37:19 It will only be one cry
and next all will see.
37:20 And they will say: Woe is us! This is the Day of Judgement!
37:21 Yea this is the Day of Decision which you denied!
37:22 Gather those who did wrong and their kinds and what they used to serve
37:23 instead of God
and drag them on the road to Hell.
37:24 But stop them at one point
for they are to be questioned:
37:25 What ails you that you did not help one another?
37:26 The Truth is this Day they are in complete submission!
37:27 And some come forward to others demanding answers saying:
37:28 You were an authority guiding over us!
37:29 And they will say: You were not believers
37:30 and we had no authority over that.
The Truth is you were people transgressing all bounds.
37:31 So the Word Of our Lord became binding upon us all
and now we are tasting it.
37:32 And if we misguided you
it is because we were misguided.
37:33 So this Day they are partners in the Punishment
37:34 and thus do We do with the evildoers.
37:35 They whom when it was said to them: There is no god but God!
They were proud
37:36 and replied: Are we to abandon our gods for a possessed poet?
37:37 The Fact is he brought the Truth and confirmed the messengers before him
37:38 so you are to taste the Painful Punishment Forever
37:39 and you will be Rewarded only for wrongs you did.
37:40 But the Pure Hearted Servants Of God
37:41 they have a known provision
37:42 of sweet fresh fruits
and they will be honored
37:43 in Gardens of Bliss
37:44 upon couches facing one another.
37:45 A cup from a running spring being passed about among them
37:46 pure white and a pleasure to the drinkers
37:47 from which comes no headache
nor are they intoxicated by it.
37:48 And with them servants of modest eyed gaze
37:49 as if they themselves were eggs closely guarded.
37:50 And some of you will draw near to one another
in conversation
37:51 when one among them will say: I had a comrade
37:52 who used to ask: Art thou of those who believe and say
37:53 that when we are long dead as dust and bones that we will then be held accountable?
37:54 One will say: Will you now look?
37:55 Indeed look and see them in the midst of Hell now!
37:56 And it will be said: By God they had almost brought me to ruin.
37:57 And were it not for the Grace Of my Lord I would have been among those summoned to the Fire.
37:58 And now we are not to die ever
37:59 except our former death
and we will not be punished.
37:60 Yea and that is the Tremendous Achievement!
37:61 For the like of this let those who work work
37:62 for is this better as a welcoming gift or the bitter tree of zaqqum?
37:63 We made it among the Persecutions for wrongdoers.
37:64 It is a tree that comes forth at the source of Hell.
37:65 Its spathes are as the heads of the degenerate inhuman imposters. This is a wild affirmation of the correctness of re-identifying shaytans/satans as nephilim DII hybrids herein! Remind yourself that God Created this plant then mentions it and their skulls in association with Hell here!
Elongated skulls are common among DIIs many of whom hid the abnormality with various kinds of hats/crowns historically. (i.e. popes, kings, queens, etc.) Their DNA also make them fuse differently along completely different suture lines than that of Adamites.
37:66 They are to eat thereof
and fill their bellies therewith.
37:67 Then on top of it they have a scalding liquid
37:68 followed by their return to the deeper depths of Hell.
37:69 They found their fathers astray
37:70 and they hastened following hard upon them.
37:71 And most of the former peoples had gone astray before them
37:72 even though We had sent them Warners.
37:73 So see the Final Outcome of those warned
37:74 except for the Pure Hearted Servants Of God.
37:75 And Noah called upon Us
and how excellent are Those Who answered!
37:76 We delivered him and his household from the horrific ordeal.
37:77 And We made his progeny the only humans on Earth.
37:78 And We left a legacy for him among those who came later
37:79 who say: Peace be unto Noah among all humanity!
37:80 Thus We reward the doers of Good
37:81 for he was among Our believing servants
37:82 while We drowned all the others.
37:83 And of his blood line was Abraham
37:84 when he came to his Lord with a sound heart
37:85 saying to his father and his people: What is it you dare serve?
37:86 Is it falsehood of gods besides God that you desire?
37:87 So what is your opinion about The Lord of the Worlds?
37:88 And he contemplated looking to the stars
37:89 then said: Indeed I am sick. with confusion
37:90 But still they turned from Abraham and left.
37:91 Then he turned aside to their idols and said:
Will you not eat?
37:92 And what ails you that you do not speak?
37:93 Then he struck them with his right hand
37:94 and a crowd came running towards him in fury.
37:95 To whom he said: You serve that which you yourselves hewed?
37:96 When God Created you and that you make them from?
37:97 They said: Build a box for him and cast him in a blazing fire. And they did cast him in a fire but he walked out unscathed.
37:98 They intended for him their plan
but We made them the lowest.
37:99 And he said: I will only go to my Lord
and He Will Guide me.
37:100 Then he said: My Lord Give me one among the Righteous. a son
37:101 So We gave him Glad Tidings of a forbearing lad.
37:102 And when he reached age to work with him he said:
O my dear Ishmael not Isaac as falsely promoted by deceivers
I saw in a dream that I was sacrificing thee.
So consider
what thou thinks of it?
He said: O my father do what thou are commanded.
Thou will find me among the steadfast if God Should Will. Note young Ishmaels’ total and amazing trust/faith in God!
37:103 And when they had submitted and he had put him upon his shoulder
37:104 We called to him: O Abraham!
