81.0 In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
81:1 When the sun goes out
81:2 and the stars fall
81:3 and the mountains are set in motion
81:4 when the full term she camels are neglected
81:5 and the wild beasts are gathered together.
81:6 This is when the seas will boil over
81:7 and souls are taken by the angels
81:8 and when the aborted, buried or sacrificed babies are asked
81:9 for what transgression were they murdered?
81:10 Yea when the scrolls are opened
81:11 and the sky is removed
81:12 and Hell is seen ablaze
81:13 that is also when the Garden is brought near.
81:14 When each soul will know what it has bought.
81:15 Then do I swear by the stars that recede
81:16 like ships withdrawing from view
81:17 and by the night when they swarmed
81:18 and by the morning when it breathed
81:19 truly Gods’ Noble Messenger Gabriel delivered the Quran
81:20 a possessor of power in the Presence Of The Lord of the Throne.
81:21 One who is obeyed and trustworthy.
81:22 And your human companion Mohamet is not possessed
81:23 for he has seen him on the clear horizon
81:24 and he is not being secretive about what he has seen.
81:25 And this is not the word of any degenerate inhuman imposter
81:26 so where does it lead you?
81:27 Lo it is only a Remembrance for all mankind jinn/humans
81:28 for whom among you wills to be upright.
81:29 But in the end what you willed is What God Willed
for He Is The Lord of the Worlds.