Part 5: The Compilations Jump To Part: 1 2 3 4 6
2:25 And bear thou Glad Tidings to those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness. They have Gardens beneath which rivers flow and when provided with the fruit thereof they say: This is what was given to us as provision before for they are given thereby a likeness fruits/veggies/grains and they have there purified friends and servants abiding therein Eternally.
2:35 And We said: O Adam dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden and eat thereof freely whatever you will. But do not approach this tree the tree of life animals for then you will be among the wrongdoers.
2:57-58 And We caused the cloud to overshadow you and sent down upon you manna and quail saying: Eat of the Good things the manna that We have provided you. And they wronged us not but they wronged their souls. by killing the quail And when We said: Enter this city and eat freely of it what you will and enter the gate in submission and say: Unburden us of our past sin!
2:168 O mankind eat of what is Lawful and Good in the Earth and do not follow the footsteps of the murderous degenerate inhuman imposters. Killers of innocent animals. Yea they are open enemies to you.
2:172-74 And O you who believe eat of the Good Things We provided you foods that don’t require killing of innocent animals and be grateful to YHWH if it is Him you serve. He Has Only Made Unlawful to you murdered animals and blood and the flesh of swine even if starving because of trichinosis and that dedicated to other than God. blood sacrificed But whoever is forced due to necessity while facing starvation neither desiring nor transgressing no crime is against them. God Is Forgiving, Merciful. Those who conceal What God Revealed in the Torah i.e. the truth about “do not kill” and sell the Book for a cheap price these eat into their bellies only of the Fire. And God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection nor will He increase them in God Consciousness now indeed they have a Painful Punishment.
3:93 All food was Lawful to the children of Israel except what Israel Jacob made unlawful upon himself before the Torah was sent down. So say: Bring the Torah and recite it if you be Truthful. OK, let’s “bring the Torah” . . . Genesis 25:34, the only verse about his diet says Jacob/Israel ate lentil soup thereby being either vegetarian or vegan.
5:1-5 O you who believe fulfill your agreements. Made Lawful for you was stewardship over flocks of animals and it is now recited to you: Hunting is not permitted to pilgrims in their lands and God Ordains What He Wishes. O you who believe profane not the Waymarks Of God nor the sacred month of Ramadan nor the sacrifices of selflessness nor the visitor bound to the Kaaba seeking the Favor and Pleasure Of their Lord. But when you are on a journey facing starvation then you may hunt. And let not hatred of a people who once kept you from the Kaaba move you to be unjust. And assist each other to virtue and God Consciousness not to falsehood and deep seated dislike. And be in Wise Fear of God for God Is Severe In Retribution. Forbidden to you are murdered animals and blood and the flesh of swine and that dedicated to other than God and the strangled and the beaten and the fallen and the gored and that eaten by the beast of prey except remains of what you slaughtered Lawfully. And that killed upon an altar and that sought with divining arrows for all of those are of grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve will have gave up hope because of your way of life they’ll realize how evil they are so do not fear them only fear Me. Yea this day I Have Perfected your doctrine for you. I Have Completed My Favor upon you by sanctioning peace towards animals as your religion. And let it comfort you that whoever is forced by hunger without inclination to kill in sin God Is Forgiving, Merciful to them. They ask thee what is made Lawful for them say: Made Lawful for you are Good things. And what you taught of dogs and swine to find as trainers teaching them of what God Taught you eat of what they find for you i.e. tubers, roots, bulbs, fungi etc. and remember the Name Of God over it. And always be in Wise Fear of God for God Is Swift In Reckoning. This day are Good things made Lawful for you like the food of the people of the Torah is Lawful for you and your food is Lawful for them as are the chaste women among the believing women and the chaste women among those in possession of the Torah before you. When you give them their dowries being chaste and not lewd nor taking secret lovers. But whoever denies faith their work has been in vain and they will be among the losers in the Hereafter.
5:27 And recite thou to them the report of the sons of Adam Cain and Able in Truth when they offered their offerings to Me but only one Was Accepted By Me. Ables’ grain offering. Then the disgraced one said to the other: I will kill thee and he replied: God Accepts from those of Wise Fear.
5:42 Those eager listeners to lies and hearty consumers of illicit gain. If they come to thee troubled judge thou between them or turn thou away from them. For if thou turn away from them they will not harm thee at all. But if thou choose to judge do so between them with equity because God Loves the equitable.
5:62-63 And thou sees many of them as if competing with one another in falsehood and deep seated dislike while oppressing and killing to consume the forbidden. animals Lo. Pure evil is what they do. Oh that the rabbis and the religious scholars had only forbidden their speaking of falsehoods and their wanton cruelty to the innocent. animals and people Lo. Pure evil is what they wrought for themselves!
5:87-88 O you who believe do not forbid Good Things that God has not made unlawful for you. Yea do not transgress the Real Law for God loves not the transgressors. And eat only of Good Things God Has Provided you yea that which is Lawful.
5:94-96 O you who believe God Will Try you with something of the game that reaches your hands and your spears so that God Might Know who fears the unseen. Then whoever transgresses after that for them is a Painful Punishment. Many hunt/kill for awhile but then stop due to feeling guilty, this is a natural compulsion for the Godly. O you who believe kill no animals intentionally when unlawful and whoever of you kills unlawfully the payment is like the cause of the death of the innocent ones killed injury by arrow, knife, sword, stone, trap etc. let two just men from among you judge the level of sin. And beyond penalty is required atonement of feeding poor persons or the equivalent of that in fasting that they might taste the consequences of their deed. But God Pardons what is past if you choose to repent then whoever goes back God Will Take Vengeance upon them and God Is Mighty, Able To Repay. Yea Lawful for you are gilled fish and what washes up from the waters i.e. seaweeds as a provision for you and for those who travel. But generally forbidden you are animals of the land so be in Wise Fear of God to whom you will be gathered.
6:118 So eat only what is Good over which The Name of YHWH has been remembered if you believe in Him.
6:121 So do not eat that over which The Name Of God has not been remembered for it is wanton disobedience. And the degenerate inhuman imposters invoke their jinn fathers to dispute with you from afar in your mind and if you obey them you are a polytheist listening.
6:137 And thus do jinn make seem fair to the talmudic jews the sacrifices of innocents that they might bring them to ruin and obfuscate the doctrine for them. But had God Willed they would not do it so leave them with what they commit.
6:142-45 And of the livestock for burden and for skin eat of What God Has Provided you and do not follow the footsteps of the degenerate inhuman imposters for they are clear enemies to you. Eight pairs of sheep two and of goats two. Say: has He Forbidden the two males or the two females? Or what the wombs of the two females contain inform me with knowledge if you be Truthful. And of camels two and of oxen two say: Has He Forbidden the two males or the females? Or again what the wombs of the two females contain if you were witnesses when God Told you tell me now. If not who is denser than one who invents a lie about God thereby leading people astray without knowledge? Yea God does not guide those wrong doing people. Say: I do not find anything in what I am instructed unlawful to eat it unless it be murdered animals or blood poured forth or the flesh of swine or that which is abomination or wanton disobedience dedicated to other than God. However whoever desires not killing but is forced by extreme hunger thy Lord Is Forgiving, Merciful.
6:151 Say: I will recite to you what your Lord Has Made unlawful for you: Do not serve nor ask from other than Him and towards parents Good conduct and kill not your children out of poverty for We will provide for you and for them. And approach not sexual immoralities whether open or concealed. And do not kill the soul animal that God Has Made unlawful except when legally necessary or out of pity. All that He Has Commanded you that you might use reason.
7:19-24 And O Adam thou and thy wife dwell in the Garden and eat in what manner you desire but approach not this tree the tree of life animals for you would be among the wrongdoers. But a degenerate inhuman imposter came whispering lies to them and made them aware of their souls saying: Your Lord only forbade you taking of life so that you would not see that which you could become eternals like the angels. And he swore to them: I am a sincere counselor to you. And he led them by deception then when they ate of the tree of life sacrificed an animal their makeup was made known to them so they gathered leaves to hide their shame. And their Lord Called to them: Did I not Forbid you the tree of life? And did I not Say to you that the degenerate inhuman imposter was an open enemy to you? They said: Our Lord we have wronged our souls if Thou does not Forgive us and Have Mercy we will be among the losers. He Said: Get you all down from the Garden enemies to one another for all of you the Earth is now home with provisions only for a short time.
7:160 And We divided them into twelve tribes as communities and We instructed Moses when his people asked him for water: Strike the cliffside with thy staff! And there gushed therefrom twelve springs each tribe knew its drinking place. And We caused the cloud a UFO to overshadow them and sent down upon them manna and quail saying: Eat of the Good that We provide you. Then in so eating badly by killing quail they wronged Us not but they wronged their own souls.
10:59 Say: Have you considered what God Has Sent Down for you of foods and you changed thereof what is Lawful and unlawful? Say: Did God Give you His Permission or is it lies you invent about God?
11:69-70 Our Messengers came to Abraham with Glad Tidings saying: Peace! He replied: Peace! And he came with a calf. And when he saw their hands not reaching to kill it he was curious about them and felt fearful of them but they said: Fear not We are sent to the people of Lot.
14:32 God Is He Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and Sent Down pure water from the sky and He Brought Forth fruits as a provision for you. And He Made Subservient to you the ships to run upon the sea By His Command and He Made Subservient to you the rivers.
16:14 And He It Is Who Made the seas subservient that you might eat succulent fish therefrom and extract ornaments which you wear and thou sees the ships plowing therein. O that you might seek of His Bounty and that you might be grateful while doing so!
16:114-15 So eat of the Provision Of God that which is Lawful and Good and be grateful for the Grace Of YHWH if It Is Him you serve. He Has Only Made unlawful to you murdered animals and blood and swine and that hallowed to other than God. But whoever is forced neither desiring nor transgressing God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
20:81 Saying: Eat of the Good things We have provided you and do not transgress therein lest My Wrath Descend Upon you for those whom My Wrath Descends Upon have fallen.
22:28-30 That they might witness things that benefit them. And remember The Name Of God over the livestock you slaughter in mercy when He Delivers them to you after a life of service to you. And eat thereof feed therewith the unfortunate and the poor. Then let them finish their ritual washing and live up to their vows and circumambulate the ancient house. All of that and whoever magnifies the Inviolable Things Of God it is Good for them in the Sight Of their Lord. And the livestock are Lawful to serve you but shun the abomination of idols and abandon false speech.
22:36-37 Yea like the livestock! We appointed them for you among the Gifts Of God and much Good is in them for you. So remember The Name Of God over them when they are lined up for work or being driven. Then when they become aged laying on their sides mercifully slaughter them and let those in need eat thereof. Thus have We given them to you with great value that you might be grateful. God calls not to flesh and blood only to living souls so your Good stewardship of livestock Pleases Him. Thus have We made them serviceable to you that you might magnify God in His Guidance of you and give Glad Tidings to fellow doers of Good.
37:40-47 But the Pure Hearted Servants Of God they have a known provision of sweet fresh fruits and they will be honored in Gardens of Bliss upon couches facing one another. A cup from a running spring being passed about among them pure white and a pleasure to the drinkers from which comes no headache nor are they intoxicated by it.
40:79 God It Is Who Created livestock for you so you might ride some and obtain food with some.
47:12 God Makes those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow. While those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and gorge as carnivorous beasts gorge so the Fire is home for them.
47:23-24 Yea. These are whom God Has Cursed. He Decreed deafness in their ears and blindness in their sight. Which have both been linked to carnivorous diets! They will not ponder the Quran so there are locks put upon their hearts. They get clogged arteries from eating animals!
67:15 He It Is Who Made the Earth for you so walk in His Paths and eat Of His Provisions thereof then to Him is the Resurrection.
80:24-32 So let all look at their food and how We pour water in floods as it often creates fresh tilled Earth sediment from floods and We cause grain to grow therein. And grapes and herbage and olives and date palms. Yea fertile Gardens dense with foliage of fruits and grass that benefit you and your livestock.
For more very blatant and Clear Proof on the subject of Gods’ Dietary Laws and the benefits we obtain from following them see;
The following supplement on this subject in Islam is from; The Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over 1400 years ago. It was revealed in the context of Arabia, a time when few people cared for animals or understood the modern notion of animal rights. Within the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims find detailed values and guidelines about the treatment of animals. The rights of animals are a recurring topic of discussion throughout these texts. Even though animal rights are commonly discussed in the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet, the idea of animal rights is a newer phenomenon. Although the scripture of Islam was revealed over 1400 years ago, they are very explicit about the rights of animals and prohibition of abuse; a feature that makes Islam unique from other religions. Islamic scripture is one of the only ancient texts that gives very clear and explicit instructions about the protection of animals and the human responsibility to care for them. This article will highlight several of these scriptures and present the Islamic view on animal rights to the reader.
Animals Are Made Up of Communities Like Ours
6:38 And there is no creature on the Earth nor bird flying on its wings that differ in communities than the like of yours. Yea We have not neglected anything written herein and to their Lord all will be gathered.
24:41 Has thou considered that everyone in the Heavens and the Earth gives Glory to God? Even the birds flying in formation. Each He Knows its Prayer and its glorification for God Knows Everything they all do.
55:10 And the Earth He Appointed for all living creatures.
Prohibition of Animal Abuse
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him once passed by a camel that was so thin that its back had almost reached its stomach. He said, “Fear Allah in these beasts who cannot speak.” The Prophet peace be upon him said: Any person who kills a sparrow or anything smaller than it without a just cause, Allah will ask them about it (on the Day of Judgement). He was asked, “O Messenger of Allah! What is the just cause for it?” He replied, “To slaughter in order to eat, and not to chop its head off and then throw it away.” A donkey, branded on its face, passed before the Prophet peace be upon him. He peace be upon him said “May Allah curse the one who branded it!” The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him once passed by a man who placed his foot on the side of a sheep’s neck and was sharpening his blade while the sheep was looking towards it. So, he peace be upon him said “Why have you not done it before laying it down? Do you want to make it die two deaths?” Abdullah reported: We were traveling with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him; he went to relieve himself when it happened that we saw a little bird with two chicks, so we took its two chicks. The little bird came and began to flap its wings. The Prophet peace be upon him came and asked, ‘Who terrified this mother over its young ones? Return its young ones to it. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him forbade that any beast should be tied alive and made a target, until it is killed. Ibn ‘Umar passed by a group of men who had tied a hen up and were firing arrows at it. When they saw Ibn ‘Umar, they ran away from it. Ibn ‘Umar said, “Who did this? The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him cursed those who do this!”
The Reward for Caring for Animals
The Prophet peace be upon him said: A man felt very thirsty while he was on the way, where he came across a well. He went down the well, quenched his thirst and came out. Meanwhile, he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. He said to himself: This dog is suffering from thirst as I did. So, he went down the well again and filled his shoe with water and watered it. Allah Thanked him for that deed and Forgave him. The people said: O Allah’s Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals? He replied: Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate (living being). The Prophet peace be upon him said: God Has ordained kindness Over All Things. If killing is to be done, do it in the best manner, and when you slaughter, do it in the best manner by (first) sharpening the knife and putting the animal at ease. Ibn ‘Umar who said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ordered the blades to be sharpened and be hidden from the animals.
All living beings are Creatures Of Gods’ Amazing Creation who deserve respect and are worthy of proper treatment. The Prophet Muhammad was another pioneer concerning the rights of animals. Despite living over 1400 years ago, he, like Yeshua cared for all creatures and educated mankind about the rights of animals in very explicit manner. Incredibly, in many parts of the world (including the Muslim world) these guidelines are not followed due to full on deceptions of lucifer exactly as he promised. As noted from the many statements of the Prophet Mohamet, peace be upon him, God also cares for animals to the extent that caring for animals can lead one to paradise and mistreatment of them can end with ones’ Eternal banishment in Hell.
2:98 Verily whoever is an enemy to God and His Angels and His Messengers and His Archangels Gabriel and Michael then God Becomes The Enemy to such fools.
2:143 And thus We made you an intermediary community that you might be witnesses to mankind and that the messenger might be a witness to you. And We only made the course which you were on that We might know those who follow the messenger from those who turn on their heels. And it is a hard matter except for those whom God Guides for God would not let your faith be in vain indeed God Is Merciful towards mankind.
3:28 Let not believers take fools as protectors rather than fellow believers. For whoever does that is not of God in anything unless it is because you are Godfearing and are surveying and learning of their schemes while recalling that to God is the Journeys’ End.
3:32 Say: Obey God and the messenger then if they turn away God loves not fools.
3:132 Obey God and the messenger that you might obtain His Mercy.
4:13-14 Yea those are the Limits Of God. And whoever obeys God and His Messenger He Will Make Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow and they will live Eternally therein and that is the Tremendous Achievement. And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger and transgresses His Limits these He Will Make Enter a Fire abiding Eternally therein. So for them is a Humiliating Punishment for Eternity.
4:42 On that Day the disbelievers and those who opposed the messengers will wish they were long dead in the ground! And they will not conceal anything from God.
4:59 O you who believe obey God and obey the messenger and those believers in command among you. Then if you differ in anything refer it to God and the messenger if you believe in God and the Last Day. Yea it will be a Good and better interpretation of what is Right.
4:69 Yea whoever obeys God and the messenger they are with those to whom God Has Shown Favor among the prophets and those of justice and the witnesses and the moral Goodly are these believers as company.
4:80 Whoever obeys the messenger they have obeyed God and whoever turns away We sent thee not as a custodian over them.
4:115 And whoever is hostile towards the messenger after the Guidance is made clear to them and follows other than the way of monotheism We will turn to them with like of that which they chose and burn them in Hell. And miserable is that as a Journeys’ End.
4:136 O you who believe believe in God and His Messengers and this Truth He Sent Down Upon His Messenger and the Scriptures He Sent Down before. Whoever denies God His Angels His Commandments His Messengers or the Last Day has strayed far astray.
5:54-56 O you who believe whoever among you turns back upon Gods’ Doctrine God Will Replace you with a people whom He Loves and who love Him. Those who are humble towards believers and stern towards fools striving for the Cause Of God and fearing not the reproach of a critic. God Gives His Bounty to whom He Wills and be sure God Encompasses, Knowing All. Your protectors are only God and His Messenger and those who believe. Yea those who uphold the Prayer and remain conscious of Gods’ Presence and are humble. And whoever takes God and His Messenger and those who believe as allies these are the Party Of God and they are the Victorious.
5:92 Just obey God and the messenger and beware but if you turn away know that upon Our Messenger is only the clear communication.
8:13 Because they opposed God and His Messenger and God Is Severe in Retribution to whoever opposes Him and His Messenger.
8:20 O you who believe obey God and His Messenger and do not turn away from him when he calls you to do whatever he is told.
8:27 O you who believe do not betray God or His Messenger nor betray your trusts yea you know.
8:46 And obey God and His Messenger and quarrel not together lest you lose heart and your valor leave you. Yea be steadfast God Is With the steadfast.
9:16 Assumed you that you will be done fighting before God Knows who has strived most amongst you? Nay. And do not take friends or confidants besides God and His Messenger and the believers. And know God Is Aware of Everything you do.
9:61-63 And among them are those who malign the prophet saying: He is unquestioning without thought. Say: He is unquestioning of what is Good for you! He believes in God and he believes in believers yea he is a mercy for those who believe. So there is a Painful Punishment for those who malign the Messenger Of God. They swear by their mouths only to please God and His Messenger while it is more Right that they should actually please God if they be believers! Do they not know that whoever works against God and His Messenger for them is the Fire of Hell wherein they abide forever? That is the Humiliating Abasement.
9:91 But there is no blame upon the weak nor the sick nor those who have nothing to spend when they are True to God and His Messenger. Yea against the doers of Good there is no path and God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
18:106 Hell is their Reward because they denied and made mockery of Our verses and Our messengers.
24:51-54 The reaction of True Believers invited to God and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say: We hear and we obey. These are the Successful! Yea whoever obeys God and His Messenger and are in Wise Fear of God these are the Triumphant. And they swear by their strongest oaths to God that if thou order them they will go forth to fight but say: Swear not for obedience is known when seen! God Sees Everything you do. Say: Obey God and obey the messenger. Those who turn away upon them is what they have been given to bear and upon you is what you have been given to bear. And if you obey it you will be Rightly Guided. So upon the messenger is only the clear communication.
24:62 The believers believe in God and His Messenger and when they are conversing do not leave without asking permission of him. Hence those who ask permission of thee are they who believe in God and His Messenger. Then when they ask permission to leave to deal with their affairs give permission to whom thou wills among them and ask for Forgiveness Of God for them going forth. For God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
26:109-115 I ask you for no reward from this my Reward is only upon The Lord of the Worlds. So be in Wise Fear of God and obey me. They said: Are we to believe thee when the poor and oppressed are whom follow thee? He said: And what knowledge have I of their places? Their Reckoning is only upon my Lord if you were aware. And I am not one to repel believers! I am only a Clear Warner.
26:143-145 I am a trustworthy messenger to you so be in Wise Fear of God and obey me. And I ask for no reward from you my Reward is only upon The Lord of the Worlds.
33:48 Do not obey fools nor hypocrites and disregard their hindrances just place all thy trust in God for God Is Unparalleled as Guardian.
33:57 Truly those who disrespect God and His Messengers God Will Curse them in this world and the Hereafter. He Has Prepared a Humiliating Punishment for them.
33:66 The Day their faces are tossed about in the Fire they will say: If only we had obeyed God and His Messengers!
33:70-71 O you who believe be in Wise Fear of God and speak with appropriate words for all your Messengers. He Will Make your works Right for you and Forgive you your transgressions. Yea whoever obeys God and His Messenger has attained a Sublime Triumph for themselves.
47:33 O you who believe obey God and obey the messenger and do not render your Good works to be for naught.
48:8-9 We sent thee to witness and bear Glad Tidings and as a Warner. That some might believe in God and His Messenger and honor Him and revere Him and give glory to Him morning and evening.
48:13 Whoever does not believe in God and His Messenger We have prepared the Inferno for those fools.
48:17 But there is no blame upon the blind nor the lame nor the sick. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger these He Will Make Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow. And whoever turns away He Will Punish with a Painful Punishment.
49:3 Truly those who lower their voices in the presence of the Messengers Of God these are they whose hearts God Has Examined for Righteousness. They have Forgiveness and a Sublime Compensation.
49:15 But true believers are only those who believe in God and His Messenger they do not doubt either and strive with their wealth and their lives on the Path Of God. These are the Truthful.
57:7 Believe in God and His Messenger and spend for God of that which He Has Made you heirs for those who believe and spend have a Great Reward.
57:19 And those who believe in God and His Messengers these are the Truthful. They are witnesses before their Lord having their Reward and their Light. But the ingrates and deniers of Our Word they are the companions of Hell.
57:28 O you who believe be in Wise Fear of God and believe in His Messenger. He Will Give you a double share of His Mercy and Appoint for you a Light wherever you go. And He Will Forgive you for God Is The Forgiving, The Merciful.
58:5 Those who oppose God and His Messenger will be brought low as those before them were brought low. And We have sent down Clear Proofs but for fools is a Humiliating Punishment.
58:9 O you who believe do not hold secret meetings in falsehood with sin or aggression or disobedience towards your messenger. Hold secret meetings in virtue for piety and be in Wise Fear of God to Whom you will be gathered.
58:20-21 Those who work against God and His Messenger they will be among the lowest and most miserable. God Has Decreed: I Will Conquer I and My Messengers for God Is Strong, Mighty.
59:4 All because they were hostile towards God and His Messengers for whoever is hostile towards God God Is Severe in Penalty.
64:8 So believe in God and His Messenger and the Light which We have sent down for God Is Aware of Everything you do at All Times.
64:12 So obey God and obey the messenger but if you turn away upon Our Messengers is only the clear communication.
72:22-23 . . . and like you none can grant me protection from God nor can I find refuge without Him unless I am delivering Messages From God His Messages. And whoever opposes God and His Messengers theirs is the Fire of Hell ones who will dwell forever in it Eternally.
Deut 1:4 (The 2nd Law) Moses spoke to the children of Israel all that The Lord had commanded him to say to them: After that he had slain Sehon king of the Amorrhites, (a degenerate inhuman imposter) who dwelt in Hesebon: and Og king of Basan (a nephilim/giant) who abode in Astaroth, and in Edrai, And you answered me: We have sinned against The Lord: We will go up and fight, as The Lord our God hath commanded.
Deut 11:22 For if you keep the Commandments which I command you, and do them, to love The Lord your God, and walk in all His Ways, cleaving unto him, The Lord Will Destroy all these nations before your face, and you shall possess them, which are greater and stronger than you. Dislike fighting? Read all of Deuteronomy!
2:154 And do not say of those killed for the Cause Of God: They are dead. The Truth is they are living but you do not know.