37:105 Thou has confirmed the dream
thus We reward the doers of Good
37:106 for that was a clear test.
37:107 Hence We ransomed him by this great would be sacrifice. Note there is no senseless killing of a Ram in this version of the story.
37:108 And We left his legacy among those who came later
37:109 who would say: Peace be unto Abraham!
37:110 Thus We reward the doers of Good.
37:111 Truly he was among Our believing servants.
37:112 Then We gave him Glad Tidings of Isaac his 2nd son a prophet among the Righteous.
37:113 We blessed him and Isaac
but among their progeny are both doers of Good
and those who clearly wrong their souls.
37:114 And We bestowed favor upon Moses and Aaron
37:115 by rescuing them and their people from the persecution of pharaoh.
37:116 And We helped them become the victors
37:117 then gave them the Clarifying Law the Torah
37:118 and guided them to the Straight Path.
37:119 And We left their legacy among those who came later
37:120 who would say: Peace be unto Moses and Aaron!
37:121 Thus We reward the doers of Good
37:122 for they were among Our believing servants.
37:123 And Elijah was among the messengers
37:124 who said to his people: Will you not be in Wise Fear?
37:125 Will you call to baal a jinn while forsaking God
37:126 The Great Creator
your Lord
and The Lord of your fathers of old?
37:127 But they rejected him
hence they are those summoned
37:128 unlike the Pure Hearted Servants Of God.
37:129 And We left his legacy among those who came later
37:130 who would say: Peace be unto Elijah!
37:131 Thus We reward the doers of Good
37:132 for he was among Our believing servants.
37:133 And Lot was among the messengers
37:134 when We delivered him and his household altogether
37:135 except his woman who We left behind
37:136 then We destroyed the city.
37:137 And you pass by their ruins in the morning
37:138 and at night
so will you then not use reason!
37:139 And Jonah was among the messengers
37:140 when he fled to the laden ship
37:141 and cast lots with them and was of those refuted.
37:142 The fish swallowed him when he was blameworthy.
37:143 And were he not among the givers of glory
37:144 he would have tarried in its belly till Resurrection Day.
37:145 Instead We cast him on a barren shore while sick
37:146 and caused a tree of gourd to grow over him.
37:147 And We sent him to a hundred thousand or more
37:148 and they believed
so We gave them enjoyment for a time.
37:149 And ask thou them: Are daughters only for thy Lord while for them be warrior sons?
37:150 Did they witness as We Created the angels as females? “We”, Arabic “Nahn” is God as Royal Monarch lending honor to His Angels.
37:151 In Truth it is among their lies that they say:
37:152 God has begotten daughters.
Yea they are liars.
37:153 For He Chose daughters to bear His Wrath over sons?
37:154 What ails you?
How judge you?
37:155 Will you not then recollect!
37:156 Or do you have a clear decree?
37:157 Then bring it if you be Truthful.
37:158 And they make kinship between Him and the jinn
but most jinn know they will be Summoned By Him!
37:159 Glory Be Unto God High Above what they imagine!
37:160 But not the Pure Hearted Servants Of God.
37:161 So you and what you serve
37:162 will not tempt the messenger
37:163 only those who are to burn in Hell.
37:164 And there is none among us without an appointed station
37:165 yea we are those standing in ranks
37:166 and we are the ones who glorify God.
37:167 And they said:
37:168 Were we to have the Remembrance of the former peoples
37:169 we would be the Pure Hearted Servants Of God.
37:170 But they denied the Remembrance
so they will come to know.
37:171 Yea the Word has gone forth to Our servants the messengers
37:172 and their followers
they will be those helped
37:173 and all Our armies will be the victors.
37:174 So shun them for a time
37:175 and watch
for they will come to see Our might.
37:176 And could they hasten Our punishment?
37:177 Nay! But when it descends in their courtyard
hard will be that morning of those who were warned.
37:178 So shun them for a time again
37:179 and watch
for they too will see.
37:180 Glory Be Unto thy Lord
The Lord of Greatness
Far Above what they describe!
37:181 And peace be unto His Messengers!
37:182 All Praise Belongs To God
The Lord of the Worlds!
Chapter 38. Saad, Sad
38.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
38:1 ṣād
By the Quran full of Remembrances.
38:2 The Truth is those who disbelieve are false in pride and ignorant in dissension.
38:3 How many a generation We destroyed before them
while they cried out and there was nowhere to escape.
38:4 Yet most are in disbelief when a Warner comes to them from among themselves.
Those fools who say:
This is a fantasizer or a teller of lies.
38:5 For has he made all our gods into one god?
Yea that is an amazing thing!
38:6 And the leaders among them step forward
saying: Go and be steadfast to your gods
this is the right thing to do.
38:7 For we did not hear of this in the earlier creeds
so it can only be fabrications.
38:8 For how is it that the Remembrance was sent down upon him from among us?
The Truth is they are in doubt concerning My Remembrance
and they have not tasted My Punishment yet!
38:9 Or do they own the Treasuries of Mercy Of The Lord?
He Being The Almighty, The Bestower.
38:10 Or do they have His Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth and what is between them?
Then let them ascend by all means! i.e. towers, rockets, balloons, etc.
38:11 Nay they are the deceived and defeated among you.
