The following verses make up the three main prayers in the Quran. The first one, “The Contact Prayer” was used by Abraham and all the prophets since him.


1:1-7 In The Name Of YHWH; The Almighty, The Merciful.

All praise to You

Lord of the Worlds;

The Merciful, The Compassionate.

The Only Master of Judgement Day.

You Alone we serve

and to You Alone we Pray for help.

Guide us on the Straight Path.

The Path of those who have Your Blessing

not the ones with whom You’re Angry

nor those who go astray.

~ Thank You YHWH ~


Mohamet said those who consistently recite both the Contact Prayer and the following afterwards will be successful.


2:255 YHWH.

There is no god but He

The Living, The Eternal.

Neither sleep nor slumber overtake Him

and Unto Him Belongs Everything in the Heavens and the Earth.

Who can intervene with Him except by His Permission?

He Knows what is in front of them and behind them

and they grasp nothing of His Knowledge beyond what He Wills.

His Throne overspreads the Heavens and the Earth

and the sustaining of all thereof wearies Him not.

Yea He Is The Exalted, The Tremendous, The Incomprehensible.


The following 2 chapters of verse, the final ones in the Quran are commonly recited by those seeking Gods’ Protection from witchcraft and telepathic contact from demonic jinn.


113-114 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.


I seek refuge with Thee The Lord of Daybreak

from the worst of what exists

and from the worst of darkness when it darkens

and from the worst of the witches blowing on knots

and from the worst of the enviers when they envy.


I seek refuge with Thee The Lord of mankind

King of mankind

God of mankind

from the worst of the sneaking whisperers

who whisper evils in the hearts of humanity.

Woe to the fallen jinn and their degenerate inhuman imposters!



Here’s the compilation of verses about Prayers;

2:43 Uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence, yea bow down with those who bow down.

2:45 And ask God for patience and Help with Prayers for it is hard except for the humble, those who bear in mind they will meet their Lord and that to Him they are returning.

2:110 So uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence for what Good you send ahead for your souls you will find it With God. Know that God Sees Everything you do.

2:153 O you who believe seek Help From God in patience and Prayer for God Is With the patient.

2:238 Keep to the silent Prayers often and to the spoken Prayer of midday and stand up for God with others in Prayer devoutly dutiful.

2:239 And if you fear stopping to bow in Prayer Pray while walking or riding then bow when you are later secure and remember God as He Taught you what you knew not.

2:277 Those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness and uphold the Prayer and show consciousness of Gods’ Presence. These have their Reward With their Lord and they need not fear nor will they regret.

2:286 So Pray: Our Lord take us not to task if we forget or err.

3:38-39 Thereupon Zechariah called to his Lord Praying: My Lord Bestow Thou upon me From Thyself Goodly Progeny for I see Thou Are The Hearer of Supplication. And the angels called to him instantly! as he still stood performing this Prayer in the sanctuary saying: God Gives thee Glad Tidings of John one who establishes the Word Of God as True. He will be noble and chaste a prophet among the Righteous.

4:43 O you who believe approach not the Prayers when you are intoxicated until you understand what you say nor when you are unclean. And if while on a journey or if you are ill or are unclean from defecating or laying together and you cannot find water to cleanse yourself resort to clean soil and wipe your faces and your hands with it. God Is Pardoning, Forgiving.

4:101-03 And when you are travelling in the Earth then you do no wrong to cut short some of the Prayers if you fear that those fools who disbelieve will gain the upper hand on you while you Pray. They truly are clear enemies to you. So in order to uphold the Prayer when thou are near them let there stand a number with thee each taking up his arms. Then when some have submitted let them stand guard behind you and let another number come that has not performed the Prayer to let them Pray with thee. Yea let them take their precautions and their arms for disbelievers long for you to neglect your arms and your equipment so they might assault you in a single assault. But you do no wrong if there be a hindrance to you from rain or you be sick or are forced to lay aside your arms. Just take your precautions while knowing God Has Prepared a Humiliating Punishment for the fools. And when you have concluded dutiful Prayer continue to remember God standing or sitting and upon your sides. In whatever state always remember God. Whenever you are able to do so uphold Abrahams’ Prayer the 7 short verses of chapter 1 for the Remembrance is upon believers. at sunrise, midday, afternoon, sunset and in the night. Remembering God ALWAYS is the goal.