2:190-194 And fight for the Cause Of God against those who fight you but do not transgress the limits for God loves not the transgressors. So kill them wherever you gain the ascendency over oppressors and persecutors and expel them in what manner they expelled you. And know persecution is worse than killing. But do not fight them in the Kaaba unless they fight you therein and if they do fight you therein kill them. Thus is the penalty for fools. But if they desist God Is Forgiving, Merciful. So fight them until there are no more means of oppression and the Doctrine for all is Gods’. And when those desist have no more hostility except for the wrongdoers. Yea the sacred moon is for the sacred month and for inviolable deeds is just reciprocation so whoever transgresses against you transgress against them just as they transgressed against you. But be in Wise Fear of God and know that God Is Always With those of Wise Fear.
2:216-17 And fighting is ordained for you though it be disliked by you. Yea it may be that you are averse to a thing and it is beneficial for you. And it may be that you love a thing and it is detrimental for you. God Knows and you do not. They ask thee about the sacred month whether there is fighting during it. Say: Fighting during it is grave but forsaking the Path Of God or disbelieving in Him or expelling people from the Kaaba is graver With God. Yea persecution is worse than killing. And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you from your belief if they are able. And whoever among you turns from their belief and dies as a fool their works in this world are in vain for the Hereafter. Those are the companions of the Fire wherein they will abide Eternally.
2:243-45 Has thou not considered those who left their houses in thousands to fight while fearing death? Then God Said: Die! And they did so then He Gave them Life for God Is Bountiful towards humanity but most are not grateful. Yea fight for the Cause Of God and know that God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing. Who is it who will lend a goodly loan to God that He Might Multiply it by many multiples to them? God Constricts and Expands and to Him you will be returned.
2:278-79 O you who believe be in Wise Fear of God and give up what remains of usury if you are believers. And if you do not give it up be informed of War From God and His Messenger. But if you repent to you are your principal sums so wrong not and you will not be wronged.
3:111 They will cause you harm by their hindrance but if they fight you they will turn their backs to you and they will not be helped.
3:121-27 And when thou went early from thy people to assign the believers their stations for battle. God Was The All Hearing, All Knowing. When two groups among you were about to lose heart God Was their Ally yea let the believers place all their trust in God. And God Gave you Victory at Badr while you were humiliated in spirit. So be in Wise Fear of God that you too might be grateful for it One Day. When thou did say to the believers: Is it not sufficient for you that your Lord Will Send three thousand angels to secure you? Yea! If you endure patiently in Wise Fear and enemies come upon you suddenly your Lord Will Reinforce you with five thousand angels sweeping on! And God Sent This only as Glad Tidings for you and that your hearts might be reassured thereby. Know there is no help other than God The Almighty, The Wise. That He Might Cut Off a part of the deceived or Suppress them so they turn back disappointed.
4:63 God Knows the evils in their hearts so turn away from them but do warn them with the Righteous warning and speak to them the Penetrating Word concerning their souls!
4:74-77 So only let those who offer up the life of this world for the Hereafter fight for the Cause Of God. And whoever fights for the Cause Of God be they killed or victorious upon these We will bestow a Sublime Reward. And why should you not fight for the Cause Of God and for the oppressed among the men and the women and the children who say: Our Lord take us out of this city whose people are wrongdoers and give us helpers from Thyself and give us protectors from Thyself. Yea those who believe fight for the Cause Of God and those who disbelieve fight for the cause of foolishness. So fight the degenerate inhuman imposters and their allies for their plan and the plans of the talmudic jews are weak. Has thou not considered those to whom it was said: Restrain your hands and uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence. But when fighting is ordained some among them fear mankind as they should only fear God that being the strongest fear! Yea and they plead: Our Lord why has Thou Ordained fighting for us? Oh that Thou Would Only Delay all this for some time! Say: Little is the enjoyment of this world the Hereafter will be better for those of Wise Fear and none will be wronged in the least.
4:84 So fight thou for the Cause Of God and know thou are not responsible for other than thyself. But rouse the believers for it may be that God Will Restrain the might of those who disbelieve. And God Is Strongest In Might and Strongest In Staunch Punishment.
4:88-95 Why should you be divided concerning the hypocrites when God Turned them Back for what they earned? Do you seek to guide those whom God Sent Astray? Yea those whom God Sends Astray for them thou will not find a way. In hatred they wish you would deny as they deny so you might be equals. So take no protectors among them until they emigrate for the Cause Of God leaving comforts behind. Then if they revert to enmity take them and kill them wherever you find them. And take none among them as an ally or protector. The exceptions are for those with whom is an agreement with you or those who come to you from a group in between reluctant in their hearts from fighting you or fighting their people. And know had God Willed He Could Have Given them Power Over you then they would have fought you. So if they leave you alone and offer you peace then God makes no way for you against them. You will also find those uninvolved desiring safety from you and safety from their people. Generally whenever these kind are tempted to evils they succumb and fail. So if they do not withdraw from you nor propose to surrender while posing a threat overtake them and kill them wherever you can for against such We give you Clear Warrant. It is not for a believer to kill a believer except in error. For whoever killed a believer in error the freeing of a Good slave and blood money delivered to their family unless they forgive by way of charity. And if they were a believer of a people hostile to you only the freeing of a Good slave. And if they were of people with an agreement to you blood money delivered to their family and the freeing of a Good slave. And whoever has not the wherewithal a fast of two months consecutively as repentance to God and God Is Knowing, Wise. And whoever kills a believer intentionally their Reward is Hell abiding Eternally therein for God Is Wroth with them and Has Cursed them and Prepared a Horrifying Punishment for them. O you who believe when you go forth to fight for the Cause Of God verify. Say not to one who offers you peace: Thou are not a believer. For that justifies not spoils in life of this world for you. Only With God are Great Gains and remember thus you were a nonbeliever before but God Was Gracious to you. So verify. God Is Aware of Everything you do. Not equal are those among the believers who sit without risk or injury and those who strive for the Cause Of God with their property and their lives. God Favors those who strive with their property and their lives to vast degrees over those who sit. Yea while God Promises Good to all believers He Will Favor those who strive over those who sit with a Greater Reward.
5:33 Hence the penalty for those who oppose God and His Messenger and spread corruption in the Earth is that they be stoned to death or they be crucified or their hands and feet be cut off on alternate sides or they be banished from the land assuring they have degradation in this world. Then in the Hereafter is their Horrifying Punishment.
8:13-19 Because they opposed God and His Messenger and God Is Severe in Retribution to whoever opposes Him and His Messenger. So let them taste it! Yea lend them the reminder: For the fools is the Punishment of Fire! O you who believe when you meet those who disbelieve advancing upon you do not turn your backs to them. Whoever that day turns his back to them except as a clever maneuver for battle or to join another company they have incurred Wrath From God and their habitation is Hell how miserable is their Journeys’ End. And thou killed them not but God Killed them and thou threw not when thou thought to throw but God Threw. All so He Might Test believers in their faith in Him. God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing. Because God Breaks the plans of fools. And the fools Prayed for help against believers so now they have their answer. Still if they cease hostilities it will be better for them. But if they return We will return and their company will avail them nothing no matter how numerous because God Is With the believers.
8:38-44 Say to those who are deceived: If they cease sinning what is past is forgiven them but if they return to it they will be like the former peoples gone forever. And fight them until there is no persecution and the doctrine is entirely for God. Then if they cease God Sees what they do. But if they turn away know that God Is your Benefactor and Excellent Is He As your Benefactor and Excellent Is He As your Protector. And know that anything you take as spoils of war to God and the messenger belongs a fifth and to the kin and to the fatherless and to the poor and to the wayfarer. Do that if you believe in God and what We sent down upon Our servant on the day of criterion between Right and wrong the day the two armies met. And know God Is Powerful Over All Things. When you were on the near bank and they were on the far bank and the caravan was below you. And had you agreed to peace you would still have differed again later. Hence so that God Might Conclude a matter done and there would perish who perished with Clear Proof and there would live who lived with Clear Proof. God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing. Recall how God Showed them in thy vision as few for had He shown them as many you would have lost heart and quarreled with your soldiers over the matter but God Saved you. He Knows what is in the hearts. And while He Made you see them as few He Lessened your numbers in their eyes as well all that God Might Conclude a matter done. Yea unto God are all matters referred.
8:65-67 O prophet rouse thou the believers to fight! If there be of you twenty steadfast believers they will defeat two hundred! And if there be of you a hundred they will defeat a thousand of those ungrateful because they are a people who do not understand. Now God Has Unburdened you for He Knew there was weakness in you so if there be of you a hundred steadfast believers they shall defeat two hundred! And if there be of you a thousand they shall defeat two thousand all by Gods’ Permission! God Is With the steadfast. And it is not for a prophet to ransom captives until he has total mastery over the land for his followers. So do not be foolish desiring the goods of this world when God Desires the Hereafter for you. For God Is The Mighty, The Wise.
9:5-15 Yet later when the sacred months have passed kill the non repentant polytheists wherever found or seize them and restrain them for enslavement to the believers. Yea lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if found repentant and upholding the Prayer and rendering the purifying works let them go their way. Truly God Is Forgiving, Merciful. And if one of the polytheists seeks thy protection grant them protection until they know Gods’ Word. Then convey them to their place of security because they were of a folk who did not know. And some ask: How can polytheists have pledges with God and with His Messenger like with believers who pledged at the temple? Say: It is a different pledge. So long as they are upright with you be upright with them for that is all that matters to you. God Loves those of Wise Fear. But what if they get the better of you regarding neither pact nor humanitarian obligation? Yea they please you with their mouths but in their hearts they refuse. These are ones who disobey. Some also sell the Revelations Of God for a cheap price and bar others from His Way. Yea evil is what they do. They do not honor pacts nor obligations with believers these are the transgressors. But those who repent and uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence then they are your brethren in the Doctrine. We set out and detail this for you who know. But those who renege on their oaths or deride your doctrine fight these ingrates! Truly their sworn oaths are nothing to them and will not cause them to desist. Will you not fight a people who broke their oaths and attempted to expel the messenger and began against you first? Do you fear them? God Has More Reason To Be Feared if you be believers! So fight them! God Will Punish them at your hands and Humiliate them and Help you Against them to heal the hearts of people who believe balancing the rage in their hearts with faith. And God Forgives whom He Wills because God Is Knowing, Wise.
9:29 Fight those who do not believe in God or the Last Day and who make Lawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful. They do not adhere to the Doctrine of Truth held by those in possession of Gods’ Word. So fight them until they make reparation under your supervision when they are brought low.
9:73 O prophet strive against the deniers and hypocrites and be harsh with them tell them We have prepared their habitation in Hell and wretched is their Journeys’ End.
9:80-85 And ask Forgiveness for them or not it will not matter. Yea if thou ask Forgiveness for them seventy times God will not forgive them! It is because they denied God and His Messenger. God does not guide fools or the wantonly disobedient. Those who were left behind celebrated remaining left behind the Messenger Of God and disliked to strive with their wealth and their lives for the Cause Of God. And they said: Do not go forth in the heat. Say: The Fire of Hell is the heat to avoid! If they only understood. So let them laugh a little then weep forever as fitting Reward for what they earned. And if God Brings thee back triumphant to a number of them and then they ask of thee permission to go forth say: You shall not go forth with me nor fight an enemy for God with me no not ever. You were pleased to sit at home the first time so sit with those who remain. And do not ever perform Prayers for any among them that die nor stand over their graves in remorse. They denied God and His Messenger then died while they were wantonly disbelieving. Yea and do not let their wealth or children impress thee for God Only Uses such to distract them in this world so that they will die in lowly states as the fools they were.
9:111 But God Has Bought from the believers their lives and their wealth for that the Garden is theirs because they fight for the Cause Of God killing and being killed. This is a promise binding upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran and who fulfills a promise better than God? Rejoice then in your bargain that you have contracted with Him for in that is the Tremendous Achievement.
9:123 But O you who believe always fight the disbelievers who are close to you and let them find harshness in you knowing that God Is With those of Wise Fear.
16:126 And if you retaliate retaliate with the like of that you were afflicted but if you restrain it is better so be patient.
17:33 And kill not any soul which God Has Made unlawful except when rightfully. And if an Adamite is killed wrongfully We have given warrant to their companions to retaliate. So long as they do not commit excess in killing they are supported.
22:39-40 But permission to kill enemies is given to those who fight because they were wronged yea and Almighty God Will Often Help them! Like those who are turned out of their homes for no cause other than saying: Our Lord Is YHWH! For were God not to Repel some people by means of others pious communities would be destroyed along with places of worship wherein The Name Of YHWH is remembered much. So God Helps those who help Him and God Is Strong, Omnipotent.
22:60 That is so! And whoever retaliates with the like whereof they are attacked then is wronged again God Will Help them for God Is Pardoning, Forgiving.
33:16 Say: It will not benefit you if you flee from fighting in the Way Of God while afraid of killing or being killed for then you will not ever be given ease for Eternity.
42:41 And whoever helps themselves after injustice these there is no way against them.
47:4-7 When you meet deceived ingrates who fight you smite their necks with a sound thrashing. Or for those who surrender tie them fast with restraints. Then if war begins then concludes either give them grace or ransom them to their defeated clansmen. Thus it is so! But know Had God Willed He Would Have Taken Revenge On them By Himself so it was only that He Might Try Some of you by means of others. And those who are slain in the Path Of God He will never allow their deeds to be for naught. Yea He Will Guide them and Make Right their state of mind beforehand and then Make them enter the Garden which He Has Promised. O you who believe: If you help God He Will Help you and Plant your feet firm!
47:20 And those who believed say: Why was a chapter of the Quran about fighting not caused to descend? Then when an explicit chapter is sent down and killing is mentioned therein thou sees those with diseased hearts looking at thee with the look of one fainting at death. Woe to them!
47:35 So do not relent and only call for peace once you have the upper hand! And know God Is With you and will not deprive you from Rewards for your deeds.
48:10 Those who swear allegiance to thee only swear allegiance to God and the Hand Of God Works Over their hands. And whoever reneges only reneges against their own soul. And whoever fulfills what they have taken upon themselves as a pledge to God He Will Give these an Immense Reward.
60:9 God Only Forbids befriending those who fight you in doctrine or seek to expel you from your homes or assist thereto. Whoever befriends these they too then are the wrongdoers.
66:9 O prophet strive thou against the disbelievers and the waverers and be stern with them about their habitation in Hell for miserable is that Journeys’ End.
2:112 Verily whoever submits to God and is a doer of Good their Reward is With their Lord and they need not fear nor will they regret.
2:153 O you who believe seek Help From God in resolve and Prayer for God Is With the resolute.
2:155-57 And We will try you all with something of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and lives and fruits of labor. So give Glad Tidings to the ones who remain steadfast. Those who when misfortune befalls say with thanks: We Belong To God and To Him we are returning. Upon these are duties that end with Mercy From their Lord. Yea these are the Rightly Guided.
2:160 Yet those who repent and do Right and make clear these are those towards whom I Turn In Forgiveness. For I Am The Receptive, The Merciful.
2:177 It is not virtuous that you turn your faces towards the east and the west. Virtuous is whoever believes in God and the Last Day and the angels and the Torah and the prophets. And gives wealth in spite of love for it to relatives and the fatherless and the needy and the wayfarer and those who ask and to freed slaves and whomever upholds the Prayer and is conscious of Gods’ Presence and those who keep their pledge when they pledge and the resolute in affliction or adversity and in battle. These are they who are sincere and these are those of Wise Fear.
2:218 But those who believe and emigrate and strive for the Cause Of God these have hope for the Mercy Of God and God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
2:268 The degenerate inhuman imposters promise you oppression and enjoin sexual immoralities upon you but God Promises you Forgiveness and His Bounty. And God Is All Encompassing, All Knowing.
2:277 Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness and uphold the Prayer and show consciousness of Gods’ Presence. These have their Reward With their Lord and they need not fear nor will they regret.
2:281 And be in Wise Fear of a Day in which you will be returned to God when every soul will be paid in full what it has earned and they will not be wronged.
2:286 God does not impose upon a soul beyond its capacity and it has what it earns and it answers for what it acquires. So Pray: Our Lord take us not to task if we forget or err. And: Our Lord lay Thou not upon us a burden as Thou did upon those before us! Yea our Lord impose Thou not upon us beyond what we are able and Excuse us and Forgive us and Have Thou Mercy upon us. For Thou Alone Are our Benefactor so Help us against the deniers and the fools.
3:133-34 And vie with one another for Forgiveness From your Lord seeking a Garden which depths are as the Heavens and the Earth prepared for those of Wise Fear. Be of those who spend for God both while in prosperity and in adversity those who control their wrath and are forgiving towards others. Yea God Loves the doers of Good.
3:157-59 And if you are killed or die for the Cause Of God know that ultimately Pardon From God and His Mercy are Far Better than what any can amass. And regardless if you die in battle or at home all will be gathered to God. And it is by the Mercy Of God thou are gentle to them had thou been coarse and stern they would have disbanded from round about thee. So pardon them and ask thou Forgiveness for them and take counsel with them in the affair. And when thou makes a decision place all thy trust in God. Yea God Loves those who place all their trust in Him.
3:186 You will be tried in your wealth and yourselves and you will hear much hindrance from the polytheists and those in possession of the Torah. But if you are patient and remain in Wise Fear then indeed those are among the matters of determination.
3:195 And their Lord Responds to them: I forget not the actions of any that works among you male or female. You are alike those who emigrate or are expelled from their homes or otherwise hindered in My Cause fighting or getting killed. I Will Absolve their evils from them and Make them Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow as Reward from the Presence Of your God. And for certain about God the Best of Rewards are With Him.
3:200 O you who believe be patient yea vie in patience and be constant and be in Wise Fear of God so that you might succeed.
4:95 Not equal are those among the believers who sit without risk or injury and those who strive for the Cause Of God with their property and their lives. God Favors those who strive with their property and their lives to vast degrees over those who sit. Yea while God Promises Good to all believers He Will Favor those who strive over those who sit with a Greater Reward.
4:122-26 But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness We will make them enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow and they will live Eternally therein. This Promise Of God is True and who is more reliable than God in promises? Yea it is not your wishes nor the promises of talmudic jews to be fulfilled whoever does evil will be recompensed and will not find any ally nor protector besides God. But whoever does deeds of Righteousness whether male or female and is a monotheist these enter the Garden and they are not wronged in the least. And who is better in doctrine than one who submits their face to God and is a doer of Good and follows the creed of Abraham a monotheist inclining to Truth? Yea God Took Abraham as a friend. And To God Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth and God Encompasses All Things.
9:41 So go forth light or heavy and strive with your wealth and your lives for the Cause Of God. That is best for you if you only knew.
9:126 Do they not see that they are subjected to tests once or twice every year? Yet still they do not turn in repentance nor do they take heed.
11:10-11 And if We cause them to taste grace after affliction has touched them they say: The hardship has left me! Then they are jubilant and proud. But those who are patient and do deeds of Righteousness they have Forgiveness and a Great Reward in surety.
13:20-22 Those who fulfill their pledge to God and do not break their agreement to do Good. And who join What God Commanded be joined and fear their Lord and dread the Dire Reckoning. And who endure patiently seeking the Countenance Of their Lord and uphold the Prayer and spend for God of what We have provided them secretly and openly and overcome evil by replacing it with Good. These have the Ultimate Abode.
13:28-29 Those who believe and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of God. Yea in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest. Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness they have blessedness and a Good Journeys’ End.
16:30-32 And it will be said to those who were in Wise Fear: What did your Lord Send Down? They will say: Good. Yea and for those who do Good in this world there is Good in the Home of the Hereafter which is far better! Excellent is the Home for those of Wise Fear. They will enter Gardens of Perpetual Abode beneath which rivers flow and for them therein is whatever they will thus Does God Reward those of Wise Fear. Those whom the angels take in states of Goodness they will say: Peace be unto you! Enter the Garden because of Everything you did.
16:41 And those who emigrate for the Cause Of God after they are wronged We will settle them nicely in this world and then the Reward of the Hereafter is greater if all only knew.
16:97 Yea whoever works Righteousness whether male or female and is a believer We will make live Good lives and We will Reward them according to the best of what they did.
17:60 And when We said to thee: Thy Lord Encompasses mankind and We made the vision which We showed thee and the accursed tree in the Quran a test for mankind. Yea and We warned them but it increased them not except in great defiance.
22:52-53 And We did not send any messenger or prophet before thee who when tempted by whispers of jinn the degenerate inhuman imposter did not cast fuel into his temptations. But God Will Abolish what they cast. Hence God Makes His Proofs Clear for God Is Knowing, Wise. He Makes what the degenerate inhuman imposter casts a call for those in whose hearts is disease and those whose hearts are hardened. Yea the wrongdoers are in extreme schism without aid.
25:71-76 And whoever does truly repent and work Righteousness it is these who submit to God completely. Those who do not bear witness to falsehood and when they hear idle talk pass by nobly. Those when they are reminded by the Word Of their Lord do not fall back unwilling to hear and see. They say: Our Lord please Give To us from our spouses and our progeny a delight to the eye and Make us models for those of Wise Fear. Such will be Rewarded with the High Places because they were steadfast and they will be met therein with greetings of peace. Then they will live therein Eternally and excellent is that Abode the Place of Rest.
29:10 And among you are those who say: I believe in God.Then when hindered concerning God they confuse the persecutions of mankind with the Punishment Of God. But if Help Comes From God they say: I am with you. Does God not Know Best what is in the hearts of all mankind?
29:26-27 And Lot believed Abraham and said: I will emigrate for my Lord! For He Is The Almighty, The Wise. And We gave Abraham Isaac and Jacob and We placed among his progeny prophethood and the Truth. And We gave him compensation in this world and in the Hereafter he is of the Righteous.
29:69 While those who strive for Us We guide them to Our path for God Is With the doers of Good.
31:17-19 O my dear son uphold the Prayer and command what is honorable and forbid what is wrong and be patient over what befalls thee. Truly that is among the determination of matters. And turn not thy cheek away from humanity and walk not in the Earth conceitedly for God loves not every conceited boaster. Yea be thou modest in thy walk and lower thy voice for the most loathsome of voices is of the donkey.
47:31 And We will test you until We know the diligent and steadfast among you and We will test your assertions.
47:36-38 Yea the life of this world is but play and diversion but if you believe with Wise Fear He Will Support you and not ask for your wealth. But if He Does Ask it of you and Press you while you are a miser He Will Bring Out your rancor that can only harm you. So here you are called to spend in the Path Of God then among you is one who is miserly. And whoever is miserly is only miserly against themselves. For With God Are All Riches and you in the Earth are poor. And if you turn away He Will Simply Replace you with a people unlike the likes of you!
57:18-19 And the men who give in charity and the women who give in charity and lend to God a Goodly loan it is multiplied for them and they have a Noble Reward. And those who believe in God and His Messengers these are the Truthful. They are witnesses before their Lord having their Reward and their Light. But the ingrates and deniers of Our Word they are the companions of Hell.
67:2 He Who Gave Life and Death that He Might Try you to Find which of you are best in deeds. He Is The Almighty, The Forgiving.
76:2 Yea We Created humans from a drop of sperm so that We may test souls while being cognizant.
Micah 3:11 Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money. (AND THEY’RE ALL GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL FOR IT!)
2:41 And believe in what I Have Sent Down confirming what is with you and do not be first to deny it and do not sell My Revelations for a cheap price. And Me, be in Wise Fear of Me.
2:79 So woe to those who miswrite the Torah with their hands then say: This is From God that they might sell it for a cheap price. So woe to them for what their hands write and woe to them for what they earn.
2:195 And spend for the Cause Of God and do not cast your hands towards ruin by fighting unnecessarily. Yea and do Good for God Loves the doers of Good.
2:245 Who is it who will lend a goodly loan to God that He Might Multiply it by many multiples to them? God Constricts and Expands and to Him you will be returned.