38:12 Yea like the people of Noah who rejected the Word before them and Ad
and pharaoh the lord of bloody stakes.
38:13 And Thamud
and the people of Lot
and the companions of the woods Jethros’ people
they were all losers.
38:14 All rejected their messengers
so My Retribution became binding.
38:15 Truly these wait only for one blast
and it will come without delay.
38:16 And they say: Our Lord Just Get the Day of Reckoning over with!
38:17 Be thou resolute over what they say
and remember Our servant David the possessor of strength
yea he was one turning in repentance.
38:18 We subjected the mountains to giving glory to God with him in the evening and at daybreak.
38:19 And the birds assembled unto him during his prayers
all turning in submission towards God with him.
38:20 And We made his dominion strong
and gave him Wisdom and discernment in speech.
38:21 Has the story of the litigants come to thee
when they scaled the wall of his palace
38:22 and entered upon Davids’ chamber
shocking him with surprise?
They said: Do not fear we are only two litigants
one of whom may have oppressed the other.
So judge between us with Truth
and be not unjust
and guide us to the Evenness of the Path.
38:23 For this my brother has nine and ninety ewes and
I have but one
and he said: Place thou her in my charge
and he overcame me with a convincing argument.
38:24 David said: He has wronged thee in asking for thy ewe.
Many among acquaintances wrong one another
and those who believe doing Righteous Deeds are few.
Then David realized We had subjected him to a test
so he sought Forgiveness Of his Lord and sank down bowing humbly and was penitent.
The test was to see if David would act hypocritically by condemning the man who had 99 sheep for asking for the only one of his brother. The reason it’s hypocritical is because he himself had asked for the wife of Uriah the Hittite when he already had many wives. (If done with respect, asking for something belonging to another can be considered a compliment. And of course there is no obligation for anyone to allow it. Asking isn’t a crime.)
38:25 But We forgave him that
and now he is seen near Us at a Goodly Journeys’ End.
38:26 O David: We place thee as vicegerent in the Earth
so judge thou between everyone in Truth
and do not follow vain desire lest it will cause thee to stray from the Path Of God.
Those who stray from the Path Of God have a Severe Punishment due to forgetting the Day of Reckoning.
38:27 And We did not Create the Heaven and the Earth and whatever is between them in vain.
That is assumed of those who disbelieve in the Fire
and woe to those who disbelieve!
38:28 Do We treat those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness like the workers of corruption?
Yea do We treat those of Wise Fear like disbelievers?
38:29 Nay. And We have sent down this Decree to thee
one blessed that they might ponder upon it
and that those possessed of insight might take heed.
38:30 And We gave David Solomon
how excellent a servant!
He like David was one turning in repentance.
38:31 When he had his favorite well bred racing horses delivered to him one evening to be admired
38:32 he said: Forgive me for I have cherished what I love instead of practicing the Remembrance of my Lord
this evening!
38:33 Return them to me so I may bid them farewell!
Then he patted them a kind goodbye.
38:34 Yea We subjected Solomon to tests
for he was but a body put on a throne by Us
and again he did repent. After losing his throne for 40 days due to bringing an idolatress wife into the house who stole his ring for witchcraft.
38:35 He said: My Lord forgive me and give me a dominion of such grandeur not to be seen by anyone after me
for Thou Are The Great Bestower.
38:36 So We made serviceable to him the wind blowing gently by his command whithersoever he directed it
38:37 and the degenerate inhuman imposters and the jinn
yea every builder and diver as his slaves
38:38 bound together in shackles.
38:39 This is Our gift to you
so grant to or withhold from them what thou wish without reckoning!
38:40 And he is now near to Us at a Goodly Journeys’ End.
38:41 And remember Our Servant Job
when he called to his Lord
saying: The degenerate inhuman imposters have injured me with toil and persecution!
38:42 We said: Jump and strike your feet upon the ground! Behold two ponds appeared
one for a bath and the other for a cool drink!
38:43 And We returned his household along with their like as gifts of mercy
and as a reminder for those possessed of insight.
38:44 And We said to Job: Take in thy hand one hundred blades of grass and strike the arm of thy wife with it
then you will not break thy oath! His wife had lost her temper and mistakenly blasphemed God while in distress over Jobs’ health so he swore that if he got well he would smite her with one hundred (real) lashes.
Yea We found him faithful
and how excellent a servant!
He was one turning in repentance.
38:45 And remember Our servants Abraham
Isaac and Jacob possessors of strength and vision.
38:46 Truly We chose for them an exclusive quality
the constant reminder of the Abode.
38:47 And they too are now seen near to Us among the chosen yea the excellent.
38:48 And remember Ishmael
and Elisha
and Ezekiel him of the pledge
for all are among the excellent.
38:49 Yea this is a Goodly Remembrance
and for those of Wise Fear it is a Goodly Journeys’ End.
38:50 Gardens of Perpetual Abode
where the Gates are opened for them.
38:51 Reclining therein they call for plenteous fruit and drink
38:52 and with them well matched friends of modest gaze.
38:53 This is what you are Promised for the Day of Reckoning
38:54 for this is Our provision
and it has no depletion. Because like this life, it’s another illusion.
38:55 This is so!
And for the people transgressing all bounds is a miserable Journeys’ End.
38:56 Yea it is Hell wherein they will roast and burn
how miserable is their Eternal Prison.