4:142 Truly the hypocrites seek to deceive God so He Deceives them. Yea then when they come to the Prayers they come to be seen of others and do not remember God but a little.

4:162 But those established in knowledge they believe in What is sent down to thee and What was sent down before thee, as do the upholders of the Prayer those who are conscious of Gods’ Constant Presence who believe in God and the Last Day. We will give an Immense Reward to these.

5:6 O you who believe when you come to the Prayer be considerate to others wash your faces and your hands to the elbows and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles and if you are unclean purify yourselves. And if you are ill or on a journey or after defecating or you have lain with each other and cannot find water resort to clean soil and rub your faces and your hands with it. God does not wish to place difficulty upon you He Wishes you self respect and good repute to Embellish His Care upon you that you might be grateful.

5:12 God Took an agreement from the children of Israel. We raised up those twelve elders. God Said: I Will Always Be With you and your progeny if you uphold the Prayer and remain conscious of My Presence and believe in My Messengers and support them and lend to Me a Goodly loan of yourselves. Then I Will Remove your evil from you and Make you Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow. And whoever among you denies after that has strayed from the Right Way.

5:55-56 Your protectors are only God and His Messenger and those who believe. Yea those who uphold the Prayer and remain conscious of Gods’ Presence and are humble. And whoever takes God and His Messenger and those who believe as allies, these are the Party Of God and they are Victorious.

5:58 Lo when you call to the Prayer they make mockery and fun of it because they are a people who cannot reason.

5:91 The degenerate inhuman imposter only wishes to cause deep seated dislike and hatred among you in the intoxicant and the games of chance and to divert you from the Remembrance of God and from the Prayer, therefore you should desist.

6:72 We are to uphold the Prayer and be in Wise Fear of Him for He It Is to Whom you will be gathered.

6:92 And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, yea and they keep to their Prayers.

6:162 Say: My Prayers and my sacrifices of self and my living and my dying are for God, The Lord of the Worlds.

7:170 But those who hold fast to the Commandments and uphold the Prayer, We do not withhold the wages of these who do Right.

8:3-4 Those who uphold the Prayer and spend for God of what We have provided them. These are the believers in Truth who have degrees in the Sight Of their Lord and Forgiveness and Generous Provision.

8:35 And when some hold Prayers at the house it is filled with disorder of shouting and whistling and clapping. So taste the Punishment for the wrongs you do!

9:11 …Those who repent and uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence then they are your brethren in the Doctrine. We set out and detail this for you who know.

9:18 …Those who inhabit the places of worship of God with those who believe in God and the Last Day and uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence and fear nothing except God, such perhaps will be Truly Guided.

9:54 But others, their expenditures are prevented from being accepted because they disobeyed God and His Messenger and come to Pray lazily and spend not of Good except begrudgingly.

9:71 While the believing men and believing women are protectors of one another for God. They enjoin what is fitting and forbid what is wrong and uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence, and they obey God and His Messenger. God Will Have Mercy on these for God Is Mighty, Wise.

9:84 But as for fools, do not ever perform Prayers for any among them that die nor stand over their graves in remorse. They denied God and His Messenger then died while they were wantonly disbelieving.

9:103 And welcome those who wish to give. Accept their charity to cleanse them and to increase them in God Consciousness and perform thou the Prayer befitting them. It will be a comfort for them and God Is The All Hearing, All Knowing.

9:113 However, it is not for the prophet or believers to Pray for polytheists even if they are relatives for they know they are the companions of Hell.