2:261-281 The parable of those who spend their wealth for the Cause Of God is like the example of a single grain which sprouts seven ears in each a hundred grains. God Returns manifold increases to whom He Wills for God Is All Encompassing, All Knowing. Yea those who spend their wealth for the Cause Of God then go forward without remorse nor doubt about having done so they have their Reward With their Lord and they need not fear nor will they regret it. Likewise a kind word and forgiveness are better than charity followed by complaints or regrets and know God Is Free From need, Forbearing. O you who believe do not make your charity vain with hurtful reminders or be like the one who spends their wealth to be seen by others and believes not in God and the Last Day. Their parable is like that of bedrock whereon is rich soil then a heavy rain leaves it bare. So the vain possess nothing of what they had and God guides not the fools. And the parable of those who spend their wealth seeking the Pleasure Of God as a certainty for the future of their souls is like the example of a garden at high elevations. The rain fell upon it and it yielded double fruit and if rain fall not upon it then dew and it still grew. Yea and God Sees Everything you do. Does one among you cherish gardens of date palms and grapes beneath which rivers flow they having every sort of fruit therein? Then old age befell without strength nor help and a cyclone of fire fell upon it and it was burned up. Thus does God Make Clear to you the examples so that you might ponder. O you who believe spend wisely of the Good things you earn and of what We bring forth for you from the Earth. And do not give charity in manners you would not take it for yourselves without shame. And know that God Is Free From need, Praiseworthy. The degenerate inhuman imposters promise you oppression and enjoin sexual immoralities upon you but God Promises you Forgiveness and His Bounty. And God Is All Encompassing, All Knowing. He Gives Wisdom to whom He Wills and to whom His Wisdom is given they have been given Much Good but only those possessed of insight take heed. And whatever you spend on others or vow to spend God Knows it. And for the wrongdoers there are no protectors. If you are public with your charity it is still Good charity but if you secretly give to those in need it is excellent! And He Will Excuse some of your mistakes for God Is Always Aware of Everything you do. Not upon thee O messenger is the Guidance God Guides whom He Wills. And what you spend in Goodness it is spent upon yourself so spend only seeking the Face Of God then what you spend of Good will be paid in full to you and you will not be wronged. For those who are wrapped up and consumed doing works in the Ways Of God or are disabled or unable to work the Earth the ignorant considers them free from need due to their not begging for help. Thou will know them in this way. They do not ask for they wish not to trouble others. And what you spend of Good God Knows it. Those who spend their wealth for God by night and day secretly and openly these have their Reward With their Lord and they need not fear nor will they regret. Those who charge interest will not stand yea those who degenerate inhuman imposters touched saying: Commerce is the same as usury. But God Has Made commerce Lawful and Prohibited usury. And to whom the Warning From their Lord came and then they desisted they have Good in their past and their case is With God. But whoever goes back these are the companions of the Fire wherein they abide Eternally. Yea God Eliminates usury and Increases charity and God loves not every false ingrate. Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness and uphold the Prayer and show consciousness of Gods’ Presence. These have their Reward With their Lord and they need not fear nor will they regret. O you who believe be in Wise Fear of God and give up what remains of usury if you are believers. And if you do not give it up be informed of War From God and His Messenger. But if you repent to you are your principal sums so wrong not and you will not be wronged. And if there is a debtor in hardship then deferment of payments until ease. But that you forgive by way of charity is better for you if you would know. And be in Wise Fear of a Day in which you will be returned to God when every soul will be paid in full what it has earned and they will not be wronged.
3:92 And you attain not to virtue until you spend of what you love and what you spend of anything for God, God Knows it.
3:130 O you who believe do not consume usury! Yea doubling and redoubling. Just be in Wise Fear of God that you might be Truly Successful.
3:180 And do not let those who are miserly with what God Gives them of His Bounty think it benefits them. The Truth is it is a misery for them yea hung around their necks will be that with which they were miserly on the Day of Resurrection. And To God Belongs the Inheritance of Everything in the Heavens and Earth. And God Is Aware of Everything you do!
3:186 You will be tried in your wealth and yourselves and you will hear much hindrance from the polytheists and those in possession of the Torah. But if you are patient and remain in Wise Fear then indeed those are among the matters of determination.
9:41 So go forth light or heavy and strive with your wealth and your lives for the Cause Of God. That is best for you if you only knew.
9:53-55 Say: Spend willingly or unwillingly it will not be accepted from you for you are wantonly disobedient fools. Their expenditures are prevented from being accepted because they disobeyed God and His Messenger and come to Pray lazily and spend not of Good except begrudgingly. So do not let their wealth nor children impress thee for God Only Intends to Punish them thereby in the life of this world and See that they die while they are fools.
9:85 Yea and do not let their wealth or children impress thee for God Only Uses such to distract them in this world so that they will die in lowly states as the fools they were.
10:72 And if you turn away recall I have asked you for no reward yea my Reward is Only With God and I am Commanded to be among the submitted.
10:88 And Moses said: Our Lord we see Thou Has Given pharaoh and his eminent ones Adornment and Wealth in the life of this world so they might go astray from Thy Way. But now our Lord please Evaporate their wealth and Harden their hearts so they do not believe until the Day they see the Painful Punishment!
11:15-16 Whoever desires only the life of this world and its adornment We will repay them for their deeds therein and they will not be deprived payment. These are they for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire. So fruitless is what they wrought here yea what they practice is in vain.
17:26-30 And give thou the relative their due and the needy and the wayfarer but do not squander in extravagance. Squanderers are only brethren of the degenerate inhuman imposters and the degenerate inhuman imposters are ingrates towards their Lord. If thou turns away from them seeking Mercy From thy Lord as thou hopes then speak to them in calm. And restrict not thy hand as if chained as a miser nor open it with full opening as a prodigal who will sit as if reproached and deprived. Thy Lord Expands and Restricts Provision for whom He Wills and He Is All Aware, All Seeing of His Servants.
30:39 And what you give of usury that increases the wealth of some people has no increase with God. But what you give towards Goodness desiring the Countenance Of God these receive manifold recompense!
34:39-40 Say: My Lord Expands His Provision for whom He Wills of His Servants and He Restricts and what believers spend of anything for Him He Will Replace it for He Is The Best of providers. And the Day He Gathers them one and all He Will Say to the angels: Did these serve you?
47:36-38 Yea the life of this world is but play and diversion but if you believe with Wise Fear He Will Support you and not ask for your wealth. But if He Does Ask it of you and Press you while you are a miser He Will Bring Out your rancor that can only harm you. So here you are called to spend in the Path Of God then among you is one who is miserly. And whoever is miserly is only miserly against themselves. For With God Are All Riches and you in the Earth are poor. And if you turn away He Will Simply Replace you with a people unlike the likes of you!
49:15 But true believers are only those who believe in God and His Messenger they do not doubt either and strive with their wealth and their lives on the Path Of God. These are the Truthful.
57:10-12 And why should you not spend in the Path Of God when To God Belongs the Inheritance of the Heavens and the Earth? Not equal among you are those who spent and fought before the victory. These are greater in degree than those who spent and fought afterwards. But unto each God Has Promised Good and God Is Aware of Everything you do. Who will lend to God a Goodly loan when He Pays It Back In Multiples as a Noble Reward? The Day thou will see the believing men and the believing women with their Light recorded by their will on their right hand there is Glad News for these on this Day! Gardens beneath which rivers flow! They will live Eternally therein and that is the Crowning Achievement.
57:18-19 And the men who give in charity and the women who give in charity and lend to God a Goodly loan it is multiplied for them and they have a Noble Reward. And those who believe in God and His Messengers these are the Truthful. They are witnesses before their Lord having their Reward and their Light. But the ingrates and deniers of Our Word they are the companions of Hell.
63:9-11 O you who believe do not let your wealth or your children divert you from the Remembrance of God because those who do that these are the losers. Yea and spend for God of what We have provided you before death comes to you and you say: My Lord if Thou delay me a little while I will give more of myself and of what You Gave me. Yea I will be among the Righteous! But God delays no soul when its term comes and God Is Aware of Everything you choose to do.
64:16-17 So be in Wise Fear of God as much as you are able and listen and obey and spend in Godly Ways for it is better for your souls. And whoever protects themselves from their own stinginess these are the successful. For if you lend a Goodly loan to God He Will Double it and Give you His Forgiveness. For God Is Appreciative, Forbearing.
92:4-11 Truly your endeavors are diverse and as for one who gives and is in Wise Fear and establishes what is Fair and True We will ease towards ease. But as for the miserly and rich who refuse to do Good We will ease them towards the Fall and their wealth will not rescue them from it.
2:210 Do some only wait for God and the angels to come at them from the shadows of the clouds when the matter of their deeds will be decided? Unto God are all matters referred.
3:42-46 And when the angels said: O Mary God Has Chosen thee and Purified thee above women of all mankind. O Mary be thou devoutly dutiful to thy Lord and submit and bow down with those who bow down. That is among the advice of those in the unseen thus We instruct thee. And know thou were not with Us when We cast Our lots for Who should have charge of thee Mary. Yea know thou were not with Us when We were competing and disputing over you. When the angels said: O Mary God Gives thee Glad Tidings of a Word From Him! Your child Yeshua is the anointed one esteemed in this world and in the Hereafter to be among those brought near their Lord. He will speak to the people both in the cradle and in manhood and he is of the Righteous.
3:124-25 When thou did say to the believers: Is it not sufficient for you that your Lord Will Send three thousand angels to secure you? Yea! If you endure patiently in Wise Fear and enemies come upon you suddenly your Lord Will Reinforce you with five thousand angels sweeping on!
3:179 God will not leave believers to temptations which most incline hence He Refines the Good from the bad. And God will not Inform any of the unseen except one of His Messengers whom He Wills. So believe in God and His Messengers! Then if indeed you do believe and are in Wise Fear for you is an Immense Reward!
6:9 And had We sent an angel as a messenger We would have made him appear as human which would have confounded them on top of their confusion.
6:59 And with Him are the keys to the unseen none knows them except He. He Knows All in the land and the sea and the Heavens yea not a leaf falls without Him Knowing It. And there is not a grain in the darkness of the Earth and nothing moist or dry that is not in a Clear Decree From Him.
6:61 He Is The Omniscient Over His Servants and He Sends Guardians Over you. So when death has come to one of you Our Guardians take them and they do not fail no not ever.
8:9-10 Hence when you sought Help From your Lord and He Responded to you: I Will Assist you with a thousand angels following one after another. God Made it only as Glad Tidings and that your hearts might find rest and that you know there is no victory except From God The Almighty, The Wise.
9:26 Then God Sent His Tranquility upon His Messenger and the believers and Sent Down Forces you did not see and Punished those who disbelieve. That is the penalty for fools.
9:40 And if you did not help someone it had to be God Helped them. As when disbelievers expelled the second of two who were in the cave when they said: Grieve not for God Is With us. Then God Sent Down His Tranquility and Strength from His Forces not seen and Made the threats of those who disbelieve the least of their concerns. And the Word Of God It Is the Uppermost God Is Mighty, Wise.
12:110 When the messengers had despaired and thought that they had been rejectedOur help came to themhence We deliver whom We will.But Our wrath is not repelled from evil doing peoples.
13:9 The Knower of the unseen and the seen The Great, The Exalted.
13:23-24 Gardens of perpetual Eden which they enter with whoever does Right among their parents and their spouses and their progeny. And the angels enter upon them from every Gate saying: Peace be unto you for enduring patiently! How excellent is the Ultimate Abode!
16:32 Those whom the angels take in states of Goodness they will say: Peace be unto you! Enter the Garden because of Everything you did.
18:18-22 And thou thinks they are awake when they are asleep for We cause them to turn to the right and to the left and their dog was stretching out its two paws on the threshold. Had thou inspected them closely thou would have turned away from them in flight and been filled with terror of them. And thus did We raise them up that they might question one another among themselves as one of them said: How long have you lingered? They said: We have lingered a day or a part of a day. Said they: Your Lord Knows Best how long you have lingered. Send one of you with this money of yours to the town and let him see what food is purest there and bring you a provision therefrom and be cautious letting not anyone be aware of you. Truly if you become manifest to them they will stone you or turn you back to their creed and then you will never be successful. And thus did God Acquaint us with them that they might know the Promise Of God is True and that there is no doubt concerning the Hour. When humans contended with one another about jinn they said: Build over them a structure for The Lord Knows Best concerning them. And those who prevailed over their affair said: Yea we will take to ourselves a place of worship over them. They will say: Three the fourth of them their dog! And they will say: Five the sixth of them their dog! Guessing at the unseen. And they will say: Seven and the eighth of them their dog! Say: My Lord Knows Best their number yea none knows them except a few so do not argue concerning them unless with a sound argument and ask no opinion concerning them from anyone.
19:61 Their Gardens are a Perpetual Abode which The Almighty Has Promised His Servants in the unseen and His Promise will come to pass.
20:80 O children of Israel We delivered you from your enemy and We made an appointment with you on the right side of the mount and sent down manna and quail upon you.
21:8 And yes We gave them bodies that ate food for they were not immortals.
25:21-25 And those who do not look to a Meeting with Us say: Oh if only the angels were sent down upon us or we were Personally Visited By our Lord. These have been proud concerning themselves! Yea scornful with great pride. For the Day they see the angels that Day there will be no glad tidings for the evildoers and they will say: Here comes a banning without end! And We will proceed to determine what they did of deeds and then make them scattered dust. But the companions of the Garden that Day are best in habitation within the Fairest Resting Place on high. The Day the sky and the clouds are rent asunder and the angels are sent down in succession.
30:47 And We sent messengers before thee to their peoplethey brought them Clear Evidencethen We took retribution from the evildoers.Likewise helping the believers is binding upon Us.
33:9 O you who believe remember the Grace Of God towards you when enemies came to you then We sent upon you a wind of forces you did not see. And God Is Seeing of Everything you do.
33:48 Do not obey fools nor hypocrites and disregard their hindrances just place all thy trust in God for God Is Unparalleled as Guardian.
37:1-12 By those lined up in rows and those who urge forcefully those who recount the Remembrance that your God Is One. Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and Everything between them The Lord of the Sunrise. We made the lower sky pleasing with the adornment of the stars and as protection from the jinn and their hybrid minion so they cannot listen in on the exalted assembly and are pelted from every side repelled. They have a Perpetual Punishment and those who snatch a fragment of what is said a piercing flame follows them. So ask them: Are they harder to Create or are the humans We Created? We Created them of clinging clay. And thou does marvel while they deride.
37:48-49 And with them maidens of modest eyed gaze as if they themselves were eggs closely guarded.
40:64-65 God It Is Who Made the Earth a fixed lodging for you and the sky a structure and Designed you and Made your forms Goodly and Provides Good Things for you. That Is God your Lord so Blessed Be God The Lord of the Worlds. He Is The Living there is no god but He so call to Him sincere in Doctrine for All Praise Belongs To God The Lord of the Worlds.
40:85 But their late coming faith did not avail them when they saw Our might. For that is the Practice Of God with His Servants which had been before hence all such fools are lost.
43:19 And still they say of the angels who are also Servants Of The Almighty are females. Did they witness their Creation? Their statements are recorded and they will be questioned!
44:16 So on the Day We strike with the greatest violence We will exact Irrevocable Retribution.
44:54 Thus it will be! And We will partner them with pure beautiful eyed ones.
48:4-10 It Is He Who Sent Down Tranquility Into the hearts of the believers so they could add belief to their belief. And in Truth all the Armies of the Heavens and the Earth Belong To God. God Who Has Been Knowing, Wise. That He Might Make the believing men and the believing women enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow they then abiding Eternally therein. And that He Absolve each conscious of all guilt for that is a Wonderful Success With God. But He Will Punish the talmudic men and women and the polytheists and the idolaters all those who think an evil thought about God. Evil is turned against them for God Is Wroth with them and Has Cursed them and Is Now Preparing them for Hell. How miserable is that for their Journeys’ End. Yea To God Belongs All the Armies of the Heavens and the Earth. And God Is Mighty, Wise. We sent thee to witness and bear Glad Tidings and as a Warner. That some might believe in God and His Messenger and honor Him and revere Him and give glory to Him morning and evening. Those who swear allegiance to thee only swear allegiance to God and the Hand Of God Works Over their hands. And whoever reneges the only renege against their own soul. And whoever fulfills what they have taken upon themselves as a pledge to God He Will Give these an Immense Reward.
50:16-23 Yea We have Created mankind and We know what the soul whispers to them for We are nearer than their jugular veins. When We commit for life two watchers one seated on the right and one on the left none utters a word that a watcher is not ready to record. And with the stupor of death will come the Truth of what each should have toiled to avoid. Then the trumpet will be blown and that is the Day of the Eminent Threat! When every soul will come with it an angel as driver and one as a witness. Certainly most were heedless of this but Today We have removed your veil so keen is your sight on this Day! And the recording angel will say: This is what I have recorded and prepared.
52:19-20 It is said: Eat and drink with calm for the Good you did reclining upon couches arrayed. And We honor them with pure lovely eyed ones.
55:56-57 In the Gardens are kind and modest servants whom neither humans nor jinn have known. So which Feat Of your Lord will you both deny?
55:70-74 In all Good and beautiful creatures. So which Feat Of your Lord will you both deny? And fair ones kept in pavilions. So which Feat Of your Lord will you both deny? Whom neither humans nor jinn have known.
56:17 Eternally youthful servants moving about them.
56:22-23 And kind servants of modesty with beautiful eyes as if were closely guarded pearls.
56:35-37 We have brought them into being anew and made them like virgins pure of speech and well matched
67:5 And We have adorned the firmament with lamps and armed them with missiles to be thrown at the degenerate inhuman imposters. i.e. NASA For them is prepared the Punishment of the Inferno.
72:8-9 And that we reached for the sky but found it filled with stern guards who shoot stars. And that we once sat in good positions for hearing but whoever listens in now will find a shooting star lying in wait for them.
72:12 And that we know that we cannot escape God on the Earth nor can we escape Him through flight.
76:19 And serving them will be eternal youths who when one sees would think them to be as scattered pearls.
3:185 Yea every soul will taste death and your dues will be paid in full on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever is averted from the Fire and made to enter the Garden, these have attained Triumph! For the life of this world is only the enjoyment of a massive illusion.
6:32 For the life of this world is only play and diversion while the Abode of the Hereafter is immensely better for those of Wise Fear. So will you not use reason?
6:59 And With Him are the keys to the unseen, none knows them except He. He Knows All in His Lands and Seas and Heavens, yea not a leaf falls without Him Knowing It. And there is not a grain in the darkness of the Earth and nothing moist or dry that is not in a Clear Decree From Him.
6:73 And He It Is Who Created the Heavens and the Earth with Truth and to whatever He Says: Be thou! It is. His Speech is Truth and To Him Belongs the Dominion on the Day the trumpet is blown. He Is The Knower of the unseen and the seen. The Wise, The Fully Aware.
6:70 Do not accompany those who live their lives in play and diversion for the short life of this world has fully deceived them. So remind them of Truth lest their souls be taken for what they have earned on a Day when they have no ally or intercessor besides God and no ransom however so great will be accepted. These earn destruction with a scalding liquid and Sore Punishment because they denied.
7:50-51 And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of the Garden: Pour some water upon us or some other of what God Has Provided for you. They will say: God Has Made both unlawful for fools. Those who took their doctrine as play and diversion and whom the life of this world deceived. Yea this Day We forget them as they forgot the Meeting of this their Day and as they rejected Our Miracles as Proof.
8:43-44 Recall how God Showed them in thy vision as few for had He shown them as many you would have lost heart and quarreled with your soldiers over the matter but God Saved you. He Knows what is in the hearts. And while He Made you see them as few He Lessened your numbers in their eyes as well all that God Might Conclude a matter done. Yea unto God are all matters referred.
17:60 And when We said to thee: Thy Lord Encompasses mankind and We made the vision which We showed thee and the accursed tree in the Quran a test for mankind.Yea and We warned them but it increased them not except in great defiance.
29:64 For the life of this world is only diversion and games while the Abode of the Hereafter that is Real Life if they only knew.
47:36-38 Yea the life of this world is but play and diversion but if you believe with Wise Fear He Will Support you and not ask for your wealth. But if He Does Ask it of you and Press you while you are a miser He Will Bring Out your rancor that can only harm you. So here you are called to spend in the Path Of God then among you is one who is miserly. And whoever is miserly is only miserly against themselves. For With God Are All Riches and you in the Earth are poor. And if you turn away He Will Simply Replace you with a people unlike the likes of you!
57:20 Know that the life of this world is but play and diversion and adornment and mutual boasting among you and competition for increase in wealth and children. Like the example of a rain it pleases tenders of gardens with its growth then it withers turning to yellow becoming debris. In the Hereafter is both Severe Punishment and Forgiveness with Good Pleasure From God. But life of this world is only sporadic delusion of joy.
2:98 Verily whoever is an enemy to God and His Angels and His Messengers and His Archangels Gabriel and Michael then God Becomes The Enemy to such fools.
2:120 And the degenerate inhuman imposters will not be pleased with thee nor the christians unless thou follows their false creeds. Say: The Guidance Of God that is the Guidance! But if thou follows their vain desires after the Knowledge has come to thee thou will have neither ally nor protector from God.
2:135 And they ask: Those who hold to talmudism or are christians are these Rightly Guided?Say: Nay. Only the creed of Abraham monotheism inclines one to Truth and he was not of the polytheists.
2:140 If you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the grandsons were those holding to talmudism or christianity. Do you know best or Does God?And who is denser than one who confuses Clear Truth From God?God is not unmindful of anything you do.
3:69-78 A number of the talmudic jews would love to lead you astray but they only lead themselves astray while they perceive not. O talmudic jews why do you deny the Proofs Of God which you yourselves bear witness? O talmudic jews why do you mix the Truth with falsehood and conceal the Whole Truth when you know? And you know. And a number of the talmudic jews say: Believe only in that sent down earlier and deny that sent later. Those fools thinking it be how they might return. Yea so be not of those who follow talmudism. Say to them: True Guidance is Good Guidance Of God! Do you not believe we have been given better than that which you invented for yourselves? And they will argue against you before your Lord so say: Grace is in the Hand Of God He Gives It to whom He Wills and God Encompasses us, He Knows. He Chooses His Mercy for whom He Wills and God Is The One Possessor of Unending Bounty. And among the talmudic jews are those who if thou entrusts them with a fortune will deliver it unto thee. And among them are who if thou entrusts with a crumb will not return it to thee unless thou remains standing hard over them because they say: We owe nothing to those below us. But they ascribe a lie to God while deep inside they know. Verily whoever fulfills his pledge is nearer to Wise Fear and God Loves those of Wise Fear! But those who abandon their covenant With God and their oaths with others for a cheap price for these there is no portion in the Hereafter. And God will not speak to them nor so much as look at them on the Day of Resurrection. Yea and He will not allow them to increase in God Consciousness in the meantime for they have a Painful Punishment in store. And some of them distort what is written with their tongues to make you think it is from the Book when it is not from the Book. Yea they say: It is from God! But it is not from God and they ascribe such lies to God while they know.
3:118-120 O you who believe take not close friends other than your own believing brethren! Others will stop at nothing to ruin you for they love that you should suffer. Their hatred is clearly illustrated from their mouths and what their hearts hide is even greater. We have made the verses clear if you use reason. Lo and behold! You Adamites are Imbued With Love for all From God but degenerate inhuman imposters love you not. And you can see and believe in all Gods’ Revelations while when they meet you they must lie to say: We believe. Then when they are alone they bite their fingertips in rage against you. So say: Die in your rage! Truly God Knows what is in all hearts. And when Good touches you it vexes them while if hardship befalls you they are glad. But if you are steadfast with Wise Fear their plans will never harm you. For God Encompasses All, He Knows what they do.
4:44-46 Has thou seen those adhering only to portions of Our Revelations of their choosing? O how they purchase error and seek that you stray from the Way. And God Knows Best your enemies for Quite Sufficient Is God As your Ally and Quite Sufficient Is God As your Protector. Some talmudists twist words from their places saying: We hear and we oppose. And: Hear thou other than what is said. And: Comply thou with us! Twisting their tongues and slandering Gods’ Way while it would be better had they simply said: We hear and we obey! And: Come thou and examine us! Yea it would have been best for them to be upright. But God Cursed them for their denial so they do not believe except a few.
4:160-61 So because of injustice among those who hold to talmudism, We made unlawful to them Good things which before had been Lawful to them and because of their forsaking the Path Of God much. And for their taking of usury when they had been forbidden it yea their consuming the wealth of others in vanity. We have prepared a Painful Punishment for such fools.
5:33 Hence the penalty for those who oppose God and His Messenger and spread corruption in the Earth is that they be stoned to death or they be crucified or their hands and feet be cut off on alternate sides or they be banished from the land assuring they have degradation in this world. Then in the Hereafter is their Horrifying Punishment.
5:51 O you who believe do not take the talmudic jews nor the judeo christians as protectors for they are partners of one another and whoever takes them as protectors among you they become of them.And God does not guide the wrong doing people.
6:91 And they measure not The Power Of God with the measure due Him when they say: God cannot send anything down upon a mortal.Ask them why then the Torah to Moses as a Light and Guidance for mankind?You yourselves have the parchments some of which you show while you hide much and therein you are taught what you knew not you nor your fathers.That Is God and I now leave you to play with your falsehoods.
6:112 And thus have We made for thee enemies of the degenerate inhuman imposters and some jinn who instruct one another in speech by deception. Had thy Lord Willed they would not do it. So leave them alone with their fabrications.
6:137-38 And thus do jinn make seem fair to the talmudic jews the sacrifices of innocents that they might bring them to ruin and obfuscate the doctrine for them. But had God Willed they would not do it so leave them with what they commit. And they say: These livestock and crops are taboo none are to eat them except whom we will. And livestock who are made unlawful for burden and over which Gods’ Name is not remembered all as inventions against Him. So He Will Repay them for what they invented.