38:57 This is so!
So let them taste it
scalding liquids of filth
38:58 then twice more of like kind.
38:59 This is so!
Crowds of damned being hurled into Hell
where no Glad Tiding is there for them
they will burn in the Fire with those who misled them
38:60 to whom they will say: There is no welcome for you
for it was you who brought this upon us
so also difficult is their Final Lodging.
38:61 They will say: Our Lord those brought this upon us so Increase for them a double portion of Punishment in the Fire.
38:62 And they will say: What is wrong that we do not see all the poor and troubled folk seen among the lowest
38:63 those whom we took as laughing stock?
Does our vision miss them?
38:64 Truly there will be many grievances among the people of the Fire.
38:65 So say: I am but a Warner
and there is no god but God The One, The Omnipotent.
38:66 Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and what is between them
The Almighty, The Pardoning.
38:67 Say: It is fantastic news
38:68 which you turn away from.
38:69 For I being a man had no knowledge of when the angels disputed about Adam. Yet he is recounting it now!
38:70 I am only instructed to recite and be a Clear Warner.
38:71 Yea when thy Lord Said to the angels: I Am Creating a mortal from clay.
38:72 Then when I Have Formed him and Breathed Into him of My Spirit
bow down to him in submission.
38:73 And the angels submitted all of them together Note “all of them together” as more proof lucifer was not an angel.
38:74 but not lucifer
he was foolish with pride and proved unfaithful.
38:75 God Said: O lucifer what hinders thee from submitting to that which I Have Created With My Two Hands?
Note that God Has Two Hands. Have thou become arrogant?
Or are thou of the exalted? angels, archangels and God Nay!
38:76 Said he: I am better than he for Thou Created me with fire and him of clay. 15:27 And we created the jinn before humans from a mixture of fire. Those, the bible and hadiths tie together to clearly establish that lucifer is a jinn and NOT an angel because they are made of light not fire.
38:77 God Said: Go thou forth from hence
for thou are now Accursed By Me
38:78 and My Curse is upon thee till the Day of Judgement.
38:79 He said: My Lord Grant me respite till the Day they the 313 saints are raised. to fight alongside Al-Mahdi
38:80 God Said: Thou are of those Granted respite
38:81 a span till the Appointed Day. When the Mahdi will kill him.
38:82 Said he: Then by Thy Great Glory I will deceive them all
38:83 except Thy Devoted Servants among them.
38:84 God Said: Then the Truth
do I Speak
38:85 in that I Will Fill Hell with thee and them who follow thee one and all.
38:86 Say: I ask of you no reward for this
and I am not of those who make things up.
38:87 It is only a Remembrance for all mankind
38:88 and you will come to know it is True in some time.
Chapter 39. The Companies, az-Zumar
39.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
39:1 The Successive Revelation of this Book is From God
The Almighty, The Wise.
39:2 We have sent it down to thee in Truth
so serve God and be sincere to Him in doctrine.
39:3 For is not all service and sincerity due to Him?
Those who ask for protection from other than Him say:
We only associate with them that they might bring us nearer to God in proximity.
But God Will Be Judge between them concerning that wherein they differ.
And God guides not one who is a liar or disbeliever.
39:4 If God Wanted to Take a son He Would Choose from whatever He Willed to Create. a 1,000 mile tall ET for example
Glory Be Unto Him!
He Is God The One, The Omnipotent!
39:5 He Created the Heavens and the Earth with Truth
and He Wraps the night into day
and He Wraps the day into night.
And He Made serviceable the sun and the moon
each running for a named term.
Is He not The Almighty, The Forgiving?
39:6 He Created you from a single soul
then Made its mate from it
and He Created tamable livestock in eight pairs for you. Oxen, Cattle, Horses, Donkeys, Camels, Sheep, Goats and Llamas.
He Creates you in the wombs of your mothers
Creation after Creation hers then yours
in three coverings placenta womb and belly
that is God
your Lord
and To Him Alone Belongs the Dominion.
There is no god but He
so how are you diverted?
39:7 And if you deny
God Is Free From any need of you
but know He is not pleased by denial from His Servants.
But if you are grateful He Is Pleased with you.
He does not allow any bearer the burden of another
then to your Lord is your return.
And He Will Inform you of Everything you did
for He Knows All that is in the hearts.
39:8 And when affliction touches mankind they call to their Lord turning to Him as if repentant.
Then when He Confers His Grace upon them they
forget they called Him and make equals to God which
also causes others to stray from His Way.
Say then: Enjoy thy denial a short while
for thou are the companions of the Fire!
39:9 Are they like the devoutly dutiful who in the watches of the night
are prostrating
or standing in Prayer
fearing the Hereafter
and hoping for the Mercy Of their Lord?
Say: Are those who know and who do not know equal?
Truly only those possessing insight recollect.
39:10 Say: O my servants be in Wise Fear of your Lord.
For those who do Good in this world is Good in return
and Gods’ Kingdom is spacious and abundant.
Hence the faithful can be paid their Rewards without reckoning.
39:11 Say: I am Commanded to serve God and be sincere to Him in doctrine.
39:12 And I am Commanded to be the first of the submitted. Mohamets’ people had no messenger prior so, like Moses, he was first.
39:13 Say: I fear if I should disobey my Lord the Punishment of an Onerous Day.