9:122 And it is not always for believers to go forth all at once to fight in smaller battles, from every party among them they should commit a number to study and Pray so they may illuminate their people when they return that they might expand their God Consciousness.

10:9-10 Those who believe and do Righteous deeds, their Lord Guides them by their faith and rivers will flow beneath them in Gardens of Bliss. Their Prayer therein will be: Glory Be Unto Thee O God! And their greeting therein will be: Peace! And in each Prayer will be: All Praise Belongs To God Lord of the Worlds!

11:114 And uphold the Prayer at the two ends of your day and watches of the night. Truly this Good deed removes evil deeds and that is a reminder for those conscious of God.

13:22 And those who endure patiently seeking the Countenance Of their Lord and uphold the Prayer and spend for God of what We have provided them secretly and openly, and overcome evil by replacing it with Good. These have the Ultimate Abode.

14:31 So say to My Servants who believe: Uphold the Prayer and spend for God secretly and openly of what We have provided before there comes a Day wherein there is neither trading nor befriending.

17:11 But often humanity Prays in error as if asking for Good for they are hasty. Because only God knows what is good for us.

17:23-24 YHWH Has Decreed that you serve none but Him and towards parents Good conduct. If one or both of them attain old age with thee do not say of disrespect to them nor scold them but speak to them a noble word. And lower thy wing of gentleness out of mercy to them and Pray: My Lord Have Mercy on them as they did bring me up when I was small.

17:78 Uphold thou the Prayer until the sinking of the sun into the dark of night and the recitation at dawn for the recitation at dawn is witnessed.

17:110 Say: Call to God aka Allah, Eloh, Theos, Vishnu, Lord, Brahma, Dio, Dei, The Most Merciful, Almighty, etx. or call to YHWH. By whichever you call To Him Belong the Most Beautiful Names. And be thou not loud nor quiet in thy Prayers but follow a way in between.

19:3-4 When he Zechariah cried out to his Lord in secret he said: My Lord if my bones become feeble and my head fills with white hair I will not be unhappy in my Prayers to Thee my Lord.

19:30-31 Then he the baby Yeshua spoke: I am a prophet of the Great God! He Has Given me the Truth and Made me a prophet and Blessed me wherever I be Forever and Enjoined Upon me the Prayer Chapter 1 and God Consciousness as long as I live.

19:55 Then he Yeshua enjoined upon his people the Prayer and spread God Consciousness and was acceptable in the Sight Of his Lord.

19:59 But there came after them successors who neglected the Prayer and followed lusts so they will meet the Misery!

20:14 I Am God there is no god but I, so serve Me and uphold the Prayer for My Remembrance.

20:132 And enjoin upon thy people the Prayer and be steadfast therein and remember We God and the angels do not ask thee for provision. Nay. We provide for thee! And the final outcome is for those of Wise Fear.

21:73 We made them Isaac and Jacob leaders guided by Our command and instructed them in doing Good deeds and upholding the Prayer and being conscious of Gods’ Presence, yea they served Us.

22:41 Those who if We establish them in the land uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence and enjoin what is Right and forbid what is wrong. Those know the Final Outcome of all matters are With God.

22:78 And strive for God with striving due to Him! He Chose you and did not place religion upon you for any distress, yea this is the creed of your Adamite father Abraham. He named you those-who-submit and in all this that the messengers might be witnesses unto you and that you might be witnesses unto humanity. So uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence and hold fast to God for He Is your Benefactor. And Excellent Is He As your Benefactor! And Excellent Is He As your Protector!

23:1-4 Successful are the believers, those humble in their Prayer who turn away from vain speech and act in accordance with God Consciousness.

24:37 Blessed are those whom neither trade nor commerce divert from Remembrance of God and upholding the Prayer and being conscious of Gods’ Presence. Yea they fear a Day wherein panicked hearts will pound and wide white eyes will stare.

24:41 Has thou considered that everyone in the Heavens and the Earth gives Glory to God? Even the birds flying in formation. Each Knows its Prayer and its glorification and God Knows Everything they all do.