6:146 And unto those jews who hold to talmudism, We made unlawful every animal with a claw and of ox and sheep the fat thereof is unlawful except what their backs carry or the entrails or what is mixed with bone. That is how We rewarded them for their rebellion and We shall repay them for any deviations therefrom.
8:13 Because they opposed God and His Messenger and God Is Severe in Retribution to whoever opposes Him and His Messenger.
8:20-30 O you who believe obey God and His Messenger and do not turn away from him when he calls you to do whatever he is told. And be not like those who say: We heard. While they did not listen. The worst of beasts in the Sight Of God are those unwilling to listen to the Truth and unwilling to communicate the Truth these do not use reason. And had God Known any Good in them He Would Have Made them listen. But Had He Made them listen they still would have turned away for they are not guided. O you who believe respond to Gods’ Messenger when he calls you to what gives you Life. And know that God Stands Between minds and hearts and that to Him you will be gathered. And be in Wise Fear of tests not to befall only those who do wrong. And know that God Is Severe in Retribution. And remember when you were few and oppressed in the land fearing the enemy would sweep you away. He Gave you Refuge and Strengthened you with His Help and Provided you Some Good Things that you might be grateful. O you who believe do not betray God or His Messenger nor betray your trusts yea you know. And be cognizant that your wealth and your children are only tests and that With God Is the Tremendous Reward. O you who believe if you are in Wise Fear of God He Will Make the difference between Good and evil clear to you and Remove your evil from you thereby and Forgive you. God Is The One Possessor of Unending Bounty. And when those who disbelieve scheme against thee to restrain thee or to kill thee or to drive thee out certainly they scheme but God Schemes and God Is The Best of schemers.
8:48 And when the degenerate inhuman imposter makes their deeds seem fair to them they say: None among humanity can defeat you this day when I am at your side! Then when the companies come within sight of one another they turn on their heels and say: I am innocent of you I see what you see not and I now fear God for God Is Severe in Retribution!
9:7-15 And some ask: How can polytheists have pledges with God and with His Messenger like with believers who pledged at the temple? Say: It is a different pledge. So long as they are upright with you be upright with them for that is all that matters to you. God Loves those of Wise Fear. But what if they get the better of you regarding neither pact nor humanitarian obligation? Yea they please you with their mouths but in their hearts they refuse. These are ones who disobey. Some also sell the Revelations Of God for a cheap price and bar others from His Way. Yea evil is what they do. They do not honor pacts nor obligations with believers these are the transgressors. But those who repent and uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence then they are your brethren in the Doctrine. We set out and detail this for you who know. But those who renege on their oaths or deride your doctrine fight these ingrates! Truly their sworn oaths are nothing to them and will not cause them to desist. Will you not fight a people who broke their oaths and attempted to expel the messenger and began against you first? Do you fear them? God Has More Reason To Be Feared if you be believers! So fight them! God Will Punish them at your hands and Humiliate them and Help you Against them to heal the hearts of people who believe balancing the rage in their hearts with faith. And God Forgives whom He Wills because God Is Knowing, Wise.
9:61-65 And among them are those who malign the prophet saying: He is unquestioning without thought. Say: He is unquestioning of what is Good for you! He believes in God and he believes in believers yea he is a mercy for those who believe. So there is a Painful Punishment for those who malign the Messenger Of God. They swear by their mouths only to please God and His Messenger while it is more Right that they should actually please God if they be believers! Do they not know that whoever works against God and His Messenger for them is the Fire of Hell wherein they abide forever? That is the Humiliating Abasement. The degenerate inhuman imposters fear this Quran might expose them for who they are showing their hatred of humanity and the evil that has forever been in their hearts. So say: Keep hating and mocking God Will Bring Forth what you fear. And if thou asks some jews they will say: We only jested and made fun. Say: Nay! You dared to mock God His Proofs His Messenger and those who believe!
9:73 O prophet strive against the deniers and hypocrites and be harsh with them tell them We have prepared their habitation in Hell and wretched is their Journeys’ End.
33:57 Truly those who disrespect God and His Messengers God Will Curse them in this world and the Hereafter. He Has Prepared a Humiliating Punishment for them.
43:36 And whoever fails the Remembrance of The Almighty We assign to them degenerate inhuman imposters who seem to be intimate friends to them.
47:32 Those who disbelieve and abandon the Path Of God or are hostile towards His messengers after the Guidance is made clear to them they do not harm God at all. And He Will Cause their hostilities to end in disaster!
48:13 Whoever does not believe in God and His Messenger We have prepared the Inferno for those fools.
50:16-29 Yea We have Created mankind and We know what the soul whispers to them for We are nearer than their jugular veins. When We commit for life two watchers one seated on the right and one on the left none utters a word that a watcher is not ready to record. And with the stupor of death will come the Truth of what each should have toiled to avoid. Then the trumpet will be blown and that is the Day of the Eminent Threat! When every soul will come with it an angel as driver and one as a witness. Certainly most were heedless of this but Today We have removed your veil so keen is your sight on this Day! And the recording angel will say: This is what I have recorded and prepared. Then cast into Hell is every stubborn ingrate! Hinderers of Good! Skeptical transgressors! Those who set up false gods with God! Yea cast these into the Severe Punishment! And their jewish comrades will say: Our Lord I did not cause them to transgress but they had been going far astray. He Will Say: Contend not in My Presence when I Had Sent My Warnings ahead to you. And the Word With Me does not change nor Am I unjust to My Servants.
58:14-22 Has thou considered those who partner with people whom God Is Wroth With? They are not of you and you are not of them and they swear oaths in falsehood while they know it. God Has Prepared a Severe Punishment for them for evil is what they do. They took their oaths as a cover and forsook the Path Of God. So a Humiliating Punishment comes for them. Their wealth and their children will avail them nothing against God. These are companions of the Fire wherein they will abide Eternally. The Day God Raises them one and all then they will swear to Him as they swore before. And they will think that they still stand upon something but they are liars who stand upon nothing. Their lies overcame them and caused them to forget the Remembrance of God. These are of the synagogue of satan and they are the definite losers. Those who work against God and His Messenger they will be among the lowest and most miserable. God Has Decreed: I Will Conquer I and My Messengers for God Is Strong, Mighty. Thou will not find any folk who believe in God and the Last Day who stay friends with whoever opposes God and His Messengers. Even if they are their parents or their children or their brethren or their kindred. For these believers He Has Decreed Faith in their hearts and Strengthened them with His Spirit to Make them Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow and they will live Eternally therein. For God Is Well Pleased with them and they are well pleased with God! These are the Party Of God and no doubt the Party Of God they are the Successful.
60:2 If they gain the ascendency over you they will be hard enemies to you and will stretch out their hands and their tongues against you with evil for as long as they can. And they long to deceive you into disbelief and disobedience.
63:1-8 When hypocrites come to thee they say: We bear witness thou are the Messenger Of God. But God Knows thou are His Messenger and God Bears Witness that hypocrites are liars. They intentionally took false oaths as a cover then forsook the Path Of God yea evil is what they did. So because they believed then denied God Sealed their hearts so they cannot understand. Sometimes their physique impresses thee and you give ear to their smooth speech. But when the Quran is recited while they sit leaning against the walls it is really as if they were propped up pieces of dry wood who think every Warning is a flame directed at them. Yea they are the enemy so beware of them for God Curses them and O how they are deluded! So when it is said to them: Repent and come here so the Messenger Of God can ask Forgiveness for you. They look away and thou sees them leave drawn back full of arrogance. And whether thou ask Forgiveness for them or not it is the same for them God will not forgive them for God guides not the wantonly disobedient people. They are those who say: Neither help nor profit those with the Messenger Of God until they disband. All the while To God Belongs All the Treasuries of the Heavens and the Earth but the hypocrites are fools who do not understand. They say: If we return to Madinah our leaders will drive out these contemptible ones for us. But Honor is Affixed To God and His Messenger and the believers yet the fools do not know.
64:14 O you who believe among your spouses and your children are enemies to you so beware of them.But when you overlook or forgive a disbeliever know that God Too Was Forgiving, Merciful to you.
4:156-59 And because of their denials and speaking against Mary to harm her reputation and their claiming: We killed the anointed one Yeshua son of Mary yea the Messenger Of God we killed him! But they did not kill him nor even lash or crucify him rather only an illusion was presented for them and truly many are in doubt thereof. They have no real knowledge only conjecture but they did not kill him and in this all can have total certainty. The Truth is God Rescued Yeshua by Raising him towards Himself in Heaven and God Is Mighty, Wise. And there is no talmudist that will believe on Yeshua before they die but on the Day of Resurrection he himself will bear witness against them!
4:171 O christians do not exceed bounds in your doctrine nor ascribe to God other than the Truth. Say only that the anointed one Yeshua son of Mary was a Messenger Of God. He came with Gods’ Word which he first conveyed to Mary through His Spirit From Him. So believe in God and His Messengers and do not say: Trinity. Nay. Desist! That is best for you for God Is The One God and how utterly remote the thought that He Would Have a human son! Everything in the Heavens and the Earth Belongs To Him. God Is Unparalleled As Sole Guardian of the universe.
5:17 But denied have those who say:God is the anointed one son of Mary.Say: Who has power over God if He Should Wish to Eliminate Yeshua and his mother and everyone on the Earth altogether?Yea To God Belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth and what is between them for He Creates and Eliminates what He Wills.Know God Is Powerful Over All Things.
5:75 The anointed one son of Mary was only a messenger like the messengers come and gone before him and his mother was a woman of Truth both of whom ate food.
5:116-120 God Said: O Yeshua son of Mary did thou say: Take me and my mother for two gods besides God? He will say: Nay. All Glory Be Unto Thee! It was not for me to say that which I had no right! If I had said it then Thou Would Have Known it for Thou Knows All of what is in my soul while I know not whatsoever is in Thy Soul. Yea Thou Are The Knower of the unseen realms. I said to them only what Thou Commanded me. Yea I said: Serve God my Lord and your Lord and I was a witness unto them while among them. Then Thou Gathered me as The Supreme Watcher yea Thou Are Witness to All things. And I have no objection if Thou Punish them for they are Thy Servants likewise if Thou Forgive them for Thou Are The Almighty, The Wise. God Says: This is the Day in which the Truthful are benefited by their Truthfulness! They have Gardens beneath which rivers flow they abiding Eternally therein forever for God Is Pleased with them and hence they are pleased with Him. That is the Tremendous Achievement. Lo. To God Belongs the Dominion of the Heavens and the Earth and All of What is in them and He Is Powerful Over All Things.
18:82 And as for the wall it belongs to two fatherless lads in the town and beneath it there is a treasure for them. And their father was Righteous and thy Lord Willed that they should reach maturity and bring forth their treasure as a Mercy From thy Lord and I did not do it by my own command. Thus is the interpretation of what thou has not been patient in.
19:29-34 Then when she pointed to him they said: You wish we speak to a child in cradle? Then he spoke: I am a prophet of the Great God! He Has Given me the Truth and Made me a prophet and Blessed me wherever I be Forever and Enjoined Upon me the Prayer and God Consciousness as long as I live. And He Made me dutiful to my mother and has not made me a miserable tyrant. And peace be unto me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I am raised alive! That is Yeshua son of Mary a statement of Truth concerning what they wondered.
43:61-64 And with Yeshua We will have knowledge of the Hour leaving no doubts concerning it. So follow me this is a Straight Path. And do not let degenerate inhuman imposters divert you for they are definite enemies to you. And when Yeshua first came with Blatant Signs he said: I have come to you with Wisdom and to clear up that wherein you differ of Gods’ Word. So be in Wise Fear of your God and obey me. Truly God He Is your Lord and my Lord so serve Him. This is the Straight Path.
3:133-34 And vie with one another for Forgiveness From your Lord seeking a Garden which depths are as the Heavens and the Earth prepared for those of Wise Fear. Be of those who spend for God both while in prosperity and in adversity those who control their wrath and are forgiving towards others. Yea God Loves the doers of Good.
3:157-59 And if you are killed or die for the Cause Of God know that ultimately Pardon From God and His Mercy are Far Better than what any can amass. And regardless if you die in battle or at home all will be gathered to God. And it is by the Mercy Of God thou are gentle to them had thou been coarse and stern they would have disbanded from round about thee. So pardon them and ask thou Forgiveness for them and take counsel with them in the affair. And when thou makes a decision place all thy trust in God. Yea God Loves those who place all their trust in Him.
4:86 And when you are greeted with a greeting greet with better than it or return it. God Takes Account of All Things.
5:45 We ordained Laws for all such as the life for the life the eye for the eye the nose for the nose the ear for the ear the tooth for the tooth yea for all damages just requital. But whoever forgives it by way of charity it is an atonement for them. And whoever does not judge by What God Sent Down those are the wrongdoers.
8:38 Say to those who are deceived: If they cease sinning what is past is forgiven them but if they return to it they will be like the former peoples gone forever.
9:7 And some ask: How can polytheists have pledges with God and with His Messenger like with believers who pledged at the temple?Say: It is a different pledge.So long as they are upright with you be upright with them for that is all that matters to you.God Loves those of Wise Fear.
42:36-41 Whatever you are given here is for the enjoyment of this present life but What is With God is Better and Everlasting for those who believe and place all their trust in their Lord. It is those who avoid the greater sins and immoralities and when angry they forgive. They respond to Words of their Lord and uphold the Prayer and run their affairs by mutual consultation. And of what We provide them they spend for God. And those who when injustice befalls them defend each other. And the Reward for evil is evil the like thereof but whoever pardons and does Right their Reward is Upon God He Who does not love the wrongdoers. And whoever helps themselves after injustice these there is no way against them.
Rev 14:13 And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Write: Blessed are the dead which die in The Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Mat 5:10 “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Mat 10:39 “He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”
Mat 19:29 “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life.”
2:243 Has thou not considered those who left their houses in thousands to fight while fearing death? Then God Said: Die! And they did so then He Gave them Life for God Is Bountiful towards humanity but most are not grateful.
3:195 And their Lord Responds to them: I forget not the actions of any that works among you male or female. You are alike those who emigrate or are expelled from their homes or otherwise hindered in My Cause fighting or getting killed. I Will Absolve their evils from them and Make them Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow as Reward from the Presence Of your God. And for certain about God the Best of Rewards are With Him.
4:100 And whoever emigrates for the Cause Of God will find much refuge and abundance in the Earth. And whoever leaves their house to emigrate for God and His Messenger then death overtakes them their Reward is With God and God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
22:58 And those who emigrate for the Cause Of God and in so doing are injured or die God Will Provide a Goodly Provision for them. And God He Is The Best of providers.
3:28 Let not believers take fools as protectors rather than fellow believers. For whoever does that is not of God in anything unless it is because you are Godfearing and are surveying and learning of their schemes while recalling that to God is the Journeys’ End.
4:138-39 Bear thou tidings to the hypocrites that they have a Painful Punishment. And those who take the fools as protectors rather than the believers do they seek greatness from them? Greatness Belongs To God Alone.
4:144 O you who believe do not take fools as protectors instead of believers.Why would you give God a Clear Warrant against you?
5:51 O you who believe do not take the talmudic jews nor the christians as protectors for they are partners of one another and whoever takes them as protectors among you they become of them. And God does not guide the wrong doing people.
33:48 Do not obey fools nor hypocrites and disregard their hindrances just place all thy trust in God for God Is Unparalleled as Guardian.
56:7-10 . . . then you will be of three kinds. The companions of the right who are the companions of the right? And the companions of the left who are the companions of the left? And the vanguard who are the vanguard?
3:14 Made seem fair for humans is attraction to each other and desire for children and heaped up fortunes of gold and silver and branded horses and livestock and crops. That is the provision of the life of this world but With God is the Best Of Returns.
3:178 And do not let disbelievers think the indulgences We grant to them are good for them. We only indulge them that they might increase in sin! And then they will have a Humiliating Punishment.
8:28 And be cognizant that your wealth and your children are only tests and that With God Is the Tremendous Reward.
9:24 Say: If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your wives and your kindred and the wealth you have acquired and trade wherein you fear a decline and dwellings with which you are pleased are dearer to you than God and His Messenger and striving in His Way then wait until God Brings His Command. God guides not the wantonly disobedient people.
9:85 Yea and do not let their wealth or children impress thee for God Only Uses such to distract them in this world so that they will die in lowly states as the fools they were.
9:88 But the messenger and those who believe with him strive with their wealth and their lives and these have the Good things. Yea these are the Successful!
9:111 But God Has Bought from the believers their lives and their wealth for that the Garden is theirs because they fight for the Cause Of God killing and being killed. This is a promise binding upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran and who fulfills a promise better than God? Rejoice then in your bargain that you have contracted with Him for in that is the Tremendous Achievement.
18:46 Wealth and children are an adornment of the life of this world but Righteous deeds which endure hold better Rewards and are greater in the Sight Of thy Lord and better for hope.
34:34-37 And We sent no Warner to any city where its opulent ones did not say: We are deniers of that wherewith you have been sent. And they said: We are greater in wealth and children and we are not among anyone to be punished. Say: My Lord Expands and Restricts His Provision for whom He Wills but most do not understand. And neither your wealth nor your children will bring you near to Us only the believers and workers of Righteousness. Yea they have the Double Reward for what they did they will be secure in High Places!
44:25-29 How many fine gardens and springs they left and great crops and noble stations and prosperity in which they found joy. But We gave it as inheritance to the Israelites. And the Heavens and the Earth did not weep for them nor will they be granted respite.
58:17 Their wealth and their children will avail them nothing against God. These are companions of the Fire wherein they will abide Eternally.
60:11 And retaliate against disbelievers who take your wives! Run them down and take everything they have then give to the ones who lost their wives their amount due. And be in Wise Fear of God in Whom you are believers.
63:9 O you who believe do not let your wealth or your children divert you from the Remembrance of God because those who do that these are the losers.
64:15 Your wealth and your children are only Tests From God but with Him is the Immense Reward.
68:10-16 Neither obey a despised false swearer of oaths or a backbiter going about with slander nor the hinderer of Good nor the transgressor or one who deceives relentless and ignoble because they have wealth and authority and children. When Our verses are recited they say: These are but legends of former peoples. We will permanently brand them with darkened faces those who frown forever!
69:27-29 Yea if only the first death had been my end! Now my wealth does not avail me and gone from me is my security and authority!
89:17-23 No indeed! The Truth is you do not honor the orphan and do not encourage one another to feed the needy but consume the inheritance greedily and love wealth with immense cherishment. No indeed! When the Earth is leveled like sand is when thy Lord Comes with His Angels rank upon rank. Hell is brought about that Day the Day mankind will remember Our Warnings. But of what use will remembering then serve?
92:8-21 But as for the miserly and rich who refuse to do Good We will ease them towards the Fall and their wealth will not rescue them from it. Truly all Guidance is upon Us and to Us belong the first and the last. So I warn you of the Raging Fire in which the wicked burn those who denied and turned away. But the devout will be Led Straight. And one who gives of their wealth to purify themselves gives freely without seeking rewards nor thanks rather only seeking the Countenance Of their Lord, The Most High. Yea one who does that will be glad!
111:1-5 Ruined were the hands of Abu Lahab in his end. His wealth did not avail him nor what he earned. He will burn in the Fire of Flame and his wife as the bearer of firewood for it around her neck a rope of twisted strands.
16. JINN
6:100 And some think the jinn are gods? Was it not He Who Created them? Then they ascribe to Him sons and daughters without knowledge while utterly remote is the thought that He would have jinn or human children. Yea Exalted Is He Far Above what they claim and serve!
6:128-129 And the Day He Gathers one and all it will be said: O congregation of jinn with your degenerate inhuman imposters you have taken many among humanity. And their partners among humans will say: Our Lord we benefited one another but we reached our term which Thou Deferred for us. Then He Will Say: The Fire is your dwelling you abiding Eternally therein except that I Should Will. Thy Lord Is Wise, Knowing. And thus We make the wrongdoers partners of one another by what they have earned.
7:179 And We have sown for Hell many among the jinn and humans. They now have hearts that do not understand and eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear. These are like the livestock. Nay. They aren’t that wise they are far astray! Yea these are the heedless fools.
17:88 Say: If all humans and jinn set out to bring the like of this Quran they would not bring the like even if they were banded in solemn dedication at risk of death.
27:17-18 And there gathered unto Solomon his forces of jinn and humans and birds soldiering in ranks. When they had reached the valley of the ants the queen said: O ants enter your safe dwellings so that Solomon and his forces do not crush you while unprepared.
27:39-40 A dutiful one among the jinn said: I will bring it to thee before thou can rise from thy station for I am strong and trustworthy. Then one with knowledge of the Way said: Nay. I will bring it to thee before thy glance returns to thee! And when he saw it set before him he said: This Miracle is of the Bounty of my Lord that He Might Try me whether I be grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful is only grateful for their own soul. And whoever is ungrateful my Lord Is Free From need of thanks.
32:13 And had We willed We would have given every soul guidance but the Word From Me is binding and I Will Fill Hell with jinn and humans one and all.
33:12-14 And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was disease said: God and His Messenger Promised us only deception. And when a number of cowards said: O people of Madinah there is no way to win here so go back home! So some sought permission from the prophet saying: Our households are exposed when they were not exposed yea the unfaithful sought only flight in cowardice. And had the enemies entered their borders demanding submission to them instead of God they would have given in hesitating only briefly.
41:25 And We assigned intimate companions to them who made what was before and what was to come seem fair to them. And hence upon the former and latter communities of jinn and humans is how the Word became binding thereby they become the losers forever.
51:56-57 And I Created the jinn and humans only that they might serve Me. I desire no provision from them nor do I want what they offer to feed Me.
To fully understand the meaning behind the following verses one must comprehend “the big lie”. See
13:41 Do they not consider how We approach the Earth Circle from its outlying parts?Or how when God Judges there is no critic of His Judgement?Yea and He Is Swift In Reckoning!
21:44 Yet We give many enjoyment and make life seem long to them. But have they not considered how We appear on Earth from out of nowhere then disappear the same way? How can any be victors against that?
21:95-96 When a prohibition is upon a city We have destroyed none will return until Gog and Magog have been loosed issuing forth in every direction.
29:56-59 O My Servants who believe wide is My Earth and Me Alone must thou serve. For every soul will taste death then to Us you will be returned. And those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness We will settle them in the high places of the Gardens beneath which rivers flow and they will live Eternally therein. Yea excellent is the Reward for those of Good deeds! Those who are patient and who place all their trust in their Lord.
36:40 The sun behooves itself not to reach the moon nor the night to outrun the day while each is in circles swimming.
40:39 O my people the life of this world is only brief but the Hereafter that is the Enduring Abode.
40:64 God It Is Who Made the Earth a fixed lodging for you and the sky a structure and Designed you and Made your forms Goodly and Provides Good Things for you.That Is God your Lord so Blessed Be God The Lord of the Worlds.
51:47-48 And the Heaven We built with great might and truly We are Ones Who still expand it. the universe Then We spread out the Earth and how excellent are Those Who spread!
53:14-15 . . . by the lote tree of the utmost boundary near it is the Garden of Abode. Gods’ Kingdom begins on the other side of the firmament which surrounds us. We’re in the Earth circle on top of a very large globe which is Gods’ Actual Kingdom or “Heaven”. To eliminate all doubts about this lie, Watch “Level With Me!“
Get the whole truth at
This verse is speaking of the Pleiades viewed from where the firmament meets the Earth at the artic circle or Antarctica. Note the artic circle is the biblical “Earth circle”.
56:75 For I swear by the orbit of the stars
57:21 So compete for Forgiveness From your Lord for a Garden the breadth whereof is as the breadth of the sky and the Earth is prepared for believers in God and His Messengers. That is the Bounty Of God which He Gives to whom He Wills. And God Is The One Possessing Endless Bounty.
67:5 And We have adorned the firmament with lamps and armed them with missiles to be thrown at the degenerate inhuman imposters. For them is prepared the Punishment of the Inferno.
75:7-11 Then when the sight is dazzled and the sun is darkened and gathered with the moon that Day they will say: Where can I escape to? No indeed! There is no escape.
17:7 If you do Good you do Good for your souls and if you do evil that is for them too. Then when the second promise came it was that enemies should disgrace your countenances and occupy your place of worship as they did before laying waste to all they overcome by laying waste.
17:15 Whoever was Rightly Guided was only Rightly Guided for their soul. And whoever strayed only strayed against it. There does not bear any bearer the burden of another and We do not punish until a messenger has come.
27:92 And whoever is Rightly Guided they are only Rightly Guided for themselves. And whoever strays truly I am among the ones who warn them.
29:6 And whoever strives they strive only for themselves for God Is Free From need of anything.
31:12 And We gave Luqman wisdom to be grateful to God.For whoever is grateful is only grateful to the benefit of their own soul and whoever denies God Is Completely Free From need, Praiseworthy.
35:18 No one bears the burden of another and if one burdened seeks help with his burden nothing will be lifted even if they are relatives. And thou really only warns those who already fear their Lord in the unseen and uphold the Prayer. Those who purify themselves only to purify their own souls then unto God is the Journeys’ End.