39:14 Say: I serve God and I am sincere to Him in my doctrine
39:15 so serve what you will besides Him.
Then you will be of those who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection.
Is that not the clearest loss?
39:16 They will have the Fire roaring above them
and beneath them Forever.
And with that Does God Put His Servants in dread.
Yea Says God: O My Servants be in Wise Fear of Me!
39:17 Those who do not serve their jinn and are repentant
for them are Glad Tidings
so give thou Glad Tidings to these of My Servants.
39:18 Those who hear the Word and follow the most thereof
these are whom God Guides
and are possessing insight.
39:19 Then there are those upon whom the Word of Punishment has become binding.
Does thou think thou can rescue them from the Fire?
39:20 Nay. But those who are in Wise Fear of their Lord
they have High Places in which tall chambers are built
and beneath them rivers flow.
That is the Promise Of God
and God does not break His Promises!
39:21 Has thou not considered how Gods’ Designs allow water to be sent down from the sky
then to penetrate becoming fresh springs in the Earth?
Then He Brings Forth crops in differing colors
before they wither
and thou watches them turn brown
when He Turns it all into fertilizing chaff.
In that is a reminder for those possessed of insight.
39:22 So is one whose heart God Has Expanded for submission not under a Bright Light From their Lord?
Then woe to those in whose hearts is darkness and hardness against the Remembrance of God!
These are in obvious error.
39:23 Now God Sends Down this Best Narration
the Book that is consistent in its oft repeated parts that gives goose bumps to those of Wise Fear.
Then their skins and their hearts soften with the Remembrance of the Mercy and Forgiveness Of God.
That is the Guidance Of God wherewith He Guides whom He Wills.
And those whom God Sends Astray
for them there is no guide.
39:24 Are then they who are in Wise Fear avoiding a Terrible Punishment on the Day of Resurrection?
Yea and it will be said to the wrongdoers:
Taste what you earned!
39:25 And those before them rejected
then death overtook them by complete surprise.
39:26 God Made them taste degradation during this life
but the Punishment of the Hereafter is greater.
Had they only taken the time to have known.
39:27 Yea We have presented many parables and examples to mankind in this Quran that they might take heed.
39:28 Indeed it is a Perfect Arabic Recitation that they might be in Wise Fear. We can’t imagine anything being Perfect but it is!
39:29 God Presents a parable:
A slave guided by quarrelling partners
and another slave guided by one man.
Are they equal in guidance? No. One is confused like polytheists.
Praise Belongs To God!
The Truth is most of them do not know.
39:30 All that matters is thou will die
and they will die.
39:31 Then on the Day of Resurrection before your Lord some will despise each other. For misguiding/deceiving them.
39:32 And who is denser than one who ascribes a lie to God and denies the Truth when it reaches them?
So is there not a just home for such fools in Hell?
39:33 And whoever hears the Truth and confirms it
these are of Wise Fear.
39:34 For them is whatever they desire With their Lord
and that is the Reward for the doers of Good.
39:35 That God Might Remove the worst of what they did from their records
and Reward them for the best of what they did.
39:36 Is then God not Sufficient for His Servants?
Yea they wish to frighten thee with their threats. of invoking the jinn with curses and spells against us
But it is those God Sends Astray that should fear!
Yea for them there is no guide.
39:37 While those whom God Guides
for them there is none to lead astray.
Thus then is God not Mighty
Able to Repay?
39:38 And if thou ask them: Who Created the Heavens and the Earth?
They will say: God.
Say: So have you contemplated upon what you call to other than God?
For instance if God Wills any affliction for me can they remove it?
Or if He Wills His Mercy for me can they bar it?
Yea God Suffices Absolutely for me
and those who place all their trust in Him Alone place all their trust in the Truth.
39:39 So live according to your way
for I am living my way
and you will come to know
39:40 who earns a Humiliating Punishment.
Yea and it is the Lasting Punishment.
39:41 We sent this Book to thee for mankind in Truth
and whoever is Rightly Guided
it is for their soul.
And whoever strays
they only stray against it
but thou are not their caretaker.
39:42 God Takes all consciousness from souls at the time of death.
He also Takes souls temporarily during their sleep.
In So Doing He Keeps those He Has Ordained Death and Sends Back the rest for a named term.
And in such dreams within dreams are Clues about the program for people who reflect! Recall time in REM state and the usefulness of many dreams.
39:43 And if you see them taking intercessors besides God
say: You worship them even though they have no power over anything
nor are they of reason?
39:44 Say: Unto God Belongs All Intercession
for His is the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth
and to Him you will be returned.
39:45 And when God Alone is remembered the hearts of disbelievers recoil
but if others beside Him are remembered some rejoice.
39:46 Say: O God
The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth
The Only Knower of all the seen and the unseen
Thou Alone Will Be Judge over Thy Servants concerning that wherein they differed.
39:47 And if the wrongdoers possessed all that is in the Earth plus the same again
they would seek to ransom themselves with it from the Punishment
on the Day of Resurrection.
Yea they will become desperate when they see what they had not anticipated.
39:48 When the Hell they earned appears before them
and We Who they mocked encircle them.
39:49 Those who when affliction touches them they call to Us
then when We give them grace they say:
This be given unto me because I am wise and worthy!
But the Truth is it was a test to find the grateful/humble
yet most do not know.
