The Real Psalms of David


For the Translator;
The REAL Psalms of David


We instruct thee as We instructed Noah and the

prophets after him.

Yea as We instructed Abraham and Ishmael and

Isaac and Jacob and the grandsons

and Yeshua and Job and Jonah and

Aaron and Solomon

and We gave David the Psalms.

The Holy Quran 4:163

Herein are the verses given to King David, YHWHs’ Priest-King and sweet psalmist of the 12 tribes of Jacob/Israel:

  • Born to Jesse in Bethlehem
  • Married to 8 wives
  • Had 18 (6+6+6) children including Solomon
  • United Israel
  • Defeated the Canaanites
  • Founded the Judaean Dynasty
  • Defeated the Philistines
  • Secured the Ark of the Covenant
  • Reigned as King for 40 years until circa 970 BCE
  • Architect of the 1st Jerusalem Temple
  • Originating party to Gods’ Davidic Covenant
  • Condemner of animal sacrifices/murders
  • Protector of and warrior for his flocks and brethren
  • As such singlehandedly overcame a lion, a bear and goliath
  • Widely prophesied in hundreds of verses across all the main scriptures (The Vedas, Bible and Quran) to come again in end times including specifically BY NAME in 7 Old Testament verses (Ezekiel 34:23-24 & 37:25, Jeremiah 30:9, Isaiah 11:1-3 & 9:6-7 & 55:3-4 and Hosea 3:5 VIEW HERE)

The following short collection of Psalms is limited to those passed along to us by David himself, not ones fraudulently added by others later. As with most bogus scriptures, the reasons for said fraud were mainly to hide YHWHs’ Holy Name, promote the breaking of His Commandments and popularize other satanic/luciferian narratives.

In this case for instance, the ideas that David was a poet and the Psalms are only to be sung, are blatant deceptions. Recall King David was a very serious, devoutly dedicated Warrior and Servant of God. And the Psalms were beautifully inspired prose meant to be respectfully articulated like the Quran and other scriptures in their native tongues.

Now, we know David brought more of the 150 Psalms found in the Bible than anyone else, at least 72 that we’re sure are his. It is commonly known and widely agreed those are as included herein as well as the following special Psalm which was accepted as canonical by the Eastern, Syrian and Coptic Orthodoxies as well as the Armenian Apostolic church. It was considered to be “a special hallelujah” of David, Jesse’s son;

I was the smallest of my brothers,
the youngest son of Jesse my father.
He made me shepherd of his flock,
ruler over their young.
My hands made a flute,
my fingers fashioned a lyre.
Let me give glory to YHWH,
I thought to myself.
The mountains
cannot witness to God,
the hills cannot proclaim him.
But the trees have cherished
my words,
and the flocks my deeds.
So who can proclaim,
who can announce,
who can declare YHWHs’ Deeds?
God has seen everything;
God has heard everything;
God has listened.
God sent his prophet to anoint me;
Yea he sent Samuel to find a king.
My brothers went out to meet him,
Their stature tall with beautiful hair
handsome in form and appearance:
but the Lord God
did not choose them.
Instead, He sent for and took me
from following the flock.
God Anointed me with holy oil;
He Made me leader for his people,
ruler over the children
of his covenant. To Obey the Laws Given to Moses
I went out to attack the Philistine,
who cursed me by his idols.
But afterwards I uncovered his own sword,
and cut off his head.
Hence I removed the shame
from the Israelites.

Enjoy all of the REAL Psalms of David!

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