39:41 We sent this Book to thee for mankind in Truth and whoever is Rightly Guided it is for their soul. And whoever strays they only stray against it but thou are not a guardian over them.
41:46 Whoever works Righteousness it is for their soul. And whoever does evil it is against their soul for it is not thy Lord who is unjust to His Servants.
47:38 So here you are called to spend in the Path Of God then among you is one who is miserly. And whoever is miserly is only miserly against themselves. For With God Are All Riches and you in the Earth are poor. And if you turn away He Will Simply Replace you with a people unlike the likes of you!
48:10 Those who swear allegiance to thee only swear allegiance to God and the Hand Of God Works Over their hands. And whoever reneges the only renege against their own soul. And whoever fulfills what they have taken upon themselves as a pledge to God He Will Give these an Immense Reward.
Those who cannot see Gods’ Miracles are condemned by God.
2:99 We have sent Clear Proofs down to thee and only the wantonly disobedient fools deny them.
2:211 Ask the children of Israel how many a Clear Proof We gave them.And to whomever gives false witness of Gods’ Proofs God Will Be Severe In Retribution.
3:4 Each before as a Guidance for mankind yea He Sent Down the Criterion between Right and wrong. And those who deny the Word Of God they have a Severe Punishment and God Is Mighty, Able To Repay.
3:19 The Doctrine With God is Submission and many in possession of the Word differ only out of jealousy. Yea whoever belittles the Word or Proofs Of God God Is Swift In Reckoning.
3:21 Those who deny the Proofs Of God or seek to kill the prophets without cause or harm those who enjoin equity among others give them tidings of a Painful Punishment.
3:101 And how can you deny when the Proofs Of God are recited to you and His Messenger is in your midst? Whoever holds fast to God has been Guided to the Straight Path!
3:103 And hold fast to the Rope Of God altogether and be not divided. And remember the Grace Of God towards you when you were combatant with one another. He United your hearts so that by His Care you became brethren. Yea you were upon the edge of a pit of Fire and He Rescued you from it. Thus Does God Make His Proofs Clear to you that you might be Rightly Guided.
3:164 God Has Shown Grace to the believers in Raising Up a Messenger among themselves reciting to them His Proofs and increasing them in God Consciousness and teaching them what is written with Wisdom.These know they were in obvious error before.
4:140 And He Has Sent Down Upon you herein that when you hear the Proofs Of God rejected and mocked sit not with them unless they talk on a worthy subject or you will become like them. Then truly God Will Gather the hypocrites and such fools into Hell one and all.
6:4-11 Yet to some there is no Proof among the Proofs of their Lord that they do not turn away from! So they have denied the Truth when it came to them and there will come to them Clearer News of that whereat they mocked. Have they not considered how many a generation We culled before them? We established them in the Earth even greater than We established you and We sent the sky upon them with abundant rains and made the rivers flow beneath them. Then We destroyed them for their transgressions and brought into being other generations after them. And had We sent down upon thee the Decree on parchment so that they might touch it with their hands those who disbelieve would still have said: This is only obvious fantasy. And they would have said: Oh that an angel had only been sent down with him! But had We sent down an angel as We have done the matter would have been concluded right then and they would not have had a chance to repent. had We sent an angel as a messenger We would have made him appear as human which would have confounded them on top of their confusion. Yea messengers have been mocked before thee. And those who derided them were surrounded by what they had been ridiculing. Say: So travel in the lands to see the final outcome of the deniers.
6:109-110 And they swore by God their strongest oaths that if a Proof came to them they would believe in it. Say: The Proofs Of God are here and well known but how shall those who refused to believe ever know them since they now cannot perceive? Yea the great conundrum! Thus do We turn away their hearts and their sight as they did not believe to begin with to leave them wandering blindly in much disorder.
Again, think about Avatar and the Matrix
I Corinthians 15:50-55 Now this I say, brethren, this flesh and blood cannot possess the Kingdom Of God: neither shall corruption possess incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall all indeed rise again: but we shall not all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise again incorruptible: and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality. And when this mortal hath put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?
2 Corinthians 5:1-10 For We know that when this Earthly tent we live in is taken down we will have a house in Heaven, an Eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our Heavenly bodies like new clothing. For we will put on Heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies. While we live in these Earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life. God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit. So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with The Lord. For we live by believing and not by seeing. Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these Earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with The Lord. So whether we are here in this body or away from this body, our goal is to please Him. For We must all stand before God to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the Good or evil we have done in this Earthly body.
56:61-62 And We will change your likenesses by Creating you as creatures you do not know unlike the former Creation. Yea you will come to regret if only you had took heed!
71:18 And He Will Return you to it then He Will Bring you Forth Anew.
76:27-28 Those who love this fleeting life and do not care to think of the Grievous Day to come should know We Created them and built their frames and We will change their likenesses completely.
The first few are about Al-Mahdi aka yours truly whom God Is Guiding and Teaching in “these times”. FYI; there are many other prophecies in the Quran some of which have already came True, these are only the current/future ones.
72:26-28 He Is The One Who Knows the unseen! And He discloses not the unseen to anyone except a messenger with whom He Is Content. He Places in front of him and behind him Watchers so He Will Know that they have conveyed the Messages Of their Lord. And He Enwraps whatever is with them with numbers and Counts Everything with numbers. Those who read pages 5 onward of issue #119 of the Goyim Gazette will get a detailed mathematical exploration of the mind boggling meanings behind these last 3 verses. It starts here;
Note the last one of 111 from “simple gematria”. Now let us see if this David is connected to the Quran. Recall from the introduction the number 6555 from totaling the chapters herein and the total from the odd chapter/verse calcs was also 6555. Well 6555 + 111 = 6666! So it was only natural to look into the prophets’ name Mohamet to see if it too is encoded in the Quran. Here’s what we find; Mohamet is formed from Arabic; Mim, Ha, Mim, Dal.
Mim is the 24th word & the 24th surah has 64 verses
Ha is the 6th word & the 6th surah has 165 verses
Mim is the 24th word & the 24th surah has 64 verses
Dal is the 8th word & the 8th surah has 75 verses
Based on the same thing we did to come up with the chapter/verse sums in the intro; The sum between number of Surahs and verses total of each Surah is
24 + 64 = 88
6 + 165 = 171
24 + 64 = 88
8 + 75 = 83
And 88 + 171 + 88 + 75 = 430 . . . The Quran has 6,236 verses and 6236 + 430 = 6666!
3:81 And when God Took agreements with the prophets Saying: Whatever I Have Given you of Future Insights prophecies and Wisdom then comes to you a final messenger confirming what I Gave you you must believe in him and help him. He Said: Do you affirm and take on this severe test? Said they: We do affirm. He Said: Then bear witness and I Am With you among the witnesses. This commonly misunderstood verse is about a covenant with God from all the messengers who’ve existed prior (who are with God now, not dead per 2:154 & 3:169) to help the final messenger of end times. Remaining loyal to him at first will be a “severe test” because the final messenger is not a prophet so is not in direct communication with Gabriel or directly guided by God but rather a human who makes human mistakes and must learn and grow as he goes. This is Gods’ Way of proving how Good a human of His Creation can be without total control of God.
9:33 He It Is Who Sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the Doctrine of Truth that He Might Make It Manifest over every doctrine though the polytheists be averse.
18:82 And as for the wall it belongs to two fatherless lads in the town and beneath it there is a treasure for them. And their father was Righteous and thy Lord Willed that they should reach maturity and bring forth their treasure as a Mercy From thy Lord and I did not do it by my own command. Thus is the interpretation of what thou has not been patient in.
73:1-18 O thou enwrapped one! Arise during the night only a little or maybe half thereof or reduce it some or add thereto and comprehend the Quran with a Goodly comprehension. For We will cast upon thee some Deep Understandings. Lo the vigil of the night is often best for keenness of mind and Potency of the Word for by day thou has other things to focus on. So remember the Name Of YHWH thy Lord and devote thyself totally to Him. The Lord of the Rising and the Setting there is no god but He so take only Him as Guardian. And be thou steadfast over what they say and leave them with graceful abandon. Yea leave thou to Me the ones who deny the possessors of ease you will only have to put up with them for a little while. For with Us are their shackles in the Raging Fire and a food that chokes only Painful Punishment and shame. The Day the Earth and the mountains will shake and level out as if sand being vibrated. Yea We have sent to you a messenger as a witness against you as We sent a messenger to pharaoh. But pharaoh opposed his messenger so We seized him with a Deadly Grip. So how will you be in Wise Fear if you deny the Day which will make the children white haired when the great sky will crack open? Yea His Promise will be fulfilled.
– End of Al-Mahdi related prophesies, the rest are yet to come . . .
6:73 And He It Is Who Created the Heavens and the Earth with Truth and to whatever He Says: Be thou! It is. His Speech is Truth and To Him Belongs the Dominion on the Day the trumpet is blown. He Is The Knower of the unseen and the seen The Wise, The Fully Aware.
14:48-51 The Day the Earth is changed into another Earth along with the Heavens they will come before God, The One, The Omnipotent. The Day thou sees evildoers bound in shackles. Then as if covered with tar with the Fire consuming their faces. This that God Rewards each soul for what it earned yea and God Is Swift In Reckoning on this Day!
17:104 And We said to the children of Israel afterwards: Dwell in the land then when the Promise of the Hereafter comes We will bring you out as a mass.
18:94 They said: O Dhu’l Qarnayn Gog and Magog are workers of corruption in the land so may we appoint for thee due payment on condition that thou make between us and them a barrier?
18:99-101 And We will leave them that Day to surge one upon another when the trumpet is blown and We gather them one and all. And Hell will be displayed to the fools. Those whose eyes were under a covering from My Remembrance and who were unable to hear.
20:15 The Hour is coming and I Nearly Hide It so that every soul is Rewarded with what it strove for.
20:100-103 Whoever turns from it they will bear a burden on the Day of Resurrection. And they will live Eternally therein. So how miserable is the load for them on the Day of Resurrection! The Day the trumpet is blown that Day We will gather the evildoers white eyed with fear and whispering among themselves: Woe this be Eternal as if we tarried only ten days on Earth!
21:95-96 When a prohibition is upon a city We have destroyed none will return until Gog and Magog have been loosed issuing forth in every direction.
21:104-105 The Day We roll up the Heavens like the rolling up of a library of scrolls as We began the first Creation We will repeat it. Yea it is the Promise upon Us and We are Ones to do it. And We decreed to King David upon giving him the Psalms after the Torah: My Righteous servants will inherit the Earth.
23:99-104 And when death has come to one of them they say: My Lord please Send me back! Yea that I might work Righteousness in what I left behind. But no indeed! It was but words that they said and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are raised. Then when the trumpet is blown there will be no ties of kinship among them that Day! Nor can they ask anything of one another. Then whose balance is heavy in Good deeds these are the successful. And whose balance is light these are they who lost their souls they will abide Eternally in Hell. The Fire scorching their faces while wailing and scowling in morose forever.
24:55 And God Has Promised those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness that He Will Make them successors in the Earth even as He Made those successors who were before them. And He Will Establish their doctrine for them which He Approved for them and Will Give them in exchange Safety after their fear. They serve Me and they ascribe no partnership with Me to anything and whoever denies after that these are the wantonly disobedient.
27:82-83 And when the Word finally befalls them We will bring forth a creature from the Earth telling them that mankind was foolish for not being certain of Our Proofs. And the Day We gather from every community a unit of those who deny Our Proofs then they will be marshaled to march in rank to Us.
27:87-88 And the Day the trumpet will be blown everyone in the Heavens and the Earth will be in terror except whom God Wills. All will come to Him abased and humbled in lowliness. And when thou sees the mountains which ye thought were solid they will pass like the passing of the clouds. Hence the Work Of God Who Perfected All His Things! And He It Is Who Is Aware Of Everything you do.
28:5-6 But We desired to give Grace to those who were oppressed in the Earth and to make them leaders and to make them inheritors and to establish them in the Earth and to show pharaoh and haman and their forces what they ought to have feared.
33:44-47 Their greeting the Day they meet Him is: Peace! And He Has Prepared a Noble Reward for them. O prophet We have sent thee as a witness a bringer of Glad Tidings and a Warner. And as a Caller to God by His Permission yea thou are an illuminating torch. So give Glad Tidings to the believers that they have a Great Bounty From their God.
44:10-11 So wait for the Day the sky brings obvious smoke that envelops the people for then begins a Painful Punishment!
47:18 Yet they await unwittingly that the Hour should come upon them unexpectedly? Then when its prophesied events come as Reminders what use will they be to them? None!
54:1 The Hour draws near when the moon will be rent asunder.
69:13-17 The trumpet will be blown with a single blow before the Earth and the mountains are leveled with a single leveling and everything therein is taken up. That Day the Inevitability becomes the Reality. The Day the wide Heavens will be rent asunder as if feathers blown about. The angels will be upon its borders and eight will bear the Throne Of thy Lord above them.
The Quran being Gods’ final testament to mankind from His last prophet Mohamet, it makes sense that there would be a greater focus on Judgement Day than in that of other scriptures. When separated from the rest of the Quran this becomes a very weighty and sobering read that should be taken in frequently by all believers. Being ready for a good outcome on Judgement Day is after all, the entire point of ones’ life. ~ Enjoy the reminder! ~
1:1-4 In the Name of YHWH; the Almighty, the Merciful. All praise to You Lord of the worlds the Merciful, the Compassionate. The Only Master of Judgement Day.
2:8 And among people are many who say: We believe in God and the Last Day but they have not submitted.
2:48 And be in Wise Fear of the Day no soul will avail a soul anything nor will intercession be accepted from it nor will compensation be taken from it nor will they be helped.
2:85 . . . the reward of those who do this is only degradation in the life of this world and on the Day of Resurrection they are sent back to the Harshest Punishment for God is not unmindful of everything you do.
2:113 Yet still the talmudic jews say: The christians have nothing to stand upon when they read the gospel and the christians say: The talmudic jews have nothing to stand upon when they read the talmud. Thus say all those who know not and God will be Judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differed.
2:123 And be in Wise Fear of the Day no soul will avail another soul anything nor will compensation be accepted from it nor will intercession benefit it nor will they be helped by anyone.
2:126 And when Abraham said: My Lord make this a secure land provide its people some fruits for those who believe in God and the Last Day. He said: Yes and also for whoever denies I will let them enjoy a little too then will I drive them to the Punishment of the Fire that loathsome Eternal misery is their Journeys’ End.
2:174 Those who conceal what God has revealed in the Torah and sell the Book for a cheap price these eat into their bellies only of the Fire. And God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection nor will He increase them in God Consciousness indeed they have a Painful Punishment.
2:177 It is not virtuous that you turn your faces towards the east and the west. Virtuous is whoever believes in God and the Last Day
2:212 Life of this world is made to seem fair to the deceived and those who deride believers. But those who are in Wise Fear will be above the rest on the Day of Resurrection and God gives to whom He wills without measure.
2:254 O you who believe spend wisely of what We have provided you before there comes a Day wherein is neither commerce nor friendship nor intercession for the fools who are the wrongdoers.
2:281 And be in Wise Fear of a Day in which you will be returned to God when every soul will be paid in full what it has earned and they will not be wronged.
3:9 Our Lord Who is preparing mankind for a Day about which there is no doubt for God does not break any appointment.
3:25 Then how will it be when We gather them to a Day about which there is no doubt when every soul is paid in full what it earned Eternally? And they will not be wronged.
3:30 The Day every soul will be summoned to find what it did of good and what it did of evil it will wish there were between the two a great expanse. Yea God warns you of Himself for God is Kind to the servants.
3:55 When God said: O Yeshua I will take thee and raise thee to Me and purify thee of those who disbelieve. And I will make those who follow thee far superior to disbelievers on the Day of Resurrection when to Me is your return. And I will be Judge between you concerning that wherein you differed.
3:77 But those who abandon their covenant with God and their oaths with others for a cheap price for these there is no portion in the Hereafter. And God will not speak to them nor so much as look at them on the Day of Resurrection. Yea and He will not allow increase in God Consciousness in the meantime for they have a Painful Punishment in store.
3:106-7 The Day faces will brighten and faces will cloud over. As for those whose faces cloud over did you deny after your faith? Then taste the Punishment for the Truth you denied! And for those whose faces brighten is the Mercy of God wherein they abide Eternally.
3:161 And no prophet should defraud believers for whoever defrauds will come with what he defrauded on the Day of Resurrection. Then every soul will be paid in full for what it earned and they will not be wronged.
3:180 And do not let those who are miserly with what God gives them of His Bounty think it benefits them. The Truth is it is a misery for them yea hung around their necks will be that with which they were miserly on the Day of Resurrection. And to God belongs the Inheritance of everything in the heavens and earth. And God is Aware of everything you do!
3:185 Yea every soul will taste death and your dues will be paid in full on the Day of Resurrection. And whoever is averted from the Fire and made to enter the Garden he has attained Triumph! For the life of this world is only the enjoyment of a massive illusion.
3:194 Our Lord give us what Thou has promised us via Thy Messengers and do not humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection. Thou will not break Thy Solemn Declaration!
4:39 And how would it harm anyone to have believed in God and the Last Day and to spend for God of what God has provided them? Yea God knows them.
4:42 On that Day the disbelievers and those who opposed the messengers will wish they were long dead in the ground! And they will not conceal anything from God.
4:87 God there is no god but He. He will gather you all to the Day of Resurrection whereof there is no doubt and who is more Truthful than God in promises?
4:109 Elsewise here you are pleading for them in the life of this world but who will plead with God for them on the Day of Resurrection? Yea who will be their guardian then?
4:159 And there is no talmudist that will believe on Yeshua before they die but on the Day of Resurrection he himself will bear witness against them!
4:162 But those established in knowledge they believe in what is sent down to thee and what was sent down before thee as do the upholders of the Prayer those who are conscious of Gods’ Constant Presence who believe in God and the Last Day. We will give an Immense Reward to these.
5:36 And those who disbelieve were they to have all the treasures in the earth and the like thereof to double it to ransom them from the Punishment on the Day of Resurrection it would not be accepted from them. Nay. They have a Painful Punishment.
5:69 Truly all those who believe and hold firmly to monotheism among the sabaeans and the christians and whoever else believes in God and the Last Day and heeds Gods’ Laws while doing works of righteousness they need not fear nor will they regret.
5:109 The Day God gathers the messengers He will say: What was their response to you? They will say: They had no knowledge. Truly Thou are the Knower of the unseen realms.
5:119 God will say: This is the Day in which the Truthful are benefited by their Truthfulness! They have Gardens beneath which rivers flow they abiding Eternally therein forever for God is Pleased with them and hence they are pleased with Him. That is the Tremendous Achievement.
6:12 Say: Unto Whom belongs Everything in the heavens and the earth? Unto God belongs All! And He Himself has first ordained Mercy for you but He will bring you one and all to the Day of Resurrection whereof there is no doubt. And those who have lost their souls are they who do not believe.
6:15-16 Say: I fear if I should oppose my Lord the Punishment of an Onerous Day. From whom Hell is averted that Day He will have laid His Mercy upon them and that is the Clear Achievement.
6:22 And on the Day We gather them one and all We will question those who served other than God: Where are your gods now?
6:31 Those who doubt the Meeting with God have lost and when the Hour comes upon them unexpectedly they will say: O our regret that we neglected this Day! And they will bear their burdens upon their backs yea misery is what they will bear.
6:70 Do not accompany those who live their lives in play and diversion for the short life of this world has deceived them. So remind them of Truth lest their souls be taken for what they have earned on a Day when they have no ally or intercessor besides God and no ransom however so great will be accepted. These earn destruction with a scalding liquid and Sore Punishment because they denied.
6:73 And He It Is Who created the heavens and the earth with Truth and to whatever He says: Be thou! It is. His Speech is Truth and to Him belongs the Dominion on the Day the trumpet is blown. He is the Knower of the unseen and the seen the Wise, the Fully Aware.
6:93 And who is denser than one who invents a lie about God or says: I am instructed. When they are not instructed in anything. And who can say: I will send down the like of what God sent down? If thou could see when the wrongdoers are in the throes of death in terror while the angels stretch forth their hands saying: Bring forth your souls. Today comes your Reward of Humiliating Punishment because you ascribed to God other than Truth while denying His Proofs and mocking His Prophets!
6:128 And the Day He gathers one and all it will be said: O congregation of jinn with your degenerate inhuman imposters you have taken many among humanity. And their partners among humans will say: Our Lord we benefited one another but we reached our term which Thou deferred for us. Then He will say: The Fire is your dwelling you abiding Eternally therein except that I should will. Thy Lord is wise, knowing.
6:130 O congregations of jinn and humans did no messengers come from among you narrating My Proofs and Warnings of the Meeting on this Day? They will say: We bear witness against ourselves for the life of this world has deceived us. They will bear witness against themselves that they were indeed fools.
6:158 Do they wait for the angels or thy Lord Himself to come to them or maybe more Great Proofs from thy Lord? The last Time Great Proofs come from thy Lord the new faith of a soul will benefit it nothing for it had not believed before nor earned good. So wait We are waiting too.
7:8 Indeed the weighing on that Day is the Truth and those whose balance is heavy with it these are the successful.
7:51 Those who took their doctrine as play and diversion and whom the life of this world deceived. Yea this Day do We forget them as they forgot the Meeting of this their Day and as they rejected Our Miracles as Proof.
7:53 Then they only awaited the fulfillment thereof? The Day the fulfillment comes those who had forgotten it before will say: The messengers of our Lord brought the Truth have we one of them who might intercede for us now? Or can we be sent back that we might do other than what we did? Nay! They have lost their souls and the jinn they served have strayed from them.
9:35 The Day the Fire of Hell will be roaring branding their foreheads and sides and backs it is said: That is what you amassed for your souls. Taste what you earned!
10:28 On the Day We will gather them one and all We will say to those who serve other than God: Here are your places you and your partners and We will separate them and their partners will say: It was not us you served!
10:45 And the Day He gathers them will be as though they had tarried only an hour of the day compared to Eternity and they will recognize one another. Fools will have lost those who doubted the Meeting with God for they were not Rightly Guided.
11:8 And if We delay the Punishment until a Reckoned Time they will say: What detains it? In Truth the Day it comes unwelcomely there will be no averting it from them. Yea surrounding them then will be that they mocked!
11:102-08 Thus is the Seizing of thy Lord when He takes the cities of wrongdoers. Yea and His Seizing is Painful, Strong. In that is a Proof for those who fear the Punishment of the Hereafter. That is the Day when all mankind will be gathered a Day to be witnessed intensely by all Beings. And We delay it only to a term appointed by God. On the Day no soul speaks except by Gods’ Permission. Among them are both the horrified and the joyous. And as for the former into the Fire! They only have moaning and wailing therein. They abiding Eternally so long as the heavens and the earth endure unless thy Lord should will otherwise for thy Lord is the Doer of what He wills. And as for those who are joyous embark into the Garden! They abiding Eternally therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure unless thy Lord should will otherwise a bestowal without end. And thus is the seizing of thy Lord when He takes the cities of those who were doing wrong. Yea His seizing is painful, strong. In that is a proof for those who fear the punishment of the hereafter. That is a Day to which mankind will be gathered and that is a Day intensely witnessed by all. And we delay it only to a term appointed by God. On the Day it comes no soul will speak except by Gods’ permission and among them are the miserable and the glad. And as for those who are miserable into the fire! They only have therein moaning and wailing. They abiding eternally therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure but that thy Lord should will for thy Lord is doer of what He wills. And as for those who are glad into the garden! They abiding eternally therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure but that thy Lord should will a bestowal without end.
14:40-44 My Lord make me and my progeny ones who uphold the Formal Prayer yea our Lord please accept these Prayers. Our Lord please forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the Reckoning takes place. Yea think not that God is unmindful of what the wrong doers do. He only grants them respite till a Day wherein their eyes will stare fixed in horror. Running forward seeking an end of the huge craft above them their heads looking up at it unable to look away because of the incredible sight they’re seeing and their minds void. in astonishment and inability to comprehend Yea warn thou mankind of the Day the Punishment will come upon them when those who do wrong will say: Our Lord delay us a little while and we will respond to Thy Call and follow Thy Messengers. Yet did they not swear that there would be no such Day for them?
14:48-51 The Day the earth is changed into another earth along with the heavens they will come before God the One, the Omnipotent. The Day thou sees evildoers bound in shackles. Then as if covered with tar with the Fire consuming their faces. This that God Rewards each soul for what it earned yea and God is Swift in Reckoning on this Day! Then on the Day of Resurrection He will disgrace them saying: Where are My partners for whom you made breaches? Those possessing knowledge will say: Disgrace and misery are upon the fools this Day! Those the angels take for having wronged their souls they will propose in surrender claiming:We were not doing evil. But verily God knows everything everyone does. So enter the Gates of Hell abiding Eternally therein yea miserable is the dwelling of the arrogant. And it will be said to those who were in Wise Fear: What did your Lord send down? They will say: Good. Yea and for those who do good in this world there is good and the Home of the Hereafter is far better so excellent is the Home for those of Wise Fear. Gardens of Perpetual Abode which they enter beneath which rivers flow and for them therein is whatever they will thus does God Reward those of Wise Fear. Those whom the angels take in states of goodness they will say: Peace be unto you! Enter the Garden because of everything you did.