39:50 This was said by many before
and what they were given availed most not.
39:51 Yea their ingratitude was manifest
and those who go on to do wrong among these will see the evil of what they earned lighting upon them
then they cannot escape.
39:52 Do they not know that God Expands and Restricts His Unlimited Provisions for whomever as He Wills?
Yea in that too are Clues for people who believe.
39:53 Say: O my servants who sin against their souls
do not despair in doubt of the Mercy Of God
for if you are repentant God Forgives transgressions one and all truly He Is The Forgiving, The Merciful.
39:54 So turn in repentance to your Lord
and submit to Him
before the Punishment approaches
for then you will not be helped and cannot escape.
39:55 Yea follow the Best of What God Sends Down to you
before death comes upon you unexpectedly
and next you will realize you were not ready at all!
39:56 Lest a soul could claim foul play and say:
How I regret I neglected my duties regarding God.
Or: Woe that I surely was among the mockers!
39:57 Or lest it say: Had God Gave me Guidance I would have been among those of Wise Fear.
39:58 Or lest it say when it sees the Punishment:
Unfair! Return me so I can be of the doers of Good!
39:59 Verily My Proofs came to all
but most denied them
and were arrogant
among the ungrateful and the fools.
39:60 And on the Day of Resurrection thou will see stark faces worn by those who lied to themselves about God.
So is Hell not the just home for the arrogant?
39:61 But God Will Deliver those who are in Wise Fear to their Places of Safety.
Yea where no harm touches them
nor will they have regret.
39:62 Know that God Is The Creator of All Things
and He Is The Guardian Over All Things.
39:63 His are the Keys of the Heavens and the Earth
and those who deny the Proofs Of God
these are the losers.
39:64 Ask: Is it other than God you command me to serve
O you who are ignorant?
39:65 Yea thou has been instructed
and those before thee.
The deeds of those serving other than God
including self serving are vain
and they will be among the losers.
39:66 So God Alone should thou serve
and be among those who are grateful.
39:67 Some do not measure God with the measure due Him!
For the Earth is completely in His Grip and so is the Day of Resurrection
when the Heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. This deserves contemplation of a literal meaning wherein God and His Archangels are absolutely Huge! Rev 21:15-17 tells us His Holy City the New Jerusalem to come down from Heaven is about 1,500 miles long and wide!
Yea all Glory Will Be Unto Him
and Exalted Is He Far Above what they serve!
39:68 The trumpet will be blown
and whoever is in the Heavens and whoever is in the Earth will fall down dead as if thunderstruck
except who God Wills.
Then it will be blown again
and behold they will all be standing in anticipation.
39:69 And the Earth will shine with the Light Of its Lord
and the Books recording our lives will be laid down
and the prophets and the witnesses will be brought
and it will be concluded between them in Truth
and they will not be wronged.
39:70 Each soul will be paid in full for what it did
and He Knows Best what they did.
39:71 And disbelievers will be driven into Hell in throngs
when the Gates thereof will be opened
and the keepers will say to them:
Did not messengers come from among you recounting Proofs From your Lord
and Warning you of the Meeting this Day?
They will say: Yea.
Hence the Word of Punishment upon fools is binding.
39:72 It will be said: Enter the Gates of Hell
for you will be abiding Eternally therein
and horrific is the dwelling of the arrogant.
39:73 And those who are in Wise Fear of their Lord will be driven towards the Garden in throngs
when the Gates thereof have been opened
and the Keepers will say to them:
Peace be unto you!
Yea you did well so enter ye
the Successful abiding Eternally.
39:74 And they will say: Glory Be! All Praise Belongs To God
He Who Fulfilled His Promise to us
and Made us inherit the Earth!
For we may settle in the Garden wherever we will.
Excellent is the Reward of those who worked!
39:75 And thou will see the angels surrounding the Throne
glorifying with the Praise of their Lord
then it will also be decided in Truth between them
and it will be said: All Praise Belongs To God
The Lord of the Worlds!
Chapter 40. The Forgiver, Ghafir
40.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
40:1 ḥā mīm
40:2 The Successive Revelation of this Book is From God, The Almighty, The Knowing.
40:3 The Forgiver of transgression
The Accepter of repentance
The Severe in retribution
and The Possessor of Abundance.
There is no god but He
and unto Him is the Journeys’ End.
40:4 Only those who disbelieve dispute concerning the Proofs Of God.
And do not let their frivolous going to and fro in the land dishearten thee.
40:5 The people of Noah and those after them rejected too
and every community sought to seize their messenger.
They disputed with falsehoods trying to refute Truths
so I Took them
and how had been My Repayment!
40:6 And thus the Word of thy Lord became binding upon those who are deceived
they are the companions of the Fire.
40:7 While those who bear the Throne
and those around it
give glory with the Praise of their Lord
and believe in Him
and ask forgiveness for those who believe saying:
Our Lord Thou Are Over All in Mercy and Knowledge
so Forgive those who repent and follow Thy Way
and Protect them from the Punishment of Hell.
40:8 Our Lord Make them enter the Gardens of Perpetual Abode which Thou Has Promised them
and such of their repentant parents and spouses and progeny for Thou Are The Almighty, The Wise.
40:9 And protect them from doing evil
for whomever Thou Protects from doing evil
Upon them Has Thou Shown Thy Great Mercy
and that is winning the Sublime Triumph!