24:56 So uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence and obey the messenger that you might obtain mercy.

25:77 Say: My Lord will not Concern Himself with you at all if your Prayers were not to Him for then have you rejected Him and so the Inevitable will come to you.

27:2-3 A Guidance and Glad Tidings for believers. Those who uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence and are certain of the Hereafter.

29:45 So recite thou what is given to thee of the Book and uphold the Prayer. Indeed the Prayer staves off much depravity and even sexual immorality. For the Remembrance of God is greater than scripture alone and God Knows Everything you do.

29:65-66 Then when they embark on a ship they Pray to God as if sincere to Him in doctrine. But when He Delivers them safely to the land they forget Him while magnifying other things. Yea they are ungrateful for what We give them so We let them have their enjoyments but they will come to know.

30:31 Turn to Him in repentance and be in Wise Fear of Him and uphold the Prayer and be not of the polytheists.

31:4-5 Those who uphold the Prayer and are conscious of Gods’ Presence and are certain of the Hereafter. These are upon Guidance From their Lord and they are the Successful.

31:17 O my dear son uphold the Prayer and command what is right and forbid what is wrong and be patient over what tests befall thee. Truly that is among the determination of matters.

33:33 And you wives be humble homemakers making no display of yourselves in public as if in your former state of ignorance. And uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence and obey God and His Messenger. By all this God Only Intends to Remove impurity from each of you O people of the household, yea to Purify you all completely.

35:18 No one bears the burden of another and if one burdened seeks help with their burden nothing will be lifted even if they are relatives. And thou really only warns those who already fear their Lord in the unseen and uphold the Prayer. Those who purify themselves only to purify their own souls then unto God is the Journeys’ End.

35:29 Those who recite the Word Of God and uphold the Prayer and spend for God secretly and openly of what We provided them, these can expect a fair trade that never ends.

42:37-39 It is those who avoid the greater sins and immoralities and when angry they forgive. They respond to Words of their Lord and uphold the Prayer and run their affairs by mutual consultation. And of what We provide them they spend for God. And those who when injustice befalls them defend each other.

50:39-40 So be patient over what disbelievers say and give thou glory with the praise of thy Lord before the rising sun and before its setting. And some of the night glorify Him and between Prayers.

62:6-7 Say: O you who hold to talmudism if you think you are Favored By God above the rest of mankind Pray for death today if you be Truthful! But they never will because they know what they have been doing. And God Knows Better Yet!

62:9 O you who believe when the call is heard for the afternoon Prayer on Friday the day of assembly hasten to the Remembrance of God and abandon business. until sundown on Saturday when Sunday and the week begins That is best for you if you only knew.

70:22-23 But the ones who Pray, those who are consistent and have Wise Fear.

70:34-35 And those who keep to the Prayers. These are who are honored in Gardens.

73:20 Thy Lord Knows that thou loves His Word nearly two thirds of the night or a half of it or a third of it as do a number of those with thee. And God Determined the night and the day for you Knowing that you could not. He Turned Towards you in Forgiveness yea Optimistic. So recite what is made easy of the Quran. He Knows there will be some sick among you and others traveling in the Earth in search of the Bounty Of God, and others fighting for the Cause Of God. So recite what is made easy hereof and uphold the Prayer and be conscious of Gods’ Presence and lend to God a Goodly loan. Yea what Good you send ahead for your souls you will find it Magnified By God into an Immense Reward. So seek Forgiveness Of God and know indeed God Is Forgiving, Merciful.

74:39-47 But the companions of the right will be in Gardens exchanging questions about the losers such as: What brought them into Saqar? They would say: We had not been among the performers of Prayer and we had not fed the needy and we jested with those who jest and denied the Day of Judgement until the Certainty came to us and it was too late.

75:24-31 And faces that Day will be scowling in morose at the crushing calamity before their eyes. Yea indeed! When it reaches the collar bones at death and it is said: Where is a wizard to save me now? And they are certain of its Finality digging in their heels with futility but unto thy Lord that Day they will be driven. For they neither took heed nor performed the Prayer.