16:84-89 And the Day We raise up a witness from every community no care will be given to disbelievers nor will they be allowed to make amends. And when those fools behold the Punishment it will not be lightened for them nor will they be granted respite. And when the polytheists see what they served they will say: Our Lord these jinn are our partners to whom we called rather than Thee? And the jinn will say to them: Yea you are fools! And they will propose submission to God that Day for strayed from them will be those they invented. Those who disbelieve and barred from the Path of God We will increase them in Punishment with more Punishment for what they wrought of corruption. One Day We will raise a witness from every community against them and We will bring thee as a witness against these. Hence We sent down this Book upon thee as a clarification of all things and a Guidance and Mercy with Glad Tidings for the submitted.
16:111 The Day every soul comes pleading for itself and every soul is repaid in full for what it did they will not be wronged.
17:13 We have attached the fates of everyone to their necks and We will bring forth a record for them on the Day of Resurrection in which they will see everything that unfolded.
17:14 So read thou thy record for thy soul this Day suffices as witness against thee.
17:51-52 And they will ask: Who will bring us back? Say: He Who made you the first time. Then they will shake their heads at thee and ask: When will it be? Say: It may be that the Day is near. The Day He will call you and you will respond in amazement of Him. And you will come to know this life was but a glimpse in time that you spent in error.. . . And they will ask: Who will bring us back? Say: He who made you the first time. Then they will shake their heads at thee and ask: When will it be? Say: It may be that it is near the Day He will call you and you will respond in amazement of Him. And you will come to know this life was but a glimpse in time and you spent it in error.
17:71 The Day We call every clan with their leaders whoever is given his book in his right hand these will read their book and they will not be harmed in the least.
17:97 And one whom God guides is Rightly Guided but one whom He sends astray for them thou will find no protectors besides Him. And when We gather them all on the Day of Resurrection the looks on their faces will be as if they are blind and dumb and deaf. For their habitation is burning Hell and whenever it subsides We increase for them an Inferno.
18:47-49 And the Day We set in motion the mountains and thou sees the earthly emerge and We gather them We will not leave out a single one of them. And they will be set before thy Lord in ranks all will come to Us as We created you the first time. Those included are who claimed We made no assignment of such promise for you! And the Book will be set down and thou will see the evildoers apprehensive of what is therein and they will say: Woe is us! What Law is this that leaves out neither a small thing nor a great thing and has taken it all into account? Yea they will find all of what they did in perfect clarity hence how thy Lord wrongs no one.
18:52-53 And the Day He commands: Call My partners whom you claimed. Then they will call them but they will not respond to them and We will make a place of desolation between them. All the evildoers will behold the Fire and realize that they are to fall therein without escape therefrom no not ever.
18:99-108 And We will leave them that Day to surge one upon another evil humans and jinn and the degenerate inhuman imposters when the trumpet is blown and We gather them one and all. And Hell will be displayed to the fools. Those whose eyes were under a covering from My Remembrance and who were unable to hear. Did those who disbelieve think they could take jinn who serve Me as protectors instead of Me? We have prepared Hell as a welcoming gift for fools. Say: Shall We inform you of those most in loss by way of deeds? It is those who wander astray in the life of this world while thinking that they do good by their handiwork! These are they who deny the Proofs of their Lord and the Meeting with Him. Their works are vain so We assign no weight for balance to them on the Day of Resurrection. That is their Reward in Hell because they denied and made mockery of Our Proofs and Our Messengers. But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness they have the Gardens of Paradise as a Welcoming Gift. And they will live Eternally therein desiring not any relocation for it truly is Paradise.
19:37-39 But among the parties were those in disbelief so woe to those who were ungrateful from the scene of an Onerous Day! They will hear and they will see on the Day they come to us! For the first time they will see and hear God and His angels. But the wrongdoers are today in obvious error. So warn thou them of the Day of Regret when the matter will be concluded while they are in heedlessness today and still do not believe.
19:85-87 The Day We gather those of Wise Fear to the Almighty as honored guests and drive the evildoers into Hell as a place of arrival none will have power of intercession except one who has taken a pledge with the Almighty.
19:93-96 Do you not know that every great one in the heavens and the earth comes to the Almighty as His Servants? He has counted them and numbered them by number. And each of them will come alone to Him on the Day of Resurrection. Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness the Almighty will appoint for them His Loving Care.
20:98-112 For God is God there is no god but He and He encompasses all things in His Knowledge. Thus do We narrate to thee some reports of what has gone before and have given thee Remembrance from Our Presence. Whoever turns from it they will bear a burden on the Day of Resurrection. And they will live Eternally therein. So how miserable is the load for them on the Day of Resurrection! The Day the trumpet is blown that Day We will gather the evildoers white eyed with fear and whispering among themselves: Woe this be Eternal as if we tarried only ten days here! Yea We know best what they will say when their former peoples who are already in Hell will say: Nay you tarried liken to barely a day. And when they ask thee about the mountains say: My Lord will scatter them utterly leaving them a level plain wherein thou will see neither hills nor valleys. That Day they will be forced to follow those summoning without deviation the angels and their voices will be humbled for the Almighty thou hearing nothing except whispers. That Day no intercession will avail except whom the Almighty gives His Permission and with whose deeds He is pleased. He knows what is at their time and what follows them and of this they have no knowledge. Faces will be humble before the Living the Eternal and all who commit injustice will have failed. But whoever does deeds of righteousness and is a believer they will fear neither injustice nor limits of provision.
20:124-27 But whoever turns away and forgets My Favors for them is a restricted life and We will gather them as if deaf dumb and blind on the Day of Resurrection. He will say: My Lord why has Thou gathered me among the blind when I once saw? We will say: Thus Our Proofs came to thee and thou denied them so thus are thou denied this Day. And thus do We Reward committers of excess and disbelievers of the Proofs of his Lord. And the Punishment of the Hereafter is infinitely more severe and Everlasting. And we will set the balance of equity for the Day of Resurrection when no soul will be wronged in anything for if it be of the weight of a mustard seed we will bring it for sufficient are we as account takers.
21:103-04 The greatest terror will not grieve them for the angels will receive them saying: This is your Day which you were promised. The Day We roll up the heavens like the rolling up of a library of scrolls as We began the first creation We will repeat it. Yea it is the Promise upon Us and We are Ones to do it.
22:1-2 O mankind be in Wise Fear of your Lord for the convulsion of the Hour is an astounding thing. The Day you see it every nursing mother will neglect her sucklings and all bearing will deliver her burden unexpected and thou will see mankind intoxicated yet not intoxicated for the Punishment of God is Severe.
22:8-9 And among you are those who foolishly dispute concerning God without seeking His Knowledge nor having His Guidance nor an Illuminating Decree. Twisting their necks to turn away as if being drug away from the Path of God. For these is degradation in this world and on the Day of Resurrection We will make them taste the Punishment of the Consuming Fire.
22:55-57 But disbelievers will not cease having grave doubts until the Hour comes upon them unexpectedly. Yea when on a Barren Day the Punishment comes to them. The Dominion on that Day belongs to God alone and He will be Judge over all. When those who believe and do deeds of righteousness are given the Gardens of Bliss. But those who disbelieve and deny Our Proofs they have a Humiliating Punishment.
23:101-11 Then when the trumpet is blown there will be no ties of kinship among them that Day! Nor can they ask anything of one another. Ponder this! Then whose balance is heavy in good deeds these are the successful. And whose balance is light these are they who lost their souls they will abide Eternally in Hell. The Fire scorching their faces while wailing and scowling in morose forever. As energy generators for the living. For were not My Proofs recited to you and you rejected them? They will say: Our Lord our miseries had overcame us and we were a people led astray. Yea our Lord bring us out of this and if we still revert then we are wrongdoers. He will say: Nay! Be despised therein and do not speak to Me! For unlike you some of My Servants said: Our Lord we believe so Forgive us and have Mercy on us for Thou are the Only One Who has Mercy. But you took My Messengers as a laughing stock while forgetting My Remembrance. Yea you laughed at them. So I have Rewarded them for their patience on this Day and they are the Triumphant.
24:23-25 Yea those who falsely accuse chaste believing women cursed are they in this world and the Hereafter. For certain they have earned a Horrifying Punishment! The Day their tongues and their hands and their feet bear witness against them as to what they did. That Day God will pay them in full for what they earn then they will know that God, He is the Clear Truth.
24:37 Blessed are those whom neither trade nor commerce divert from Remembrance of God and upholding the Prayer and being conscious of Gods’ Presence. Yea they fear a Day wherein panicked hearts will pound and wide white eyes will stare.
25:10-14 Blessed is He who if He wills will make better than all that for thee. Yea Gardens beneath which rivers flow and He will make for thee palaces to thrive in. The Truth is they have rejected the Hour and for those who reject the Hour We have prepared an Inferno. When seen from a place far away they hear the furious raging and moans from those therein. And when they are cast in constricted and bound together they call out wishing for death. Yea but they do not call this Day for one death they call for infinite deaths in Eternal Destruction!
25:21-29 And those who do not look to a Meeting with Us say: Oh if only the angels were sent down upon us or we were personally visited by our Lord. These have been proud concerning themselves! Yea scornful with great pride. For the Day they see the angels that Day there will be no Glad Tidings for the evildoers and they will say: Here comes a banning without end! And We will proceed to determine what they did of deeds and then make them scattered dust. But the companions of the Garden that Day are best in habitation within the fairest Resting Place on high. The Day the sky and the clouds are rent asunder and the angels are sent down in succession. The True Dominion that Day belongs to the Almighty and it is indeed a Difficult Day for fools. The Day the wrongdoer will gnaw at his hands saying: If only I had taken the Way with the messenger! Woe is me! If only I had not taken fools for friends! Yea they led me astray from the Remembrance after it reached me the degenerate inhuman imposter is traitor to humans!
25:63-77 The servants of the Almighty are they who walk upon the earth modestly and when the ignorant come to them they speak of God with peace. Those who spend the night and the day in submission to their Lord. And who say: Our Lord avert from us the Punishment of Hell for the Punishment thereof is Unrelenting. Yea miserable is that Abode which is devoid of rest. But those who when they spend are neither extravagant nor miserly a place in between. And who do not call to another god with God nor kill any soul which God has made unlawful except rightfully nor commit indecencies for who so does that will meet requital. The Punishment will be doubled for them on the Day of Resurrection then they abide Eternally therein forever humiliated. But those who repent and believe and work righteousness for such God will exchange their evil for good deeds yea God is Forgiving, Merciful. And whoever does truly repent and work righteousness it is these who submit to God completely. Those who do not bear witness to falsehood and when they hear idle talk pass by nobly. Those when they are reminded by the Proofs of their Lord do not fall back unwilling to hear and see. They say: Our Lord give to us from our spouses and our progeny a delight to the eye and make us models for those of Wise Fear. Such will be Rewarded with the High Places because they were patient and they will be met therein with greetings of peace. Then they will live therein Eternally and excellent is that Abode the Place of Rest. Say: My Lord will not concern Himself with you at all if your prayers were not to Him for then have you rejected Him and so the inevitable will come to you.
27:83-85 And the Day We gather from every community a unit of those who deny Our Proofs then they will be marshaled to march in rank to Us. When they have come He will say: Did you refuse My Proofs without event attempting to grasp them? Or what was it that you did? Since they did wrong the Word will fall hard on them and they will speak nothing in defense.
27:87-90 And the Day the trumpet will be blown And the Day the trumpet will be blown everyone in the heavens and the earth will be in terror except whom God wills. All will come to Him abased in humbled lowliness. And when thou sees the mountains which ye thought were solid they will pass like the passing of the clouds. Hence the Work of God Who perfected all things! And He It Is Who is Aware of everything you do. Whoever brings a good deed for them will be better than it and they will be secure that Day from the terror. And whoever brings evil will be thrown down on their faces in the Fire. For are you not Rewarded for everything you did?
28:61-67 Is then one whom We have promised a Fair Promise which they will encounter like one whom We give enjoyment of the goods of the life of this world then on the Day of Resurrection is among those summoned to Hell? And the Day He summons them He will say: Where are My partners whom you claimed? Those upon whom the sentence has become binding the fallen jinn will say: Our Lord these are they whom we caused to err we caused them to err even as we ourselves did err. We declare our innocence before thee for it was not us that they served. They are doing this in an attempt to mitigate their Punishment in the 7 varying levels of Hell. And it will be said to idolaters: Call your partners and they will call them but they will not answer and then they will see the Punishment. Wishing only that they had been Rightly Guided! And the Day He summons them He will say: How did you respond to your messenger? Then grim tidings will become clear to them that Day and they will not aid one another in anything. But as for one who repents and believes and works righteousness it may be that they will be among the successful.
28:74 Yea the Day He summons them He will say: Where are My partners whom you claimed?
29:25 And he said: You have chosen idols instead of God and the love between you is only for the life of this world. But on the Day of Resurrection you will deny each other and curse each other. Yea your habitation will be the Fire where you will have no protectors.
29:54-55 Yea they taunt to get the Punishment over with so Hell will encompass those fools. The Day the Punishment comes at them from above and from beneath their feet. And He will say: Taste it for what you said!
30:12-17 And the Day the Hour comes the evildoers will be seized with despair. And those who they served will not intercede for them instead they will come to know and despise them. Yea the Day the Hour comes that Day they will be separated. humans from telepathic jinn As for all those who believe and do righteous deeds they will be made joyous in lush meadows. But for those who do evil deeds and deny Our Proofs and the Meeting of the Hereafter these will be summoned to the Punishment. So give glory unto God when you reach the evening! And when you reach the morning!
30:55-57 And the Day comes when the transgressors will swear they lived for but an hour in comparison to Eternity they’re shown thus were they deluded. But those to whom knowledge and faith were given will say: You deluded ones disrespected Gods’ Word all the way till the Day of Resurrection so suddenly is this Day of Resurrection which you did not care about. That Day their justifications will not profit those who do wrong nor will they be allowed to make amends.
31:33 O mankind be in Wise Fear of your Lord and fear the Day the father will not avail his child nor will the child avail their father anything. The Promise of God is True so do not let the life of this world deceive you and let not the deceivers deceive you about God!
32:13-14 And had We willed We would have given every soul Guidance but the Word from Me is binding and I will fill Hell with jinn and humans one and all. So taste! Because you forgot the Meeting on this your Day We forgot you. Yea taste the Punishment for Eternity because of every foolish thing you did!
32:28-30 And they say: When is this Decisive Day if you be And they ask: When is this Decisive Day if you be Truthful? Say: On the Day of Decision the then new belief of those who disbelieved before will not avail them nor will they be granted respite. So turn away from them and wait for they too are waiting but do not know it!
33:43-44 For He It Is Who Blesses you as do His Angels that He might bring you forth from darkness into Light. He is Merciful to the believers. Their greeting the Day they meet Him is: Peace! And He has prepared for them a Noble Reward.
33:64-68 Yea God has Cursed the fools among mankind and prepared an Inferno for them. They abiding Eternally therein forever they will find no ally or protector. The Day their faces are tossed about in the Fire they will say: If only we had obeyed God and the messenger! And they will dispute: Our Lord we obeyed our leaders and our great ones but they led us astray from the Way. So our Lord give them Double Punishment and curse Thou them with a Great Curse.
34:40-42 And the Day He gathers them one and all He will say to the angels: Did these serve you? They will say: Glory be unto thee! Thou are our Ally not them for the Truth is they served the jinn because most of them believe their whisperings. And on that Day when you hold neither benefit nor harm from association to one another We will say to you who figured wrong: Taste the Punishment of the Fire which you denied!
36:54-59 This Day no soul is wronged in any way you are not Rewarded except for everything you did. And on this Day the companions of the Garden are engaged in gladness they and their brethren in comfortable shade reclining upon raised couches. And they have fruits therein or whatever else they call for. And Peace will be the Word from the Compassionate Lord. And you will be separate this Day O evildoers!
36:63-65 So this is Hell which you were promised. Burn therein this Day for what you denied. This Day We seal their mouths and their hands speak to Us and their feet bear witness of the evils they did with them as to what they earned.
37:20-34 And they will say: Woe is us! This is the Day of Judgement! Yea this is the Day of Decision which you denied! Gather those who did wrong and their kinds and what they used to serve instead of God and drag them on the road to Hell. But stop them at one point for they are to be questioned: What ails you that you did not help one another? The Truth is this Day they are in complete submission! And some come forward to others demanding answers saying: You were an authority guiding over us! And they will say: You were not believers and we had no authority over that. The Truth is you were people transgressing all bounds. So the Word of our Lord became binding upon us all and now we are tasting it. And if we misguided you it is because we were misguided. So this Day they are partners in the Punishment and thus do We do with the evildoers.
39:13-20 Say: I fear if I should disobey my Lord the Punishment of an Onerous Day. Say: I serve God and I am sincere to Him in my doctrine so serve what you will besides Him. Then you will be of those who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. And is that not the clear loss? They will have the Fire roaring above them and beneath them forever. And with that does God put His Servants in dread. Yea says God: O My Servants be in Wise Fear of Me! Those who do not serve idols and are repentant to God for them are Glad Tidings so give thou Glad Tidings to My Servants. Those who hear the Word and follow the most thereof these are whom God guides and these are possessed of insight. Then there are those upon whom the Word of Punishment has become binding. Does thou think thou can rescue them from the Fire? Nay. But those who are in Wise Fear of their Lord they have High Places in which tall chambers are built and beneath them rivers flow. That is the Promise of God and God does not break His Promises! And if the wrongdoers possessed all that is in the earth plus the same again they would seek to ransom themselves with it from the punishment on the Day of Resurrection. Yea desperate will they be when they see what they had not anticipated. When the horror they earned appears to them and what they mocked encases them.
39:60-61 And on the Day of Resurrection thou will see stark faces worn by those who lied to themselves about God. So then is Hell not the just home for the arrogant? But God will deliver those who are in Wise Fear to their Places of Safety yea where no harm touches them nor will they have regret.
39:67-75 Some do not measure God with the measure due Him! For the earth is completely in His Grip and so is the Day of Resurrection when the heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. Yea all Glory will be unto Him and exalted is He far above what they serve! The trumpet will be blown and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth will fall down thunderstruck except who God wills. Then it will be blown again and then they will all be standing looking on. And the earth will shine with the Light of its Lord and the Books recording our lives will be laid down and the prophets and the witnesses will be brought and it will be concluded between them in Truth and they will not be wronged. Each soul will be paid in full for what it did and He knows best what they did. And disbelievers will be driven into Hell in throngs when the Gates thereof will be opened and the keepers will say to them: Did there not come to you messengers from among you reciting Proofs from your Lord and warning you of the Meeting this Day? They will say: Yea. But the Word of Punishment upon fools is binding. It will be said: Enter the Gates of Hell for you will be abiding Eternally therein and horrific is the dwelling of the arrogant. And those who are in Wise Fear of their Lord will be driven towards the Garden in throngs when the Gates thereof have been opened and the Keepers will say to them: Peace be unto you! Yea you did well so enter ye the Successful abiding Eternally. And they will say: Glory Be! All Praise belongs to God Who fulfilled His Promise to us and made us inherit the earth! For we may settle in the Garden wherever we will and excellent is the Reward of those who worked. And thou will see the angels surrounding the Throne glorifying with the Praise of their Lord then it will also be decided in Truth between them and it will be said: All Praise belongs to God the Lord of the worlds!
40:16-18 The Day they emerge nothing of them will be hidden from God. So whose is the Dominion this Day? Yea it still belongs to God the One, the Omnipotent. This Day each soul is Rewarded for what it earned and there will be no injustice this Day and God is Swift in Reckoning. Yea warn thou them of the Approaching Day when hearts will choke in the throats with no intimate friends for the wrongdoers. Nor have they any intercessor to be obeyed.
40:46-52 Yea then the Fire they are to be exposed to it morning and night for the Day the Hour comes it will be said: Cause the house of pharaoh to enter the Most Severe Punishment! And when they will dispute together in the Fire those who were deceived will say to those who deceived them: We were your followers so will you avail us from a share of the Fire? Those who were proud will say: We are all in it for God has been Judge over His servants. And those in the Fire will say to the Keepers of Hell: Call to your Lord to lighten the Punishment for a time. They will ask: Did a messenger not come to you with Clear Evidence? They will reply: Verily. Then they will say: So call yourself but the calls of fools are only for naught. We help Our Messengers and those who believe during the life of this world and the Day the witnesses stand. The Day their excuses avail not the wrongdoers for they have the curse upon them and they earned the miserable Abode.
41:19-25 On the Day the enemies to God are gathered they will march in ranks headlong towards the Fire. And when they see it their ears their eyes and their skins will bear witness against them as to what they did. And they will say to their skins: Why do you bear witness against us? They will say: God gave us speech He is Who gave all things speech. This may be speaking of how God and the angels use DNA to store the memories of ones’ existence within its’ empty strands which have been proven to provide a vast storage medium. However, it is also possible this is more anecdotal in nature and that everything is being recorded by the angels in some other fashion not conceivable to us. Regardless, it is an oft repeated warning that everything down to the smallest is being documented and stored for Judgement Day. And He created you the first time and to Him you will be returned. So no one hides anything for your ears and your eyes and your skin bears witness against you. Yea you thought God did not know everything you did. And that foolish assumption which you invented about your Lord has brought you to ruin on this Day and you are now among the losers forever. And even if they are patient and calm in repentance on this Day the Fire will still be home for them. Yea when they then seek to make amends they are not of those who can make amends. And We assigned intimate companions to them who made what was before and what was to come seem fair to them. And hence upon the former and latter communities of jinn and humans is how the Word became binding thereby they become the losers forever.
42:44-47 And whomever God sends astray there is for them no ally after Him. And thou will see the wrongdoers in desperation when they see the Punishment asking: Is there any way back? Yea thou will see them exposed to Hell humbled in their ultimate weakness looking on and glancing at each other. And those who believe will say: The losers are those who lost themselves and their families on this Day the Day of Resurrection. Yea the unjust now have a Lasting Punishment. And they have no protectors to help them besides God. Yea those whom God sends astray there is no way for them. So respond to the Words of your Lord now before the Day comes when there is no running from God. For if not you will have no refuge that Day and no way to stop anything.
43:63-77 And when Yeshua first came with blatant Signs he said: I have come to you with Wisdom and to clear up that wherein you differ of Gods’ Word. So be in Wise Fear of your God and obey me. Truly God He is your Lord and my Lord so serve Him. This is the Straight Path. Still some parties among them differed and with woe comes the Punishment of a Painful Day for those who choose wrong! Await they merely for the Hour to come upon them unexpectedly when they do not perceive its coming? Friends that Day will be enemies to one another except those of Wise Fear. O My Faithful Servants you need not fear this Day nor will you regret. Yea to those who believed in Our Proofs and submitted We will say: Enter the Garden you and your partners rejoicing. Moving about them will be plates and cups of gold and there will be what the souls desire and the eyes delight in and therein you will abide Eternally. For that is the Garden which you are given as an inheritance for your good efforts. For you there is abundant fruit whereof you will eat but the evildoers will abide in the Punishment of Hell Eternally. And it will not be lightened for them yea they will despair greatly therein. And We wronged them not for they are the wrongdoers. And they will call out to their jinn: O malik let thy Lord make an end of us. He will say: Here you and I will remain.
FYI: malik is molech in the bible, the god that is actually just a jinn like lucifer that many fools have served and sacrificed animals and children to by blood and/or in the fire.
44:10-16 So wait for the Day the sky brings obvious smoke that envelops the people for then begins a Painful Punishment! The fools will say: Our Lord remove this Eminent Punishment from us for we are now believers! But they had been reminded before with Clear Proofs from obvious messengers sent to them. Still they turned away from their messengers and said: One taught by sorcerers or insane and possessed! And when We removed hardship in the past they were only ingrates for it. So on the Day We strike with the greatest violence We will exact Irrevocable Retribution.
44:40-42 And the Day of Decision is an appointed time for one and all. The Day a friend cannot avail another friend nor will they be helped by Us. Except those on whom God has Mercy for He is The Almighty, the Merciful.