40:10 While those who disbelieve will be told:
Gods’ Hatred of you Is Greater than your hatred of Him
because you were openly invited to believe but denied.
40:11 They will say: Our Lord Twice Thou Has Given us Life
and Twice Thou Has Shown us Death
and now that we admit our transgressions
is there any way out?
40:12 Nay! Because when called to serve God you denied
but when partners are ascribed with Him you believed.
And True Judgement Belongs Only To God
The Exalted, The Great.
40:13 He It Is Who Shows you His Proofs and Sends Down His Provision from the sky for you
and none recollect but those who repent in this life!
40:14 So call to God
sincere to Him in doctrine
even though fools dislike it.
40:15 The Raiser of Degrees
the Owner of the Throne.
He Sends the Spirit Of His Command upon whom He Wills of His Servants
to warn of the Day of Meeting.
40:16 The Day they emerge nothing of them will be hidden from God.
So Whose is the Dominion this Day?
Yea it Still Belongs To God, The One, The Omnipotent!
40:17 This Day each soul is Rewarded for what it earned.
There will be no injustice this Day
and God Is Swift in Reckoning.
40:18 Yea warn thou them of the Approaching Day
when hearts will choke in the throats
with no intimate friends for the wrongdoers.
Nor have they any intercessor to be obeyed.
40:19 He Knows the betrayal of the eyes and all that the hearts hide. Our pupils dilate and hearts constrict when lying!
40:20 And God Decides in Truth
and those to whom they call do not decide anything
for God, He Is The Hearer, The Seer.
40:21 Have they not travelled in the land and seen the final outcomes of those disbelievers before them?
Some were stronger than them in power and made greater impressions upon the Earth.
Then God Seized them for their transgressions
and they had no defender from God.
As seen below “not so mysteriously” abandoned in the 1,100s Cambodias’ Angkor Watt is the largest known temple complex in the world. It wasn’t built for worshipping YHWH because it’s chock full of idolatrous statues and symbols. So what do you think happened to its people? Uh huh, likely another “winnowing wind” of ionizing radiation! And again the reason the vast majority of We the People don’t know about all the cities destroyed by God is because DIIs and their jews have covered it up to keep us from knowing/believing.
40:22 Because their messengers brought them Clear Evidence
but they denied
so God Seized them.
And He Is Strong, Severe in Retribution.
40:23 And We sent Moses with Our Proofs and a Clear Warrant
40:24 to pharaoh and haman and korah who only said:
A fantasizer or teller of lies.
40:25 And when he brought them the Truth from Our presence they said:
Kill the sons of those who believe and keep their women.
But the plans of those fools were only made to error.
40:26 And pharaoh said: Let me kill Moses
while he calls to his Lord
for truly I fear that he will try to change our doctrine.
40:27 And Moses said: I seek Refuge in my Lord from every proud one
who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning.
40:28 And there was a believing man of the house of pharaoh who out of fear concealed his faith and said:
Would you kill a man because he says: My Lord Is God
and has brought you Clear Evidence From Him?
For if he is lying
upon him is his lie
but if he is Truthful what he promises will befall you!
God guides not committers of excess or tellers of lies.
40:29 O my people today the dominion is yours
you being prominent in the land
but who will rescue us from the Wrath Of God if it comes to us?
Pharaoh said: I only show you what I think
and I only guide you to the path of my reason.
40:30 And he who heeded the Warning said: O my people
I fear the likes of days gone by for you.
40:31 Like the case of the people of Noah
and Ad
and Thamud
and those after them.
God does not want injustice for His Servants!
40:32 And O my people I fear for you the Day of Summoning.
40:33 The Day you will be forced to turn and go forward to His Judgement without any defense whatsoever.
Yea whom God Sends Astray
for them there is no guide nor defender.
40:34 And Joseph brought you Clear Evidence before
but you ceased not doubting what he brought.
And when he had perished you said:
God will not raise up any messenger after him.
Thus Does God Lead Astray committers of excess and the baseless skeptic
40:35 who disputes concerning the Proofs Of God without any reason.
It is a Great Abomination in the Sight Of God and in the sight of those who believe.
Thus Does God Seal every proud self serving heart.
40:36 And pharaoh said: O haman build a tower for me that I might reach the routes
40:37 the routes of the Heavens
to look upon the God of Moses
for I think he is a liar.
And thus was the evil of his deed made seem fair to
and he was diverted from the Way
so the cunning of pharaoh ended only in ruin.
40:38 And he who heeded the Warning said: O my people follow me
I will guide you to the Path of Reason.
40:39 O my people the life of this world is only brief
but the Hereafter that is the Enduring Abode.
40:40 Whoever does evil
is only Rewarded with the like thereof.
And whoever works Righteousness
whether male or female and is a believer
these will enter the Garden
wherein they are given provision without reckoning.
40:41 O my people how is it that I invite you to Deliverance and you invite me to the Fire?
40:42 While you call me to deny God and to serve other than Him with that whereof we have zero knowledge
I invite you to the Well Documented and Widely Known.
The Almighty, The Forgiver!
40:43 Beyond doubt you only invite me to that to which there is no calling in this world or in the Hereafter
for our return is to God.
And the committers of excess will be the companions of the Fire.
40:44 Then you will remember what I say to you now!