87:14-15 Yea one who purifies oneself has prospered from Remembrance of The Name Of their Lord and performing the Prayer.

96:10-18 Have you seen the ones who try to stop servants from Prayer? Have you considered if they are guided or enjoin Righteousness? Have you seen how they deny and turn away? Not realizing that God Sees? Yes indeed! And if they do not desist We will take them by the forelock the lying sinful forelock! Then let them call their council while We will call the nineteen guards of Hell.

107:4-7 And woe to those who you see Pray while being insincere only making show while they deny simple kindnesses!

108:3 Truly We have given thee abundance so perform the Prayer To thy Lord and give of yourself for God. And know thy adversary they are the ones cut off.



Imagine if the Earth were 3.5 billion years old as we’re told and you were to live a long life of 100 years. If you were to equate your lifespan to Earth with any living thing during your life you’d have to find something that lives about a second!!!

(If you want to do the math, 100 years is 3,155,673,600 seconds)

Now imagine Eternity! That is the point of this last compilation “Regretters”. Hence it can be said that this life is almost literally nothing compared to the next. Think! Act wisely!

For the Translator; eternity


70:15-18 But no indeed! It is the Fire of Hell for them and it sears away the skin raging upon those who drew back and turned away from the Truth or gathered wealth and hoarded it.

4:56-57 We will burn those who deny Our Proofs in the Fire and when their skins are consumed We will change them for new skins so they taste the Punishment again. Because God and the angels know once subdermal nerves are burnt pain is no longer felt. God Is Mighty, Wise. But those who believe and do deeds of Righteousness We will make them Enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow they abiding Eternally therein forever. For them are Goodly purified friends therein and We made plenteous protective shade for them.

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Thank YOURSELF for contemplating life with this Quran!

Copy and paste these into notes and reminders on your device/s!

1.  Serve, honor and obey YHWH Alone, treat no others as gods. (Do not utter names of angels, jinn or messengers during prayer.)
2.  No idolatry – No object or image can represent YHWH. (No tattoos, pictures, statues, emblems, ornaments etc. of anything relating to God. Only His Word can be displayed!)
3.  His Name is YHWH, use it often and reverently for not doing so is taking Him in vain. (You now have the Name, use it or be guilty!)
4.  Devote yourselves to God and Godly things on the day of rest. (Abandon work/business and sport, honor God on Saturdays!)
5.  Honor your kin and brethren by being a blessing to all.
6.  Do not disrespect, harm or cause unwarranted death to any creature with a living soul, esteem all of Gods’ Creation.
7.  Do no commit adultery with body, heart nor mind.
8.  Do not steal, cheat or lie if it harms your brethren.
9.  Do not bear false testimony against or falsely accuse your brethren.
10.  Do not envy others, wish all the best and always give thanks for what you have.

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Bear RIP, Peggy Star & David Allender 1 Moonbeam Rd Manson, WA

peggy@itsasign.com           666@itsasign.com

509-670-3022 ~ Peace be with you ~

Remember that billions have been culled by God, it has been happening forever and those who live to see the Final Day will witness the one greatest and most memorable events of all. That Day nears, prepare your soul by studying this Quran, following His Commandments, spending for God, performing the Prayer and having Wise Fear in Remembrance Of Him. For certain we have all been Warned as those prior!

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C:\Users\David7\Desktop\oldcities\Amphitheatre of El Jem (Mahdia Governorate, Tunisia).jpg

For the Translator; LIFE is a test of ones’ salt witnessed by countless beings who are not seen but influence everything you do under the Command of One Supreme Being Who will Judge your score and use said score to determine how you spend Eternity either in Blissful Security, Abundance and Peace or in Miserable Pain, Punishment and Shame. Oh, and you’re also surrounded by Hellbound mortal enemies that seek your failure by deceiving you who recognize you but you can’t recognize them.