45:26-35 Say: God gives you Life then He gives you Death then He gathers you to the Day of Resurrection whereof there is no doubt. But most do not know. For to God belongs the Dominion of the heavens and the earth and the Day the Hour comes that Day those who followed deceptions will be lost. And thou will see every community on its knees each called to its Book that says: This Day you are Rewarded for everything you did. This Our Decree speaks against you with Truth for We recorded everything you did. Then as for those who heeded the Warning and did deeds of righteousness their Lord will make them enter into His Mercy and that is the Clear Achievement. And as for those who were deceived it will be said: Were not Our Proofs recited to you? And were you a proud and evildoing people? And when it was said: The Promise of God is True as is the Hour about which there is no doubt but those deceived said: We do not know what the Hour is and we think it is only conjecture yea we are not convinced. But the foolishness of what they did will become clear when everything they had mocked surrounds them! Then it will be said: This Day We will forget you in Hell as you forgot the Meeting with Us on this Day. Yea your habitation is the Fire and you will never have any protectors. That is because you made mockery of Gods’ Proofs and allowed the life of this world to deceive you. So as of that Day they cannot escape nor are they allowed to make amends.
46:17-20 And one who disbelieves says to their parents; Are you telling me that I will be brought forth when generations have come and gone before me? And they seek Help of God saying: Woe to thee! Believe thou believe! The Promise of God is True! But they say: It is only legends of former peoples. These are they upon whom the Word concerning the communities of jinn and humans which had come and gone before them became binding because they were warned and they are the losers. And for all are seven degrees of hell for what they did that He might repay them in full for their deeds and they will not be wronged. And the Day those who disbelieve are exposed to the Fire it will be said: You have now left your favorite things in the life of this world where you sought enjoyment therein. But this Day you are Rewarded with a Humiliating Punishment because you were proud in the earth without cause and because you were wantonly disobedient.
46:34 And the Day those who disbelieve are exposed to the Fire they will be asked: Is then this not the Truth? They will say: Verily by our Lord it is True and He will say: Then taste the Punishment for what you denied!
46:35 And the Day those who disbelieve are exposed to the Fire they will be asked: Is then this not the Truth? They will say: Verily by our Lord it is True and He will say: Then taste the Punishment for what you denied! So have patience as messengers prior who were imbued with constancy were patient and seek not to hasten Gods’ Judgement of them. The Day they see Eternity as promised it will be as though they had tarried but an hour of a day in this life. Communicate this so only the wantonly disobedient are Punished.
50:19-35 And with the stupor of death will come the Truth of what each should have toiled to avoid. Then the trumpet will be blown and that is the Day of the Eminent Threat! When every soul will come with it an angel as driver and one as a witness. Certainly most were heedless of this but Today We have removed your veil so keen is your sight on this Day! We will be able to see the angels, heaven, Hell and other aspects of the unseen for the first time! And the recording angel will say: This is what I have recorded and prepared. Then cast into Hell is every stubborn ingrate! Hinderers of good! Skeptical transgressors! Those who set up false gods with God! Yea cast these into the Severe Punishment! And their jewish comrades will say: Our Lord I did not cause them to transgress but they had been going far astray. He will say: Contend not in My Presence when I had sent My Warnings ahead to you. And the Word with Me does not change nor am I unjust to My Servants. The Day We say to Hell: Art thou full? It will say: Is there more? And the Garden will be brought near for the righteous. We will say: This is what you were promised for everyone who turned and stayed repentant. Those who feared the Almighty in the unseen and came with a repentant heart will enter it in peace. And that is the Day of Eternity. They have what they desire therein and there is always More with Us.
50:41-44 And listen for the Day the crier will cry from a place nearby. The Day they will hear the Blast in Truth that is the Day of Emergence. Yea We give Life and We give Death and to Us is the Journeys’ End. The Day the earth is rapidly rent asunder around them. And that Day of Gathering is easy for Us.
51:12-18 They ask: When is the Day of Judgement? Say: It is the Day when they will be tried by Fire. So taste your prosecution that which you sought to hasten! While those of Wise Fear will be among Gardens with springs taking That which their Lord gives them. For before that they were doers of good. They often slept only little of the night and at the break of day sought His Forgiveness.
52:9-28 On a Day the sky will spin a spinning and the mountains will journey a journey woe that Day to those who deny and those who play in jest. The Day they are thrown into the Fire of Hell! This is the Fire which you denied. Be it sorcery? Think you will not believe it then? Yea burn therein and be patient or not patient it is the same for you you are only being Rewarded for everything you did. While those of Wise Fear are in Gardens of Bliss glad with what their Lord has given them for their Lord protected them from the Punishment of Hell. It is said: Eat and drink with calm for everything you did reclining upon couches arrayed. And We honor them with pure lovely eyed ones. As servants and friends. And those who believe and whose progeny follow them in faith We place them together. And We diminish not anything of their deeds everyone is responsible for what they earn. And We provide them with whatever fruit and delicacies they desire. They only contend with one another for a cup around which is neither idle talk nor sinfulness. And youths move about serving them as if well guarded pearls. And some of them will draw near to others saying: We were ones apprehensive before but God was gracious to us and protected us from the Scorching Wind and the Eternal Punishment. Truly we did call to Him before and indeed He is the Virtuous, the Merciful.
52:44-47 And when they see those of heaven descending they will say: Clouds heaped up. So leave them until that Day in which they will be left swooning and awestruck. A Day in which all their scheming will avail them nothing and they will not be helped. Also for those wrongdoers is the Punishment after that but most do not know.
54:6-8 So turn thou away from them and on the Day the Caller calls their eyes will be humbled in horror when they come forth from the graves like scattered locusts hastening towards the Caller with terror in their eyes. Indeed those fools will say: This is a difficult Day! The Day they are dragged into the fire upon their faces it will be said: Taste the touch of Saqar!
55:33-76 O congregations of jinn and humans if you can pass through the firmament between the heavens and the earth then pass. But nay! You shall not pass without Our Authority. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? Sent against you will be flames of fire that you cannot escape. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? And when the sky is rent asunder and becomes rosy like oil. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? And that Day neither believing humans nor jinn will be asked about their sin. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? But evildoers will be known by their marks and seized by the forelocks and feet. Their marks are the expressions of guilt, sorrow and horror on their faces during interrogation. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? Then comes Hell which the evildoers denied! They will crawl to and fro between the Blaze and a fiercely scalding liquid forever. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? But for those who feared the Station of their Lord are two Gardens. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? Of many beautiful creations. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? In them two springs flow. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? And every sort of fruit in diverse pairs. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? Reclining upon couches lined with brocade and fruits of both Gardens ripe hanging low. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? In the gardens are kind and modest servants whom neither humans nor jinn have known. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? As if rubies and small pearls. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? Is the reward for kindness other than kindness? So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? And besides them are two other Gardens. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? Two of the deepest green. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? In them two gushing springs. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? With fruit and date palms and pomegranate. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? In all good and beautiful creatures. Animals! So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? And fair ones sheltered in pavilions. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? Whom neither humans nor jinn have known. So which Feat of your Lord will you both deny? Reclining on green cushions and fine carpets.
56:1-62 When the inevitable befalls there will be no more denial on the Day that abases some and exalts others. When the earth will rock with a rocking and the mountains crumble away scattered like dust and you will be three kinds. The companions of the right who are the companions of the right? And the companions of the left who are the companions of the left? And the vanguard who are the vanguard? Those brought near in the gardens of bliss a multitude of the former peoples and a few of the latter are on couches inlaid with precious stones reclining upon them facing one another. Servant youths made eternal move about among them with bowls and pitchers and a cup from a running spring wherefrom they have no headache nor do they become drunken. And fruit of their choosing and such flesh of fowl as they desire. And kind servants of modesty with beautiful eyes as if were pearls closely guarded as reward for what members of the vanguard did. They hear therein neither vain speech nor falsity only the saying: Peace! Peace! And the companions of the right who are the companions on the right? Among thornless lote trees and acacia piled up in layers and shade extended and water poured forth and plenteous fruit unfailing and unceasing it is an exalted place of restfulness. We have brought them into being anew and made them like virgins sexually innocent and moral pure of speech and well matched for the companions of the right hand. Made up of a multitude of the former peoples and a multitude of the latter. And the companions of the left who are the companions of the left? Those in scorching heat and scalding liquid under a shadow of black smoke which is neither cool nor generous. They were before that made opulent and persisted in the vain wickedness those who said in doubt: When we are dead and have become dust and bones will we be raised up? And our forefathers? Say: Truly the ancient ones and the later ones will be gathered together at the appointed time on a known Day. Again O you erring deniers you will eat of a tree of zaqqum and fill your bellies therewith and drink of a scalding liquid on top of that and drink as the thirst wracked camel drinks. This is their welcoming gift on the Day of Judgement. We created you and if only you had given credence! Have you considered what you spill of human seed? Did you create the system or are we the creator? Yea and we have decreed death for you and we will not be outrun. And we will change your likenesses by creating you as creatures you know not unlike the former creation. New different bodies just for hell! Yea you will come to know if only you had took heed!
57:12-16 The Day thou will see the believing men and the believing women their light running under their authority and on their right hand glad news for you this Day! Gardens beneath which rivers flow! They will live eternally therein and that is the crowning achievement. The Day the talmudic men and the talmudic women will say to those who believe: Look upon us that we might borrow of your light. It will be said: Go back and seek light. Then there will be set up between them a wall having a gate on the inside thereof mercy on the outside thereof punishment. They will cry to them: Were we not with you? They will say: Verily but you subjected your souls to persecution waiting and doubting with vain desires which deceived you until the command of God came to pass. Yea the deceivers deceived you about God. So this Day no ransom will be taken from you or from those who disbelieve your shelter will be the fire that is your reward. And evil is the journeys’ end. Is it not time for the hearts of believers to grow humble at the remembrance of God? And to take heed of this Quran more seriously than those in possession of the word before? Those are weighty questions from God that reveal the significance of this Quran being delivered from the LAST prophet before END TIMES! Hence these MANY, MANY verses about Judgement Day which should be the main focus of everyone living today. Yea, read this compilation frequently!
58:5-7 Those who oppose God and His messenger will be brought low as those before them were brought low. And we have sent down clear proofs hence for fools is a humiliating punishment. The Day God raises them all together He will inform them of what they did. God recorded it all while they forgot it. For God is witness over all things. Has thou not considered that God knows everything in the heavens and the earth? There is no confidential conversation of three because He is their fourth. Nor of five because He is their sixth. Nor of less than that nor of greater because He is with mankind wherever they be always. Then will He inform them of what they did on the Day of Resurrection for God knows all things.
58:14-22 Has thou not considered those who take as partners a people with whom God is wroth? They are not of you and you are not of them and they swear oaths in falsehood while they know it. God has prepared for them a severe punishment for evil is what they did. They took their oaths as a cover and forsook the path of God. So for them comes a humiliating punishment. Their wealth and their children will avail them nothing against God. These are the companions of the fire wherein they will abide eternally. The Day God raises them one and all then will they swear to Him as they swore before. And they will think that they still stand upon something but they are nothing but liars. Their lies overcame them and caused them to forget the remembrance of God. These are of the synagogue of satan the party of the degenerate inhuman imposter and they are definite losers. Those who work against God and His messenger they will be among the lowest most miserable. God has decreed: I will conquer I and my messengers for God is strong, mighty. Thou will not find people who believe in God and the Last Day among those who work against God and His messenger. Even if they be their fathers or their sons or their brethren or their kindred. For these believers He has decreed faith in their hearts and strengthened them with His Spirit and makes them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow and they will live eternally therein. For God is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. These are the party of God and no doubt the party of God they are the successful.
64:9-10 The Day He will raise you for the Gathering that will be the Day of mutual loss and gain. Whoever believes in God and works righteousness He will remove their evil from them and make them enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow abiding forever therein Eternally. And that is the Tremendous Achievement! But those who disbelieve and deny Our Proofs these are the companions of the Fire ones who will dwell forever in it Eternally. And how miserable is their Journeys’ End!
66:6-8 O you who believe protect yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is jinn and humans and stones over which are angels who are stern severe not opposing God in what He demands of punishment indeed fully doing what they are commanded! O you who are deceived you will make no excuses for yourselves on the Day you are only to be rewarded for what you did! O you who believe turn to God for forgiveness sincere remorseful and repentant and it may be your Lord will remove from you your evil and make you enter gardens beneath which rivers flow. Yea all on a Day when God will not disgrace the prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will shine before them and on their right and they will say: Our Lord please perfect our light for us and forgive us for Thou are powerful over all things.
68:39-43 And there are oaths binding upon us until the Day of Resurrection that you will have whatever you yourselves choose. And ask them: Who is the guarantor for all that? And if they have partners with God then let them bring their partners if they be Truthful. The Day the dreadful is uncovered and they are then desperately inclined to submission but it will do no good! Indeed the sight of hell will humble them and their stupidity will cover them in abasement knowing they had been invited to submit when they were still able.
69:13-39 The trumpet will be blown with a single blow before the earth and the mountains are leveled with a single leveling and everything therein is taken up. That Day the Inevitability becomes the Reality. Yea the Day the wide heavens will be rent asunder as if feathers blown about. The angels will be upon its borders and eight will bear the Throne of thy Lord above them. That Day you will be presented your book and no secret among any of you will be hidden. As for those given their book in their right hand they will say: Here read my book for I knew that I would meet my Reckoning. Then they will have a pleasing Eternal Life in a High Garden where the fruits hang low and it is said: Eat and drink with ease for what you sent before you in days past. But as for those given their book in their left hand they will say: If only this record of mine were not kept! And this were not my Reckoning! Yea if only the first death had been my end! Now my wealth does not avail me and gone from me is my security and authority! All that is said is: Take them! And fetter them! Then burn them in Hell! And anchor them to chains of seventy cubits in length! For they believed not in God the Almighty and did not encouraged helping those in need. So for them there are no intimate friends this Day nor food except of foul puss which is only eaten by those who erred. This do I swear by what you see and what you see not.
70:1-18 One who supplicates asked for a Punishment that will come upon all the fools for which there is none to avert it from God the Owner of the Stairways of Ascent. The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him during a day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years. So be thou patient with a graceful patience. And know they see it as distant but We see it near at hand. The Day the sky becomes like molten brass and the mountains like clusters of wool when no loyal friend asks of another loyal friend even though they see each other there. And the evildoer will wish they could be ransomed from the Punishment of that Day by selling their children and their spouses and their siblings and their kin who sheltered them and whomever and whatever is in the earth altogether if it could save them. But no indeed! It is the Fire of Hell for them and it sears away the skin raging upon those who drew back and turned away from the Truth and gathered wealth and hoarded it.
70:42-44 So leave them to jest and play until their Day which they are promised. So leave them to jest and play until their Day which they are promised. The Day they will come forth from the graves in haste as if hurrying frantically to a goal. Then indeed the Sight of Hell will humble them and their stupidity will cover them in abasement. That is the Day they were promised. The Day they will lose the only thing that was everything.
73:11-19 Yea leave thou to Me the ones who deny the possessors of ease you will only have to put up with them for a little while. For with Us are their shackles in the Raging Fire and a food that chokes theirs will only be Painful Punishment and shame. The Day the earth and the mountains will shake and level out as if sand being vibrated. Yea We have sent to you a messenger as a witness against you as We sent a messenger to pharaoh. But pharaoh opposed his messenger so We seized him with a Deadly Grip. So how will you be in Wise Fear if you deny the Day which will make the children white haired when the great sky will crack open? Yea His Promise will be fulfilled. This is a Reminder so whoever wills might take a Way to their Lord.
74:8-29 Then when the trumpet is sounded truly that Day will be a Difficult Day yea for all the fools it will not be easy. So leave Me to whom I created those I appointed with wealth and children and made smooth for them. Then they think that I should add more? No indeed! They were obstinate towards Our Proofs. So I will burden them with a steep ascent. Truly they deliberated and measured. O how they accounted only to be destroyed! Yea damned are their deliberations! Yea they were shown then frowned and scowled and turned away in pride saying: This is only sorcery handed down the mere speech of a mortal. So We will burn them in Saqar. And what will convey to thee what Saqar is? It spares not and leaves nothing scorching the flesh.
74:39-48 But the companions of the right will be in gardens exchanging questions about the evildoers such as: What brought you into saqar? They will say: We have not been among the performers of prayer and we have not fed the needy and we jested with those who jest and denied the Day of Judgement until it was too late when the certainty came to us. And no benefit to them is the intercession of intercessors.
75:3-15 Does the human being assume We cannot recreate its body? Verily We are able to recreate each identically down to their fingerprints again. Nonetheless they want to deny the Day that comes. They ask: When is the Day of Resurrection? Then when the sight is dazzled and the sun is darkened and gathered with the moon that Day they will say: Where can I escape to? No indeed! There is no escape. Unto thy Lord that Day is the Destination. The Day they are informed of what they did wrong and not done right. Yea the human is an eye witness against their own soul even if they offer excuses.
75:20-36 And you love that which fleets away in this life while abandoning the World to Come. Faces that Day will be beaming looking towards their Lord. And faces that Day will be scowling in morose at the crushing calamity before their eyes. Yea indeed! When it reaches the collar bones at death and it is said: Where is a wizard to save me now? And they are certain of its Finality digging in their heels with futility but unto thy Lord that Day they will be driven. For they neither took heed nor performed the Prayer. Nay! They rejected and turned back to lives of arrogance. Indeed nearer to thee! And nearer! Then nearer yet! And nearest it does come! Do they think they will be left to pay no price?
76:10-24 For we fear from our Lord a dismal and distressful Day. So God will protect us from the misery of that Day and cause us to meet with radiance and joyfulness. And He will Reward us with Gardens and silk for enduring steadfastly. Yea reclining therein upon raised couches seeing neither sun nor biting frost temperate with shade nearby and copious fruits thereof within easy reach. And silver crystal goblets passed among them indeed clear cups overflowing. And they are given to drink a cup with ginger mixed from a spring therein named Salsabil. And serving them will be Eternal youths moving about who when one sees would think them to be as scattered pearls. And when thou sees them it will be a sight of bliss in the Great Dominion. Yea garments of finest green silk and brocade with adornments of silver bracelets and Purifying Drinks from their Lord. Truly this is for you as Reward for your endeavoring which He appreciates. Hence We sent down upon thee the Quran as a successive revelation. So be patient for Judgement of thy Lord over all and do not obey the perverts nor ingrates.
77:1-50 By the ones sent forth one after the other ranks of angels and with them tempestuous winds a raging with hellfire scattering a goodly scattering of humans and jinn and dividing a goodly dividing. the saved from the damned And the deliverers of remembrance the arch angels as justification and warning for this Day. Yea you have been promised it will befall. Truly when the stars no longer shine and the sky is rent asunder and the mountains are laid flat and the messengers are gathered on a Day appointed. to serve as witnesses against those they warned And of what appointed Day do we speak? The Day of Decision. And how will you know it is the Day of Decision? You will see great woe that Day upon the deniers! Have we not decimated former lands with fire and rocks? Indeed and again we will pursue those come of late for thus do we do to all evildoers. So woe that Day to the deniers! Have we not created you from a sticky slime? And did we not place you in a secure lodging for a measured time? Yea it was we who determined and how excellent are we to determine! Woe that Day to the deniers! Have we not made the earth a vast container for all that lives and dies? And have we made therein high mountains firm and given you cool sweet waters? Woe that Day to the deniers! You shall depart into that which you denied! Depart thou under the shade of the fire! smoke The shade that gives no relief nor avails against the raging flames! Bursting columns of flames as if giant fiery ropes. Woe that Day to the deniers! This Day they will not speak permitting not the putting forth of excuses. Woe that Day to the deniers! This is the Day of Decision when we will gather every soul past and present. So if you think you be cunning try to outwit Me! Woe that Day to the deniers! When those of wise fear are amidst shades and springs with delicious fruits of their desire. Yea eat and drink with ease for what you endured! Thus reward we the doers of good. But woe that Day to the deniers! Eat and enjoy yourselves a little now you criminals. Woe that Day to the deniers! Those warned to bow but did not bow. Woe that Day to the deniers! For if not this what after it will they believe?
78:17-40 Yea and the Day of Decision is an appointed time. The Day the trumpet is blown and you approach in units and the sky is opened as gates and mountains are set in motion looking as if a mirage. Yea hell is lying in wait for the defiant and the fools that is the journeys’ end. They will long for death forever experiencing neither coolness nor drink only scalding liquids and filth will be their recompense. For they yearned for no accounting and they denied our proofs defiantly but we have their ledgers fully detailed so taste it! And we will increase you in nothing except punishment. But for those of wise fear is a place of long sought security with fertile gardens and grapevines and splendid companions well matched your cups overflowing. Hearing therein neither vain speech nor lies. Yea it is the reward from thy Lord a gift and a reckoning. Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything between them the Almighty against Whom none can argue. The Day the spirit and the angels stand in ranks speaking not until he to whom the Almighty grants permission to say what is True. That is the Day of unending Truth and whoever wills will see his Lord at their journeys’ end. Hence we warned you of this near punishment the Day a man will look on what his hands have sent before him and the fools will say: If only I were dust!
79:1-14 By those who drag them forth! The ones who are ever active and ever swimming in the sky, angels the foremost vanguard commanded by the command on the Day of quaking convulsion followed by more of the same. That Day hearts will pound in terror utterly humbled at what they see. Yet still they say: Will the dead really be returned to their former state? Even after they are decayed bones? They say: Surely that is nonsense! And there is but one cry then they will be wide awake.
79:34-46 Then when the greatest destruction comes the Day man will take heed for how he strove and hell will be exposed for all to see. Yea for those who transgressed and chose the life of this world over the next truly hellfire will be their habitation. And as for those who feared the station of their Lord and restrained their souls from vain desires the garden will be their habitation. And they ask thee about the Hour: When its arrival will be? But how would thou know? Yea to thy Lord alone has the finality thereof. And thou only warns those who fear it. And the Day they see eternity it will be as though they have not tarried but an evening or a morning thereof.
80:33-42 Then when the blast comes on a Day mankind abandons their siblings and his mother and his father and his wife and his children. Everyone will be preoccupied thinking only of themselves on that Day. The Day some faces will glow laughing rejoicing at the glad tidings and other faces will have darkness upon them as if covered in dirt. Those are the deniers the licentious.
82:10-19 But there are custodians over you Gods’ Dedicated Recorders who know everything you do and the virtuous will be in bliss. But the licentious will burn in Hell. Yea they will begin to roast on the Day of Judgement and they will not be absent from this Appointment! And what is the Day of Judgement? Yea how will you know what the Day of Judgement is? You will know! It is the Day a soul will not protect another soul because all Commands belong solely to God.
83:1-36 Woe to the unfair traders! Those who when they take from others take in full but when paying back cut short and cause loss. Do these not consider that they will be raised on a Day that is certain the Day all will stand before the Lord of the worlds? No, indeed! The book of the licentious companions of the left is in Sijjin. And how will you know what Sijjin is? It is a written book. And woe that Day to the ones who deny those who denied the Day of Judgement! And none deny it but every false transgressor who when Our Proofs are recited say: Fables of the ancient ones! No indeed! Their habits have overcome them. Habitualized disbelief! No indeed! That Day they will be alienated from their Lord in hopelessness. Truly then they will burn in Hell. And it will be said: This is what you denied. No indeed! The book of the virtuous the vangaurd is in Illiyyun. And how will you know what Illyyun is? It is a Written Book which only those brought nearest to God will see. Those virtuous who will be blissful upon raised benches looking on. Thou will recognize in their faces the radiance of bliss. They are given an exquisite elixir to drink sealed with musk and for that let those who strive strive. Another mixture for companions on the right is from Tasnim a spring those brought near to God will drink from. Yea and the evildoers laughed at these who heeded Warning winking at one and other when they passed by them then returning to their people in frivolity. And when they saw these believers they said: Those are not right minded. But the believers are not custodians over them and this Day the believers will laugh at the fools. Yea upon raised benches looking on for should not criminals be rewarded for their crimes?
86:8-17 And they are to return to Him Who made everything on a Day all secrets are exposed then they will have neither strength nor protectors. By the sky full of those angels who return with the earth cracking all around this Quran is a Decisive Warning not for amusement. Verily those who plan they plan a plan and I plan a plan. So be patient while looking on at the fools while I grant them a short delay.
88:1-16 Has there come to thee the Warning of a Day? When faces become humbled fatigued and weary facing consumption by the Scorching Fire. Drinking from boiling springs which rot their inners and they will have no fresh food except of thorns which neither sustain nor satisfy their hunger. All the while other faces that Day will be joyous pleased with their striving in a high Garden where they hear no idle talk and have a flowing spring. Setting upon raised benches with goblets filled. Yea their cups overflowing among cushions arranged upon carpets strewn.
89:21-30 No indeed! When the earth is leveled like sand is when thy Lord comes with His Angels rank upon rank. Hell is brought about that Day the Day mankind will remember Our Warnings. But what good will remembering do then? They will say: If only I had sent forth of goodness for this my Eternal Life to come! For none can make suffer as He will make the fools suffer on that Day and nothing will bind like His Binding. But O thou souls at ease return thou to thy Lord pleased for pleasing Him and enter among My Servants yea enter My Garden.