So I commit my affair to God
and God Sees All His Servants.
40:45 Then God Protected him from the evil which they schemed.
Yea then a loathsome Punishment gripped the house of pharaoh.
40:46 Then the Fire
they are to be exposed to it morning and night
for the Day the Hour comes it will be said:
Cause the house of pharaoh to enter the Most Severe Punishment!
40:47 And when they will dispute together in the Fire
those who were deceived will say to those who deceived them:
We were your followers
so will you avail us from a share of the Fire?
40:48 Those who were proud will say: We are all in it
for God Has Been Judge Over us.
40:49 And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell:
Call to your Lord to Lighten the Punishment for a time.
40:50 They will ask: Did a messenger not come to you with Clear Evidence?
They will reply: Verily.
Then they will say: So call yourself
but the calls of fools are only for naught.
40:51 We help Our messengers and those who believe during the life of this world and the Day the witnesses stand.
40:52 The Day their excuses avail not the wrongdoers
for they have the curse upon them
and they earned the miserable Abode.
40:53 And We gave Moses the Guidance
then the children of Israel inherited the Torah
40:54 as a guide and a reminder for those possessed of insight.
40:55 So be patient
for the Promise Of God is True.
And ask Forgiveness for thy transgressions
and give glory with the praise of thy Lord morning and night.
40:56 Those who dispute concerning the Proofs of
God without any authority having come to them
in their minds is only greatness they will never attain.
So seek thou Refuge in God
for He Is The All Hearing, The All Seeing.
40:57 Gods’ Creation of the Heavens and the Earth is Infinitely Greater than anything mankind can construct
but most do not know.
40:58 And certainly not equal are the blind and the seeing
or those who believe and do Righteous Deeds
compared with disbelieving doers of evil.
Little do they take heed.
40:59 And truly the Hour is coming
there is no doubt about it
but still most do not believe.
40:60 And your Lord Said: Call to Me and I Will Respond.
But those who are too proud to serve Me they will enter Hell abased.
40:61 God Is He Who Made the night for you that you might rest therein
and the sight giving day.
God Is Bountiful towards mankind
but most are not grateful.
40:62 That Is God
your Lord
the Creator of All Things.
There is no god but He
so how then are any deluded?
40:63 Yea deluded are those who reject the Proofs Of God!
40:64 God It Is Who Made the Earth a fixed lodging for you
and the sky a structure
and Designed you
and Made your forms Goodly
and Provides Good Things for you.
That Is God
your Lord
so Blessed Be God
The Lord of the Worlds.
40:65 He Is The Ever Living
there is no god but He
so call to Him sincere in Doctrine
for All Praise Belongs To God
The Lord of the Worlds.
40:66 Say: I am forbidden to serve that to which you call besides God
for Clear Evidence From my Lord has come to me.
And I am Commanded to submit solely to Him
The Lord of the Worlds.
40:67 He It Is Who Created you from dust
then from a drop of fluid
then from a clinging thing
then He Brings you Forth as a child
then you reach maturity
then you become old.
And among you are they who are caused to die early
or upon reaching the named term before resurrection.
So in that you might use reason.
40:68 He It Is Who Gives Life and Gives Death
and when He Decrees a thing He Only Says:
Be thou!
And it is. Now go play with Sora for a few minutes then re-read!
40:69 Has thou not considered those who dispute concerning the Proofs Of God
how then are they diverted even more?
40:70 Those who refuse the Torah
and other Recitations We sent with Our messengers
they will come to know.
40:71 Yea when there are yokes and chains on their necks
being dragged
40:72 into a scalding liquid
then they are burned in the Fire.
40:73 And it will it be said to them:
Where are those to which you ascribed a partnership
40:74 to God?
They will say: They have strayed from us.
The Truth is we did not call to anything worthy before.
Thus Does God Send Astray the foolish.
40:75 That is because you crowed on the Earth without right
yea it is because you were conceited.
40:76 So enter the Gates of Hell
abiding Eternally therein
for miserable is the dwelling of the proud.
40:77 So be thou patient
for the Promise Of God is True.
And whether We let thee see something of the chastisement We promise them
or We take thee before then
it is to Us all are returned.
40:78 And We sent messengers before thee it’s said 120,000 total
among them are those We have told you about
and there are those We have not told you about.
And it was only for all messengers to bring Proofs by Gods’ Permission.
Then when the Command Of God comes the matter will be decided in Truth
and those who follow vanity will be lost.
40:79 God It Is Who Created livestock for you
so you might ride some
and obtain food with some.
40:80 And you have other profits in them
and satisfaction from a desire to take care of them in Good stewardship We placed in your heart
and upon them and ships you are carried.
40:81 He Shows you His Signs
then which of the Signs Of God will you deny?
40:82 Have they not travelled in the land and seen the final outcome of those before them?
Some were more numerous
and stronger in power and grew greater in the Earth
yet nothing they had availed them.
40:83 When their messengers brought them Clear Evidence they were arrogant as if knowledgeable
while what they knew not surrounded them. God and angels
40:84 And then when they saw Our might they said:
We now believe in God Alone and deny those to which we ascribed partnership!
40:85 But their late coming faith did not avail them when they saw Our might.
For that is the Practice Of God with His Servants
which had been before
hence all such fools are lost.
~ End of Part 3, Chapters 11-40 ~