99:1-8 When the earth is quaking in convulsion and brings forth its burdens and mankind says: What is with all this? That Day will it report its news because thy Lord instructs it. That Day each person will come out alone one by one to be shown their deeds. Whoever did the weight of an atom of good will see it. Whoever did the weight of an atom of evil will see it.
101:1-11 The calamity! What is the calamity? How will you know what the calamity is? The Day mankind will be like dispersed moths and the mountains like plucked wool clusters. Then as for one whose balance is heavy they will be in a pleasant life well pleased. And as for one whose balance is light they will be embraced by the abyss. And how will you know what that is? A scorching fire.
6:27 And if thou could see when they are set before the Fire crying out: If only that we were sent back we would not deny the Proofs Of our Lord and would be among the believers!
6:31 Those who doubt the Meeting With God have lost and when the Hour comes upon them unexpectedly they will say: O our regret that we neglected this Day! And they will bear their burdens upon their backs yea misery is what they will bear.
9:65 And if thou ask them they will say: We only jested and made fun. Say: Nay! You dared to mock God His Proofs His Messenger and those who believe!
14:44 Yea warn thou mankind of the Day the Punishment will come upon them when those who do wrong will say: Our Lord Delay us a little while and we will respond to Thy Call and follow Thy Messengers. Yet did they not swear that there would be no such Day for them?
15:2 Perchance those who disbelieve will wish they had submitted!
16:84-5 And the Day We raise up a witness from every community no care will be given to disbelievers nor will they be allowed to make amends. And when those fools behold the Punishment it will not be lightened for them nor will they be granted respite.
16:87 And they will propose submission to God that Day for strayed from them will be those they invented.
17:52 The Day He Will Call you and you will respond in Amazement of Him. And you will come to know this life was but a glimpse in time you spent in error against your Eternal Time.
21:39-40 If those who disbelieve only knew the time they will not be able to shield their faces or their backs from the Fire. Lo they will not be helped! Yea it will come upon them unexpectedly rendering them speechless they being unable to repel it nor will they be granted respite from then on forever.
23:99 And when death has come to one of them they say: My Lord please Send me back!
23:106-08 They will say: Our Lord our miseries had overcame us and we were a people led astray. Yea our Lord Bring us Out of This and if we still revert then we are wrongdoers. He Will Say: Nay! Be despised therein and do not speak to Me!
26:96-102 They will say disputing therein: By God we were in obvious error when we made equals with You The Lord of the Worlds and the evildoers so easily led us astray and now we have no intercessors nor anyone sincere as intimate friends. If only we were to return we would be among the believers!
32:12 And if thou could see when the evildoers will hang their heads before their Lord saying: Our Lord we have now seen and heard so send us back we will work Righteousness yea we are now of those who are certain.
33:66 The Day their faces are tossed about in the Fire they will say: If only we had obeyed God and His Messengers!
35:37 And they wail therein: Our Lord get us out! Please we will work Righteousness not what we did. But did We not give you enough time to take heed of that which you should have taken heed? Indeed the Warner came to you so taste it! For the wrongdoers have no protector.
36:51-52 Then the trumpet will be blown and from the dead they will hasten to their Lord saying: Woe is us! Who has raised us from our resting places? This is What The Almighty Promised yea the messengers spoke the Truth!
39:55-58 Yea follow the Best of What God Sends Down to you before death comes upon you unexpectedly and then later you realize you were not ready at all. Hence these Warnings are given lest a soul say: How I regret I was not told to thank God for Everything. Or: Woe that I was not warned to avoid derision! Or lest it say: Had God Gave me Guidance I would have been among those of Wise Fear. Or lest it say when it sees the Punishment: Unfair! Return me so I can be of the doers of Good!
40:11-12 They will say: Our Lord Twice Thou Has Given us Life and Twice Thou Has Shown us Death and now that we admit our transgressions is there any way out? Nay! Because when called to serve God you denied but when partners are ascribed with Him you believed. And True Judgement Belongs Only To God The Exalted, The Great.
40:84-85 And then when they saw Our might they said: We now believe in God Alone and deny those to which we ascribed partnership! But their late coming faith did not avail them when they saw Our might. For that is the Practice Of God with His Servants which had been before hence all such fools are lost.
41:24 And even if they are patient and calm in repentance on this Day the Fire will still be home for them. Yea when they then seek to make amends they are not of those who can make amends.
42:44 And whomever God Sends Astray there is for them no ally after Him. And thou will see the wrongdoers in desperation when they see the Punishment asking: Is there any way back?
42:47 So respond to the Words Of your Lord now before the Day comes when there is no running from God. For if not you will have no refuge that Day and no way to stop anything.
44:10-12 So wait for the Day the sky brings obvious smoke that envelops the people for then begins a Painful Punishment! The fools will say: Our Lord Remove this Eminent Punishment from us for we are now believers!
45:34-35 Then it will be said: This Day We will forget you in Hell as you forgot the Meeting with Us on this Day. Yea your habitation is the Fire and you will never have any protectors. That is because you made mockery of Gods’ Proofs and allowed the life of this world to deceive you. So as of that Day they cannot escape nor are they allowed to make amends.
46:35 So have patience as messengers prior who were imbued with constancy were patient and seek not to hasten Gods’ Judgement of them. The Day they see Eternity as Promised it will be as though they had tarried but an hour of a day in this life. Communicate this so only the wantonly disobedient are Punished.
68:42-43 The Day the Dreadful is uncovered and they are then desperately inclined to submission but it will be of no use! Indeed the sight of Hell will humble them and their stupidity will cover them in abasement knowing they had been openly invited to submit when they were still able.
74:43-47 They would say: We had not been among the performers of Prayer and we had not fed the needy and we jested with those who jest and denied the Day of Judgement until the Certainty came to us and it was too late.
78:40 Hence We warn you of this Punishment drawing near the Day mankind will look upon what their hands have sent before them and the fools will say: If only I were dust!
89:21-23 No indeed! When the Earth is leveled like sand is when thy Lord Comes with His Angels rank upon rank. Hell is brought about that Day the Day mankind will remember Our Warnings. But of what use will remembering then serve?
The following verses make up the three main prayers in the Quran. The first one, “The Contact Prayer” was used by Abraham and all the prophets since him.
1:1-7 In The Name Of YHWH; The Almighty, The Merciful.
All praise to You
Lord of the Worlds;
The Merciful, The Compassionate.
The Only Master of Judgement Day.
You Alone we serve
and to You Alone we Pray for help.
Guide us on the Straight Path.
The Path of those who have Your Blessing
not the ones with whom You’re Angry
nor those who go astray.
~ Thank You YHWH ~
Mohamet said those who consistently recite both the Contact Prayer and the following afterwards will be successful.
2:255 YHWH.
There is no god but He
The Living, The Eternal.
Neither sleep nor slumber overtake Him
and Unto Him Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth.
Who can intervene with Him except by His Permission?
He Knows what is in front of them and behind them
and they grasp nothing of His Knowledge beyond what He Wills.
His Throne overspreads the Heavens and the Earth
and the sustaining of all thereof wearies Him not.
Yea He Is The Exalted, The Tremendous, The Incomprehensible.
The following 2 chapters of verse, the final ones in the Quran are commonly recited by those seeking Gods’ Protection from witchcraft and telepathic contact from demonic jinn.
113-114 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
I seek refuge with Thee The Lord of Daybreak
from the worst of what exists
and from the worst of darkness when it darkens
and from the worst of the witches blowing on knots
and from the worst of the enviers when they envy.
I seek refuge with Thee The Lord of mankind
King of mankind
God of mankind
from the worst of the sneaking whisperers
who whisper evils in the hearts of humanity.
Woe to the fallen jinn and their degenerate inhuman imposters!
Here’s the compilation of verses about Prayers;
2:43 Uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence, yea bow down with those who bow down.
2:45 And ask God for patience and Help with Prayers for it is hard except for the humble, those who bear in mind they will meet their Lord and that to Him they are returning.
2:110 So uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence for what Good you send ahead for your souls you will find it With God. Know that God Sees Everything you do.
2:153 O you who believe seek Help From God in patience and Prayer for God Is With the patient.
2:238 Keep to the silent Prayers often and to the spoken Prayer of midday and stand up for God with others in Prayer devoutly dutiful.
2:239 And if you fear stopping to bow in Prayer Pray while walking or riding then bow when you are later secure and remember God as He Taught you what you knew not.
2:277 Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness and uphold the Prayer and show consciousness of Gods’ Presence. These have their Reward With their Lord and they need not fear nor will they regret.
2:286 So Pray: Our Lord take us not to task if we forget or err.
3:38-39 Thereupon Zechariah called to his Lord Praying: My Lord Bestow Thou upon me From Thyself Goodly Progeny for I see Thou Are The Hearer of Supplication. And the angels called to him instantly! as he still stood performing this Prayer in the sanctuary saying: God Gives thee Glad Tidings of John one who establishes the Word Of God as True. He will be noble and chaste a prophet among the Righteous.
4:43 O you who believe approach not the Prayers when you are intoxicated until you understand what you say nor when you are unclean. And if while on a journey or if you are ill or are unclean from defecating or laying together and you cannot find water to cleanse yourself resort to clean soil and wipe your faces and your hands with it. God Is Pardoning, Forgiving.
4:101-03 And when you are travelling in the Earth then you do no wrong to cut short some of the Prayers if you fear that those fools who disbelieve will gain the upper hand on you while you Pray. They truly are clear enemies to you. So in order to uphold the Prayer when thou are near them let there stand a number with thee each taking up his arms. Then when some have submitted let them stand guard behind you and let another number come that has not performed the Prayer to let them Pray with thee. Yea let them take their precautions and their arms for disbelievers long for you to neglect your arms and your equipment so they might assault you in a single assault. But you do no wrong if there be a hindrance to you from rain or you be sick or are forced to lay aside your arms. Just take your precautions while knowing God Has Prepared a Humiliating Punishment for the fools. And when you have concluded dutiful Prayer continue to remember God standing or sitting and upon your sides. In whatever state always remember God. Whenever you are able to do so uphold Abrahams’ Prayer the 7 short verses of chapter 1 for the Remembrance is upon believers. at sunrise, midday, afternoon, sunset and in the night. Remembering God ALWAYS is the goal.
4:142 Truly the hypocrites seek to deceive God so He Deceives them. Yea then when they come to the Prayers they come to be seen of others and do not remember God but a little.
4:162 But those established in knowledge they believe in What is sent down to thee and What was sent down before thee, as do the upholders of the Prayer those who are conscious of Gods’ Constant Presence who believe in God and the Last Day. We will give an Immense Reward to these.
5:6 O you who believe when you come to the Prayer be considerate to others wash your faces and your hands to the elbows and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles and if you are unclean purify yourselves. And if you are ill or on a journey or after defecating or you have lain with each other and cannot find water resort to clean soil and rub your faces and your hands with it. God does not wish to place difficulty upon you He Wishes you self respect and good repute to Embellish His Care upon you that you might be grateful.
5:12 God Took an agreement from the children of Israel. We raised up those twelve elders. God Said: I Will Always Be With you and your progeny if you uphold the Prayer and remain conscious of My Presence and believe in My Messengers and support them and lend to Me a Goodly loan of yourselves. Then I Will Remove your evil from you and Make you Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow. And whoever among you denies after that has strayed from the Right Way.
5:55-56 Your protectors are only God and His Messenger and those who believe. Yea those who uphold the Prayer and remain conscious of Gods’ Presence and are humble. And whoever takes God and His Messenger and those who believe as allies, these are the Party Of God and they are Victorious.
5:58 Lo when you call to the Prayer they make mockery and fun of it because they are a people who cannot reason.
5:91 The degenerate inhuman imposter only wishes to cause deep seated dislike and hatred among you in the intoxicant and the games of chance and to divert you from the Remembrance of God and from the Prayer, therefore you should desist.
6:72 We are to uphold the Prayer and be in Wise Fear of Him for He It Is to Whom you will be gathered.
6:92 And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, yea and they keep to their Prayers.
6:162 Say: My Prayers and my sacrifices of self and my living and my dying are for God, The Lord of the Worlds.
7:170 But those who hold fast to the Commandments and uphold the Prayer, We do not withhold the wages of these who do Right.
8:3-4 Those who uphold the Prayer and spend for God of what We have provided them. These are the believers in Truth who have degrees in the Sight Of their Lord and Forgiveness and Generous Provision.
8:35 And when some hold Prayers at the house it is filled with disorder of shouting and whistling and clapping. So taste the Punishment for the wrongs you do!
9:11 …Those who repent and uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence then they are your brethren in the Doctrine. We set out and detail this for you who know.
9:18 …Those who inhabit the places of worship of God with those who believe in God and the Last Day and uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence and fear nothing except God, such perhaps will be Truly Guided.
9:54 But others, their expenditures are prevented from being accepted because they disobeyed God and His Messenger and come to Pray lazily and spend not of Good except begrudgingly.
9:71 While the believing men and believing women are protectors of one another for God. They enjoin what is fitting and forbid what is wrong and uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence, and they obey God and His Messenger. God Will Have Mercy on these for God Is Mighty, Wise.
9:84 But as for fools, do not ever perform Prayers for any among them that die nor stand over their graves in remorse. They denied God and His Messenger then died while they were wantonly disbelieving.
9:103 And welcome those who wish to give. Accept their charity to cleanse them and to increase them in God Consciousness and perform thou the Prayer befitting them. It will be a comfort for them and God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.
9:113 However, it is not for the prophet or believers to Pray for polytheists even if they are relatives for they know they are the companions of Hell.
9:122 And it is not always for believers to go forth all at once to fight in smaller battles, from every party among them they should commit a number to study and Pray so they may illuminate their people when they return that they might expand their God Consciousness.
10:9-10 Those who believe and do Righteous deeds, their Lord Guides them by their faith and rivers will flow beneath them in Gardens of Bliss. Their Prayer therein will be: Glory Be Unto Thee O God! And their greeting therein will be: Peace! And in each Prayer will be: All Praise Belongs To God Lord of the Worlds!
11:114 And uphold the Prayer at the two ends of your day and watches of the night. Truly this Good deed removes evil deeds and that is a reminder for those conscious of God.
13:22 And those who endure patiently seeking the Countenance Of their Lord and uphold the Prayer and spend for God of what We have provided them secretly and openly, and overcome evil by replacing it with Good. These have the Ultimate Abode.
14:31 So say to My Servants who believe: Uphold the Prayer and spend for God secretly and openly of what We have provided before there comes a Day wherein there is neither trading nor befriending.
17:11 But often humanity Prays in error as if asking for Good for they are hasty. Because only God knows what is good for us.
17:23-24 YHWH Has Decreed that you serve none but Him and towards parents Good conduct. If one or both of them attain old age with thee do not say of disrespect to them nor scold them but speak to them a noble word. And lower thy wing of gentleness out of mercy to them and Pray: My Lord Have Mercy on them as they did bring me up when I was small.
17:78 Uphold thou the Prayer until the sinking of the sun into the dark of night and the recitation at dawn for the recitation at dawn is witnessed.
17:110 Say: Call to God aka Allah, Eloh, Theos, Vishnu, Lord, Brahma, Dio, Dei, The Most Merciful, Almighty, etx. or call to YHWH. By whichever you call To Him Belong the Most Beautiful Names. And be thou not loud nor quiet in thy Prayers but follow a way in between.
19:3-4 When he Zechariah cried out to his Lord in secret he said: My Lord if my bones become feeble and my head fills with white hair I will not be unhappy in my Prayers to Thee my Lord.
19:30-31 Then he the baby Yeshua spoke: I am a prophet of the Great God! He Has Given me the Truth and Made me a prophet and Blessed me wherever I be Forever and Enjoined Upon me the Prayer Chapter 1 and God Consciousness as long as I live.
19:55 Then he Yeshua enjoined upon his people the Prayer and spread God Consciousness and was acceptable in the Sight Of his Lord.
19:59 But there came after them successors who neglected the Prayer and followed lusts so they will meet the Misery!
20:14 I Am God there is no god but I, so serve Me and uphold the Prayer for My Remembrance.
20:132 And enjoin upon thy people the Prayer and be steadfast therein and remember We God and the angels do not ask thee for provision. Nay. We provide for thee! And the final outcome is for those of Wise Fear.
21:73 We made them Isaac and Jacob leaders guided by Our command and instructed them in doing Good deeds and upholding the Prayer and being conscious of Gods’ Presence, yea they served Us.
22:41 Those who if We establish them in the land uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence and enjoin what is Right and forbid what is wrong. Those know the Final Outcome of all matters are With God.
22:78 And strive for God with striving due to Him! He Chose you and did not place religion upon you for any distress, yea this is the creed of your Adamite father Abraham. He named you those-who-submit and in all this that the messengers might be witnesses unto you and that you might be witnesses unto humanity. So uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence and hold fast to God for He Is your Benefactor. And Excellent Is He As your Benefactor! And Excellent Is He As your Protector!
23:1-4 Successful are the believers, those humble in their Prayer who turn away from vain speech and act in accordance with God Consciousness.
24:37 Blessed are those whom neither trade nor commerce divert from Remembrance of God and upholding the Prayer and being conscious of Gods’ Presence. Yea they fear a Day wherein panicked hearts will pound and wide white eyes will stare.
24:41 Has thou considered that everyone in the Heavens and the Earth gives Glory to God? Even the birds flying in formation. Each Knows its Prayer and its glorification and God Knows Everything they all do.
24:56 So uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence and obey the messenger that you might obtain mercy.
25:77 Say: My Lord will not Concern Himself with you at all if your Prayers were not to Him for then have you rejected Him and so the Inevitable will come to you.
27:2-3 A Guidance and Glad Tidings for believers. Those who uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence and are certain of the Hereafter.
29:45 So recite thou what is given to thee of the Book and uphold the Prayer. Indeed the Prayer staves off much depravity and even sexual immorality. For the Remembrance of God is greater than scripture alone and God Knows Everything you do.
29:65-66 Then when they embark on a ship they Pray to God as if sincere to Him in doctrine. But when He Delivers them safely to the land they forget Him while magnifying other things. Yea they are ungrateful for what We give them so We let them have their enjoyments but they will come to know.
30:31 Turn to Him in repentance and be in Wise Fear of Him and uphold the Prayer and be not of the polytheists.
31:4-5 Those who uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence and are certain of the Hereafter. These are upon Guidance From their Lord and they are the Successful.
31:17 O my dear son uphold the Prayer and command what is right and forbid what is wrong and be patient over what tests befall thee. Truly that is among the determination of matters.
33:33 And you wives be humble homemakers making no display of yourselves in public as if in your former state of ignorance. And uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence and obey God and His Messenger. By all this God Only Intends to Remove impurity from each of you O people of the household, yea to Purify you all completely.
35:18 No one bears the burden of another and if one burdened seeks help with their burden nothing will be lifted even if they are relatives. And thou really only warns those who already fear their Lord in the unseen and uphold the Prayer. Those who purify themselves only to purify their own souls then unto God is the Journeys’ End.
35:29 Those who recite the Word Of God and uphold the Prayer and spend for God secretly and openly of what We provided them, these can expect a fair trade that never ends.
42:37-39 It is those who avoid the greater sins and immoralities and when angry they forgive. They respond to Words of their Lord and uphold the Prayer and run their affairs by mutual consultation. And of what We provide them they spend for God. And those who when injustice befalls them defend each other.
50:39-40 So be patient over what disbelievers say and give thou glory with the praise of thy Lord before the rising sun and before its setting. And some of the night glorify Him and between Prayers.
62:6-7 Say: O you who hold to talmudism if you think you are Favored By God above the rest of mankind Pray for death today if you be Truthful! But they never will because they know what they have been doing. And God Knows Better Yet!
62:9 O you who believe when the call is heard for the afternoon Prayer on Friday the day of assembly hasten to the Remembrance of God and abandon business. until sundown on Saturday when Sunday and the week begins That is best for you if you only knew.
70:22-23 But the ones who Pray, those who are consistent and have Wise Fear.
70:34-35 And those who keep to the Prayers. These are who are honored in Gardens.
73:20 Thy Lord Knows that thou loves His Word nearly two thirds of the night or a half of it or a third of it as do a number of those with thee. And God Determined the night and the day for you Knowing that you could not. He Turned Towards you in Forgiveness yea Optimistic. So recite what is made easy of the Quran. He Knows there will be some sick among you and others traveling in the Earth in search of the Bounty Of God, and others fighting for the Cause Of God. So recite what is made easy hereof and uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence and lend to God a Goodly loan. Yea what Good you send ahead for your souls you will find it Magnified By God into an Immense Reward. So seek Forgiveness Of God and know indeed God Is Forgiving, Merciful.
74:39-47 But the companions of the right will be in Gardens exchanging questions about the losers such as: What brought them into Saqar? They would say: We had not been among the performers of Prayer and we had not fed the needy and we jested with those who jest and denied the Day of Judgement until the Certainty came to us and it was too late.
75:24-31 And faces that Day will be scowling in morose at the crushing calamity before their eyes. Yea indeed! When it reaches the collar bones at death and it is said: Where is a wizard to save me now? And they are certain of its Finality digging in their heels with futility but unto thy Lord that Day they will be driven. For they neither took heed nor performed the Prayer.
87:14-15 Yea one who purifies oneself has prospered from Remembrance of The Name Of their Lord and performing the Prayer.
96:10-18 Have you seen the ones who try to stop servants from Prayer? Have you considered if they are guided or enjoin Righteousness? Have you seen how they deny and turn away? Not realizing that God Sees? Yes indeed! And if they do not desist We will take them by the forelock the lying sinful forelock! Then let them call their council while We will call the nineteen guards of Hell.
107:4-7 And woe to those who you see Pray while being insincere only making show while they deny simple kindnesses!
108:3 Truly We have given thee abundance so perform the Prayer To thy Lord and give of yourself for God. And know thy adversary they are the ones cut off.
Imagine if the Earth were 3.5 billion years old as we’re told and you were to live a long life of 100 years. If you were to equate your lifespan to Earth with any living thing during your life you’d have to find something that lives about a second!!!
(If you want to do the math, 100 years is 3,155,673,600 seconds)
Now imagine Eternity! That is the point of this last compilation “Regretters”. Hence it can be said that this life is almost literally nothing compared to the next. Think! Act wisely!
70:15-18 But no indeed! It is the Fire of Hell for them and it sears away the skin raging upon those who drew back and turned away from the Truth or gathered wealth and hoarded it.
4:56-57 We will burn those who deny Our Proofs in the Fire and when their skins are consumed We will change them for new skins so they taste the Punishment again. Because God and the angels know once subdermal nerves are burnt pain is no longer felt. God Is Mighty, Wise. But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness We will make them Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow they abiding Eternally therein forever. For them are Goodly purified friends therein and We made plenteous protective shade for them.
For more Good works free to all, frequent our sites! Is it all a hoax? Figure it out before the End! The only site you’ll ever need to truly succeed! Truth about CV19, the cure and more! Atheists, polytheists and monotheists read this 10 years of work by 2 of Gods’ Servants The early days of our awakening Over 300 25+ year old .com urls are now for sale How we’ll end corruption Our beautiful base camp From God Who says revolutions cannot be monetized? A depository of learning materials The greatest idea in the world Our 1st book. Researched, written and released in 2012, all True to this day Artful dissemination of deep truths The original bitcoin by yours truly 25 years ago Our $3m prototype to replace the internet, the FED and corrupt Govts
Thank YOURSELF for contemplating life with this Quran!
Copy and paste these into notes and reminders on your device/s!
1. Serve, honor and obey YHWH Alone, treat no others as gods. (Do not utter names of angels, jinn or messengers during prayer.)
2. No idolatry – No object or image can represent YHWH. (No tattoos, pictures, statues, emblems, ornaments etc. of anything relating to God. Only His Word can be displayed!)
3. His Name is YHWH, use it often and reverently for not doing so is taking Him in vain. (You now have the Name, use it or be guilty!)
4. Devote yourselves to God and Godly things on the day of rest. (Abandon work/business and sport, honor God on Saturdays!)
5. Honor your kin and brethren by being a blessing to all.
6. Do not disrespect, harm or cause unwarranted death to any creature with a living soul, esteem all of Gods’ Creation.
7. Do no commit adultery with body, heart nor mind.
8. Do not steal, cheat or lie if it harms your brethren.
9. Do not bear false testimony against or falsely accuse your brethren.
10. Do not envy others, wish all the best and always give thanks for what you have.
Bear RIP, Peggy Star & David Allender 1 Moonbeam Rd Manson, WA
509-670-3022 ~ Peace be with you ~
Remember that billions have been culled by God, it has been happening forever and those who live to see the Final Day will witness the one greatest and most memorable events of all. That Day nears, prepare your soul by studying this Quran, following His Commandments, spending for God, performing the Prayer and having Wise Fear in Remembrance Of Him. For certain we have all been Warned as those prior!
~ End of Part 5, The Compilations ~